The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, November 01, 1887, Image 2

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E!)c tJlattsmout!) Dailn fjcratfj
F5ublislicra & Proprietors.
I'or i!u cine .Juil'f,
J-".r I'niveisity la-ciits,
I)!:. t;i;ou;i: Roberts.
i-'or .linl ;' tf Si-finiil District,
I"oi 'l ii-uMiicr
i-'ur Clerk
J'nr l.'ceoraVr
I'or Ji'ilt;e
Kor SuneiiiUeixli;: t of Public Instruction
i'.ov Clerk f I-stii:t Court
Km- Ccutity tViumi-oiom-r
I'or Surveyor
I'or Coroner
The Republican Stato Platform.
TIiw i")i:i)lii::iu parly of M-bruikn. while
over ca of iriiL'i ly ri'li!-, :iui holilin 1:0
sympathy v. U li tlt -so u iio . oiibl with the e.olii
nu;:i ft iliriib. or wit u li:o ;u::ucl.i:'t.i destiny,
reassdi'is Us liolcnuiiialion that the grunt rail
w;iy oirji)r.:;o:ts of i!us stuie which bold re
l:tl ions of clofi'st, iut.-n-sl t tilt; people sli:;I!
lit tl;i' fairly p:iid servants of the sta'c an-1 not
its mas-en. 'J'h wmli of legislative in
t!ie st i ;ri'l :i itioii -li.ill continue until a!!
iii-c of "!! i :iin t of x r! i I ;m I raie ami
n ? j ;i -1 liK.'i iiittiiaiioii in lavor ol imUv iilu;i!s
lo'-.tli: los .-bail ee im to ei:,t. Assiiliiii'X the
I'.'sp iiislbililywhiell i.fairl belongs to l'. of
Isavia- o;it;:.'i.i!oil all legislation lo rki'ii to
rail!'aI coat rl au.l toe ct'-aMoti of those tri
huoal or coiu!!ii---iiii' wi'icli have been en
s:llcil to ,a:;).; with orpoiat'; power, the r--pu'oiicau
party viil see to it that by :i 1 neciled
enlargements of power these commissions, u;i
tioaal anil state, shall lie. armed t attl;: and
nrvi-tory While I'rivorin such c atr-'e. in
t he iM!i io:; of this K.Ue as will term it t he
I. commissioners ti be clect-J by t'i-p-ople,
il .hereby voices its coalidf lieu in the
B.tii board ot traiispot-lati iii.aiul commends
its :t; is to ob;ain for Aebraslia the sa.a.;
Iari.1 Of ratrs for freight and eania-re of pa
run;; TS as is accorded to m ihboria; states
iui:l.ul v ciTvtiinstjtiieed. It is ri"'s-Iv ii:ii:-;t.
T . - 1 il 1 1 . !
.il'st uecausc mo repuoncau county nciiest mining
ticket hns such a flittering; prospect to western Siberia."
be carried by u good majority, and with
out even a Horntclt, no republican fhould Now that the democrats are asking
btay at homo on the Hth inst., but let republicans to vote for Sawyer for judge,
every one go to Upj polln and ca.t his there aro a few nmoDjj the Cass county
ticket straight and then sre that his republicans who would before voting
right han. I man does the name. ask Mr. Siwver it few questions, po.ibly
a little lead in 2. but certainly material
Thk Nebraska City -Ytvrv and Htalt lin. r(.lcvant
Dim wat Uaxt; charged that Allen Field lst Whv do you carry the greatest
is no lawyer an 1 that Mr. A. J. Sawyer, portion, if not all, of your property in
rlemocratic nominee, is an able and pro- your wife's name'
found jurist. The I Iku.w.d has taken the 2llj. Are you a 1)roli;i,itionLst at
trouble t make inquiry in and about heart or only for revenue?
Andrew Jackson Sawyer, and as Mr. .1. :5rj dj j you cvtr votc thc straight
I). Calhoun lives a long ways) ?) from democratic ticket, no matter who was
Lincoln, wc volunteer the information OI1 it; and if you answer Yes, give name,
that nine tenths, and of these, the ablest place and date.
lawyers of the Lancaster bar, pronounce -itli. What claim have you on thc
Mr. Field the equal, if not the superior republican party either by "fealty in
of Mr. Sawyer in point of legal attain- peace" or service in war?
ments, and a much broader and stronger 5th. Is it not a fart that your short
lliail Otherwise. term .is nfcMcnlal nutnrnf T;nrrln l.,.c
- .... '. V' Vfc lllllVVill 11(1
been a flat failure?
