The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, October 31, 1887, Image 4

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8 &t 81 '
Samples shown and measures taken for Fine Custom Made Clothing at 25 per cent
u can get the same tirst-class goods anywhere in the west. 02TA Fit Guaranteed.
Cheaper than
l)t fllattsmoutl) Dailg Herald
Publishers & Proprietors.
A Salisbury Dcnti2t, In IlocU
uooil Ituildiug.
To-night is hallowe'en.
Foot bull is all the go with the boys
this li ne weather.
The W. C. T. 17. have a sociable on
record for next Friday night.
Lift your gates off and store them
in the cellar, for to-night, and run the
wagon in the barn.
The backbone of winter, which was
so disasterously broken some months ago,
has been re-set. Ex.
If you desire an elegant piece of pie
go to the pie sociable at the 31. E. par
sonage to-morrow evening.
All members of the Y. L. Ii. 11. A.
are requested to meet at the reading room
Tuesday, Nov. 1 at four o'clock p. m.
Business of importance to be transacted.
The dead horse on Chicago avenue
which has for several days been a
disgustiugspectacle was ordered removed
to-day by the city marshal. '
Two plain drunks were arrested Sat
urday night. Before Judge Mathew
this mrniug, they were each fined $
and c osts which they were unable to pay,
The pleasant weather of yestorday
made it a day of recreation and elrivin
for the people who have been confined
to their homes and shops during the
Sam Wauh leaves this evening for
Virginia to visit at his old home.
intends to stay six weeks, so as to try the
good old fashioned turkey on Thanks
Something was wrong yesterday
with the fire hydrant near the Citizens'
Bank and the water which came from it
nearly Hooded Main street. It was re
paired to-day.
The pie sociable to be given by the
ladies of the 31. E. church to-morrow
evening at which the great rich pumpkin
pie and coffee will be served in abund
ance is an event which makes na hungry
t think about.
Plattsmouth must have a free dc
delivery system established. It will
boom her and be of great advantage,
Her enterprising sister, Beatrice, has taken
that step and Plattsmouth is fully com
petent to do so also.
Pumpkin, minee, cranberry, apple,
custard pie and coffee will be served at
the sociable at the 31. E. parsonage to
morrow evening. A cordial invitation
is extended to all by the ladies of the
church and ttev. W- B. Alexander.
Died Mrs. John Grave, aged 26
years, four months and 20 days, died at
her home on Granite street, this morning
from typhoid fever. Deceased was born
in Germany. Tho funeral will take place
at 2 o'clock to-morrow afternoon.
Tom Connors was arrested this after
noon andjtaken before Justice of the Peace
3Iathews. Connors stole some clothing
and a little money from some persons a
the Ciy hotel. Connors was charged
with petit larceny and was fined $85.
The young folks had a- very pleas
ant time Saturday evening at the residence
of 3Irs. Clark on Vine street. They
planned and gave a surprise party on
her daughter, 3Iiss Ella Clark. the
house was well filled with young folks,
and plennty of eatables were served and
games were played to the sanisfaction
and pleasure of all.
"We acknow
invitation from
us to be present at her great celebration
of the laying of the corner stone of the
west abutment of the C. B. & Q. railroad
bridge to be built across the 3Iissouri at
that point; the completion of her sys
tem of water works, an official test of
which will be made on that day, and
otherwise commemorate her prosperity.
We will try and be represented and con
gratulate our sister city on . her visible
Byron Clark was in Glenwood to
day. Miss Alta Sage Sundayed in Louis
ville. Miss Efiij Mason was iu Omaha yes
terday. W. II. dishing went up to Omaha
Saturday evening.
W. B. Shyrock returned to Louis
ville Saturday evening.
J. II. "Watterman returned Saturday
night from his trip to Memphis.
I. Saunders, of Omaha, was iu the
city to day visiting Fred Murphy.
Hon. S. 31. Chapman was in from
Lincoln to spend Sunday with his family.
3Iiss Daisy Green, of Omaha, is at
present the guest of 3Irs. Chas. Whit
ney, here.
Dr. Ilirtzmon and wife and Miss
Ella Gablcr, of Omaha, were in the city
over Sunday, visiting friends and rela
tives. Thos. Smith, of Davenport, arrived
in the city last night. lie expects to
find employment in the shops and send
for his wife.
