The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, October 22, 1887, Image 1

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' t -H' ill
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inumi;i:r :u.
fjtr JUL 1-1-
Gl'l;Y ()ljnGKlS.
.j it Simpson
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A Maihh.k
W II Mai.i.k
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I a W Will .'I'.
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M It Mc id-it V
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Ai i'iii''y,
ruin .1 udge,
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l .1 W .I mi;.
I 11 Maw
us VYoktii
I'.oaid Pub. Work
'I'r(:i surer.
Iii-puty I n- .-mrer, -
)i':liy I'i'Tli,
I Hk of !M-tii.:" b'',
!'-l'iry Sin ii:f.
Survey 'ir.
ISiiiit. i( 1 "nf Si'fiuoN,
I'minty J ii
l'llO.,l'i!.l.'l Iv
.1. ,i Coltl N'SoN
I'. f. MiM'lll-.llSON
J.I'. l-ilKKNiiAiti
P.. J. Vh'UI NS
A. M AHill.K
I'. KUSriKI.L.
r.o ui ok sui'
I oris Koi-rz. Cirm.. Weeping Water
A. 1.. Toll.
A. IS. !! K-ON,
i'i;i tsiiiolll ll
CIVIG S O G 1 1 t'l1 1 J c S .
'ASSW.IU!.- N- 1IC. I . O. I". - Mi'l'is
v t'Vi-ry Titi-liiy cvt'i.ini? of -sirli w.'rk. All'nt luollit ts :u; rot-inclfully invited to
rjIKIU l.UDCK NO. SI. A. . U. W.-Meels
iverv nil e: l'ri-Uy evening at Iv . of 1.
Tr:i:isiei:l lrot Ik-im ftr lcsf:-llui !y in
viied tir.ittrml. I-. K. W iiite, M:imi i- YYorkir.aii ;
ll. ,, ' I'oriMiiiiu ; J. Murgau, Ovc-riei-r ;
J. K. Miirrit. !:. inh-r.
V of Amerl' l Meets second :md fourtli Mon
day evi iiiir at K. of I'. I.;ili. All tiivnsielit
I'rotlier are rcijuestud l m . willi u.. 1.. A.
Nort- .icr. Veii.-iv.ll Consul ; W . C. Willjilts.
Wv.riiiy ; 1', M. les, Kx ; J. Iv.
Morris, Clerk.
NO. s. A. O. lT. W.
l'riil;iv evenum at
J- M-et ev.'rv stliern:it
v.. .1. iinil :ii soVloe. All tiansit'iit Itroin-
,m ;tre ivsie;S r-.iily invitetl lo attend. . A.
i.ntseiie, M. V.'. ; S. C, tlreen. foreman : S. C., Keeor.ii r ; S. A. Novveoiner. overseer.
A. Ft- Jer,
V. JulIX S S
'. S. '1'w iss
1'". A. I'.ATKS
tint, Mi.ks
ALi;i:sr l'.!;.-s It.
Maijin Di 'n
Cii Ai!:.; I'';iti... .
J'.r.N.i. llK iri..: ...
.1 Ai-or. !o: ! ai
Adj I'ant,
Q. M.
UlVieerof the I) iy.
.... Ju:ird
Ser.t Ma.joi-.
Qaar;er Master Seit.
l'o-t Ciiailain
Ai.i'H a ::ii:n r
i-'eeti ii: .-attiiiLsy eveniii
' HP'
fj ti
Social AVciii oil dveaWatcli Wdm
Library - Lamps
G3 NT BR .Xj
fol lowing time-
trie J :md tire-tes:ed eominies:
Amrripatifcnfral-St. b""'s. Assets Sl.2W.00l
Commercial Uaien-tnuland.
Fire A-s..el.'ioa-rb:i delphia, "
rraiiklin-l'iii'. K'c': hi i, "
lloiiie-New t ;k.
