THE DAILY HERALD, PLATTSMOUTH, NEIMiASKA, TUESDAY, OCTOLEU 11, 1887. )t JJlattamoutl) Dailg Ucralir. BEOS. Publishers & Proprietors. A KilHln&ry Icnli2l, In BlocR rrood IJulItlinx. TAFFY FOR CLEVELAND. ANlACICO.STrC.jj Hern In this IhikI of, llmler tli; t'loiioii nv, K.-iiciiiiiL' wii'n o'lTclinns ami tide. JCuleraml bi lili; iln t!iou abid-i. Ami. heart of the West, beat hits" ! KiirKP'tlti" tlio ilisii:vl rancor Of years t.iat sluxilil hi; dead, JC illy we allfinjii (-(. and lia.ll. ItltMniiiKi'iir nation's head. InMf to you. O ruler, Aud to your penile wile In prosperous ways (Jod guide your days, Nnrcoirit tlicm piist till you at last ! Enjoy the vnd'ess life. Writ r for the Chicwju Daily Acu. Leave orders for wood "with John Tutt at Pcnnett'B groceiy store. bt f The "Q" train -west this morning, was crowded to a jam. It carried a laro excursion from eastern Iowa and Illinois. rick out the pioct of Ileal Estate yo want and then call fer j rice and terms upon Windham fc Davi b. Over Bank of Cass Co. lBtf. Every one buying a dollars worth of goods and over will receive a chance on an elegant sewing machine to he drawn Christmas Eve. Peteu Mekges. If the mayor, Messrs "Wcckbach and Murphy have luck in selling the sewerage bonds nothing should hinder Plattsmouth from soon having a complete system of sewerage. Jack Frost came in last night and advertised himself to f-tay for the winter. He will give an exhibition nearly every night and will decorate his stage with pure silver. For Sale. A farm on "Weeping Water bottom, the S. W. i of Sec. 28 Tp. 10, liangc 1-1. Enouiro of James Walston of Kock Bluffs for farther particulars. Sept. 1-Gnio. A fellow from the country drove his team too close to the railroad truck by the depot last night and a puffing engine frightened his horses, and in a fit of rearing and kicking they broke the wagon tongue. Charley C. McPhcrson started out his cold frosty morning to put up his election fences. He goes out in vain to run for recorder, and on another frosty morning a month hence, he will read vj his deTeat. Mr. W. H. Pool is the man who will occupy that office. Just recaved a largo invoice of Ladies flno kid and coat button shoes at S2 a pair, guaranteed equal to any 50 shce In the I m arked at T. H. Phillips'. The Presidential Train. I The President and suit will pass Platte- I mouth to-morrow afternoon at 12:40 I sharp. It is probable the train will stop I to register and afford our people a chance I to see him and his much admired wife, i At all events all who are at the depot I can see the grand "palaces on wheels". I Mrs. J. F. Johnson has recently re- I turned from St. Louis where she purchas- I ed the tincst lot of hats, bonnets, ribbons I and other millinery that could uc iounci i . . ill r 1 I there. We have taken a personal iook at i . . i i . I them and pronounce them superior to J anything of the sort eyer brought to I I'lattsmoutD. Jlrs. JOUnson ttesires lier I lady patrons to call and see these beau- tiful goods before the nicest of them are j sold. Ladles Attention- I Call and see the elegant line of shoes I just received, cheap and fine at 1'eter I Merges. Last evening was made a very plea?. and one for Miss Cora Wayman by a sur prise party given to her at her home on Washington avenue find 7th street. The deception was complete, she being invit ed to a party at a friend's and brought home under a pretense, there finding a number of friends gathered and h avinjr a good time. Miss Cora enjoyed the surprise and helped them pass the even ing pleasantly. Supper was served at ten o'clock. Remember the Milk Maid Carnival Friday evening, Oct. 14, at