'i ' AS FLATTSMOUTH, NEI5KASKA, FKIOAY KVKNIXCJ, OCTOlilili !2S, 1HS7. XUM1U2U 41. FIRST YEAH GII'Y O.KJ-TIGJ'irlS. Mayor, Cicrk, TiT:iMiirr, Attorney, J'ollCC .llllle. Mandrill. Councilincti, Is. ward. .1 I) Si v I'SON : 11 Smith J II Watkic.man liVlt'lS I'l.AIIK A M.MOM.K J S M VI II KMS V 11 MAI.I..K .1 V Wkckiiach I A W Will I K ) 1 MM'iNM t W'M W'KISf IC M It .Ml lM'll V 'l S V ii;it n j K S liKKisi-.i. I 1 M'.'U N. I'llKS 3;.l Uli 1 .1 XV Johns in. 15o:ikI Tub. Works Ki:tM. ;ohi.ku I It 11 llAVKSV( .1 V. Johns iN.t'n Alit.UA' oltrn GOL" VilY OKKlGlcIiS. Treasurer. lcui(y r.c.iitirer. - Clerk. lti'iMiiv I'l'-rk. k f li -ii n;'. 'o ii", siKTitr. lfiiity Sli-iiir. hui vi-yi'. AUoiiii-y. Hit;t. of I'uh School, County J u l ie. II A. I AVI I.KI.I. J. M i:oi:iNso.- i 1 IIW, I Wl.l.lll I I'. Ml' MlKHSON V. li. .Sll.C.VAI.I Kit J . t K 1 K I . N It A U IS. C KOMASS A, AlAOol.K A i.i.i:n Hicks. x MWNAIIII Sl'lNK C. ltt'SSXLI. r.'i !l Of MUl'l-'.KVlSoltS. I.wuii I'.vi.t.. rii'm., Wcepin c XV Uer A. IS. 1 mil, - l"l .t'.si.i.uilh A. 11. 1)1 KHi.N. - K ll.WOOll GLVIG SOGIJrU'cS. 1A'SS I .O in;- .Ni. lie. I ). O. V. Meets v'cvi-rv Ti'i'i-il:!V eveioii; of s:i-li wcei;. All trai.yinit lu it !!! .s :ne f ire; lt:liy iiiif-it to Mtll'Illl. 'i "..Z. r "."'J:. , . V,r : ,:'. r.wi.. .t t i' il....i. hail. Tl-i-:s:e.il t-r.l i ' ar- lesp. ;.M : u, ly i:,- itedtoall I. I . 1. U iiite, .M :!-!'; V nl'U n-i:i ; K. a. aiii i i i.-.i.e.n ;' i .1 Moi-.i.i. v -r.-i.fr ; J. li. M.nili. Iti ei.r.!. . - . , . i , l l . liilil.'I'V M'.'.l .Ultl.'V J of Vmi-ik'.i Meets e.:i.inl an.l f i;rtli Mori- j Vit .o-J'ei. il' TTt i No'.ve. er. Vener :.n ;;.!; . i'. i'ih'--. j Wortliv r. ier : 1), ii. i-iiiit u, 1-:; -iSauUer ; . C. Will tis, ii rl.. li,ATrsiut; i ii i.'.iiiwi-; vf. s, a. o. r. w. A .M-et- ev.-;y :;li-in.iii- l-'iiihsy evening al Itoek wouil Iniil at s o'elo ; . Al! : I :t!isi.-;.l l:. ! !i crs an- ivs;ee! t ".illy i -i v i I 1 in alteml. .1. A. iitit-.eiie, ..1. V. ; :S. (', i..V'-ii. Ivieiii,'.:i : r-. C. Wil ie, Keciirder ; V. Ae-.ve-.ni.er. ver-.eer. F.'Ss'JOriirFiE POST 4S C. A. R. Uovr.-.i;. J. V. J.IMNSOV '. S. I'wi - s K i. ;-. n i i.Ks A ei; !'::rs n.. M I.:N ll i Cm i:t.i:s 1-.no I'.KN.f. llr.iici.i' Jai'oj. i ! rt : s . h y. s. ..ronniatuier. . S' l.i.-!- Vice .,'a-,i.r Ai.ji'a-it. i. .M. ! -!liee;-.i I lie 1,: . .. .. " " ;i:anl Ser-:r Major. .iu:ir. er Mas'cr S-n:. A i. I'll x V Kiie-T, l'o t L'liat'iaia Ali-'etini; -altirilay eveiii.i'. v ILL Wtu -DEALER IX r-1 I HI 'ML!: AND- S53ciaIAt:eiit on niTeaf atcli Retiring WE WILL HAVE A OA s a 3 B J 3 S -OF- HOLIDAY GOODS, ALSO 5" Liorar? - Lamps i J Ja I OF , tr.nrtn i U J- CM r; hm MM 1 i -J I uu VT THE USUAL Cheap Prices AT- S3IITH & BL iCIi'S. ; I j i GEICERAL Ilopreseiit ;e l'IIoWt!:cr tli'iv' ti'ie.I I iii (.);np.i!)ic? : At:verli-.n V:i'ri!-S . I. oi's. A--''ts ?:.-2."-s e:i C-M'.i'.se.V t! U.r-.u-:-: '.vhmd. " 2 '-:). I Fire A-siK-hci ".-!;f i! ot 'tl'hia. " l.r"..'. FrasiUbn-riii'--.!, Id's. " S.ltT.I-.-iJ II :m--X-".v V'.-'i. " 7.s -,.-.! I s. I' .-.of North .Xo'Cii'l Phil. S.ITI tl I.'V 'rio.)li!.'.:d li & !;. .!-Mat; " c..-:m.:i N'rth r.r'ti-!i "'envm il'.'-!:r.g " y..Ts.TC-j Nir.vieii LTti',-!'.av,;u; 1. ' I -- - Bpitiigt ehl F. M.-Springaelii. " s.js...i5: Tote.! A-si ts.SS il774 ; j r osses Afjustsd aai Fail at tMiency JBWBln IP6 r uaifln E 5 r" ?! 