The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, October 11, 1887, Image 1

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v;:t :-;i;i;;jaska, tuksoay uvtixixt, octoiikk n, ksst.
r. Lj.v -
'loivii witti "a. s:c.i m.;'h;i(i;i oi cppcrns nnl
water, oliou.u 1:n iMor ironi ttio drams re-
fSlTiifiirS ft
' ' 'i"
Treasui'T, - "
J'oiii .1 eile,
Coii'icihiiC.i, 1st ward,
' 4lh- "
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FiGHr:farj the tjl-io flat..
) M I'. Mfili-M V
( S W I'll I ' N
I Cur a f t!ii) I'doU St:iv Tim Wlso !Iist
Master VI or'.
Th : C i
:c-cn of Hia Life.
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lloillil Pub. Work-? -i:: .;.v
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S lit!,. '. I'u!) -'.i-H ni!-,
Cuiiiity Ji:
:. I . -r" .-L' ry.;; vi i: i.
I.oris r.i.i..,( li ni . V.'.i v.-.lrr
A. 11. '."!.. - i! ; - i.i-'.
A. It. DI-KS.-;, - - ,!'v-,,!"'
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r;utl( ;.ii''i;:-; n-. a.o. i . -.M.
cuTi ;ii''",:iiu l-'i i.i.ty ' i niii.: I".
linll. " ii h .li'i'h' :i"' i : :iily in-
vitfd t';ii :-ii'l. i. 1'. W I - i t - Mi-'i-r i.rk ;niiii ;
U. , ' :i!(-'. !'!.:.::! 'i : !'. .1 Mnl:;,i:i,OMi-i'i-l';
I. Ii. M: i'i i. i'-i'ivir i.T.
i i.vss u.v u t No. -- :.'. : i : ;c :: i.tvns
t A:il''i i: i .'..-i-:s -,.-i-i."l ill f"!:. ! ii M ;i -
ii ;iv vim, :n- ..' K. ul !'. Ii .Ml I : ; 1 it-: I L
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Ncwi' i i.i'.', W.i.'l .. ..' .lis.ii ; W . i ', W 1,
Hi.iihy 'l i-. r ; I', M l'o''. I'..i P.t!ik..-r ; .1. K.
Mi,n i, iei :i .
f f, VI"! S.l: )'' ill '.OIK:!-: N ). A. . t'. W.
i M '.'- i'V.-! ' iii'i ;-:::it.' !-'ilil:'.v (..!:'l : ::l
l!i.i-li.v.i 1 I.i' !;.!'!" . A!I i I-:. -.i'"it lil'iil
is itr.i resin -.;u!!y I - l i ! . i. '. A.
li'iKcii'-, A. . ; V, ii -.-:. ; i.i.'ii :
Wllili-. U.'i:i:-il r; A. Ntw !;-.-. . v.-. -. "r.
MscyfiiHJi post 45 a. A. it.
i:d-t i:::.
.1. W. .Inll-.s.i.v .....: i:::.-.ii 1- r,
s. I i --i s. liiui- icn
. l: i ittiiior
N i A'ij ::!; .
Ai ii'r i' ii, '-.. .1.
M ai.o.n !h.n v lii-'t-i t: t !n i y.
I'ii.vui.Ks i-'im:i .. " " '.iii:ir.t
P.K.N.I. HMMI'l. Si" -l t -.!.-.
.1 nK( It i. :.: ma:;.. - - :;;; t r '.:'-.: S-r.-.'.
.w.i'.n v i: 1 1 : i r !' I - na;-:.t:ii
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ill :l j). m. in'
tn i '.'i-ui t. A i
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for itii.irrlij' (li
ul' ili.--t rii L Jm'.
i.-il thu ioiii-v. i:. ; n
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10. '.'ii
. ; :iil
;..;Li .'-; '.. iv1-
:,0l. ': .t il'.-
dI ..Viw Yuri
tlilill'lll il'.i
'(.';n Iv'. )! 'Ii.: li'.U.Kiil
lll'.llV li.ri
; c. .;:u!oa i
iri'n.;- i
or i'-r
tiiiis jm- ;
; ou!;.-il j
i:.v;'iii;ii :
,'iil- j
Ui- :i :-us- i
. , . i
1 1 1 i ; i 1 1 Hi
rt-tiili.-d ii
i . i :'c- -il
en I l mi -,. n :iuil IIiH ii i III it'll I'oisoil
1 1 v .I t hit't ( ill Klri'n'.i i'il c'.-is Iulor
K iviir; II i:it t Itel:i3.
