THE DAILY IIEKALD, PLATTSMOUTII, HEDRASKA, NONDAY, OCTOBER IT, 1887. Qllje JJlattsmout!) Doili) fjcralib, ZKZ 1ST O TT 3 13 U O S., Publishers & Proprietors. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. Kor Supreme Jiule, SAMUEL MAXWELL. For I'nlversity Kcgrnts, DK.JH. 15. DAVIS, I)U. GKOHGE ROIiEUTS. For .T nlfCc of Second Judicial Uintrlct, HON. SAMUEL M. CHAPMAN. HON. ALLEN W. FIELD. UBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. KorTrcir-.uivr D. A. CAM 11 JELL. ForClurk BIUD CRITCIIFIELD For Keconli-r WM. II. POOL. Hiijprint!iid'r.t f I'uidie Instruction MAYNAKD SPINK. Krr SlH'i ilf J. C. KIKEXIJAUY. For Judi?f CALVIN IUJSSELL. I2:)i-Clerk of D!sti-i!t.CiMirt ii. j. sTKEioirr, For Comity C'ciiin:isinncr GEO ROE YOUNG. For Surveyor A. MADOLE. For Coroner IIEN11Y B(ECK. The Republican State Platform. The republican party t .Nebraska, while ovor careful of property ritjhtc, ami holding no ey in ;tt !i y with tliosj who would with the roni uiuuiat divide, or wit!) the atiarehixts destroy, reasserts its determination that. tli! great rail way corporal ions of tli is state which hold re lations :I closest interest to the pe.iplu .shall lie the fairly paid servants of the sta'e and nut ita masters. TU work of legislative control in tin; stale anil n it ion shall continue until all cunt' of complaint of exorbitant, rates and nnjiitt discrimination in favor of individuals of localities fh.ill cease to exist. Assumirj; the responsibility which fairly belongs to it. of having originated all legislation looking to ranroau control ami tne creation ol tlioia trt biuiiiU or eoiuiiiis-ioiiK which hare been en abled to srrapplu with corporate power, the r publican party will see to it that by a'l needed enlargements of power these commissions, na tional aud slate, shall bo ;rtiied for battle and lor victory. While favoring such "eNa'iue in the of this etato as will permit the railroad commissioners to be elected by the people, it herby voices its confidence In tho existing board of transportation, :uul coinmends Its ef"rt lo obtain for .Nebraska the same tarilf of rate for freight and carriage of tas oners a is accorded to neighboring states iimlarly circumstanced. It ii grosHly unjust und x irrpviom wrong that Ncbr itika should pay more for the transportation of h -r products ami Hie carriage of lisr inplif s than hcrneigh- l.ors, Iowa, Minnesota ami Dakota, with its 3 ooo miles of easily constructed and cheaply iiiaintainutt lines of railroad and the republi can f thl state will not ceaoo tlivir efforts until all wrongs be righted. We reaffirm our a Iterance to ths American gyotu'it of tariff, under which, with its broad protection of American labor, our country lias prospered beyond any other, as the business or. mo country now demands revision, the re iiioiican,auve to tne demands of everv mate rial interest, will see to it that such revi-ion snail ue made at the earliest practical day. We condemn the action of the democratic ma jority in congress in that alter repeated pledges of tariif reform, it hr.p utterly failed, while h-iv in? a lai:e majority in the house of reprexeta'iv5S. where t-iritr bills must origi nate, to bring about ueh reform, which must come from Ui party that has ever been the friend of the American laborer and. producer. The j;ratful tha.iks of the Ainuriean people aro due to those who defended the union in the late war an! we are in favor of providing Buiiapis pensions ior i soiaiers ana sailors who er disabled in It service or who have since. without tfieirfault or vice, become objects of puouc or privaio cnaruy ana to ine widows ami orrnans or nione who fell in its defence. We heartily sympathize with the ambition a:id eiioru of toe patriots of Ireland in their endeavor to obtain for their