lplljIltfetE0ttfSj t it 1J.ATTS310LT1I, NKIJIiASKA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMJ5EU 28, 1887. NUMBEK 15. fiust yea it y ft .1 1 Si v. rsoN : II Smith J II W A I Ml MA N Jivuo.N Ci.auk A Maimh.k .1 S M A l II HVH W II MAI.H It . (.IV W KI KC.ACIl CouiicUineu, 1st ward, A w wiiiik j l M .l"NKS Ulld MA 4tll- i W.M Wilt It I M IS Ml IM-IIY S W IK IT'.N , j v. s ; it ivi'sm I ! MtUAI.I.KN. I'KKS 1.1 W.1.H1NM '. ,Jll A I l:.M AN" Hoard I'un.Works-J h ici i i:n:t,yit t I) II IIawksWdhtii GOLTjNY OFKIGJcljS. Treasurer, lieputy Treasurer, - Clerk, - Jx-piiiy rii-rk, ;ierk ot ll-tnct Court, siiciiir, - I'.-piny ShcrllT. Surveyor. -Attorney. f-iiipt. of Puli School", County Juilu. IIOAKII OK MUl'V- I.OUM F'll.TZ, Cll'lll., A. it. Toiik. A. it. 1)1 KSDX, . A. ('AMI'llKl.r, I'llot. I'.il.l.OiK J. Il KoIIIN.S. N '. .M:'li KltSDN C. NllOWA lIVill I '. I'A K KM:A l Ti lt. C Ykdaians A. Maimm.k. A I. I.K.N ItKKS- -N .1 N A 1 : 1 1 Nil N K ;. JiussH,i.i. ions. Weeping Wsiti-T 111.1 KiiiiwooiI M UVI GIVIG SOGIJ'VL'IJiS. rilKK) MHMIK NO. SI. A. O. U. V. Mf. ls A every al'iTiiiit. - Friday vtiiinx at K. of 1. hull. Transient I'T'it lnM-i are respectfully in cited to al rcml. 1'. K. While, Master Workman ; 11. , ' aitc. Foreman ; K. J. .Morgan, overseer ; J. K. Moi'jN. Keconler. TILATTSMOin II l.ODCi: M. S, A.O. lr. V. -I M'tl! I'vcry :i!liniiiu KiMay evening ;vt .'oi'kwool hall :"it s oYhn't. All I raiisicnt hroth rrs art' ri'sjicrl fully iuvitail lo attend. .1. A. tiiitsehe, M. W. ; rt. -, liven. Koieinan : S. C. Willf. ICecoiiler ; S. A. Newcomer. ' iverseer. McCUNIHic POST 45 G. A. R. Sam. M. Chapman. .. V. S. Twiss 1''. A. I'.ATKI .. JOHN' W. WllS Au:iisr Taktsi 11.... P.I'.N.I. IlK.Ml'I.K John t'oitittc an, S. 1. lloi.i.ow.vv, 11. 11. lA VINCSI'O.V,... . -Coiiiniaiuler. ..Senior Viu .Jutiior " " Ailjiitant , O. M. Ollieerof the Uay. " " Ouar.l Serut Major. Post Surgeon , l'ont Clm;lain Al.l'IIA WClClIT, Iteirular iiieetinirs. iml ami 4: h Thursiiiy ot each inontli at l' lleailiiuartei! iu iiock wood iilock. ct wain -DEALER IX- Watte, (Ms, Jewelry -AND- SpecialAtleiit on nirenW atca Eeuairius HOLIDAY GOODS, ALSO Library - Lamps OF Umane Be siajis smflFaltsrns AT THE USUAL Cheap Prices at SMITH & BLACK'S. WHEN YOU WAHT ii mm -OF- -CALL OX- Cor. 12th anil Granite Streets. Contractor and Builder Sept. 12-Gm. JULIUS PEPPERBERG, MASCF.VCTCKEK OE AXD VHOLESALE & RETAIL DSAt.EIi IX TilK Choicest Brands of Cigars, incliuling our Flor do PepperSorgc'Sard 'Buds FCLl. UXE OF TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLES always in stock Nov. 26.1885. M;iyor, k. Treasurer, Attorney, Kninci r. Tillies .fudge, M:ll..i:ill. (1 ASS OAMI' N. MODKHN WOOIlMKN J of Aiucric.t Meets second and fourl h Mon 1 ay evening :it K. of P. All liiiiisicnt hroiher nri' requested to nuet with w. L. A. Newcii ner. Veiiclalde C.oisul ; W.( Y'H-ttH, Worthy Ailviser ; P, Mitki-s, Kx-liaukcr ; J. K. Morris Clerk. B.1 WE WILL HAVE A Fine:-: Line OF i tales! by Telegraph. JIOUKOWKI) AND KTOI.KN. WRECK ON THE MOBILE &. OHIO A Miraculous Escape From Death By the Passengers. Jackson, Tciwi., Sept. 27. One of the vort wrecks tliat eyi r occurred on the Mohlie Si Ohio railroad happened ahout two miles hotiih of this j'laee thin morn '11. An iiitire passenger train, except tin: engine, wa.s hurled from ji trestle while ruimini; forty-live miles an hour. Over thirty persons were injured, though ly what Hccm.s almost u miricle none were killed. The coaches were throwu forty feet from the (rack and some turned completely over. The scene was almost indiserihahle, women and children screaming for help and release from the closed cars. All were, however, rescued and medical attention given. Of the in jured four or five may die. Ten others arc in a serious condition and the remain der only slightly wounded. Tfto Mew Loaguo Cimcaoo, Sept. 27. The western asso ciation of professional base hall cluhs was organized here to-day with Chicago, Milwaukee, Des Moines, Minneapolis, Omaha, Lincoln and Kansas City on the list of members. A committee was nj pointcd to draw up the constitution find by-laws. The first regular meeting x be held October in Chicago. Minne apolis, Milwaukee Des Moines will com;. . . vest- em league and then iciu th:it organization. lio FurtherTroubSe is Expected- (Jai.vkston-, Sept, 27. A iYt'.v special