Ii h. C . I "oiih Ame iea. Phil. "
Uverpool&Londii & ;ibe-Eng
'orth Untisli .v fiTc:iu!ile-EaJc "
KOiwiea Clii .il!-i::i7and. "
STiriaCeTd F. & H.-SprinsfieM, "
4.11576 j
-.1 Assets. S12.115
oisss Aijuteft ana Paid AattMsgenc?
Di ri: tbLSullli
1 v 1 i i
9 Bab Vt
Latest by Telegrapj).
Foreign News
r. n..t 01 Tli-. ,fi-.;-.l ol liiulc
hict com luk(l the iiiiuiry into t hi: loss !
the. Imnun lino btcamer City of Montreal,
1 :it eil All''. 10. The
hoard tl. chUs that n'.-ither the owners nor
ofliccrs of the- sliip are i.l.tnial.lo for tiie
disaster. The report speaks in high term.-
of praise of th: a tions of th: of-
lieers and crew and roiinneiids the hoat
n .nt wliii li was in fxc-.-s of that
required ly the law.
Lomm.v, Oct. 121. --Th ; rntic;.sses
Louise and Maude, of Wales, whose illness
at Copenhagen, caused :i great deal of
anxiety in com tcircles here, arc progress
ing favorably and tlieir complete recovery
without any of th-j unfortunate, alllictions
that often result from their disease is as
sured. St. l'KTr.iisitciui, Oct. Hi. Excava
tions in Jerusalem on the ground belong
ing to the Kussian government have re
sulted in the discovery of the remains of
the ancient town wall and the position of
the gates of the town during the lifetime
of tlio Saviour aud through which he
passed to Golgotha.
London', Oct. 21. At a meeting ot a
committee of the Landlord's associatiou
held at Tuam to-day, resolutions were
l.Msspil favorint' the nronosal of Arch"
i - - i
bishop "Walsh for a conference between
ileletriites i ei rcsoecti vol V the
landlords and the tenants of Ireland.
llKiixr.. Oct.. The Swiss federal
council passed a resolution to-day declar
ing tlio intention of the 'OVlTnnU'llt to
exercise extreme vigilance to the end oi
preventing the anarchist meetings pro
posed to be held on Swiss territory.
Drm.iN, Oct. 21. Michael Daritt ar
rived here to-day and will resume his
place among the leaders of tin; popular
linst the coercion laws ini-
London, Oet, 21.--The unimployeil
workingnien were more tractaMe to-day
and disnersid fiuietlv when ordered to
do bv th" i.oliee. No further trouble
m I
is apprehended.
City op- Mkxk o, Oct. 21. The report
that the Mexican ports have b en closed
t tin Knifed States on account of the
presence of cholera in New York is utter
ly lacking in foundation.
T-oxDox. Oct. 21. Mr. Oladstono is
suffering severely from hoarseness, re
sulting from his continued speech-makimr
during the last five days.
Vienna, Oct. 21. Advices from Cau
casian Georgia state that there is a grow
ing agitation in that country in favor of
home rule.
Rome. Oet. 21. Arrangements have
"been made by the war oface to dispatch
r. nno tronns to Mossowah Nov. 1 and
' 1
(i.000 more Nov. 11.
London. Oct. 21. The death is an
nounced of Jules Do Lessees' brother,
nn.l nf TViron Stern, the well known
London, Oct. 21. The lord mayor has
,...tlel n meetinor fn consider UlCanS llT
... v ........ (
ot.iinn- fiir. thousands in
Paris. Oct. 21. Vice-Admiral Jaur-
equiberry of the French navy U dead.
The Unemployed of London.
London, Oct. 21. The lord mayor has
onlleI n mnetin.r to COnsivlcr lliCanS for
aiding the unemployed thousands
Time ouce gone can never be re-
oll ia ton remark oulv tOO often
VrikA.AbV - wi
bv thoie who neckct the ni-elvcs.
Dr. Warner's new Speeiiic'Coagli Cu.-e
Comes to the world's reset-e
And denies death of its rightful due.
Please report your experience to your
iirniT(Ti st and neighbor, that the "world
..r iinTi iirnnf no cure, no Pav re-
i n uired Price oPc and 1. For sale by
.11 . . i i - - - - i .
