llMfemftrtl) ir AT INMOIITH. NKIIUASKA, FIMDA V KVHMNti, OC TOKHK 2 i, 1887. FIRST VKAll rs r.-r orrjrj-jarji.-.i .1 1) HlMCKON C II SMITH J. II Wat human J'. V HON Tl.AHK A Madoi.k J S Mathv.ws V 1 1 Ma i.i Mi . if t tr ............ . 1 oiiiicliniuii, 1st waul, A w v:ui'K .. ) I Mf.lONKS ( M WKKI'.K j M II Mfici-MY I S V Dli'lTUN S K H :!!! l'si:i. 'i I- McOllkx. I'ltF.S 5 .1 -It ll 1.1 W .1 V .I'lHNS IN.CllAIHMAN ioKOK't A WKhWollTH Trrnuier. l-Mily Treasurer, - CitVi. - ! of 1 i i.-t ii Kin-nil, l.-.my .Sheriff. Narvi-vr. All.ri.-T. til.-t. ! t t I School", ('urn y J ;t l,'. I . A . i'a.m i-ur.i.i. TlllH. I'ol.l.'ll-K .1. M KoitlNso."; ( Ml-l'IIICilfi'l.N V. -'. .SHOW AI.TICU J. ' Ki K K.'il: i: U. C. Vkiijiaks A, A! A IllU.K Al.l.KN j;;-.lw-.N Jl UNtllliSIMNk !. i:l'sci.i. ;AI iK HI'l-KKVIsous. I.oiri I' .I.T'., ih'ia.. Weeping Walcl j I! loJ.:. ... I'lallsinoiitli A. I.. Ml K-..N. - imiiiuooiI (ilVTG SOGIWM KS. ("as-- i i ; Jin. I . - Meets 'cery 'i'ih-xI.-iv cvcmii' of a -li v.cck. All tr.it: A-.-Ht bn Users Mi; rei-icciliilly invited to S.tlrlxl. rjMtio i.oih:k no. m. a. . u. w. Meets i'vci'v nU -i-n:it I'riUay i-vfiiiiit: :il K. f r. h:!ll. Tr.insi.-i't lirotlicrs nr.- i-espi-i-Uuily in vi!t';l to a: lead. 1". K. While, Master Workman ; U. A, ' uilc. I'oiv. nan ; V. J. (IKIX'tT ; J. H. Mini'.t. Ueeonler. ilASH CAM!' NO,:k, MOIKUN WouDMKN V tif tnerie i - Mu'H second and fmiri li Mm d :iv -veiling sit K. .f i". li:tll. All liiiiisiciit linl li ii if ri'Mtir'.fi-il to iiii'ct. willi hi-. I.. A. Nsivi'd iht, V.tiMT.tl.l.- ('(infill ; W.i Wilh-Jt. Worlliy ilvis. r; r, M-.rri-s, Kx-l;iiiker ; .1. K. 51. M i is, i.'ici i; . LH.VT'SMOl'ni I.()1M!K NO. s, A. O. T. V. M i-i" I'vrrv :iIt-i-n;ito l'"ri.!;iy vii iit i:;i. kwi)i;l at ' !-.ik. All I nmsii iit luMlii-vr-t iir. n-sTifully invitt-il t :itti-nl. -'. A. i;ul-,r!i -. .M. V. ; M. I". 4Si';:'ii, K-irclii;t!i : . U. Wll lc. K i; r.I;'r ; S. A. NewemntT. Dvitm l'. MccorinnE post 45 c. a. r. HOST Kit. J. W. .I-iltS'S N S. i-'S F. a. j; ! C ". Ml ks Aiii'-tr I'vitiSMl.. M vi.kn li x-x 'HA!.-!.K K::i I'.K.s.i. 1 1 K.Mr 1. 1'. J vrci: CiiHi;..KM VN i'i:il!i-uiU'r, ...Senior Vice " . ..lir.iinr " " Ailjul.iiit. . M. j;;i'-or of i ho i.iy. ' liiiurd Srvj;! Major. ..ivii.ilor .Mazier Scrul. A i. I'll a '. i. ii::i r, oV?ei-tii!i; S:iiuvd.iy fvi'iiin. -DEALER IN- Waiclies, Clocks, Jowalry -AND- SpscialAtlcnr oa niTenWatcli ReairiHg WE WILL HAVE A 6 8 7k f. n n a B li r2 3 g ea -OF- HOLIDAY GOODS, ALSO Library Lamps -OP- 91P3 UfcSios ana raueras AT THE USUAL Clioap Prices -AT- SMITH & BLACK'S. ifeSSll UllllUINAVVSI G35J3a AL IHSURSfiCE e r- It?pre.-'Lnt tlu- following time tried and liru-testcd companies: America:! cntral-st. Lou's, Aets $l.23$,(k.l Commercial Union-England, " 2.C96.314 Fire A-s..-I:tiio:i-Ph;;detil;la, " 4,115,576 Franklin-FLil:i!e1iliii. " M 17.100 lInme-NfW York. " 7,s.-5,5U I- s. C . of Norfn Ame ir; Phil. " 8,47.V .lv iTpuol&London & ";loljc-Eng " '..C39.7sl Morth Fritisli .s.-McrcanUK -Fug " 3.3T8 754 yorwich Unlon-liiig'.aii.l. " 1.2ir.,lC Siiiii:LM':eli F. .t M.-SprinsneM. " 3.04415 Total Assets, Si . 115,774 osses Adjusted and Paid Aat Mspncy Mayor, :n-rli. Treasurer, AUru- . I'lcino T, l'i:i-.