The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, October 27, 1887, Image 1

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it M
ire i fHantr ih
is.r ? : tai k us ui ;a
ui J f.M Pi-V M .. it i. a I
(M v oKjriGKtjs. j Latest by Telegraph.
.Vol -.or,
Kreuic i'.
I'niii'i- .1 ml,;!),
Coiiiieiiii.ia. I
Li.anl I'tib. Work
.) I Si MI'S ).N
: It Smi mi i
J H Wai ki:m vn
l) I! IN Cl.AltK
J S M 'l II
W II Mali k
. t .1 V VH M! I!
-.var.l, j A Vl- v. in n:
I W.M V.'i'.r. ; i:
M I". Ml Ki-ii V
S W ll I K'.V
i-: s cum sn.
t p Mi (,', 1'iim
i.l W'.b. n,i:iiaii::.i an
1 t- lev :
! II Hawks Vilt ill
l-in;iy l'uM-fsir-T, -
l.-i'iiv ri.-i-:,
t-i uf bi-l; i :' .' ii-',
Deputy .-m.-ii:f.
SSurV'-yin-. - - .
Sent. f I'n'.i school-,
Coiinly J ll li;e.
n i:i oh si; JT.u viiits.
born Poii .. h'ni , Weeping V it'r
A. i:. r.-1.i. .-- 11 ittsiuouili
A. IS. ill Ki-iN. - K in v. met
Tito Supreruo Court's Opinion in
tho Koistrntiori Law,
The l'my-)ook il for d ri-i.m on the
registration law was hamltil down yistt:
lay ly .Juli.; ii.vsc. The opinion, which
is wry voluminous, is in eflVct tiiat the
t-ntire rcj'.i-.tiulion law is i;:icoutit titionni
anil tiiat all a -ts un'.ler its pr.ivisio'i-; a.c
void. Tin; hi'.li.-taMce of tin- decision is
i-harly st tied in the following syllabus
1 A . i'am :t.i-.i.i. !
too'.. :!. i. u i Drcpared lv th: court:
.1. .M. ;t..l-.!-i.;.' I -,.
.':ii:!(s..n State ex n.l. Mcariis vs ( oiip.or.
V. . ( . .SMu'.VAI.l i-.K I
.I.e. r.uiKN warran.o
I'.. C. t-.K.MA.Ns
A, .'I tlill,K
Mavnauii s.-ink
(ii v"ig so(i'c'i;ij;s.
.M.iS HMf
1 -i-v-ry I'm
1r o sii-ui 1 !'
No. li-5. I it. l". Meets
.- t v:-..lli of v--ek. All
i:. ;i:e re l-eetlully :ai:t-ii l.i
jtiMo t.u::;:: .. hi. a. o. v. w. .! -i ts
e,-i-r iii'eir ti - 1-lMaV evi-lllilirat tv. Hi I .
li.iil. lr in'.i.-:' )ir-i:er are ri-sp -euiciy ia
viteil ti-.'!e:.-i. !'. '.. V iiite, ta-.ler Work ;
l:. ,'a::- In!' : I-. .1 .Mui'sm, i.-ici-r ;
.1. U. Mo.iis. KeiMnie.
usi t:MI' :-.:;:.'. MODKICN wo;)Mi?x
" ' of A'lierii- i - .Me; ts sejomi ainl four! ii M;i
fl .iv even:".; 1. "t !". Iiail. All ti.-insieat
1m-i: '.1 ,-r-- .1.'. i- .ul"il l-i ;n -el Willi ii. i.. A.
N nivi- i . rr. Veaer .!!- I'msiil: 'I. r', Nlie",
t : li v -i , i - i : l, 15. Smiili, l-.x -ii.niker ; '. j
C. Will I'.s. tV l' .
:,f..,.t- i-n-i',' alt. -in. i:e l'rnl.iy v.-nini; at
J:oi-1oimI iiail it s o'l l-MV., All ; ra-.siei;t li.-, I it
ers ur :e-i. -.-i i i.lly rivit -il m atieinl. - A.
iit-eae. .M. V. : n". t', 1 -.-.-n . Inrea-: s.
Vi'll 'e. i: i-o;'.; ; S. A,
;9I. . rrs.i ji i ii l.n; N. s. a. o. t'
N c ivco: 1 1 i.T. tViT'-o' i'.
