THE DAILY IlKIlALD, IMATTSMOUTIT. NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1SST, VIEWS OF A HEATHEN. WONG CHIN FLAWS Hi FOO PICK3 A FEW OUa CIVILIZATION. liincfio Appreciation or Modern rlaaa cliTlnjf llo-.v Civilized Tooplo "Urlrs Itach Other ( Uio Wall American Pol itico M t'ooplo ttoi;crIicK2. Tlio lliinj; that takci my ye tho most wifttnrii clvil'aticm u tho way tho Air.frirr.Ji ni'iuN mala- 1 heir tun: if y. Thcr'":; nuthh'S small alxiut ( in their rrabhhi;? (I-:.c3, t !- ability t n.i!o milliorji u;o.i nutlim.', nml the remarkably civilized way they lire ul.o'vcd t o it tabes the h atLcn'rt eye. If that lin:ui'-i. ri'!'i secret is i ntt-j ln- 1 into China ly a mi.-siniiai-y like (A. nut Milkio-wi-z, of tlii- 'li'iii .-..- bruiting syndicate, tho utile empire will become willing convert?: in asiaI-i day. 'J'oMiHi rofitable (-atcrprL-o oven II. I. M. tlio ;l;i-ror wnnH jin ia. And ihon 7"ily U tho Liiiiie.To lmmdric-3 throughout tho I 'nitiil States, and the no'.v tnniblsoin.- social ami -milt ieal probh-m of Chinese immigration would lio a thing of tho lust. THE MKIKE.VAUV A! r.P.IC AtsS. To 1 111-11 t iw .!- s. -riom tiling;, I confers I i t lint uinler-biii I w 1 1 y , for u matter ;f mero ;: i- 1 1 - i', i!i people s' cruelly nii'l per sistently crowd each other to the wall. From tiny to day, even through tlx: ri ip;I it: under tho fleet ri.r blaze, they -na:;c i:i :i wild simple for cxiilcii'-e, when I. aven has m.ido the earth to v.i'-'c forth her abundance for th'-ir c4inl"orL; v.i.'ioat tho iic-.- :. -ity of t heir kiil- i. 'i ; eui-li ! !i.-r t ;:t it. Yet t !iey Io;i"t even ailo.v their i of burdeo time to i!ia.;'.i eate ih. ir foo.1 properly. No wonder they fall I.y the road i t -. .Miacry isde? iei-.-itonv.d crime rain;ant, mil the tew successful in their liii-ineial and social aims "drop ir' .just us they nr.; all rea !;.' to enjoy life. Look at lo-.v.r rrn:i.i .v a y ilari.c; bii .hi'"-s hoius on any day,!y i.i ami about l"i;I:'oii street. Why, the i:ii.e:is,ity of lh s'ru.Ic for worldly existence j:s m:iliile te 1 there is sinply i'!ioii;',h to In eze tho nerves of any coiitenipl iti:t ; heat Ueii. Cui l.ono? Yhat u life! J!i, MiiTior lM'i:i;;s; is t':eie no more t 11! irr.nv; h; this the mo-lerii luet'ao.l of jiri'oarin; for t!ie future.' ?so wonder your jieart. di.jja.-e is co;.:;iion and Voiir liisiuiu ji.vluu:; are crowded. liar, civilization so i: lvanee.l tirit it j r; et uaily niah.s men will ing slaves iii a mui't. H' constant anil cruel jneiital au-ii' h.' l-'ashion. si;.!.1 a'ld h.ihit make it necessary jir such t- :ri:!e co;:lcntions, I !....', iis'di" most "civilix-d"' part 'f the lT:i:!id S(.i. -. .. lamily of six, poor and iilmosl depe,,,; it, v. iil lmy nr hire a?i cxpeii t.ive 11:11 ie ! . e.ill.-d a pi-mo, and phie; it in Jhe parlor jv-l f-r saoiv, ami just. !.eeai: :o oth-r liimilie .. who are U-tlcr oil" than tliey, ii. ivc th-- s:;.u ihiiii;. The heathen prefers to have n piano, liu' ha o sonulhin;; yxi I to ;at and wear. vi;:w 0:11 rui.incs. .In poli!. s, ani.iii, tin' civili.-'d Aniericau jiation, if .-..-e.: to me, everybody is boss in ihe m.i'or el' e-,, ..;-ai;:e:)t ;;ud hoIxkIv is boss, k!ut ;d: "!'-"' in;-::: .(V!.: i:i the mutter of .s.:. iv.cryhodv waul. tho ;v :i few aio ;;etiiiiC it. As a lass lawyers rale. 11' the sap : ; ft a descent is madeupoii l)lx!lc. 1 1: 1 1. rule. t!t .- fiiVh ly of ; li.'.j' ri tae saloons a:; 1 liipior di es to oecupy the i;silioi!S oi n;:sr. i.inii lii'.-n as I ne luce II. is, I'.e.ehi r, Horace tSivelcy ,mil 'tli -r i:it-i.n:r.-.vaj-.le I I , ur'rail sueii ti iiluuder t i 2so , wh; I let tua! giants left to die ai,i-a! l ui -.'ople. They are u may not, In- shrewd enou-,h qnleiJy M. mt;h. conseo ient -:i ihis outraeu'.is "up-to-V:-k" ta-;ili 1 ly ihis tiiorious lrpul.lie.' .( '.