; Will J. arrick.
Pick out the piect of Real Estate you
want and then call for j rice and terms
.,Mon Windham & Davi s. Over Bank
of Cafs Co. ltf.
f ics 3Iince 3Icat and Michigan sweet
cider for sale at Bennett's. 34-d5
i:t-iu:irk:ilIn ltetiults A tl ributaljlo to
Cliaiij;es fu the Methods of flour ?.ik
iiiK AIkiikIoiiiix-iiI of (liu Old I iisliloiied
N ii;hlor!iool Willis Sonio .Statistics.
While by no means J iiTiripiirouebablo in
its p'-i'jrity lis it oneo was, lluiir mu..ui is
still tlio greatest of our Ameriean i::ilustrics
u.s reear. Is the vaht'J of the j.j o.liii-i. I'lour
uinl merit for foml, iron aivl hiiiili r for b;:iiil
iii, cotton and v.leii fubrii.-s for clothing
these six nrc our lareest itsd.i.-s'rial orodu'-ts,
iiavin;; aLr;;reguto 3 cai-l y value in tlio ordvr
naui'-d. but although (irst in tbo vahio of its
product, tlio llotirin;; and grist mid m!e.- try
is j;:-eat!y surpassed 111 t.:o number of men it
employs ly ten or tivt-'vu other- liuesof manu-
fact'.;i e. U;:r domestx-use of Hour remains
about the. sani'i per capita from year to year;
and nsido fiom tiio inereashiiC amount lnanu-
faetured for export, the total outjiut grows
only as our population grows. New methods
of milling have, moreover, 1 1 to the rapid
concentration cf the industry mid to actual
decrease in the number ot men employed in it.
Tlieso chances, amounting almost to n rev
olution, havo lieen most elfeetual sinco 1SS0,
and the- condition of the industry today can
not be shown by complete stat istics, but it is
certain thut the census cf lsC ), when com
pared with that of its immediate predecessor,
will reveal some very remarkable results at
tributable to changes in the methods of flour
making. Three-fourths of the manual labor
once necessary to tlio manufacture of a bar
rel of flour is dispensed with by tlio use of
new processes. I bus Col. v rignt, in ms re
port for lSSt; of the United Ptates bureau of
labor statistics, shows that m a largo JHin
neapolis mill labor is only " 2S per cent, of
the unit cost of making a. barrel of flour,
while the materials cost 'Ji.Vl per cent., and
all other elements of expense amount to but
U.CO per cent.
Merchant milling on a very large scale is
the result of the economy ami advantages oi
the new processes; and the competition of the
great mills is causing the abandonment anil
decay of hundreds of the picturesque, cid
fashioned neighborhood mills. Jti lo0. ac
cording to the census of that jx-ar, there, were
in the entire country 2,r7:5 grist mills, em
ploying V-vl lS hands, representing s-lol.oO'.i, -QUO
of capital, and making a product worth
Sill.OO'0,000. In isootho number of estab
lishments was 24,SoS, the number of hands
.j.S,-107, the capital invested $177,"f!!.C0(. end
the value of the product was ..,0.1,11 11,00 J (Lisa
price of flour had declined lo per cent, in tho
decade). The ir.crease shown m the number
f establishments 1 7G.j for the ten years
is more apparent than real, tho great builr of
flour having been ma lo in r. decidedly smaller
number of mills in 1SS0 than in 1610. Sines
1 the blighting effect of the great mer
chant mills upon the small establishments Lr:s
become visible to every one.
According to the millers.' directory for 1SS-I,
compiled by Col. E. Harrison Cawker, of
Milwaukee, there were c.t that time J,'Jio
mills in the country a dclino of 1,:7.!3 from
the census figures of 1SS0. But this is a slight
loss ns compared with that of tho two years
from 1SS1 to ISSd, if we may rely upon Col.