- .Judge, .M:nh.dl. twain r n Latest by Telegraph. liOIillOWED AO KTOI.EN. TWENTY-SIX INJURED- Bad Wreck rn the Chosapeako & Ohio Road. CiiAiiLUxTON, W. Vii.,Oct. 20. Short ly lcfor noon lo-ilny three co:u lits of the fust rxprrss oil the Chesajieake Oliio roail, "joino; v st, wcru tleruilol ly 'i le ffctivc switi ii "ud two of tln iii were turn crt compl. tcly over. Twenty-six passen gers were inore or less injured, lut none were killed outright. Tlic injuries oT several are very seiioiiH and may result fatally. Those injured were from In diana, Kentucky und eastern states. The company is itoini; nil in it. power to care fur (hose unal!e to continue th ir jour ney. . 'iiiii.i:sts, S. i'., Oct. 20.- A freight train from Spai t.mslniro; and n passenger train fi'.-m Atlanta collided at ! reel's,, twelve miles east of ('reelisville, this liioi'iiiiio;. !!ot!i inijineeis were killed and the total killed is variously estimated at from thive to ten. The Morgan riiles, of Spaitanlur, wi re on tiie passeii- r train returnin.ij from Atlanta. Tin: collision was caused ly a freight train not sidetracking at. (Jrier to let the pass::ii";.r trnin pass. The pas.cer tram consisted of nine coaches. Loth engines were wracked, also the. postal, baggage and express car of the; passenger train, and the l'nst three cars of the freight. Engineer Harris and Conductor Keville, of the freight train, have disappeared. A negro saw Ihem running through the woods. The killed are: Jlrs. Harry Mc Donnell, of Ashville, X. (.; llobert tVard, iassenger train engineer. ten persons passengers and train haiid-j weio more or less severely injured. Races Stopped by Doath. Mkmimiis, Tenn., Oct. 20. The pro gramme arranged for today for the races was interrupted by a sad occurrence. The second race had ju.st been finished when President Montgomery, of the jockey club, left the judges' stand and proceeded to the club house to welcome the dele gates to the water ways convention. lie had just finished speaking to the dele gates when he fell back into the arms of a friedd, dead from heart dsiease. The utmost excitement ensued and sad scenes were witnessed, his three daughters and son being present. In rcsgonse to a unan imous request tli2 judges declared the re maindcrjof the races and a meeting of the club will be held tomorrow to de cide whether or not to continue the meet ing. Steamship Arriva!a. Njjv Youk, Oct. 20. Arrived The Erin, from London; the City of Chester, from Liverpool, and the llammonia, from Hamburg. IIambuuo, Oct. 20. Arrived The Hhaetia from New York. Qckknstown, Oct. 20. Arrived The City of Home and Celtia, from New York. South am i'tox, Oct. 20. Arrived The Ems from New .York for Bremen. Tw Killed By an Explosion. David City, Neb., Oct. 20. While threshimr near Paston, York county, yes terday, with a steam thresher the engine bursted, killing Milton Rodger, the own er of the machine, and Thomas Crane, one of the hands. The body of Crane was blown fully fifty feet from the ma chine, and a wagon about a hundred feet. The coroner! inquest was held to day. Red Rivor Road tSonds Sol d St. Paul, Oct. 20. The Pioneer Prens learns from Winnipeg that word has been received there from Premier Norquay, now in New York, that he has closed the contract for the sale of $2."S0,000 in pro vincial bonds. This with the iV.OO.OOO guaranteed by the city of Winnipeg, will enable work to recommence on the lied River