country the blowings of free institutions and local self government. Wo recognize ia Charles Stew art rarnell and the Kt. lion. William E. Glad stone worthy champions of the fundamental principals or tua ucciarauou of ludepen We coatlcmn the action of the president in his attempt to return the trophies won by bravery on the field of battlo. We condemn the narrow, intolerant and par tisan action of the democratic party In exclud lug from the privilege of state citizenship the half million peoolu of Dakota, solely (n the un aulv and indefensible ground of a difference la political view. rot contest with their ef fort to exclude the negro from the elective franchise, ihey now seek to proscribe an Intel ligent, prosperous au.i patriotic people because oi their political opinions. review with alarm the abuse or the Teto power py the president of the United States, A power from the use of which England sov ereigns havs abstained for two centuries; a power med but six timss during the first forty ysars of or national government, a power by me pwwi"v imrtisieu to ine president for the purpose of preventing hastv legislation, has bv the present iumiubeiit of that . nice been unnr! to thwart the well ascertained will ef the peo ple- tuu io ineir repeated demands, lie Las, in one-half of a single term of oflice, used the power more times than all the predecessors combined. Ilehns sought by all the prece deuted use of extraordinary power, to consti tute himself a co-ordinate branch of the na tional legislature, lie has frequently exer- i"ruMii? out- man power ty tne cowardly method of th- '-pocket veto" by which import ant measures have been defeated without any ueillg t iv on ior WllllllOldlUg its up proval. The New York banks last Saturday held $7,2G0,000 is excess of legal rc-quircmente. Two more elcaths orcured Saturday on the steamship Alesia, in New York liar bor, which makes twenty-eight in all that have died from cholera. Judge II. T. Elliott, who has made the address of welcome to the presidential party at Memphis Saturday morning was oTercome by the heat and died before he could be removed from the stand. We do not object to our exchanges copying articles from the columns of the IIekald, veu though they attach no credit, but we do object to articles from the Herald being copied and credited to other paper. On our fourth pngs will be found the obituary notice of Mrs. Julia Cooley, wife of Griffeth S. Cooley, of Cedar Creek. She was well known in-the county, hav ing lived in the county, we believe, about twenty years. Thk Journal has Information to the effect that Mr. Criteufleld, the republican candidate is making much capital out of the fact that he Is a friend ef Van Wyck. Journal. We are sorry Mr. Critchfield is doing this, if he is doing so(?) because the Journal has a patent on that back-action, double somersault, now you see it and now you don't, sort of politics. We will Beo "IJird," Mr. Journal, and say to him, "under the hat" that lie must not infringe on the Journal man's right. The many railroad horrors of the pant year have had the effect of rousing tlic train condtirtor.-i. Tim national naeoc in tion of railway conductors have propareii a bill providing for licensing conductor and engineers, somewhat after the man nor of feteaniship pilots and engineer.'