3Ir. J. O. Anderson, son of B
Anderson, proprietor of the Perkins, is
in the cii v visiting his father, 3Ir. An
.lerson is from Chariton, Iowa.
Mrs. Ld D:ivis and 3Ir. and Mrs
Grant Powell, of Lincoln, were in the
city yesterday visiting the Ballance boys
Mr. Powel is operator for the B. & 31,
at Lincoln.
Rev. W. B. Alexander, who accom
panied the remains of 3Irs. Sarah Cinna
mond to Nebraska City Saturday, ret urned
that evening, 3Ir. Cinnamond and others
returned last eveninir.
He Puts Another Man's Horse upfor
About three weeks ago a man named
Frank Iiceel was in town with a number
of hortes and boarded at Orin Kennes
tin's. He left there during the night,
owing 3Ir. Kennestin $ for board. In
the morning Jlr. Kennestin found he had
taken his way toward Nebraska City and
followed him, overtaking Heed about
fifteen miles south of town, but he refus
ed to settle and abused him (Kenestin)
and it is said made threats, and 3Ir. Ken
nestin returned without his money.
iast liiursilay the same man accom
panied by Charley Ott, appeared on our
streets and camped out on Chicago ave
nue, near the oil shed. 3Ir. Kennestin
got an attachment out for the debt and
The Wcrd Cr.ucusoos.
The republican ward primaries met
Saturday evening at their various head
quarters, as per call and made the follow
ing appointments and nominations:
First Ward--Assessor, Dr. A. Salis
bury; clerks of election, L. C. Styles
and C. II. Smith; judges of election, G.
II, Longeuhageu, 31. ; McElwain and
Jessie L. Hoot; for elesegatea to meet at
the county judges ofiice to-night to place
iu nomination two justices of the peace
and two constables, G. H. Longcnhagen,
L. C. Styles, Geo. J. Chutburu, A. B.
Knotts and Je.sie L. Hoot were appoTnk d.
Third Wai:d Assessor, II. C. Hitchie;
clerks of election. Frank Boyd and S. C.
Green; judges of election, David 3Ii!lcr,
N. D. Borden and William Ilayrs. Fit
delegates to meet at the county judge's
ofiice to-ninht to nlaee in noniiii:iti n
Sheriff Eikenbary took one of tho horses two justices of the peace and tw con
a chustnut sorrel, on the attachment, but stables. A c T()(1,u Q M Stl.t;irllt A
N". Sullivan, Byron Clark and H.-.rry
Knellcr were appointed.
Fourth Wakd Assessor, Geo. K
Staats; clerks of election. Tom Wiles, nd
Mr. Craig; judges of election. W. S.
Married. Frank Kalacek and 3Iiss
Catherine Lahada were united in wedlock
by Judge Russell at his office Saturday
afternoon. Both parties being from this
The Glee Club Invited
The following letter addressed to 31.
A. Ilartigan, from John P. Sutton, of
Lincoln, and secretary of tho I. N. L. A
shows the esteem in which Plattsmouth's
vocal talent the Glee Club is held
abroad, and is turnished us through the
kindness of 3Ir. H. C. Ritchie:
Lincoln, Neb., Oct. 27, 13S7.
31. A. Hartigan, Esq., Plattsmouth
Will you kindly convey to the members
of the Plattsmouth Glee Club, 3Iessrs.
II. C. Ritchie, Chas. Whitney, W. A.
Derrick, V. Burkell, the cordial invita
tion of 3Ir. Fitzgerald to attend the re
ception of 3ressrs. O'Connor and Es
monde on the night of 1st November.
3Ir. Neville informs us that the gentle
men named have expressed their kind
willingness to aid us with their musical
talents, and I assure you the treat will be
very much appreciated.
i ours x aithfuuy,
John P. Sutton,
Secretary I. N. L. A.
The Hkrald is informed the Glee
Club will accept the invitation and they
will do themselyes and city proud, with
out a doubt
A Lively Runaway
Yesterday morning about 9 o'clock a
team belonging to Geo. Goose started to
run away, down oa 3rd street near the
cut. The horses n reaching 3Iain street
urned west and came rushing up at a
vely rate. Fred Woodson, who was
tear, succeeded in getting into the wagon
from the back and got the lines and
urned tho team oh to the sidewalk by
the opera house, and ran them into the
ill board. One of the horses, a gray,
acted so mean on being stopped that it
took three men to lead them over to the
ledge the receipt of an j vacant lot just opposite where they were
Nebraska City, inviting J unhitched and when they cooled down
Geo. Goose rode them home. The wagon
bed was entirely ruined, but the wagon
was not injured otherwise.
