The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, September 29, 1887, Image 1

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11 l-fi1IW itl
cia'Y oKjauKiis.
1'oliee Judge,
Couuollinen, Istw;
J I Simmon
J It Wat k km an
A M.tliiil.K
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1 A W Will I K
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I Wm Wkiii.ic
, j M It Mi iti-u v
, JKS OlM.rsi-.i.
lioaid Pub. Work
J eiuty Treasurer, -
lf puty Clerk,
Clerk ! litiict Coart,
NherllT. - - -
Deputy Sheriff.
Kuril, of l"ul. Schools,
County J Utlue.
Louis Toi.TZ, Ch'in.,
A. 15. Toil.
A. 15. I1 KSO.Y,
I. A. CAMrnm.i.
Ttio-i. I'oi.i.ock
J. M. Koltl.NSON
. (J, C. McHllKUSON
W. :. miowai.tkk
li. C. V l'"OM NS
A. Al AllOI.K
A 1. 1. K.H liKKS N
Weeping Wsiter
I'l:: 1 1 SNIOIllll
miMO I.OIHJK NO. 81. A. . U. W.-MeTTs
- every al'crnat Friday evening at, K. of I.
T ransieitt brothers are respectfully in
vited t'lallend. 1. K. White, Master Workman ;
It. A, r aite. Foreman ; F. J. Alurgan, Overseer ;
J. E. Morris, Keeonler.
of America Meets second and fourlli Mon
4 ay evening at K.. of 1', hull. All transient
brothers re requested to meet with w. is. A.
Newcomer, Venerable Consul ; W.C, Willett,
Worthy Adviser ; 1", Merges, i:x-15auker ; J. K.
Morris, Clerk.
Meet every alternate Friday evening at
Itockwood hall at h o'elocK. All transient broth
ers are respectfully invited to attend. . A.
Sutsche, M. W. ; H. t ircen, Koieinan : S. C.
Wilde, ltecorde. ; S. A. Ne.vcomer. Overseer.
Sam. M. Chapman.
C. S. Twihs
V. A. liATKM
John W. Wnons....
AUOUHT Taktmi.-ii...
1IKN.1. IIkmplk,
John Cohkican,...
8. P. IlAM)WAV ...
K. It. LlVlNfJSTON,..
..Senior Vico
.Junior "
,. M.
Ollieeror the Day.
Sergt Major.
Post Surgeon
A I1 II A WltKiHT,
..Post Chaplain
lteirubir nieetinirs. 2nd and 4th Thursday of
each month at I'ost Headquarters in Itock
wood block.
Wales, Clocks, Jewelry
SgscialAticnt on toTOcIi Repairing
Library - Lamps
Uaiana Besinns anflPattorBS
Cheap Prices
Efi- 12,,
Cor. 12th and Granite Stretts.
Contractor and Builder
Sept. 12-Gm.
Choicest Brar.isof Cigars,
inclutling our
Flor do ?oppcrberoTland 'Cuds
always in stock. Nov. 2G. lbS5.
B. I. icElwain,
L ne
ij a!ssJ by Telegraph.
Tho Crand Army Parade at St. Louis
Made In a Drenchins Rain-The
Enthusiasm Unabated Cray Hair
ed Veterans Pass Under Conoral
Grant's Picture With Uncovered
Hoads-StrugslinS Through Slush
Rt. Lon.s, Sej)t. 2. Raia contiuuod
to drop down steadily i;i the iiKirnino;
lut Grand Marshal Grior i.ssm-d an order
to prepare for tho parade. The order to
fall in for the parade wa.s received at the
yarious camps and headquarters shortly
after nine and the men turned out with
rubber co-its umbrellas and trousers roll
ed up. Shortly before eleven o'cleek the
column was formed and tho procession
started, headed by the escort of police.
Then followed Grand Marshal Giier with
his chief of staff and aides. Lojan post
of St. Louis, mounted, aud the Spring
field (Mass.) battalion, were the special
escorts to the commander-in-chief. His
staff preceded the tvventy carriages con
taining the war governors and other hon
ored guests. In the lead was one occu
pied by Mayor Francis and General Sher
man. Then followed divisions of the
Grand Army, ten in number. The de
partment of Missouri, commanded by
Colonel Nelson Cole, was given the rig't
of line. As the column passed under .
stained glass transparency of General
Grant o T,'"-tli .-tf(ft bet-.veen Locust
and til. C.... . . . ver-
cd their heads and passed by in tiience.
