The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, September 28, 1887, Image 2

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JI)c piattsmoutl) Drub ijcralb,
Publishers & Proprietors.
FuKii whiskey, free lilit, full j.-ulu,
Buffering chihlrcn mid heart broken
women is what univcrwil tltniocrntic Rto-i-ess
The la!orilij men all know wlilf li par
ty advocates the iriiir.iials that will re
ward their labor with good wages, and
will vote the republican ticket.
It is reported that tho jails of all cen
tral Iowa are nearly empty, which is the
direct remilt of the prohibitory. law given
tho .state by the republican party.
Fink school houscx, good churches, no
whiskey, no fights, empty jails, happy
children, contented women and prosper
ous people is what universal republican
success means.
Ik the poor are suffering on account
of the present tariff, and their living is
costing them more than it ought to,
how mauy of tho present working men
will be alive when tho democrats change
it, if in three years, they have, in certain
sections of the country, come to tho con
clusion that it would bo best to change
Even the poor drunkard knows that
tho only way he can resist the temptation
to spend his money for drink, and save
his earnings to feed and clothe his wife
and children, is for the republican party
to win; and so on election day he will
yotc that way.
"The Nkiuiaka (Jitv Nrws stands up
for tho railroad lawyers in politics," says
the Daily Journal, and then it (Ihv Jour
it at) predicts a republican boom in Otoo
county in consequence of tho NtttJtf'course,
3Tet the Journal is, and always has been,
the red hottest J. Sterling Morton aclvo
cate in the state of such is the demo
cratic press.
Ik, after the democrats have been in
power three years and having had
plans for changing the tariff well matured
before coining into power they have now
got so far as in spots all over the country
to say they think the present tariff too
high and that it ought to be some how
modified, we would like to have them
answer how long they think it will take
them to change it.
What's the matter with our demo
cratic men and brethren who represent
"the administration" bT and through the
the democratic press? "Why this rest
they arc giving "Jim Blaine" Is it be
cause Groycr is swinging around the
circle looking after his fences, or is it
because Mr. Blaine as a private gentle
man abroad, has been lost by their black
guard correspondents? A " democratic
2arty run on anything but the Jim Blaine
issue is a mighty tame affair.
Tools and Children (Sometimes
Speak tho Truth.
There can be no doubt but if the re
publicans had elected a solid state legis
laturc last year, Nebraska would to-day
have a prohibitory statute. Journal.
We reproduce this item for our prohi
bition friends, who sometimes, inadver
tantly contribute to democratic success
in Nebraska. It contains food for rcllec
tion and dynamite for an honc&t prohibi
tionist conscience.
C. A. R.
The probabilities are that there will be
some emphatic expression of opinions on
the pension question from the reprcsenta
tive men of the G. A. II., who are now
greeting one another at St. Louis. Of
course, this will be the rankest treason (in
the eyes of the average democratic sheet)
and partisan politics, and an insult to
the president of these United States; yet,
it is hard to keep the eld fellows from
speaking out in "mcetin." Some how
the boys fell into that habit along in 1861
and it is hard "to learn an old dog new
TnE subject of natural gas for manu
facturing and other purposes is now at
tracting the attention of well informed
and progressive people in many parts of
the country. The success of the I Ierndon
Natural Gas fc Land company at Hern
don, la., has created a great excitement
in all central Iowa. There they are now
using gas for cooking, lighting and heat
ing their houses, and it is believed that
they have there gas in sufficient quanti
ties for manufacturing purposes. They
have also recently discovered natural gas
within three miles of Des Moines. To
the credit of Plattsmouth it can be said
that before there was any excitement at
either Herndon or Des Moines, the Platts
mouth Coal and Gas company was form
ed, and about two weeks ago, a contract
for boring for gas was let. It
is to be hoped that our citizens will hur
ry up the funds to enable the contractors
to comply with their agreement And if
fortune should favor us with a lucky
strike of gas, Plattsmouth will soon be
rivaled, as a city, only by Omaha, in the
whole state.
Tho Republican Party as a Free
Whiskey Party.
