The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, October 25, 1887, Image 1

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'si-i-v oKKMiiitis. j
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Total Asets, $42,115,774 :
oises ADjnsted and Paid Aattiiispncy I
z -raivg-i r-r--trmJJii tij.
Latest by Telegraph.
uoukow M a N I
Trio Stortn on too Lake:. Assumes
' Alar mini; Proportions.
: Sai i.t Si j ; Mi:n., Or!. 24.--Th-
Canadian Pacilie railroad : t-mdiip. Al
berta, arrived li-i.j ioormigg from
Po.l Arthur !i irg liio o:dy v-.w-l at
tempt in: to f i c 111-- ifali- wi.ltli l":i : ' il
M;;;cr!r yoti r.lay. Captain
Anili'lon tl tli ;! t!ic ImaL 11
la-li -nn il s'ii li 'I Il in. Th- I
lu:- l-iiii.' r
. ,.
ior 'I'ra isi t -m , n ,
, l. n
V;t'l 1 iVO o!u-T y--s:-l-. V.'i a! i 1 i nil ;!! I
nt Wiii-ky liny ami nine ;.t WhMy l'oi'.t.
All c-.-c!s (Ian- not !i- into . iv !i m i-.
A t.-rrl!-!,- no: ! li v,-.--t -.l'.'.-t nrti-.: Sa! :i: il.i v
lnorniiuc :ui:l Samlav han:C '-l t: a noilii-
i ' ca-r '.oit.-, a' c-iiiip
nil tl ly a lilini'li
siiou' stor.n. A iiu- ;-, v !i!. a -1
tow Oi t'i' 1 1 : : i . i-.";:inv. Ii.s rol ln-cn
hcanl Iroai. Sa- v.ts to l.-avt'
)f l'l'fSl:i; I-l.'illil IV.'O llotii'S I:
propyl U.-r i". jiti.-.ti. vi'iiirh an
Sumoiy a:n! lu us :oi- i- pn ;
a -1-
t In
t i
.sniciy. . 1 1 oin t:a
y l. Tii.: i t-.i i.i till ru;,'. s.
"i.i i;i a r: i;. Oct. i'1 A. lartiX w.-s'.-l i
roiii'-; to
on tic) beach n
;i iliar; ali.'iil ten mill s cast of tan- city.
I'ii;: waves arc 1 .-::! i !!;- tin- ship to p!i-c(
1UI 1 til
crew :-.r'- la-hc.l to tli.- rnrs'isrr.
A life saving cr.-w have ro-.vctl to the
set-!)'.; in l'i. i:- !o-i's.
Ilri i- A!. .
i I:
:i- at
swept ovt r this c;!y this liiornin, th"
wiml :i'.t:iiiii 14 ;i ni:i inu:n velocity of
sixt v-six sn:i..-s pi r inn;;-. ();i.- house was
liiawu lo ., :i.
win-lows : :'!:
damage r -no: !
A. irr
S:.:lde trees, hiyic: and
d t.-ri ihly. :; -rion.-
I from 1!i.j la::;--.
- :. : i. Tin.- .e!sr!i-.-r .1.
1 .!oy. o:e ! : : -!i for
I -11 , . .1
an I lea!vi::f
01 11 y. ai; 1;
li.irhor, Imt !
the rocks o ;'. :
in twenty iV,
: ' I t tinc'ior o;;t-ad.? t'.u
a'v a way and drifted on
itie of t;i piers, and 'a:ik
of vra'.cr. Tin: crow was
saved hv .-; lull
Ci. f:iii. an :. -j. -i
Tic' three m-ist-
od schoon- r
h Cii-in.ih-r. oi ( -cvcland.
rtiis driven on the o.'f Xohlu slntion
on tin: Lake Shore riil:::v.l. All niulit
lonir the crew were lashed lo tha riir.'iin-.r
to jn--vent i)L-in;- washed ov :: !. i;l, :md
this morni'iur; wci- rescued l.y the life
siviiiEf crew. Th Chandler, which had
l'J,000 tons of coal aboard, is broken in
(J.vyr.oni), ?.Iic'i.. Oct. :24. A tcrriltc
s'iow storm has been raging here for two
days, and the snow is now ci jht inches
SiiKnoYoAN. Mich., Oet. 'li: The pro
peller D.-Iaware. bonnd tiown with e;r,iin.
and !l our, ran a-h arc in the t. rribie storm
of last night, foui t.'en miles below lnre
and will probably be a total lo.-s. Siie is
valu-.'d at :;tKu,::';i.