from Columbia says the latest reports from the scene of the Matagorda country trouble say that in Sunday night's light four negroes were killed. It is not known ho.v many were injured. The militia are now on hand to assist the sheriff, and no further trouble is antici pated. Proceedings of Cigarmakers. Eixgiiamptos, X. Y., Sept. 27. The Cigarmakers International union m con vention here to-day adopted a resolution protesting against liny interference with the internal revenue on cigars. This Year's Corn Crop. Ciiicaoo, Sept., 27. T'r.c Fanners 7V va ic will publish in this week's issue an estimate of the corn crop of ISS7 which it places at about thirteen hundred million b ushels. Use of the Paragraph. It is easily possible to overdo paragraph ing. The more experienced writers are especially liable to this sin, mainly because they imagine that it adds to the effectiveness of their compositions. Certainly it does at tract attention for a time. Tho trick of the types deceives us into tho belief that in the multitude of paragraphs a multitude of sub jects, or new views of subjects, will be brought out. We turn to this kind of writ ing against spaeo with the space coming out a good deal ahead with lively interest; but it turns to speody disgust when we find tho lines even more empty of ideas than of let ters. Paragraphing every sentence gives the thought, where there is any, much such a jerky motion as a rider would get on a horse afflicted with springhalt, or stringhalt, as it is often called. Tho proper use of a paragraph is to make thought go forward. The springhalt style simply makes it liob up anil down and go for ward very slowly. Iso reasonable being can long write rational fought in this manner without danger of losing what reasoning faculties he had. This jerky style of mak ing paragraphs of every sentence we have borrowed from the French. Perhaps it may be in that people one of tho fearful results of a too exclusive diet on frogs' hind legs. It has certainly increased in this country much in the same proportion that eating frogs has become fashionable. Villiani J. Fowler in Tho Writer. The world could not go on if people gavp up labor whenever it be .anie irksome. Chris tian Reid. -1, iirrn iriitrvaa jrvnip. To a young singer in London patron age is as necessary as learning the scales. There are but two ways of getting within tho charmed circle. The tinger must pay a large price to some person who will lxecuie her manager or site roust get the patronage of a great lady who will mate her her protegee, and push her for ward ct her own and her friends' parties and concerts. -Lippincott's Magazine. Deatli of Gen. IMiil Kearny. The death of Gen. Phil Kearny at Chan tilly has always been shrouded in mys tery, lie was killed instantly, but the circumstances which led to his death have hitherto been kept very quiet. Gen. Pierce Young, of Georgia, has just returned from St. Petersburg, where he was United States consul general. He was a Confederate officer during the war, and says that at Chantilly he and his command unexpectedly sur rounded Kearny and his stall. Young, who hod been a classmate and friend of Kearny, motioned K tle Union general to escape. Kearny saw the Mgnal, but before he could take advantage of it was shot dead by the rebel troops. New York World. There arc over 100 asyluhis and homes for lunatics, frieudleks men and women and in curables iu New York. NOTES FROM NATURE. I lovo these f"iiU,i tenants of tho woo l. The timid lmre, the filibustering jay, V.'i'o. Hi!! hi? here mid there throughout the day, I'M witii discordant notes the solitude The chattering squirrel, with plumes of red and gray; The wo' d pecker, lwatinf? oft hiu'reveille; The partridge, whirring rapidly uway Ta denser coverts where no eye can see. And often, when beneath the silver moon, 1 laeiil and still the basking river lies. Tins far .iT wail of some lielated loon Moats faintly up to purple evening skies. While svvaj iiiK pines, with noft .Kolian tune, l'orevcr Join iu nature's symphony. l'aul II. fjvhr. . INDIANS Or COSTA RICA. A Primitive I?ar..ln.iigo Among tho Tala muiicas liellea and Iteaux. It was a clear, beautiful night, when tho strains of music with which tho entertain ment began summoned the belles and beaux to the dance. Beyond stood the mountains, dark and immulable. Torches lit up the