THE DA1LT HERALD, PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2t, 1S87. SOCIAL CUTTHROATS. 1 CHAP.ACTERISTICS OF A COTERIE OF NEW YORK MASHERS. Writ IrrMl Dcotroyem Who Keep Ouict Alx.ul The i r Villain yThe Masher with the White Lock Daily Kouud or a Skillful Operutor. "IIo Ix-lons to a curious set rtt New York me n," hu!1 the jurie- "Tliey nro creatures of u recent growth, and I cloutit very much if similar mimtIiiiciis of tlio ponus man cm lm found anywhere else in tlio world. -Tliey are called 'masher' In a general way, but they arc in no senso like the gorgeous Ixjudon man who had given t tie word 'masher' its highest mean inn. The ISritish 'inaslrcr' is acrealuro of nohle npparcl, Kolenui and dissipated nir, advanced degrees in the courts of bankruptcy and general impressiveness. He wears a great many suits of clothes during the week, a fleets n burlesque actress ami drives dashing tnips. Tlio little circle of mashers in New York has none of these proclivities. They are men who have lived on the surface of the town for many years, whoso names nro familiar in all of the restaurants arid clubs, nml who have gained in one way fr another reputations as tdayers of femi nine hearts, which stand them In enor mous value. They are not in society, sneer at the idea of toil, live in the best possible manner, dress quietly, and aro absolutely mum about tho numerous nilairs in which they pass their lives. I know a dozen nan in this particular crowd, but 1 never knew one of them to break tho rules of tlio peculiar free masonry which apparently exists among them to keep quiet about their escapades. This is the most curious feature of tho whole tiling. A masher who does not talk when success has crowned his efforts wouM bo a rarity anywhero else except in this extraordinary coterio. They aro a queer lot, and I can't say that I consider them a credit to tho city." It affords a droll study of human nature to watch the oicration3 of tho mashers. Most of their faces aro as familiar to up town people ns the Fifth Avenue hotel. Their mode of life is sim ple. Take, for instance, a cold and austcro man, with a blonde- mustache, a regular profile, square shoulders and careless car riage, who has been more or less famous nlxHit town for fifteen years. Ho has a near running diagonally across his fore head, and just alM)ve it is a single lock or splash" of hair that is as white as snow, though the rest of his hair is dark. I have heard it enviably remarked by other mashers that this gentleman's chief success is due to the immobility of his face, the yellowness of his mustache, tho whiteness of the splash and the dark mass of hair which throws it into such sharp relief. He is, in fact, known as 'His Contrasts" in sorTio quarters. Fifteen years ago a woman followed him in a cab down Fifth avenue, slipped out as he ascended the steps of a rival's house, ran up tho steps, and pushing a revolver against his head, blazed away. Tho bullet, instead of going through the skull, ran across the forehead. She went to Kurope in the arms of her amiable husband, and "Ilis Contrasts" retired Into painful obscurity for a time. Fivo years after that he was mixed up in a row which is still talked about by old timers. It was a three cornered fight one woman and two men in the cabin of A yacht In tho lower bay. When they dragged 'His Contrasts" out he va3 Xirctty well knocked to pieces. Two ribs wero broken, and his general physical welfare very sensibly impaired, but ho came up smiling, as usual. I have known him for many years. Ho has but one object in life. His manner of living varies little from day to day. I have had many opportuni ties for observing him, ns we once had neighboring apartments in the same hotel, Riut he used to amuse himself when he had an occasional half hour of leisure from his arduous duties by turning the pictures in my room wrong side foremost, bribing the chambermaid to sew the hangings into all sorts of grotesque posi tions, littering my desk with violent tele prams and indulging in various other cheerful and endearing pranks. At 10 o'clock every morning the chambermaid pounded loudly at his door. If the tattoo was loud enough the door would open suddenly, there would be a wild scream and a pattering of feet as tho chambermaid scudded out of danger, and the masher would rush out into the hall clad in pajamas, bath robes, nightcap, felt 6lippcrs, and carrying a sponge the size of a bushel basket. He would then wander In a more or less desultory way toward the bathroom, stopping to pound on doors that caught h'.s lightsome fancy, and shying boots through the transoms of rooms where men lived who had the distinguished misfortune to possess his friendship. About an hour and