THE DAILY HERALD, PLATTSMOUTII, NEliilASKAJil DA Y, OCTOHKU 23, 1SS7. &l)t yiatt0moutlj, Dailn (jcrali) Publishers & Proprietors. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. J.'or 'Supreme .Judc, SAMUEL MAXWELL, l-'or I'nlversiiy Kegcnts, DUB. 15. DAVIS, 1)1 . (JEOKJE KOI SKI ITS. I".r .IiicI;;ch uf S c-oml -I U1 H-j.ll District, J ION'. SAMUEL M. CHAl'MAN. HON. ALLEN W. FIELD. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET, For Treasurer I). A. CAMl'IJELL. I'.r Clerk JIIRI) CKITCHFIELD- Fur Keeonlcr yvm. II. POOL. For Judge CALVIN" I JUSSELL. i'"or Supciintciidivit of J'lil.lic Instruct I ou MAYXAIil) Sl'INIC. .siiciiir .1. ('. EIKEXIiAIiY. !: or Cicrk of District Court II. J. STHEIOIIT, For C u.ily 'nin in i iioiior (JEOIKJE YOUXa For Surveyor A. MA DOLE. For Coroner II EN II V IMECK. Tho Republican State Platform. '1 hu repiuiiieaii parly .Nulnita, while i'Vc:r im niilol property liable, t: n.t holding no syni.;illiy with those v.ho would v i 1 1 1 Uieeoui HiMM'.st divide, or i h Hi;? auarchi s ileslrov, rc;istri s Its ilctcrminat io:i I hut the great i ail w:iynirji"r;illor:si.f t his s;. tit- which liold re I llpl'is of ek-M'st. il:t"IVSt to 1 lie poplo shall lx; the fairly paid servants of Hie sta'e and net its masters. I'll work of it j;islative control in the Mae and n .tioii shall continue until a!! cans;- uf eo' iiMiie.! of rxortillalit ra'i-K u jiut ills riiiitnalioii in l'avor of individuals i.f loeaiil its vliall ei: '.si; to eisi. Assuiui' g the lesi.oiisibiiiiy'.wliii-h . fairly helonj-'s to i of ir n-i-.;;i..lp.l li"N!:iliiin linLiiff t. irnh-H-it fM .il :m.I t ln :'..:iT tun nf t 1 u .41 .."l i I ln::als or reninus: ions which h;ive been cn uaied to irrapplo with corporal, ; power, the rt jiiiiiiieau li.iiiy will see to il that !y a 1 needed uihirjinciits of power these eoiiiuiission-', na ti.nial aad slat ', Hiall h ariic-d for haltlu ai;d 'or vi dory Witil i-ivuriug such c-am'e ia I he consul it io". of 1 1; is mate as will perm it. the rallro-d commissioners to he elccled l:y the ;mp'e, it heivhy voices its confidence in tin; uxislmg hoard o; tniiis;)ortai:i:,aiid Cwininciain its e.'loi is to obtain lot Kehraska the same taint ot raw s i.r lr;lght and carrmire of pas- rw...nt hoo.lln mmn nr ei-r-ninn- rnt,w. r.Jcd to neliiiiboi nifj state ) Kkei it before the people that W. C. Showaltcr has had eight years of oflice in thin republican county of Cass anil only wants four more. Tins national campaign will begin next June, and, at the present time, it looks as if the brightest and best man in American politics would be the nominee of the republican party. Tiik IIf.iiai.d is very sorry to see to much talk about "coal robbers" and "tai'ifi" robbers" in its democratic con tempaiics, alter having had three years of uninterrupted democratic rule. three years of democratic rule the people nre in splendid condition to know what they want, and, in our opin ion, the republican ticket of Cass county will be elected from top to bottom. Tiik Journal lies when it says Mr. Campbell offered it one hundred dollars to keep still. Mr. Campbell did not of fer Mr. Sherman any money and has nev er authorized any of his friends to offer him money. illtgally in any manner whatever are baseless falsfchoods. Mi:. Hiud Chitcii i ii:i.i, as tin; repub liean nominee for county clerk, is meet ing the hearty approbation of every section of the county. He is a worthy republican and deserves the support of every member of the party in the county I)ikj Citric ii i i i:id), the next county cleric, was in the city yesterday interview ing his many friends. Mr. ( 'litchfkld is a young man, very popular with those who know him, and one that will fill tin oliice of county clerk very acceptably to tin; peopl?. Gn.vxnrA Eiggins and Anti Van "VVyck Kobinson were? seen early yesterday ! uiorninr drivim verv ranidlv toward:-, erf t.- i J - Tipton precinct. It made us fuel sad t. see the two great extremes meet anil melt into one common, fusion of butbun democracy. It is refreshing to see the effect of : ent boo. lie upon our ev .imiiariy cin-iiiiist'iiH.vd. It is grossly unjust j porary. A week a". 