The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, October 18, 1887, Image 2

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Ije -JJlattamowtlj, Patlti (jcralb
Publishers & Proprietors.
For ?.i!)icrii'; Jiule,
Knr I'ulvrsily Itcgfnt.i,
J)!i.:iJ. H. DAVIS,
Die. oeokoi; uoherts.
For .Iir.Stfc of .Si'nm.I .Imlii i il Iiif-trlct,
iiun'. samukl m. chapman.
For Treasurer
For Clerk
For Keeoi-ilei-WM.
K-.-'m-i iiituu.lMt of I'uijKc Instruction
!: r siiiTiir
j. c. eiivi:nuaiiv.
l'or .Jed-
Km-Clerk of I ist i Court
II. J. ST I J km; I IT,
For County ('omnii-sinner
IVr Mui vc.vor
l'or Coroner
Tho Re-publican Stato Platform
Tin rep'il.-iieaii" party ,ot I.'elr;it;;i. while
eror careful f property liehls. an. lioMiii no
i in pad v vtIi ri i !io woulil rir n t no -o m
nuii'! ill villi-, or t. i: h Hot anai-ehi-l s destroy,
re.i.-seri.s ns nt leripin.-uion iii;ti. me irevit rail
w.y corii.r:it ii; or i ins slaio wlilrh IioI.I re
I Itl'V.ii of cl-.!'0t liiti-rei! ti ttii; jirt.iilc s'uall
le tin faliiy r'-'iil mtv.iiiH of the st.i'e uot
its m.i'i tn. Ili -wojki'l I t-ji i l;it I v control in
ttii sia'-.i-ni ii itk'M 'tt:i!i ciMitiiiiic mtil :i
':! of uiii jilikiiM. ot i-ioi l'it;ut rH'"- anil
U!sj::r liirtrriiiiiiii.timi iu l.ivor oi iioiividiials of
loi'AiMtai -ii a.I " to emt. Assunnp;? tin
ri'k;ouili. ;. wln.-li faii'lv lloin;t to i of
baTinjj orii.cina' 1! leislitt insr ionKni; to
l i lr.iika control :U'l I lie or. af :ou vl tlmni ti i
l;:nali or i oiuiiiii-ioiix which have heen en
rtllcl to giapi-lt with coiporat'- povrf-r. the iv-
luioueau warty will see to it j X t uotiicil
t'iiireiunti of power t'is commisMoii', na
tioaai iitl tite, ! ii ( .)rrnii'd for hat tin unci
ir ti'!:)iT. While f'tTorlnj siirti ;..;itv,re In
tli cui.tii.itio i of this ri.M' At p.-rinit. the.
iiir..3!j to be eleoied liv the
j:.ili, It lieroby f nil.- it-i eunfttleni in the
zlnioii; ktian.1 of traniportation.and coiimiumls
ut rwmri t oi.'tain for JNolira.iKa rite same
ttrl.T f r: t or fret-tit ami carria-rc of n:
Bnugart u Is ceur lKi1 to u-n;!iborin:; states
rliuiUriy ctri'uim'.:in.-ril. It 13 irrosly ntijift
uJ rrii!i- vtrnTi; that Nebruka .ihouhl
Iiy mora for the trausportnl i- of k-r nultirts
:nl tiiv rariiiit'" of lir ."iipp!i t ban her,
Iowa. Minnoot t ami laWt:ta, wi'.h its
S if mil of Oisiiy const riictftl iii-.l .-ki p!y
JiiAiiA:'!-j i:iie o;r;'ii;oa.l ami repiiDU
ciii T tint statt will not. ccasa tli,ir eliorts
until ml wrongs te riii tr-I.
