2I)c piattumontl), Oaili Qcralb KNOTT8 BEOS., Publitjhers & Proprietors. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. For 'Supremo .ludijo, WAMUKL MAXWELL. For I'ntversity Jfogents, DK.JJi. U. DAVIS, DR. ULOHGB ROliEKTtf. For Jiulj;;ef Scowl Judicial District, HON. SAMUEL M. CHAPMAN. HON. ALLEN W. FIELD. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. Kor Treasurer I). A. CAMl'IJELL. ForCWrk IUI) C HITCH FIELD' For Recorder VYM. II. POOL. For Judtto CALVIN KUSSELL. For Suierinttiilort of Public Instruction HAYNAKD SPINK. rSlifrifT J. C. EIKENBAUY. Eor Clerk of istrii t Court II. J. STKEIOIIT, For Cm ity Comini.-sioiii r GEOUOE YOUNG. For Suryeyr A. MADOLE. For Coroner 1IENUY IMECK. The Republican State Platform TUi republican party of Ne-brtisKa. while ernr careful of property riKlitn, mt holding no yilipalllV Willi tIHH- WHO WUUIII nun mcranii ,.t orwitlitlm clu.-ts destroy renskerts Its determination tbat the great rail way corporal ions 01 inw mainuira num n i-.ti.Mw i.f Honest interest to tbe. people shall bit tlie fairly paid servants of the sta'e and not Us niat'vri. im worn 01 ici.-ujuiyu uimi-ui m lliu state and nation ."'ball continue uutil all tiijseof complaint of exorbitant rates and .... i.i.t iimiTiiiiiii'.Lt iuu in favor of individuals ol l.i.miiriea -Uvill rt'Mu to eiist. AssumiiK the respoasiUilitviwliich fairly belongs to it ol having originated all legislation looking to railroad iitrol anil the cieauon 01 inose in i.iii. iIm ir:coiuini!'.-ioiiH .which have been en ablrd to grapple with corporate power, the re publican Pal I J Will St'C IU II. IIHL irj 1 iicituch enlargements of power these commissions, na liuaal aud state, phall be armed for battle and for vi-tory. VTIiile favoring such cnanzo in the cousiitatio:: of this state as will permit the railroad commissioners to ue eiecieu ny me t.u..t.l It hrrehY voices its contidene in the exist ink' board or transportation.and coiiimond! its Hurt to obtain for Nebraska the same tariff f rates for freight and carriage of pas eeu'orsasis accorded to neighboring states biuiilarly cir.'uinstancea. It is crossly unjust ! trTiiu wrong that Nebraska should pay mora for the transportation of iter products aud tnecaiTiaiiiiof her supplies than her neigh bors, lew. Minnesota and Dakota, with its goto miles of easily constructed aud cheap!y uiaiatatned lines of railroad and the republi cans at this state will nut cease th-ir efforts u at II all wrongs be righted. We rc-aiiirui our a uieruce to tho American jicm of tariff, uniler which, with its broad protection of American labor, our country has prospered bevond any other, as the business of the country now demands revision, the re publican, alire to the demand of every mate rial interest, will see to it that such revision shall bo made at the earliest practical day. We condsmu the action of the democratic ma Jjrity lu eonpTcs in that after repeated pledges of tariff reform. U his utterly failed whils lnvins a larvre majority in the house of rpre:r st-Vive. wliere tariff bills must orini uaia, to bring about such reform, which must soma frsis the party tiiat has ever been the friend of the American laborer and producer The grateful tha.iks of the American people are due to thofo: who defended the union in the Ute war ant we are in favor of providing suitable pensions for soldiers and sailors who were disabled in its service or who have since, without their fault or vice, become objects ol public er private charity and to the widows and orphan of those who fell in its defence. We heartily sympathize with the ambition atiil effort of tbe patriots of Ireland in turn udearors to obtain for their country the blessings of free institution and loc.il self government. We recognize in t'harles Stew art rarnell and the lit. Hon. Willia n R. Glad stone worthy champion of the fundamental principal of the Declaratioa of indepen dence. We eosdemn the action of the president in is attempt to return the trophies won by era very on the Held of battle. We condemn the narrow. Intolerant and par tisan action of the democratic party in exclud iaz from the privileges of state citizenship tin kalf million people of Dakota, solely en the un saanlv and indefensible ground of a eUfTerenc in political views. iNot content with their ef ferts to exclude the negro from the elective franchise, they now sek to proscribe an intel ligent, pres-if rous and patriotic people because of their political opinions. We view with alarm th? abue of the veto power py the president of the United States. jb. power from the use of which England sov ereigns have abstained for two centuries; a power usel but six times during the first fortj year of our national government, a power In the people intrusted to the president for the purpot-e of preventing hasty legislation, hash tne present incumbent of that cilice been i;si- to thwart the well ascertained will rf the peo Ele and to resist rheir repeated demands. 