The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, September 26, 1887, Image 4

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l)t piattsmoutl); D.ailg;Ueralir.
KITOTT3 , 13 B O S.,
.-.'' -Publishers & Proprietors. .u
Candidate for County Judge.
I lM'rebv annonncH invM-If a a candidate
fpr the olilcfl of Count" . utlw of (
subject to the Kenubl can comity
iid 'rf of Cans County
A NallNliury Ilenllct, In Kock-
HOOtl llulllllll?.
Coi"iC'l ineet'ng to-night.
J. II. Strode returned from Lincoln
last eveuing,
Miss Crnyer.'of Omaha,
the city yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Cox
Glenwood yesterday.
Chas. Patric, of Omaha,
in the city for a few days.
visited ... in
visited at
is visiting
Mr. Lou Myers, of Ceedar Creek,
visited in the city Sunday,
Fou Kent. Furnished rooms, corner
of Oth and Granite strtcets. 8-tf
Mrs. Kate Oliver returned this morn
ing from her visit at Ashland.
II. A. Waterman fc Son have 300
cords of liar d wood for sale.
Miss Anna Htf filer left Sunday morn
ing for Weeping Wutcr for a phe-it visit.
irAHH. 1."".. t . .ir Irt-ffr -fr-, Pnrninir
Town, last cvuuif fur a tshort isit With
I 4
Jim Tatterson returned - Saturda
evening from au extended trip
out the east.
. C. Briokenfieldt, was taken ouite
sick yesterday inonrng and is still under
the weather.
Theadorc Fry has rented the barn of
L.. F. Kohrell and is keening a feed and
transit stable.
Miss Dyer, who has been visiting
here for a few days left yesterday morn
ing for Hastings.
P. S. Borus, F. M. Walcott, , I. F.
Travis and Wood Epperson, of Weeping
Water, are attending court to-day.
Mr. A. C. Finn, of Illinois, who has
been visiting relatiyes here for the past
week returned home tb'.s morning.
Miss Lou Yceman, of Weeping Water,
who has been visiting friends in this city
left Sunday morning for her home.
Capt. L. D. Bennett, W. II. Baker,
B. Turner, W. D. Jones and F. G. Fricke
went over into Iowa this morning on a
Miss Belle Wendell, of Omaha, came
down Saturday and spent yesterday in
visitinc friends and returned home this
Miss Mamie Pettee, deputy post mis
tress of McCook, Neb., arrived Sunday
morning and will spend the week in vis
iting relatives.
Will Warrick's father. G. N. War
rick, of Washington, Pa., who has been
visitino- h?s son for some time, started
homeward this morning.
The case occupying the court to-day
was that of the vllliage of Weeping
Water vs. E- L. Reed, for the fencing in
of the public square of that place.
Will vjamnson. who is on the road
as painter for the B. & M., was in to visit
-' his folks yesterday. He was accompanied
fo fnrmprlv of Platts
mouth, and Mr. Byers.
Yesterday afternoon a whistle on one
of the engines in the yards became un
rullv. for after the engineer had blown
it, it kept right on and refused to stop
and it was some time before it could be
The Aid society of the Methodist
Episcopal church will meet at the home
of Mrs. Frank D. Stevenson, on 12th
street, between Oak and Vine, . Tuesday
afternoon at'3 o'clock. All are cordially
requested to be present.
John Ilolsche one day last week
wasnioovlncr a mowing machine and
had it tied on behind his wagon and
in coiner down hill the tounge ran into
the wagon and caught under the seat,
throwing Mr. Ilolsche out. he hit on his
face, bruising him up generally.
Passenger train No. 2, that should
have arrived last evening did not arrive
till 8:30 this morning. The delay was
caused by their running into the rear end
of a freight train just this side of Crete.
Billy Taylor, the fireman, came in on the
train with his right arm in a 6ling, he is
the onlv one that wa huii and it was
done by his jumping from the engine
his right shoulder being pretty badly
sorainsd. Phil Seidenstricker was the
engineer, he escaped without injury, by
jumping from the engine. The engine
was thrown across the track and on its
side. . .
Mr C. E. Kinser requests us to state
that injustice was done him in the IIek-at-tj's
account of the row the other even
ing the' to arrest of Brown and Murphy,
lie says he is not a "hard man" that he
is trying to do right. lie says he has
not drank' a drop since that night and
does not propose ever to drink any more.
