Till DAILY HKKAU), 1M.A TTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, TUESDAY, OCTOIJKJl 11, lSs7. XATUIiFS MARVEL A HOSTESS' CORDIAL GREETING. MAJESTIC BEAUTY OF THE GRAND CANYON OF THE COLORADO. Tim l.jui.W:,,,,, ii1 r Mir Shadow of tlm IVaKn f 11m, fcjui l-r.,,,,.,,.,, Mountain. A Mil!..-!!,!,,,, Kcoiiu V Valley ;,M0 I'eet li:ri. Tho wholo faut, of tho land now shows tnut this region wft8 f)I,.0 t.st.,.I1(, ,)(- vio lent Volcanic disturbance. Ono or i,,n, of tho oaks of III., ,San 1 rnnoco mountains li.-ij.liiy t-xtii:. t. craters. The ground in plac s J iwcrwl with M-ai-ia-, and th- uph. vals scattered alw.ut h.-ivo that .list-rL- J, broken, ; unfunny n;,poai -.nico resulting Iron, somo 1 '" uvulsion ,t" nature. With an early Mart wo mak- good h'nd- I way. Tlx; road all tho way from town has i Ih-ch very good for a mountain di.-.triet, with j only on., or two roehy or stoop hills. Wo past k.., Unites to our right and stop at 11 -d Horse .S.riii;r, where wo water our stock. This "spring" is .-imply a hoh, .In- in tho ! ground tocat,.), tjil( ,rAn.(,r ".,.,,., that j Hows from the Nan I'Vmicisoo mountains. It was not long before tho guide p. .in!'.l to un ' abrupt break in tho 1. .eg vi t."t through tho i forest fi-(. . (l1 elsewhere fr.,m und.-r-l.njsh an 1 wo knew that wo woru Hearing ur goal. Jnaf. iv inruv minutes wo drove. ' absolutely u it hhi a few yards of tho chasm. Tho walls of th" canyon were d, o us. Wo ; jumped from il.,, wagon au.l h-mI.-.I tho ski p i incline leading to it. There was no hint of I tno glon. s that awaited us. Tho s.viio bursts up. in tho eye i;i nil i!-s luaj.'siio l,.-.mty. The brain reel;, the facul ties are iiluio t, paralyz'-il i.i e i .n. -nn-tai org the stupendous .!.(. hs, tho awful ohn-in.s, th r.m:::dng conglomeration of caste Dab d Initio, mountain, rooky pinnaclo of a thousand fantastic form-, now unfolded to our vi--w. Jt looks as if tho hau l of an n . -i ; :: : rT l liail swept th" region in wrriMi. It i; superb, fearful, fascinating, horrible! I'lio vita, in tending for iiiinion-e distances in every direo tion shows tho vnrie 1, weird, uncanny, 1 tj tit'ul forms of peal:, eliT, and rooky crag j i .; ing from tho !(.; i:s of the mighty gorgo. They have a t Ii'oi: fiii l shapes. .Sc. mo are l.k Nov! JCtTt'i-t Ion of a stranKur ful.j-.n lloliiility A Kiignpst lou. Mm. Y. is a Iiiilliat.t Uoston woniun n jil.inidarit o:;. t titivo ahiiity, hhrewd wit, mid delightful h.. pilality. Tho txi.reiieios of Lcr liuvl.and'.i 1.; i:;.-.s lei to tho l-cping up .f ui e,ta;.Iis!i:;i.-!:t in tho wis', wln.ro Jlrs. V. p.c. :iH s"iii" mouths of tho yojw, and whoro THE GLASS INDUSTRY THE FINEST WARE STILL MADE IN EUROPEAN COUNTRIES. h!:o enter! ah t !,' i o was lr J:u;:lish !i! of ii:t rodiif t Tho ): less : fnost for. I i: :!;. "We ar, .'-'i no. f ho h.tid, !! : a I'l'eiit luuny peoj.lo. One day -u;;LL to ilrs. Y. tho eard ti mi I' lorm, jtoronijmnied l.y a letter a IK in friends of tho V'd ulm.ad. nl. down Mairs und ; rc-ttud tiio e-' u tomcd to travelers hero," we know ii:t what, to do with them. We .-v; ct. (.il ryl.ody to.irrivo travi I Maii.ed and; : hr.u t ed ; and wi let Veryholy l.-iie- a l.alli !.: , lirtt thin-;.- 1 Kpoko to tho ('rvnnt, l fo; ;, I cauio down, and tvcrytiiino; is a!! ready." 'Ihit,-' sta:. thial: .f put: i, " 'Jll, I l.ll'.V rdrs. V. ". i mend tho str;"T(r, "I cniiuot LC "II to. SO M!U'- troulilo. J"' ji: t how you lo !,:' int"rruptel at 11 is I ii only thin': that re stores mo to j.iy no. mo! condition v. hen i'vo I.e. il t rave!;,i;-, aed vim h t hi ' mii I i oi.i i ;. ..stoii. " liavo (mini ri-Lt Tho vn.-.t -: oi:ti Jo ai his .S'-rm.leS ' hoi- ki..,iy shown ir-.-.tai to ,',o J i:m: .i his and j.i !';.; In duo tin: ti-o ; :ii i.,i-, -, "I 1 i lain.',".