The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, October 22, 1887, Image 4

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f)t piattsmoutl) Pails lleralti
Vubllshers A Proprietors.
A Salisbury Dentist, In Kock
noud IIulIdliiR.
Mrs. Lovcrin, of Plattsmouth, ha3
gone to Creston on a visit.
Ucv. IL Coolcy, of Lincwln, visited
at the home of S. A, Daycs to-day.
"V. II. Baker left this morning for
Ottumwa and Agency, Iowa.
Mr. M. D. Polk, wife and sister, Mr?.
Ire, were passengers to Louisville tints
Mrs. Chas. Holmes and Mrs. Newell
were passengers to Iicayer City, on a
visit this morning.
Frank Pottenger, an ld Plattsmouth
boy is in town. He has been employed
on the M. 1'.
Mrs. S. H. Alley, who lias been visit
ing friends here, returned to her home
in Wilbcr this morning.
"W. H. Woodard, better known as
(Perkin's House Iiilly) left this morning
for St. Joe, on a week's visit.
Mrs. Win. Herold who has been visit
ing her son James, in Boston, for some
time, returned home this morning.
Mrs. Lessic Hunt, Mrs. Geo. House
wort and Miss Birdie Houseworth were
passengers to Omaha this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Bignell left for Lin
coin this morning to visit their son Ed
ward, who is about to be transferred to
A. M. Hose, Union, was in the city
to-day and made a pleasant call on the
Herald. He reports everything in a
prosperous condition in his neighbor
hood. Rev. Hirt, of the German M. E.
church, went over to Hamburg, la., where
he will conduct services to-morrow morn
ing but will return and preach here in
the evening.
Send us a new name for the Daily
Considerable shelled corn is being
TVe ask our subscribers to send us.
items of interest.
Wasted Some one to canvass the
city for the Daily IJerald.
Great discount sale at Bceck fc Bird-
sail's. Call and get a discount bill.
A good house to rent in the second
ward. Enquire of II. A. Waterman &
A little after noon to-day, from the
hill tops a large rainbow was visible al
most due north.
Every one should now receive their
paper rogulerl, if you do not, reportat
the Herald office.
Hard, dry wood $4 per cord, deliv
ered. Leave orders with John Tutt.
d tf
The dance and supper atFitsgerald's
hall last night by the wives of the members
of the B. of L. F. was a fair sncces3. There
were quite a number present and a general
good time was the result of the entertain
ment. The social at the home of F. M.
Richey last evening was a pleasant suc
cess, there being quite a number present
The evening was spent in music and
social enjoyment, and refreshments were
C. Rogers had a monster head of
cabbage cn the streets to-day. He
claimed it wieghed 23 pounds and had
some at home that would beat that.
This is the result of the por(?) soil of
Nebraska and last summer's terrible(?)
A painful accident occurred to
Harvey Sage yesterday. He is employed
as tinner by J. S. Duke and was engaged
in putting a tin roof on the kitchen of
J. P. Young's house, when he fell, dis
locating his right knee. He was prompt
ly put under medical care and at last
accounts wos doing nicely.
We are sadly in need of reign and
a condition of the elments that would
2roduce such an event would be
hailed as a blessing. The pasturage
along the streets is yery low and the
horses, cattle and hogs who depend upon
that source for food are compelled to go
out in tha country to find substance or
depend on the instability of the fence.
In the latter case it is not likely a cow
can get more than a dozen lunches and
one square meal a day, and in doing this
they make themselves liable, as in a case
which came to our notice a few days ago
A lady had bought a conple dozen cab
bages for winter and as they came too
late to be stored away that night, as she
thought, they were allowed to rest in the
back yard securely guarded by the back
fence. But it was at the dead hour oi
night a cow forced an entrance and stored
the cabbags away. Thus the cow was
forced t burglary on aecount of the
failure of the public pasture. A copious
reign is needed.
Plattsmouth Sporting Club.
The Plattsmouth Sporting Club gave
their twenty-seventh annual game-supper
last evening at the residence of Mrs. Allie
Coverdnle, on Main tstrect.
The following persons were there as
members of the club or as guests:
Dr. and Mrs. Livingston, Capt. and
and Mrs. L. I). Bennett, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Weber, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Druui
mond, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. White, Mr.
and Mrs. Win. Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Jf.
E. O'Brien, Mr. W. S. Wise, C. W.
Sherman and daughter, Miss Valery, Miss
Simpson, W. H. Baker, Mr. and Mrs.
Cook, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. White, Mr.
and Mrs. Ed. Morlcy. Mrs I. Curtley, C.