Wo r. aiir:n our ao h'-ran-'i to tho American
syetr-it of t (.riff. u:ui:-r whlrh. witli its broad
jrote.t ton ..f AiniM h-:i la'mr, our country has
V!.(ht-ii uricnii ;iny o-.ncr. ysjiie uusiiiess
r the country tni'.r ii.'iuaiitis revision, the re
iuii:c::ii. xlivn to t!i'; tlem;in'' of c-f ry mate
riAiiJii-resi. win s".' 10 it that scti roTiMon
misll Do :i:t'f at tho onrhest practical U:iy.
roii jtinii me :ciM!i 01 1:1c iloiaocrai tc ma
jority :n coiiirr-ss m that ;1;rtT repratcil
pit-it'-'s ,. Inn ut'frly lailt-rl.
w.iila !t lyir.z a larj.- inaj-ni: y in. the house of
rMpi-"'aiA'iTs. wiu-rf t iri'f bats niuit ori'i
natc, t limit aliour nech reform, which imi.-t
co:ii frtn tu party that has crer bvm tli,
lri'i:U vt thu Anicricau laborer and producer.
'Viif ;;rAtfui lUa.iks of f li Aim-nean ptopli
lire due ft th jr.- who riefended the nnioi! tu t he
Ut! war 1 we are i-i faror of urovidfnf;-
itbl i snloin for fioliiifrs and Tiilors wlio
were iUi!mi in iti rvice (r w!ui hare sinci.
without tfc-sirfault or vice, becono objects of
pubii;- r pi ivite etiarity and t t!ie wUous
ami orLtiai or t:io-e v'm fell tu iti defense.
W k -urtliy yin ithie with tl; a'-ii.ition
fc!:d cil,)il of the patriot of Ireland in t li f ir
ii'li-;.'ti to ot'tani for their co.intrv tlte
U:-tuo,'- 01 ri-i- intiiiiMoin and iocl eif-
kOTwrniutr.l. tV'ts rcoaize in charlcB Srew-
art rarae:l und the Kt. Hon. William K. (ilad-
. one worthy champion." of the f iid Jsmental
jmacinuu 01 t no ueciaratioa or liidcpcn
Uunce. W caileinu the action of f!it ra-esiit.'-nt: in
h' ftttcmi't to return the trophies tvoh by
krayery on the Pe!d of batt!e.
wo ami nui the narrow, intolerant and par
tlsmn action ofthe democratle n.ntv tn nin,i
1 from th pilTil-jjo of state citiz'-nship the
kiif inillio peoiln of Dakota, ko11t the uu-
nv ana lsceieiisiblf uround of ft ifTrcpc:
1 political Tiew. Xiot content with their ef
fwr to exclude th negro from th tdective
IrancliUs, tiiy now eek to proicribo an Intel
liKAut. 'Oroui and pittriotis petoale because
i their imIIMcc! oriiiil,.Mj.
We Ticv with alarm tho abiif-e of the Teto
Por p tn pre;aeiit o; the I niteil State."
A cr from tho of which Kuxland -iov-
w.t-i3 ti ito-;ai-'cu inr tw.i ceatuiies: a
yowei usjfi nut tx titnaf during tiieflrit forty
yrs oj oar na'ioaa! K-OTernnient. a power by
hopaople intrusted to the president fnr tlie
I'loeiiun nasty legt-tisition, lias by
tne w:'.i.-ol inciiintiout or that . ilice been utd
to tliw.iii in-well .isceitained wlii efthe pco-
pie euii to ij;t!v t,),:i! lepcaied dtmands. Jle
m one-ii v:i or a suiji.j tnrm of ofllce, ved
t.:e :iowt'i- inn re times than all the predecessors
conioine l. He has sought by a'.l the prece
4iuei m- of xtraor.iiuarv nowr. to A-nmri-
iiK.. Inmelf a cu-oidiuate branch of the 11a
tional le,:.;tiii e. j I ha lreo;entiv exer
cii-yatnt- .me man power-' by the cowardly
imethoi of til- ' pocket veto" by which import
aut ineaiuni-? have been defeated without any
r.-ajn ui-ing 4,'iven for witliliolaiuv: its hd-
Last Saturday Ilastings voted $20,000
bonds for the lissouri Pacific railroad.
This will make Hastino-s four railroads.
Exri.AXD ha3 just built on tlie Clyde
the fasteat war cruiser afloat. "Well, we
must build a Yankee cruiser to beat her
ns bnaly ns the Volunteer beat the
Thistle. Wake up, Secretary "Whitney!
JVr. I". Wor:7.