5 O ' never noeti' l''e:n and pushed out. !j t Moirnnr o n I A,,o,it h'iIf wa-v vcr tlu-y cluti-rca al,oi;t i s r f 1 1 v fy s m ii i his ,,i;it s thkk as to imv i 1 S L. 5 S LA S 8 1 I O I Vo vvil j ,,ri.ss anti tK,n hc, s:nv peril- Club- Latest by Telegraph. uo:;kvi.i am stoj.kn. A d'ebraskan Appointed- WasIUNOToN, !). (.'., Oct. 27. TllC. president to-day appointed Victor Vil quaine of N. braska to be United States consul at Colon, Kiepubiic of Columbia. Kteamship An iyals. Sol tiiami'Ton, Oct. ST. Arrived The Trave, from New York for Dremen. Ni-.w Y(i,;k, Oct. 27. Arrived The City of Itichmml, from Live rpool, and j tll Stat-.: ol Indiana, from Glasgow. t)i:KicaToVN. Oct. 27. Arrived The v ' Germanic, from New "l ork. A Stancipipo Col!cpscs. Kociiimi.k, N. Y., Oct. 27. About 4 o'clock this afternoon the 8 necu Falls Water company's -tamlpipe burst and fell. It was feet high and thirty-live feet in diameter. The iro:; w-i;. thrown in all directions and th; house of Mrs. Charles Carron was entirely Mibmcrgvd and was washed. oil its foundation. Tho damage will reach s.'O.OO'J. SUortor Time Across tho Continent Siv l'mvrrvi I'll. (),.tl...r : Vioe-F: lilent I'otter, of the I'nion Fa cilie Kailwav, :-tated this afternoon to an Associated Frcss reporter that iloaiis l;vc been been prr.ciiculiy conu.Ictcd lor - .nin.r the tim J across the rontinent on west-bound tiavel tin- Lmon and Central i'ai ilie roads, by which the regu lar passeng.-r train from tin; F.i.-t, leav ing Omaha the same, time as under the present schedule, willanive in this city sixteen hours earlier. The new schedule wiil go into eif-ct about November lo. - - - 9 - A Trsircy-Fivo-Ton Teloscope Ci.kvi::.aM). O., Octvb'cr . The .id inch telescop.', the largest in the woild. which was dt.v-igir.id and built by War ner & Swansoy. is linis'ued, and will at otice bo shipped to its destination, on Mount Hamilton, Cal., where it will be placed in Lick Observatory. The col umn is of c:et-i run, 10 by 17 feet at the base ami 1 by S feet at the top, and weighs IS tons. On this column rests the head, weighing 4 tons, in which a steel polar axis. 10 feet long and twelve inches in diameter, sup-ports the declina tion axes, also of st-vl, 10 feet long and 10 inches in diameter, weighing 2o00 pounds. The steel tube, 5' feet 0 inches long, is 4 teet in diameter at the center, tapering to OS inches at each end, and weighs over four tons. The driving clock and balcony for the assistant as tronomer is reached by a spiral staircase on the south sitle of the column. The center of motion is .57 feet above the base and when the telescope is pointed to the 7.enith the object glass, which is o(5 inches in diameter, is (I5 feet from the base. The total weight of th.- telescope is thirtv-iivc tons. Terrible Fate of a JViai. Carrier- Jacksonville. Fi.i., Oct. 2-?. Jamss E. Hamilton, the mail carrier between Miami and Lake Worth, an th ; South 0 coi:,i ,ct. at Hillsborough Inlet lursdav. Tiiese I inlets are dangerous places to cros?, the i 1 ..i. J . 7- .A ..r. I swill current iru::i me LUiuuts m.ti- , , - SI1 t!ic tuics rinil producing strong cross- currents. T'uev t'.re cross'.'d in sm iil ooats. Owing to the immense quantity of lish i to be found here the ferocious man-eating sharks abound. Hamilton was an ath letic young man, and carried the mail between the. two places, some seventy-live miles, on his back, walking near the m- 'irc.ditanco t'ae beach. Tuesday he left the Orange Grove House of lie.uge and about noon arrived at the inlet. TIu sharks were unusual! v thick, but : bing his oars he began striking at thciri. ! The blows only seemed to irritate the. I tierce