AisUOi'J HIi: POST 40 G. A. R. j
:-: lit:. :
.1. V. ..u ; sov ".'.tiianJer, !
s. r-.v ivi s.-tii r Viee "
V . ' -Mi!i:or "
i--t. N i !.:: s Ailj'i'a it.
A 'i-.r if i i:r- .. M.
RI -m.-.i.v :i . :-' i. ilieer oT tin; !,iy !
:..- i: i 1-' ::: " uuarill
ItrlN.I. IlK.Mfl.- . .-i-';;i .A::.i"l. j C!.-S
.1 v:-. ilo i-M v.v . ..t ;t if er Ma t;i- Si r.-t.
At. en -. Wstiii'iT l'n l t'iiai'laui
jM.vtt'i-; .-af.i.'.;iy eveaiirj.
i udo-t.icut of Custer. ;ii;-
ioii by Iieesc, J.
1. Under tin: constitution of tli3 j
of Xebrasiiii which it escribes the ijttali
tieatiotis of voters, and j;rovides that ail
flections s'lit'l bij free,and thereshall be no
hindrance or impediment to the. right of
:i (ptalilied voter to exercise the elective
franchise, a r gistrat ion lav.' which abso
lutely deprives an elector the right to
vote unh ss regi.-tered or) nn--of four days,
the last oik' being t. ii days prior to the
election, is void.
2. A registry 1 iv. so far as it provides
for a register of 'pialiiied voters to be
made, and whieh con-tittit -s such regis
tration on" mode of proof of the elector's
right, iiu. I so far as it trivdit require an
elector, whoe name is not upon such
register, to nnke ar.y other reasonable
proof of his rio-ht to the judges of elec
tion at the time of offering his vote,
would be valid: but wh -re it absolutely
deprive:; the. elector oi his yote unless
previously ti-gi-teicd upon certain days
named in tit - law it is void.
:i. A ree-i -try lav, to be valid, inii't
b? reasonable and and calcula
ted to facilitate find s-cure the constitu
tional rivj'it of suifrai1, and n;t to sub
unreason ii-Iy, or
vert or injurious!"
tt V:
nepessiirilv restitun. or impede the right.
Huston, io Ohio Sc.,
Vi le )a:j
4. Th-' act to uinendtl
election li vsfor
tie 'trojjolitan citi- s anil cities of thj tirrt
it.- of Xi b-a-ka (
tJ.t l.!.1UflWIf
a s
1 SS'7. :',) ', ). iii'.r in eontro volition
j clause ot the con-titutien- th-;t 'vXo
bill shall contain m ire than one su!jec,
which shiill be cl. ariv rxj):iss' d in its
title, ami no law shall be amend d unl- ss
the new net contains the section, or sec-
r-tion or
-di:ali:u ix
tions, so amende 1. and the s-
sections so an
is void.
mded shall be
-AX I)
Ye!l:v.' Fever
Jacksonv.'m.k, Fi.a.. Oct. 27. Ten
iew cases of fever at Tampa were report
ed vesterd.iv ami four deaths.
A Storm on t'no Baltic
Bmrlix. Oet. 'J'!. V hurrii:ie on the
Baltic has driven many ships ashore be-
SpicialAleiit Giuiyeaf atcii Rejairing i tvvn u,tu ana ?Ie:1 ":ul tla:ea
! the coast foi tificatuns.
a nu s s ess u j ii j j
A Ktoro Burglarized,
j Lvo:;s, Xc-b.. O -t. iii.-()n Tuesday
! niglit the store of E. I). llverclt was en
j tered by unknown patties ami burglar
ized of .")U0 or S'JOO worth of goods,
consisting of, oveicoats. dry
goods, cigars, tobacco, cte.