-j-teinlv the salaries id" it; ollicials do not .cat it lip. a th'-y are. with hardly an excei, tli'' potiiv'-t p-.:id o-iicials in the world, jlven a 'lid ;ra le !:iandariu of China ;;et' M liiircr salary '.'lau the presi.'.ent of the en lire I'nite 1 S;-t-cs at 1 ust iw ice theamouiit. And yet there more oilieia'.s iii t'l.i;i.-i hy ut lea-t t. n times tii.'.u there aiviti the Tutted States, and the taxation i:i that -ountry is :;o li-ht that the people hardly lV-el th.e loss, there ln-in; iri taxation noon any!l:l;;;r iu many of the 1 ro iuees i-xeept salt and land actually cuitivarcd. T.-si the latter thero is onlv something i;.Ss than 1-:.' iki- cent, of the grains raised, and upon tho former 1 percent. There is aliso'uUly 110 ta.t i:;kii hoiie-e;uLs tjy real e-lite :i. I act nail.- under calciv.-.t io'.i, ,nor any persenal p'r.'1'eriy tax. Vtt the ii:: jierial livaiiry of China is one of the richest ja .sia. Thi'iv is not a ilo"!.,r of ii-itiov.a! ! -ot CM-ept t'.l-it owed to '.he Ktllopea'is .soal.- yars ao, . ! (-;. the cpii'.in -..'.s iV.ved upon tho heathens for vhe ilea. hen t;ood. Even that outru.;eoa; vA'KU:t ha; hce:i hir;,e!y :iid oil" by the cco.v mi:-al hfiicheu politi- .cians. ri..vcK for r.i :il YOftiG MEN". If f were a vo!:i:r mm, e--!e-iv.!!y if I v.- rre i t ;:; ! hr.d a generous 'eld in rn " r.i mv Ii:n: iviiha Ho -!-;:l piK lcetlAink, 1 prefer t.. II'. e 1:1 Ameriea t- any otl'.er j la.-e .u earth, l.i. I 'u ;:j!d taie . 1 care not to i;ct old. for tlii s is a -oaiitry where nil l-ien fwl v.o:i:e:i iavariaMy take a lack seat. o;neli:nes they r:v -.sot -.'cn a'lov.ed the coraiort of liny 'eat at all. It is ( u'.y her-1 I find old men and women are servants of the heaUhf'.d youth of either vx. It seems to a comn'.oa law anion;; the pi-ople here to rais. and s.ipTH.rt chiidren tus sa:n;v uonsly as tlv ir lueaus p-jrmic i.:;d co-.-.thuie J.- support them, even lonj after they are .ribl to eai 11 Ca irown living. I'.et when it ionics' to 1 he oi l ie -pie's turn sintiniont twns t ) dwiii'lle down ahr.o.-.t to zero. In tiocie'y t!;e youa.v are i;c i:ir; 01 u..ifau.i. They are the Llooi-.iin- tl.e.-.-ers. The old jeojjle are shut uy in the kitchen behind the Uo.irs. Vhata muss the people of this country jijkc c-f th.eir love busincsjl Are thr r.nder t:xidiu;;s of the Aaurirai youth obtu.4.-i It freiiutiiTlv takes yeaisof their valuable time t whisp-r anient love to ta -h other, mvi reiueutiy, at ihe very hist mo:aent, they f.udde:ily "lin.l out th:it they did r.ot love each other at ail. "T?-ey were shiu-'.y trying to liud out each olh.-r's ivculiaritles." Occa sionally there eonrti;-..". aciually terminate in a marriage, but' as a rule the love makin;; business is then over. There fore, the only next intere.-ti:.. tiling between tht:u is u iu:-.rri'l av.d a i-voree. All American ladies like babies, but only few like to be their mothers. Even the richest Uibies will only have cows for th.eir foster mothers. This is western civiiiatioa. IVomr Chiu Too in New York YVorl.L I.otta's Cooil Taste. "It isn't the men I care about," says Lotta. with a little su.-v of the eyes. "It's the v.oiaen that; I work to please. Any one can l-lease tho men that's the easiest thine: in the world, i-ut it's cpuite a diU'ei-etit uiatter to get the- v.vmeu to liking you. I like women bea; for my friends, too, and I have them in every city in th.e United States. I like to read books that v. omen write, and, in short, to know all about them. one knows Letter than I r.ll the difficulties there are in the way of their suecess, and 110 one rejoices more than I when I Lear of one's getting ahead. They give mo my btst inspiration. L'hieago 2sews. HAEIT Or EAHL PdSING. IIom the Iiut!lciib Itliil: t ) .l lSoyhoud Arc lina.le,; oilier ISail Habits. "Early 1 i hv," lir. Seidell h.iid, "w.-is ofth"sui-i -.t. niea'r. by which in unity is uc fpiired." lb- s iiil this liebit was oriiiaaily forim-d or loici il by our l'l.riian foiefat liv.