creatures, and soon both oars were ; bitt'-n off ami dashed from his hand--. The ferocious sea wolves scented blood. and leaped ten and twenty feet out of i the water in their eagerness, I Attacks then began on the bot, huge pieces were bitten out; of th" b;-g;;n to i'til with water, and !es. it 1 tamiiton i. ' became era 7. d vsit'n fee.r. Tearing elf the s-its, he struck at t!j h.rks wildly: hoping to fiiuht n them off. One huge shirk drove at -the boat full tilt, and tlie sliock threw Hat.. ilton in tht; midst " of theexp: ctant tig rs. A horrible shriek i. . ,i. . . tM a-uii.i lo'ii; on. ii.. i.'uoku x.. i i... i-.e-n-u Vi..u,.r) nni t.l(.r nothing it'iild be seen, for th furv of the mad erevtures threw . , , r , up vast shcti.3 Oi wter. .vnid.l nMi.T- man, who witnessett th tcrnuie scene from n distance, carried the news to the next station. A searching party was sent out, but only the fragments of the boat were found. The shock is so grunt tli ere tliat no one has yet volunteered to c airy the innil over the rout. A STRUGGLE IN SUGA '.i A Plantation Striko Which Cails for tho Miiltla. 2ni:w Oui.KANd, La., O.t. 2 Two days ago a general striKe occurred on the sugtr lant:itions throughout a largj por- tion ,f tile sugar belt of the state. Tin; n.-gro laborers under the l -t.derJiip ot o f the Ivnig'.lts of Labor had demanded advance of 2 j cci.U per dav, the .res- . . . ' , . . . cut rat.; being ..,1 rations. llus !.-ing refused the negroes became violent ami refused to let others work. To-day ov. McE:i"ry received a dis patch from J. .1. Shaffer, a Terre Donne planter, stating that his plantation was in the. hands of the strikers, and asking for assist .'tn''c, the parl'di aulhoritii s be ing una'.le to protect hi;:i. Thereupon tliL- governor orde.vd a detachment of n.iliti t. to the. s.-.-n-; of th-: troubb; to act uteler orders of ike civil authorities. A detachment of artillery w-ii leave ihi; city in the mor".ing for Terre Donne witii a Galling g;:n and thrt.e-inch riile. 3EFOS:ZTHE SUPHEaIE COUHT. 3o;r.nln3 cf tho Arijurnont m tho Anarcaist Casus. Washington. Get. 0 -i. A iargc num b"r of people went to the capital yester day to ntUnd the anarchists heating, but as the court room is .'mall, only about one hundred and fifty got in and several hundred jailed to get admission. The proceedings v.vr:: very solemn. All the judges paid c lose attention to arguments nrodueed and several of them inter rupted th : attorneys to ask them ;lis. The i'liarchists council made an interesting picture. Den Dutler was there in line broad cloth, swallow tail coat, broad shirt front and a very !ine button hole boquet. Next to him sat Roger A. Fryor and Randolph Tucker. Desidc these sat Captain Dlack and Salmon, the Chicago lawyers. At the other end of the table sat Attorney General Hunt, of Illinois, State's Attorney Grinnell and assistant, all three very plain matter-of-fact looking men. Randolph Tucker made the first argu ment and one thrt surprised those of his old friends who were present. He has always been an extreme state's rights m;:n, but yesterday claimed that the fourteenth amendment to t'ua federal constitution virtually makes the supremo court the guardian of fdl the rights and privileges i.f every citizen in till the states and con fcrs upon it the power to practically re view all license in state courts. Attorney General Hunt answered in a clear, calm, plain argument, which was highly intere.