By a very far Htrctch of the imagination
certain parties in this and other states are
trying to make it appear to tho careless
and unthinking, that, because the great
majority of republicans are in favor of
prohibition, that therefore they aro in
fayor of free whiskey. And some honest
but thoughtless people, even hero in
plattsmouth, have taken up that cry, and
there are those who have gone uo far as
to suggest thai tho democratic war
cry shall bo "down with the republican
party because they are fwr high taxes and
free whiskey." Such nonsense would
not be worth noticing were it not that
some good people sometimes hear such
things so often that they conclude it may
be so.
Now the history of the republican par
ty is written. Tluir record is clear.
I'hey fought slavery till they destroyed it.
I'hey arc the only strong party that ever
declared squarely against whiskey and
in favor of prohibition, which they have
done in several states, and it is admitted
by the best informed and bitterest ene
mies here in Plattsmoufh that "there can
bo no doubt, but if the republicans had
elected a solid state legislature last year,
Nebraska would to-day have a prohibi
tory statute."
Now, if prohibition or no whiskey at
all, r.rul free whiskey are ono and the
same thing, then the republican party is
a free whiskey party. But if prohibition
or no whiskey at all, is not free whiskey,
then the republican party is what it pro
fesses to Ik, an enemy to freo whiskey,
drunkenness," vice and crime, and is the
friend of Ike home, and is squarely
against the saloon.
It is gratifying to know that tho ene
mies of the party have to resort to such
far-fetched, illogical nnd untrue charges
and arguments. For if they had any
grounds for tighting the party for what
it is, they would certainly do it with a
vim and an energy much greater than
they are able to do in their unfair way of
trying to make the party appear to be
what they, and all well posted people
know, it is not.
Who wants to keep in power a party
that resorts to such unworthy modes
of lighting their opponents? certanly
not the temperance and christian masses
of the county of Cass and of the great
state of Nebraska.
Tt is amusing to see how the western
country editors kick and abuse the pres
ent tariff made by the republican party
when just such a tariff was needed, but
which every body agrees ought before
this to have been rcmodlcd and changed
to suit the changed condition of the
country. They seem to think when they
splutter around and say hard things
about this tariff that they aro fighting
the republican party. They forget that
all their leaders in the last congress knew
that the people both expectod and wanted
them to chaDgo it, and though they had
a large majority in the house of represent
atives and a democratic president to
back them they failed to change or modify
it in the least. They talked a great deal
about it and discussed some plans of
changing or remodeling it but finally
let it be as it was, not being able to
make a better one. They thus adopted
it as their child and as the best thing in
the way of a tariff that they could give
to the country. So that when the demo
cratic editors and polititions hereabouts
with frantic zeal abuse this tariff they
abuse the adopted child of their party and
are actually fighting their own party,
foolishly thinking they are fighting the
republicans but while they themselves
may be deceived they cannot deceive tho
people. A much greater than any of
these was sacrificed for his honest zeal
in trying to reform this tariff. There
was, perhaps, among all the democratic
members of the late congress none more
honest than Mr. Morrison and he honestly
.tried to induce his party to givo the
country a new tariff but they refused all
his propositions and efforts to change
the present one and his constituants pun
ished him for his efforts by failing to
re-elect hhn. Had the last congress have
been republican the tariff would have
been changed to suit the present condition
of things. There would hare been a
check to the increasing millions going
into the treasury. Such industries as
needed the fostering care of the govern
ment would have been protected and
such luxuries as only the rich use would
have been taxed for the necessary revenue
to carry on the government. Money
would now have been comparatively
plentiful, labor better paid and living
cheaper than it is. Even these western
democrats admit that under this tariff
which is the best they have yet been able
to give the country, it costs the poor
twenty-five per cent more to live than it
would have done if they had discharged
their dutyjand romodeled it. Who wants
to keep such a party in power? Sure
ly not the toiling millions of the west.
The Young Man Who Drinks.
The young man who is known to be
given to intoxicating drink is having a
hard row to hoe in this world. There is
no incouraging place for him. The door
to preferment even the door to employ
ment, ia closed against him. The rail
road manager has no use for him at all.
Tho banker and tho merchant arc in league
against him. There is no room higher
up for him in any of the professions. And
in journalism tho first query now raised
in tho face of a young man seeking a
footing is not so much whether he ever
drinks to excess, as whether ho ever
touches tho liquid fire at all. If he does,
his application is not worth the paper it
is written on.