Thk JoMWirf contained Saturday even-
When you answer we have a few more
ing a pretended unwritten page from the I jQ a,.j.
biography of the would bo Judge Saw
yer, published oT course , not as a patent Tin: Supreme Court of the United States
medicine dessertation, but to excii-r the has lately reassembled for the fall term,
risibles of its sympathetic reader in It is understood that Secretary Lamar will
thc interest of its portege. The shortly give up the portfolio of the In
idca of Sawyer making an able terior Department to take a seat upon its
speech. Gentle reader did you ever hear bench. The court certainly needs its full
Chawles W. Sherman orate at a board of complement of members. In spite of the
trade. meeting? If you did, then you best eiToi ts of thc judges, the court con
have Sawyer in your mind's eye Horato tinues to be behind with its business, and
long-winded, faiutless, tedious and the prospe-1 is that at the close of the
egotistic, the very qualities that stand term the business of thc court will still
between him and fitness.
The plea offered by the democrats in
this judicial district to elect Sawyer to
the ollicc of judge is ia keeping with
that party's life long record; the throw
ing of mud and the raising of false is
sues; on the grounds of competency.
Field is the superior of Sawyer; Field
ii a man of liberal cducatioli, strong in
his profession, quick in perception,
ready and f.arle.-s in expressing his con
victions and above all scrupulously
honest. II? his been twice honored by
Lancaster county in the legislature
.o V JV. i 1 Vl -? cj
Vk .4L
I wN 5'-?E
nformation to Capital Seeking Investment.
h PJaUcconntry
It is lb.' (f.-i!,.v.:i v tt tliO "Tf:iL SiMl
Jt i.o Hluatnl on tin- .Aliouri JJivcr ut the mouth
. . ri.:
.1 . t! w . .1 - I ... 1 1' imv .otWCCII 1""
ca ami lh :.-, uii'v tvo hours !y r::il i'vom LuumAii tin- caj)ital. and forty mnuitcs iVoin Oinalia, the
metropolis oi t Jb..- .Slato.
I'otiiihit iM :i!)(i!:'L !,ti j ajiiilly iiicn a.- i :.'.
lla.sonc ot Um- iisif-st M.-tcms of Water Works in the State.
Streets are ve!i ligliled hy n.-.
X street railway jn operation
(i ratios ol .!;e .s;;-ets e,-tal)ii ;!:el, anl )i!l.s vote.! for the intrposo of eoii.stniftiiig rcwerago
T)avin;r ot AI .-s in Street, work to eo ii:i:ence i!, .,.,. n in tb,. soi-in.r ,A' ISsS
JIas a iw.i lour story hi of, se.hoo huildin and six ward kcJiooI houses. Aside from l)t:.-iness lionfOS
over 100 residen.-es have been eH!st meted dniiii" tlie year ls87.
in OjK'i'ii. ilotio eo.-'.iiio- yr.t.tiOO.
Kehrask-t i'resvrve and v'aunin- iactory, capital -SLJJ.OOO, capacity :i00,000 eai;s per year and em
ploys ll) hands
Jh-iek and Tena Works, cupitid jO.oOO, capneitv lo,000 hiief.s jx r day, emjiloys thirty hands.
I'lattsmoatli Canni'.i F;tctory, capital IJO.ono, : pneit v 1.C-0. ,.() e:i:;s"per ye:'r and emjdoys 125
hands, turns ver in one yi-ar's hit .i:,e.-s a!mt sIom.OoO.
Two daiiy ..;!j)eis; one liejml iiean and one Democratic.
Sc!n:elhaen r ji!-.rfV v.u-. waeu i-ictorv
Pepper! .ei-g's ci-ar man .iactory, (mpljys iiiteen hand. and largely supplies the trade of southwest-
ern ieiirasK;i.
Dul'nor -A- f.'s
:;r w
iucr House.
The great V.. Oc (). Kailroatl machine shops, round houses, storehou-es. Jcf., are maititaincd at
this point for the ;;-e of ii .-;,.-t(.ni west, of the -Mi.-souri Kiwr, employing many iiumircds of hands, and
disbursinr to emji'oyes monthly ahout S.'iO.OOM.
. ():c; "f -he tinc.-t ruilroa.l bridges in the United Sttites spans the Ali.-fouri I liver at the Southern
limit of the city.
Over 2.0, ;o miles of r:;:!road conveys its iVeiolit trailic into ami thro::-l. our city.