a half later ho would wander into the main dining room of the hotel, cast his experienced eye over the people assembled there and eat a very light breakfast. He wore a frock suit all day long, and his tailor made half a dozen a year for him. After breakfast he in variably lighted a big cigar, and, if the weather was clear, strolled up Fifth avenue as far ns Central park, and smiled amiably upon the troops of pretty girls who were out with their governessses, nurse's, companions, and chapcrones, tak ing the morning air. Every girl over 10 years of age apparently knew his history, for they would stare at him and peep over their shoulders as he passed, in a fashion that would startle a society actor. At half past 1 or 2 o'clock he drifted flowly into Dclmouico's, scanned the faces, acknowledged the surly nods of other mashers with a short inclination of bis head, picked out his table with undevi ating skill, and spent the next two or three hours among the wives and daugh ters of other men who were down town pursuing the elusive dollar. His habit is to eat slowly, and look, with a gentle and melancholy air, from one pair of pretty eyes to another. If the portraits of the handful of men who are a constant snbject of talk among the women of New York were published they would cause a robust and decisive sort of derision. The majority of them are anything but resplendent or attract ive. If there is a professional matinee, a pictura sale, an art exhibition, a boat race, a crack horse auctiou, dog show, horse show or circus going on in the after noon, the masher is as sure to be there as the ticket seller. At night ho dines at the Brunswick, Delmonico's or the Hoff man house, but never in the cafe. In this way day after day passes without the slightest deviation. The mashers all know each other, they frequent the same places, they are popnlar with men and pursued by women, and yet the occasions are exceedingly rare when they are called to account. They are adroit and hold their tongues, and perhaps it is therein hat their safeguard lies.. New York Sun. In Chicago Charitable Inittltntlon. I Here, however, is tho history of a woman who had something let us hope It was not "gumption" "cheek" is much too brusque a term to apply to such a ' subtle quality. She found her way Into a j charitable Institution of this city the other day, and, snuggling up to tho ma tron, addressed her thus: "I hope your in stitution is not on the dormitory plan, madam. I think a pensitivo person nat urally shrinks from such an institution; don't you? Really, I don't know how I could bring myself to bleep In the room with others. I don't mind hardships. Simple fare and a plain bed will not dis tre;M rne. Hut every lady must insist on privacy. I like to lo with my own thoughts. I should deem also that your charity was remedial and not ex pedient. Iu my opinion such nro much worthier. I havo attended a good many lectures which had chari ties for their subject and havo considered t !:e most popular methods. I should con jecture that you must meet with a great ninny disagreeable people in your very dis iuterested work. It must be 4 great com pensation if you now and then meet n per son who is intellectually congenial. I am sure I shall enjoy my little rest very much here. Some of my friends thought it best that I should take a little rest before be ginning my winter labors. It is between harvests with me now, as it were. I teach classical music, either vocal or instru mental, can do fine hand sewing, or act as rudimentary governess. Now I should esteem it a favor if I could have a room to myself." Tho matron settled her white cap over her whito crimps. "Madame," said she, "I slept last night with three babies with scrofulous heads, because no ono else would sleep with them. Tho rest of tho rooms are in tho dormitory. Will you permit mo to give up my bed and the babies to you, or will you sleep in tho dormitory?" It is "conjectured" that she went on in search of other charities not on tho "dor mitory plan." Chicago News. Leaving I'ort on u Friday. 