--!! !:. ' . :i. 'e : f::l i-.-.t;:, an . i- mnrr. 1, I.i. itw) truly I:' ' revi I'L the :io :il. Ti:o - ! (!.' I.aii i'!-i:l'i in U'-. ::i i:;d.!. arrv it: n n r " ! i ii :! 1! .11 h- "ryti.ii: was (' t.' idlo-.V r nL of i.nian was v. i:i i o it is pro.ofo.i oi .:.i:i;u.ty i.a.ilv. 1 :r.,aia to him. r to vour IIIcJ IcvcIopiii'nt of Art in the Pr (I.K'lion of Cameo CIuhs Ancient ;las inakliij; Crystal, Ltal and Llino Glaxu. Cut aud J'roHcd 4;lusa. (JJasswaro cun reardl Loth as a neces tity and a luxury, I ho latter fronr the heauty f tho material composm,; tho urtieh; and tho urtisLii; work l.o.stowod upon it. Tho imjires- non prevails to a consideraido rxti-nt that cx l iisivo j;la.ssuatc, lil:o cxp, nsivo poreclain, wiil not Lroalc tso roadily as tho cheaper r.-.d'-:-:, hut this is a delusion. Thero is no leal Motivo f,.r tho puroh.-Lso of tho expen.si vo arti flo except the Kratiiioatioii of atasto for lux ury. Tho 1,'nkcl .States pc.sc.ssos all tho natio-al advantages that are j k .sse.-s. -d l.y tho Kitropean countries f,,r tho lnanulactui-e of j;l i-;-. aad in tin? us.j of natural ";as jL jias ,,. nipoi-tant faotor not jios-cssed al.road. The cie.ii.iine-s of ola.-s and tiio cheapness and tho ca.-,o with which it is m.inaoed certainly irivo DEATH PENALTY IN COREA. recallar Manner of IlilHnsr Criminal In tliti Oriental l'miiiiKula. Tho manner of kiilino; is cculiar un.li; fspocially ohnoxioin to tho Catholic. Chris tians, who aro al.undai.t ia this -ountrj'. An ordinary Unman (tosu is set up on a lm.;c cart drawn l.y oxen. Tho man is tied to thi. wilh nrms t rrtendod, and lio is thus drawn through tho streets. A crier procedes the pro-eion, amioun'-ino; the crimo for which Iho man is Im-i'ihj pmiishe l. His fri.-nds .re allowed to follow and protest his innocence and hewail his s-ad fate, hut as tho punish ment is usually visit - 1 noon tho family if the The- t : 1 1 o (u;;luy i j'imtl.s 10 jMTt-t iit. flitajn r llitin smy Vt'iil mtr lt: liiuliixthl. (Jail audi treason has Im'.-h glaring following of ut ion at the in the city, ido tho West I . tin- that vicinity an Uuropo. On the exo-i diti;;Iy chea i ::..i:i, ojas.f. e.i-e.iu r tl !.' .1. "1 had a (.': od li.l i, Ii, v. h : n- !, ;; I; nf. .; rat r.-: r y 'i,-:-.i.t y I ':.. .1" i '' i"! Uii 1 in( h call on "i".tlos, so::m re-eml.lo tli cathedrals, lii.'iavr.i t: so as to res. inl.lo no! hi ruins of ci t 1 and d: . Iit th-i:- '.si.-l'I'V. Til vermiiio:!, !...--::1 ... ! I t v. in I ril 1,1 no. 1 io wo v vi! ii 'o: yt. at have s 'n fore. Uut v.o oa ti in. Wo Lrolhcr.s far off i.i th" 1 liatit and vari -d co'.i.: i!-,;r f;ray, Drowiu jvllo-.v, win: or io. ii'l.Is to the, splen.ior of tho .- know how In;:;; th" e.i:iv..ii 1 i.sf Wodono! w.--it to knu'.v; least. Its sui.'imity ruoicos. V. it before. Wo m;i t have seen it l. :f where In o-.irdn ai.is! a Mt'.'KXBiir.-: kce:-:k. Hut tho sceno is so s' ;ipL ::d- us thn not rely ah-no upon tiio no to tak i luiibt call in tho aid of other faoulliL-s 1. we can even form a faint cciacepii .:i of l!:u imriioiisity lx-f.iro i.s. lkroisa '-sermon in stones'' indeed! The viow before us presents ft ch.isiu moro than twelve milos wido. more than one milo i:i ilotli and htrotfiies for miles and miles to the east and to th west. Tho wail of thecan j'on does not at this point go sheer down to tho bottom, but proceeds to it by a series of "lienchos." still itdesoiiids ixrpeadicuiaily or nearly so to tho lii st bonc'i .so many hundreds of feet that wo prow dizy wh.-n wo l.xk over and conteniplato it. We :;mit seo tho river imni; di.u -Iy Ih-Ijw us, pariiy frvia this circumstanc , partly booai:-o m'-.