Mi:.i i Mich.. Oct. 5-4. The
b.'irg.j Fly;.. on Ii i.-- adsorc. II. v c-rcw is
stiil on l.-oard and ronnot get a.-iioic on
r '
t prevents tne i setters from g. ttii.g near
t!; wreck. ii:,t il is thought the tug wil
ta!:e ti.em on ur- scm as tne sea niodcr
; at s. The crew of the Alva ihudh-y can
1 n..t reach shore owing to the io-s of their
j sui.-.H boat. It is thought the vessel '.iil
' hold together long enough in enable life
i -avers to i: scue 'iie crew. A tils patch
, received from Point Judith about 4
; o'clock by Captain Waters ssivs: "The
: iV-rt!:iouth is senitir-g tip signals, but
, they cannot be read."
Pttr i);.n;rsn-:. Out., Oct. 24.
n-' 2::.:;lit ia ton- of a propeller,
broke her tow line during severe we ath'-r
and sank with iso- crew o live persons.
X::wi'o:-.T. II. I., Oct. 21. A telegram
from t'.ie ii fe sa in g station at Point Ju-
dit'n s ivs tliat a shb is anchored iiine
.. . . ' . . : i ii...i .. i .. . . r
;u:es noiii toe si il:oii a:m .i in.- i.i
I wind is blowing. The vessel is believed
' to be the training ship Portsmouth, which
i sailed from Xcw York y.isteida'. AH
! life s-iviug t r-v s wiiiin reach aiv br.ii:g
hurried to the sc-'ne. 'i lie ship lias tev
I several h-mdr d sera's on be-ard and
should her a:
eeors a rag a large loss of
e.s she will drift upon dan-
! life is feared.
i gerotis rocks off Point Judith
i, .,:...,
i.uce nas sent tne uoipiiiii 10 icsiuer
.ce has sent th-' Dolp
-:-5ble i.-t'itii c to i!u tr.iir.iag ski-
A I". w :(-!: ;-. L. 1.. )et. Lb- 1 a ' UispaU Ii
boat. Dolni.ia w'-':eh v.-;i .-i-nt to rescue I
n.o ;.i,..-,!i,.l ,1 ..,-.. I,...,!.-.-- '
'", ', ' 1. !
bor about - oVlu-.-k tonight and :;:g
n - illeJthat ail was we'.'. Prom t'ne D 1- '
- I ......... 1 U-,t tl.o ,m i
" leasned th it the in- ,
dangered slop WilS not the Pel ts'.nouth, :
but the Sarato ' The v. ind h id g-;t '
- ..." -i c '
niuumi nm. n:t .it.iuni.t.i. ..mi me
toga had got up her anchors and laid her j
course for Xew York.
- r'JtroJm' 'lu"'-'
Gocrot HogotiatlOfis
Cukao... 111., O. t. '21. -It b
scen t in iiiti.itiiis have been
;uing on
bet w n tin- transcontinental roilds and
llr- Canadian Pacific ill nil endeavor tu
bring about :i ( .--..'i'lHH of ho-tililks (ill
i an cpiitible basis. TIk r- is u strong
probability thai t-nu swill be r.iinlc, ana
freight rate to Pacific coast points be
uinlcii-dl v ad valued.
S:an!oy Ativnncins into Africa.
I.iiMi i :, ( t.
1'ri v .'. (i':-j i!t' in
from :-tan!i-y Pool n;.o;t i!i;t li'iuy I. . v..- i ,i,,t, cur1-.-:.t i.-,.; ,jS-Stan'-
v -. one 1 .( irtilcs .- t!. - A ran- "i,i'..w.i tn.,"i !ias I mu- i
vilil ami lia-s '
.t ti
J' Jo!'i!i:U
i-iln'ili s
j l:irk to St sn!- P
i i
for uim:'
I '
I nnd
I nnu nil n. 1 in.- nan v 's
!i i ,v no iii-i;jo-
... i n
nil: jli. aNil a -
iv.Ii-v u'.i--' wait-
I'ioi'i i t !. ;'orc
s:.ii:;i to mo',, sl tii;- -j
v,'.-rc i i ;;;o' ! ln-a!'! h. S
in ;' i'-ii' l'i i'' ! 'i:'n of l!i
A CoMiory DiscJtcs-.