'When do you sail, captain?" queried Deputy Shipping Commissioner Ferris of the master of a Maine schooner. "Guess I'll get off on Friday," ho replied. To tho superstitious land lubber of a re porter present this appeared like an un orthodox statement, so ho asked Deputy Ferris, himself an old sailor for many years, if modern seamen had entirely ro covered from their old scara of setting sail on Friday. Tho reporter broko into the first stanza of tho old sea song: 'Tva3 FriJay when wo set sail. And 'twas not very far from tho land Wiu-n tho captain spiel ft jolly mermaid, Yv'it'. a comb p.tnl a -liia in her hand. Y. ' . . ' Vt say that the superbunou 0 :ro from seafaring men, bitt tho groat major ity of both sailing masters and crews don't pay tho slightest attention to that day, so ominous to tradition. When they're ready with a load they go at tho most favorable wind, Friday or no Friday, but we do meet with sailors now and then who couldn't bo induced to leavo port on Friday, just as you still run across thousands of landsmen who never undertako any af fair of importance on that day. Most of these sailors hail from nations like Sweden, Denmark and (J or many, where old super Etitions havo titill a strong hold on tho people: but American tar3 don't mind them at all." New York Evening Sun. Slow Arsenical Poisoning. I havo read a great deal in the papers about slow poisoning processes, but only believed the various statements when tliey were brought homo to me. My wife, who had been remarkable for her rugged health and rosy appearance, began to fade away. She dwindled to a mero shadow, and yet sho reiterated statements of good health. Finally, I insisted on calhug in a doctor of high standing, after an emphatic protest from our regular physician. A long diagnosis decided that my wife was suffering from arsenical poisoning drawn into tho system from a cheap set of falso teeth, which had been purchased about a week before tho first symptoms of weakness had been observed. Arsenic had been used in tho enamel to secure the glittering whiteness so much admired by women, and in the process of mastication small particles had been ab sorbed in the food and taken into the stomach, where tho insidious work of destruction wa3 progressing surely to a fatal termination. I don't know how many cases of the kind may exist, but from the fact that half a dozen medical men were bafiled in their attempted diag nosis, I would not be surprised if thou sands of women were poisoned annually in this way. Railroad Conductor in Globe-Democrat. Development of the Trotter. Senator Daniel, of Virginia, like many other southern men, is an admirer and lover of fine horseflesh. He was going the other day to run over to tho trotting races at Hartford when he said: "It must eventually come about that the trotting races will be popular, because it is in thi3 gait that the horse combines utility with speedy action. It is as the roadster that the horse is most available for pleasure and practical service. In a recent article written by Judge Hughes, of Richmond, I caw a theory advanced in reference to the development in the trotting gait which I think I have not seen mentioned before. The thoroughbred animal is to be found on the great plains and level stretches of tho country, where his natural gait is running. Tho trotting gait. Judge Hughes thinks, comes to the animal as he is trans ferred to undulating countries, where he is obliged to adapt his footing to rising and falling thoroughfares. That would be the natural development of the run ning thoroughbreds into the trotters. It is, of course, to the thoroughbreds that we must go for the best stock for the de velopment of trotters as well as runners." New York Tribune. Absinthe In Light Opera. "In Cincinnati I took to drinking ab sinthe to steady my nerves, which had been all unstrung by cigarettes," said a serio-comic. "You don't inhale the smoke, do you? No? Sensible boy! But I was a cigarette fiend and had to brace up on absinthe. Ever drink the stuff? No? Don't, then, except a dash in a morning cocktail. Well, I was drinking it straight or on lump sugar till one night when I found myself out on the stage making such work as this of one of my prettiest songs: Ob, the little birds were sinjrinjf in tbe cellar. And tbe moon wes sitting on the sun I "I never got so much applause in my life. And I did't know why until after the stage manager had dragged me off and sobered me up." Buffalo Express. There are twenty morning and ten even- I tan papers published in New York. j A King on m Swollen Finger. "Will you please saw this ring off my finger?" It was an old woman who mado this re quest of a Broad way jeweler, and as the worker In gold and silver took the wrinkled, though fat and shapely, hand in his it trembled violently, and a tear droped upon tho counter. "Excuse me," continued the old lady, "but it is my wedding ring. I have never had it off since I was married forty-live years ago. I havo refrained from having it cut, hoping that my finger might get thinner and that I could tako it off with out breaking it." "And what if I can remove it without cutting?" inquired tho jeweler. "Hut can you?" said she, looking up in a half credulous way. "If you can, do it by all means." Then the jeweler took tho swollen finger and wound it round from tho top downwards in a length of flat rublier braid. The elastic cord