'I he head of this proccs.-ion reached the
Grand Army arch that spans Olive street
at Twelfth street at noon and Command
er in Chief Fairchild, General Sherman,
Ex-Vice President Hannibal Hamlin, the
war governors and other distinguished
yjuests left tluir carriages and took their
positions in the grand stand. Marshal
Giier and start sat iu their saddles while
the rain increased in volumes aud for an
hour and a half poured down on the
heads of the passing soldieis. Along
the line of maich were thousands of boys
in blue who thought it too wet to march.
In the balcony of the grand stand Commander-in-Chief
Fairchild and General
Sherman, partly protected from the storm,
bowed to the boys as they passed, ac
knowledging continually the rearing
cheers that went up from each post as
they filed by in company front. Here
and there throughout the different divis
ions marched a colored post and their
salute was invariably the s;gnal for ap
plause from those in the grand stand,
which several times were taken up by
the crowd and prolonged into a hearty
cheer. The dripping flags received much
boisterous notice. Throughout the col
umn an occasional warr'or carried a cane
or pole on which dangled a chicken, leg
of mutton, side of bacon, cabbage or
some other representative of foraging ex
pedition or commissary stores.
At half-past 1 o'clock the sons of vet
erans brought up the rear and the crowd
made a rush for the grand stand to see
and shake hands w ith "Uncle Eilly."
The general refused to respond to numer
ous calls for a speech, and finding an op
portunity slipped into a carriage and was
quickly d.ivcn away.
Frozen In Midsummer.
In speaking of the large number of deaths
of English sparrows during the late rain
storms, Professor Otto Lugger, of Ealtimoro,
says that, instead of having been dashed to
death, be believed they had been frozen in
midsummer. One day last week he counted
forty sparrow lying still and cold within a
distance of three squares. He carried eight
home, examined all of them and found no
bones broken. Four of them he warmed and
they revived. The other four never again
showed signs of life. Professor Lugger gave
the following explanation of tho apparent
lifelessness, after tho storm, of the birds,
most of which were young ones: In migrating
birds fly against the wind. Should the wind
suddenly change and blow in the same direc
tion as the birds are flying, and at a greater
rate of speed, the birds' feathers are blown
forward, the skin is exposed, and a cold driv
ing rain will soon chill the birds and cause
their death. In this way, strange as it may
seem, the birds may be said to have been
frozen in midsummer. Boston Transcript
Outwitting the Alligators.
The dogs of San Domingo have discovered
a way of outwitting their adversaries. When
ever a native dog of tho island comes to a
stream ho stops and barks furiously for some
time, until gradually one by one the yacores
gather near the bank on which he stands,
poking their vicious jaws out of the water as
if in expectation of a feast. The dog knows
by instinct when he has gathered all the ya
cores in tho vicinity in one spot, and becom
ing satisfied of this fact Lo scampers off at
breakneck speed cp or down tho stream and
swims across in safety. It is only the San
Domingan do, however, who possesses this
instinct. An imported dog would plunge
recklessly into the water and soon become
the prey of the yacore. New York Mail and
"lie Mitdo no I'retenno of Originality la
thu Matter," Sayti Ward II. Luniuu.
For using, in his Gettysburg sjH-ech, tho
celebrated phrase "the government of tho
people, by tho pfmpl", und for the pcoplo
fchall not iierisli from the earth," Mr. Lincoln
has been subjected to brutal criticism as well
as the most groundless flattery. Bomo have
b!i base enough to insinuate against that
great and sincere man tho crime of willful
plagiarism; others have ascribed to him tho
honor of originating tho phrase entire. There
is injustice to him in either view of tho case.
I ier-oiially know that Mr. Lincoln made no
preteiiho of originality in tho matter, nor was
ho conscious of having appropriated the
thought or the words of any other num.