-ting, and was considered equal to the defensive argument. The catire afternoon was taken up in lengthy argument. Inventor Edison's Method of Fun. A rcjiorter casually met Air. Edison this week, and ho happened to be in more than his usually jolly mood and by the way ho is apparently in the ruddiest health and best of spirits. To the inquiry if he had anything new Mr. Edison replied: "Yes, I have made a fresh discovery of no little imjiortanee a great advance in electric art tested its practicability and realized suc cess; but I will not name it now. Hereto fore when I have invented or discovered something and published its details the scien tific pajjers have soon after teemed with an nouncements of anticipations, prior experi ments, hints about 'piracy and stolen thunder, etc. According to these I have never pro duced a prototype, nothing but ioor, miser able little antityivs. Xow, this timi I'm going to have some fun v.-i1h the boys. My new dis covery is fully recorded, but I will not pub lish it for six months! You may give this formal notice, so that the bibliophiles and prior inventors may have the lirst chance, j with lots of time to get the laugh on me. j -'IS me oil men , i ui u.oi.n k.j m- on , , . , , , sand,' but propose to plug the well and hold it as a 'mystery' tor six months. Jt, meantime, no claimant appears with a full description of the 'mystery' I'll draw the plug, and I think 111 ba entitled to nail ray sign on that property." Electrical Review. The Canes of tlio Dudes. The canes of the dudes take on wondrous forms. Ed Knox, who went over to London this summer, told me something about it the other day. The stick itself is nothing. It may 1h3 baruboo, rattan or witch hazel. But the head is the thing. The real English fashion is to have tho head so large-anil so odd that no one else can have anything like it. These heads are of carved and stained ivory or silver. Representations of crocodiles' heads, clcphants' heads, turbaned Turks, swarthy I negroes, dogs, horses, birds and rabbits are j all brought into use. One car.e made in London for a special I ?7ev.-York order is the head of a menkr of ; the Old Guard with his bear skin cap. It is ! of silver. Another is a globe with a map cf : the world, and still another is a cigarette and I match box combined. Among horseman the j fashionable tmng is to nave a uoiiow sue. . rv a v v .u-wa vH J - i.--ow.-.-".t j . a measure for the beiznt of horses, iheugly n measure for the neiznt or dorses, ineugiv face of Mephistopheles is utilized as a cane ornament by a i-utn avenue sauntered an. some Englhmen carry ivory busts pf Queen Victoria since the jubilee. Tho cost of such canes is s to jew x oris ir'oun. i FIFTY YEAIiS AfiO. A TM WHEN RAILROAD TRAVEL WAS VERY UNCOMFORTABLE. l'ashnK'r Carried In Ojicn Triuko I'it tetl with Wooden .Scats Tlio Story Tohl by an I'tigliKli Kitilwuy Journal Utile iijkI ICei;u!Cioun. Fifty years ao third cJa-ss i;as.senfrs were ' carried in ojhii wagons or trucks, fitted with ..,s.v.i i ... i - 1 , riflf,..s wenj ult:lL.Il(,, t ,,!(. Uninil T!u. ic-on 1 class e.nriages were, in regard to com- fort. Lut if ""ytliing, Utter ti.an tlio hUk T1h ,0 was no ;;!ai.-r, and tho parti- tions above tho level of the doors, dividing t:'? ca:ria-e into six nmii'iartmt-ts, cacti made i.li seat twelve pfrsti.