1 itil a ijicvioas wm:i;' that Nebraska should i.iv mora for the transportation "f her i:d,i! is -o!d; but ii little meeting :nl tile can I.e.; ot liur sui;dirs t ha.) h. r iu :"h ie rs,, Minnesota and l:ikota. with its ! ie vei' of democratic otlK-e seekers .and a little interview with trrcat change is brought about. a t.ii i inncs- 01 easi.y cuisi i "icie.l ami cneupty ; t.. S,,.,.in .,.,,1 l.nilif Oll'l I l,( l-:,i!rni.l :,. 111.. -'H OIIC1 ni.l!i illlCl cans o! this staie will not ee;ie eit'jrts iiiitd all wron:;s he righted. Wu r .liario our a thermee to iha American sy. te ii ot t;ui:r. under wh'.eli, wiili its br.-ad protet'tion of American iattor. e-iir iMimtrv lias prospered bevoud any other, as the biisiness j of Hit? coimlrv now ileneonls ri'iii.n tti.. i pahiicaii. alive to the demands of e i'ry mate- ing fund. They alone could use it in ..I.. . .v. ....4..-.. n ! 1.11,41. irvr- uii Undku the law t : i c board of county commissioners have control of the sink- kl-ail !e made ::t the earliest practical dav. We i-jndeain the action of the democratic ma jority in coii-ivs- in that afer rerf.tte;l pledges of tin i.'i reform, it, Ii s ut:riy 1-ule.l. wiiile h- met a lai-:" majority in tho iiouse oi" i-fl'r.;-" Miia'ive-i, v.neie t inll" hills n:;:st rii liate, to bni'.ji ;i!,,ut sucli ref'.rtn, which mu-t come from liie party that has i v"r been the 'a tend ot liie AiaiTtcan laborer and producer. i"llV iatnful 1 ua.i::s o' l!ie AnuTiea.i peon'e are ti tie to lliose who d-'fer. i,; l the union in i'he l.tte war an t we are m favor of providin-; ; ensiens fr s.ildiirs a filiors wti'o wiTi disabled ii. Its service or who have since. wit'r. 'iit tlicir fault or vice, Ijeetnue objects (,f p'.iblie or private charity and to the widows i ao i :i r.ha '- m iliose w ho tell in ,1 defeT se. Wo heartily sympathize v.ith the a ubitioa ati.t fit -lis 'f lh pairi its of lielaiid in their eiuie.iv,ns to o":::i;-i for their c 'litry tin? blu-sinii'" id' free institutions and locV. selt Sovor.imeiu. We ieou:i-e i harles t-re.v-art -arne!l and tin- Ft." Hon. Willia n K. (tl id stoa? wortiiy cii impious of the f iiuiameiaal .. prin.'iu:.U of the iJecIara; ion of Indepen dence. V-. e ceiideinn the action of the president in his att-mipt lo return the trophies won bv bravery on the f: of battle. We condemn liie ii :nov. intolerant and par tisan aeti.iu oi l tie democrat ie party m exclad ia- fi-i the p Ivi!.,'es of state fittztnship the hair nul ion p-opp? of DaU; I . o!ely i n the en manly und indelensib'e ground d' ii difference in political viewi. Aot content with their r J Jits to exelaue the ne-ro from the elective franchise, they now seek to proscribe an intcl lr'jat. pros er..iis :;nd patriotic people because id r'.i 't r poii'ieal pi:,i1;i;s. 0 Wo vi'?w with alarm tin abuse of the veto i.- -.-p n;e presiueut of the Lniteil States, A i.ow.-r from the use of which Ku-Iand sov- i i ii..j iiiivL- .i.iscaiiien ior iwr cimtunes; a pov.eritsej but mx timesdurim; the lirst forty years of our national government, a power b the people intrusted to the president for the pin pj-r of preventing h;'.itv letsl-ition, has bv tn i.resent iiieambent of that i Idee been nseil to thwart tUo v. eil ascertained will rt t!:e peo P.e a-id to rusit Ih-ir repeated ilemands. lie has. in one-lii!f of a siie;p; tt.ii of ollice. Used t he power i.n.te times I the predecessors eomo'uod. fiehs so-mht bv all the pri ce tieuird use of extraorilmary power, to cj:i"ti ir.ti li.mteif a co-ordinate branch of the n i iioaal !e!taiure. Jle his frequently evr- ised tins 'one peweT- by the. ci-war.i!v method of tii-. "pocket veto" bV which impm t aat measure- have been defeated without aey reason belli... tiven for v.itiiholdim; its :;p prjva'. Vote the republican ticket (Streight i. any way. Yv"hr don't Sherman ask them to invest or loan the money? The Jour nal knows that the county treasurer can not do otherwise than to hold this