-. They will try to have this passed by t he next congress The act requires that interstate railroads employ only licensed engineers and conductors; provides for u chief examiner and ten supervising ex aminers to see that tho law is observed; the country to be divided into ten dis tricts, in each of which districts tht.n shall be two assistant examiners ono t: conductor and one an engineer. The lo cal examiners are to have tho power of licensing, and arc to pass on all the qual ifications for candidates. The liceus Is to run one year and is revokable for in temperate habits, unskillfulness, and liko causes. If the number of disasters can be lessened by enactmant", this is a st: -in the rkdit direction. The main thing, however, would seem to be to crcutt more conscientiousness in the conscieu.s of the railroad corporations. lite. HOME. FOR THE FRIENDLESS A Completo Statement of the Yoar'f Receipts of Monoy and Supplies. Lincoln Journal The following statement of the sources from which money was derived for th. support of the home for the frh-ndh during the p-ist year is kindly furnished by Mrs. A. E. Doolittle, financial secret i v of the state society: Greenhouse I'.oard Contribution Mic'l. donations Lincoln donat'ons Jjlncoln Aux Tecumseh Auk Gibbon Auk Innav.Me Aux Fremont Aux lied Cloud Ar.s Helena Aux Table Hock Air; Waverly Aux Hebron Aux Valparaiso A u-c .Nebraska City Aux Crets Aux Falls City Aux Syiacusa Aux Kockford Aux Ileatiico Aux Unadhla. Aux. .- liumboldt Aux Hastings Aux I'lattsiuouth Au.i, Central City Aux Trairie Center Ai;x l'awnee City Anx Melroy Aux Auburn Aux Sterlir.s Aux Total 3.212 Ci Clothing, bedding and provisions have been received from the following auxil iaries: Melroy, Beatrice, gyraeuse, Wav erly, Brock, Table Rock, Lincoln, liising City, llockford, Pawnee City, Central City, Unadilla, Sterling, Nebraska City, Hebron, Humboldt, Tecumseh, Helena, Gibbon, Seward, Plattsmouth, Falls City, Hastings, Fremont, Auburn, Crete, York. From towns where are no auxiliary so cieties: Dover, Irviugton, Uurchard. Diller, Malcolm, Surprise, Liberty, Fair bury, Omaha, Sutton, David Cit3', Pal myra, Keuesaw, Dorset, Vt., Belief oun tain, 0. Mits. A. E. Doolittle, Financial Secretary. .? 2S; s: . 1,500 ! f . . 6:: 2- 32 i - Z2 r,: f, 2'J 0. r . jx, 3i l." ' lis 1 - f 0 15 C CO I t Of u Si- 17 CO ". W r. w. S ii- 45 C2 2 CO 12 00 45 71 S 7.S 3- 0o Procrastination. TiniG once gone can never be re called." is the remark only too often said by those who neglect themselves. Dr. Warner's new SpecifictCough Cure Comes to the world's rescue And denies death of its rightful due'. Please report your experience to your druggist and neighbor, that the world may have proof no cure, no pay re quired Price 30c anel $1. For sale by Will J. Warrick. Druggist's Soaps The largest line of 10c soaps in the city at Warrick's drug store try them. d 4t Sarpy County. Sarpy county nominating conventions democratic and republican will be held at Papillion the 20th and olsi. The Papillion 2'iiiics correspondent of La Platte i;r.nouuced a yonng lady as candielate for co'inty superintendent of pnblic instruction. She is a poet and story writer known as "Fclis". She re sides at La 1'iatte. She is said to be a republican. The Bellevu'3 college nine anil the Oma ha high school ni:i! played at tho former place on the l"th with the result of 0 to 20. They will play again in two weeks. Sam Patterson of Plattsmouth is the college pitcher. ITEM3 OF INTEREST.' Hon. H. W. Crady, The Statesman, Scholar anel True American, set an example worthy of re flection for all True Americans. Healing wounels that no methoels except those uscelby Heaps1 Camphorated Arnica Salve which is sold on its merits for any use that a salve can be uscel. No cure, no pay. For sale by the following drug gist. Price 25c per box. W. J. Warrick Warrick has a very nice line of birth day cards. d4t Kotc.4 and of AH Sort Gleaoeil from tho TfewniHiern. The Spanish government in buying Eng lish horses. Italian?? Jiro engaged in making cheeso out of toTi'itto pulp at a Darlington (N. J.) cunning house. Jaiiua S. AW-1, he-red, of Fan Francisco, owns a snuff lv: mado of tho first lut of gold found in California in 1818. Boys between the ages of 10 and 13 who will neither v.c: k nor go to whool ore t to work break i.g Btono at Fultou, lan. The brM'iii i; vb btarted a factory at Owwxj that 1;:mi3 out 1,000,OUO Uick achea a. cl;:y. It alo maktd 2, lU0 bnovr shove-lj a day. A railrr:'. l U to bo built in equa torial Africa, : -ssing tbr. continent fruru l.or.nda, Gu:r:ca, to uujo Portu guese jiorl in r.i yinibiq;ic. I.'e-rLn Soei.i:i.