-w is obstructotl by many-ef-antic forms of ro. Ic and earth. Faraway to tho east wo cat-h a glimiiso of a narrow whito thread which v.o aro told is tho river. Through a powerful glass we can see it soethiiio; and boihn over rnpids, and ut times w hoa tho lav dus away -wo can hear tho rar of tho cascade. Tho distance, however, is so enormous tint wo can hardly believe tho statement of tho puido that the stream is hero a lurjje ono sev eral hundred feet v.-ido. Nearly opjio ite w hero wo stand, r,;i tho top of an isolated but to, whoso foundation Foems almost at the botto-n of tho abys;, is thesind stono rock known :;s ITeideJlR-V"; cattle, iliios n way to the north .ve t is r.'i iminonf-o forma tion so distant wo cannot determine its com position looking lil:e theruins.f acatiiedral. Scattered throughout tho lougdi and luvadtli of tho gorge far as the eye can reach, and isolated for tho most pirt. aro gigantic .aks, crags and even nui:. II-.-iv and thero far to tho north wo catch giimp-es f the distant walls of tho cany on "on tho ether side." TUE CK0oi;I.sTS" STATIZMEriT. After th" fJist impression of tiio bcl:ol.L-i- ono of awo, of won-lcr, almost of horror tho thought comes, '-Hore has been so:no mighty convulsloi: of nature that seems al most as if it Lad :!:!: en the earth to its con- t:T." , o can scarcely crod:t tno sr.U eui-.-nt of geologists t:iat ti:o river in i's co;;rs-e for ages lias cu'. tiiis mighty gorge which Las b-jen widened by ths coiuuin: d ag.-ncies cf corrosion and dismi'gration. Tho nn clianical vsearof streams as performed by too aid f Lard mineral frai'v:eiits earn --1 aior.g by the current is enormous. -The element of veloc ity," says Capr. Putton, "is of d.c.u'.-lo im portance. The Coi-. rivio in this iv.-ivct is an cxeeiitional river. Th- average f:.'d in feet per mile through dNtri. t cf tl; Kaiba'i (tho Grand r;inyn:.i i-i i'i.tT." Tlio sacio authority ob:-ervs; "Ti:r-o who have long and car'.-ful'.y si;: li 'd the Grand n::iycii ot the Colorado d n t lie itato for a m. :':o::t to prouo.uMco it by f..r the in.--.-i sui.Iimo of earthly spectacles. If its su'.Hnnty cor:-t.-d only in its uim -n-ioas it ct.uM be s-n.IIi-i.. iy Kt fortU in ii single s.::t. nee. . It is more than 2':) mi. s 1 fivm o to 1) v. ido, and from .".(): ) to '.' ' U .;.(.:. Tii.rj are in tho world v. :'.;. s v. hi.'ii ere Ioivt-. r ar.d a few .in iv . : u a:. ;. "i rea .:! I I.:; '.'. a 's : Il'i:-, reinam. i-hen i h:r ', .iv."l-!: nay. '-I You c. r 'eli't Se.n I a--- . i iro t I 'o ii" iii:ii;-i,-'ho s'-ry i ! it a i. ie-i laii.m-iit fashion I.. r which ii : el" e-' Would t-.lvo tin: tho proper i i ! i were i;. t .'asv t t-i I.., w: toi l.li i'o:,i: :-v:i!:g roi .' -.-i.i. of g: -LVrtoit C :-. r.Ti-s. V. !. tii : U iare.l that i v. as i;o ,-.ood, ;.s it i---.:io!i of st.s who i'j'o' i- !a: s mamifaeUu ers of I'iit -l.tirg and advantage ln.t: po. .-,-s.-. d in other hand Jauop , has its i labor, it has the talent of oi'-voti-d io tlio artistic production of r general i ms, und it lias its art, schools in number a id stioei ior in teaehiii"- to o f 1 he L'ldti-d Slates. For tiieso reasons Kuroj;.- hi a long way ahead of tho United States in ingenuity of de-b.gii-, sin. pes, patterns and decoration, tilass frorn th,, carl .--L hist.-rie ages has been a favorite i:n .'.iim: for lheexi.re.-.-i..n of beauty. 'J he lhii-l cnai-aetei- of the original subsianco P'-rnats it to ho molded to an inlinito variety of forms, and the deli.-at.. .-hades of col oring may bu infused through its crystal cJear-iio.--s.- as to a iapt, it to I ho luxurious uses of t l.- tab.'..-. 'J he highest deveiopjiu ut of art is in the produe'ion of cameo gia.. a:; ANTiK:;i akt. F.vidciie, s . f this art in its perfection are n in the beginning of lutiful and erciieiiMvo ..sol' gl.-s were in use. At that time in its common forms was jv oFi-.