Cawker's biennial directory, lie finds that
tho number of milling establishments has de
clined to 10,830, a loss i:i two years of 0,084,
or more than 20 per cent. 1ms seems almr:,b
incredible, yet it is probably not far from tne
truth. hen 0110 investigates tlio lacts ior
his own vicinity, end then ttops to consider
that tin small mills havo in like manner been
disappearing in all parts of the country, the
figurc3 tiro inoro readily accepted. su:
:arles A. Tilisbury, at the head cf the
largest milling lirm m tho world, says tuat
more than half of tlio merchant mills of Min
nesota, outsuio or ainneapoi:s, uavu oeeo
shut dowm withm the past few years.
The decline is nowhere so noticeable r.s 111
the south. For example, North Carolina was
credited with 1,313 mills in 1SS0. Their size
may be inferred from the fact that they re
quired, all told, tho services of onli' 1,S14
men, r.ot one m threo having any lianas re
side the miller himself, and tho average
capital employed was only 6-2,4-"0. Accord
ing to Cawkirs directory, there wero omy
mills in North Carolina in ISS-t, und 01113
032 in 1SS3. Mere than half havo been
abandoned since 1SS0. Virginia had 1,3S5
mills, employing 2,22 J men, m 1SS0. In 1SS1
tho number had decreased to 7S1, and nearly
a third of these disappeared in tho nest two
j-ears, leaving 0UI3- 50t. ilissis.-.i;ipi uad n j
mills in the census v-eur, oSO m l!si ana lob, m
1SS0. Tennessee's milling directories for tho
same years show 990, 7S1 and 530. Alabama's
decline is shown by tho figures S07, 403 and
2U5. Corresponding figures for Georgia aro
J,132, GUI and 304.
Pennsylvania, which lias alwaj-s been tirst
in the number of mills, is credited with 2.330
in 1SS0, a loss of 740 in two j-ears. New ork
has 1,530, which is SGo less than in lisM.
Massachusetts had in 1SS0 onhy 223 grist mills,
us against 3-50 in the census year. Illinois
was shown by the census to have 1,024 mills
iu 1SS0. and Col. Caw ker finds S00 in 1-SS0,
the decline not having begun until 1SS4, in
which j"ear a maximum of 1,123 vyas reached.
Michigan bad 00 m ISbO, ana the number
had increased to a maximum of S-10 in 1SS4;
but a loss of 200 brought it down to 040 in
1SS0. The number of mills in the country is
destined to become very much smaller still,
because of thp superior advantages of largo
milling and the constant improvement in
transportation facilities. Albert Shaw in
The tuautauquan.
Tho rhotograplicr and tiie Sitter.
A photographer asked a gentleman to sit
for his likeness, and the gentleman assented
upon condition that he should pose himself as
ho chose. The photographer agreed, proviuea
that be might pose the sitter for another like
ness. The sitter adjusted himself in a position
which seemed to him natural and, comfort
able, and the negative was taken. Then tho
photographer adjusted the sitter, and pres
ently showed tho result of the twoatterupta.
That is ridiculous," said the 6itter, putting
one asiue, -ou; mis u wj
said tho photographer; "tho first is your
pose, tho "last is mine." The sitter smiled
good naturedly as if ruck by a thought.
Terhaps," said the photographer, gently, "a
man may be assumed to understand his own
business." "It is just what I was thinking,"
replied tho sitter, urbanely; and upon reach
ing home he threw into the fire a letter ad
vising an editor to leave out a good many
things iu his paper, and to insert others as
per inclosed memorandum. The Argonaut
Passengers Carrleil In Open Triieliii I"it
ted Willi Wooden Scuts The Story Told
by an l.iiliH Kailnu Journal Kales
11 nd Kcgulationti.