If he bo subject to the charge of plagiar
ism, so is the great AVebstcr, who used sub
stantially tho same phrase in his celebrated
reply to Hayne. Each may have acquired
the peculiar form of expression (tho thought
itself lK'itig as old as tho republican ydea of
government) by the process known as uncon
scious appropriation. Certain it is that
neither Webster nor Lincoln originated the
phrase. Let us seo how the case stands:
In tho preface to the old WicklifTe Bible,
published A. D. 13"4, is the following declara
tion: "This BiLlo is for the government of
the Jieople, by the peoplo and for the people,"
which language is identical with that em
ployed by Mr. Lincoln in his Gettysburg
speech. In an address before the New England
anti-slavery convention in Boston, May !.".),
lfc'50, Theodore Parker defined democracy ns ila
government of all tho people, by all the peoplo,
for all the peoilo of course." Substantially
the samo x'hrase was used by Judge Joel
Parker in tho Massachusetts constitutional
convention iu l'"i.'5. A distinguished diplo
mat has acquainted mo with tho singular fact
that almost the identical phraso eniploj'cd by
Mr. Lincoln was used in another language,
by a person "whoso existence even was not
probably known to Mr. Webster, tho Park
ers or Mr. Lincoln, and who certainly did not
'irr-ow it from them." On page ol of a work
entitled "Geschichto der Behwcizorischeu
"Regeneration von 1S0 bis ISIS, von P. Fed-!-:
n," appears an account of a public meet
ing he. 1 at Oltin, Switzerland, in May, lSi!().
On that occasion a speaker named Schinz
used the following language: "AH tho gov
ernments of Switzerland (referring to tho
cantons) must acknowledge that they are
simply from tho peoplo, by the people, and
for tho people." Ward II. Laiuon's Letter.
Typhoid fever on tho Steamers.
Peoplo who are about to visit Europe
should bo very careful what ship they take
for tho passage. I have heard within the
last two or threo weeks of some of tho most
terrible cases of typhoid fever contracted on
board ships of tho hues considered by the
public first class. I met the other night a
New York gentleman who camo over with
his daughter six weeks ago for the purposo of
making en extended tour of Europe. It was
the daughter's first visit. Sho was a perfect
picture of health when she left New York.
They took passage upon one of the finest ves
sels of one of tho great transatlantic lines.
Within two days after their arrival in Lon
don sho was taken down with typhoid fever.
She has been ill for nearly five weeks. She
came near dying onco or twice, but is now
slowly recovering. The physician in attend
ance, when he was first called to examine the
case, i: ':ed where the young lady had been
durim; the preceding ten days. When told
that fcho had just crossed tho ocean he said:
''This fever was contracted on board Jship."
"llow can that bei" said the father. "If
there is any place in tho world where peoplo
have pure air I should think it would be at
sea." Tho physician replied by saying that it
was a very common thing for peoplo to con
tract bad fevers on tho great ships which cross
thocean. Nothing but the most strict vigi
lance iu looking after the sanitary condition
of a great ship will keep it in wholesome con
dition. Vessels that may be wholesome in quiet
weather become disease breeders when shaken
up by heavy weather, and where tiiey have
in addition to lie closed down against the
outido storm. This gentleman, who has had
suci a serious time with his daughter, has
heard of several casesof typhoid fever among
the more delicate peoplo on the passage list of
this same vessel. Tho surgeon mentioned
above said also that vessels which have been
through collision, with a serious shaking up,
are apt to breed fevers unless they are after
ward thoroughly overhauled. It will bo re
membered that Secretary Whitney lost hi3
favorite daughter through a malignant diph
theria contracted on board ship on a voyage
to Europe. The majority of people leave the
United States to visit Eurojo with the object
of securing rest, improving their health and
the pleasure of sightseeing. Tlie knowledge
that fevers are often developed on tho lines of
tho transatlantic steamers should certainly
produce great vigilance upon the part of
owners and masters of vessels to guard against
further dangers to the publie from this direc
tion. T. C. Crawford in New York Wold.
Edwin Forrest's Turning Point.
"In tho following spring I went to New
York and put up at a boarding house. I was
without a dollar. I did not have two shirts
in the world. My clothes had been seized for
board in Albany. I was thoroughly disgusted
with the world and resolved to kill myself.