Valley road at once. Layingtho Corner Stono- Guano Island, Neb., Oct. 20. A large concourse of people were present to-day at the laying of the corner stone of the soldiers" home. The ceremony was impressive. Governor Thayer de livered an appropriate address that was highly appreciated by all present. The day was cold and windy. Rumored Death of Conoral Sher idan. Chicago, Oct. 20. Humors were in circulation to-day that Gen. P. II. Sheri dan had died suddenly at his mother's home in Ohio. The stories could not be verified and were generally disbelieved, Yellow Fever Victims. Jacksonville, Fla., Oct. 20. A special Tampa, Fla., reports fourteen coses of fever and three deaths. Making Tarsots of Jesuit3. Scxtahi, Oct. 20. Musscli.mn herds men bhot two J.-suiU priests, killing one. The Austrian consul here demanded the authorities to punish the perpetrators. ma Death of a Chief Justice. WlNN'ii'Ko, Man., Oct. 20. The J Ion. Lewis Wallbridge, chief justice of Mani tobia, died this morning, aged 71. He was epeukcr of the Dominion parliament in i ;:;. Sent to Siberia Moscow, Oct. 20- Eh :ven d.-tcdivc of lioeis ha vi' just be-n found guilty ol con niving at the Climes ol notorious robbers Five of them have 1-cn sentenced to hard labor in the mile s in Sibciia, the others to various term-i of ii;ipr;so:uin nt. Tho Turus and Saloon Business. Constantino-!. k, h (. 20. -The police of this city are closing all liquor .simps kept by Europeans, on the ground that they sire demoralizing the Tu:kih people. - - A Steamer Wrecked MiXr.oi:i:.M-:, Oct. 20. Th -. colonial passenger steamer Cheviot has be. n wrecked at l'oit Phillip. Many or the passengers and crew wire drowned. The remainder have arrived at Melbourne China V?.nts Gorman Officers. IIkkmn, Oct. 20. Chin a has applied to the army authorities for ( I'icers to in struct and organize the Chinese army, and the emperor has consented to allow officers to go there. Irish Evictions-Dli-.i-IN. (Jet. 20. Three tenants on the estate of Lord Canrieade, have been evicted. Patrick Campbell strenuously resisted the officer?, and during the melee his daughter Margaret, was struck on the head and severely injured. Eight women and two men were arrested. A Gorman Bark Wrecked London, Oct. 20. The steamer Upupa collided with and sank the German bark Planteur off Elacky head on Tuesday. Eleven persons were drowned and the cap tain of the bark has since died, only two of the crew of the bark survived. Tho Anarchist Case. Washington, D. C, Oct. 20 -Counsel in the anarchist case are expected to ar rive this evening and will present the case before the suprem:: court on applica tion of writ of error to-morrow. Justice Harlan will hear the application. Unusual Cold In Germany. IJhklin, Oct. 20. During the last few days persons sleeping in the open air at Carlsrube, Crcfield and elsewhere, hive been frozen to death, The severe weath er which has prevailed is unjir-.