Ten paea-vr tr-tins loave .Piattsmoutli lailv for north, . ,uit!i, east and west ver the C. I. & Q.J
K. C., St. Joe C. 15. and tlie. i ;j. R. j. jn xld.rasku.
rjhe cheapness, of the land around Plattsmouth and its nearness to Omaha markets together with
good railroad facilities, make it not only a pleasant place to reside, hut a desirable place lor the establish
ment of manufactories.
To herd thy, legitimate m.-uiuf.-ctorin enterprises, the citizens o! Plattsmouth would doubtless make
reasonable inducements to secure their location, and correspondence is solicited.
While real e.d. tte values are growing firmer each day, yt there h nothing speculative or fictitious
about them, and good resid- nee lots can bo bolJirbt at iVonTs 1 :.() to Soo!): land near the citv can be tuir-
IS'ZuSS j il!ld ''y that body as speaker in
fwt i whith i1 of f:l- 1'tige he
. u.riMnm i ui easily eiiiisi r'leieu aim e:ie;;;iiy
!.i.i!nt i.:i:.l lines if r.iiiroal ami t lie rc'i;lii
ea!i oi tliu .state will not cease tli ir eil nts
uut.I all tt roii'3 be righted.
V.'c r allirin our a Uii'r tuee to Ihe Ainnri??aii
sysUvn of tariir. under wliich. with its br.-ad
!rt retioa nf Ameriean lalMir, mtr ctnthiry li:if
l-r.jered ic o:id any other. As the business
tn ui- country no deaiands revision, the re
i:11icuii . alivi; to the ilcniiiii'ls of e try inate
rtiil int rcst. v. ill see to it thai sm-li ivvisi,a
sMaii le niiido at the earlier't practical ihiy.
We enarieiiiii the action oi the democratic ma
jority iu i i:r.-si ia thill after repeated
P'e.i-.-s of Sa. i't lefonu. il h s utterly fiiiie.l.
vliii. !i lyin a lai-ie niajority in t!ie n:uise of
repr . nta'i-.u-!. :ire t .riil" lulls must orii
nato. t l:-:i:i; a! KitMiea reform, wiiieh ni'.it
cotuo liom da i.aity thitt liiis ever been
: i !:d I'.Itli., Aiaeriean laborer and producer.
l"he a. uer-a tha.iks ol tii.; American people
.ire tlfic to t !im.- who defeiide 1 the union in t he
1itewar aul v:a sir;! in i'.tvor of urovidiiiir
left a chau honorable record. He is
among the alle young men in the re
publican party in this district andshoul !
receive the vote and support of every re
publican in it.
be as at present, some three years in ar
rears. The propositions looking to relief
for the com t have hitherto made but little
progress m congress, and there is little
prospect for a ch inge in this respect dur
ing the coming session, preceding, as it
does, thc presidential campaign of 188S.
The new appointment may not be without
important effects as regards thc Virginia
coupon tar case3 lately brought before
the court. In one of the previous cases
upon wliich Judge Bond based his latest
decision, the court ordered judgement by
a bare najority, and one of the judges
who voted with the majority is now dead.
It is a matter of some interest to know C1
wnetiier tlie new judge will take the same t-.oitusLi leotiesieu ro come aim mane personal invest!"-ition
view or the questions at issue as his pre- I riue to South Park, the most, beautiful and desirable, residence
AceoaDiX'i to the statement furnished
by the secretary of the treasury the gross
receipts of tlu government for the week
ending Fridav, October were -$7,-I shows that J. I llijains drew the sum of ?t4
jOS :M0 n ,!(.rfM nf v.", ra Ai . I as crk of t!lc eomintttee onmiues and ininer-
1 ' I fll Tll l-0..Ti-,lj tlu 1 't ln..ll.t..t,..., ,1,
vwui...ucii wan lie wcck preceding, j. M. nit'ijins was chairman of the committee
MtHM'c or i.-iivu'i-'larav an 1 to tlie wi- o v
ire! o'-i.lia"-' of ;i!:i.-e who fell in it defei-co.
We lit-arti'j syinpatliixc with the a'abiti in
aim en rii i'i iu.- pai.a -is ot ireiiiiul In tiieir
iu:e.!V.i to obc.itii for their country the
bld-si::. of fi -k institutions and loci sell
I'lViT'irni'iii. We recognize i i harles Stew
art umrli an-1 tin: Kt.'iton. William K. (
B:iir? wiirtay eii t.iii' cl the fuii himeia il
prin iy.ilt of the Jccara;ioii of indepen
dence. We coadeuin t!ie actiuii of the j)ie.-:;ient in
lii attTipt to returii the trophies won bv
bravery on the lie Id of baltl.