-s in New iin; land. J'ronably iiiaay of us can reriieuiln i- the 11 : L - sliocks by wi s h e w. 10 uwak in d when youusters i - .'-ly in the inoriiin. I- ! -e o..r I. rales :.nd bo.ii.a were Mj"i' iat!j n rn; r; ':l. r l v sleep from the chau iioas ni.d 1 v i L 111. -a:s of tl.e;rc- io.'i i da . Some !' i- e ;:i : in :i 1 r 1 h :' m in;-; 11 command, " ' t up. 11 e.v, ri;;l.t a v. ay. or you can't ba-.e a:.y I re 1 !: I :: : t. " T! ere was a command. co;ip!.! .i:h a thnat, aad aji-pli.-il in .-ueii a icacM i- .-: to ki-nlh- i 1 the la al t. of t in- epiu.'t l:oi! tor rrsther I ;.) (lie liei ee (iriv of a . ' 'lbbo.-'i 1, -i Th in alienable ri.-l.ti of ar; I.. ylioi d had licen invade I. and tin- hi ! . i uriilii;; -pas Ion of anger was cri. d in the ii; -art of lie !. e, (itthe vei-y out. 1 t of .niotla r day's experi ence. Whet rou ' d (10:11 : !-.- by such a itart'ine; in junction, tin- Ixiyi.h vieiiui ri lua'.i -d "as m id as u Mau h h-tre" all day. A '-rempf nr.v couuunnd to t. up .'. I.e. i one".; Klcep is yet nn!:ni..h- d is a command wliii-lt grinds the soul, curd!' -s t!i bloi. 1, s wells the p!"i 11, t'i -ets all ; iod iiitea; i, r-, and dis till bs for an e::1 ire day th'- im. 1 1 ! 1 ae . it ie i of a boy, just as a tornado di' : m !.s ;:! 1 levels with advancing ruin a fi r: -,! 1 f iiii;.;':ty pines. "Anoihir h-ibit, bu! al.s peruic-ous one, is that of li.-iii;; loo lat in the n 1 :!iia;, while slill aiiother habit l"nn:iig to brie,,' ou in anity is t he h i!. it of 10,1 .in;; me's r., if sud d' i:'v a:'l r a long night's ; i 1 ,i. After tho brain has been in an a:::, inie ;;i ' ii : 11 for .-evi ral hoars, and after the meat.-d':es l.avc Ih'i n j.i-acltcally sus: m'.-d e.u ::; r t I'.d u l'io'1, t!ic )-. .m:ii.!ii..-i of tae'.';.! ;.etvj!v should I, very jrra.lurd. A p. ison v. ho waki ns sn.lilenly, i h.ak'-s hine. !i" and ji:::;; s out of bed ;:s if b' i.:s:!rii-l: by ii;' i:t i.i! ; , v. ill certainly injure I,;..; l.r.:in if he i o: -tinues that habit for a su'heient. Jeu.c.liiof time. The sudden l:i h.i c ( f t he b!' m 1 . Is by too sharp .-cJivity ;:l ;.r a ! lag u i!l i:i tin 10 pro: luce r. .i;:at 10,1, po i!.i 1 1:; dure, in the walls of the cerebral-.' vh. A 1 -boii should w;:!:e:i h;ms- !f s!.,v, ly. i:ud i hon'd list a short tins- after;;, indulging in .some light, g":ii,il, men! 1! l erat ion, just enough to .stimulate to normal activity tho brain forces befei e he l isi s from thi; recti 111 Iiji.I posiiio::. lb raid of lieuiLh. loiu-iK-y f tile :;ilia:u ,Jaw. The noonday cu t. ears were d -..pping cut one by one inau a aasom street restaurant, lien a dys. ,. pt ie looking man who sat at t ho next table ...tart led me ..y a hig: "il;i c yoti any idea how many miles a man's jaw v. iil travi 1 in the .course of life, assuming that he lives To be 1u y ars of ;";i .'"' ''Weil, I never thou-. htof il ," atisweris 1 a young man, who !r.!t ,1 in his v.lid career of beef. teak'. The ily, peptic laa 11 1 hanged his scat and expired a ia;:i h i-niled piece of ja:er with 'ini' iigur-'soii if, hie!i hi proceeded to exi lain: "Tor the lirst b ti a -hi! 1's jaw will go about iuelies d'bly, or r.'i";. ",."".!) inches al t .;j;etli r ii. a d e.- de. Troei hi ; loth to his Us h year, v.i;.-d v. '.'. !i 1 heuhig ; sun, f;d and toliacco, he iiii work hi ; j iv, for, sav, four hottrsa day, a! .:u a 1 i ;.' 1 f f ue-half an na h per mini:' : that wmiM make in a day l:jij i;iches,i- i-i I n ye:.: s i '-.') ;;; in.ehc.-;. Durie.g this time he .-;:!;;": a'ss.i. live hours a day, t ra vi rsin; ; ii.i-ei -i'o-.irtlis of an inch a minute v. ' h hi : th.:! u ;;;;J ive in t en years .Vi .'. 1 inches t o be added to our former f: ures. "'or the ne-;! f. ;(;,-. ii . e years he vi!l r; sixty miirites a cay ia eat iug. when ho will ope:; hi s mot:; h h-ilf au a minut , r.nd seven hotui, in ta'Irii.;.., v. I:-. :i he v. ill av erage livc-cighihs of a:i iucli; t is, wLell you tigtire i' out, o,xKn-i' ia'-'u --. "U'v now j:.T. '.