mon ey subject to their order. Tin-: rotten and corrupt methods of Senator Gorman were again successful in the Baltimore elections. The Hfuald would be pleased to see or hear of a city that has- been under democratic rule for any length of time that was not rotten from stem to stern. Purify your poli tics and keep it pure by electing re publicans to oflice. AVhy so much croaking all at once about Sir. liiguins covering back this interest money into the county treasury bv him if ehctcd to that office. All this talk has been done by Mr. C. Whopper c . c a i r 7 i I ' ,-snerman ot tue jourua,; no one nasevcr ,.mlorsc :uk1 recommend the following heard Mr. Iliggins say it, and no intelli gent mtn would belk-ve him if ho did Oi:a neighbor Sherman, of the Jour nal, is prating through the columns of his paper about his honesty and incor ruptibility, and uses his paper to attack men on the republican ticket who would need no defense, were it not for the fact that perhaps all our people do not know the scotce from which it oi igntttes. The fertile brain of the editor of the Journal is ready at any and all time to invent and promulgate a falsehood. Witness: I lis bills to the citv for pub lic printing were presented to the city of I'lattsmouth each month and sworn to by the editor of the Journal as being just and correct and wholly unpaid, and being presented to the finance com mittee "of the council in that shape were paid right along until soni3 member of the council investigated the facts and found that Mr. Sherman had sworn to accounts that were false and was through his slick dodge, over Sj.200 in the city's debt, and to-day the citizens and tax payers of I'lattsmouth have to their credit that amount of stock in the sheet that is trying by every slum and false hood of which they are capable, to de fame the characters of some of the best men of our fair city. Iking caught at his little game of beating the city he argued with the finance committee that he would pay back (is not that a con fession of guilt) to the city each month, he bringing his future bills to the legal price and tha city to deduct 50 per cent of his claims until the deficiency was made good, the delllcicncy being the amount lie had gained fraudulanlly, swearing to false statements of accounts due him from the city. And this is the man that asks the citizens of PJattsmouth to believe that all nu n that will not cater to his depraved way of doing business, "are dishon. st and unwo'iliv of the con- Hdrnce of the people." Don Cameron's Opinion. Keokuk CJate Citv: Don Cameron is credited with saying that unless there is a financial panic or something to make public discontent with and opposition to Mr. Cleveland, he will be re-elected. In saying that Mr. Cameron expresses a very common opinion, yet according to Prof. Thorold Rogers, of England, it is not just'iiefl by t he facts of political history. Prof. K. says that the people change parties and administrations in tim-s of calm, and not when there is conllict. You can easily see the reason of it. In times of calm and prosperity men are different, but opposition and strife make them partisan and they fight for their ide. Especially if their side is in power they then light for it with the keen vigor of aroused patriotism. 3Ir. Arthur, who was an excellent president, had no strength because his administration was good that it stagnated of its own calm and public indifference. But Lincoln, ind Grant, and Jackson, and Jefferson had to fight a bitter opposition, and they were invincible. Mr. Cleveland is in danger because of the political calm. Mutt i .'formation to Capital Seeking Investment POINTERS ABOUT PLATTS MOUTH. It is iho itcwt.v lo thfrri-:it SHtlt riiitteconntry It is .situatol vn the, M'wuvi llivt-r t the month d tlu- I'ltitto. at :i :th,ut lialf way between Clii- iiiro and lA-!!V( only two Jiours by rail from Liu join the capittil, and ioity iiiiiiiiti-K from Oiualia, the metropolis oi tli; iSttite;. J,ojiil:itio:i t.boiit I'.OtMi ami raj. idly increasing;. Has olio or tho finest systems of Water "Works in the State. Streets are well lighted by A street railwav in ojiertition. ( ratios oi tlie Greets est.