scene with their wavering glow, and the stranger's Ctger involuntarily sought his ears to shut out sounds which his uneducated sense prevented his considering musical. The native drum was a primitive instru ment of torture, consisting of tho skiu of a snake stretched ocross sticks and beaten with a vigor rather unwelcome to tho unfortunate pilgrim, considering it was his first experi ence. At a given signal tho participants in tho dance formed a circlo of men and women alternately, tho women clasping hands over tho shoulders of the men. Then to tho hide ous discord the dancers went through i:;uri after figure, Iir:t in a rather s.low styl i:o altogether unsuggestivo of the graca mi;. posed to bo inherent with tho lithe and r:-' ewy dwellers in tho forest; but as their rpii-i! roso, assuming a rapid motion ahiios i.i:p;;:, sible to follow with the eye. T.'tt'o by little t::o excitement i;-epe!i!-d. until tho circle was broken and each indi vidual becamo a fantastic figure, leaping and shouting in a manner quite worthy oi pandemonium. Tho light of many toreLe. flamed upon tho dusky faces, upon the elders seated in solemn sileneo without tho circle, upon the forlorn traveler, who felt that ho was in very deed n poor, wretched castaway. Tho costumes, as be came a ball honored by tho preseneo of the elite of society, were in the highest stylo of art. many of the young men wearing feathers in their heads and tho most approved Roman togas; the girl3, as was suitable with debu tantes, ljeing attired simply and elegantly, some in robes made by a simple incision in a canvas bag, others in toilets to which fully two yards of "fruit of the loom" cotton had been devoted, the brand forming a unique species of embroidery across the front drap ery. Ouo maiden woro exquisite family jewels, consisting of tho teeth of the moun tain tiger strung together; it is almost un necessary to add that she was tho envied of her young companions and the recipient of much attention from the men ; another had heightened the already extreme beauty of her rounded cheeks by laying on a thick coating of suspiciously red paint the real war rouge of her valiant ancestors. The belles of tho ball comported themselves with a conscious dignity, not by any means a bad imitation of their cultured sisters in civilised ball rooms; and the attendance of some promising young cacique aroused the old feelings of envy known all the world over from timo immemorial. Costa Rica.Cor. San Francisco Chronicle. Ladles of San Francisco. I think I have spoken about the good looks of tho San Francisco Indies, but I must once mora refer to tho subject. They have the healthiest, happiest faces, finest figures and best fitting dresses I have ever seen. English women have good figures of the hour glass shape and their tailor mado gowns fit ex quisitely. New York ladies have better figures, for they are not laced quite so tightly, thus giving the fifth ribs a better chance, and their dresses fit well, too, but tho San Fran eisco ladies carry off the palm; they have far and away better figures, and their dresses are Iietter fitting than those of London or New York ladies. Dressmakers hero are artists iu one way at least, if nature has not given to their customers tho required amount of adi pose tissue to make them flno figures, they the dressmakers know how to upholster artistically in tho right places, and only a careful and experienced eye can discorn where nature ends and art begins. The dressmakers spend all their energies on tho fit of tho garment, evidently, leaving nothing for originality of design or for drap ing. A second class New York modiste will discount tho best of them here when it comes to draping, and tho average New York woman has ideas of her own which she insists upon having her dressmaker carry out, even though she stand over her, club in hand. You remember tho w itty Parisian who said "It isn't so much what your clothes are as it is tho way you swing 'em." The San Fran cisco ladies have a way of swinging them right stylishly. How handsome they are, too, if only they wouldn't use so much paint and powder. When will women learn that theso aro not necessary adjuncts to the toilet, and that they but prove a blotch on the fair work of nature? San Francisco Cor. Cleve land Leader. A Lively Imagination. Some years ago a newspaper man