1I as, in one-half of a single tortn of ofliee. ue the power more times than all the predecessor combined. Hell; sought bv all the prece dented use of extraordinary power, to cmsti latn himaeir a co-ordinate branch of the na tional legislature. He ha frequently exer cited thU -'one man power-' by tho coward 1 method of th "pocket veto" by which import ant measures have been defeated w ithout any mason beitit; given for withholding its ap proval. . Vote for II. J. Straight for Clerk of the District Court. No better selection could be 'made. Vote for W. II. Pool for Register of Deeds. No man in the county is better fitted for the position. Vote for all the republican nominees. No better ticket has ever been placed in nomination in the county. Vote for Maynard Spink for County Supt. The past two years have demon stratcd his entire fitness for the position. The Rock Island has reduced the rate of coal twenty-two cents per ton from Chicago to Council Bluffs. It begins te look as if the interstate commerce law will eleVsoin; good yet. Last week three county scat towns in Missouri voted on the question of prohi bition or license, and in each case there was a good majority against the salocn. Prohibition is gaining in Missouri every day. Vote for Dave Campbell for Courtj Treasurer; a man who is fully acquaint ed with the duties of the oiliec and who is honest and faithful; whose accounts have always been found correct to a cent. "Why vote for his opponent, a man whos best friends do not claim that lie is in any manner fitted for the place? THE DAILY Mk. IJntu CitnciiKiELDXhe republican! nominee for county clerk, is a young man of estimable qualities and is well compe tent to occupy the position of county clerk. He t ame to Cuss county in 1880, from Ohio, and bought a farm in Center pruciuct, at which placa he has since re tailed. Mr. CritchHeld is highly esteem ed by his neighbors and acquaintances and has been sent by them to represent them in every county convention since '80. During summer Mr. Critchticld cares for his farm and during winter en gages in teaching in the puplie schools. I la is a typical republican, having always been a leadtr in the party, in his commu nity, for this reason he is deserving of the suppoit of every republican in the county. Now while we have a good and worthv man of our own in the field let each and eycry republican cast his vote for that identical man nnd there will be no question as to his election by a ripe majority. It ia very discouraging to republican organs that, although the president has traveled through a large section of tlie south aud teen hundreds of thousands of southern people not a solitary southerner has taken him to task 'for refusing to return those "rebel llrgs Ex. The democratic journal that published the above is presuming altogether too much on the ignorance of the readers, if it has any of the republican faith. The south well understands that Mr. Cleveland did all in his power 'to return to them their lost battle Hags, not only in face of public sentimeut but in the face of a plain statute as well. How could he do more: When he found, president though he was, the people had more power than he, he came out with a card saying he could not return the nags on account of the laws of the country pre venting; but never a word to indicate that he had changed his heart's desire to do just what he had been attempting to do, The talk of democratic journals about "Cleveland's refusing to return the flags" is a very cheap speciman of wilful igno rance that unbiased people will not read except with derision. Th3 Chicago Boodlors. The men co:ivict d at Chicago of hav mx for years carried on a .svstcmntic rob- be -y of tho pi ojIc of Cook county wil 'cave no expedient untried that th j in genuity of lawyers can developeto escape the just punishment that should be given them. They will use all the proceeds of their plunder if necessary, and as much more as their friends may be willinir to put up for tiieiii. in order to defeat justice "All that a man hath he will give for his life;" and these men are yirturally fight ing for th.ir lives. This is their right and there can be no complaint if they take the fullest advantage of it. But honest men everywhere are to be congrat ulated upon the indications that they are making a hopeless struggle. On Thurs .lay they were denied a new trial, and to day an effort will be made to secure an arrest of judgement. There is cverv reason to expect that this also will fail and that the final condemnation which will put an indellible strain upon these conscienceless rogues will be pronounced Never were men mare clearly convictec of crime than were these Chicago bood lers, and it would be a misfortune