-.biislrjMl, and bonds voted lor the in.rj.oso of oonstructiii Fewerae and paving; of Tjiin Street, work to commence thereon in tho sj.rii.g; of ISS. lias a line four story hio-h school building and six ward school houses. Aside from business houses over 100 residences have been constructed during tho vetir Is ST. An Opera Uonso eo.diu 5.1, OUO. Nebrasktt Preserve and Cannin- itictury, capital 1:1,000,. capacity ;i00,000 cans per year and em iiloys -10 hands JJnck and Terra Works, eaj.ital -.j0,000, cap-iciiy 1,00 bricks d.ay, emj.loys unity Plattsnu.ath Ctmniii l actory, capital :iO.)i.o, caj.ritity l.U)!,0U() cans year and employs hands, turns over in one year's business about sli0,0o0. Two daily papers; one liejuiblican and one .Democratic. Schr.clbachi r l)iirv and wtijfuii lac tor A'. , Pepporhopr's eitir mtinufactorv, emplovs lifleen litmus, and hirgely riij'jtlies the trado crn Nebraska. Dufuor t'c Co's. new Packing House. Tlie gre-ifc V. 'I!. Cc (v. Ua.:Sro:vl machine sliops, round hou-es, storehouses, t:c., are maintained at this point for the use of its system west of the. .Missouri Liver, emjdoying many hundrels of hands, and disbursing to employes monthly about r0,U. One of tho iinest railroatl 'bridges in the United S!aks ? pan:, the .Missouri J liver at tho Southern limit ol the city. Over miles ot railroad conveys its freight traiiio into and through our cily. Ten passenger 1 ruins kv;ve PI:itt.-?moiilh daily for norlh, south, etist and west over tiie V. 15. & Q-j K. 0., St. doe k C. P. :iud tho Ii M. IL IL in .W.-braska. io cheapiie. good railroad facilities, make it not only a pleasant place to reside, hut a desirable place ior the establish ment ot manuhicloiics. To healthy, legitimate i.w;nuf;;etoring enterprises, tho citi;-:ensot Plat t.-nioti; ii would doubtless mako reasonable iinlucemonts tv secure their location, and correspondence is solicited. "While re;tl estate values are growing iirmt.-r e.ieli dav, y-l there i- nothing t p'ruiat i e or fictitious about them, and o'ood ivs'deueo lovs can be bou;-ht at from s !.',() to S)o'; land near the citv can bo pur- 125 of Kouthwest- rni .. i . i'.l t .i. l m n. . .1 !. ... i . i i. . . t . ......1,,. ,,.;il. cnea one.-:, oi mu i;tn' aroiiiKi i laiismoutn ami us nearness ro uiaua maiuo, uui .i naa :;ere. Villiin t! i:e chased at from S'J(K) to S(ji) Missouri! Pacific and the Ont thn r.nd Southern L'tiilways into ii twelve months our cil v i ei !s to welcome the eo:j) i The above facts tiro given without exae-gerat i-.u v.vA the .;-;-p -cts i limits. tiie iiiturt: j.r.-sjM.-rity of our city, more man tmovo nulicare.!. t tiriiv- seKiug are earnestly requested to tmd make persom;! invest ig-at;on. 'h:; h ride to South Pari:, the mos? b .ant and desirable reid-nco loe.dit v in purcliased at from SlTW) to -OO, each. This ;icf iirestiuo ;i idition is itee.v 1 , 1 t ! . . Ill .1 1 coin i venues or oy toouth Wa street, an-t may oo! in a ten niint!.. v.-.tiu irom ino ou.-ines:s cen ter. South i'ark is more rapidly building up than any other part of the cily. Corrc.-poi.deiiec solicited. :u ve.-t ments m lu'tilty re you viil be given a free the citv, wdiere lots mtiv be- -:b!(! by cii her Chicago or Lin- ECTW3cr r1 t an jra BV, 3T-! rrx- n W lvr Kj. KiixMxJ V V iil wU.i.Ju'. L.-i,-i. A MOST INTERESTING STUDY. faew Dcoarture. Viro the unsersigned druggists of Plattstnouth do hereby announce to our patrons and friends that we can heartily say it. Ji::k Dams Georgia. seems to l3 kinir m What was the matter with loaning the county funds when John Cummings was treasurer, Mr. Sherman; and what was the matter with loaning the county funds when Mr. I'attersan was treasurer? Al though Mr. Patterson is head and shoul ders atn.'ve the majority of his party ami made us a good county treasurer yet it is not denied but what he conducted the oflice ju.