Lo;:!)o:.-. O, t. Th.: VV;ilk('r coal i
pit at Mewca ! !e i : on lire. Throi; :ei:c rs
ii-!Vi; ln '.'ii i'e i'ii:"!. t i i 1 ! y learned: live
h-ive b en t:d; ti d, :id, twiniy
I'.vn remainiiu; in t !i j mine sire supposed
to be de.-u
L'lter '
i u- d a!'
nty-ono men hivi" been
'!'!.;. tt,i! numb -r dead is
Ports !oton viio Satsy-Xs-:;
Yoijsi, :. 24. News has been
iveeivc.i that tiic Peiuvi:'.n has
refused to ratify the propos -d co;rirael
for th 1 se' th-m'-nt of th. nat ion -;! debt
by which the Kii-jrllsh iemd holders were
to receive certain valuable concessions in
lieu of th ir bon 1 -;. ?-Ii-ss -is W. Ii. and
M. P. !:aeo of X'.av lOric v.eie heavily
interested i:: the. propn.sp.l cosn-L'ssion.
Locl Op ion a Success
Xkw Yossic, Oct. 21. A:i Atlanta, (J.i ,
spi cial says that (liiv. (b.rden in an inter
view said thai probibition had been tried
through local option in 10J oni of i:
counties of the state, and not one county
has gone, back on i:s action. JI? did not
hesitate to pronoun. v the result good.
Atlanta had not brjen damaged. All
fears of trade being diverted h id proven
rroundless. The ( li:nge h.iJ. noticeably
benefited the free 1 men.
ThoSuprciTio Court-
WAMii.NCT .N, Oct. 2 L Tii3 United
States supreme coe.rt to-day denied the
motion to advance made by Sir. Packard
in tin: four prohibition litpuir ca-cs from
Iowa mid one from Georgia. They in
volve the same (, ue.-t ions winch wi re pre
sented in the Kansas case of Siebool asm
Hagclin, fd-eady urgu-.-d. Tin: attoruey
general of Kansas, who. by reason of
misapprehension did not appear to argue
the latter case or illy, wa in court to-day
and tiled a petition for leave to make
in oral argument now. The question
Divsenteu by tn;- chc is a very lmpon- one. r.s it inA-olves the eoiisliluti. .util
ity oi ad prooibitioa legislation, since
the adoption of the fouitienth r.meml
ment. which iloes not provide for com
pensation to brewers and distillers for ti e
th;.' value of proper;-,- destroyed by the
orciioe mo
in' of their esta'di
Cavalry Sn Routa For t.o Scsno cf
Iho Allcg ;d OutbrcT.k.
l)i:.v:.wo:. Dik., Oct. 24. Three
comp.".nie.s of cavalry and two of infant-
rv leave ort :de-.,l to nnrrow inori'.mg j
, i
under command of Col-m 1 Paeon sunt j
will march toward the Crow re-1 i vation j
wlii re th? Indian outbreak is reported, i
1 wo c:o:uo:r..;es o
f cavalrv and two f j will re'.nain with tiie com:i;:-!i
cr of tite fort. Colonel Tilf vrd.
ol ah
will be
ar comp;
nied bv a rcLTU-
lar w-itron train with riiles. Op, account
of mtiking up
the trt-.!!s!H,rt.-;ticm tram
the troops
re dt bivd one dav.
T.. Oet. 24.-
.t-,,11..- i
t'ums to close in on tiic Crows are about !
conrdeted. Two trooi.s will be smt 1
... . , ;
here from I o t Alissouln to-morrow, mak-
ing eighteen iu all. The authorities evi- ;
deutlv intend to overawe the Indians so j
. , , -ii !
as to in.iKe :t lignt ua::ecesary, bat will
not disdo a- t!ie t-l-m to bo pursued. All
the vouii x Ch.-veoaes have joined Sword
. i
Dearer :? gang. i
' I
Mrs. ?is.-lsys Cost iy Clo.iU.