exerted its force upon the tissues of tho finger gently and gradually until the flesh 6cemed to bo pushed down almost to tho bone. Tho old woman's hand was then held abovo her head for a brief interval. Then the bandage was quickly uncorded and re wound about the member. This was re peated three times, and finally it was found iiixin uncovering tho finger that it was small enough to admit of tho ring's being removed with case. "1 havo never failed but once," said the jeweler, "and I havo removed many rings from fingers even more swollen than yours. Do I charge for it? Oh, yes. I ask the sanio amount that I would get if tho ring were left to bo mended after being cut. One dollar. Thank you!" and as he turned to his bench and tho old woman left the store he added: "But after all sho might have done tho samo thing herself. It's not tho work, however, I charge for; it's tho 'know how. " New York Mail and Express. Joke on a General. Apropos of Gen. Faidherbe, an anjusing anecdote is related of an adventure which befell him when ho commanded the Army of the North in the war of 1870. His charger, a splendid gray Arab, had been wounded at the battle of Pont Noyelles, and tho general was obliged to leave it be hind him at a farm. Some days after, as Gen. Faidherbe was at lunch, a non commissioned officer of the Prussian army came up with a French dragoon and a horse which Gen. Von Goben had sent him with a polito message, believing it to bo his property. The horse was a miserable animal, and Gen. Faidherbe, amazed at tho apparition, asked the dragoon for an explanation. Tho man related that he had been taken prisoner with three comrades by a patrol of German cavalry two o; ys before, and that ho had hit on the bright idea of representing himself as the orderly and his horso as the favorite charger of Gen. Faidherbe. The German officers had communicated his statement to Gen. Von Goben, who had courteously returned tho animal to the French general. Gen. Faidherbo, however, asked the Ger man soldier to tako the dragoon and tho horse back with him, and the man had to return crestfallen at the failure of his ruse. Gen. Von Goben, as soon as ho learnt the truth, directed that diligent search should bo mado for the Arab, but it had been so carefully hidden away that ho never succeeded in restoring it to his adversary. Chicago Times. The Average Country Journalist. Every now and again I see in the city papers sneers at tho country pnpers and jokes at the expense of rural editors. It may be that my experience has been pe culiarly fortunate, but I have found that the average country journalist with whom I have come into contact ha3 more brains, more straight out,, square toed ability, more pride and interest in his profession, and more money, than his city brother. It is tho graduates from the country offices who make tho best men in metro politan journalism. I reed of tho country editor who takes his pay in squashes and cord wood, but I see the country editor who pays mo in checks on his local bank, checks which arc always good. I read of tho poverty stricken rural newspaper man, but in my experience, and I have met a good many of them, the rural journalist is apt to own a share in tho paper he edits, the house ho lives in, a horse and buggy, while the metropolitan writer who invents tho highly humorous paragraphs concerning his country brother too often owes for the coat on his back. And finally, a good country editor is a king pin in his locality. He is looked up to and respected as a leader of public opinion, a man who knows what is going on in the world. I can't imagino a more enviable position than that of the owner and editor of a good country paper. Compared to tho grind of a city daily, the work is light, and tho rewards are proportionately greater. The Journalist. The Old Clown's Days Aro Over. Col. W. C. Crum, the advance agent of Forepaugh's circus, says: "The day of the clowns is nearly over. Formerly they were half the show, but now they attract but little attention. The enlargement of the shows is tho chief cause. Tho big shows now have two or three rings, and the circle of seats is so far off that the people cannot hear the jokes of the clowns. In the old days an average clown received from 100 to $200 a week. Dan Rice, who was considered the greatest of them all, was paid $1,000 a week, which was the highest salary a clown ever received. He was a bright, ambitious young fellow, possessed of much originality, and he reached the top notch of his profession. Once an educated young Englishman, a graduate of Oxford university, who pos sessed excellent comic talents, was brought over to this country, and he was pa'.d $500 a week. At the present day the pay of the clowns ranges