Brldgo Bands Voted, X'eb.. Oct. 27. Ten thous
and dollars, thirty vrar (J per a nt
j b.mds, vere voted yesterday hy Colum-
"i" ! 'l:s township to aid the building of the
LjjLTll. l33 i wasoa bridge over the Loup river at this
city. This, with the s;iO,000 voted by
1 this city last week, insures a desirable
. . ! . a. -ni ::i l. . 1 1
eap if nees
I Terrorized by Moxicans, Oct. 27. A special to the
. Ififcs from Biownville says: "Wealthy
I merchants at llio Grande City are hi a
' state of terror owing to the threats of
Mexican bandits who are writing annony
j nioe.s letters demanding sums of money
ranuing from 1000 to st'00. In case
! of failure to com;)! v wit'n dviu-.inds. des-
C ml J C a. k
truetion of themselves,
tv is threatened.
family or prop-
iH) fi'- 5 :iTtio r
a s i rig f 5 a j ; - . ..w -1 -
! Li;
5? r c
"11 'preterit tli-j
triosl anl iire-tc-teil eonimiues:
County, Jnc! ,
Yixc::x.i;s. Ind.. Oct. 27. The situa-
tion of the miners' strike at Washington,
; I)avies CV-unty. grows more serious each
day. Fully one-half of t: e 000 or 0'
1 miners have left the place and will not
I return, while the remainder can not be
I expected t ilt:rn to wo: 1: until the com
! panics m et the demand is made up
' on them. It is generally rt cognized that
! the demand of the miners in Washington
is simple justice, as thej- only ask two
, weeks' pay and about the Mime rate paid
by oilier miners in this s clion. The
Miners" Federation standi firm, and an
nounces that they propose, to light it
out if it takes ail wie.t. r. Wo:k was re
i sumed, how ver, at tii Uog. is miiies to
day in Pike conn! v. Th ." rat-s are: For
coal mine run tJe p.r t n, 42 .e over a -i-iiich
screen and 5 ".: over a 1 i-ia h scro en;
elay men l.o'i, and $2 per day t; miners
. . ,n . j who are taken out ot the mines to uo
0iS33 Adjusted anil PaidattMgeiiey 1 other vo,k than
Amerieaa entr 't-S"-. l. a's;erc:a! L'ai ni-lTriClaail. "
Fir' .Vs;i -' i-i .-I'isi": deli'iiia, "
lli:nif-X v." Y:.:';.
I s. C, of Vi-riii Atao :e Phil."
j.verpo-.ilvVt-ontieii & 'il- 'ee-tlejc
Nultli i:r;t:-ii Mere aiiile-Ec " l"r.;o:i-!v.!L-! i:i-l.
bjiiiii-rejeJ T. & M,-Sprit:gaeM, not
4.4 l.-.-.To
1 "
:.o i-l.oi 5
Trouble in Cuba.
.- v ... . t:,.v AVes!
A IAV f ltl.l..r--. "ii. j -
special say-: Private advices by tie: lat
c.-st steamer from annomiee me
death of Peirin, second in command o.'
the I'. S. revolutionary forces, who lei
the expedition here Au".;ust :1 la t. Be
in" surrounded some ten days bince by
2,'!!0 soldiers they were compelled to cut
ii., .-r iv!:v B'nin v.v.s terribly
wouii-.l- d in the abdouu-n, but with hi'
b'.v.els protruding upon the saddle, In
rallied his nu n and charged fearfully up.
on st'O men. lie struck down a Spanisl
ofiicer, only to be killed 1 it r. A run-;.i..-
t;.,t then ensued between his band
and the soldiers, but no serious casualtie:
were mulcted on either side as f -ir as leant
ed, though many were wounded. There
voluiionists retreated and are now hidiue
in the mountains.
Li a
Cixcin.natz, O., Oct. 27.- W. J. & J.
V. I've, wholesale yrocers. nssitcned to
Waliyr G. (Iranger this for', noon,
bilities, 10,000; assets. 25,000.
Cim-Aco. 111.. Oct. 27. iJ. V. Allen Jc
Co., dealers in crockery, made a voluntary
.-sssio-nmeut this moruiuLT. Liabilities.
10,000; ussefs, 1.1,000.
Miiavaukkk, V.'is., Oct. 27. W. V.
McLaren, assignee of the Sturgeon Bay
Linn'oer Comnanv. who has iust returned
from an jns:jrct:on of the property, says
the assets are csti-nated at 120,000 find
liabilities at ISO, 000. The latter are
nearly all for loans, Chicago parlies hold
ing most of the paper.
Plattsmout!! Markets.
ki:i;nis:iki) i;y w.