-:t as Mr. Campbell has don remedies of the Quaker Medicine Com pany: Balyeat's Fig Tonic, Dr. "Watson's Xew Specific Cough Cure, and Heap's Arnica Salvo, for the reasons that we know what they contain, and are 'the re suits of science applied practically. Wir.L. J. Wakkkic. TIIE FINEST AND BEST $2.00 MEN'S BUTTON AND CONGRESS SHOES AT MERGES. Ileal estate and abstracts. dtf "W. S. Wish. Tiik democratic party must indeed l e in close straits to be again compelled to start their Plattstnouth smut mill. . The "Wko will go on Sherman's bend? Parties from Ghnwoo b Look out for that "sinister look" C. Whopper Sherman's eye. I:-' Mr. Iliggins will iend the cou?;ty funds, dots Sherman expect to borrow '. Tuk republican county ticket is choice one and any scratching, whatever, will be an error. Danger In Flour Dust. Be careful in handling naked lights around boltinir chest s Not lonr aero a correspondent Journal, attnougn tlie local- page is entered a rail! and touml the miller searching usually clean and - decent, is generally for Ins hair, eyebrows and beard. Ho was ,?-inv iiiif .1.11.11 v..i;ine teetwl light to illuminate tho interior. No on somebody. It is generally understood I sooner was the light thrust into tho chest Unit-. thr rorii-il nl.tun liooi-vol unnn ft I than the miller was startled by a flash aud a Smith by the Journal elected him may or; if the same mill keeps on grin. ling, D. A. Campbell will surely be next coun ty treasurer. Worr.n the funds of Cass county b sife in toe hands of Mr. Iliggins with Mr. Sherman deputy ? Evr.:: dollar of the ion!;ty funds is stfe and will be turn'M.1 over t.i Mr. Ilig g;ii3 if elected and can tile the bona. Mr:. CamciikMi's bonJsmen are not alarm jd by anything the Jcurnal may say, as its reputation for truth is naught. Wm:x Mr. Slicrman, o.- any other man, says David Campbell has loaned any of the county funds, he states what is abso lutely false. Tin-: southern papers are now filled with references to "Ex-President D.ivis" nnd the incident nt Macon, Ga., somehow recalls those rebel flags. rhock. When he picked himself up his head was as bald as a celluloid billiard ball and his flowing beard was floating around the mill in gaseous form, sensible only to tho nose. rortunately tlie nre did not spread ami tho accident was not reported. Milling World. Tin-: e iitor of the Journal has got down low enough, with probably the help of the devil, to conceive aboninible lies concerning the present incumbent of Par.gors of Foul Air. If the condensed breath collected on ths cool window panes of a room where a num ber of persons has been assembled be burned. a smell as of singed hair will show the pres- tlie office of county treasurer, and is even ence of orgnnie matter, and if the coudcned so bold as to publish them, lie intimates rcat Ui XXo min tho 'in.loi 1 for a lew days, it will bo found on examina- that 3lr, Campbell offered him one hun- tion by tho r.iieroscopo that it is alive with dred doll irs to stop lying about him. I animaleula. J t is the inhalation of air con and it wa3 refused. For what? For a taining such putrescent matter which causes half of tho sick headaches, which mia-ht bn . . I ' o - cuancc io i onow inc county sinking avoided by a circulation of fresh air. Amur- fund? We know Mr. Sherman too well ico" Analyst. - I unlrna Amnno' rnlfip. wnar l;ie. nc taue nity dollars Ior last Three prospectors in Texas came upon a fall: Mr. Sherman s abusive articles on herd of oOO cattle the other day just as eight Mr r.-,Tm.;r l! i.r,-pnti..-lr r,.r wg gray woives cue out a cowana calt ana J I iif-olipil fliwin tlipin Tl-.rt nrnx.' linltntvuil nn.l ... 1 .1 1 . -i i i 1 " t.ii.i iir.: in i.posei, uiuess n ne Tor urines at once with a rush the herd gathered and and prospective boodle, from an infamous drove away the wolves. The latter soon dis- I A. 1 1 . in ... . .irr. tr. ,1,, evil Mr r!,0.l! ., covereu anoi u-.t cow ana can, ana maue a -.' ' .. ........ Mv,k i . i ... r . i l - . ... , e iu. i . - I i iisu lei iiicui, uiiu, jii sjiiLe oi iue iinntie man of unqucstionaoie character and his eCorts of the mother, got the calf down: but official duties have not lacked attention tcgam the herd came lo tho rescue, and this i-. -!'