It i3 -with pleasure that 'we make this
statement. We will gladly help Mr.
Kinser and all others to so good a resolu
tion as he has made, and all -who desire
to prosper and bear a good name to keep
away from the saloons . and from the
company of those who get drunk in
them. "
IL A. Waterman & Son have 300
cords, of hard wood for sale.
Leave orders for wood with John
Tutt at Bennett's grocejy store. 8t f
A good hard coal stove for fialo ap
ply to It. It. Windham. tf.
Miss Lillie Craven, of Omaha," was
the gnest of the Misses Oliver yesterday.
Saturday evening a large excursion
of the G. A. II. passed through here on
the way to the reunion at St. Louis.
Mr. O. P.-Barnell, of Indiana, has
taken a position as fireman on the B. &. M.
and made his first run thi3 morning to
S. W. Dutton returned Saturday
evening from Ilicbl&nd, Iowa, where he
was called last week to attend the funeral
of hisbrother.
Mrs. Ed Olive of Indianola, Iowa
who has been visiting her many friends
here left for Cedar Creek to visit her
brother, from there she goes to Lincoln
and returns here Saturday evening.
-Minnib and her company
of comedians and vocalists hayc arrived
and will appear at the Opera House to
n'ght in the laughable comedy "A Plum
Pudding," and according to the press com
meats from Chicago, Des Moines, Coun
cil Bluffs etc., it is something you must
not miss. ::- j
Judicial Topics.
The past two weeks of district court
in this county have been attended with
the trials and conviction of more hard
cued criminals than Cuss county has
known for the past ten years. Contrary
to the. usual practice the.criminal docket
was taken un first, and the entire time
and energies of the court devoted to
"cleaning out the jail," as Judge Chap
man termed it. Contrary to expectation
and the usual course of criminal ah'airs
every one of the many accused claimed
counsel and made defense, except the
Weeping Water hardware burglars, who,
at the close of tue second weeks work,
plead guilty. During the two weeks there
were ten protracted jury trials; in every
ease the regular panel was exhausted and
more time taken up than otherwise
would have been the case to get a jury.
The defense was able and persistent and
tusked Mr. Allen Beesou to the utmost as
a prosecutor; but, we are informed that
he sustained himself ably, sending eight
men to the penitentiary, besides convict
ing a number of minor offences.
Mr. J. B. Srode and M. A. Ilartigan
and E. II. Wooley, who were counsel for
the culprits in most cases proyed them
selves able criuiiual lawyers, and on the
whole it was au interesting and exciting
term of court.
This week the civil docket is to be
taken up with Judge Applegate, of
Tecumseii, 1st district, on the bench,
there being a number of civil cases to
try which Judge Chapman cannot hear,
owing to his connection with them prior
to his taking his seat upon the bench,
Spoken candidates for Judge Pound's
shoes: The following clipping from the
Nebraska City Times evidences the sen
timents of Otoe county, as gleaned by
that paper's reporter, and we are told
speaks the sentiment of Otoe county so
far as Judge Chapman is concerned.
"The Times has interviewed the attor
neys of this city as to their
choice for the district - judgship.
They are unanimoasly in favor of
Hon. Samuel M. Chapman for one of the
judges. 1 hey say he is nn able lawyer
and an upright, honest judge and has
shown by his conduct during hw short
term on the bench that he is well fitted
for the office. The lawyers concede the
fact that the other judge will come from
Lancaster county and are divided as to
the one to be chosen. Allen Field will,
in all probability, be the man.
Also, the IIekald is informed that
Judge Pound will to-day hand ' to". Gov
ernor Thayer his resignation as judge of
this district, which will very materially
enliven the judicial question in Lancas
ter county.
i ne court is occupied to-day j uclge
Chapman presiding with a jury trying
the question of the title to College square
a block of ground supposed to be deli
cated to educational purposes in the vill
age of Weeping Water. This case has
been tried once and remanded back by
the Supreme Caurt of the state for errors
occuring in the former trial.
Judge Applegate. is expected on this
evening's train and will take up the trial
of civil cases to-morrow morning.