!.! .f '. lie iito.t iinp'ir't.iiit. i i :iitnif-uts in
Vi-.'- .'..:-' is th" i'i i H-, iimi v. i! luil ii.i t liiit
tit it r.-.'i-lvi'.i ii!'ti.'itt'ii'iit :itti-:iiiin. ut -f
,.;:!. r juititl," is t X"i::i .: Ii-- i Iii', jsiitl
t:;.' i(: u:t in.iy 1 1 v'imnliy Ii.- tr:u-" 1 in the
i.;:' ii i .1 Jii'alta c.f tin .so who iivo above the
i.:..i .ii.i-1 I.iiiilier wan.
1 ;; ljo?:e:
rnitm. r i'i r.i
v.- ii
i ii-.:
! V
i:i. l c:i;.i!iii jiuinsl:
liiiiiiiii! ii " !'V jnili
Us aii aaSUfc-a wfcii3ijj
AND ziyoaioli Zmtin
fin a a-a I iriA
a allies a
ri an ca
lilUUD illul-UO CiiiUiUtlUiiiO
V T"e?
Cor. lClh Granite directs.
DlMl.EU IX Tim
Choicest Briiiis of Cigars,
inclti ,iir
Flor do P2pperber:ori3:nd '
alway3 in stock. Nov. 2G. 1833.
C:ul lroci'.--. ::6
fore, b'J it
;: .v : (, i".
soiro'.v ihiit t!i'
lou!;l'-:t to ! :.l
lt m t.u;'.: a iv nil :
of ll'.'.llii l:i - ;
Til'' COllV u: !
into tin: wil l
(Ideates ni l!ie
t;ii;i the floor,
in. in I'ovv-.V.! !y i
(.for.lT. J--
U'iM'.' .1 fl !l 1
til.: ...... . .
;:! r.t I W
Cliir.:-.), in
viii in -nc s
tlon t: il.'l'.
no ti n ir."
aiiir.-:. H
l lYllf (i ll.!:'i):;i'i
th :e
. . i .
a v.a ia:
I Xi-'t -li'.' It'., S'
iKWii: tin.': tryiti
G.-:ivral :i:tstvr
;- i ire.-S' s
;,o vere
throw n
ins rf
to Oi-
il tlio IV-olutioll oat
ji.-v. -i;i.;-rs, lirokcn
i i ' t.-iMc.i, siTi'l in
t UK a t -J m-'il t;uroa.;o r.s f.aiu'o j-arin.s,
L-::i'i:i rai l t r.iaLU j-ltias, l:iii's, c ir., i!:at
fell .lii'l i f l;,'iil- l.'l -iilli,llC.l t'J Iht; f-wiil J.!l
urv .. r. .1 La a'-t uaiiilalAi : rum one iiiuiua
a.l to ti, ' !!i. r. Tiiiii un vvJi 'ii.- oaie ainl un
)!e:i::::.r. o:!..r that li e; like a cltitiil wiitu-
fV'T t.'ie c. Ii ir door ii f pemni is hastily at
t.i'a.tei to tiie itiu -'iin ix ij'ilniiy utijiosyil
t- le i-.-.t ia -ei.r.r;!l.U' :nij;in.'i, to thu uikI.t-
;iai ! r. :rio.:.-. tar t-crs;: tent un-
I.eai: !:i:a .i ! the faluily i; di-i i ;;a: .'. 1,
n .-lvirri att:t"U -f ! ij.lit or t y:.':'.:.l f.:vr
i i iv.Th ::. : !' I to.-;p.i:.-e th:.- Luusi-!ioM to
tin- ia . ; r i:i vt I.i j'.i tli y I v. i '1.