Wi? condemn iiie n;iriov.-, intolerant anil par
tisan aen.i of the democr;-.l!e paltv in xcli:l
iiijr fro-n i p-.-ivilejjes of stale citizenship the
Ii-.;: i-jw people, of !);k ;ta. folcl v en tiie t'ii
laanlv r. '.'l itidciensil:e Ki-ound f a dilleretiee
ia p.nitieal views. Aot content wirli thcircf
ftt;s foexclinie ihe ne-;ro from the elective,jj.i:i..y iKuvseek r proscribe an intel
l:.r?!.;. prc-.s -e.-mis nn.l patriotic people because
oi i .i, : r poli'i'Ml opi:i:t:is.
W vi-sT vith alarm thn abuse, of the veto
po'.v.v py tl, president of the United States,
A pov.-.-r from t !;,; n(. f wiiieh Knland sov
mvi .'lis havo altaincd for two centuiies ; a
p wer tte " bui i-ix times din ing the lirst torty
years .i our na'ioual uovernmeat, ;t power bv
t.i.-p. ipli; i-.;r,:sied to tle president for tlf.
par.'.- -o .i picveutinj; hastv b'isl, has bv
iw i.;-esi:t in.-iiiu'Jciit of that i iliee been nseit
lot'uvii t tli): well ascertained will ftiie peo
!. a-id t j ivsist their rep.--t.-d demands. JJ
bras, ia o::--lt -,!f of a si:..;!e term of oaiee. nse-.i
i.:e power more limes th in aU the pivdecess .r ;
o-uib.iieii. II.iiu:J sought bv all tlie pree
tieaiM use of extraordinary power, to c-us.sti-tiit-himself
;i o-oniiiiate branch of tlie na
tion il 1,- ;i:itur.. II,- b:w ireo'.if ntlv v-,--
isod thw "one man power"' by ili c owanllv
lactaod c i th - "pocket veto" bv which import"
ant inasiitds have been defeated without any
reaso i bem- iveii for withholding its ap-
aadjfi, For sale ly Y.'ill J. Warric k.
Dr. C. A MarshalL
Tc following extract from the Weep
ing "Water Rejniblican shows up Mr.
Iliggins iu the proper shape:
The statement of the expenses of the last
legislatuie, as shown by the auditor's report.
General Grant's
lamevriil alw;ts ;jow brighter with
age. IJalycals Fig Tonic requires only
Hie avaikible balance (in which is in- on ii.ineH ;u:d Minerals, and hence ltas the a trial to ihustrat j whv-'lhi r the cafebled
-'u'ub'ie i.'.usions fori soldiers and sailors whH ! eluded the government deposits in na- aut'-'dty and Im responsible for the appoint- constitution will change to on-j of stout
wera disabled n. its service or who have since. 1t , , , . , . . me;t of J. J". ! igsins as clerk of such commit- ,. i v . , . , -
wm.euttheirf.:ti!torvice. become objects of ttonal banks) amounted to $..,4,014, . 2.!J.j tee aad, In facr, made such appointment him- or ro,n,!st lona iilKl th r"'-y i:hv of
an increase lor the week of :J.50S).0''. 1 1. I self. perfect lioaith wiii :r,);. ar wuere a
T!if Imffiiion t-iUn i.aocnrf'a n.AX4- ...Ul. I ii IS Well KWWJ1 10 tllC VOterS Of Cas9 COUntV I l-nrn Tl-i. n r -.'.i-,. i- o. ihv IV
- v. j .w tll, 111 0 UILt O (.1 I Ull II 1111 I . . . " I ----- .iwviimi.if i'il ) . A
i -.ii, , . I that J. 1 , Iiii';4ttis is a son cf J. JI, Iliirgins.
depository bar.KS shows a still larg -r in- :md those -i,o took the pain to watch the
crease than fyr the preceding week. J proceedings of the last legislature know that a
For the week cndin- October 21 the I er K Ior 11,8 eemaiittee on mn es and minetals
I v::ij :i inor, imr.f T!ia rnltf c.iM-b.k ..l;ni.
iiHieasj was,.l,s4,1b-,40. The increase j. P. uieglv rendered the state and for which
for the week ending October 28 amount- he drew in was to attend one meeting of the
.-.I to s.i.01 1,Q.S-.7S-, which brings tie e'Jin"llttee "iwhich he was clerk.