-.u- man t:. y.;us M. For the last live vers his jaw s a rest. I'e will eat no itioie th:-..i tki.-Iy mii.tites a lay at -nedi.i'f inch a miuv.te, ov -jr."io ini in s, at ! Ikitig t! tau-e trave!id will t ot atuoat.t to more than e.'s.MM incites. Kow :': fie total. If we .-.dd the varieus sutvis to gether v.v get i'i, s:;:,.d7y inches, and dividing l. v e the i!".::ibi r of inches in a mile, you iiii.i that the maxillary journey is a distance of h;T miles and a fra'-fion." "i'iiitt is rbuiily interest l-.i;.',"' sai l the young man. ' llave you over c di ulated the . a:..e lip trip for a woman?' "idy dear boy," came the slow, sa-1 repl.", "life is short.'-' i'hiiaih Inhia News. ( ari v iiijj a "f.ui Try I'iitc." Two ladies on Woodward avenue. A.s t!tey stopped to s'ti .ik n:u of them drop;.-. I her pocket book aiid the money in it roiled aut on the sidewalk. "Too bad." said the other as she as-si-tcd her friend ton-tore the contents; "it's such lad. hick 10 drop :a-.;;:ey unk.-s it belongs to sor.'.e one el-e."' "i don't mind," a::swere.i the owner of the p.H-ketbook, "because you. sie I carry a lucky pii CI '." This habit of carrying a pieoof money fcr luck has heeoUiO soiaethiitg more than a su-per:-tit ion since it is a practice common, umo.'g all chts.- i-s. "I wouldn't take f 100 for that sixpence,'' Siti.i a staid bit dness l ee.-nt ly. "I f uuid it in mv mother! 5 arse when she died and I have always kept it as a souvenir." He did not say that it brought him luck cr that he had assy super.-titiou connected with ii. but he unconsciously valued it a.s a chari'i. Th ro is a piece of bone that is taken from a a 11 h, called a sheep's head, which shows plainly the imprint of the lei ier "L.'" ' The atrical people value this wry highly as a iucky piece. Tho Scotch have .1 fashion of handing back a trilling bit of coin v.heu a payment is made. This is called, a lucky jieimy, and is alivays carefully treasured. It is'ahe.ost import -hie to find a pockctbook that does not have some trilling charm in it to brin lu-.-k to its owner. It may lie a coin, a stone, a c-j.iJ.eUen : a child: first tooth or a : :nooth d:rp.ncc. but it is ex pected to accomplish .o-ue or all of these uiissioi;:-: Keep oil' iii.-ease; avert the evil eye: protect the person carrying it from bod ily harm: 1 ring pro.-pei ity i;i business, love, cot r. tsh'p a:t I i!i".rri.ige; thv.'art the evil de sigys c.f c;:e-n:es; insure tisTle journey and jK-rfoi-m ntu'.jy ether upi-Aivnl miracles. De troit Free, i'rer-s. 4 How Ste.i-.o-.i:"; ( lerks Ae;uirc I?ooJts. "You r ho.v I ma to v.vll jyjste 1 in the currn.t btv rr.i-ure of the ile.y,"' said a clerk in c:.e cr" -.he l.ige steamship lines. "Well. I v iil tell you: Every steamer that arrive:; I board as soon s; rhe leaches tha dock. Vrh--i tl.e psssjngirs h.:ve gone we that is. the eh rks gather up the liooks left behind or p::rp;soiv ia.-.t awav bvtho as.-eii-gers. T:ey read" ail the 'latest English. Trench a:;d Ccrntati bocks in the voyage, and we take -uv i f them alter. Yes; I have earriecl otr of ot.e steamship fifty lirst c-hiss novels tiiat cost irom i ::e to live shillings on the other sid and c .ii'uhi't le 1 ought here for twice that. Sometimes tho stewards get them c::d sell them to liook dealers; but uiore frequently thev resell them to passen gers who want "omethirj to pais away the time." "Jfew York fc"tai VACCINE VIRUS. HOW THE BOARD OF HEALTH PRC PARES AND DISTRIBUTES IT. Visit t tin Slubli- in Now York Ctty "Where I'nfor" 1111. it- Cilifs Aro tVIul-. lU-iicfaetor .f 1 1 iimatiily A-'I'ist Their Wills .