'i'ii c.-;!:a- is ai-av iva!i:y ki j.t Iean if it. is
cat, i;, lata several s:..a!l rooms, lustra'! u
I. -iajj h ft ia ' reat, tiv. livM '.1 cliaai'M r.
W ji.-i-. it. is i,ot thus u: iai!,.e 1 it saoaUl r.t
1 a t !':. .a: t:f i .iie.l i:r :i oi:e si-le l.y l.ias to
L..i.i tli..' v:.ri..u.s store.s, ia j.!a.-e f letting
t ':. 'a lie ia l.e.-ij s in coi at-l-s. "Vlr ii !.in:; are
a: ; l 'ae (;a . .ii-a, harrt-ls r lar; : pa-.-I-iae;
Ijio: fori a to! .vabio ali-itiluto.:. ''! .::! i-s
i:si:-.!!y koj.L in Wo v:iukrf iiroviikil for that
pur; :.'..'.
ai.Iiat'ie eail-avrr to oatam
: i :
; T
:.':it .ie.
Hi '
:!ar ii" ta
Oil! H
I i
a ' al:;a i:
iile;! !
ti;: eiiair, ana hi a :-fioi .U:
..a Ii tiiiK'.il noon t!r coiivcii
:t til:' solution. :!: f-;:i !
lit of Ltilor cocjil i".- an :iu-
.o;) ale
le.l t.
i !
e. i
Hot io
r !v til
1 1
.-UCil i'lMlii...
t it..
sjn.-v ca 1 o. .
make. (J'aiim
vol i il aye on
a ;a-o::.-;i.'.'ji'a
warm sjie.'c'i
at :.s in la'.
L the
!;;! Ol' .M.y
It Was tile liotte-l
v.-;;s i Vi-r hnown to
-v .. . i . i. .. . . .1 .. i .
io oi' ieii ii:c n.-. .Miii...i.,
th a:e .c il in (ii' to move
iiau. A iun:i!or of otlr.r
s w-: re :e.i'IO. This was tin
ui 1 e i)l' the nay. "'lis eji-
fri. :.
is i'.
t. .
v. I: :
; t i c ; . -j . i ..
.! that tla're ;.
.lit.--, of f...".l la j I
s shoul.I be a.i. i.
i a ;u-h tit 1--
i .
a of the ia
.! 1:.
'i'h-i viaa e vs
hat sli. i.M
;:t i. V show t!.o
t v. l):e v.-faih' "
.j-; ij. r'f ;ree;:i:i.,' the
ti.oi e. i-V; n th"a
sr.; a;;lit i.n.l laeraia-
a siiaee tf air to ;aia
fo'.iov.-:!:- this plan
;rthy O'iof coiuaio:i
:r.!. Vt'iro lit-ltia
.ae-i ie of t hvj u ia-
'.ade the tin
i :iia;j of t he sa. h.
. ; i i : i ; ; taehe l to I ho door
its 1. iii;r left ajar nn-.l a free
:: ; -hed I v cardoa servants.
:a .y be !: : :
i i.V'.'f ! ..e .
v. . y Jhr.l laa
li'i';;:;; I.p ;
I 1
i-ral oviinion of the tmiiglit
that no hen.n!
the coiive!:! a
.l';s:;us-ion is ,
'overain.j ii ;i
la'.'nt ta :t it v.
against I'e'V.u.1
e a s. is suiil t
: i coiae u; ! a.-tor"
i t-Ii's.s it- work. Asliiiiji
ik"ly to occur over the
"l trad, s ilis'rh ts. The
!S M.l
i i
losril Y,-tul'.l he made
:il oth. r ue. al of.':
.-.-n piivi. n '.!.
t i
The ?.1inncir.ofa & Jiorthwoste
I)A-::xi-oa-, Oct. 10. F
v. . S
of t'.ie ilivi-ricn of tin:
National Ti av- iinu: ?.I -n s asoei:.toi2,
ii'turneu to-cay from St. 1 vul v. hero he
had lie; a c-onfer: i.i;j; witii J'r-snlfnt St'ck
ney, of the M:n:ic:a,ta e; Nortev.-cj-ter.'i
railroad. Tk" iatttr aMtred linn that lie
should at one" ejve f-innt-.l r.otiee of the
v, ilhdrawal oi the road from tin- We stern
I'.t.s e:urei" a v" i 'lii i' ;'!'.d sts i-con ha
le-illy free, woniu 5lacc miletige tickets
on sale jit tr e, cents y. r m'ie Thisforc-sliadov.-s
the general hre ikinr; uj of the
old 23 rate fo- rnke tiek-.ts.