I went to a drug store ami bought some arse
nic. I told the apothecary I wanted to kill
rats. I went to my room and mixed it, and
was on the point of taking it, when, just as
such things happen on the stage, I heard a
gentle rap on the door. A man came in and
said he was an actor, and that his name was
WoodhulL The object of his visit was to get
me to play for his benefit. He said he had
never seen me act, but ho had heard Ogden
Hoffman, a member of the legislature, and
others capable of judging, say that I was very
fine. I told him hastily that I had done w"ith
acting, and that I did not know anything
about him or his benefit. The actor looked
downcast and said: 'I am a poor man, and
have a long summer to run through. I had
hoped 3ou would come to my aid and assist
me in supporting my family; otherwise I am
beggared.1 These words touched me so," said
Forrest, "that I filially consented. I played
'Othello' for him. It was a grand sweep,
financially and dramatically, for hundreds
were turned away from the doors of the
theatre. Next morning Mr. Gilford, man
ager t4 the Bowery. lut $500 in my hands
(more money than I ever had in my life be
fore), and engaged me for ono year at his
theatre. From that time tiil now my course
has been upward aud onward." Dr. Kane in
Baltimore American.
'Mid thirty centuries of dust and mold
Wo pfrnpe with hopeful li',art and c;'.;;er eye.
And liaii our treasure trove if we but spy
A vus ft coin, a sentence carved of o! I
On Attic Ktone. Iu reven-et hands we hold
liieli in. ssa;re from the Past, and fain would try
Through myriad fragments dimly to descry
The living glories of the Agj of UohL
Vainest cf dreams! This rifled pTavo coiitnfna
Of Ileauty but the crunililr-d outward (trace.
The. spirit that jtave it life, Hellenic then.
Immortal and forever j ouiifj remains,
But flits from land to land, from race to race.
Nor tarries with degenerate slavish men.
William Cranston Iiwton in The Atlantic,
Tho Needs of Our Milltiiv Tho "State
Service" Dress a Mistake.
To argue alout the advantage of a uni
formity of arms lotweeii tho states and tho
peneral government would seem to bo
scarcely necessary, so palpablo ought it to lie.
For ono state to have Sharp's rifles, another
Remington, whilo the general government
uses Springfield, is to prevent an interchange
of ammunition and r.ccou torments at a
porhajw, when such interchange might Ie in
valuable. Tho inconvenience of a diffcrenco
of armament in the samo state is open to i;o
samo objection, only with still greater force.
With regard to a uniformity of dross, how
ever, so strict ns to preclude all individuality,
tho gain sieins less pronounced.
The tendency nt present is to abolish regi
mental uniforms in favor of a state uniform
closely approximating to that of tho general
government. So far as a fatiguoor active ser
vico dress is concerned, this general uniform
ity of attiro is undoubtedly advisable, but I
think a distinctive uniform, and even a showy
ono for dress occasions, l::is much to recom
mend it. A distinctive uniform gives esprit
du corps, undoubtedly tempts and attracls a
larger enlistment, engenders greater caro in
its preservation, nnd keeps nlivo the martial
fervor. I remember talking to a French
olUcer on this subject, and he told mo that
there were once but two sizes of uniforms for
tho French infantry, and tho necessity of
every man to adjust himself to ono of these
extremes caused greater dissatisfaction than
even could have been produced by short
Lord Wolseley is equally decided on tho
valuo of dress uniforms. "Tho soldier is a
peculiar animal," ho says, "who can alone lx
brought to tho highest efficiency by inducing
him to belie vo that ho belongs to a regiment
infinitely superior to others about him. In
their desire to foster this spirit, colonels aro
greatly aided by being able to point to soma
peculiarity in dress." Again ho says: "Tho
better 3-ou dress a soldier the moro highly
will bo be thought of by women and conse
quently by himself."
Smartness, beauty, picturcsquenoss has its
utility, much as thin utilitarian ago affects to
despise it, and wo must not forget that if wo
rob tho soldier of his glamour there remains to
him littlo but cold steel. North American
Contents of the Tramp's Handle.