31k. Kaxdali, lias returned from his
trip through Georgia, and his report as
to public sentiment in that'quarter j'3 to
the cilert that the course of protection is
unquestionably making rapid and eub
stantial gains. Although the foremost
democratic leaders do make strenuous
efforts to convince the people that they
ought to go on voting for free trade and
the discouragement of all manufactring
Gen. Cl.vuk, the clerk of the house of
representatives, says that tho minimum
democratic clear majority over all in the
present house will be ten and it may lie
fourteen. Thero are four vacancies
two in New Y'ork, one in Rhode Island
and one in Louisiana. If Rhode Island
elects a republican, which in all proba
bilities she will, the vote by'statos on tho
choice of the next president,if the election
should be thrown into the house, would
Ft and: republican, 20 just enough to
elect; democratic, 17, and New Hamp
shire tied.
Tiik domestic wheat crop of 1887 1ms
been heretofore estimated at 430,000,000
bushels, witli 115,000,000 bushels avail
able export eurplus. The Government
Department of Agriculture, on October
J 0, reported a possible crop of 4.i0,000,000
bushels. Tin earlier estimates gav; a
surplus of 1 1.",, 000,000 bushels including
2.3,000,000 L 0111 the l'acilie coast, leav
ing 00,000:00 biti-hels from Atlantic
polls. Tlie surplus is now increased to
110,000,000 bushels from Atl-mti.; ports,
of which -10,0!. 0,000 bushels have bc-n
exported wit!. in fourteen diy,sk-uving 0,
000,000 bush ; Jill available fur expott.
Of this about T't.OOO.OOO bushels will he
required, wilh'iiit the United States, on
this continent. 1 a ing at this time 5"v
000,000 duslr Is available for Europe.
Tun poetry of the November Hurx '.v
is exceptionally line. The principal piece
is a "Chant of a Woodland Spirit," I y
Robert Hums "Wilson, which is a lofty
strain of nature interpretation in blank
verse equal to that of Hryant. "A Stol 11
Soul," by G.'orge E. Montgomery, debn-
eates the tuwnicnmg of a young
by thedjoetrino unbelief. Thenuml
nho contains "The. Lat Faun," by Loui-e
Imogen Onincy; "The Rock where my
Mother 1'lay. d," by Wallace; and
a sonnet, "A Child Shall Lead them," ac
companying the frontispiece by F. S.
source it do;
ti representative
At tin ni". -trig of tin ISritish Iron mid
Steel in . itut , Mr. Adatnscn, president
of that i )dy, in an address delivered on
the occasion, advocated tic imposition
of u tariff on imports of foreign mair.i
fact ure. "lb; s-id that under tin exi-t
ing coiulitio-is tip; local, or tit home man
ufaeturer, was opjircssc-d, but if import d
nictal were made to pay its share toward
carr?i?tr on tii ; st:ite, the Hrilish a:id
foreign mam; faeturr would be me
nearly on r. mi. tins is very s;u-n:-
cant coming from tlie
from the prcsi.lent of
body in iron -rv.-l tc-r 1. It shows th.-.t
"Fair Trade" is jirogrcssing.
Ni:w Yoi:i. democrats who affected a
short tints" ao to sneer nt the movements
of the Gcorg pruty, arc now s'.-rioiu !y
allarmed at tlse turn affairs have tak n.
Themem!ers v.-'io arc dcs?rting from tlie
democratic nn'ks to join the followers of
George, makes the situation doubtful nt
least to democratic hopes, and also
made resort to desperate measures a nec
essary expedi. ni to save the field if pos
sible for the reform democracy. Rumors
tire current of a rorruntion fund being
raised to which liquor men und office
holders will bo 'forced to contribute
Cleveland is now too much occupied
posing before the credulous public as the
great reformer of tin age to take not;;-e
of any violation of his policy in the E;n
pire state. Theorcticall' speaking, ai-d
for the purpose- of catching gudgeoi.
the supprcssh a of "pernicious activity"
is a coptirating phras?, and now as the
time comes r.r-, itr.d for its practical appli
cation, self-hit e: '.-t prompts one to stop
and reflect v. h -se ox is being gored.
The fertility of the reformer's and nva
wump's mind may possibly enable .them
to invent a new terra to act as a hcalirg
balm on the new rupture of tin civil ser
vice reform policy. Gazette Journal.
she lit'.s a I ris!:-.:
J which nolx-cly I:
lias f fffjue'it. il t1'
anitn-ie a-id .'