Mrs. M.iekay. t!;o wife of the rieh Amc-ri-
t.i-.i-ii.. -it -r.K-.-.i ii i-.tiiitt nana
i -. -. i. - . .-..v..-. . i iai iiuitr.
I The.-. birds are f;.i at thirty shillings each;
t th.; breast, is f. .ur inriios bread and
it six 1 -eg at. tiie len-rth. jmd
nearly heart sh.-cie; thrill w portion is about
i a eh and a half di-tp, and is liUe tiie finest
l'l-''. in color a d-v. -al bvt.wn; the coin-
t::ad.-; oil below to a pinky term cotia.
Alviit llvclr.indred birds wid be necevsary to
1 c.rir.-.i onougii f 'r tl;-j clonk, ;:: d in secure
th -milrs. 3I.-;ckay has .iwpaScLed two skid-
f,., uia.,Ul.n:vU dinct to Oninen,
they are now ei:g.-:-.e-i i:i t!;. wi.ohsaie
' mgl.t. r. Ice mamle wul be costly, but the
v-' rk c f destruoru.n v. ;;1 be so gi- at that it is
. r .,-..,,.;.,..,...! . 1 ,- ,
ib-d-iey iiaii.
f - t' .....vMi..o i.j.i 1VU.JU.
A .Vom I-ili-ullo Ailinviit Aim.!i;i Iiil-Iri-n
Sum. cr thf l.- :i!iii-j Sii:tiii ,.
iisi-as-N Wiiii-li l'illo-.v A I-on:; I.!-,! l
IC.-mot :il!.- (,'aiiM's,
Iinlr-;-.,l!.)ii n I!:.- ;hm-T il.-j .1-.r.ii,: iiili-i.-iit
;v i'!i.;Miv :. I! il :: :!!, 1- fl.s
t K vrrv tii 1 1 r i ,':ii v. ij t i .-n.-nal ic I ii;;l r
i:ikis :(. !;tti . i... .,.i i
n i ai i i. :' ; 1 1: i r !i : li
; ..j-T--i witii su!'ii'ii
!".i- ii'il-l, i;. i, 1,1.1, ii -
w'.u n ;.'p!i' ! li
- iy 1 -' -i i K-iil.-ir
,'e a! iy many a e'::i.l i.-;
ai .'i.i.-. 1 Iiil
'ij.i -i f 'i i' ti
i : -j i I .e. i -re n-ilt.; ;t i .: ,j j. s-. .ii.;!: i .
j .ie :.i vi..; t.i' iii l !:t liMr.-.I i - i, ; -ire
;:alei:c.-.-i i-vA -hi-i! :i f-n., - - U-Unum,
..lo-ii:it.;', cryie-; (.; rci-i-:;;ii!ig : :i-'.l.-i.y ;
i i very j.-f.ii; !a.:e.'Ti: ir, ..-'.isi.,iiit . .i : i-
' -V '"' retelii.i;;, Uatii! .-O ;.,.,;,
erii-; -I ;o.'i (ti:ni j'et.;:! the-;i. i-.e.l
s-:r;e' it n-a I i.i .t!:. . :;i;.;as e. s...i
iito-r oil!...'.:., bear. Ay ::l Liej I.e;i.-;t or bn::k;
i". etiii l:-i'i v.Ii.,:-ret-.,.,. ;e; r.-l ,- il. VIi.,.iii ,-
'!i- or iem-i- in- i: ii .g Lin"--'- si-:i crc- j.ri-.i-..L
at I'.e s.inio t'':-, r, ,i:- i.-iou.M b.t i-riureii il'
persistent a d iy ()f t a
AO.;::a cat;:.;; .sv.Ml"it)-,is.
Jn the hii-per i-iiiM k.ihv- of thce sias may
l.t-e:ne nwroir! i'C:.-;!..,::cri! ro:d morea-;,o-.--ie;;.