C. Panicle, Miss Fulner and Miss Liv
ingston, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Frickic, P.
Seidenstriker, J. I. Antill, E. B. Lewis
and our represcatative.
At 5 minutes past 10 o'clock they all
were seated at the tables and the follow
ing menu was served: Oyster soup, raw
oysters, chicken salad, roast mallard duck,
with jelly, teal duck with game sauce,
jack snipe, hunter sauce, quail stuffed
with oysters. Green peas, mashed pota
toes. Pate de fcl gras. Boned prairie
chicken. Cheese, celery. Assorted
cakes, oranges and grapes, nuts and
raisins, tea and coffee. Assorted import
ed wines.
After all had partakea of the bounti
ful repast till they were satisfied, Frank
E. White rose and moved that in the ab
sence of the president of the club, that
Dr. Livingston act as president, which
was carried unanimous.
Then the president of the evening ap
pointed F.E. White, E. B.Lewis and Wm.
Weber as a committee to present and in
troduce the champion shot of the year,
and they immediattly introduced to the
company M. E. O'Brian. When Dr.
Livingston arose and in an appropri
ate speech presented Mr. O'Brion with a
beautiful gold medal, the medal is
about the size of a silver quarter hang
ing by two gold chains on a gold bar,
on the bar is the owners name M. E.
O'Brion and the medal bares the follow
ing inscription: "P. S. C. Best Fall
Hunt, 18S7" surrounded by a reath of
Mr. O'Brion thanked the club for
their appreciation of him, after which
toasts were responded to and the differ
ent members told their late experience
some of which was very amusing.
The banquet lasted till after mid
A Ulysses Episode.
A story comes to us from Ulysses which
is rather complicated and may be of in
terest to our readers.
As related to us it appears that a cer
tain young man there, formerly of Platts
mouth, became engaged to a young lady,
and the two were greatly attached, but
the parents of the girl objected to the
The young couple, however, proceeded
to prepare for the wedding and the young
gentleman presented his betrothed with a
costly wedding dress and other articles,
but the old folks became so opposed to
the match that they refused the girl per
mission to stay at home and she went to
her uncle's, who encouraged the match.
Preparations went so far that the
young man procured the license and en
gaged the minister and all went well un
til the appointed day and hour, which
was last Saturday, when the parents ap
peared at the house of the uncle deter
mined to flustrate the marriage. The
uncle took the part of his neice which
led to trouble between his brother (the
father of the girl) and himself, and the
girl shrunk from the scene and hid.
The wedding was for the time prevent
ed and the would be groom could not
find the young lady, but after searching
for h?r all day received a note from her
stating she had given up and thought it
best for them not to marry, but would
keep the dress, etc.
This disheartened the young man so
that he returned to his home 6ick and
confined to his bed. The young lady
hearing of the sickness regretted her
actions and seeing what a good oppor
tunity she had missed sent another note
stating the wedding was no longer op
posed on her part. The disappointed
gentleman is still sick and whether. the
match will be made or not, is still uncer
tain. Eikenbary's Return.
Sheriff Eikenbary returned last even
ing from O'Neal City, Holt CV, where by
telegraph he accomplished the arrest of
Elmer Wart who stole a horse in Eagle
last month. At O'Neal City Mr. Eiken
bary learned from the Holt county sheriff
a little of Wart's history. It appears
Wart was under arrest last winter for
burglary but was acquitted on lack of
evidence, and he has a brother in the
penitentiary for that crime. Wart is a
young appearing man. His preliminary
trial will probably come off on Monday
or Tuesday as the witnesses all live in
the western part of the county and have
to be summoned. Wart's past record
will so against him in the case if a pros
ecution is enforced.
Scarlet Underwear from 50c upwards.
Clouded Merino Underwear from 50c
upwards at S. & C. Mayer's.
Charles Thomas Instantly Killed
In a Boiler Explosion.
From the Lincoln Journal.
A terriflic boiler explosion occurred
yesterday afternoon about 3:30 o'clock at
the new B. fc M. wells near F, bet ween 5th
and 0th streets. Charles Thomas was in
stantly killed and Fred Kane and Ernest
Rcichelt were seriously injured.
For several months past John Lanham,
of Crete has been engaged in digging a
large well for the B. & M., their old well
proying inadequate to their demands.
This new well was to furnish 1,000 gals,
per minute. Mr. Lanham let the contract
to John Roberts, a machinest of this city,
to furnish the power to keep the water out
of the well while digging and to test the
capacity when finished. Roberts furnish
ed a small portable, and a forty horse
stationary boiler, to furnish this power.