Fitzgerald's halL In addition to an interesting liter- arv and musical programme. The Glee club will be present and render some of the selections prepared for the samgerfest roncert. Dane nrr after 10 o clock r. m. Admission including dance tickets, 1; general admission, 15 cts. Music will be i. T r, -xr i l tt-ij ! I III IIS ll'll 111 IV .11. IIHII I. I.11I11IU11WI is cordially invited to be present. Hon H W Cridv I The Statesman, Scholar and True American, set an example worthy of re- flection for all True Americans. Healing wounds that no methods except those used by Heaps' Camphorated Arnica Sal ye which is sold on its merits for ay use that a salve can be used. No cure, no pay. For Bale by the following drug gist Price 25c per box. W. J. Warrick. Ladles' Claze Dcngdla button shoes S2, worth . : : H- Phillips- PERSONAL Strode was at Lincoln last J. B night. Jessie Root left this morning for Beatrice. Charley Thornburg went to Omaha thi3 mornin''. Byron Clark was at Beatrice last night on buisness. J. Vail cry, Sr., was a passenger to Omaha this morning. Tom Patterson made a fly trip to Omaha this morning. Miss Orac ; Anderson went to Omaha on a visit this morning. Mrs. O. I). Sparks left for her home, in Broken Bow this morning. Mike Schnellbacker and family re turned this morning from a visit atNew haka. Mr. A. Dixon and wife, returned this morning from St.rLouis and other places. J. M. Patterson went up to Omaha this morning to attend the democratic state convention. Miss Nettie Meyers, who visited with J. M. Patterson's family, returned to Omaha this morning. Dr. Cook went to Omaha this morn ing as delegate from Plattsmouth to the K. of P. which is in session at that city. Frank Stever, foreman of the water works operations, arrived this morning, and work at laying the new main will probably begin at once. Pete Heeler, a former resident of Plattsmouth, but now of Anderson ville, Iowa, passed through the city this morn ing enroute to Omaha to attend the K. of P. assembly. In order to clear our large stock of Kilt Suits, we will sell them at fifty cents on the dollar for this week only. S. & S. Mayeh. ATTESWPTE D BURGLARY. Burglars Attempt to Break Into VV. H Pickens Residence Satur day Nisht. Greeted With a Bullet. Lat Saturday W. II. Pickens, the well known contractor and builder' received a check of $1,000 from J. D. Tutt, which he deposited in the bank and in the even ing he received a transfer of deposit of $1500 from E. B. Lewis which he took to his house, also having some 50 dol lars with him, which he intended paying a workman. His residence is on Wash ington Aye., the first house south of Dr. Schildknecht's, aud the lower floor is oc cupiedby Stephen Smith. Duriug Sat urday night Mr. Smith was awakened by some parties trying his window, and just as he woke they proceeded around to the kitchen door and attempted . to eaiur " UUL 11 "13 """iy lasieueu, aim L !i 1 . . i. 1 i 1 I they tried a kitchen window. Mr. Smith was now thoroughly aroused, to the lact that burglars were around, and taking his revolver he proceeded to the kitcken, but the men then passed around the house and he raised a window a little to listen and look out. The raising of the window awoke Mr. Pickens up stairs wbo KOt up and took b3g revoiver nnd stepped out on the stops, there he saw men ,jassmfr along below him Tuev turned the corner and passed around the house nm.n. Mr. Pick- then descended the stairs as quietly as possible, but just as he reached the bot. torn of the sta rs thn men nnssrd tl.P window raised by Smith, and Smith promptly tired but the bullet struck an air ball built in front of the window