with a lively imagination went upon a trip. I think he paid his way, wildly improbable as that may seem to he, becauso either tho newspaper business must have fallen off in its emolu ments lately, or he must bo lying liko all who go there. There were not so many people about the place then, und it was not so easy a trip. In the party was a bright young mar ried lady, who bad also a great deal of fun in her. The two put up a job that what either of them saw iu tho shapes or the crags and peaks in the clouds, or anything else, tho other was to indorse it and say "How lovely!" or -Isn't it weird.'" or something like that. The charm worked. "Do you see that rock? Isn't it the exact picture of an immense chariot? And just look if that doesn't look like a horso of gigantic proportions drawing it?" "it is. now grand it is." "Where is it?" from all the passengers. "There; why, don't you see it? You see it, Mrs. Smith, don't you?" "Very plainly. It's exactly like it" Then one by one the others would begin to recognize it, or swear they did. The number of. taoso singular resemblances kept growing until the two begau really to see things that could not by any possibility be distorted out of the landscape, and finally the joke got thin, Sou Francisco Cbrgnicle. ... ...... ,- t - A STENOGRAPHER'S STORY. How a Young Shorthand lteporter dot Ahead of the Judge Advocate. "All thi:i talk aliout speed," said a short hand writer, "reminds 1110 of a little exix-ri-enco that I had away back in lSlKi I was then located iu Now York, and was a mero lad and comparatively new in the business. I had never been in a court room and knew absolutely nothing about tho for in of trials. I could write shorthand, however. There was a big murder trial going on in North Caro lina, and they sent to Now York in hot has to for a stenographer. I happened to bo tho only one at tho timo available, and Graham sent mo down. "I shall never forget that experience. About tho first man I came in contact with was tho judge advocate He was as gruff and sarcastic as a cro&i cut saw half a mile from an oil can. He looked mo over in a sneering way that I shall nevtr forget, and seemed to bo sadly disapjiointod over the fact that thero was not more of me. " 'The man whose shoes you have leen sent to fill could write 200 words a minute,' lie said gruffly. IIow many can you write? ' 'I don't know exactly, sir,' I stammered. "Well, I'll drop into your room in tho morning before court ojxjns and put you through your paces,' ho said sarcastically. "When I got to my room I was about the worst frightened loy you ever saw. This was a nice sort of man for 0110 who knew nothing whatever about courts to encounter. About tho first thing I saw when I entered my room was an old volume of Webster's speeches. An idea at onco struck me. I picked out one of theso and practiced on it most all night. The consequence was that I had committed it to memory and had it right at my finger ends. All that remained was to deviso some scheme to get tho judgo advocate to select that particular speech for tho text. Bright and early the next morning ho camo into my room. "'Have you got anything hero that 1 can read to Jou from?' ho askoiL " 'I don't know,' I replied, as carelessly as possible. 'IaI's see. Ah, here's a book which seems to belong to the room. It's Webster's speeches. Mchbe this might do.' "I opened it carelessly at tho particular speech which I had practiced upon and banded it to him. no examined it carefully, and all tho time my heart was in my mouth. I was afraid he would turn the Jpages and pick out some other speech. But he didn't. " 'I should think this would do,' ho said, and proceeded to count off 200 words. "Well, at it we went, and when the 200 were written I still had fifteen seconds of the minute to spare. Ho timed mo with one of those old stop watches, and I can see it yet. " 'Hum !' he said, 'I guess you'll do,' and after that he seemed to think I was more of a man than I looked." Chicago Times. Cads and Cowboys In London. Tho cowboys in Buffalo Bill's camp object to tho manner in which the visiting crowd beguilo an hour or two by forming groups around tho doors of tho tents and studying the inner lives of the occupants. Many of tho cowboys aro married and have theif srives and children living with them in camp, and they do not much enjoy having