Considerable trouble was had with the
stationary engine, as it was rather old and
had seen some very hard service in the 7
or 8 yens since it was manufactured It
was therefore standing idle and two up
right boilers were borrowed from the rail
road company,but these also failed to fur
nish the necessary power. The old boiler
was put in repair and fired up yesterday
to test the well, as the company was anx
ious to use the water. Six men were em
ployed at the well. Roberts was engineer
ing the work and Charles Thomas was
firing. The engines had been running
about an hour when it was found that the
injector was not working. There was
from 100 to 120 of steam registered. The
injector was labored with for some time
but it was found impossible to make it
work and the water in the boiler had be
come very low. The ergmes were stopped
and the injector at once began to work
throwing a heavy stream of cold water
into the boiler. There was then but 60
pounds of steam registered in the guage.
The water was so low that the crown sheet
was uncovered and had grown red hot.
The introduction of this cold stream of
water into the boiler caused the explosion.
The crown sheet was blown out, and
the boiler, weighing 8,000 pounds was
sent whirling through the air, landing
175 feet east, and ploughing up the
ground for about 20 feet. There was no
warning and after the steam cleared away
Charles Thomas, the fireman, was found
lying on the railroad about 20 feet away,
dead, having been killed instantly. His
body and head being terribly scalded and
Fred Kane and Ernest Reichelt, two
laborers who intended goingto work last
night at the pumps, were standing near
by and were badly scalded, although it
is not expected that their injuries will
prove fatal. They were at once taken
to their homes and attended by Dr.
The escape of Mr. Roberts and Mr.
Latham was certainly miraculous as they
were within a few feet of the boiler when
it burst.
The body of Thomas was taken by
Coroner Roberts to the residence of the
deceased's brother, near the old soap fac
tory on the asylum road. The following
jury was empanalled, and will meet this
morning at 8 o'clock to take the testi
mony in the case: W. C. Lane, C. C.
Beach, A. G. Hastings, C. W. Barbour,
John Haverly and Walter Bohanan.
In order to clear our large stock of
Kilt Suits, we will sell them at fifty cents
on the dollar for this week only.
S. & S. Mayer.
Evanseline Coming Friday, Oct. 23
The above company canceled their en
gagement in Plattsmouth this morning
on the grounds that they could not come
here and loose money. I have beente le
grapliing them and made them a propo
sition and they have accepted it and will
come next Friday night. There have
been some reports circulated regarding
this company which are not to be relied
upon and I assure our citizens that it is
the finest and largest attraction that ever
visited Plattsmouth. The company con
sistes of over fifty people and a car load
of special scenery such as has never been
seen here. The play is one that no one
need to be ashamed to go and see and
need not bring a blush on the cheek of
the most fastidious.
This company plays in the larger cities
and in first class opera houses only, and
crowded houses of the best society of
ladies and gentlemen patronize them.
I will refer our citizens for full partic
ulars to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dovey who
witnessed the play by the same company
while in Chicago.
I am Respectfully,
J. P. Young.
Great Reduction in the price of
Astrachan Coats and Vests and Overcoats
at S. & C. Mayer's.
Just received some Tennes see sor
ghum molasses and Rock Candy drips.
31-d3 L. D. Bennett.
Fresh buck-wheat flour at Bennett's.
Bennett keeps Chow-chow by the
gallon or less. . 34-d4
If you want a nice variety of Cakes
and Cookies go to Bennett's. 34 d3
I have something new in the way of
canned Clam chowder, Asparagus, Spin
ach and Plum pudding.
34 d3 L. D. Bennett.
Ladles' Claze Donga a button
shoes $2, worth S2SO T- H Phillips'.
The Metropolitan Hotel Damaged
byFIro this Morning.
A few minutes after 12 o'loek last
night the fire department was called to
the corner of O and Eighth streets to
fight a blaze in the old Metropolitan ho
tel. When first discovered the ilames
had gained considerable headway.
There was fire in the basement, fire on all
of the etairs and fire in the attic, and
when the fire companion arrived there
was a lively struggle before them. A
ine of hose was carried into the m-iin
hall where it did effective work on the
stairways. Another Mream was turned in
through the basement windows and soon
had that part of the buildnig in darkness.
In the meantime, however, the blaze was
ready to break through the roof and
seemed to have gutted the entire upper
portion of the house. As quickly as
possible three more streams were bnuight
into play on the roof and through th
windows, and at 1 o'clock the lire was
completely subdued.
The building is badly damaged. Fire
or water or botii entered every room.