-. i.-n-t i.-t.. :;u saucer of g.'as-. could for money eqai valoui to :g tiio other c.areuie, it :! t'.at th--imij eror Jero :i:L to i:,).tr.K) for f.vo uen.ia n,-;. Window glass a! -out o is. Very ane'i-nt, and cv, tho Christian era vei y b . n.lie e ! i- -. L o' 1..; b. Oi'l" : IS !ii . p ii ! i ;."',is llc'i oli!"l. did n :-f (. .;..-uei A ::'-lt of 'ITcJt. I ! ii' C. ;;. ei.oj a nght at. !....-; ent. liii:-!.:-..::. .orically i..-;ri-ati a i.am timivai . 'O v 1 ! until Christian era. n o until th- ; -ritici; l: of mode".". aopear a:i I ! he '1 iiir.l century- it lii "e i-t:i . i.il.er.- 'I come into -:i!ary. In .' th.- kin.f.s Tl. I "idy is famii i.ir ...... :n.n have of caopin'. said, w hen ! : ; i n favorite ex: . - ". .;. 'i r ois,:y,"'-; -. ..": coiisidorablo i.-' tiou !' 'just so" or "i .i I,, .-io ; q.iiied need. ,'( l.n stol a large sum of mi ers and 11 "d to ti: v. . :. w as sold to " : eti ves a ents g'.-ia r:dly, r-.nd a! ,., ( cape a - im.. :i eta ho lh.. sight !:" J hi-; i wanted, it,.-: ,,; . .- -.1 . . " ii V.-rent f roe i ; .:;,t ,.. . , j The sitnai io:i .as a j-n-.-. pos.-d orimin;:: uas s :eh : any moment dy io (a: h-md, to arr ; :.:i ::o. c:; a g'-d ..- lit" t;-.:: ! ho oiijoot t.-: t.o siblo wit iiin a , ii the on ih.;.., : amino.! find .-- . whatevi r n' ono is - - f hov witfi t:!;'.:i 1 t iier: !-..-itive evilcncos tl'. s c. .utainin.' ivii uiled on the m imi y, more than 1,000 says i is a v.'i-.oiu tlio v.or.Is :' . elll to lid t!.o 1, g ago a Ijoton man '!uy from Ids employ A d-. rirtiiei cf hi u i.i I'ohey sinierinlei:.! ut a month after his " v U legr;:; hed thus eye rp'ii th-i persyji wc vi r, was verv 1 in tho circular. 4" -;se; i f I'aet hi' , In- the .ii.-: t O.l p:iv .iie, ot!iT :i would J :i :arg . i .yers as to I.' ; o:i uoiiiing . ive i'.imin . had any j.r.r if. "Yes,"' v :' f. 'h.w to !: ;-. -i believe j .filiation ..:: ..- t LIV four long night the tuK-f v.as :;;y t:o man it ;oj- tins rioergt-iifV of tho ca'.-e t!:" ti:iofs .m- "tr.tie-. Tiny could hit t il i;,i - tho ,... .'i.i' iii of i:i-piratku if .v.y of expr- '--;ng f. ; "! n:.",-. r kn.- r. :::;..es widi'-nt sav in h.-.if an !:o :r th;: in- I'-gr..; -.1 tj tho we t; tho viiane-ota d-'teeiive v.-.'tii lu's man, and before, arrested. liostou lV-t. .1 a' to or. io ! ho co grev the e; th.-ti , in ):' Imcrson turi: r v-a e. 1 Tl h"l hi- ::d: as n : for. f dd iav. more v. i nir. try i the -vm ii., -f !.:.- I.erf ;irer. d It; -,,1 1 ': l;..-:-. a.-iug. i to buy iai,ru n in"!'., ig. lie laud :.i- o.vi t ) ; II: i 1'. .:: b: r.s i i'-; made t !: i::.. 1 eeiv.-l i .. :n. in as s : :-'di mmi 1 wri t hnt to ; 1 1". i";! to m: i:-li . V." :-l, a f; I ill-: le:: t : 1 o ..".V!ii e Ve::r.- ; i:t- d w;.! p out . r-o::. s ".vcre ::-t :-ni:u -Cahol' ov.'y me."!?:s .s his i:a;::o i tors of rrr.v. I- '.-ev-.i-yawi:. out thut: :U . liis t,; : i rg,-, perisap.-, nrght have e. A:.-x:t::d:r : he ever re- : in iostot:, : t:: d trav. i :'.'err.l ityhM-f lii his l.'vi.-h-:nd ; aid, his ir pi-opcrti id.out tiiat ail ye.- rs of uu ; i:ii'-sr.:ixie!y j r.Iemoir t-f , '! ov.y th pa. in Kngl.m.i j F g rr, o!u-rs the . of g;.-e.m;i!.iug. ( j wines art. -aid to bo ropre.-i ! rneuts of the f. -urtli dynast i errs ago. anil m the tombs of a very early peri.nl tho pr..ccv5 of la-si .lowing is i-.pn..-j seiit.-d in an iimni,r.i!.a!iio manner. In the ! tim-' of the it, .man Emperor Hadrian, among the chief industrial occupations of tho iuhabi ! tants of Alexandria is mentioned irlassblow- ing; and i.i.-riug t he r.-igii of AureJian, in tho Third century, glass formed a part of the Egyptian tribute, showing it was thou an arti -le -f manufacture in Egypt. Tho deli cate color:;:,.; of gins -., that ad is so much to its l-eai. :y, i..as lnoii in ancient times. Tiieso colors ar .produced by a mixture with met -lis; for instance, blue is produced by cobalt, greet! by .. ;i::ei" and rose or rubv by .