-.s, wen- formed of ;a:i!S iIltt.rial, and udniittin- free currents of wind an. I air, to tlio discomfort of t'ao un- ! fortunate travelers. I ho jassenord for tho various intermediate ttations wero put into s parato compartments and the doors locked. Tiio clear length of i-ach compartm-'iit ou some lines wan only 8 feet 7.1 inches, and the widtii 4 fef t 4Yt inches, c a-eh seat being 15 leches m width. Stout pa-singers had some diiiiculty in squeezing through tho doors. which wero only IS inches u ide. TLo first glazed and ineh fed second class carriage that ever ran upon a railway was i:i tho lir.-t ex press train that ran between London and Ex eter. Tho journey was made i:i five hour, and the performance was regarded as nno i f tho marvela of railway traveling. Today there aro in tho United Kingdom about ."t, OOy carriages, many of which aro fitted with tho luxuries and beauties of a drawing room, and even tho third class are more comfort able than tho first of fifty years ago. X'ot only are most of these carriages com fortably and conveniently arranged, but tho safety of those woo use tumi j.s increased b' appliances which wero not, even dreamt of by our railway forefathers. Oc tho total rail way carriages 91 per cent, aro now fitted with continuous brakes, while!) I p-r cent, of the dowsdo lino of the country is worked on tue absolute blocK system. TfCtvETS AND IlA'tGAGi:. The method of issuing tickets fifty years ago was very dilrereat from that now in us From the earliest liiu.-.s of railway traveling tin' tlato was required ta bo written on tho ticket, as well as the amount of fare and the timo of tho train by which tho passenger was to start. These particulars had to bo entered on a counterfoil in th" hook of tickets. mo arrangements lor luggage wero tie light fully simple. ''Each passenger's luggago will," said the time bill, "as far as practicable, be placed on the roof of tho coach i;i which he has taken his place; carpet bags and small luggage may bo placed underneath tho seat opposite to that which tho owner occupies."' A capital arrangement for securing punctual attendance was tho announcement: "Passengers intending to join tho trains at any of tho stopping places are desired to bo in good time, as the train will leave each station as boon as ready, without reference to the time stated in the tables, tho main object being to perform tho whole journey as expe ditiously as possible. Passengers will bo booked only conditionally upon there being room on tao arrival of tho trains, and they will ravo the preference of seats in the order in which they aro booked. Ko persons are booked after the arrival of the train. All persons aro requested to get on and alight from tho coaches invariably on the left bide. as the only certain means of preventing acci dents from trams passing in an opposite di rection." NO SMOICIXG ALLOWED. What would modern travelers snv to the following notice: "Xo smoking allowed in the station houses or in any of tha coaches, even with tho con sent of the passengers. A substantial break fast may ba had at tho station house at Bir mingham by parties going by the early train, but no person is allowed to sell liquors or eat ables of any kind upon the line. The com pany earnestly hope that tha public will co operate with them m enforcing this regula tion, as it will bo tho means of removing a cause t f delay and will greatly diinink-h tho chaiica of accident." Tho engines in use on tho Stockton and Darlington line in 1.7 weighed about twclvo tons, and had li.V.j inch cylinders and a piston stroke of 15 inches. Ths tiuve p dr.? of wheels were each 4 feet in diarei?rcr, an-1 t ho pressure of steam varied from H:i pounds to GJ pounds. Many of the engines had only four wheels, and ii was considered a great step in advance when bix wheel engines were placed on tho railway-", the argument in t-ia';- favcr being that, if by air-' accident oiiv; i f tho six wheels broke, the e.:gino would sr;!l remain erect, while if one of the four c-k2;;j.s1 t!. j result would be the downfall of th .