There is no mistake about it. The
drinking young man in this day is as pit
iable a creature as moves on the earth.
lie is foredoomed to failure. The battle
of life, the struggle of existence in this
age, is hard enough in any view. Put
the best face on it, and the young man
who has everything yet to win has a
long, arduous, oftentimes discourageing
struggle ahead of him. He needs every
possible assistance of sympathy and the
support of every outstreached hand.
And when all this is done in his behalf,
still will it be for many long years a
close shave between the things which
tight for him and things which fight
against him.
But the young man who drinks strikes
from his side the strongest force ol friend
ship which might otherwise have tied him
to success the force of confidence. He
lines his pathway with enemies and gives
their eyes the deadly glance of suspicion.
No man, and least of all a young man
who has yet to gain standing in this world,
can hope to succeed against such obstacles.
It is the very wildest folly of moonstruck
madness for a young man, instead of
stripping himself for the race before him
of all evil habits, of all tripping faults,
to hang upon himself the fatal weights
of the drink habit. The day does not
pass when young men aro not falling in
failure or in ruin, drugged down irrem
ediably by these sal f fastened incum
brances. Of all tragedies which break
innocent hearts, blight innocent lives,
and frighten the faith of all, these trage
dies of the drink habit are the most sig
nal, the most sorrowful. But there is
no help for it, save self help. Men
whoso smypathies might lead to inter
position for the young men of thought
less habit, arc divided from him by the
brass wall of self-interest. They cannot,
they dare not, give him the priceless op
portunity of place or trust. They must
let him go his way, and his way is point
ed downward.
The young man who drinks had bet
ter not drink. Sioux City Jouma'.
Rock Bluffs.
A. J. Graves has sold his residence, the
old Dr. Heed place, to D. W. Curtis,
we hear, for the sum of $200.
J. A. Raincy was in last week from
Greenwood talking trade with Los Graves
for his place. The price was agreed up
on, but as horses aro to be the legal
tender, Los is to go out this week and
see tho horses before the trade is com
pleted. At the republican primary meeting
last Saturday, the following named per
sons were e lected delegates to the county
convention: Anderson Boot, Wm. Laugh
ridge. G. K. Flemming, J. W. Edmunds,
A. J. Graves, S. L. Furlong. J. W. Ber
ber, Thomas IloUnes and D. W. Cuitis.
Tne hog cholera has been pretty well
scattered in this precinct by some hogs
that were shipped in from Missouri.
We know of the different neighborhoods
that has the cholera from that lot of hogs.
This, added to the few places where
hoi:s were dying before, will make sad
work for the farmers of this precinct be
fore next spring, and many a poor fellow
will be left in debt where he expected to
get out, for in our opinion, the man that
can cure hog cholera is yet unborn. If
there is such a person in this wide world,
we would like to have him come around
so we could be a student of his for a
Charles Graves went down to Perceval
in Iowa last Saturday, to play ball. He
had the game of ball, and he also had
the index finger of the right hand so
badly mashed up by the ball that it was
necessary to have a doctor sew up the
wound. Charley thinks he is about
done with ball playing for awhile. He
says one other fellow was knocked
senseless by being hit in the neck with
the ball. As such incidents are a very
important part of the modern game of
base ball, the boys ought not to give it
up, but keep at it until a few of them
get killed, and then perhaps they will
use a ball that is not quite as hard as a
stone or a canon ball.
Tim SnwEK.
For the ronotniot ion of stomi water ewers In
the city of l'hittsnioiith. Neb.
Sealed bids will ha received by the city clerk
of said city up t noon, Thursday. Oct, . 1887,
or the coust ruction of etorin water sewers as
follows to wit :
About r i0 ft of Vs ft.
bricK sewer. pcrlin. ft.
fiHia ft. of 5!', ft. brick
power. 7..r;0 " "
roo ft. of -Mi ft. brick,
sewer. 5 no -
14HJ ft. of 15 inch pipe "
700 " " 12 " iulet i-ipe. .so " " "
4 niashoks 4.'0 " vert ft.
24 catch baitif or inlets 3.0'
10,!M' lbs. frames, covers
and prates .01 per lb.
Together with the neccosary concrect work,
(Travel work.ojik piling, pine lumber for sheet
inc and pine lemhur for sheet pilein:r extra
grading, rubble stone work, brick maxnury &e.