, Indescretion.
Has filled many a rave. If an in
valid suffering from Consumption will
use Dr. Watson's New Specific Cough
Cure and follow his directions it will
cost him nothing if he is not benefitted.
Price 50c and $1. For sale by Will J.
none of them were much account, the
sorrel being the be3t in the lot of eight
or nine head. The horse was quartered
at ttie Uonner stable. Jrriaay evening
Chas. Ott went to Council Bluffs, leaving
things in charge of Frank Recti. In the Purely, Peter II: mrahai: ,'Thos. Stanforth.
night Reed got drunk anel went racing For delegates to meet at the count v
up and down 3Iain street, and about 12 judge's ofiice to-night to place in nomi
o'clock he was arrested by Officers Fitz- nation two justif f the peace and two
patrick anel Jack O'Neil, and lodged in constables, Wa ': Smith L. N. New
jail. In the morning Keeel begged Mar- corner, Peter II::rahati, Will StrcMit
shal Malick to release him that he might anel Eel Brastow appointed
tend to his and his friend's stock anel of
fered the horse he had been riding as Second V..rd Republicans-
I n-i l.i: . ..I- !. 1 1
-.rm-Hv Ofr enns .lnrMn tn.oa no- TUV 111c inmmiur: . i i:m.i u.uei,
j. ,
3Ialick allowed the man to go, but kept Clt ot I'lattsmoutH, w.U iioi.l a primary,
the horse, Reed agreeing to appear at vveunesaay, .November Jiui, loo,, at p
t i . ii Mathews' court at 10 o'clock Sat- m-. " "e scco-.u w.,iu aenooi House,
CLOCKS : Of all . izes, makes ami prices. "V;irr;intel.
"WATCHES : KocUonl, Freiloiiia, Columbus, Aurora &c. All
these movetiu-.i... are so well known tint 1 hey need no commendation.
All are warranted.
CIIAIJS'S : In this line of floods I liavc everything almost, if not
quite. Ladies' and Cents' short or loii chums; H,!id, rolled j.late, or
any other kind. Also emblem pins of all the secret orders ; charms,
lockets, rings, cull' buttons, gold pens etc.
SILVERWARE of every description at easy price.
tw.m fUk
corner Walnut and 11th streets, for
purpose of noinn.-.thig an Assessor.
L. E. 8i:insi:u, Com
Cenerni Grant's
urday. But instead of attending to the
stock, hitched his team to his wagon and
skipped, leaving Mr. Ott's horses tied
near Mr. Ott's wagon, but without fooel
or water. As Mr. Ott did not return Fame will alwns u.-ow blighter with
Marshal Malivk took the four horses left J age. Balycat's Fig Tonic requires only
and quartered them at the Bonner stable, a trial to illustrate whether the cnfebled
Last night Mr. Ott returned from the constitution will change to one of stout
Bluffs and was at first going to have or robust form and the ruddy -low of
telegrams sent out for Reed's arrest, I perfect health will appear where disease
claiming the horse he put up for his ap- ence was. No cure, no pay. Price oOc
pearance as belonging to himself, but as and SI, For sal. bv Will J. Warrick.
Reed had taken none of Ott's property
with him anel had given his own horse
on the attachment it was not worth
while to hunt the man up anel arrest him
and this morning Ott obtained his horses
by paying the boarding expenses anel
claiming his property.
Reael the "Ward Caucuses" anel if
your name is down as a delegate to the
county judge's office to-night to help
place in nomination two justices of the
peace and two constables, don't fail to
Just receveci a largs inoic. of
Ladiea' fins kl! and goat button
shoes at $2 a pair, ta ran teed
equal to any 50 shea En the
m arked at T. S-f . Phillips'.
Stock now Complete in all Details.
Astrchan Cloths in black, HO in. wide at $3.00 & 4.00 a yd
" ; seal brown " 3.004.50"
" liht " " 3.00 "
5 rav. niixofl " '' I fid
o ' v
it (i
navy blue, U5 m. ' 1.50
Feather trimming.s, '1 inches wide, all colors- only 50c.