--lotbis Opi oaiiiil. The loft extends about twrnty-fivc fef-t o:i Hot! st rci-t and runs Lai k about 4 ighty fe f , and ir. divided Tngi; .udlnally into a stsbia for tli--' al ( s and a:i 0,1 rat ing room. l';:!.:,e.l the iioithern part of the stable lira twenty tiny .stalls, ;tgd back of llu -e are tho cribs w hence the an i ma Is talc -1 h'ir food. And it is fnid food that the cal ves g t , for t ho b.'ticr condition the -a!f j-in thcbitt.r tl-.n vacino -wiil be and the le.-s lik. 13- mi' injuri ous cli"ect:s to follow v.!:":i it is used fin a hu man being. This ttal.Ie is in charge of a competent groo.u, who devotes to tho care of tho r.uiiuais, watching any cham i ; in their condition r.ial treating them accord ingly. He, too, .sees ihrtt tiny- m given r.!l t:ie hay and Indian jr:cr.l thy c:t:i digest. At th-; si nith of lhi'5 stable is the opera the; room, th" torture chamber of tho animals when they are subjecied to t lie Junei t of the vac cinator. Al. the side r.exf to the stable is the bench i;;.on , h fe'a tho animal is stretch'-1 v. hen under; : cing opera, ion, and rl.out the room a re ftch es 11; 0:1 which lie hit! id nils of g!jo-,e truills, treated with virus, drying so lis to be read .-for use. This room is airy and well -I. The board f health does not .buy its own "dr. Voting, the proprietor of tho -ib'e, li nn'! ;n : a:!;;e;iii ni by which ho pur chases t la- anha-iis, and .-:: ! -r they have been vaccinao .1 he seiis Ha . a a; ain. -!i:rging the health board the ililo ri ivo l!i the buy ing an 1 selling price ;-nd a coiiim:-.-,ion on t in tr.iesaet-o::. Tliey ail coon front the big ! -Loekv a !-il, where the m- n kuovv about what t I'.e i ict or.? want. !i :: take liiueh trouble to ii; z out the p:i 1 tieuiai ly heaiihy itnim.d ;. Then they are bioa-hi. to th? lower lloor of tho stable, where 1 1e-veterinary surgeon as signed to the vaccina! ion bureau makes a cat . ft:l exaiiihiation oi' I lie :u.imll. The ani mal, if pronounced in lit condition, is trot Led tip stairs and given one of t he lit Ie stalls in tho top story. There hi- is allowed to rein;, in until he h:s fed well mid i ; feelit-g as though he had at !.e-t found comfortable ;u;;r! -rs. Then he is hauled out by his no and tail to the operating roam. There he is held ipii tly until one of the attendant buckle; a strap around hi-, loft hind ieg. This strap, at tached to a pulley ro;o, is;;ven a strong pail by an attendant, and up vu-s t he calf on tho v uccinatiag table .villi a thud and a snort of deci.led displeasure. Ih.t his struggles tire utterly useless, for by this time a heavy band is buckled over his nose, mid neck and fore legs. Then he is at the mercy of the surgeon. Hut t he latter does not vaccinate at once, lie lathers the inside ,of the calf's bind legs and then can fully shaves away till the hair. Then the animal is allowed to go back to his st ill and rent a'.shi'e mil il the vaccinator has a.-r.v.igod his virus evil his vae'-lne "spades." Tlieso arc long poit t s of bone and tire Use ! ou the calves because Ihey will hold mere of the virus than the ordinary juill. llecause they are big ji::d hold more than virus to vaccinate an infant th"- are kept c-xehi- ively for the animals. Alter a rest of a:i or so tho calf is trotted out of his stall again and again to sel over on its side upon the vaccinating hoard. Then the real v. ork begins. The ihvter takes a big six hladed lancet and holding tho knives to gether cuts the shaven skin of the animals as to just pierce the outer layer. Then the op erator uses his lancet at right angles with the original cuts and so abrades the skin that it wiil readily receive the virus from the ""' Hut the "spade" is not used at lirst. The work begins thus: All the blood is carefully cleaned away from the abrasion and then n quill holding a small amount of virus is nibbed uptin the spot. Then comes the "spade," which holds about four times as much virus as the ordinary quill. The virus from tins is rubbed in carefully and then the calf is led back to his stall. As a rule four abrasions tire made upon the shaved skin of the animal. According to the statements of tie physi cian in charge of the vaccine stable, the calves show no evil effects from the vaceina- 'ton. Their npitito is unimpaired, ia fnct meycavi more man un-y ui.t oc iore ine opera tion and sin 'W none if that lassitude infants and adults often do a Iter vaccination. Their allowance of food is increased. In t);i v.ay Jie calves tiro treated for about seven days when the virus has done its work, and again the aui.u.d is phc-ed upon and th. n the important business of coiiei t h: the virus begins. For doing tiiis. t he qui'ls and ".