Her IJ-tery, ev, i
fail to be instr:'- .
Theue is no d-oibt that the most pow
erful foe of tru tariff reform which the
country has h-.d in tho past four years
was the committee on ways and means of
the house of representatives in the forty
eighth and forty-ninth congresses. The
majority of tin gentlemen composing
this commit! 'C were free traders, and
they very carefully and effectually
smoothed" every measure of revenue
reduction brought before them except
those which bore the free-trade brand.
The majority 01 the members of the house
in both conres.-es were protectionists,
which proved that more than half of tin
people of tlie country were opposed to
free trade. Yet tlie will of these peopl?
was contemptuously overriden by tlie
free traders of the ways and means com
mittee. So far as regards their wishes on
the most important question before the
nation, a majority of the yoters of the
country have virtually bren disfranchised
for four years past. Hon. J. G. Carlisle
was speaker of the house during tint
period, and as such he appointed its com
mittees. It is probable that ho will lie
chosen speaker of the house of the fiftieth
congress. The proposition, therefore, to
take the appointment of tho ways ami
means committee out of his hands, leav
ing the house to se-lect it, is a good one.
Nevertheless there elor-s not seem to be
even the slightest probability that it will
be adopted. Th-j majority of the mem
bers of the next house are protectionists,
but nothing except the abosolute necessi
ty of presenting a reasonable measure of
revenue reduction will prevent the com
mittee from obstructing all legislation of
this class in the uext congress as it did
iu the last two congresses. Globe Det.i.
Drus3-5t's Soaps.
The largest line of 10c soaps in the
city tit Warrick's elrug store try them. .
d 4t
Warrick has a very nice line of birth
day cards. d 4t
Komo of tho Thouaul und One Indus
tries that lie;. end oil tho tVlilms unit
Caprice of I'usscr-i JJy A Varied,
Let any one who walks through tho city
stivuts for plon-cro and profit take note of
what ho sees- raid hoars in tho way of open nir
tradii),', und ho v, iil lio amazed ut how much
ingenuity und industry is exhibited hy those
who dej'und upi..-. tho euprico of tho pars
ers by.
Here is u miiiiu! ;.re stove, a perfect infant
of a cooking stuvi , shining liko black marble.
It exhibits thj :. : -jilieutiou of stove polish,
end liiuny l.n;, ,e keepers, chariried by its
brliliHiiee, invc- t 111 n packet in the- hopo of
pi odiu injr a ll!;a 1 1 suit. Elbow p;ro:uso is, how
ever, u ie cc--.-ary ; -ldition to this or any other
polish ever i:;vei:: d.
Giudioii i.ti'1 1 i6s! Those aro tho floral
fctock oi this ;; faced, reposeful woman,
whoii ctcniuliy 1 yinjj up po:-ies and gently
sprinkling her s veet smelling wares y tha
ltiekiii; of a .: !k broom which has been
eiiar;e.i with nr: v. The little woman, Low
ever, lj;-s 11 qoi: ; ' lut profitable, trade in ilow
crs and iu coier . I dried and inimor
tclles. Hi ro is a'l iy!d woman who ha3 at first
siht ix toiieiiio:--. sympathetrc interest about
ma-. She is v.i :e r with ago and infirmities,
and as sho m-liir rather than rests upon her
stnirm t !io cL iir ;. Luniano storekeeper lias
provitl.-il sli hj.-; as if sho would somo clay
have to bo" carta- -1 thenco to her last lioniu;
containing otitis and ends
ys. Tor a lon ti:ue sho
aixw sjiot, sat in tho samo
iod tiio s.-nno sympatiiy.
if not eventful, could not
o. When the darkness of
m'ejiit falls u- ;; the street anotlna old wo
):!:!, but ft v.. e small ohl woiiian, nestles
v.-itlihia. dark lit rwaj' into a perfect ball of
Kid mortality, bej-ins to grind away at .'-L-l-1;.-.!: i f . .1 imnlem mechanisms, an
oriHi::!-!;..-. t . j wheezing, wailin- strains
awake the ce1:-, - f tlio silent nihl strangers
are prmjited Vj , -r into the dtirkness to dis
cover tha r-.o.i r.:c 1 ' the sad sounds, mid tender
uiek!s and wor r- sympathy. If, however,
that old woi.m.i .--ro to die to-morrow nn
other M v. ..".1 would take her place, and
so c-i till the err.--!; of doom.