f,.fi .... f.. e.5i oo a.. ,n:-.- i .... ! not the Sat-payers of Casscounty think
r .M v-,...,v.3.v. iiiu "ones ,hat$H7is rather hihwaucsto pay a clerk
deposited on account of national bank j for two orthree hours, or :it most one day's ser-
circulation during the week amounted to J viC8? Yt"r-J-:,L Digsrins, who is now posing as
ft.iCfi 000 and tlios- withdrawn to V'S 'ax-payer s friend and aekmS their votes
: UUl ' , U'0 Wlt'1,-n to to make him treasurer of this county, is direct-
)00, a ne t increase for the week of "27,- I ly ana s )!e!y ie spontible for the state paying
r00. I 'tis son SUT for less than one day's actual ser
vice. The voters of this county may well
Vivi. TAvn-", T T-1 i I l'uo i cu'iuuu iwiciuci VI IlOl II1IS IS SUCH ail
im, Mom us Immiouation. Thetc- exhibono, hotl( M tn wnrpant
in. muuii;. .. iiuii i-j i ne on nun xioin i liieni iu voiin,; i ot o. a:, nicies lor ir:;isurer. I . leseryaiio.'i uai I , I h k; f t
all countries cxce;;t Canada and Mexico I And this is a part of the record of the j lvctn txtravul uit.:nt jmiu ; 1:.-: nf LauijUiwj
during the ni.:e mouths of the' present I 1!)an who has an absurd put up interview
calendar year was 411,000, against 291.- with the editor of the Journal; and to
r03 in the s.aa.e period of 18SG. Of this succeed in his undertaking, promises the
numb r about lh.-ee-fourths, or people to (if the law will let him) return
:5lo,10C., nrri ved at the port of Xew York, t!e interest on the county funds to the
against 2:J4:.";00 in 18SG. The United ounty. There would be a good start
Kingdom is responsible for a large portion I or 'MU1 ow, $147 for two hours work
of this year's emmigration, as 144, 14S i:i rather expensive. And if thc welfare
immigrants came from that country f tnc dear peojile is troubling Mr. Hi
agiinst O'.'.OIO in ISS3. Germany ranks gms as much as he would make belieye,
second with 88,700 immigrants, against be had better start the ball rolling by re-
oJ.44 in 18So. Xorway and Swecdcn, turning that S147 at once, and prate les;
It dy and the Austrian empire and Russia ) Jibout return of interest money until he
rank next in the order named. The ini- j shows a different disposition,
migration from Canada and Mexico
pv-lilfintK- ;.i iint'nf i-.rT. nrm.ttn,.,. - I non. m. w. Grady
"'" J ' " o" r.wr.t.,, as I rp, C..1...T,. "...1 rr. ....
jl iw ciwtt.-'umu, kjcijuiar unci i rue
American, set an example worthy of re
flection for all True Americans, llealin
wounds that no methods except those
chased at from s-OO to $400 per a:.-re. V.'ithin the next tw'elve monilis our citv expects to welcome
Missourri Paciiic and the Omaha and Southern Pailways into its corporate limits.
Tl., ..1 . .... . ... - .,i . J . 1 ...
'lL""c :';eii v.iniotit exaggeration and the j.rospects lor tlie iuture .r,-snenty ol our
city, more than above indicate!. Parties seeki; investments inPealty
"Wlii'e here you will be iven a tree
loe:ilitv iti th;: citv. when hits in:tv be
purchased at from sloO to -200, each. This )icturesue addition is accessible by either Chlcairo or Lin
coln Avenueor lv .South Oth Srro -t and may be reached in a ten minutes wall: irom the business cen
ter. South Park is more rapidly building up than any other part of the city. Correspondence solicited.
KZT-CO 31 AB Spat g ""1I rm
Si S l i a
c-- ..- u & l
uJZr Maw
i 3
5 - 5, b f " -C ft
fctis "A- 4v? a 5s f
All work warranted. Prices reasonable.
FlTZOKtt.M.O m.O :K. i'i.i.Trs-.iiJCTif.M I!.
wk run:: .;.:ci,vltv
tebhvhi k CO.
i 1 f dFr.
It is conceded on all hands that no
more conpetent treasurer llian Mr. Can p
bell ever filled the office.
Tiikkk was never s better prospect ft r
a clean sweep of the county by the re
publican ticket than there is at present.