-padi s" are prepared for the reception of tlio virus. The quids which are taken from Russian geese i re purchasable from an importer nam-'d t)e Yoiui-jt, who charges the h.eahh department eio a thousand for them. They are tied up in bundles of 1(X, nii:l sent to the vaccine stables, where men cut them into convenient lengths, aed scrape the ends so that they will h-id th" virus. The cidmnl is p-he-ed upon the operating board as before an.! the roughened end of the quill usi.ilo take the vaccine. Then comes the drying process, and'iuentiy the treated quills put into hermetically sealed jars an ! stored, in an ice closet. They are then ready to be used on the most delicate skin for the prevention cf smallpox. Wlion the board of health has finished with the e iives, they are ordered by Tdr. Young to the stock yards, where they are cither sold or slaughtered. As the calves used are princi pally the heelthie t that come into the mar ket, the former fate generally awaits them, but farmers are somewhat shy of vaccinated calves end will not give so much for them e.s they will for those which have not been treated. New York Commercial Advertiser. Cal laml's Ural llstatc.nuom. The Oakland real estate boom has, in a great measure, subside;!, but the people up there came very near going crar.y while the thing lasted. In the height of the boom it w:a; fashionable to sell tide lands, and very frequciitly the lets sold were and are covered at high tide. A stranger from the east pur chased two fifty foot lots, without ever hav ing seen them, and shortly- afterward he had a chance to sell them again. Calling upon the agents who had sold them, ho said: "I would like to fee those lots I bought the ether day, as I have an opportunity to sell them." "Have you ever seen those lots!'" asked the agent. ""Sever."' "Well," said the real estate man, "it is now iust -:;IU. high tide. Those lots are covered by water, and if you will come around at exactly '5:15 they will be uncovered and you I can see them." Los Angeles Tribune. What the War Taught. The idea that the southern white man can't work the cotton Celds in person has long since leen exploded. The southern whi'e found out during the war that he could stand a gi-eat deal more wind, weather, Euu; hiiie and exposure than was popularly believed. The Caucasian can stand as much sis any other member of the human race. llaeon (Ga.) Telegraph. COSTLY COFFINS FOR DOGS. Cunluo Pet a Burled In tL Crinctrry A I'an-ot'j Cusfct-t In a AV'omun'H 1'iiilor. Asked tbout tho truth of the rcort that ho had recently interred a dog in one of the pul lio cemeteries, n Hrondway undertaker said: "I was coasiiltcil a we.-k or so ngo about burying 11 dog, but the party Laa not ordered g f-oflht yet. I l.tvo furnishe l cofll.:1:, how over, for quite a unrulier of dogs, and oii"o a ccjiTin for a parrot. Tin highest pri'vyl CQ- ket I r-. er supplied for a dog coii !-lh A .N'e-.v York lady was th" iiiouriiT. it wr. r.f solid ro.e.vooil, carved, silver piai.0 and everything lirst Ha I i' just, what kind of a dog ij v.a;;. Its i.iin.e w is on 1 he pinto. "Tiiir.j is no re rem onyehout a d'"g"i fun eral. If the o'.vue;- l.ehcvet bis dog baa a :, eil, be is very I: lady to lrcc-p th ) I ehef to himself, and ii' ho uidr.'t it v. ou! i bo 1 :Jhi r uioh uit t- fr'-l; any mini t-.