'ai: .r : vn rn::rEtt."
own plumber'' is decidedly
air sex, for if the plumber
1 eex more than unulher
loubt) lovely woman hates
i hat?. Hero, however, is
:1 exurci-ju the fiend. All
: of soi't, very suit, sol ler
id a 'tallow candle. With
lements ho fills up holes in
.1 they an; all fitted up ho
id then adjures you to buy
ad do liko wise,
sizes and cf all (jealities,
..ts each. There they bans
in Ferried rows ol' diminishing sizo an l spot
lessly clean. Tiie;.- aro, indeed, too eleau, be-
tho froa use .f muriatic or
Ijuuct to their purity. If
iblo the question arises
iso other questions about
lore they were bleached,
Hod with unbidden fears
a used lef ore.
"Every 1.; 'y i e
attractive to tin
is d.tLoted by 1
(-vlii. il is to
him wil !: a ferv
tht; a'.i who s'
ho usi-s is a .-!.
(price five ee: t.-) ;
tlieto two .''iiii!
u tin pot, and v. v.
makes ii-j'.v oi'- -, .
his solder me1. 1
i;'poi:;.M?s Oi." ail
from ii o to toil
cause thoy sug-':.-nitrie
ueiei as an ;
acids are aum'
"Why."' Then
what they v.i ro i
and tho jjimil in
that tkey be
Hero is the vh.) - laco seller. With dreail
ful monotony he wings to aui fro that long
bunch of lac-s. Around his neck, over his
arms, iii both h, :e.ts aro laces laces every
where and of r.ii kinds. A little removed
from him is the : tand for e;lass and china
ware. A food (i.alofit is flawed, c'aipped
and broken, end ::jsmail quantity has been
inyeaiousiy joiic. e together. Color seems to
be the principal o; .,'ect of attraction, for these
collections are be. ildering in their brilliance
of hii"?, and many of them aro of elegant
form. Thty ore i'aubtloss ends of stocks and
saoiyles of good ; that havo gono out of
fashion in Mueis u avenuo prior to being
pushed out on to i ;o sidei alk.
'ai.t-oo:,'' axd nswnEEL.
TLs balloon ir.::i and tho pin wheel man
delight tho euiiJ- n. They mako really a
pretty show as t '.. .-march along with their
wr.res high in i':t ;,ir, and at holiday seasons
they do a rearm,; trade. Tho ship that
genUy swaj's u;- ..1 tho heavhig billow in
trout of the ret. -.ting wind mill, and before
the train oi nevr ceasing cars, i one to
attract a little rowd of big grown up
people, who u;:.a;:y condono for their child-i-h
curiosity by .dipping a niekle iuto the
tin .dipt er cf tin.! exhibitor. Grapes are
everywhere just 1: w. They are ingeniously
marked "three ci ..ts" very large, "half very
small and ,:lb." vt : y large, but without that
artful trick t he v cheap enough. If ton
pounds aro sui sent to prodaeo cholera
symptoms tliey . ;. 1 bo obtained for twenty
five ecu is, basket ; nd all. Souvenirs of New
York a yard Ica :"or ten cents is not dear,
ncitL'.-r '.Iil- s luvcnirs cf tho Eartholdi
statu? for half te .: money. A fine glass of
litttformiik fer lis, 3 cents and ordinary milk
for five cents me e leap enough, and they can
bo had from a c!e well appointed cart close
to 1ho curb. Ti. 'ii there is tho squeaking
chicken. As Ai t nus Ward says, ''He's an
einoosii." cuss;" the more you squcczo him
tke more h f-qu' .s.
Every well is ea-'ated person should possess
amoiith harm''-::! am, a package of poncils, a
packet of 1. ted: ' , .'. fivo cent nickel watch, a
few penholders, a omb or two, a set cf shoo
brushes, sonu -t.j-. iiieatctl detergent cleaning
Stap, strong o:-1':: h to remove stains even
from character, a .'i It lo rubber face capable
of being sqaee:. 1 into any shape, a jumping
doukey and fou.c ix;anuts! AU these to bo
bought from v-: "rs who stand upon the
curb. Now York iitar.