IIcxhy UtixK is a staunch republican
and as coroner he is thoroughly compe
tent. Mr. Iiieck is very attenlive to his
official duties and a kind generous man
and will recei ve the solid support of his
M.vv.NAim Scixk ha3 maile an cfiicicrit
officer, and the satisfaction given by his
mcdiods is shown by the fact that at the
county normal this summer a resolution
was uaaaini'jusly adopted by the teachers
of the county, f lyoriug his reinstate
Bum Cam-ii field desires and deserves
the support of every republican in Cass
county. 113 is wjell competent to till
thc ollije of co !uty e'erk tmd every re
putlie::n should see that his iniluence is
lent towards his election.
A.'Madoi.e, tlie republican nominee
for county surveyor, is as competen and
accurate a man as could be drsirei for
the office. His past term has j roved
very satisfactory, and we are pleaded to
note the support he is rcceiveing from ell
"7Ti ""n
h u id s 8 3
l5 V U ' ? .
iil Vii U
2 S
: Of all s
iiAltur.S : kocKioro:, Ireoonia
:;iese nmvements ere s:o well known
All are warranted.
s, makes and prices. VrarilMtel.
Columbus, Aurora 6:
---'-l nj cv::i::ic:jdatioii.
the above figures are said to include 93
per cent of the total immigration into
t his coun tr v. h rnrl.strettn.
n2 iziuiiacr i
Cor. 12th and Granite Streets.
Contractor a
r .- , ... ,,o,ll,Tr..o,fi. 1 .-"-I'i..
hie vkaltiiof RfCEKiA. i iie Lion- u"uuJj'w viiijiiui iiicn arnica aaiye
i r . , . . . ... . 1 ...l.tni. :n . 11 ... . . ; . . i c
(ion iron una tsceci l raae Journal saj-s i "-" oiu. uu ii nn-riis ior any use e i j;o V. i n r V T, n r t
t nit Siberia "is not the cold, desolate tllat a 8alve cau be used- cure, no JULlUO I Crrt.nLJt.JiU,
pi ice it is believed to be by Britishers." b1?- -tor sale by the following drug
but that it is "a northern Australia wttl, ut' Pr,co 25c Per box
larger rivers, more extensive forests and
OIIALVS : In this line of goods I have evt.-rvth;.K, f f
xpnte Ladtc and Cents' short or ion. eltains fsolidr. ,ih,i
any otuer kind. A, so c-mo;em pins oi ai! ihc J'-f
locicets, ring's, culi buttns, gold p i;.-; etc. " ' 1
SI LA- 1 1 Y A II K of every descrijjtioi'
:t easv
W. J. "Warkick
mineral wealth not inferior to that of Indescretion.
the island continent. In a very few llas llUetl n,;my n prave. If an m-
rar3Six.,;1vn,o brid f,, , 'MSlTSC Choicest Bmtids cf Cigars,
tj end witn railways, and in this matter Cure and follow his directions it wTll - , -,-
tli 3 Kussiau goveimnent is showing a ost him nothing' if he is not benefitted.
large and wid- policy. Thc magnificent I 1 nce Ulu' For S!lIe ly "Will J.
water communicntions for it is irrigated
including our
Flor do Pepperbergo' and Cuus
from end to tnd with some of the largest Leave your measure for fine custom TOBACCO AXD SMOKERS' ARTICLES
rivers m the world, navigable for thous- made clothing with Wanamaker & ' nKvnv, in stock r. ms.i
mess or times larougu fertile and richly- Brown's representative at the Stadelman
wooded lands destined to be the home House, Oct. 29 to 31. Nov. 1 and 21.
ot millions ot colonists and a canal is 412
now being made between the Obi and the
Yenisei, which will enable ccods to bn r ' 1 ' UU1""3"1"1" I UdUll1) U .-. U LLil
, , . goods and over will receive a chance on
conveyed by water the whole way from
riumcn to beyond Lake Baikal. At
Tinmen there is a railway which passes
h rough the Ural mountains to Ekatcrine-
an tlegiint sewing machine to l.e drawn i1 'a'1 anu "-'id vibrating ishuttle,
Christmas Eve. Peter Merges. sold on time. Easy payments or cash
IiOOM3 to Eext For gentlemen; corner j
burg and Perm, through the heart of the ! of seventh and Main streets.
'J:JZ A,
V7 -r
VV W Jm2 U Zi mlZu lmisj mU-4 .Q ZP. 1
JoirATIIJ Hatt
TV"!' . r""
" e. t r
Manager Plattsmouth Biau
Sugar Cured Meals, Hams. Eaccn, Lard, fic P
ol our own make. Tlie lest brands of OYSTPl?
and fi