JA( ii- -jN Vi .
i;r.iiu fr in
Tampa ho ir
"T .e fever i-
C-t CS ft,
pa.i nts a-e u:
v.'.is not yellow
lioard of health
ishment ii felt ;
tende t Nash,
orderin-.c rout a
The Dav il ecu
issued a notiee
:Ov:r EprtT.'.iai;
r, :'i i., o"-l. !. A
V.h.lh rrcshl
a health, to r,
t- j
sin'. ;iit:i'. j;.
th to-dar.
ta a c:it:e ! condi; O'i'ni'Ui t ii it til
Oi t::e
hi" f-rtys:
.';:x new
em" A
i its, rise
mtetl lv
on of S.t;)'jvir.-
ol' the tii-di s.rvice, in
;-;i:'s to v,o i .to Tampa.
::ty i. ;ir.l of in r.l tli has
th it infected mail matt a-
a th. :
theoa!, ;
cellar, l.-.r
The ccal :
ca vault
rovi Je.l for
it, n'.ce.i !- kept in tisa common
i ia.s for this are' iadisjieasabie.
till li.-ver ho dumjiod into one
trof tho c liar, v.lieii
vt ill l)o t;-a:'ked to tho n; i
or..' ct'n.i:; u; from
wood, 1 ::-.:o and small, hi ti
its srriiiiv dust
floor hy every
y.or shouM tho
own lata an in-
ev "." is '.lot
iiieers anvv;
ie a"!
will he stopp -d and the mail clerks
qtiaratttkied on t'u Iior.ur of the county.
A "- Cv.
close of l.lcroiiino-
Ai-iiL-;:x. Ai-'-., O.-t. 10 I:5 Emma
Reves, r, .-tt-p-davthtt r of .Tosvj it 3Ir.r-do.'-I;.
oi" South An? urn. dhd in ked tids
morning from an oveuloe of morphine.
.?.i tva.t Ptih;
ralia and took
to s -vc;
-.Hack? o;
drutr to r"li'.-vo
No inqu sthas hecn hthi. all l:ou!;h th"rc
is talk of oue. Her motii. r is , .ro-trated.
Actinst Sunday rains.
Drr.rera Ia., Oct. 10. Commissiorcr
Collin addrcs d a large mas.-, meeting at
the opera house last night. A resolution
demanding the legislature to require tho
railroads to adopt an aut -eaiatic car
coupler and to cease SutKlay trains w :s
c'.iserhmaate sta -k, p.u'; r.catly piled, tho
kiodiin.g in ona p'a'-e, t!a; .k;s int'.nded for
the ooea tires ia ua, and eh'ps, sav.dust,
raid si,-'. 'i:!'' swcjit together raid emrtied
into a i'.'t or lcx. 'e;"t;iliies, above iiil,
Khould never l.c heaped on tho floor. They
ri r:": easily t'. re, U iidi s l.riir.j unVhtly,
ami invariably leavm-j -.i"fc for some one to
F'.v-e !;. Jiari c's o-b'.':-:cs may hoi 1 them,
as,i las apples v pe irs. lloth vegetables
iia i iruit shoisld Dpiek 'd over often, and tho
rott it. on--s thrown avay. Tiio rood ones
v.'i!! keep t'.viee as loa if tins is doao. TJio
work may seem ted.iou hut it almost crttivn
tial, c.-ii'i.'fially toward f-priii, v.l-.ea vec
tahh's be-ia to ".eeay iv.pidly. Ilerdth de
nuiiids this ns we'd as e-oi: jmy. Many a caso
of spring illness has been traced to a harmless
leoking barrel ia tiio eehur, where diseasn
- rr.'.s are fostered in a mass of id vege
tabl; matter.
I'ii-: idea the cellar is an omnium jrath
rrum for useless articles of ail sorts should be
di.i.r.'ii: ly combated. Whatever is not worth
keeping in the. certain hopo of putting to
:-:. : iee at some future time should bo thrown
away without; hesitation. The cellar cannot
loo.'t neat with a heap of lumber and old iron
disfigmiiig ir. Uroketi packing cases mid
stave!', si barrels n:uy be sent here to be split
up a:;d converted into kindiings as f.paediiy
as possilile, whilj any boxes that may possibly
be put to use aw much better kept in tho attic
oat f.f the damp.