Tnrilo Live-i- Oil in Consumption.
At tho Colr.iiial .aid Indian exhibition tur
tle livir t ii was f-hown among the novel medi
cal com mod: ti s, : Grether with saveral rrcn-
nrations of that i amous reptile presumably
vaiuat lo for inv,-: ,id diet, and in particular
turtle eggs, tho latter consisting entirely of
yolk. I:i their m:i.ure state the eggs have a
tough skin i.nd c .ntain a whito albumen
which dees not I .- -i;ne opaque when the eggs
are boi'.e l; to es :ain the eggs without tho
albumen the plan is resorted to, it appears, of
extracting them from tho interior of tho ani
mal, in which state these immature- eggs are
about o::c ineh in . .iameter, and, independent
of any special c" ton tho system, arc con
sidered a very prdatablo article of food. The
turth iiver oi! is given in consumption in
stead of cod liver nil, and is said to bo more
agreeablo than tl:3 latter when fresh; the
dose ad.n!nictered is a teaspoonful
three times a day. Public Opinion.
The oU!-en of Sweden.
Painting and tha reading of English re
ligious literature- aro tho chief occupations of
the queen of Swe.'.en. In weather that per
mits it she spends r.lmost tho wholo day in a
sort of ojien ten;, where she arrives at 10
o'clock in the morning, lunches and dines and
remains until abou : 6 o'clock in the afternoon.
Tho tent is quits open on the side facing tho
beautiful ilalare lake. New York Tribune.
A fit range X.-.Uo In Austria.
At Zirknitz in tin Au t ri an Alps theto
i.-? tin intermittent Ishe that is a b:: i:
which at 0110 bctujoi:
with water, at -am t'"
cultivated by tho f; -Imrhood.
Tho imp- h
l'tttick, h;is jut ex .
lion of that basin a
of it nn immense .
which, when tho 61 '.
tho basin has reaci 1
lx-giiu tucking ui t:
basin is empty.
Tliis cave leads i j
underground lake:.. .1
ftui' nnothcr by a
l'utk-k iiavi;,atetl ti-Iniiitt-nse
fields of .
( annulate, and alter '
rent r aro carried -of
the cave iu v.-i-e-waters
is rated i
very low, ts
in taich hu-es the
frequent 13" closo th
tho waters to liso '
l'utick, with three c
f the lakes when t'.
di-rd' J.l by a 1:
ling down from the j
eight hours they we .
Could until they sv.
passage by the fidr .
which v;:s liajipily .
they were enabled
unharmed. Hut the i
1( ft behintl, and wi! ..
pftcr the water eL .ii
C'-I.ago Ne-ws.
d' tho y-:;r is liih-d
r i 1 'rii 1 up ::iid
;:-rs of the li.-hdi-1
f.Ll" "i f, Vi!i-:i!:l
i:a-d tho t:' tr tri'r
i ;u: 1 in 1 j .-.' ,
c il'cd Karlow a,
.( e of tho wat'-r iu
ii cr-rtaiii la i.'d.
o water until the
a long r-eiies
il c- iiiiitvi, d w i; '
. ' v 1 unv '
:t iivo of tii'. o.
1 iiiid gravi 1 ::
ly t top t I.e. cur
' I y it. 1 The 10:
1 X'.-l.i i ti !:i 1
;.il y J 'ir-v; .;i e
! ; i.'i wiip-r,
e. i'':g rravi 1 i.-. 0
;.!,-.' .-Hid fir.'.-'
.'.' iii.i'r c::v!-
-ii..:r-:, was in
r 'trans' v. a.-. Kid
'. r-ib! i.-h tu:o!
.! . For i':or; (!.:.!
! bard ti; s
". -! i:l e-i !:iug i
he i,..i- I t-t.t !:;:;
1 f- r.!..i :,-..-, ; ...
: - '.: l!'.' inr.-...-i;:i
i;ll-1 1 1 'i !.; . ' .
rt e- ei'cl ;.::
'. 'r
.O rl
:e .