and bounded back with tremendous force I just missing him and going all over the kitchen. The shot frightened the men I away aud Mr. Pickens lost his shot and j and burying dogs was held for an item the men escaped without any harm, and j ized bill. the darkness and drizzling rain prevented any discription of the men from being obtained. The burglars h.ul probably thought Mr. Pickens had a good deal of money ges, room rent, 10. W. II Malick, sal at home, but besides the $50 and the ary, $G0. Jno. Fitzpatrick, salary, $45. transfer check of 1500 was all. and M. L. Beaver, labor, $31.35. Geo. Hum- that was good only to him. Scarlet Underwear from 50c upwards. Clouded Merino Underwear from 50c upwards at S. & C. 3Iayer's. The friends of Chas. L. Coleman surprised him in a first class manner last eyening. About twenty young ladies ftnd gentlemen assembled at his home on 1UU ooi ma at auout eignt o cioeiv c'""o in 60cial amusements etc. As it was the "l 13 l,c"ucul " of more than usual interest to him, but X 1 T r . J A. A T 1 A. I ueaiunt think ot his inenas ever maKing finrh n n si in Annnf. it. A trpr rtrpspnt.lnof I 1 1 lum wllu bWU,lJ lpropriaie inuuies ox lULir "wnubuip ana goou isues ior me luture the party uroke up at about twelve O clock. We have this day reduced the price of lead (best brand) 5oc, per hundred 1US., 1IJISCCU. I'll JU., I'll UUUUIJ, 1IIIAV11 ii. i : .1 "i rr .. 1 1 : i i paint 10c, per gallon. On account of our large purchases at reduced rates we are able to make these' changes. Allow us to make you rices when in need of any kind ot pa:nt. W. J. WARRICK. Plattsmouth, Neb. Se pt. 12 87. dGtw4L Council Doings. Council met last night in regular ses sion, Mr. McCallen being absent. The minutes of the two previous meetings were read and approved. Mayor Simpson said he would depart from the regular order of business, for the evening and calLd for the report of the board of public works in regard to the sewerage bids. Mr. J. W. Johnson, chairman of the board of public work, gave the report, which advised the accepting of the bid of Shaw, Muihollan & Downing, of Kan sas City, and that the firm file a good bond to the untount of $15,000. Murphy moved to accept the report and recommendations. Considerable discussion then cusued which was finally ended by the adoption of the following resolutions, presented by Mr. Murphy. Jli soloed, that the report of the board of public works ben reived and adopted, and contract be entered into when (sew erage) bonds arc sold. Dutton then moved the mayor and a special committee be authorized to nego tiate the bonds in Plattsmouth, Omaha, or elsewhere, and named, with Mayor Simpson, Messrs Week back and Murphy as the committee. The motion passed. Mr. Johnson then advised the council to place a limit to the time for the com pletion of the system after the entering of the contract. A motion from Jones to make it four working months passed, and Mr. W. S. Wise, speaking for the firm, said the time would be agreeable. The bond of the firm of S. M. & D. was then lead. It was for 15,000 and bore the names of C. II. Parmelc and J. M. Patterson as securities. The bond was accepted. The mayor called attention to the time and money that had been- expended in going thi3 far with the sewer preparations and recommended the employing of an experienced engineer to oversee the work and firm of Kosewater & Chisty were, mentioned. Mr. Chisty, who was present, said it was not necessary to enter into a contract with the engineer till the con tract for the construction of the sewerage was drawn. A petition was then presented from residents near the corner of Oak and 3rd