Fifty years ago third class passengers were
carried in open wagons t r trucks, litted with
wooden und tmcushioitcd i-ats, and the cur
riages w-ro attached to the gixxls trains. The
second c'.us carriages were, ia rc-itrd t j cm
fnrt. but little, if an thin. be; 1 r than the
thirds. They were oi-ii throughout at tho
sides. 'Ih. rewns no glazing, ami the parti
tions above tlio level of t!:o doors, dividing
the carriage into t-ix compartments, ea.h
made to scat t welve ix-rsons, formed of
hubs interlaced, and admitting free emit ids
of wind and air, to tho dwoiufort of the un
fortunate travel rs. The i.-au-ciigers fa- the
varioits in'trm-.i-iate .stations were put into
separate compartments and tlio doors locked.
The clear length of each ccmpartm-. lit on
sumo lines wa.i only 8 b et 7," .:l inches-, a'.d I he
width 4 feet, 4; inches, c.i h seat being l.
inches in width. Ktont 1 a.engers hal somo
diiliculty in squeezing through tho doors,
which were on'.3' 1 i inches w;l. Tho first
glazed rind inclos. l secoml class earrings that
ever ran upi n a railway was in the fir-t ex
press train that ran between London and E.t
eter. The j'-urn.'y was made in live hours,
and the jierlVirmanco was regarded as one of
the. marvels of railway traveling. Today
there aro in th-j United Kingdom about o-t,-000
carriages, manj' of whidi are fitted with
tho luxuries ami beauties of a drawing room,
and even tho third class are more comfort
able than the flist cf hT;y ego.
Not only nro most of these carriages com
fortably ami conveni?:it !v arranged. the
safety of those who use t.hem is increased by
appliances which were not even dreamt of b
our railway forefathers. Of the total rail
wnv trarriages 111 per cent, are now tilted
with continuous brakes, '.violet; I per cent, of
the do-jjilr? line of the country is worked en
the absolute block system.
tickets a.i dagcag::.
Tho method of is.-uiug tickets fifty vears
ago wc.-i very different f.'cni that now in use.
I'rom the earliest times f railway traveling
t!i date
eiiuired t b
written 011 tiio
ticket, as well as the amount of fare and the
lime of the train by whi- !i the i)a.--se:cj,'-'r "as
to start. Th-.-se particulars hal to be entered
on a counterfoil in the book of tickets.
Tho arrangements for luggago were lo
light fully simple. "Each passenger's luggage
wiil," saiil the time bill, "it far us practicnblr-,
be placed 011 the roof of tho coacii in which
be has taken his place; carpet bags and
luggage may l o placed underneath the seat
opposite to that which th-i owner occupies."
A capital arrangement for securing puuelual
attendance was the announcement:
"Fa-si.-n.gcrs intending to j-iin iho trains at
any of tho stopping places u: o desired to bo
in good time, as tho train wiil learo eaeli
station iw soon as ready, without refereuco to
the time stated i:i the tables, tho main object
being to perforin the wholj journey as expo
diliously as possible. Faseugers will be
booked only conditionally upon there being
room 0:1 the arrival of the trains, and they
will i.ave tho preference of seats i.i the order
in which the3- are bcoked. No persons are
booked after tho arrived of the train. All
persons are requested to get on and alight
from the coaches invariably on the left side,
as the 011I3- certain means of preventing acci
dents from trains passing iu an opposite di
What would modern travelers say to tho
following notice:
"No smoking allowed iu tho station houses
or in any of the coaches, even with the con
sent of the passongers. A substantial break
fast may bo had at tho station house at Lir
mingham by parties going by tho carry train,
but 110 person is allowed to sell liquors or eat
ables of any kind upon tho line. The com
pany carnestlj hope that the public will co
opirratc with them in enforcing this regula
tion, as it will be the means of removing a
cnuso cf delay and will greatly diminish tho
chalice of accident."
Tho engines ia use on the Stockton and
Darlington lino in 15D7 weighed about twelve
tons, and had 14;. j inch cylinders and a piston
stroke of 10 inches. The three pr.irs of wheels
were each 4 feet in tliameur, and the pressure
of steam varied from 00 pounds t C'J pounds.