-tn cinploycel tho ether day, for tau ilist time, women to l:s iribul t'K'ir j::::ipl:l-ta, :iid over 80,(,'i)i) wero f.cntt'Tcil ;..-cund Ix-foro the polico' i..ti:id c;:t vl:;.l wutt going on. Tlic bouse Ir, which I'ayno ata-iripk-d 'o niur.l'-r SiTiviary Soward at tho Unto 1" l .Iiicoln's ii . .".isinatioii is now ofTercd .'r Kidf. It 1:-' long Ih'cii u.-ed ns t!v.i Ik ;id(1i;ar'a rs ol tho commissary general. It has been decided by u California court that :i re-r' rstato ue-el from husband io v. ;fo whore ' lovo and afTcctiem" aro named r.s th' considf-rntion 33 not valid r.i.less there wu.; aetitally eueh considera tion at the time of tho tranafer. One of tlio ii'. : t original specimens of CJeri'U.ii .jovr::;- ".n is tho weekly F.l.i rt :botit to a j .pit'." in Ijorrach, Baelen, under :!.e tiih'of '-'i!:'- violin. r-in-Law." every ".ilci-;i,cr Jo . l.ich, maloor female, may :dtn L-fj u CO!;' rii -iter. isi-ia, theie arrived a few iViOr-.COV.'. Ti ii-) 1. IO train filled entire iy l . ;.e taucMsi;ii j-.:cl ed in bt-.m -! with imo frenn Tiilis, south of mountains, nnel were ; vith tiir light covers, iiiekcd when half rioe, and i'.ro long e: sough on the read to bo well rioenod ! iheir arrival. Finger bowls; maele of birth Lark were of th-.5 conceit3 of a elinrtr arty f.t Boi-fi n the other night. Tho ft-uests could riot discover why th pretty things did not '.-jk, birt that was secre t of the inrci:-i-JU9 hotstesa, and eho wouldn't toll. A Bridjepor; Conn.) m::h prc-rcntf-d at a cheek for ?:'A. ilio ek bad only if -23. 37 cn hank refused to cash tli e man vvidi the check its to the other man's e-sented tho choci, and a liiuiK aao: iv rnslrcr ef th' ( dtosit, and th check. Then dejieitcd C3 t cwiit, ncrain j got tho mony. liussin is cor idoring tho advieabilily of enactin;;- i providing that ehildieu lorn in liiiA- ia of naturalized German j arents thad be regarded as Russian sub jects from birtl'. mstead of from the time they attain their maje.rity, as t present, thus making them liable to military ser vice. When, in 1 iVJ, the United States troops occupied ZJacon, Ga., they turned out to bhivt a-; they might many :;j parently worn out horses. Sorno of thcLO war Kteeds it-; ' perated fast, and wero soen drav in llio plows of the con quered Southvo.iH, and ono of them, at least, is living ia vigcroua oki ago hi Monroe county. The- engineer.; of a heavy double header train saw i. ehl!.! on tho truck near the village ef Kcxdi ; len. N. Y. They whistled for brakes, a; ;d when the train wasolciewt upon the child one of the engineers leaded from his lr.eo;;:. tive, and, running ahead, oaujrht the iuf;r.,c from the track. As a reward the mi.-: her has recorded the cn gineer'b liamo hi the family Bible. There was r.n extraordinary drought in one part of C l.u a this year. On July 5, II. E. Shcuf, II t TaotRi Chehx) ensfems and Cheloo cii.. : it, is.u?d a prcclamation prohibiting the killing of four footed Len?ts, s-.-cd he.-vrith rome ofilcials, went to tho Tien Kou temple to pray the gods for rain. On the following day there was a gentle- rain n:id on tho l3th a heavy shower. In tearing dnv.n an old farmhouse, five miiea from M .nticel-o, Ca., workn'cn found an old. time elavo whip ljctwccn the weather btKirdi-.-g and the log walls. It is made of a - her strap two inches wide and u'.