The io3S cannot be estimated at this
writing, and the amount of the insurance
is unknown. Th ; property belongs to
Mr. J. A. BuckstalT. IIo did not appear
at the lire last night, and all efforts to
reach him by telephone were unavailing.
It is hardly probable that he will consider
himself greatly damaged as it has long
been his intention to tear down the old
Metropolitan to make room for a fine
block of wholesale etorcs.
The place was unoccuped and the fur
niture was advertised for sale. Win.
Splain, who has deen conducting the
hotel for the last few months, moved his
personal property to another part of the
city a short time since. It is thought
that the furniture belonged to Mr. Back
staff. No theory of the causi of the fire was
advanced last night but that of incendi
arism. Chief Newbury states that the
house was fired in half a dozen places
It is possible that day-light may bring
other explanations. Lincoln Journal
Furnishing Goods
All the newest and latest Styles for Fall
and Winter in men's and boys' wear.
ea tie ks'
Dr. C. A- Mar shall)
Preservation of natural teetli a pjt cialty.
Teeth extracted u-ithuiil jiain lj iuc of Lauuhing
All work warranto 1. Prices reasonable.
Fitzgerald Block, Plattsjiouth.Nki;.
Cor. 12th and Granite Streets.
Contracted and Builder
Sept. 12-6m.
Choicest Brands of Cigars,
including our
Flor de Pepperbergo' arte: 'Buds LINE OF
always in 6tock. Not. 20, 1885.
IS-fii. G
Sixteen Thousand Dollars
Last year, and if low prices will .sull 1, we inteml 1 WV9
ill is year.
Ladies' Good (Jiain Button Slioir 1 r I.Oi. foimtilv sold 1W 1.7.r): Ladiis
Heavy drain lint Urn Shoe, wear f-; : . 1.7'., fomcily for ,,": Ladies lt
Milwaukee f J rain IJutton Shoe, 0.(K). fenn' r!v m-M fi.t 'J.V.O: "W' uir oll'iim'Mll
our $,,r,() line of shoe for $',0((; Lao'i.-' Kim" ( ;; JJcjiola Button ami Tam;o
Goat for .t:2.50, formerly $:;.-(0. Men !1 aw Bi;uts for only ifl.r.O, fomml.V $2.0;
Men's Brst Whole Stock Kip Hoots for '..-t, former v s. Id for .Mrn l'jue
Whole Stock Kip Hoot for only .:,'.(:(, foimcly !;"-l.0; M n's Calf 5oot, raid
solid, for ontv 4-'--"0, fonn- rlv :.')(; .Men's Fine Driss niton bltou 1'o.r nly
formerly $2. .10.
We also have in:at ninny other "c:h" liarjr-iiiis in Children's. Jlis-Jcs andl'Ojs
that it will pay you to call ami cxiiniinc our .od.s and he convince! that vr r
selling t. Ilea pel than any other dealer.
Jonathan Hatt
Sugar Cured Meats, Hams, Bacon, Lard, &c., &c-
ot our own make. The best brand.- of OYSTEKS, in cans and bulk, at
Our Ladies' Plush Sacquo at j.'i.OO. will compare with any i .ri i:t fold t y- oq
in this City.
Our Ladic.V PltHi Sacque at S'0.00, well worth 7.00
Our Ladies' PluMi Sacque at 37.00, tonally advertised at if '."7. CO, as a !,:.'
adies' Plush
- -i W fia
$18. $22.50 $25 00 $27. $30. $35. $40.
Tlicse goods arc elerj;nt!y trimnH.d with Plush. J leaver, Seal nut Pas
sementerie trimmings ai.d i;re decided bargains at the
prices v.e uk for them.
Ladies' new Markets in checks
Stripes. Glace am diagonal cloth!
The newest and latest novelties
at prices that will astonish yon.
- jLadies' Jackets the largest line
in the city.
Chiidi-ens' and Misses9 Cloaks
Havclocks and new Markets, the
largest and finest line ever shown
in this city.
CggTLook ou stock over before purchasing as it will rvY yjU
Just rec2v3d a large inoico cf ;
Ladies fine kid and coat button !
shoes at $2 al pair, taranteorf j
equal to any SO Shea In tho
marked at T. M. Phili ps.
Every one buv'nira dollars Tvorth of
goocb and over v. ill receive a chancy . on
aa elegant sewing maebiue to be drawn
Christmas Eve.
Petbr Mergbs.
j8L 31 ET
J. W. JUaktiii.s.
MAW & C.
9 1 ii - 1
filanteaus a
vith high arm and vibrating buttle
- sold mone. tiEasy pajm,nt8 Qr
Manager PlalUin0th iran