Man3- cf ths engines had oiihy four wheels,
and it was considered a great step in advance
whe.i s:x wue-ei engines were piacuu on i..e
railwaj-s, the argument in their favor being
that, if by an3' accident one of tho six wheels
broke, the engine would stiil remain erect,
whilo if ono of tho four collapsed the result
would be the downfall cf the locomotive. On
the Birmingham aud Derby junction lino tho
engines weighed ten tons ten buutiri-dwcight,
and the two driving wheels wero 5 fee-t 0
inches, and the four carrying wheels 3 feet 0
inches each.
In contrast to tho above, we subjoin an il
lustration of the famous 'Marcirioness of
Stairord"' engine, exhibited by lb; London
aul Northwestern company at the Inven
tions exhibition iu ISS-j, and adopted as the
type of the company's express locomotives.
Willi tender, this type of engine weighs liity
four tors cKven hundredweight, and the
cargo of coal is five tons. Tha driving wheels
uve 0 feet 0 inches in diameter, and the en
gine is worked at a pressure of 173 pounds to
the square inch. The greatest novelty in
these engines is, however, the adoption of the
"compound" s"stem, b" which the expansive
power of the steam is fully utilized. Loudon
1 iaii way News.
RIer.iisli on Our Xlospitality.
,:It seems to me w-e have qui to a serious
blemish upon our hospitality to our public
men in subiectius them uuuer circum
stances to tha ordeal of the hand shake,
said a we'd known public man. "Every re
spect is due to the right hand of fellowship,
but when it ' comes to taking the hands cf
some fifty to sixrv- of your ft how beings per
minute for bums at a time the act E.-sames a
monotony that is excruciatingly painful to
tbo subject intended to be com; .nucule 1
however satisfactory to the comp.iuiesiling
peopla. Fosioi' tiiere is some ccuipei-.-ation
i: thought of the goed will that such an
act engenders. It is to be hoped there is.
nd. in tiie painful Lours succeeding tins
well intenticned martyreiom, may nil th
consolation that can be derived from such a j
source belong to the recipient of tiie iionor.;
rhiladeiohia C2JL
T i- ill DiYLiqi(T STOfjE
e,tiAf( w;,v . ...J
A full lino oi
riUM 'lo :;-10.
daylight store.
"3 '4
f 1
A . S ,
y 1 ti oti j
The citizen:: of ':::-s (ut
t: t:::!Y n-i .
mm m immmww dry goods,
exhibited oyer ail c:.m!)itito;-:. The award is Hjrn:ficnnt in jxhit of supriim;, y'
fctvle. mi t''i-.; ;::i:i.v :oc' will cotnmaiul your hearty conr
vh :i v.'L- i:'s.-crl that v.o have this s-a-son the graudc-s
eii'l most varied line of
m Br? Mt, litey, Cants, HosseloW
FiifaislE GOofls
To ha found in tlio city.
The Lv.livs of I'i .itt-moutli an:l vicinity arc res-pt-rtfully invited to call and icgect
'" sor.i2 of the woiiib-rful M iuul'actured Textile Fabriquts of the age.
Special fsilc oi I;T5i.K &oodtt, CajictH, MilUs
This sale w ill couth: ue this ttll next week. Great bargains will be offcr.-d.
AVe are ratlier late :n placing r'.:-t.-:- on tho n;-rci o'l;-.;; U, t'.c
irivut m-h tin.l receipt 'i bf.v ,oU ifiuldn t-urllor!in'.v::iebt
ilu oIblv, but truiii thii thtlo v.-ateh our u.lvtrl!.-..'iuont and .rt
: ncrcby.
?liite Fi cut
Main street
fX-Xt pi s
V'i'.i ;M f 3 i" v V.
- i -
yer ( i ;
It k. , V a, ' I I '. fl J
l'iio.M r to
ix a Li, st v 1. l:s.
Eicli A;li achan vti Fur 'I'miEr..
nto.M v ' to izr,.
Wl 3fi
ww mliiiillliblis
! y .vol1. v coobixr: at a jrlaiK'O that the above bird ii a Cass
.. ( ro . '.::--; aii'l over thevictory gtiincd by
Dry Goods House,
Plattsixiouh, Neb