In accord tncQ with the plan, profile" and
specifications on file In tdc oflic of the city
Rids mast be made on bidding blanks fur
nished by the citv clerk : a- t all bb's must be
accompanied with a rertided check nn a locil
bank in the si!i if $1,000. as an fviilence of
good faith. No bid will be entertained w hich
exce-d the etln-ate.
Thf board refcivcs the right to reject any
and all bid" atd to wave d fwts.
Chairman Board of l'ublic Works.
Crew of a Schooner on a Sclnlnjj F:i
tlition School of Mullet A iood
Catch Dividing tho I'lnh Into Share.
lleaufort is n quaint old town, or sort of
southern Nantucket, containing many relics
of colonial times, odorous of mullet and other
olfactory indications of the fishing interest.
It has been somewhat left Ix-hind in tiio
march of modern proprvss and cut o(T from
tho rest of tho world, the terminus of tho rail
road leing at Morrhend City, two miles oil"
across tho sound. Morehcnd is a jrinro, com
paratively sinking, of yesterday, is moro
pretentious, having a modern hotel tho At
lantic cnpalilo of accommodating 400 orftH)
guests, and of stowing away as innny as WX.
Fishing, upon which the greater part of
tho community live, is a very interesting
matter quite worth examination in tho in
terest of which wo obtain permission to join
thu crow of a schooner on a seining exedi
tion. Wo turn out nt 1:'.',0 a. m., and by tbo
light of tho paling stars and brightening
dawn, get into a "yawl loat" und pull out to
tho schooner, which is just getting under
way. Slio tows two "scino IkkiIs," the roomy
proportions und strong build of which aro in
striking contrast to tho tlno lines of tho
sharpies. The schooner is manned by a
skipper, three hands und a cook. The flahing
crow consists of six men. They aro all
negroes but one a white man who commands
tho entire exjxxlition.
A fresh southerly breezo is blowing; tho
anchor is weighed and wo nro soon lioating
out of tho sound toward the open sea. Hy
this timo it is broad daylight; tho cook, who
has lxen busy in tho galley, arranges plates,
cups, knives and forks on tho cabin hatch,
which forms an excellent table. Accepting
an invitation to join the banquet, wo con
tribute thereto the contents of our lunch
basket. Tho moal consists of good hot bis
cuits, fried pork, and what wo at first sup
posed to bo coffee, but which turns out to bo
a mixture of hot water and molasses. If this
liquid wero served at tho hotel tablo we should
probably reject it, but somehow, under the.
present circumstances, its flavor, though
novel, is not unpalatable.
Breakfast over, pipes aro lighted, and ono
of tho hands goes aloft to look out for a school
of mullet. Just as tho sun is rising over tho
banks to tho eastward, ho sings out, "School
on the weather bowl" Tho effect is galvanic.
Tho helm is jammed hard a-lea; tho litllo
craft flies round; the Ashing crew tumble
over tho stern into tho boats, and stand by,
ready to cast cflf when tho word is given. In
a little whilo wo nro up with tho Ash; tho
painter is let go; tho bouts propelled by long
oars and 6trong arms, separate; tho long
seine is rapidly "paid out," and they cautiously
approach tho school. In a few minutes they
are on its edgo, and then begins tho delicate
business of inclosing it. The mullet dart
about and leap out of tho water; but they
don't know exactly which way to go, and
huddlo together a fatal instinct for them.
Slowly, but surely, each boat describes a
semicircle, having the luckless Ash securely
Tho next process is that of "pursing," or
drawing tho lower part of tho net together o
that they can bo ladled out with tho hand
nets, Attod with rings alufcit twenty inches in
diameter, at tho end of long poles. This
operation accomplished, tho schooner is hailed
and ranges up alongside. Now comes tho
hard work. Tho polo nets are distributed,
and tho fish are dipped out of tho "purse"
and transferred to the hold of tho schooner,
which is fitted especially for the purpose. If
it is a good catch, from" 20,000 to 50,000 mul
let aro safely stowed, the seino is replaced in
tho boats and we bear up for homo. On ar
rival tho fish aro ladled out on the wharf and
divided into shures, according to the number
of tho crew and the amount of investment
each may have. The clay's work entitles to
ono share, or "sher," in tho vernacular. If
capital is invested, the "shore" aro arranged
pro rata.
Tho division is made with rruoh care, ene-i
pile of fish representing a "sher." When it is
completed tho crew form a line, with their
backs to tho heaps, to avoid nil possibility of
unfairness, and tho captain takes a pole, and,
touching ono of tho heaps, asks, "Who'll have
this sher?" "I will," sings out somebody.