II e ro.'.-s p. my ai.-1 :i -i .1 in
eiOtVli!, Jor,!;., J,.,,., SU,V,.IS f,.,
i...'il!i:i'i a:nl feet and irccpu.'ar sipj n-t it,
a:. (I ii;aliy n-al stii:-v.t 'ion si-is in i Yoiri r--
e:;U-;l naiioea and v.n.h'u'n- iliari lm-.i, vio-J.-:;l
. : -e!I.-i of o.olie, ii elf iii-,-m 1 w hiaia.- lo
v.a: :l eveninjr, imd culii.iiiutin. iu Krcat n-:t
I?nia anil sleepics.sne. at, ui-Lt. Ia many'S, in cun.seii.ieiice of ridlgcstion, wheMier
tr;iri:;k.-tit or j-rmuiieut, .... .aM )itiv ti
treat tJ;o .ali i;t f-.r iiwk: .uv.y.ii ion , f tin)
;;:em;ie!i, c:.i.::!t or r.-e;e uiarrl.i.-i.
tery or e!;.-ler:; infam;:,,.. ;' -i I. ,wc, (-ii.!n"r b ,
(!e:;.th or a. very slow o;;jv;,!,-.;e..ut sta-e, uu 't
in.t? which it U nl'.'ifist P-.p.siMe to iinl tli
l kind of fotj.i (,r ib i;i!r, tt:-. pi ii)ej- ,JIUlM.
ti:y ami qaaiity i,L each n:ee.I, t !:e r-(,:-ivet
t 'ie.'ic;-;;! tiro ia and otit of i!oo:-:;, or t bo
liropvr -lo1iiinrr for t!ie niJit or day. Im.I;-e;ei-!ion
in a. nervous Cold who ust'-:I!v lets
cjavuhutiiui or "ins"' with any ailment wK-.t-soi
ver, ia very uorioiw, ami .should Ik; urrcsl. il
without delay.
ilu causes of indigestioa per ce, or as a
forerunner to something more formidale, iiro
iitriitrouo, but , at a rule, readily i'.et-cuul.
They are pretty nearly the -sumcwheth.-r it
is rl-iiply iialijeotioii or some of the sequeltu
Kientici-cd above; unfavorable hygienic con
ditions, S!11' iis datnimes-s from long- contiuui d
rail-..-;, or .standin- mtt r under or about the
hoiisc, long continued spoils of excessive
heat, bad ventilation (closed windows and.
doors at uiyht, tliroush fer cf night air or
burcjars), bad drainage, newer gas, bad odors,
(it thy or crowded p;-emi::;, ee-is pools, tilth v
streets or alleys, neglected stables and yards,
inferior wet nurse, artificial food, sour nurs
ing bottle: unripe, wilted or decaying vo-e-tablrs
r fruit eaten by nurse or child, or
otiar unwholesome dish of mother or child;
sudden weaning, impure ih-ialdng water, Lad
cow's milk and worse dairy milk, changing
wcti;ur.-woi-u-taicial food; alcoholic Lever
ages, of whatever sort, indulged in by mother
or wet nurse; cold and teething.
Any one or more of the causes eitod ma-,
within a short time, develop a first class ca.-.e
of indigestion, which, if not removed and
convalescence speedily brought about, may
result qaickly in a dangerous or fatal case of
some, sore of int-stiuu! trouble. Li a.Iditia.
it imist bo remembered that very many chil
dren are weak and old at birth, being ah-eudv
far advanced in what is called nervous pros
tration in the adult. So hat among the per
;i.;:ei)t causes may bo mentioned hereditarv
predis;iosition, which hangs like a pall over
o'.herr.i-.e fair su:rouiiliiigs, anil indicates
the constitutionally sho-.-t route to the grave.
has w.r.e intiucnee in the list of causes,
fcir.eathe figures of ueveral good authorities
-.:--.rei.i-nt one-third more boys ttriekt-n down
v.i-ii i-itantile intligc.-.LiGU und its b:meful
1. 1 better understand tho matter, we
i .-c'-enie wiWndigeslion of the stomach,
ln.mcs ii.i." iiivalt 1 s.uiini :o:.I
: fl'-c:
a:e.:r a laeui i.; taken, us
n of the bi.wt. 1;, which will
. i
- iu:nr;-..:is oi i:::in an-i ivst !:.-& :iiej
.1 ; ; me ioo 1
iters the iViCsliii;
;r r-r two r.fter a i
tie;:es ti;e stc;r;:.