to be generally deplored it, through any technicality or twist of the law, they should now escape the full penalty for their unbridled rescalities. "When couple of weeks ago a stay of sentence was "ranted to Sharp, the New York boodler, whose criminal course was no worse in kind if greater in degree than that of the Chicago gang, the whole country felt that justice had been betray ed and rascality had won a victory. The judge who did this for Sharp canceled all his claims to public confidence, if he did not likewise proclaim his own dis honor. Any consideration shown the Chicago boodlors, not most clearly justi tied under tlie law, would equally be re garded by tlie country as a betrayal of justice, and would consign any judge who should grant it to a popular repro bation not less seyere than is felt for the boodlers themselves. Tlie punishment of these men is not an affair of simply local importance. The example would be effective everywhere and it is needed. The lesson cannot be too strongly im pressed ths.t the man who betrays a pub lic trust and robs the people .who have reposed confidence in him and committed to him the care of their public interests, is a criminal less deserving of sympathy and clemency than any other cla , s of scoundrels known to the law. To prove a man a l.oodler should be to fix upon him the mo-t odious title in the vocabu lary of criminal designations. For in deed what other class of thief is there quite so contemptible aud debased as I13 who with pretense? of impregnable integ rity securer, public trust and in the secu rity of tho popular confidence uses it to rob the people, corrupting and debauch ing all with whom he comes in contact? With such rascals the law cannot eleal too severely, and the general welfare de mads the certain nnd swift punishment of the convicted boodler. When this principle shall universally prevail' there will be fewer to punish. Bee. IlEUALD, PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, OCTOPK THIRD JUDICIALDISTRlCT OUT LOOK As Clyen by Judge Cooiey, or Omaha -An Honorable Quar tette. Judge Cooiey, of Omaha, was in the city Saturday on legal business and was interviewed by a Hekald representative. In response "to epaerii'a as regards the outlook of the third judiical district, comprising Sarpy, Douglas, Washington and Burt counties, he made the follow ing statement. "I thiuk 'hree if not four of the re publican nominees for judge will be elected in the Omaha judieiul elistsict. Lee Estell, one of tho republican nom inees forjudge is one of the most popular men in eastern Nebraska. He was the best district attorney that they ever had in their district and gave splendid satis faction. He served with distinction in the war and is a prominent Q. A. R. man. Has a fine judicial mini anel would make a first-class judge. Any talk about him being a ward politician is a malicious falsehood. He is sure of an election by from 1,500 to 2,000,'major- ity. The second nominee, O. II. Ballou, is a bright and highly cultivated young lawyer and stands at tho top of his pro fession. He has great properly intercuts in this (Plattsmouth) city as well as in Omaha. His practice is extensive in tho federal and the supreme court of the state, and I was surprised to think that he would accept the nomination forjudge as his practice now pays him fully double what a judgeship would. Mr. Ballou will make a fair judge and the people will honor themselves by electing him. Judge A. Hancock, the third nominee on the republican ticket for judge, is most emphatically a Nebraska boy, hav iii" been reared and educated in Nebraska. We were at the state university together and he graduated with very high stand ing at that institution, lie was a poor boy and worked himself from the bot tom to the top of the ladder by his indominable will, by his honesty and efficiency in the trust reposeel in him, and is now serving his term as county judge, to which he was elected by a splendid majority in Sarpy county. Although that is a democratic county he will carry it this fall by 1.000 majority, lie is a man of broad character and high legal attainments, a stalwart republican of the most pronounced type and is sure of an election. Judge Hopewell, the fourth and last nominee, of Tekamah, is now one of the judges of the district and has been endorsed by the bar of the elistrict, and also by the democratic party, and is therefore sure of an election, being with out opposition. He is popular through out the district and his tlecissions are universally respected by the bar and bench of the state, " Speaking further, concerning Judge Wukelcy, Judge Coolcy said: "Judge Wakeley, the nestor of tho bar of Nebraska and the west, I can say without fear of contradiction, is the ablest jurist in the west, and by many prominent lawyers is considered the equal of Judge