A Ilea ut ifi:
Of tha invitations
and states exteinle-d .
r.b'y tl:o me.-t uniqu
pie of Jacksonville,
t .vec n liels of "e-urlv
va. iins ciii. s
:: :.t p.-..;.-
e !eis ata
r. . ..i l
' ii'-; i e
.1 . r b
d i
o l
1.. (
with bra-'.s made
aro nine inches wit".
ti:rei'-ei;;',.;!.s of asn 1
l:i,.'hly poli.-l:d, an
paititcd a bunch e.
l loora. The incles:
Lri.stol be'.arei, rqoii
is written, its well i:
coiiimiiteo ca-legatx't '
a.gcs are also uniqe
India, ink slo-tchus e-fiorat-f
tl.o state. '
the Cherokee roso, .
to I'iorida, of ua:id e"'
cah-i.'iigi; i'-.-diretto,
failis, wiii.e; rrimcs, :
ish r.ior-s', i!i-l E'a-t
the St. Joht.'B 11:
tj'a r( s of the beaut i.
St. Ge-orge, ;dl blc-rc
arti .lie arn-.Tigenu-:; .
of the pug s tin re i
or itiot;;re of a genu'
driving his tenia to
pines, lie has the ft
drawn by a rentum
he bofrit it.-'s, his Ion
to the ground. l'h.
,1 t:
..: of?.- Ai'J .
I'-'s in l'u
1:1 vi'...! ;;.
iUi'S if t :
i -t't :.eJi 1
1 i'iiUi.U
d with
i.O;l of
liet ivc- i 'l
; v ij.ri
: oats :
' o.i t '
; 1
I' Armour ;
A clergyman, wl
chureii st.-ii'.ev.h.ere
th-.r.s of the city, v,
r.r l:ii!g for contrib
who, he ttiid, was t.-.'
the lii-cesi-aries of li.
lute that sho had
clothing fer her uev
e-ven unall:- to buy .
kind hearted doctor
Armour gave him :"
his way rejoicing,
prised a few hours i:
111:111 returned and fa
saving that he had ."
that the child hud b
lock, ai:el the case
worthy of Jris e harit
at fii'ot surprised, ar. '
temper, lie called
told him to see tha
his eillice and never
sent to hi3 own Lor
everything which a
woman's conditicm i
her at once, ai.d th:
be continued till she
for herself. My i
Mrs. Armour toek t'
looked afttr it until
was needed. Cliica.
.1 i-'
,:a or:.' .
a 1 - '-r
' '.-, , - ',
.-:.-.; : o iii. :
...i : to 1.
'?. i . r 1 I v
; .-s ' it; ' !. J: 1
.'- I -"::t l:i:a r.
-."itS much :'::"'-
!:n th el..-rr;,--:
i:i;n h:r, jooui'V,
d, to Ids r. .,: t,
or.j ea:t of e..
. th'-rol'oro, u:
Arii." air v. .: ;
n Ttt-arl v lost hi ;
.1 la- el-'. h.j ;
! ravr-an P.-i..
1 .
:!d b
:-.: i ly k
;d L-10 lot,
r-:t says
1 1.
American Croc:-.:.;
Beaufort Castle. -.
rented '07 Mr. Willi.-:
the shooting icr.soii.
hint for a term cf ir
includes tlteadjoini: ..
stream which runs r
The family expect 1
during the fall and . .
year, anel are withh
Hc-1 Macaan, the est.
Erad'cy Martin, an
tlie Winans estate.
The castle, v. inch i
80 feet wide, stands - -on
tho Ecuth bank .
and is built in the .
with turrets anel jr: '
elov.-s and many ciii:
reel sanelatone from ?
which is near by. '
fully furni.'hc-.i" thr
modem and old ft
ten.dve Bttibles ane.
stables -will RCCOBim; .'
at present Mr. Vanek .
of l:f teen.
..- i:i it C'ast.e.
:-;.i ii v.-:us rt e e-idly
ii. ior
:..; K.-n li.-r.--i el by
s . :::a. Tho
' :v:t at:da::.lm..u
rt-.;. h t.':0 -roperi . .
i-v-i.::. y tie- i
y -.v.'..-: ; r f e .
ii.i: g dl..:;;:-r
I : 1 -. a..