- lee.-K-iotivo. Ou the Birmingham and Derby j:;:ietio;i line tho engines wjighed ten tons ten hundredweight, and tao two driving whe-'ia wero 5 feet 6 inches, and the four carrying wheels 3 feet 6 inches each. In contrast to the above, we subjoin an il lustration of the famcu3 "Marchioness of c, .., . . ., , StafToru enenic, exhibited Lv tho London . ,T . t ' - ' , "oon ' tions exhibition in li-o, and adopted as the i type of the company's espress locc-motivc-s. i ilu tender, this tytx? cf c-i:g;ne weighs lirty- four tons eleven huudi edweight, and tho cargo cf coal is five tons. The driving wheels are G foet 0 inches in diameter, and the en gine is worked at a pressure of 170 pounds to the square inch. The greatest novelty in theso engines is, however, tho adoption of tho "compound" system, by which tho expansive power of ths steam is fully utilized. London Railwav News. Blemish on Our Hospitality. "It seems ta me we have quite a ?rious blemish upon our hospitality to cur public men in subfcctiutr them under ail cH-enm- stances to the ordeal of the Land shake," aij a we; known public man. "Every re- snect is dua to the risht han-1 of fl;rn.vl,irv i;Ut when it conM to taking i:,A i,-a ,,t same fiftv to sixty of vour fellow boimrs ner mi!lcte for hours at a time tho act assumes a monotcnv that is excruciatingly painful to ho sut iect inteuded to Le however satisfactory to the cotni.limentin" people. Posiibly there is soma compensation 1.1 Lit' LIlIMli'I'L ( 1 LUt ' ' M H I nil I llo I. tl'f'ti. laiueiaougiiiui ntt oofirs Tt i to 1 hr.-i ..,..-..;, nrt. wonAm j-.nd, in tha painful haurs succeeding this well inienttoued martyrdom, may all th3 consolation that pan be derived from such u source belong to tho recipient of the honor." rhjladeloliia Call. Mi mm A i'ull iino of FROM if 2. TO :;!0. Mit-fitatWKnriiiicui-iaiU JOS. V. WECKB'CH'S DAYLIGHT STOI1E. i G3 If & B 1 ill U 1-E DliYIIQlT STOE. ALL The citi.ens of C....S count v . iil iccoLHiize - C county roo-tor ' ; -jv. ;:ig loud uiun. qi il( .Vi - FiHEST i.lUUU-:UL s MILIKARY AND CARPETS exhibited oyer all ciunpi .tit or. The award is significant in point if M.-piininy t-tyle. value antl quantity at: I will command your hearty conctii rei.ee uli-.n we a.-se: t that we have this season the grandest and !.;o.-t varied line of Fine Br? Ms. Mm, Camels, Mssimid To lie found The ladies of Plattsmouth and vicinity are respectfully invited to call and inspect some of tuc wonderful Manufactured Textile Fabriques of the age. Mpccissl t:tle cf Jircxx This Sale will continue this and all next "Vc nvo rather late in jilticiitg our rooster on the prch owiv.p; to Ihe great ri;.-h ami receipt oi new roods usakinr; earlier aTinotwtce.'neiifc impossible, but Irotn this date watch ot;r advertieintnt ainl jiroL't tiierebv. 'if White Frent Dry Good3 House. Main street Wi'.l To $.v. IT jf i. 1 . ).. t. i1 j FROM $'.. TO $12. ix all sTvi.::;. Rich A'tioclKiu ail:! For Tiirarp. FJvOM TO COMPETITION. ut a 'dance thai the above l.irl ; a f,..a - . -3 b -V 0- iind over thevictory gnined by ex xc ii' 01' JJi imL Vi IJiti UUU1JL iti the citv. GoosIk, Carpets, filks week. Great bargains will lis offered. 'lattsmouh, Neb