A cellar floor should always bo la'd in ce
ment. An carta ii-wiring holds the dampness
find is, moreover, very hard to keep clean.
The can be sw. pt, and even scrubbed,
wi.hoat troabie. The walls and ceilings
sh-'uid be whitewashed, net only to m.-.k? tiio
ro mi lighter, bat as a means of disinfection,
'i'a.' v. hitov. a-hiag s!t--a'd be rep ?ated at least
one.? a j-ear. The doer should receivo its
weekly brushing v.fth tho rest of the bou.e,
and at tho saau tin;e the cobwebs should bo
dis'.oJg'd and all collections cf rubbish i-e-;aoved.
Tite cellar ma t bo supplied witli shelves.
Swing shelves aro preferable to those set in
thj wail, as there is lss danger with tho
firmer of rats and mioo having a chance to
attack the provisions. One siioif should L
kept for the mili, and wiped clean every day
after the cream is skimmed. Deposits of
soar mill: are always unsavory. Tho meats,
vegetables, cakes, etc., stored on tho other
E-h'.-lvcs should always be protected by covers
of wire? n -tling. With ali tho care one may
take, a fly or two v. iil sometimes succeed in
effecting an entrance, and the mis. hief they
can do even in a hort time renders the precau
tion worth while. A pieco of gauza or mus
qiiito netting stretched over each pan of milk
mav also save a fly from involuntary suicide
and the milk from waste. Poultry and meat
thr.t are hung up f"r a day or two should be
meac.?d ia stout brown paper, or, better still,
uabl-a-hed muslin. All shelves should bo
scr.d.bc I eff every week with a mixture of
washing so hi and water, then wipo dry.
I: is a great convenience to the housewife
if the can have a closes partitioned off and
well stocked with shelves, where she can keep
htr pickles, preserves, jellies and jams. Up
stairs cupboards are .seldom cool enough, cr
edit when they are in so exposed a position
that there is ri.-k cf their contents freezing iu
tho bitterest winter weather. Here, too, can
bj placed the choice fruit, tho bos of oranges
or lemons, the barrel of pineapples and other
deiieaci.-3, that keep belter in a cold placo
than in an ordinary pantry. The semi-gloom
also helps preserve canned gooils.
Drain pipe3 frequently traverse tho cellar,
and aro likely, from the obscurity of tho
Among .Esthetic I,a'.ic8
It is a pcpclur form tf amusement amocg
resthctie la.lieti who Lave gained considerable i place, to receive less attention than Lj their
1'jcul rcputii'.aj.i for tatur ability iu woou i duo. They shcuIJ oiten be examined for
carving to carve pipes for their gentlemen ! leaks, and any such promptly checked. If
friends. New York Sua. there are Qpeg drayisjjtjiey should .be washed-
,ut delnj'. Ciiiistian Terhune Ilerrick in
Harper's Uazar.
Caro ttf t!io Cook Stove.
'TVh7 i:; it that I burn out so many sets of
stovo liiimgi'"' some ono csks. J.-. t mo t-ll
you. Use ;i ii' t! moro caio than you liavo
ln,e!l usiiig, Avateli and si-e that a clinker is
not allowed to form on the linings, and if ono
dees form, remove it carefully with the
poller. At night the lire box f.hould bo evi j
l)-llieil Ad in ', i 1 :: nee to an Jaialis'.i
Heard a geod 4i: about Charlie Iiruwn,
tho m lit'lesale (. ! ') ', r. Soni" years ago Mr.
in own end an Ohio fri nd were in Loa Ion
i.eit. i-r. While th "iv they went tothethe
a're t .g.-th'-r one evening vh"n it was nn
U'.iinecd that 111" royal family w.-i-e to be
-rese;-.t mid no g 'nil: n:.".n not corn cdy at
tired in --,-i ;.h-.g ilress would lie admitted.