Cooiey, of Michigan. Itwasthe universal regret of the bar of our district that he did not receive a renomination from tho republican convention. At a bar meeting which wa? largely attended by the lawyers of our district he was most emphatically endorseel for his last two term i and askcel to accept a renom ination at the hanci3 of the republican and democratic parties and the bar. He would have been cnelorsed by our repub lican convention if it had not been for his associations with mugwumps over which he had no controll and for which he was in no way to blame. If any one of the four judges should b3 defeated Judge Wakeley, if he consent to run, will be reelected."" The judge further said that the whole of the republican ticket, county, state etc. will be electeel in Omaha and Douglas county by a tremendus majority. He also informed our representative that the great war between the city council and police commission has been taken to the courts where it should have been referred to some six months ago, and it will be speedily aeljusted there. Hon. H. W. Grady. The Statesman, Scholar and True American, set an example worthy of re flection for all True Americans. Healing wounds that no methods except those used by Heaps' Camphorated Arnica Salye which is sold on its merits for any use that a ealve can be useel. No cure, no pay. For sale by the following drug gist. Price 25c per box. W. J. Warrick N 2W Daoarture- We the unsersigned druggists of Plattsmouth do hereby announce to our patrons and friends that wo can heartily endorse and recommend the following I remedies of the Quaker Medicine Corn i pany: Balyeat's Fig Tonic, Dr. Watson's New Specific Cough Cure, and Heap's Arnica Salve, for the reasons that we know what they contain, anel are the re sults of science applied practically. Will J. Warrick. CASE OF PREMATURE BURIAL. A Singular Occurrence AVlilch Took I'lace In l'nrls Horrible Affair. Another case of premature burial worthy of being iinaly.cd in tho rciilhtio manner of Zola has occurred in I'laneM-. An e-lde-rly woman who lived at an Old World place culled St. Oueii Lu Rouerio ree-ently fell ill and, its her friends thought, died. The funeral tool: place, mid as the graved i;wr wjus preparing to lower the coilin into the earth ho heard moans issuing from inside lhe lugubri ous four bourels inclosing the presumed corpse. Then followed ;i seene which was an exact countei pai t f what occurred about twelve months a.-o in another rural part ef France. The -rav li.-'.i; r. half fright ened of the proi.uble ghot which his imagination conjured upand partly awed by tlie ivquirenn nls enacted by the law in circumstances such as those in which lie found himself placed, left the eoflm in the care of the mourners and went olf with his somlier story to M. I a- Ma ire. That rural dignitary, having duly donned his scarf of olTice and summoned the vil lage doctor, proceeded to the local "(Jod's acre." The coiiin was opened and it was discovered that the w oman had just dieel from fright, having awakened from a trance to lind herself hemmed in be twoen tho terrible deal planks. When horrible .scenes like this are re jn ated it is time for the authorities and the public at large to take into considera tion the invention of the ingenious un dertaker who has adopted as his motto, "No more premature burials." This practical person oilers to bupply in all cases of doubtful death an apparatus by means of which those who may have bad the misfortune to le buried alive may not enly inhale fresh air on their awak ening, but also communicate by tsignal with the world which has left them for etoad. London Telegraj h. HuMta of Hermit Crabs. These crabs are very quarrelsome and will light desperately, esieciaily if two pjiecimens be ej"ctel from th ir habita tion and one of ti e shells remove!. At last the stronger puts the weaker to flight, se-izes upon the shell and whips into it as if shot from a spring. Tho homeless one tries in vain to pull him out, for at each attempt he only retreats farther .Mid farther into the shell, pressing his legs firmly against it and blocking uj the; en trance with his fighting claw, which is always very nme-h larger than its fcilow. In consequence of this combative nature the crab is sometimes culled by the liamo of "soldier." Sometimes I b.ive caused much amuse ment by removing a. hermit crab from its habitation and supplying it with a shell aliout two sizes too .smail for tlie accom mexlation of its body. No other protec tion being obtai'n'.le, the erab picks up the shell, twists it round and round with marvelous dexterity and quickness, meas ures its capacity with its legs, and at last makes the best of a bad business by forc ing tlie tin of its body into it as far as can lie done and thi.ii walks alout e!i con polately, knowing tiiat the greater part of its soft