-r to bi-.y prayet s over the four footc 1 pel. Tho dig i'j t.iieply pul ia'.o a hi id's c.i- k-tof f.lting sise, r.i.d conveyed ia a h' :.rse v. a-on toe e -nie-t -ry. There tho human mourners are in wail imr, an 1 thc. are smi" iphto striking e:;hi:.; v.a.s of ;.rief over the 1. pari -d a:.i Xii'j!, v. ho:-;o Luilz has 1k-.ii launchi 1, sw it were, 0:1 the v.-.e.ers of oblivion. "Ir the :' ni' t :;.- ant In l it h s fibj.ct l. st:ch intn-nieah-o'"' "C. : tai; ly not. At Ie:ist, I have not heard of 1 heir object ice;, e-. ' a if tli'-vhail a legal 1 i,;ht to 00 so. Tin- di gs are interred in the private burird lob; of the owners. ".N'o mouutnent thai 1 ant aw:: re of has been erected to u dog, but tin owner fixes :-n:no way of feiiuig where tin animal is b'jri'-d. Trie aveinge price paid for a dogs f. "it to si:,, and ik-- 1 I: ; with liaise plate 1 i.sur liy il. er, ;.:nl :. ui times Pointer; and setter:; aro tim d; mosi ly favored wit h sia h luxurious burial, ttud Indies lire in ihe niajot i.y of those who lie. tow the cr!.-t!y post mortem honors ou tlieir ca-ilae fri -ir'.s. The casket lor tlio parrot c.f which I have spoken." he added, "was really an i :: i:isit.) work 01' ait, uu l the cost of manufacture alone w:ls over ?';J;j;'. It was one f.xt tea inches hi 1 nglh, of solid rosewood, hand cat ved and hand po:l. bed, and the mountings of solid sil ,i r, while the linings were of t he richest (p:hty. llenculi the outer cover was a plate l.e.s covering, through which ihe .lea.l bir.lj which had been carefully em balmed, could bt; gazed tqion by its dev oted mistress."' The reporier was shot. 11 a photograph of tin- casket, and it appcari d to be lit for a de ceased princeling. The parrot, has not been interred, but the lady k"eps the casket, with the remains, in her parlor, and it. is to be buried with h. r v, hen she dies. She has sai l thai the bird saved the lives of herself and her late husband, in fiaii 1. by giving timi ly warning of the presence of robbers. A woman rocciii !y attempted to have, a t dog interred in Riverside park, but being de nied that privilege she caused the body to 1. weighted and sunk m the river near the park. Ivew York Sun. How Hurlars Iluvu Their Tools Made. T. . I. Jennings, an cast side engineer mid machinist, telis an intere .ting story about his dealings with a burglar. He was sitting in his of ice one day a few nionthsiigo when two in-'ii entered with a design they wanted made of stool. He took the job and turned it out aceorning to order. The men came next day, and after chatting pleasantly about the boo dle aldermen r.tul ol In matters of 'popular interest in the city, paid t heir bill and went away. Several oilier designs were brought him by the two men, and begot to know them quite v.vll. He did not learn their business, however, but it is such a common thing to deal with ni'-n whom one knows only by sight that Mr. Jennings never bothered his head about it. Rut he found out who the men wore after all. One day they called to have him make half a do:en eight inch steel screws. He promised them for 5 o'clock, but the men did not come, il-j Iid not see them the next day or the next. On the third day one of i'inkerton's detect ives dropped in upon him in the afternoon, carrying a handsuchcl. lb; opened it aud threiv a lot of curiously shaped pieces of steel o-l the table. "Were 1 made in your hop, lli: Jen nings:'" casually remarked the detective. "Yes, that's our work."' "Who did you make them for:' "Inow you've gof me -it's more than I can tell. I never h id any rea.-.o.i to inquire, and tin men didn't bother about telling me." "Ruv. vou are sure on made that steel work her. a'" "Yes, oh yes; I'm sun uougli of that.'" Two i;.ys later Mr. Ji mimgs was sub p. eii. .el by tho pro-e-tition as a witr.iss .again t two men who had allcnpted to crack 11 ie safe in a bank in EHeuville, Ulster comity. lie met a Harlem maekini -t and an ironworker from down town at the court 11 ;! i-i Ki'sgsto:!. J ink.