from 20 to 50 a week." Courier-Journal. The "on-payment of Rent. In the reports of the health of towns commissioners it is continually pointed out that sickness is the chief cause of the non payment of rent. One witness says: "Three out of five of the losses of rent that I now have are losses from the sick ness of the tenants, who are working men. Rent is the best got from healthy houses." Another says: "Sickness at all forms an excuse for the poorer part not paying their rent, and a reasonable excuse," so that filth causes sickness, sickness inability to work, inability to work poverty and non payment of rent, to say nothing of starva tion. Science Book Review. Hard and Soft Water. The Importance of soft water for do mestic purposes is illustrated by the ex perience of o" large London asylum, in which a change from hard to soft water has resulted in an estimated annual sav ing in soda, soap, labor, etc., of more than Cl.OQO.-Arkansaw Traveler. NEED OF PRACTICAL EDUCATION. Fathers, Examine the Studies Turntied by Your &on Mental Ixerclne. I have been assirt,d by learned pro fessors that tho collegiato course is merely un exercise, useful in forming und st rengt !i ening the mind. Therefore, useless studies become useful as dumb bells, stiffening tho mental muscles and imparting tone to the intelligence. WouM not useful studies and the acquiring of facts needed in the daily grind to come be equally healthful to tho mind? Tho most our graduates acquire Is barely a smattering of each subject. Why? Merely because there is not time to give each branch of study conscientious and exhaustive research. It may bo asked why, then, tho number of studies is not limited. The answer is simple. Between tho vanity of tho parents, who like to say that their sons are deep in this abstruse subject or that high sounding science, and tho stubborn conservatism of the faculty, retaining Eighteenth century sentiment in thi.i Nineteenth century of practical life, the course la filled with tares and there is no room for the wheat. Of w hat uso aro Latin and Greek to tho youth who must soon strip in the strug gle for bread? Tho barest excus e is that they give an insight into tho derivation of language. Well? A dictionary will do as much. Why waste four years in ham mering verbs and nouns, declensions and conjugations into a boy who is destined afterward to sell coifeo or soap? Of what valuable use is French? It will tako sev eral years to learn, und tho acquirement is purely ornamental, and in most cases not worth a dollar to the future man. Fathers, examine the studies pursued by your sons. You will find that you are spending your money and wasting their most precious time storing up glittering tinsel to the exclusion of what can benefit them in the sterner days to come. Cast them adrift upon tho sea of life without a thorough education in some practical sub ject of value to the world, and which in a needy hour they may coin into bread, and you are casting them adrift in ships of lead without a life preserver or a spar aboard. A sunken rock or a storm and they are lost. If they need mental exercise let them juggle with practical subjects mechan ics, bookkeeping, drawing, practical chem istry, arithmetic, the English languago and physics. Let them learn how to keep accounts, how to handle tools, how to build and work an engine, how to detect adulterations in staples of commerce, how to understand the machinery of the great practical world and not learn the vaga ries of tho land of dreams. If you havo learned the bent of your son's mind, confine him strictly to studies pertaining to his calling and cast all others away. Our boys are not fools. They know tho uselessness of half the labors imposed upon them, and, being Americans, resent the encroaching upon their liberty. Rather than Latin or Greek, they take up the fantasticoes of the poker deck, they twankle a banjo, and aro erudite only in the latest laws appertaining to trousers or collar. We neglect to give them weapons to fight tho battle, and they be come skulkers in the rear. We turn them loose upon the world with no means for employment; they reply by becoming idle and profligate, prematurely wasted, the soul of Saturn in the body of Adonis, crowded from the race for fortune and fame by striplings of humbler life, whoso education ran in narrow lines, but was sturdy and sharp as an ax to hew their path. Henry Guy Carleton in New York World. Looking Through the Telescope. In regard to plauota, we must remember that a telescope does not give us a bird's eye view. We see the nearest planet only as an orb in which all such details as en our earth belong to continents are abso lutely lost. Mars, tho planet most fa vorably seen, presents