-old Tho gr. r t .-ite of the i:.anul'ae; uro of glass in t'.iei.ii.id leases was Vcai.-o, and its uiticles of mam:faotu:-e were e sported all over tho world. Tho glass trado of Venice has been superfedj'l by that of England and Germaio". : it: rniM-iPAi. i.:i;i;imkxts. Soico.i of which there is percent, in good glass sand, is tho principal ingredient m g i-ait en' ers int- tno superior quali- t.u.. glass, g;vmg ltcgarnessand brilliancy rim , musical rmgoi a ga;ss rrtu-leoiily corn' s ; .-om bad gias;. Crystal glass ia bad gloss, u iico is also termed Unit glass. Only ioa-1 glass can tie cu:. jimo is now greatly use l m tho iii";r....aetiiro of gla., prc.-ed ula-s articles 1 tin - m:;:ie of lime glass. In its manufacture the United States has an ad v im ago over ot.ier count ries, on account of its taients for the use of machinery. Whir ttio eastern part of this country was formerly the .-.cat of tiie principal glass industry, it has moved west of late years, owing iarg'dv to the b.-'ckwarduess of the eastern nianutaeuii . . -j i..iicj t. Loe icriKiiie; oi. iim.? glass. ;st. L'.ui ; is no.y an important gla.-s niaimfactur i ig centre, bur the greatest amount of bust- li:- is (K.no i i th" Ohio valley, of which I'o'.-'.urg and Wheeling aro lhe chief glass the friends is ni.t to be rath r small There aro two pl-e-i s of exc capital. One, seldom u-ed, is w hilo the chief place is just out. gate, on a hillside, wh'-re the immense crowds upon tho city wall and otii.-r hi;;h places can g.-t a good vi.-w of tlio interesting sight. Whether th" prisoner, in Ids exhausted state, has succumbed to the toi l uro on tho cro-s or not, on arriving at the piaeo of execution he is placed face down ward, ilh his neck upon a block, wh'-n, by ones. rohe, if it is a good one, the heavy sword severs tho head from the body. Tin, hands and feet aro then cut off, and the mutilated body i; carried back into the city and laid, chest downward, in one of iho streets, where it must lio for three days. It is refreshing to note that tho jiooplo, and even tho ilogs, avoid t hut, street for tho time being, arid the adjoining shops aro closed. They count from the evening when the body is laid out tid daylight of tiio third day, so that the body only lies thero one day in re ality. The forei-.'isers resident in tho capital, dm ing tho time following tiio em.oute of l'sl. u hen so many politi ai criminals were exe ci.ted, often stumbled upon th.se horrible sights in their lournevincs about tho .streets. On ono o.vasi:. n when tiio bodies were near tiio legations tho reoreseiitativcs combined and asked for their removal. It should bo mentioned that the liumeno king is opposed to this oraetiee. which custom eoius stid to demand. I n ease t ho accuser ioul.1 be proved an impostor and to have ue- cu-.e,i th,. man false v. tho oris-oner or l.i- friends have the riht to demand an evo from iim. Their method cf obtaining Iho organ is ipnto novel, and if well performed it i iii. .re expeditious than is the modern stir- ieal method of eneucleati'in. The cuipritis made to sloop over a. id is then hit, with tho P. ad d en ! of a ii.-xililo stick upon a spot on the b.-e k of the head, when tho ye protrudes sufiieient ly so lliat ic may bo cut viT. If, however, t he people who wi-h the eye are not prompt, ill doing th,. cutting operation, the prisoner may 'pti io'y i-'cpl.i'-o iho fyu and possess it. tin real!-r in p.-.-.ce, all of which is said to have ' -"ii done many times, but unfortunately has "lot been witm ..-ed, as yi-t, by foreigner.;. S oul Cor. J.an Francisco Chronicle. 