The Heuald is informed that for dis
patch of business and promptness with
their cases the Cass county b r stand at
the head of the list in the district, and
also, that tor auuity and learning tue
Cass county lawyers rank with any local
bar in the state. The bar is composed
or tne loUowmg attorneys now in prac
tise: -
Allen Beeson, G. W. Covell" A. N,
Sullivan, Jesse B. Strode, M. A. Hartigan
Milton D. Polk, Bais:l Ramsey, Byron
Clark, S. P. Vanuatta, It. B. Windham,
Jno. A. Davies, and Will S. Wise and
E. II. Wooley, J. II. Ilalderman, II, D,
Travis, and John Clark of Weeping
Primaries Meet.
Last Saturday the republicans of the
county met in their various precincts and
nominated delegates for tne county con
vention to be held in Plattsmouth next
Saturday, Oct. 1st. The nominations, for
the precincts reported, are as follows:
M. D. Polk, W. W. Drummond, J.. II.
Waterman, C. II. Smith, J. L Unrua and
L. C Styles.
2nd ward. '
t ;
: J.'W. Johnson, II. B. Windham, James
Donnelly, L. E. Skinner, Wm. Weber and
Peter Bates. For member of central
committee, L. E. Skinner.
3rd ward.
F. M. Richey, S. W. Dutton, W. II.
Pickens, W. McCauley, A. N. Sullivan,
F. Stenikcr, B. Clark, Frank CarruthM.
B. Murphy, D. . Miller and W. II. NewelL
For member of central committee, S. A
Am ward.
Wash. Smith, Wm. Ballance, Erck Mess
ier, D. B. Smith, James Sage, E. R.Grcusel
and T. C. Shepherd.
L. C. Eickoff, D. E. Carruth, ' II. B.
Stout, J. L. Hatshorn, G. W. Mayfield,
J. A. Sutton, E. Parmer, E. Twiss, James
Robinson and Wm. Bringman.
J. Phipotj U. Mi ford. It. Young, Thos.
Wiles nnd IV.- P. Critsfield.
Scot llames, 0.t Jacobs, John Elington,
Peter Eavland, J. L. Barton, Dave Mc
Caig, II. Watton and W. McCce.
Ed 8topher, Cyrus Alton, Wm. Dalles,
A. L. Ross, W. W. Waltz, Dunkle,
Ed Doom, Coons, Crabtree arid M.
Gary, proxy.
i . I . t
Henry Wolfe, G.R. Murray,- L. Shel
don, G. F. Manamee, T. G. Barnum, John
Murpin, Stephen Hobson, A, N. Rose.
J. Cox," W. Bates, O. Ogden, Rote, J.
Davis, A. Sheldon, A. Smith, Dock
T. T. Young. James Crofford, Francis
Cougmor, W. M. WeMs, A. L. Tunblin
From the West End.
Greenwood, Neb., Sept. 20, 1887.
Editor Herald. Permi; measscretary
of the meeting, to ive you a brief re
sume of the business transacted at the re
publican primary held in Salt Creek
precinct on Saturday Sept. 21.
Geo. F. Finley, central committeeman
from tois precinct, acted as chairman and
W. A. Kiethley secretary. The follow
ing delegates were elected to represent
the precinct at the county convention:
J. V. Carnes, E. C. Coleman,, M. New
man, Ira Saunders. Edwin Jeary, Geo.
Finley, delegate at large, Wm. Coleman
N. Shafer. W. A. Keithley and C. A.
The primaries was almost entirely har-
mnnmna flmru 1 .mm ir 1 1 n fnn nnnncin
voice or vote. The delegation as far as
we have been able to find out. gives
general satisfaction to the republ:cans of
this locality, and will, we are confident,
represent in the convention the unani
mous sentiment of the constituents.
Yours &c,
W. A. Keithlev, Secy.
The Quaker Medicine Company
itespectiuuy ask some very plain ques
tions: Can Consumption be cured or
even be benefitted? Can a Cold be cured
or even stopped? Can you expect to be
even relieved by any medicine or physic
ian? No you cannot, if you simply
change the temperature of your body
three or four times a day for every
chang you add to your cold Mothers,
your children's health and your future
happiness demands of you consistent
love. Shall vanity make your life mis
erable, ending onlv in death. Dr. Wat
son's New Specific Cough Cure is the re
sult or science. Jrrice ooc and si. it. is
warranted by the following druggist.