streets. It sceins that about a week ago M. McGuire, who lives on the corner of Oak and 3rd, circulated a petition asking that Oak and 3rd streets be graded at their intersection. The petition was given to the street commissioner, M. Morgan, and he proceeded with the work which was to be paid for by the poll tax of the petitioners. The grade as petition ed for would cut 3rd street badly, and expose the water pipes to frost and the chairman of the committee on streets alleys and bridges saw fit to stop tho work. The petition presented asked that the work be continued. After con siderable discussion the city surveyor was instructed to examine the matter and see if the grading was proper. A petition was presented asking the council to establish an ordinance for the protection of life and property from steam boiler explosions, by appointing a man to examine all engineers, who have charge of boilers under power. The pe tition was granted. A petition from several of our leading merchants asking that the law in reference to working on Sunday and running stores etc, be enforced, was placed on file. The finance committee then made their report. O. M. Streight had a bill in again for $7 for bedding horses, after considerable discussion one half of it was allowed A bill of Daniel Burris for shootinrr The following bills were allowed: J. C. Coffman, special police 20. Toney Geropachc-r, special police $0. J. G. Chambers, special police $6. P. Mer- phry, labor, 0. J. II. Waterman, salary 20. W. Wagnor, labor, 10.50. Rich- ey Bros., room rent, fcG. C. II. Smith, salary, 122. Gibson Miller & Co., re pairing seal, 1.50. J. O'Neil, special police, 14. The report of the city marshal was read and referred to the committee on lice The treasurer's report showed the amount overdrawn on various funds i0ll .53; bills receivable 400, total cash and bills rcDeivable, G325.C5 now in the treasury, The police judge's report showed a collection or nncs 10 cue aniounc or Sv, !..? r r . . e and wa3 referred to the police committee. Mn j. j0hnson called attention to the nGCpSSity of a fire proof place in .., - 1, fn tpnn tlio rJtv'a vnltmliln nunnrs and it Wi.s agreed that he should keen tI ; , lt Qn motion the citv - attorney was instructed to correspond and obtain from Ogallala the 300 due on Water Witch engine. Mr. Murphy stated that 9th street south of Gold was in a very bad condition and a motion to have it repaired not to J amount to over $30 passed. A demand from the V. B. fe Q. R. R. to the treasurer of pchool district No. 1 to refund $1430, taxes which they claim ed had been unjustly paid, was referred to the school board. Council adjourned. Great Reduction in tho price of Astraehan Coats and Vests and Overcoats at S. & C. Mayer's. The Quaker Medlcino Company Respectfully &k fonic very plain ques tions: Can Consumption be cured or even be benefitted ? Can a Cold be cured or even stopped? Can you expect to be even relieved by any medicine or physic ian? No you cannot, if you simply change the temperature of j'our body three or four times a day for every chang ysn add to your cold Mothers, your children's health and your future happiness demands of you consistent love. Shall vanity make your life mis erable, ending only in death. Dr. Wat son's New Specific Coujdi Cure is the re sult of science. Price 50c and $1. It is warranted by the following druggist. W. J. WAUKiCK. Plattsmouth Markets. KUKSISIIEU BY W II. KKWKM. & CO. October, 11 187 Wheat No. 2, 4n. " " 3 40. Corn, Oats, Rye, Barley, Hogs, Cattle, 2 1. 3 35. :)0.dr.'