For many yea-s I have been devoured by
an intense and abiding curiosity to know
what a tramp carries in his bundle. You
may have noticed that no matter where you
meet a tramp or under what circumstances,
ho has a bundle with him. It may bo dono
compactly up in a newspaper or tightly
wrapped in old and dirty rags; it may bo two
feet square or no bigger than your fist, but it
is nlwajTs a lundlo of some sort, and ono to
which ho clings with tho tenacity of death
itself. I have heard a number of conjectures
hazarded as to its possible contents. Some
critics have maintained that it holds food and
others that Jit is a mere dummy, contrived to
impose upon a credulous landlord at a half
dimo lodging house. I have read newspaper
stories of fortunes concealed in tho tramp's
bundle, nnd been told of occasions
when the bundle found in tho possession of a
dead trarrp contained family papers and
docuirents to prove that tho lato unlamented
was a person of high birth and exalted con
nections. But of my own knowledgo I have
never been able to satisfy myself as to its
actual character, so that when I was accosted
the other day by a tramp with the usual bun
dle and a plea for the price of .a night's lodg
ings, I said to him:
"Tell mo what is in your bundle and I'll
give you a dollar."
"Honest f said the tramp.
I assured him of it.
"You won't give me away to a living soul?"
"I pledge you my word."
"Well, then," said my tramp, In a voice
full of alcohol and mystery, "I don't mind
telling you. It's my full dress suit. You see
a feller in my position has to move in society
a good deal, and ho must havo his dress suit
ready, for ho don't know when he may net
it." Alfred Trumble in New York News.
A Lively Imagination.
Some years ago a newspaper man with a
lively imagination went upon a trip. I think
he paid his way, wildly improbable as that
may seem to be, because either the newspaper
business must have fallen off in its emolu
ments lately, or he must be lying liko all who
go there. There were not so many peoplo
about the place then, und it was not so easy a
trip. In the party was a blight young mar
ried lady, who had also a great deal of fun in
her. The two put up a job that what either
of them saw in the shapes of tho crags and
p?aks in the clouds, or anything else, the other
was to indorse it and say "How lovely 1" cr
"Isn't it weird?" or something like that. The
charm worked.
"Do you see that rock? Isn't it the exact
picture of an immense chariot? And just look
if that doesn't look like a horso of gigantic
proportions drawing it?"'
"It is. now grand it is."
"Where is it?" from all the passengers.
"There; why, don't you see it? You see it,
Mrs. Smith, don't youf
"Very plainly. It's exactly liko it."
Then one by one tho others would begin to
recognize it, or swear they did. The number
of those singular resemblances kept growing
until tho two began really to seo things that
could not by any possibility be distorted out
of tho landscape, and finally the joke got thin.
San Francisco Chronicle.
Ehowed them how to do It by mixing silica
and lime, they could not make a piece of
glass, and their crockery i3 rather primitive,
A water clock is their nearest approach to a
watch; indeed, ours delighted them exceed
ingly. Thy know nothing about steam,"
electricity or gunpowder, and, mercifully for
themselves, nothing about printing or tha
penny pst. Thus they are spared many
evils; for of a truth our age has learned tho
visdom of the old world saying, "He who in
ouKn mawladsa lnfiraaaata sorrow.- ,
100 Dozen Fins Msrino
a n p-:
0 0
Ye Announce Without Further Notice a
tollliliill tijiiii!
Commencing TO-DAY, JULY 12th, and contimi'iig until
. September 1st.
lEiroiiiPC tin
without reserve, it will be to the individual interests of all citizens
ot Cass County toake advantage of the
Unparalleled Bargains Offered
Having in view the interests
multitude to share the benefits ot
consideration sell to other dealers
under this clearance sale.
Vego to Sev York soon to make our Fall Puv1s;i.sok,
and wo kindly request all of our 1 i:n;ts indel t d to i:s lo
call as early as possible and adjust their aei ouui.s.
Yours Jiespeetful! v,
White prnt Dry Goods T-r:-use.
Main Street, - Fiuttsmouth, I'eb
m m - --
n n a n n
m 1
vim irui
ot our customers, and to enable the
this great f-ale, we will under i-o
wholesale iols of goods embraced