W. J. Warrick.
Union Nedraska.
Ed. Harald.
dear sir; We send a few notes from
our town again and we begin to think
we are going to have a town. Frans &
Co. have their store most completed,
size 36x40. Thos. Baker has his hotel
building almost completed. Mr. Lyman
is building a large butcher shop. G. R.
Rose has let the contract for the build
ing of a residence to Mr. Foster, size of
building 16x30. Wm Wolfe has com
menced to build a residence, size 24x26.
fir. Fowler has commenced to build a
residence. The stone work is finished
for two elevators and one car load of
lumber on the ground for same, one be
ing built by Mr. Hill of Nebraska City
and tne otner oy iamintce ot tne same
place. Mr. Wolfe has h:s black-smith
shop in full blast and Mr. G. N, Laure
has gone to work in his new shop and
hey both appear to have plenty of work to
do. Franz Bowers has a nice little store
room and shop finished to be used for a
shoe store and shop. There is to be a
hardware store here and will commence
work next week to be run by a firm from
Plum nollow Iowa. Mr Lynn is shell
ing his corn and delivering it on the
track to B.irtling & Co. of Nebraska
City. Mart Barry is here receiving it for
Mr. S. A. Weimer is here now. He is
stopping in the store with G. A. Rose. '
The real estate dealers are doing a good
business here.
Mr.' Gregg, of St. Joseph, is here part
of the time buying grain.
There is a good opening here . for a
livery stable.
Our Union P. O. here has been moved
to Factoryville but we will have a P. O.
here in good time.
Mr. George Young was in our town
setting up the cigars to the boys but I
guess he was in a new town.
Our obliging station agent had the
misfortune to get his knee thrown out of
place , and had to take a lay off for a
while. Respectfully, ,. jakb.
Hon. H. W. Crady. ,
The Statesman, Scholar and True
American,'set an example worthy of re
flection for all True Americans. Healing
wounds that no methods except those
used by Heaps' Camphorated Arnica Salve
which is sold on its merits for any use
that a salve can be used. No cure, no
pay. For sale by the following drug
gist Price 25c per box.
W. J. Warrick.
. Weather Indications.
For Nebraska: Cooler, fair weather,
light to fresh northerly winds.
For Iowa: Threatening weather with
rain, ' followed by colder, fair weather,
light to feesh variable winds, generally
For Eastern and Central Dakota;
Colder, fair weather, light to fresh winds
becoming northwesterly.
Balyeat's Fig Tonic.
Balyeat's Fig Tonic Cures chronic
Balyeat's Fig Tonic is especially
weak and delicate women.
Balyeat's Fig Tonic, not only relieves,
but cures
Balyeat's Fig Tonic removes all impur
ities of the blood.
Balyeat's Fig Tonic is a mild and gen
tle laxative; with its use, strength and
ambition will return and a healthy glow
will brighten the complexion. Price 50c
and 1. Monev cheerfully refunded if
the above is not substantiated by trial.
For sale by W. J. Warrick.
For the construction of storm water ewers In
the city of riattsmouth. Neb.
Sealed Lids will be received by the city clerk
of said city up to noon, Thursday. Oct. 6. 188
or the const ruction or storm water newsis as
follows to wit :
About l.'X) ft. of 7Vi ft.
biieK sewer,
fooa ft. of 6'4 ft. brick
500 ft. of Hi ft. b lick,
l.f 1
14C1 ft, of 15 inch plpo
f00 " " 12 " Inlet pipe
4 manholes
24 catch basins or Inlets
10.SM3 lbs. frames, corera
veit ft.
and grates
.01 yerlb.
Together with the necessary concreet work ,
gravel work, oak piling, pine lumber for sHeet-
ngand pine lumber for sheet pileing. extra
grading, f ubble stone work, brick masonry &c.
In accordance with the - idan, profile and
specifications on file in the ofllc of the city
Bids must be made on bidding blanks fur
nished by the city clerk ; and f M bids must be
accompanied with a certified check on a local
bank in the sum of 81,000, as an evidence of
good faith. Nobids will be entertained which
exceed the estimate.
The board reserves the right to reject any
and all bids and to wave dafrets.