-,. $3.S0 i" $1.00. $3.0OeY.:j.5O. Balyeat's Fig Tonic. Balyeat's Fig Tonic Cures chronic in digestion. Balyeat's Fig Tonic is especially for weak and delicate women. Balyeat's Fig Tonic, not only relieves, but cures Balyeat's Fig Tonic removes all impur ities of the blood. Balyeat's Fig Tonic is a mild and gen tle laxative; with its use, strength and ambition will return and a healthy glow will brighten the complexion. Price 50c and $1. Money cheerfully refunded if the above is nof'substantiatcd by trial. For sale by W. J. Warrick. Y! W, CT. U- The regular meeting of the Y's will be held in Roekwood hall Thursday, at 4 p. m. The children of the Band of Hope are requested to be present also. Parents are urged to send the little folks. -AND ack -OF- CLOTHING .ND- Furnishing Goods ARRIVING DAILY AT SET. A ' T53 5 Hi taS All the newest and latest Styles for Fall and Winter in men's and boys wear. NO KKKEV BUSINESS Dr. C. A- Marshall rj5 . . 4- Preservation of natural teeth a ppccialty. Teeth extracted without jut in lj iwc of LawjUing Ca.: xVll work warranted. Prices reasonable Fitzgerald Block, Plattsmouth ,Xei: almer&Sof I GENERAL INSURANCE f.GEBTS. Represent the following time tried and fire-tested companies: American Central-St. Louis, Assets $l,25-?,tnl Commercial Uulou-Enpland, 2.3M.3I4 Fire Association-Philadelphia, " 4,415,575 Franklin-Philadelphia, " 3.117.KC Home-New York. " 7.5.59 Its. Co, of North Amcric-i, Phil. " 8,474.302 Liverpool&Londen & luhe-Eng ' 6,639.731 North r.ritish & Meicantile-Enff " 3,373,754 Norwich Cnion-EnclaiKl. " l,2ii5.4Ce Springfield F. & M.-Sprirgfield, " 3.044.9J5 Total Assets, 12.115,774 Star 3E3 BOECK rrrnhTl-yr7T,:"-''r,gr,,,r''iT'',ir, WIS SOLID Sixteen Thousand oir- A Last year, nnd il low prices will f-ol 1 jjoode, wo intend to sell inoro this year. LOOK AT THE GREAT CUTS IN J'lUCES WE ARE OWE HI NO VO U. ' Ladies' Good Grain Imtton Shoe for $1.00. formerly ohl for 1.7H; Ladies' Heavy Grain IJutton Shoe, the b -t wi :ir for i?1.75, foiiit rly for ?,',r; I iulii H best Mil vaukee Grain liutton Shoe, :i.00, formerly sold foiO: Wo are oflVrintj all our $2.50 line of shoes for $'.'.00; Ladies' Fine Gla.c Don'ola Lntton and Tampers Goat for $2. .10, formerly $:',.(). Men Heavy Hoots for only Sfl.M), forr'naly $2.00; Men's Ucst Whole Stock Kip Hoots for s'J.iO, foi inerl y sold for ifU.iNi; Men's Fiuo Whole Stock Kip Hoot for only !;:;.((), formerly ij'-UiO; Men's Calf Hoot, and solid, for only 2.0, formerly !j:.00; Men's i'ijie Dress utton Slioo fo.r only $1,23 formerly &.r0. We also have great many other "cash" barirains in ChildrcnV, Misses and boV that it will pay you to call ami examine our ;oods and be coin inced that we aro selling cheaper than any other dealer. Jonathan IIatt POItK PACKLItS akuw; is HUTTKU AND LUGS. 7 3 PORK, MUTTON AND VEAL. J JL-i M -S xjr J Ji u. THE BEST THE MAltKET AFFOUDS ALVAYS ON HANI). Sugar Cured Meals, Hams, Bacon, Lard, &c, &c ot our own make. The best brands WHOLESALE liiliiiiliiij la 8 B 0 g a uolUa sj wmmiMmjw bailie F r. Notice of Desolutton cf Ce-Fartner- ship. Xo'ir-e is liereby uiverj thrt tlio cn-pnrtr.r ship hreto're fxitinr between AH-rrtiMi- )iir arnl .1. W. Fir.n. m Cis.s 'eii: ;isi;a. in the !iv stock liume-s. l:ts ffua ri.ty 1 pen l;slvel ly rmitu;il coiisent. Tl: lii!-ir'fi will hereaftT l-f eonducieil by All-ci-t I'n'our. whom all bills are paval.le. " I)?.t'l S-j-t. 20, 1587. ALIiCP.T Dtl OFK. 1U14 At IF fisrroisiifi B1RDSALL Dollars Worth 4 D SHOES J. V. MAirniia. Zi.ITX) RETAIL IE AT MARK of OYSTEIJS, in cans ami bulk, at AND liETAIL. J m Ms :1 O 3 133 GENUINE x SINGER' vith hili arm and vibrating fchuttle, j. sold on time. Tat,y payments or cash F. J. BICKNELL, Manigcr Plutttmtuth Prone Go s. X - 1