.c-:i mora or less :
i!v fivi:! :,.- ... ,:,.. .i.
... I '
.. 1 .
erne lime wiihir.
!. omltiiu usr.-
a;;v .,
Tii.cii ir. ligcstioii, v.hiio
s .-:-.-. re attends i'uat of
b-iLO v..:-..;:it. ; and di
at tli, rare ti:.e, the
. .i e. u 1 1 ii '.
: i;;-e .o:v:i'.
:.. mr-ml. i-auo o
ill I bOille
e.i Oi i aj uij.v.
. ; tho -....-; n;u. !:
e m-...!v.-d, an. I
' e.-r.iie.ued.
i O-.eii.i Lliu:;, 21. I)., i.i
is;- Concern-:
r i-.,v.. o ..' -.- r..i - i . i . t
w-aya rer.ds a mau"sa:vl wonian".scli;jraet'rb-.-
their ears. Time is to prove if some -f his
d-ieil.-.;:? re tn:c-r but .-nice i:w thef,ry' Los
be.- ) ej:; 1 ::;,ed to me, I am looking nt all the
v.;.i!i ; ,v;tlli.. lay ..a:lso of vjsion
Xev.-r before did I Ikin?-: ihes - outward signs
of invisible sen: vvero an interesting study.
bat i-hey ai-e far more bo than hands or
phrenoKerieal bmn;. .Small, shaily, pretty
care, are, of cour.-e, ia a uauority, but naturo
-sKh remarkable capacity in varying
her oi igiiial design that you must pardon her
fur oeeasionally turning o-at some rather gro-
rcs-nte speei'iiens.
"liow are his t-arsf murmured a alo
young uiother when her first bom was laid
beside her. And t Iris was the same paiticu-
i-i j.iiiei., n i: iue t-iiiiti was oicicr,
..f iu:u t. jti-u ljaj Kjno iij eorreCL
the wing-like ears he had inherited from his
grandfather. This gentle bint was taken in
good jiart bv Danio Nature, for the lxv"s
hanilscme head is net disfigured, as he irrev-
trent!;.- terms the anctral excres'cencas bv
"gig lamps." Few mothers evr think of
thus improving their children physically, but
it would bo an esillent scheme if the" diiL
It is not so much the size of the ouU-r car as
its relation to the other features that makes
or m. personal appearance. Ears that
protrutle can always be rectified in youth
when flesh and gristle aro pliant, and one cf
these days, when mankind determines to be
uwauiitui, bU v uuu alOXiCU lilil UC 111-
.i,. 11.. i,. .,. :,-..i i .- , .
voked to aid in improving baby misfits and
remodeling matuier monstrosities. Boston
V. -fl
A I'n II Ilbc ii
U J.
,' ! A. V
.-rA Pfiv F5.
. i w i m ci m t-f.
W4 1& hu a -
l- jy y& U v X j2
ti-e miYiAicufr STor.
;"he ( iti.-.ns of ( 'a
i ti
xhibited oyer nil competitors. The award is significant in point of Hipremai y'
style, value and ouantity and will conunaiid. your hearty c;a:ciu r. nce
wh.r. we nsscri t hat we have tiii -e:i:-on the grandc-t,
and most varied line of
Hi Dry GooSs, liiiry, Carieis, Heoelii
Tu be found in the city.
The ladies of Plat '.-mouth and vicinity arc respectfully invited to call and incpcct
some of the wonderful Manufactured. Textile Fabrique.s of the :i,rc.
aiifl Millinery Goods.
This sale will continue this and rdl next week. Great bargiius will be offered.
arc rutlicr la to in placing our roo.-itcr on the porch owing to the
-great rush and ix-te:p; of new tr, :d 4: sikin earlier announce ik nt
iuipo.-sib;;-, Lut lroi:i this date watch our advertisement and profit
White Ft'ent Dry Goods House.
Main street - Plattsmouh, Neb
't4 Mb
PiloM s.;; To f,.-,.
Pi;oM r.;. To .-.
liicli Aslrachaa anil Fur Triiuniings,
.11 vet n;i;iz" at a glance that the above bird is a Cass
".'. i:ig loud and over th'.-vi' torv gained bv
i T
; ; t v
i'oi? jl',o