Fur trimmings all widths in Id i brown and crav.
School opens up Monday mornings
with an increase of schollars from 5 to
20 each week and this morning was no
exception to the rule.
Every one buying a dollars worth of
gooels and over will receive a chance on
an elegant sewing machine to be drawn
Christmas Eve. Peter Me.z.
Rooms to Rent For gentlemen; corner
of seventh and Main streets.
Pick out the picct of Real Estate you
want and then call for j rice and terms
upon Windham 6s Davi s. Over Hank
of Cass Co. IStf.
Wanamaker & Brown sell fine custom
made clothing 25 percent cheaper than
you can get them any where else in the
west. 412
. Leave your measure for fine custom
maele clothing with Wanamaker &
Brown's representative at the Star.elman
House, Oct. 29 to 31. Nov. 1 and 21.
41- 2
The new rooms in the east and west 4th
ward are the finest school rooms in the
city, they are both full of bright and in-
tellefrent children and they somewhat
releve the old rooms of the surplus schol
flnr .Tnnifnr Tft nl.Sfnt flna fnwnnnn of OU1' low prices. Read tllClU all
anel the only clue to his whereabouts, Epsom Salts, lOcts. per lb.
was the report that he was tlown town
negotiating with Charley Holmes for the
use of his goat for this evening to be
useel in entertaining the Journal's local
scribe at the High school, should he fuel
desposeel to call as in elays of. yore.
Glauber Salts, 3ets. per lb.
Borax Salts, SOcts. per lb.
Best Kalsomiue, Sets, per lb.
Bosankos Cough Syrup, 50c size only
Bosaukos Cough Syrup, $1 size for
-I L I C 4
j vcrv large assoi imeiiL ui ,
with ornaments to match in all
beaded sets at 1.50, 2.00 and $:;.75
shades at &1, sold evey where for S .5').
latest novelties.
1 1 ! i i 'r v:l 1 m A
it pa id sets
in all
Moine striped silk velvets in all the leading shades at
I.25 per yd, worth I.T5.
Velvet with silk stripes, colored and black, at I.5O a yd,
worth 2.00.
Plushes in all shades at 1.20, 2. 2$, 2.5O, 4 00 a yd.
22 inch extra heavy black velvet at 2.5O a yd, worth 3.00.
Quilted satins in all colors at 7-"c, worth 1 00.
A 25 Per Ct. Discount
Embroidered Flannels
The first work done by Proff essor only GOe.
Drummond this morning was ti general
round up of some boys who became
somewhat unruly anel made the air hid
eous with their ungentlemanly acts.
Thanks to Proffessor, he generally nips
those things in the bud and a boy who
once sets a review on such matters from
Drummond ueneraly behaves himself
Clara Wilson.
Great discount sale at Boeck and
Birdsall's. Call and get a discount bill.
Hay For Sale.
Three hunelred tons of hay for sale for
cash, either delivered or on the ground.
Leave orders with M, B. Murphy & Co,
oe L. Stull. 42 m J
Kemp Balsam, $1 size for only GOc.
King's 2s ew Discovery, .$1 size only 7c.
Warner's Safe Cure, $1.23 size only 1.
St. Jacob's Oil, 50c size only 45c.
Castoria, 23c size only 30c.
Jaynes Vermufuge, 33c size only
Pills, 25c size only 20e.
The above are all genuine gooels.
same other dealer.-, sell at much higher
prices. Try us if you want low prices.
Will J. Wauiicx.
-Real estate and abstract.?,
dtf W. S. Wise.
-The Daily IIeuald delivered for
only 15c a W2.k.
Thursday night Geo. Onesber, of
Iowa City, blew out the gas at an Omaha
hotel, on retiring. He was discovereel ia
time to be resuscitated.
Hon. H. W. Crady.
The Statesman, Scholar and True
American, set an example worthy of re
flection for all True Americans. Healing
wounds that no methods except those
useel by Heaps' Camphorated Arnica Salve
which is sold on its merits for any use
that a salve can be useel. No cure, no
pay. For sale by the following drug
gist. Prica 23c per box.
W. J. Warrick
U Wr- - - . J
VM ft
i ,.-n n. t tl
rreFervation ,.f na tur;.l teeth a r.
All work warranted.
Prices reasonable