continents, oceans, ice patches and such cloud masses a3 ex tend far enough to cover those larger fea tures from time to time. But we cannot hope to see rivers or mountain ranges on the ruddy planet. I know not, Indeed, what to say about certain markings which Sig. Schiaparelli, of Milan, and recently M. Perrotin, of Nice, think they have seen. They are straight, broad bands running across the continents, and lately Sciaparelli has seen them doubled. ' If they are canals they are enormously broad, certainly twenty times wider than the Mississippi at St. Louis. They look too regular and straight (as Schiaparelli pictures them) to be natural formations; and if he is right about their being double they must be artificial. The great Lick telescope may tell us something about theso strange features; I must confess I strongly expect that the telescope will tell us that the parallel canals, if not tho whole set, are optical illusions. It is, at any rate, worth remarking that they have only as yet been seen with telescopes of moderate power and when the planet is unfavorably placed for observation. Richard A. Proctor in Youth's Companion. Whnt Key West Looks Like. The key has about as much shape as a camel, and in a general way Mes east and west and contains about six Bquare miles. It is as flat as a shingle, the highest point being about fourteen feet above the mean sea level. To the casual visitors it looks as though the sea, particularly in a storm, would submerge this insignificant rise, but it Is a matter of record that it never has done it. The city proper covers the western end of the key, and it was, pre vious to the great fire of March 30, 188(5, very densely settled, and about as un American looking as could well be imagined, bearing a strong resemblance to a West India town. The houses are of wood and quite plainly built. There are, I think, only four or five brick buildings, and certainly not more than six. The streets are of very good width, tolerably straight and passably clean. The roadway is coral rock. There is no soil to speak of; what passes for soil la triturated corah very rich in phosphates and making an excellent fertilizer, but by itself deficient in fat. To garden one must use a pick rather than a hoe. Very few vegetables are grown here and vege tation is confined mainly to cocoanut trees. Here and there can be seen a pine or an Alexander or a star of India or a royal poncana; a few mulberry and prickly ash trees and popenack bushes. Flowers and flowering shrubs grow in abundance. Rochester Post-Express. Safeguards Against Cholera. Max Von Pettenkolfer, a German med ical authority, considers that cholera Is not contagious in the sense of being com municable directly from person to person, but that it belongs to the malarial group of epidemics, the germs of which find their way from the soil into the air, and thence through the lungs into the system. J He regards geod drainage and pure water i as the most efficient safeguards against an ! outbreak. Boston. Budget. : IHEEB BOOTS & SHOES Tlio same quality ot oods 10 percent, chattier than any house west of the .Mississippi. "Will never he undersold. Call ami hecomimtd. ALSO h..lL lEEINTGr PETER MKBGES. FURNITURE ; .-. SET ! mi -FOIl ALL "MP3 "O" EST 31 E "O" 3& IE FOR Parlors, IScclrooiiis, Omii.'-rooms. Kitchens, Hallways mid OlIicrN, (JO TO Where a magnificent stock of Goods and Fair I'licoii abound. UNDERTAKING AMD EKiBALMIHG A SPECIALTY. i V4Uv;j CO RNE 1 1 MAIN AND SIXTH fl TOiPIC Us (succi sso;: to Will kueji coiidt.ui'Jy on 1 rugs ana ivieoicines, raims. Wall P:ipor mill a YiiU JAnu of PURE LIQUORS RICHEY Comer Poarl and DKAl.KUS IN 9 it 6 M BEMU2f m A "OT TT5 1 .....I. . . 1 1. 0 mnor urn aon I sis EH El PHY FldQUM FEED & PMQWmiGMS. WE 'UAIiK A K?, !ALT' OF VJXK CROCKKIiY. W 8. MURPHY & TO. ft y y g I Qjtf i TO 1 DOLLARS IS A DAY- EMPORIUM i u.,:ri SET ! CLASNKS OF- rr..V!T;;Moi:TH. InT.jikaska j. 21. nor. Li: is.) a full ;;:ui complete neck of ;;i.t n iS9 BROS., Seventh Streets. ALIi KIND9 OF linos UlWli; TtTTj TTi A Tv.T rHST o pa Go A'jn ills Vt'i! a v iicmv "-'irrT s'llxi ri A 1 Till: mij.K-Y lii iiinn un.v. 3 r.i:! r its si-.rriiii i .iT.-r t-T Vni il .MOVi'Ils IOU ?A it - - tt- ... it. i. i a. .1 ll,.M.-) ,.lr i It I '- H J M I' lOI til f 3 - j irtl.iy wmi v j little ilort. We a;rit! to rj.r s.-r.t u at s:2I iiis fori it tr ;i;itl fs IM.-trict F:::iv, ::iit: in yy town l.'i the it' ninu i-iiiiM'. 7 vi !i r r u-uii:ii- agents -.ntiif :it cvtv Vmt liberal eenmils- sirs iiifl c-iiii riz.-s vtr Jsrfre-t lits. JJON'T J-OKUKT thiitiir.y one t;iii I:;: ve I U K W LI, hi A jj FHKK ruts' sei.t to their lress Fur ' jlt utLs on trial lor 25 Cents. Address ji m THE FBEE PEESii CO., Z3otroit, 2VEc2x 1-4