. i i i -J time c-haed the wolves until they ERTe vv Mr. Campbell of using the county's money I San and disappeared. ew York A rhysieian Tall: About the Philosophy of Walkers and Walking. "There is no better way tp tell the habits, characteristics and occupations of people than by tho way they walk," said n homoe opathic physician of hrooklyii. "It is a most interesting study. Let w, walk along Myrtle avenue, the most ccc-niopolitan thoroughfare in Brcokh'n, and 111 try am! point out a few different type's for ynu. There comes a so ciety butterfly a pretty mi s with mincing step, ishe looks best in n. poem, for you will observe that the upper pait of her bod y bends over at an angle of nearly forty-five degrees, and that her high heels tilt her forward tiil she feels she is going to fall flat on her face. The instinct of Ketf preservation makes her unconsciously stre'.eh out iter cpen hands so as to savo herself when :-h- falls. I should say it was very laborious work for her to hobble along and keep her bustle bobbing up and down and from right to left with such clocklike regularity. "Hero comes an o.Tice clerk. He has been : at tho desk nearly ail his life, for there is nothing human left "about his figure. His right shoulder is three inches higher than his left, his back is Lent and his eU.ov."3 stand out. From leaning continually over a low desk with his legs crossed his iclvis has been thrown out of place and tho right toe turns in so that he waikj with a hoppity jump. . "That hard featured man across the afreet has ljeeu a convict. He has the regular lock step, and his right arm is uneonscionsly strctched oat in search of something to lean on as he Itends forward. It wouldn't surprise me if he sometimes rested it on some one in front of him. "The man just ahead of us, although re spectably dressed, was no doubt a tramp the greater part of his life. Notice how he shuf fles along, scraping his feet on tho sidewalk instead of lifting teem up. He learned tuat I habit from walking long diatauees in shoes j without any fastening. "The fat woman over there can hardly lo said to walk. Kho propels herself along by j moving first one side and then the other. A ; woman caino to mo tho other day who was j so fat that she couldn't put her two heels to- j getherto save her life. SI jo offered me -f 100 ! to thin her down. I told her if I could do ! that my fortune would Ik? made. i "Few people walk correctly because they j never have been taught. It is impossible to ; stand erect when the backs cf tho hands are ' turned outward and the thumbs lie next tho person. Soldiers are tlriiled to stand with the little fingers touching the stripes down their trousers. If you walk with the elbows 1 close to tho sides, and 3'ou can see the ihns of your hands as you swing them back and forth, the shoulders can't help being thrown back." Tho doctor himself was almost as round shouldered as the reporter. New York Even- ing Sun. i i What is Fame? j ,;Der ain't no uso trjn'n' a square chake in dissher country," said a tough looking j-y-ang man. i "What's do matter, p'leecc onto you ; again?'' "Naw. Hut I un d'stan Jimmy do "CruLer'.i ', got twice't as big a phortygranh in the j-ogue's gallery as I liave. Airy body knows I stand ; higher in de profession dan he does.' Wash- ; ington Critic. I Nothing nnnouuees rank, education an I ' good breeding iu women, more than tho even ness of tbeir disposition and tho desire tc please. Napoleon. Mr-.;-, i'A STA P "PT k w t;d r u' ti b & kiJLil il 'J V. At'.',.. 3DH.ZiIlJT"iS 1'SST Imp? fs:? 12 W 'K !fiT i r.z- i - tin i i v SI. B. KUEPKY & CO. ABLES 1 L.U.... ,gj B..i.. . i i i i i . Hue iiythi:1. -yY wm:ic Ux in ;i 1 v. o v. I vl:t-c:w! go r.M-t lo :; ' ""!! CARRIAGES w- il 'Jul i i- I i tj r - I-' t i. K; j JJ AND j'hvays I:.- t .-:( y. Cals or tight ca: 1 in gas. p;i.0.. . nd evcrytlii::g i'ur l';;!:cr:u luniislic-d on. t!;ortiictiee Tt'nr's ''