-out n !': : and a half long, fastc-lie-d in a polished h'ekory handle some two feet long, with a firing in the 'rod by which it might !o attaclied to the wrLit. It reminded one ef old times. Just in front ef tho spot whco Presi dent Clevehi".-1. : food in the room e.f the board ef coiuml skners in the city hall of Philadelphia v, h- n ho received the pubh'o at the reeem ce.itfiinii'J, there is a thread bare spot in the carpet. Ii; was forme d by the peoplo i:. arching up to him, shak ing hands f-i'.-i then turning toward ike exit. 3Iany t";.--uiiand feet ehufHing in that turn woru tho cai'pcUs to threads in a few hours. Sluvious Archa-cloq:ier;l Articles. A regular of manufacturers of spurious arch.-, logical articles liaa re cently Wen Ci evicted in the Canton cf Neui'ehatcl. whoso seb.ohirs had long compl.-.ine-tl c f ilio frauds practiced on huaters for re Ik ; of p-ile dwellings. One cf the ce-eued had inve-nted the "horn age" for the Lr- cut of an enthusiastic an tiquarian, and eug out for him a number of skilli'rJIy prepared articles of horn. Another fraud consiatcd of forging the signature of the curator of the Archaeo logical r-Iuseu..: o Jseufchatc-!. and tc-sti-fyir.:-: tii-.-rehy vi the genmncness of a shield. The forgers weie sentenced to terms cf impiL ament varying from two days to half a y.-ar. Home Journal. A lire-is .TTa'.le of TUrcntl. A young lady of Austin, who ha3 much time to spare end who is very skillful wiiii the i.eedie and excels in ail fancy crochet work, has made a uniquo dress. The material is common spool thread, white, and. the entire drees is hand cro cheted work, l-eautifully flowered and strongly made, :-nd about 10.000 yards of tlueaJ wero used in its cons-traction. The sleaveo are crochete-J in the preper sliapo. and are f .stened in by a lctk cro cheted stitch. 1; is a very beautiful dress, and the yetmg lady tells us that it took lirr thrco inomhs to complete it. Austin (Nev.) Beveillo. A Strangro I nVn I? Anstrl.v. At Zirknilz in th: An .tiian Alp;; tl ia an inlermitU at Ia!.e that i-j a which at ono bun-ton of tin: ycir h fe: with water, r.t an.t'cr i-. h-l' 1 up ir cultivated by thf f.,T'!!er.'. cf tho i. i bvrhool. 'ihe imp- Putick, l.T'.H jui.tC'A' tion e-f that i'a -in a., of it mi':i!so i which, when the f,' tho basin Ins rer.c: b-e: su ing ur l asin is emiily Thi.-3 cave leads t und erj.Tfiund Juki one anolher by v. I'utick liavignti-vl t!a Immense field.-i of eunuilato, a?iel rent r are carriexl -of 1 1 iv? cave i;i v. : waters is h ealed :: very low, aim. -t t . in suc-'i J laecvi the fiv qui-utly close tl.. th Wi;t'-r3 t'") i ine i'liiick. with thrc-et -1 iwp. ??nr?, rrn ' ! farmer, V''!-a,: 3 F H-fi US': :K ! r ,:n.l hi ,;e ... J p X ?L " T i 1 ' ,,;;,r" u.r.wrV'.-;;.. i ; a c rt.o.i 1; '. . ! 1 ho v. aU-r u.-.tll ' r.-.K-rrK-if 1-, n 1. ng ser!'---; ' ' 1 4 .) :n d s r r. 1 I For tho v.vxi t:v vi j be !i;m! !): ."'i i d I half fttli, t lie o; h. j p. lift.- in oil'1 ;ni'i i I y in-t.illrnc!) : , I lcsiflence v. oi i h : i.n!.'' ; . r in I! (iia .;;: ' :-. :'!iv tiic-r t in Yiitli riir"k maj i 1 .... I. SMI f oi . . i i e i n !K- ihinl 'iih; bnl ; , !,.ain(!fi- in month- j X lo ronixinicL a ivfii a lot with- Itl at ion. of th- I d: .h ling down fr.::n the eight hours th'-y vv co-aid until thiy I':u--ago by tiie f-'d-whleh was hi-.ppdy they were t - .ah!e-i unharmed. But th; . 1 it lehin(, ar.d w!. lA'irr tlu watr CI !go Mi v.-.a. A i:ei.i:ti." Of the iiiviiation.. ar.d f ta'.e-i e.ieu:U-d id. iv th. rne.- t urn. tncxfi.i: 1 tween li.'.j rf " Kiale. Tl.-e lMs ;-red i-.:i!i haehs !.:. . at" niri" iach.-s wi l!ll-e:-a;;;h?hs .f '.11 highly poli.-hed. ai painte-d a huaeii . I. loom. The i.Te 1 Lri:-;toI board, i; is wrltlsn, as well ; k ie.g t- : p:g s-are also u?de Inula ia.k r-kel ehea Horn of the tial.'.'. ': the Cherokee ro.