the path outside their homes besieged by a staring mob, who, perhaps, under the impression that the English language is not spoken in Texas, make tho loudest and freest comments on the fittings and the inhabitants of the tent. The cowboys in general aro very good tempered and civil. Lately one of them of fered mild remonstrance to a thoroughly typical ead, who was making his female com panion very merry with his comments as they stood in tho middle of a little mob of starers. "Why do you stand there all the time and tare and jeer like that?" tho cowboy asked. "Surely you ought to have more sense." "Dare say you Yankees have come over to teach us sense," was the cad's smart reply. The cowboy looked at him calmly and said: "Jf you were a foot or so nearer to my size I juess I would try to knock some sense into j-ou;" and then the young Texan giant turned and stalked back into the recesses of his tent, murmuring to somo friends who were there: :'If I stayed any longer where I could see these folks I might lose my temper." London News. Cure of the Opium ITabit. Varied factors affect the cure. Much de pends upon individual constitution and en vironment. Recurrence of the original dis ease must bo carefully watched lest it bo mado the pretext for an occasional taking, which will incur large risk of confirmed re-use. Alcoholic taking greatly lessons the prospect of permanent recovery. Tho ex-opium habitue must, if ho values his future good, entirely abstain from alcohol. Tho heroic plan of abrupt, complete disuso deserves the severest condemnation. No phy sician is warranted, save under circumstances peculiar and beyond control, in subjecting his patient to the torturing ordeal of such with drawal. This plau has tho sanction of men otherwise eminent iu tho profession, but I venture to suggest, with 110 lack of respect to them, that like a somewhat famous nautical individual, "they mean well, but they don't know." Theory is one thing, practice another, and I am quite certain were they compelled to undergo tho trial thero would be a rapid and radical change of opinion. I regard tho plan as cruel and barbarous utterly unworthy a healing art. J. B. Mattison, M. D., in Tho Epoch. Newport's Gilded Bachelors. The single man at Newport, unblessed with n invitation from some cottage resident, goes into quarters quite as does hi3 ideal in London, in his chambers in Piccadilly or Half Moon street The Berkeley, the White Hail and the Casino, with others of lesser fame, have their rooms all engaged months before the season fairly opens, and here the society man puts up with valet and boxes and buckhorn handled sticks and umbrellas and has his polo pony near by, gets his caf o au lait and chop at Gunther's and trusts to his desirable presence being needed to fill up a dinner table to eke out the vulgar fact that ho must eat to live. He has shown up a new garment in his collection of necessities for Newport wear. This is an opera cloak, needed after tho warmth of tho ballroom, but is a contradiction to the white mantle of a lady. As he steps out of the glare and heat ne has his man ready with a long black cash mere cloak, most voluminous in material and lolds, quite like that in which Mephistopheles slinks on the first time he appears in "Faust" It is of the finest cloth, patterned much as the old woman's garment of the peasantry in Ireland. Newport Cor. Providence Journal. 1 m t r. f - J f 1 r- .v k 100 Dozen Fine Merino Underwear, wr'wir.aMUT .1 trr "JOSSOO to We Announce Without Further Notice MWmlm hmmlmm hliit ON ALL Commencing TO-DAY, JULY 12th, and continuing September let. 1 -AS THIS IS without reserve, it will he to the ot Cass County to & m m m tcssi im rm ilsiiMe anm&u tern UMn Having in view the interests multitude to share the benefits ot consideration sell to other dealers under this clearance sale. DO MOT Y'e iro to Xew York soon ami vre kindly request all of call as early as possible and OIbOMON 3 V7h:te F nt Dry G ' d H-'-use. Main Street, ' - Pk ttsmouth, Neb I M aj RT CENTS a until A POSITIVE- mm ft r &3 mi k n individual interests of all cilizens take advantage of the ot our customers, and to enable the this great Fale, we will under ik wholesale lots of goods embraced to wake our Fall Purchases, our friends indebted to us to adjust their accounts. Yours Respectfully, & NATHAN. s Offered