"Jem's sher. Coino and take it, Jem." Tho
process is repeated until Tom, Jack, Bub and
all havo thoir "shers." The portion belonging
to tbo owners of tho schooner, boats and seino
13 taken to them; and this completes the day.
The men get their rations whilo out, but no
pay, and aro well content to tako their
chances of a catch. A day of good luck
and they aro in tho majority will make the
minimum earning one share worth about
five dollars. But while the hauls aro gener
ally good, there aro exceptions. Sometimes
the catch is light and sometimes they will
cruiso all day without sighting a fish.
Theso occasions bring out the native good
temper of tho negro. An English crow, at
tho end of such a (lay's fruitless labor, would
bo in a frame of mind certainly not Chris
tian; but which would, nevertheless, find
most probablo exprt-ssioii in what tho l.itn
Mr. Charles Reado calls "scriptural terms."
Tho darky takes bis disappointment differ
ently, turning it into a joke and loii!g almost,
as light hearted and fuil of fun over an empty
hold as with a boat full of :'s!i rs." Nently
every description of salt water fi-h is caught
in theso waters shad, Muetish, mackerel aii l
a great variety with local name. Tin's is tin
season for mullet. They uros-.-iintl by tens of
thousands, brought to tho wharves, cleaned,
corned, packed into barrels and shipped
away, usually within a few Lours. The kegs
contain a hundred )ounds of lish, nt; the
gross weight of each being about l iMiiiiids.
Tho principal market isKaleign and other in
land towns of tho state. Beaufort (N. C)
Cor. Boston Transcript.
Tho Charinin; ".Milk Shake."
"Milk shake!" Everybody in Cincinnati
and roundal)out has heard of it, thousands
have drank it, yet to most eopIu it is alto
gether new. It is a big glas3 full of flavored
milk vanilla suits most people better than
any other flavor iced and "shaken beforo
taken," until there is an inch of froth or foam
at tho top. It's nice of itself, especially on a
warm day. But perhajs the chief charm of
a milk shako is its novelty and tho watching
its manufacture. You can get it at most of
the drug stores and at several of the corner
stands. Tho maker asks what syrup you pre
fer, draws it in tho glass, shaves in somo ice,
or puts in some powdered ice, fills it nearly
full of milk they generally havo a good
quality claps it on tho cup shaped top of a
little machine behind tho counter, which ia
only an upright rod made to oscillate up and
down with lightning like rapidity by means
of a crank. A big and a little pulley and a
baud turns tho crank, and thus "shakes" the
glass two or threo seconds, takes it off and
hands it to you, a mass of whipped miik at
tho top and general satisfaction below.
Ninety-nino out of a hundred pay their nickel
well satisfied and call again, usually at tho
next stand they strike. Cincinnati Telegram. J
For the next tvw weeks choice oflots in South lark may
be had foi -150. Purchaser may pay all in t-ash; or one
half cash, the other halCin one year; or, one third cash, hai
ance in one and two years; or tf'Jo cash, remainder in month
ly installments oftfin; or, any one arccin to construct a
residence worth SiS'00 upwards will ho given a lot with
out further consideration.
to select, your residence lots, even though you should not
contemplate building at once. One visit to South rarK
will convince the most skeptical that it is t he most desirable
residence locality in the city, and we will add, that the most
substantial class of buildings ot which J'lattsmouth can
boast for the year 18S7, are now being constructed in this
handsome addition.
Beautiful Shade Trees
- i n Mk.a
around and through the entire tract.
Any one desiring to canst met a cottage or a more preten
tious residence in South Park, can examine a large selection
of plans of tin; latest style of residences by calling at our
ollice. Anyone desiring to examine property with a vicj
to purchasing, will bo driven to the park at our expense.
.anything you want from a two-whceltcl go cart to a twenty-four
passenger wagon. .
are always kept realy. Cabs or t.ilit carriages, pall-bearer wagons
and everything for funerals tarnished on fdiort notice. Terms cash.
9 t
Corner 1'earl and
i ath ach
Cement, Plaster, ISair
Esowesf Hates. Terms Cash
ir&wfl Bin
dham or
John A. Bavies,
Seventh Streets.
Si l I RN j
D us,;