'MT38R MERGES. fit ft $ fHn h S l ASLOR 1 ' srr&?n" Kl .V. i EMPOBIUM! roii am, classks ):- w:at y-CuL-ssJ BLd.v&9Sav2iS J-1- JLL -FOll- I U W" v V -to. T t an (JO TO- I- VV1 :oi(- a maudiincciit slottl; nl' abound. -.:- Z'"'rm 9 (mx.i1- and Yaw UND! i 7 r, if i rr." . i 4 i K i i UJf AND mBklrtlti: A Tti tStti r?M&tf ittr'u xtsk W Nm.'A tf'u. 7.c V.-i f T-7-( t.Vlls. Tile given tho gl ic-a.y piato la r. rei v in tilt natural gc.s i-s iinli.si ;-y willdovv g!;ts5 West., but 1 in.' a mostly i:. !T:-!c. 1 i Ti:j cut-glass industry grov.-.i great .y of recne ci is not Vt-t exported pressed glass i . The e g;a-s from this cotintrv A .tori an states, and co: ih-iti- ii ?-o.o..-s,sious in Ausirn is this section h- -,-reat lmpctu mamifact tired in- glass used in the roia I-Vanee. of this country has years, bus tho arti to tii extent thai n-'l' exp'n taLions of are to the Koutl id-.-rable goes to tin lli.s country u -.1 no. .ii 'Ci the oi this vc-r: to competo with any or .1 stomped lime diy ab. titnes ot .;vii)i . -o - ;st ot t.:e gl.tss m c-.;n;co ie use is of kind. New York Commercial Ad .-XT. v. hich are dee! r. l.y summits h .'! Kaibab. Slid the! est thing t'li ear:.;, of its n.agnitu ;c, its ensmbie."' '!;.,.. is n t -.-.-.-l Tiicre are v; ;c-. s lianke.l ti-oi iii ' j-alis ;.:os ,f tiio rarv.l ruiiVi n is th-j tid lim it is so not aioiie by virtue u: Lv virtue of the wholo Prc.-p id.ig h:: the j,-.-. r day. ...:Ve uc , ' . t. nl ...( : y -. i nprt .;!:! cT.'i fio- IIeirews. . i.:e .-.) iirui h," said oi , 1 - merch:: ti; i- : t Iiato is a tr;.;!. i-ut a oiuicu.t one, lea.Ji.i: from r. pvint in th."- vicinity t the bottom of tht canyon, ar.d guides can bo procured to cui '.tii t the tot:: i.-r to it. One must have a veiy fcteady head, however, t" aeoomplisii ti;o feat, -and Ik a go. d st rung chmber besides, tsoiuo idea of th; task may te had from tho fact that tho trioo ceapi, s throe days and thr.t the difficulties f i iinil'ing are s-o gre:;t that nothing can bo transp..ri. d but a small quan tity of food. Tii" hardships of such an un dertaking are then :: a; parent. Very few jiersons have ever utit nipted ir, but among them have btcu two iadi s, ui n one of w hom, as I au inforiueil, the effect of s ur mountir.g such an incline has left an iudcliblo inipres::ion. She lins never been tho sanio v.-ontan since. New York Times. t I 'I! ; in f lie:,: :iU'-:i in.'!, uany lex'.. :.v he a vcry t'ie'-e ::; and C. v. o con. Z iv.n i the fti".t long I- a.-..-. ,t my trie: si; --.s f the tin iit is prov.-r man who wiii i and gent n us , i 1 1 wormy mstimr is law abijiii Eagle. as t:cc way iii w i.i oh t!:e J -tipiicl and prosp. i-, d in tld V.vi'.ix. r b.tck than l4o thei" i IL.-brev.-s Ic ro. Ted.iy thero ; '. ;,- you v.-ill f-.-c that widio t !-:-' i .':::; ry ha - iioroa-- i iv;.-:,- it v::s 'J :.',(. ,M - .v poptdit ; .a hc.s iuercased in :;" - r i'.'oj. or! ion. Of cour.-o '' j in i.o.s-.a, Austna r.-.-o in America, but ligui tS which I h ivo a L-asis for est iniat ir.z -it ' ice race, it w ill not Lo s c-' iiirryis in the Pad." I 1 tv. h ."o he attributed tho H :.;vw. ::::d he said: "His ie-i, l et I have yet to meet a tiytiiath? is public spirited e su; : -.i-t of benevolent 211.I us g' ia raliy. Certaiidy Lo "' "iiwiiiider" in Brooklyn if 1"; t .; .. 1 :"..