AVheet Xo. 2,
ii. ni:w:-:Mj
"he ti-ndeucv ol the
Irl.ljliiilleer.t Ilisi'way:, I'miltil in Urltisil
A 3IarvIons lloail.
It miiit. si.':u u ;;oo-l deal like presump
tion on my part to assert that I am in a po
sition t pronoun "e imoii the comparative
merits of the vvori.l's roaii'.ve.ys Letter than
any iiisui l:vi::;: lait no reader who has ever
rr.ldea a lieyi !e vvouM Oouk't the
Ilavin.; nsaile a trail around t!io land portion
of t!e ai-th's surface with a bicycle, I can
now take un or-.linary map of ttio world and
trace out from ln-ghinin to end of that great
circle, where the road is gu(KL where it is
bait or indii'.'crent, and where it is execrable.
The best roads in tho world, many readers
will be surprisi'ii to hear, are in Britt.-h India.
Alter riiliu the bicycle 1,-400 miles through
the l'lmjab. Oiale and Itesijjai, I am f:iir!- at
a !o-s to words to express s::t!'.eiently my
Dihiiiration of the enterprise tiiat has lK-iliri
Jii lia with su--h m:;;'.ii;lii.e:tt highways as 1
foiiiiit Ihei.j. Tho linest load in India is
I:i.h.hii as the-f 2 raiul Trunk road; it. extends
for lffll mite."., an unbroken highway of mar
velous pt i lV-lioii, from Peshavur, oa the
Atghun frontier, to Calcutta. It is metaled
fur much oi it-' length .th a sub-tanee pe
euhar to the; country known as kunkah.
KtmUah Ij. i"btir.ed almost anywhere
throughout, the I'mijab underlying the sur
l'a e soil It is a sort of loose nodular deposit
1 1- calcareous concrete which may Ixj readily
converted into lime by burning in a kiln.
When rolled and wetted it cements together
ami forms a road sui face smooth und com
pact as an nsphaltuin pavement, and of ex
cellent wearing quality.
A valuable and peculiar property of kun
kah is that the beds nre constantly re
plenished by natural processes born of some
favorable condition of the soil. After ex
hausting a bed of kimkah the land is leveled
and allowed to remain untouched. After a
few- years the same land again yields a sup
ply of kunkuh.. In parsing down the road
one sees big gangs of natives repairing the
surface with kunkah dug out of the beds im
mediately by the roadside. At certain seasons
of the year the road overseers of the districts
collect l ig gangs of men and women and pro
ceed to repair such portions of the road as
need attention. The worn portions are picked to the bottom of the metaling, and refilled
v;th new kunkah as neatly as though it were
a section of concrete pavement in a city side
walk. A portion of the men carry the liun
I.ah on their heads in wooden trays from the
nearby pit to the road, the women carry jars
of water from roadside well, jkhjI or river.
The kunkah is spread, the water thrown over
it and another gang of men tarn;) it down
with iron tampers. In renewing whole sec
tions of road these tampers are sometimes
ranged three and four de -p and stretch cleai
across the road, the order cf procedure bciii
one short step forward at every tamp. lr.
this maimer the p angs pa.-s up and down tin.
new made stretch several times, leaving it at
last solid enough to run a steam engine over.
In some districts bullocks and heavy irou
rollers imported from England are usrd, and
sometimes the rollers widi'iut the bullae!:?;,
big teams of men taking the place of tho ani
mals. Thomas Steven.-.' Letter.
Total Aset4.$4J.ltV
A Xcw Fireman's Ilelinet.
The nvm of the th e brigade of Herlin ore
being suppiiv-1 with c new hohnct, enabling
them t work i:i snikc which would
i su'Tovate any man r...t protected by such a
j helmet. It was iuveutoi .tnd constructed by
Fire Director Stude. A pmnp presses fre-Jb
I air ir.t ) the helmet : through n tuiia entering
I at the Lack of the head, an 1 the current is so
; strong that it issues ia front with suftieieat
j f r-:-e t render the entrance of smoke impos
i citle. There are ojjenings for the ears and
! mouth, enabling the men to hear orders nr.i
j make replies. This useful headgear lias been
i in use. at Dremeu for a long time. Chicago
A Story of I'rlclitfiil Poverty An Anwrl
a:i I.uily's Itiii-ieiu- A Sturiii
raially The C';;;:3 jiim; (iru:il of an
Army of I'aiijtcrn.