Hi: Jlrown i.i,, 1 i:is 1 ri'.'iid appe'ired in Iroei:
""'.Is and M-ere d aiied admittance' to their
f:"nts. 'J'hey v.'.'Ui to a woman in one of th"
ante j-o-ee and aski 'l her t sew tiie tails of
their ..: is l. e l; i-i order to C i ve t h' III the up
p -:;ran;-e of a cutaway. !'!:" :i;.;iec 1 to do it,
but s..i I she bad done it f r ot l.c: ;, am 1 ti e
s-'iiemo would not v.urk. Mr. Jlrown and hi:i
fri. -nd, i:..i; In i;ig so easily put, aside, then
went to a cm turner ;i!:d acli secured an cx
treinelv old fas': i. ill.-. I claw IianiliK T, much
t"o l :r", and km- iil'ee. I.e.;. 'J'iais attired
t In y :e-ai:: ii aiand" 1 em rain. demurrer
was enter:.:!, b-at Mr. ilrown c.-dled at'en'.ii.n
to the fa that he had "a a dress si::'!, and it
l!'.:i!l.'i''.'.l not w he; her it was the style of a
C' liiiuy ago ur tiio present, or wcetherit
lit! 1 l ira or not.
The t wo were finally all. .wed to e-() jn. 'fii.
coat--. 1" il:e 1 :i: fii, ii is!, ; wi.eii the two -.n-
t! '.a -i :at .,.).. a the cellars stiiek iui over
:' -...I! Iliel.liiS Iirii-llt-U tae "...fir.
il- lt heir oddity of dress, both
;. . s ia lien of op; ra gl.-eses, which
'.".-. e I ;.i every direei ;, m. To make tho
ai :.: re grote.-'pi" they would sland
veea iae a"l--, :!i .ivaig then- ces'
. Kli'lu
3 .V
- . ' ' i;-f tr:2
" -vi-.., ve s a - i rn-i.t
Lull I lied
n:bI TO ;;.-!).
Fito.M h TO yitl.
ih -ir !
In add
1 i tho .; a lvaat:i"e.
t- lit i' ei of il:e Ciitii-e a.;. iiea
i'siae,' oi" Wales, was aitrae!
i -.', r body burst imo lan'.fi
1 ,i: ! aoi'car.iiice. .i -i aw i. i '
Tiiaillv the
th'-.-U'h tin
1 to them, and
at their n.beu
t h.- tu.. A :::. 1
ar.llv en i : i: -.
the whohs thing, mmatnme.l t b--ic c in:.. .s
l. i"c, ran out. their spy la and inst.""te.
the . op:.! Iau;.',hiiig at tl em with t!ie greatest
impimity, while tliey disported thi-mselv-s in
t l.c old lime- raiaaat. i-herybody si:pp..sed
lacy were simply a ocup.eo; ec -eiitri ; Ameri
cans bent on bavine- a : ,m i time, ami li.-el no
idea of tho real c.a:sj of their peculiar altii
Cincinnati Lm e.iirer.
S. -no In ii Confederate Camp.
one alla:r, ot wtraai I was an eyo witness,
was very ludierous. We were in parole camp
during ttie winter cl Wii-i at Enterprise,
I'di-s., and, .f cottrs-., iu winter quarters. Th-.
cabins were constructed with the strictest re-
gard t' economy in iiiat.erinl and labor, al-
taoirili the former was in wasteful abundance.
A mud chimney tight feet high was fairly m
proportion with tiie rc:;t of the structure.
This description is neee.-saiy to uuderotaiid
what follows. At this time wheat Hour was
Ratio ,t unknown m tho lower S'.nth. ar-.d an
occasional ration cf it was hailed as a God-
sen 1. It was on such an occasion that n L-itf
wilted soldier could be se n through his on-.-n
cabin door carefully Lakin-r somo biscuits
ir supper. One of my men told ine to take
pest m tue clarkiess outside so as to com
mand a view of tho fireplace, and to await
Very soon I observed a commotion in the
cabin. It was suddenly filled with smoke,
and when this cleared away the occupant Jip
peared to bo counting Lis biscuit. Ho gazed
around the room in a dazed sort of way,
looked under his bunk and finally peeped out
doors, as if looking for something. While
this was transpiring tho wag had joined me,
with a hot biscuit in his hand, and explain!