- Ancient Climate of America. Goldsmith's (;-. aphy. published in l$2t, Tying the frisky Laces. Ilelurnel travelers from country and sca tiio hotels speak of the low shoes worn by the ladies this scanner. The ladies also speak of them. The hices would untie, ar.d who was to tio them but the escorts. In this way many a ''board walk" promenade nas pro long"d and niutunl happiness resulted. Some cf the dudes, how ever, complain that they cracked their h-eaviiy starched waiitcoasts ia etoopiug down to gallantly lis tho frisky laces Nw York Sun. describing the l.i.nod States, says: '"Pt-oide become old in America sooner than in Eu ro;e. Upon f. mah-s the influence of the cli mate is stiil more sensible. When young tho women are generally K-autiful, particularly in rhiladclphia, but after 2') they begin to 1'X-e their fresh color and teeth, and at tho nge of '23 many o them would pass for Euixv peans at It)."' What funny things those old geographies were, to Lo sure. New York Tribune. Tho Y"cter Carrior of Aspiawall. O.ie peculiarity of this country i that a ;ny tho water to th is ( !:i; doved to cr: :. o:te;, v. ucre it is sent oil to a skip that is 1 I of i:.a::d. i:; addition, tho muk imt carry its uriver, while men carry the coffee in .-. suca as o.,e ma . seo on tuo 1 ".is .1:: t.: of co load at sa k mult the driver cou.d ear:- dots II. t l.;W that: ceeais t. the1 bmden 1 -re. Th, ;ht of Kansas mines yield annually about 0,000.000 tons of coal ', "S . on li:e:r backs. bout as much f ware;-, and half the we !.,.,,,.,, if , 41. .... ....1 .... vt t-v-.iii.-o tt:e mule two sacks of coftee easily, but ho "."o to do so. It is not the style to be the only reason for keeoing clr tee r.rde. When tho men e-t: at curry 1:1 -r coiiee to niarktt thev ir.ake ortiuges 'i tht mst-ives, but 0:1 oiner occasions they iio not work very hard or very long. Ti.o water carrier we met got his tnulo in the way of our earring..., or our driver got in the way of the muie, and the mule was upset by tho collision. Although it was no fault of o.a-s, the mule driver picked himself up, and, waving his club threateningly, advanced on u j d 'coring at a rate and with looks t'out sceme 1 particularly ugiy. It was a question with us whether to use a pistol or run to save ourselves from a beating, when our driver came to the roscuo by telling us that the col lision had ruined tho water carrier, and that nothing short of 25 cents American silver could retrieve the broken fortune. That coin produced, the water carrier went away with many expression which we could not understand, except by the deprecatory wav ing of his hamls and the bowing of his head. A.-..n:nwall Cor. New York Sun. Toiso:ion Fishes. T:i a collection of poisonous fishes now oa t xhibitioy. nt Havre is a very peculiar tctro "0:1 from the Jcpau sea, which is sometimes ...el as a means of suicide. It gives seusa '.'.i:r, iike ihose of morphia, tiiea death. 4u kcusa w Traveler. I'oisonc-tl by 3Iiim:i-.y Ityes. A weird interest attaches to mummies, and ui'-ir commg to iuo, or exerting an occult in iiuence when resurrected in one lay, has furnished the fouudal ion for several ro mances. Hi re is a pro-aic and tru.. story, with tho scene laid in matter of fact New York, which goes far to relieve the romancers from the charge of romancing. Some time ago Mes.-rs. Tiffany & Co. received an invoice of mummies' eyes. I do not go so far as to say that they were the actual eyes of loading citizens of Thebes and Memphis, but they were taken from tho eyo sockets of mummies exhumed from Egyj ' ian tombs. Th-y mav havo been the actual eyes red need to the hardness of sto, 10 by the process of embalm ing, or tin y may have been only false eyes like those used by modern taxidermists in perpetuating the life semblance of somo pet Fido or Tabby. At all events they weri dubbed "mummy eyes," and the jewelers set about getting them ready for tho market. They were amber colored, opaque and luster-less. It was thought best to polish them before setting, and a workman was set itt tho task. Ik-fore h- had been long at the work ho be came id of a fever, and another man was put on the j-.b. lie, too, became iii of tho same kind of a fever .before ho had spent much time 111 the j ,b, and three or fttr other workmen who succeeded him wore taken with the same, ympfoms und suffered a sindiar illness, cl- COKXEil MAIX ANi) SIXTH i'i.a'i i:.i(r 3 J i H X'. u ; I, & r'i'O'Jl'SSi.i; tanMy e .j. ;i. ko jtidtis.) ! a full Mel complete stock o inmnblnhh Paint iS;TJG G-IST: ;i;fi jhhI n Full JAiu; of P U RE LIQUORS, diothtrs, working on tno same surroundings and other jobs amid under the same ."onuitions, were enjoying their usual good health. Hero is an ox-client opportunity for the Society for Psychical Pa-search. "Were t hese illnesses simply a coincidence, or did the mummy eyes real ty exert .some occult and baneful j ower for their own protection! New York Commercial Advert'ser. Why Corn Itroad is .Scarce. Corn broad, once a stapio and common ar iice of food, is coming to be regarded as n luxury. Not only is this true of tho north, but also of the south, where Indian corn was u one time preferred to wheat for making bread. A Georgian sai l in explanation cf the chai-.ge: "'Tho complaint that a really prime article of corn or Indian meal cannot i.o obtained in towns and cities is general. A country miller ti'.i me that he could not pro duce good, cornnical by the use of modern grinding machinery. The softest and best ilavored meal is inado from new corn. This 1 ho proprietors at largo mills refuse to grind. To get good cornmeal the grinding must be dotio slowly, and it must bo given time to cool properly before it is moved. This cau only be done in country mills, and the supply is far behind the demand. 'Eesides this, cornmeal cannot be kept long without deteriorating. It is not in the matter of bread making alone, however, that corn meal has fallen into disuse; it is less used for cooking purposes generally, ihe greac in crease in wheat growing and tho improve ments ia the flour making line, together with the high price of corn and low price cf wheat, is iu pait responsible for this state of things. Eew persons now use com for economical reasons, iiany, however, would prefer it for a considerable portion of the time, if a good article could be procured. The southern corn is preferred toad others, although the Ciut corn raised in New England is an excellent article; but it requires a large amount of cooking. toni taat grows in tne frame ions of the west is tho most undesirable, and as this represents most of tho cereal that is fcrjsale it is not used to any great extent." iNew ork Mail and Express. n pMWm P fin tit - - Li V f, iV II H 'A f- . rJ W, 1 t ii'Ti XT' S3 1 A w ? v3 ... tat "iV V'- ts 'ft PRO T 7 -it. MURPHY & CO. .S THE JJKST KQUIPi-D- oi $ b & 1 R Y4. (( fl 11H T fill H s 4. $3 ffl S OR CSS C0O?JTY. Sr i- --s r;'-' '1 Vl f ir ; Vi,cii High Priced Peaches Abroad. An American who recently returned from nghind saj-s that before sailing he noticed one day a plate of fine peaches among tho nut ot tne dming room at the hotel. He inquired their price, and was told that the peaches were sixty cents apiece, and that they were "ail or nothing'' for Englishmen, us the fruit has not yet been brought iu ia:itities which insuro cheapness. Chicago limes. Tax Collecting in 3Ioroeco. Muley Hassan knows how to collect taxes, anyway. Kecentiy many ot his subje-cts Manifested a tendency to be delinquent Thereupon he cut off the heads of a dczeu or 1 j a::d stuck them r.p in front of his palace, o cue- . urnge prompt settlement on tho part of the others. It worked splendidly. Every! deli:iuu.ent taxpayer ia Horocco settled uj iu iiiilj next day. Hew York Tribune, . i ?4 Uggi rGcd, Nolo tier, u Bill Heads, j oi ciy olei clqs of priii i4'. If 1 Ul r v mmi li warn miiih ivwra mr. m t: CuMvilifCtl. BEDROOM SET ! I it'i'S SPECIALTY. s '- dtllASK A- VISIONS,