-eedented at this season oT the vear. The State Y. M. C. A. Nebraska City, Neb., Oct. 20, The eighth annual convention of the Y. M. C. A. in Nebraska, began here this evening. Fully two hundred delegates are present. Robert Wcndall, of Chieago, secretary of the international committee, delivered an elegant address of welcome. A reception was tendered the visiting delegates at the home of Mrs. William Fulton from to 11 o'clock, which i';u a grand affair. The convention promises to Ins an impor tant and ;uceesful cue. Chicago Packers Cumins West Lincoln, Oct. 21 .All details for the leasing of Packing lioue No. 1 at Y'cst Lincoln to one one f the btst packing firms of Chicago have been comph t d. and as soon as the weather will allow killing will coinnuiK O. Thes-tock yards company has agreed to enlarge tin- hou-c and to put in an ice machine that will allow the work to go on in miihhu r as well as winter. The senior member of the linn will remove to Lincoln at once and make this his permanent home. '1 he directors of the stock yard conq a'iy are now negotiating Tor the "location of of ! r firms here, with flattering pro"pvtt3 of meeting with success. Agricultural News. The Tlessian fly has become a seriou9 pest in England and Scotland. The Cape Cod cranberry crop ii esti mated at one-fourth less than last season's product. The onion fly has materially decreased the onion yield in many sections. Prominent railway officials in California ere discussing the subject of giving free transportation across the continent to emi grants who will settle in that state. Statistician Dodge places Wisconsin fourth on the list of the best live spring wheat states in the Union. New- Jersey and Delaware tomato can- iners report a short pack. A scarcity of farm hands has occasioned exorbitant wages and great discomfort in the wheat help of northern Minnesota und JJakota. ... MUSIC IIATII CHARMS TO DrSAW THE SOUL AWAY FROM THE WORLD'S WICKEDNESS. A Tin-ory of MuhIo an Mmal I'nmi. J:(TVfts of IMiikIo in tho Home Tv.o Vciiin-.; 1U fliitrs 1 iio Idlo ctf the City. it i-i w;.;er to prr-vi :if llinn to piuu:-h crirn. Aj:;on t'uo many worthy n-ln-m.-a for t!i prevention of crime, s'l.-li a.-; tho V.iilV Minion, Npwslmyn' Home, Home i'or t lie Yielniie.-s, Ko:ili5!in. lioiii.-, -lr., in.l.-ie litis l-ec'i inoro or I---s utilixftl, Lut lies in vc r I'. 'en livate.l as a iv:.nly in and of itself. It is e.i-.y to sliow how it may l e niaI .- nsi- of us ii . sejinnil!' faetor iii the in-jrnl dii-asi-of our I m!v poiitiv: FPf, then, iillc-aeKs ri;.1 iee r.re elo.vr lr late:' tl:::ti poverty ;..ii'l vie", for, iii Kaier.oa b.'iys, -iv ciu'i'.'. .Jai'y !.t in lus sa!'-.iti'.:i,n a'l.l a l.ir-;y poor v.vm is less lialile to ti tnpta t.ioii than 11 rieli iili. r. Jfc is t oeeiiv tho :.'!it ion of tho ci w :i are Ly foive of ir ei:;!ist:;nees or elioiee i.ile U'.aK the '.v--rn-meiit i-l-oi'M oxi-i't il. elf. 'f'les 1 1 .an n rn l iw reeo;-iiii::-t! this ('l iuei e i j.;l:o i i.i t il ia 1 eoil tee'.s, gre.-it : h::::i : . a fiht:; uii.l Lslivals wel'O ari'.-ineeil tojimirc t i i - (.eojile. J'.irrojiem ly-na-.t if-s enrry out tl...anio phi'.i ia ililo-rent foriiis. ! iamls of nee ie paraio i'.-;al:irl an I lav in the i'p.'