person is u-.protectcd. When it bus had time to become thoroughly un comfortable a largo .shell should he placed in the vessel. lu a moment tlie crab pounces on it, twL-is it about, and with a movement almost too quick for the eye to follow drops the little shell and jrks itself into the l.i ge one. where it rests with an air of absolute content which is intensely ludicrous. Longman's Maga zine. Tho "JerK" .it a Revival. The "falling exerciso" became not so common, and the jerks" succeeded. These, if possible, were harder to account for than the former, and it is impossible for me to fully describe them. The f ist I saw affected with them were very pious, exemplary persons. Their heads would jerk back suddenly, frequently causing them to give a cry or make some other involuntary noise. After this nearly all classes locauie subject to them. The intelligent and the ignorant, the strong, athletic man and the weak, effeminate persons were handled alike by them. Sometimes the head would fly every v.-ay bo quickly that the features could not be recognized. I have seen their heads fly backward and forward so quicklj- that the hair of females would be made to crack like a carriage whip. Some wicked persons have taken "jerks" while ridi culing them, and been powerfully oper ated on; others have taken them while trying -to mimic the-m and had the fit in good earnest. One thing that appeared almost, if not entirely, miraculous, was that among the hundreels I have seen get them, I never knew or heard of one le ing hurt or injured thereby, beyond a soreness caused by their cllorts to avoid them. American Magazine. First and Last. About a mile from Land's End I passed through the little village of Sennen, which boasts an inn with an crctraordinary double name. On cne side of the swing ing sign are the w ords, "The Lact Inn in England," and on the other side, "The First Inn in England." My driver, ob serving my interest in these announce ments, touched his hat and said: "There's two more Firsts and Lasts just ahead, sir." Sure enough, in five minutes we came up to another one of them, more gener ally known as the "Land's End Hotel." to 'distinguish it from No. 1. Here I de cided to stop, as the road beyond seemed too rough for a carriage. On tho top of a cliff, which is the actual end of Corn wall, another but smaller building stooel out sharply agabist the sky. On the side facing me are painted words too small to be read in the distance. I ljorrowed a telescope from a sailor who was studi usly scanning the horizon, and then made out the inscription "First and Last." Cor. New York Journal of Commerce. A journal devoted to mazography, a science by which it is undertaken to de termine a person's character by the sizo and shape of his nose, is soon to be pub lished, if its announcement from Taxis is credible. The opium treatment of melancholia ia being thoroughly tested in the clinic for psychiatry at Le l zic. in order to decide once for all upon its merits. Hie Lick telescope is expected to 1 ready for work at the beginning of the new year. 21, 1SS7. For tho next lew weeks choiee of lots in South I ai'k maj be had for siTiO Purchaser mav pay all in '; J ouc half cash, the other hal.'in one year; or, one third cash, bal ance in one and t wo years; or cash, remainder in monUi lv installments fSl(; or, anv one a-Toein to construct ti residence worth $i,.r00 and unwin ds w ill be. given a lot with out further consideration. iTOW IS THIS to select your residence lots, even though you .shouhlnot contemplate building at once. One visit to South arte will convince the most skeptical that it is t he most desirable residence locality in the city, and we will add, that the most substantial class of buildings ol which rlatlsinouth . can boast Tor the year 1S7, are now being constructed in this handsome addition. Beautiful -OF EVERY DESCRIPTION QITvJ-T "XJ'123 LOTS. around and through the entire tract. Any one desiring to construct a cottage or a more preten tious residence in South Park, can examine a large selection of plans of the latest style of residences by calling at our ollice. Auy one desiring to examine property with a tict to purchasing, will ho driven to the park at our expeiue. South Park is less th.vn 1;:!ve iorths ol" a milt; j'lotn the; Opera ilout-e. It can be reached eoiivem-.-nth- by e ithei- Chicago or Lincoln Aciiucs, or south on 7th street". CALL ON y J e r. F-s. fT9 n'-fe 3 fj g 1 - 1,1 " wk zxsii.ii a:ki;;:ciajt Have anything you wane from a CARRIAGES FOR EOMMER STABLIS always I;t rauly Oaf or tight e,mages, pdl.hearer wne.on3 nd everything tor tunerals tarnished or; .-hort notice. Terms c-ih rS WW f5 SWl yen, iv I'i r ! Trees 3 m iti MOST g 'ft Ti i a is VSPI si JteHfeO .... v or s- im: (.'kockm. v d. B. IfiUEPHY & CO. tv. - v. ; :: 1 . ciiri j,, . , 4 1 -!-ur PLEASURE mm Ui ,i