-rton".-, men opened wi le their eyes when he took the pieces of each ii:k! ed, aud. putting them togi t'le-r, showed jimmy they m-.t Ie v. i:at ii per; .New York -.eetionai Star. Cost of IViie:::; In lackland. Professor S"t!, in his recent book 011 'Farm and Fence," climates that for every acre of i.icJoscd land in i uir.. 1 Kingdom th::e is r -1 i:.v. sh d ia f-::-. s: aud that the annua! :ush: --ir. i ih -s:- !Vi.-,....j costs sotn:. thing like- three sl.lills, ; per acre. Tak ing ii .-ures in the a .-. goto, as applied to the -1. ).';-,) acres of d in the United Kk.'g.l -ia. l.o she;.;, the t c.-.pifrd SUUk in fences to be ls-:riV i'o .-.'.'to.iJf , aud the- a.i-.iual ma-ntenau'-e and re pair of the.v fences to cost at least U'i,"').i '.)-.. There is no denying, he think ;. that many t ::isti:;g t'enei ; might be il:.spe::se-.l with to the g.-e.-.t advantage of agriculture, quite apart fro: 1 the expense of maintaining them. He ;.L o points cut that the extended introduction of a cheap and durable sy.-tem of wire fencing renders pos sible still 1 ;. i t in r e conomy in the matter of feii'-es, i ierring laore c--pec-la-ly to barb w ire fe ice-, in which fev er lines of wire make an equally chick-nt fence, and that with only one-half to one -fourth the number of 'p;.:.t s which it is considered ueeessary to use ia 1 Iain wire fencing or in post or rail fences. London Times. Coming Metal for Heavy Ganii, "Aluminum bronze" is expwted to bo the eoniing metal for heavy -guns. In a paper read before the Naval institute at Annapolis, Alfred 11. Cowles will argue that guns can be made of this alloy that will have a much higher tensile strength and ductility than the ihi'-st quality of mild steel forgings; that it would be impossible to burst a gun east from this alloy with four times the jxwder pix'ssure now used in the "built up"' stet-i gmi; and finally, that the plants required, for producing aluminum bronze and cos-ting guns therefrom would not require more than one third as great an outlay as plants fcr the construction of built up guns. yir. Cowles also estimates that guns can le cast from tdumimim bronze at 'JO per cent. Tss than the forged guns of steel, while CO per cent, of this cost will be capital stored away in the metal of the gun, which metfd can be remelted and used an mdefinite num ber of times. Barton Transcript. The i-unit- iU;ili!y ! pfods 10 t r cent . clic;i jit-r tliiin :my 1uum; wot ot the- M i-.-i-sijiji. V ill never le uiitlermlil. (.'nil ami liecoiivinci 1. FETEB MERGES. rrE r U d i s b uiib 3 PARLOR SET ! I'oi: all vitzs "Wsrs cf: md rn 1 4sk ECitchcMs, SSaHways and DIJhts, (JO TO Where a nnini fict'iit stock (' (J;ols and Fair Trices abouiul. UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING A SPECIALTY COltXEH MAIN AND SIXTH f! ! ! (St OCIIS.SOlt TO Will keci coustaiitly on hand n inn i" ' S yi n'r. el il it mm a su vi u FRlC Wall J'aiier and a Full L.ine ol PURE LIQUORS, E. O. Dovey & Son. 1 ill iily Wg IqliO loloqsiio iij sqyiim Ave ljciAO '(: Ktillosj c-jficl lqiid- soiiOs( liqo of . Fall and Winter Goods ' Ever hrosih io this Ulswhct ai:l .-hall 10 to hnv oll :i Suoero Wool Dress Goods, and Trimmings, Hoisery and Underwear, - Blankets and Comforters, A sjik-i-dkl ci?ortmtnt cf Ladief," Alissses' and Cliildrtns 4 CLOAKS. WRAPS AND JERSEYS. Yfe have also added to our line of carpets some new pattc-ins, Klooi' Oil Glots, Aqtts 'lHtl In nteii'.s heavy and fine boots at;d .-hoe., also in La-licV. jn..os and Cliiid'i Fodj: ar. we have a compete line to which we INVITE your iulpectionT All departments nil a,id Comi.lete. I 1 . SHOE EMPORIUM BEDROOM SET ! classi::; or- -cr n-T-res tvtt tx-t tttb von PI.ATTSMld i II. MillHASK A KE & CO .1. -M. ll' I I KIS) a full ami coa'p'ric 1 ck of p.i.e n j ernes, ranis, E. G. Dovev & Son. or nils, Line