!i (- ii'iir. s i f all 1 1 1 - lar;v ami many ;i:iall eiliis of the eont inenl , for tlio asl lito moiiarehrt well laniw t hat. 1 li" je pl.) forget their misery and poverty in the enjoy -iiiejifcof tho music, mi. I at tin- same time a patriotic feeling is nw.ikened l.y military )o!iil atnl national hytini. it ma' In- t o uiueli to pay that Germany conquered l'r.i!.i o with "Die Waeht a:n ilhein,"' hut no ohe e.m tell what luiht hae oeeurred if the Fn i:eli soldiers could havo had a m;v- vigorous l ali'i otie song t-j Lavo mareliod to 1 at 1 1 -with as did the Germans. Am surely as the patriot ie Sv'iitiaiert iihould he ev.'livale.l, so sure is it that mu ;:e should lj encouraged. Hut it is tf tiiusio in the home, at the He .side, that cm-.! should chiefly speak, for tho hearthstone is ilia iiuiw ry of the nalion, tlr.; cradle of honor or vice, lh re is a f;.uiiiy wliosu j.areiits do not sine; or play any ia:i: i:n:i nt ; their chi! Jreii row iq, and tho ojilinary ames :.w soon worn out. A neivjioorii:;; taloon has a fine barrel or.Lcan; here they congregate ;.j oi'teii as t rqu'dient. Or souio ni-i.chl.or's hoy has n mutli orj.-an; they will crowd aro;ii; 1 him, follow him, and, charmed out of iiii ; chicf, will inss many an iauoctnt hour in u-i pure delight ns a ji'.'et ever dreamed of. !at they have no music "at home," and v. hen they ercet piclt up some few itinerant s-traiiij they roam about, soon become petty thievi s, and in time are. mustered in at the Hrideweil und join tho nrny at the penitentiary. An other family picture in tho samo strata of life: Tho fat her plays tho "fiddle,'' tho mother learned to ship; a little, and though tho voieu never know tho mcaiiin of that n13-.stori-e.js phrnsc, -'voice building." 3-et she could sin;; Sunday school tunes, a few comic songs, per haps, and a ballad or two like "Way Down Upon the Suwanee Jtiver." After supper and on Sundays the children, mul now and then a neighbor's children, gather around and aro led through tho mazes of "Virginia Reel,'' "Fishers' Hornpipe,"' or somo "Carnivul of Venice" with variations, whilo tho mother's voice sounds sweeter to tho little ones then Patti's as she sinejs her favorite song or leads in some h3-nin, like "Rock of Ages Cluft for We," in ?7hich all can juin. These children spend their evenings inodly at hour-. Soon the oldest learns to play a i'ute, and by great economy a cabinet organ is provided for the sister, so that a, family- orchestra is finally s tablished, and tho years roll around wiu!o theso hearts expand i;i harmony and tie waves of temptations beat in vain ngain.;t this fortress of music. Those tiro pictures amo:';j tho poor. Am.-.ng tho rich it is worsw, beeausn tho l'fa is more, complex. Tako tho career of two yc-ai:g men sent to collego at t he samo tige. Oils hal parents who sang in church, had their children fcing nt homo and even had them in structed in piano playing (to bo pure, the teacher was a poor girl, whom they pa tronized from a feclin; of charity; and her instruction was very mild). Tho other didn't liko music, endured it only at church as a neeess.iry evi!. taught his hoy that all musi cians were fools, or wor.v, et,-. T!io first one whi'ed away his ppare hours at coik ro with piano jilayiiig, jrned tho glee ci'ib and V-Ji a jiri lj in his mu.-h' n an acc.:rnp3i?hiu:!it. lie comes horn?, and tli;.? ilr-t t.iiir.g alter s-t-ti:::g d;.-.vn his mother lie.d.s l.im at tho .iano sir.gh'.g some cl'ege. potign. ILs. g.v:; to chur-h as mra-h for the music n.? tho ser mon, and joins in tho hymns; is on good terms wil.ii tho orgnnis'-, cultivates tho ac-rjjvanf-anco of I'rofe- scr I!!ank, tlw pir.ni-t, and finally joins an aniat'-ur musical club, v. !:t ;e La spend.s iiio nigiit ca::h regu larly. Tho other ,--y is a g'o 1 sj.