J. W. Johnson,
Chairman Board of rubllc Works.
Furnishing Goods
All the newest and latest Styles for Fall
and Winter in men s and boys wear.
One Prie
Rem-esent the followinrr tiuie-
tried and fire-tested companies:
American Central-St. Louis, Assets $l.C5S,ool
Commercial Union-England, " 2.596.314
Fire Association-Philadelphia, " 4,415.576
Franklin-Philadelphia, " 3.117,106
Home-New York, " 7.&:,y9
Irs. Co, of '""orth America, Phil. 8,474.362
Liverpool&London & Olobe-Eng " 6,639.781
North British Mercantile-En,? " 3378,754
Norwich Union-England, " 1.245.4C6
Springfield F. & M.-Spriuglield, " 3,044.915
. Totai Assets, $42,115,774
tees Afl justed M Paifl at this Agency
Last year, and if low prices will sell goods,
this year.
Ladies' Good Grain Button Shoe for $1.00, formerly sold for 1.75; Ladies
Heavy Grain Button Shoe, the best wear for $1.75, fomcrly for $2,25; Ladies best
Milwaukee Grain Button Shoe, $2.00, formerly sold for2.50: Wo are offering all
our $2.50 line of shoes for $2.00; Ladies' Fine Glaze'Dongola Bntton and Tampego
Goat for $2.50, formerly $:.00. Men Heavy Boots for only $1.50, formaly $2.00;
Men's Best Whole Stock Kip Boots for $2.50, formerly sold for $3.25; 'Men's Fine
Whole Stock Kip Boot for only $:i.00, formerly $4.00; Men's Calf Boot, and
solid, for only $2.50, formerly $3.00; Men's Fine Dress utton Shoo fo.r only $1,23
formerly $2.50. , .
We also have great many other "cash" bargains in Children's, Misses and boys
that it will pay you to call, and examine our goods and be convinced that we ar
selling cheaper than any other dealer.
Jonathan JLIatt
Sugar Cured Meats, Hams, Bacon, Lard, &c, &c
of our own make.
The best brands
This Week
Our celebrated Julia corset, the best 75c corset ever sold, in all
the most popular colors, this week only,
French wove fairy corset, white only, this week, c
" " Cleopatra corset, white and drabs, this week,"
Loomer's elastic hip corset, white and drabs, this week,
French wove Camille corset, white and drabs, this week,
" " No.750 corset, white only, this week,
" " Blanche corset, white only, extra long,
JLoomer s elastic lap, sateens,
white, drab, cream and black, this week, 1.15, worth $1.50.
F.C.corset, No.-150, white only, this week,
F. C. corset, " 600, in white, drab, blue, red and blacks
this week,
F. C. corset, " 750, white only, at $1.75, worth $2.25.
F. O. corset, " 3C5, white only, at $1.75, worth $2.25.
C. P. corset, " 3G5, white only, at $1.75, worth $2.25.
C. P. corset, " 2G3, white, pink and bine at $2.12, worth
C. P. corset, ; 70S, blacks with fancy stitching, at $2 5
worth $3.00. b
I. C, creams only, at $2.13, worth $2.75.
750 bone, the finest French wove corset in the market, this
week only, at 2.10, worth 2.50.
Langtry satin in cream, blue, old gold, pink and cardinal
this week, 2.5G, worth 3.50.
A La Iiose satin corset in white, gold, cardinal, bine, pink
and black, this week, 3.39, worth 4.50.
Ladies' Boston comfort waists, this week, 1.43, worth 1.75.
Children's corset waists. 3Sc, sold everywhere at 50c.
" twin corset waists, 50c,
To Whom It May Concern.
Notice is hereby given that the firm
of Dufpur & Finn 13 desolved. Finn re-
tireing, Dufour assuring all responsibility.
Sept 2G, '87. J. W. Fixx.
Leave orders for wood with John
Tutt at Bennett's grocery store. 8t f
AT - "
i i .n't
wo intend to 6cll more
J. W. Martbis.
MAW &, ES.
of OYSTERS, in cans and bulk, at
CX&lT uT
lull line of colors 6uch
sold everywhere at C5c.
rrmann & Go.
hi"h arm and vibrating
sold on time. Easy payments or cash.
Manager Plattsmouth Branch.