The horrible c;ndi;icn of Trafalgar wpiare
at night grows wors e. Despite the rain and
cold shivering wri -tehi continue to cover the
Kt.iues if the s.juaro every iiig!;t, and the
)luee has re:i-ntly b'.i.-oaie the resort for euri
oi;.; j.-ay young buck,. After ilining out in
tho tStrand, they pas; by there to t hlow down
a fow copi trs and to heighten, pi rhaps, the
il';)r ciafion of their own blessings by r
gliiiij (if tho extreme of mi.-,ery. 'i'rav elei s
al.,o, espe'-iaily Americans, who lill the hugo
!..-tel.s nit the sipiare, i..;tthe place regu
larly as one- of the sights of London. I'.iany
a sbiry will soon lie told in America of the
fright ir.l poverty of London, nnd the Iistt n
ers will have the Satisl'ai tion of knowing
that the facts cannot possibly be exaggi rated,
1 talked with an American lady v. ho went
there at night with some friends aud was
frightened into hysterics within iv few
moments. She is a charitable young mar
ried women, who, by tho way, was recently
a visitor at thcu mtn JMuse. In ; moment
of sympathy she handed a coin to a poor
man. in a second, she said, tho entire pa vi
menu seemed up and come rushiug at
her. iSho had not, noticed that the whole sm
iaeo of the square was covered with stretched
out men and women, m;::iy o them j:huost
iuiLi naked, of whom a half hundred had
crashed and struggled round her ia the hone
of charity. Fortena'ely the policemen, who
are regularly on duty there, came running
U2, and no serious result followed tho imoru-
etence of displaying money in such company.
George Matthews, the son of James Mat
thews, oi The JJuffalo Express, went witii hi:
Lrido to sec if it was as bad as hail been U.
sciioen. j.-.emsi group i;e ca:ue upon on
tho outskirts of the camp was a woman lying
asieep on tiie bare stones with a young baby
m l:.r arm--, w.nle a man walked up and
down beside her muttering and cursing to
himself. 'These were rcspectabio looking
people, .Matthews fcays, litote-h half clolhed
and proLubly starvii:;;. Jio gave the man
some silver, and waking the woman und tak
ing tho child in his anus, tJ.u man said
llia;; you: you are e:;i.i-e::i(-?y kind," told
his wile to thank the lady, and started, act
ually l inmiiig, to a siand near, where hoi
eei!"-, bread, batter, etc., could le I .ought
xo. e. i -w j...-:: e. .nr.i me vs ui-1 not care to
h.tve las wife see anything more, use! sioj.oi
his investigation-.
l or several days pe.-.t a largo number of
the poor people :;ue continual throttyhout
ihe d-.iy in the soua.1", after having spent the
nigm; mere, itun.-hvds of teem are to
seen ti:ee now all day lo.:g. Wimt t'eev e
1 1 . .. , :.. l:.... .. .. ..
- " 'j a iuy....iry. i oii. emen
are regularly detailed to patrol what ha:
oecoine the rc-cog!::,:i u ground of
poverty, l.x' ninabiiants of the camp i;
mane i.o lieep close to the h: -h stone wail
bonne.". ig the PaU :.lall .si-io ot the s.paare.
from l ail ."taii JiumiretU of speetators look
do .vi; all daj- long at the cm ions sights
women stretched at full lengtii sleeping ir.
cueir rags, au.i men (cmrrehng over the t
lac.-o r cjipers occasionally tin-own down.
Uts-t night there was unusual jolliiieati-ai ai;d
fe;u-itiug in the camp. Men drove up with a
ago!, lull ol tireati. The way m which ii
was seized and devoured showed plainly how
great is the misery there. London Cor. Xew
I're::cli Jin ;;:ie::a le thoils.
ihe Frere'h never, or wry seldom, allow
themselves to be coi-io!cte!y ab. c.rlwd in busi
ness. They id ways s -t apart a. certain por
tion cf time to the amenities of life. They
are as serious as you like at work, but hi a
moment tney will exhibit any amount of
good humor at pla v, and again v. ill resume
the harness as quickly r.:: it was thrown oif
If you go into a shop at dinner time I spiral,
now of tho small provin.-h.l towns you may
run the iis of receiving very little attention,
or even none at ail. 1 remember once it
was at St. Halo, in the summer I cnt.srcd o
hatter's shop at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. A
wen circsseu, lanyiiif? g:ri came out ot tiio
back parlor and inquired what f war-tod.