-ortsm 511, with a libera! hand ia rr.ir.ioiin. Hii ma.sclo is the largest i:i ids class. lie I:a nr.s r.l! tho best oarsmen, lv-it priss f:jh-;'s i;:il f;;.stei;t horses in the c&ur.iry. Upsn hi- er; ival :U home the eiub house- or tho i-jol ro-an is Lis first care, and then tho raees r.r.d the companioiishiii of fast men. It is but one step moro to tho com panionship of questionable characters, and if liiis j oui-g man docs not turn up. in tho po lice court some morning und-.-r an a?sumxl name it will be strango or owing to Etini ncss or a special providence. There are hundreds and thousands of idle men ia a city liko Chicago. Is it not better to occupy their thoughts with music than to leave thorn to brood over their misfortunes and rub tho itch of their poor opinions until the3 becorr.o scab. 011 tho body politic? A city- hand of music pcrforminpj each day in a public: place would draw to it many who would otherwise b in mischief, and it would pay to c:ig?.go thirty or forty men by the 3-ear to play regularly every day. Vve hire a small army cf men to keep filth and garbage from accumulation in our streets. Is not tho accumulation of mental and moral garbage just as dangerous? The pure and inspiring efect of a good band of music will act as a disinfectant, purifying tb3 condition of mental depravity as no other medium eaa. Attain, scores of men are en gaged in beautifying our parks and drives, which tho poor caunot enjoy because they are o far away. If th9 money of tho tax payers caa thus be used to pay for flowers to delight the cense of sight of rich- people, who own carriages, can it not be justly appro priated to buy music for the poor? It is time our jx?op';a began to think of these things, and consider if it is not as wise to amuse tho poor as to entertain the rich; if it Is not wiser to prevent than to punish crime. CUcago Herald. . 4 A I9. r- i ' -J ft El -la?:' A li !:.: ol 1 fHTn FLOM 2. TO f -!0. J03. V. VECKB:- C'S DAYLIGHT STOKE. 0 i 5 a v w e h a n STJ1- 1 1? xVir-sJi? i E DIIYIxiqiT soqE. ALL The citizens of ('tiKs conn;,- will n rogniz" at a gl uico that the above bird is a Cabs county ui'-'ito;- roving loud and over thevietory gained by Soloiijqi; jSFqtl'iqii FINEST m UBuI! BPFUY OF DRY GOODS. MILINARY AND CARPETS exhibitfd oyer all c.ii!.'.til. i -'. Tie-award is signtllM-.r.t in poii.t of suprt-inaCJ stvle. value ai:-l'pl:;nt:ty siud will command ytmr heaity conctirrenco v.hon v.e a t that wo have this s -a son the ;:i andest iui-l most varied line tf me MWm GOois T. I-Ji'.'.i'l in tlic- city. The ladies of plai'.nnouth and vicinity are rf spcctfully invited to call and inspect some of the -.vonderful Manufactured. Ttxtilc I'abiifp.u-s of the age. Spefltti ?4kIc o5" Isi'esj SroojIk, CaiicIs, Willis This sale will continue this and all next week. Great bargains v.' ill be- offered. Vfc are rutlicr lute in iucing our rooster on the perch owing to the oreat rush and receipt ul' new goods making earlier announcement impossible, hut iruin this date watch oi:r adverticC-ment and profit thereby. i t SOL.OMOH & NATHAH. V7hits Fitnt Dry Gocds House. Main street - Plattsmouh, Neb l'l." M $:i To '. o FROM -' '. TO 012. IX ALL STYLUS. Rich Acadian r,iil5. Fir Triimiiir:s. F1IO.M t;(i. TO $y.. C0MPBTITI01T. siiori Wilis mWmmih mil mum, Gerpls, EonseftoW