-to. ; to I lorida, of :ja:il ;' CJtbbtigu pahnctto, v. pgilir', white civmer., i-.'i ixicfis, and skei the Si.. John's ri. shore 3 of the bauutl tit. George', all l.lcn . artistic arrangeincs of tho paj--s tiiere i er iietur iA hkcuV. dmh'g ids team to 1'ineft. lie has the it elra.wn by a gemun lie bestrides, iiij ha to the erouiid. Ph.- I'hil Armour A elei- .natii, v -i, church somewhere tions of the city, v aslving for a contri! . vrho, lie pid, r. i.o r the n; ces. aries of li: tute that ho had ch'thing for la r i:e -. oven miahhi to ,iy kind hearled. tioeto: Armour hi;:i 4 his way raj acing. piL;ed a few hours ' man rcturntvl and ! saying thaL l-.v had thai; ti:e child had L h.-c!:, and the crr-a worthy cf hh ch.r:' at llr-t surj ? ; d. temper, lie ealied told him to f ee tir 3. is oflleo and inv . sent to his own ht . every ihin which : wei;arni"s condition her at once, and ti I Ai continued till tli for hf.r:-.-lf. My ' Mrs. Armour took i looked aficr it -as needed. Aiiiciicun Crr'.- Baaurort CaMl- rented by mt. VCiiJ: th.c ahootla.g sca-a-. him for a term of : includes the ia' jtini stream which run 5 -. The fainilv cx.n.el during tlio'fall and year, are wirla El Tdacaan, the e Bradley Martin., a:, the Winrms eiriate. The casilc, wide:: GO feet wie'e. .tand c:i the f-oa'.ii hank and is built in ti e J with turrets and r dow3 ar.d many ci: red caricls-ione from which 13 near ly. fully furni.hed" th moeiern and eld i tensive stable;; a;, tables wiil accomre p.t rresont Mr. m: cf fifteen. His rfoam vr.e"-:: ra.a.' Mcc when it wiil tcrranoan.--- 1 i. e : (aa i ; . ' I ? ' V 1 ., S'-i i ' ii t: ; to ,-t-iiei vour r-.a eop.tisnolaif i "will coin i !(-: i ! ri'i-idriK : leg giii:;, ! :-n ant fla -' ijoa-i, ior Hie- v '.'a t v i : en - T V(,:i ; noiild not "io '-onth I'nrk t hi- iiKv-1 dcvirablo t ::l. tho liiowt can thi ! ( ! ( it !i !;!lt: raoiilh (.j:t-t rut UmI in in:;- (A.: i i i i.- ,-rv Trees p. Jr. . a o . . . - . I "i '.Vt- ca , v.'.l ' I a. a: 1 ) '. I : n'g :--(-e-. , a p c - ei .: ( ti :- a Tr- irtt wu 'ti ir&r t..y. vA ami 1 lib entire tract. Any i lOlbS Vl'SIlk ill Oi t plan oi i to )urciiaxi Soutli Pail, ; It can l-c i Lgg c i toutli en 'i oiii't rir.;;' to c -ii . a i: .;.;(.! or !,:' lair .-t ;!-: of ra.-hit ..(fs by u:n! i i to .".aiim-o prop; vi ! ! 1: 1 1 1 o t Ik- pari-: i- .-.a toair iar : l::,:?: lr; !-. -avciii..--..! !v i,y i '.: .'li'.vv.'o " .Ii it rii-' -A. " I a ip. ore jirctcn a lar;..;e frftlection c-al!in at our a i Ir e My v; 11 ii ujtu7 a I our expense. ; (Jj.t-ra House. l:( ii 11 Avt-nucB, tl :tt rt Oil slum i - i ' : ' . ' s - ; . -- 5 A - " rv :i.-x-. i-:e . o hi-; s fi- i- V "! - e A ' v.- .- u C;; ,.r. ;4 T.Ki HT: 1 V hi . CO, on 1. . : A Kovel "It' Under the Beriia flcalion of a prison-: edge cf the followh 1. The length ar..: 2. The length ci" Kttle fingers. S. The length of 4. Tho length e f t 5. The ler.-th ef : G. The height e f ' 7. Tho meaauremt arms. 3. The mra.---.rc-m the top of the head person is seated. To thope ir.eaiure.' the elecrij th;n of t: inark tdmrt e tho notatio?. of tl.- fcsard and eye-; the -'a-. e nose, and prolik era f, :.; graphs of the face. A C bracing all tLeso a : e's 15 nc-.-.t to : fallible. New York Mail and Express. t .-r''i''..- ; ;." ' ' ". '.. ' , . . "V:aJ -a ' ' ', - ' - ' " " a .i ??: "-' - ; v I .-!' - - Z-' v. i " - ?" a.'--:. . A C'-'. -; . r '-?f; ' .r&A.J Have any tlii r.i y a IJV ( J.rt to a twenty -io. cn a kuo .. i- h i 1 t ii U i. v I $ t . ofiheouiatrctca. the :rv '-fa the, v.dic:: -t i-e a- . j - a t. ;-. ' the ) I tlae -f ih lev. phot... .;ptk,ri e. n T -P T-A :r . 1 I i s arc always lc-.-j't ro.-uly. C:v or aael evcrvtliir.;' ior luaura1-in --a 14 U' v. 1 cnniA?, ptll-l.carer wagons 0ii - '-' "tiee. Terms casJi. 'r(f-.r r -vms j,f K 1