"I want a straw hat. mademoiselle," I said.
"O! that's very awkward iust now."
"Isitr" " .
"Well, you see," s.ho said, "ir,v trother is
at ilinnrr," and after a par.-enf a iw second
she added: "Would you mind codling again
m an hour s time.'7'
"Xot at cil," I reT)I'ed; 'I shall bo da-
lighted to do co."
I was not only cmuod. but struck Tri'.'n ad
miration for the in"tejx-n :meo of tiiat worthy
hatter. After a few years' rtsiih.-.-K e in Eng
land a little sec-uo of that clooeription was a
great treat.
An hour later 1 called again. The voung
girl made her second ai penranco.
"My brother waited for you for quite tea
minutes, ' sho sai .1 to me; "he is gono to the
cafe with a friend now'
"I am sorry for that,r' I said. "When can
I see him.'"'
"If you will .step aerocs to the cafe, I r.i
sure he will lc happy to coma back and at
tend to you."
I thanked the young lady, went to tho cafe,
introdue?.! myself to the hatter, who was e:r-joy-iiig
a cup of coffee and Laving r. fjatne cf
dominoes with a friend. lie asked mo to al
low him to finish the game, which of cotirso
I was only too glad to do, and r;e returned to
the shop together. Cor. Kansas City Timer-.
Opera at the Vrcr-smatcr's.
I was passing the establishment of a fash
able dressmaker on a stylish street just ofT of
Fifth avenue, when there suddenly pealed
out a most magnificent burst of vocal music
that evidently proceeded from tho dress
maker's parlor. It was a woman's' voice,
manifestly of tho highest cultivation, for tho
morceau it sang was 'one of those tours cie
force wht'o execution is reserved for great
artists alone. A police otliecr who had
siop;od on his patrol to listen, too, furnished
an explanation of the impromptu concerto.
"It's one of the o-s.'i-a singers." be said.
",?he"s having a dress trj.d on, and she sings
to see if it will give room to breathe iu.
Tho madam ibses a 1 .t of Lressmnkmg for
singers, and you'll Lear a coii'-ct t here every
day for a month at thL ocu-oa of t!i2 year.
There she goes again.''
To a tribute as eloquent as this there is
nothing to add. Alfred Timnblo in 2s'ew
York. Is'ewi.
4 K
- J
u n
M t
Ei:iM To .1:1.
it . . o. v rl j
TO 012.
Ricli Al-aciiaii cai For Vmm p,
A I'uli ii:
ElKbAI 2. ri') J(.
arL.-..-rT-TMi fzu v.-j
- Pi
Wjt' JJ jj- 1.$ fc; j
W&U A 5Tfc v 6?. (T V
i i i l mm i-i i i i ri ii
The citizens of ( '
s c u
'.!y till re ognize at a glance that the above bird is a Cass
-: crov. nig l:n;d und over thevietory guinc-d by
i en or
xhibited oyer nil competitors. The award is sin.ficnr.t in point if ;t pt. ni.iv
style, value and quantity ami will command your licuty i "iiciu n nee
w hen we assc: t that we have this season the raiidest
and most varied line of
Fine Bry GosOs, iiliory, Carpets,
To le loitbd in t3;e city.
The ladies of Plattsrncutii and vicinity are r -perlfuUy invited to call and inspect
some cf the womb tfi.l '.lanufactured Textile rabriques of the a'e.
H 35 c el ill i"
jZJi'es.s CojIs Ciirpttts, Silks
This sale viil continue tins and rdl next week. Great bargains will be offend.
"We are ratlicr -uf.e ir. .'
-Tent r'i-;i tmd rc-cer; j)!' oi"
:iiliosilIc. but ti'uia tiiio a.tte wiucli
;i;.nj; out' ;".
i.-V fj.eill.-
i.-'.c?r (tit tlie j;rreMi e.v.ini: to tiie
,tvt :i
ciiH-i:r :'.tii )i'oi.t
Main street
White Fi viit Dry Goods Hou
lattsixiouh, Neb