his modus operandi. lie had rolled a block
near the ckinmey, and armed with a piece of
pino bark and a long, sharp stick, he mounted.
inserted ins stick -m tho chimnev and
waited. When his victim lifted tho lid to in
spect hi3 treasures, the bark closed the mouth
of the chimney, driving the dense pine smoke
into his face, blinding and stifling him. Iu
nn instant a biscuit was stuck, whisked up
the chimney and the j.dter was gone. This
was repeated until tha terror stricken cook
fie I from his hut in dismay, with the firm be
lief that the devil or a witch had possession
m 1 was carrying ou h-.s supper ou a broom-
el:. And such continued to lie his belief.
md it must bo confessed that it was founded
upon much better evidence than that usually
-riven, in support ot a ghost story. Ex. -Con
federate Colonel in Philadelphia Times.
Tho I'"vrcr of Invagination.
The following is the substance of what a
leading dentist said tho other day: no wa
ctigaged with some gentlemen in discussing
tho virtue of rcmcuies used to avoid tho pam
caused by t'ae extraction of teeth when a lady
who wanted one of her molars: pulled entered
the odco. The dentist in order to prove what
Le had been saying told her he had some of
the new remedy and would use it so that he
would not feel any pam. Bho was wep
pleased, and, after being seated m the chair,
be rubbed a Iittlo water on her gums, and
pulling ber tooth tossed it up to the ceiling
exclaiming: "Thcrol That didn't hurt any,
did it P Tho lady was positive that she felt
no pain, and went away praising tb.3 new
remedy. Oshkosh Northwestern.
Panics nnd Kxlts.
Tho recent burning of the Opera Comique
thor.tre in Paris has given rise to several sug
gestions, which are well worthy of considera
tion, as means cf preventing loss of life dur
ing a panic in such public buildings. One of
theso is grreu by a gentleman signing him
Etjlf IL, Norwood, and is tothe effect
that the exits provided should be not locked
doors, as now, but thin partitions of plank
wtnen would st and a moderate pressure on
ordinary occasions, but break down easily
under forcible pressure. The' miht be in
scribed with the notice, "In case of panic,
break turougu. Another suggestion is that
attendants should always bo stationed at the
exit doors to open them nnd let out the
people. A third suggestion, which comes
from Germany, is that luminous paint should
be used to mark tuo exits m case of dark
ness. Casreirs iln-rn -jiu'X
W I a
Eisii iVlach:! Uai Fi;r '-mm
. I. h.
is ii! r f? Si 1 j 1 1 m
i My rz tJ u ii
a SbiilJlllslia
We Announce Without Further Notice a
ki a's-i Pi h nr'-tt V. a .- i'- n
tiiZ''. Vi ir- fii if: l-i f-f - X
-OX Al.b-
t.vf""-, e- i f J fc" IVA i i W I? S Jfc JfE
.a mnionci? cp
e limn
JULY 12 th,
Sejitembur Int.
AS THIS IS a positivi;-
ry hi v.l
i- 1. ii 'r-,.: 1 hJ? iti iJi k2 .Zjy C-,
' .ti U ll U w2 l-d
without reserve, it will Lo to the iiulvkIiku interest of
oi Ca. s Coiuitv to t.ike ndv:tnt;Lrc of tho
W iMiAZ i& t-i i--i 'IS Vi l-A ain ititiliO 2 2 & 1 WU
Htivinr i'i view tl
Multitude to .-;.. -'.re tli-
couj-iitifnuion h
under thLs cdciimiico
io ot!:
in't'C "Ost:- ot our en.-te-uicrs, :.nd to -iif.Lle ti
i:i 'l-y v.i)
i:i l.r;tcc J
f-iis j-
tl-b- gl-Cil'..
li.-t.s oi'
: wi ! 1
"Ye t?o to NfiV York soon to make our Full 3'ur lt;;scs,
and vo Iiintliy i-i'ijiif'st all of our fricntls imlcbttui to un to
call as earlv as possible and adjust tlieir aecounts.
rv at
Main strot
Yours Ilespectfully,
ns. rr n tit ji nni a a.t
i & iD AS 1.1 MJk - - O-mm gjk mw
YjiiU F lit Dry Q'd: Hou
:rI tt;