... t Very f,;r L .
-., c i
i;o riv
I : ''
1 .e i-. o . -.i
i , of ' V'
rii ev.'-r'-y.
i; l-' r;:;i-v.-ith
i.d has
. . .
loO lvar-os
i:as oni" i
: .1
I lis steam vaebt .'.b. a. i-i eV.-c!:
will not bo afloat g:
mas. when it will b
Mediterranean. -.2nV;
i la . 1 1 1 ai i-ii t. iiri.-1-Otie:;
I'-adj' for the
i ui '.i Jouriad.
Ci ..". cry."
f-:u tho v'
: : 5 1
n i" l'.
i". ia:-
: f-v.r.
. lore:'.:
i.i tar.
1 a
cv. i-
A KoVCl "IiOf.
Under the Ikrtilk: :
ficatiem cf a. prisoner
edge cf the f.-Iiowir.
1. Hie length and
2. The length of :
Lille fingers.
8. Tlie length e-.f t"
4. Thti length of i
5. The length of i
C. The height of 1 i:.---n'e.
7. Tho Oijaaurecj.-.:.. iLe out;
8. The moarurom r:.': of ti:? trunk fr sr.i
the top of the head t- Ike bench, when a
person is seated.
To these rneasurei :. nt3 Kiuri l.-e added
tlie description cf tl r ars ;.r. 1 ecrliar
marks that almost c . . perse at exhibits;
the notation of the c ieir of the l.air,
beard and eyes; the .-" a.-.- and size r-f the
nose, and inofile and fro:.t view photo
graph) of the face. A dt scription em
bracing all these d-.i.dls is next to in
fallible. New York Mail and Express.
twiJ ti Ji
For tlie lioxl I't'W weeks choice of lots in South l'arlv maj
he had for sl.) l'jircha.Ncr may pay all in cash; or one
half cash, the oilier half in one year; or, one third cash, bal
ance in one and two years; or cash, remainder in month
ly installments of 10; or, any one ai;recin to construct a
residence worth -.,"() and upwards w ill he given a lot with
out further consideration.
to select your residenct; lots, tivcii though you should not
contemplate building at once. One visit to South Turk:
will convince, the most skeptical that it is t he most desirable
residence locality in the city, and we will add, that the most
substantial class of buildings ot which JMattsmoujh can
boast l'or the year KSS7, are now being constructed in this
V ' hh
handsome addition.
leautiful Shade Trees
rr-wa mam irw xmr
m MM, 1
UJIUQ Wi tKit'li ibtrri
"s--: pc-i 7 ; rs", fy T fTJ
"e: --NsY'-aT,,'i
ijinrW irnn aSicn -Kcia Hi3 iai-il com
1 1 , 1.1 1 A
aioiinti and tlirouiru tlie enure tract'.
Any one (1
t ions rvsir
oi plans c! tie. L: tc-;t.
oniee. j ny ont
to purchtt -;ing,
South J k is !,-,-;
ii lrt.hf to c ie t rued
or a more
It can l e iv.
or sotilli on
ncc in (;i!i Ii rt-.i 1., can e.ainir:C a large sftlcction
if residences by calling' at our
lo cMtiitir.c property with a view
ven to the park at our cxpenso.
In in the (.era. House.
'."D r J.iiietulii Aveiiitei,
ti i .
: ;.
:i luiji
l i e or.
' by cii In T (ill!
E. B. Windham o
A. I
l . i v . . it . . i i u. t-' i r- j u -c '.i i .
3-DEL O O lEH JE. 3! S3 9
ivx: Afi-xrvi.TV or mm; ckockkhv.
m. B. KURPHY & CO.
wi i m Mi ijun
jf&Z !P K Sf p H'i'- fas.
Y&XCi- VriyM it'-ii
ariy tii
ii: tn a two wheeled go cart to a twenty-four
Ci i)
f y c
are alway, kord rotriy Caas or i'ht carriage., pal 1-1, rarer W,0n,
and everytuitie i.jr Umcni Innn.-,.,.- on thort notice. Terms cadi.
1 ASnTl-m