THE DAILY I1ERALD, PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 1887. 1 FARM AND GARDEN. DIRECTIONS WITH ILLUSTRATIONS FOR MAKING A ROLLER. Importance of Careful Preparation of fioll In Wheat Culture How to fUve J Seed CornA KtafT That Insure Surety In Handling Itull. The finbjcct of horns on cuttle hns kn ery mm h iliBcusKed of late, anl it lias iHrt-n proven in many cases that they nro expensive npiKiMlanea. This is frequently denionstrated in tlie handling of hulls. It fU;n occurs that even a pt hull will be come on raMl nn I Jnllict wrfous injuries When led only by u ring in the nose. T-JS- A HULL STAFF. In the accompanying llyuro is shown a device vouched for by a. Rural New Yorker correspondent, who claims that with it tin? handling of horned animals is comparatively pufe. If thc chain from any cause should come loose, a weapon of defense is still in thu hauler's hands. Take n lon fork handle, rivet an iron strap over it with six or ciirht inches of light chain attached, to which fasten a good malleable harness snap. J'ut the snap in the nose ring and the animal can bo led Without the rope if so desired. Acrloult urn! ":ilrs in October. The following state and provincial fair3 Lave been announced for October: Alabama Montgomery, Oct. 17-23. Canadian Exposition Toronto, Oct. 5-17. Colorado rucblo, Oct. -1-8. Georgia Macon, Oct. 21, Nov. 2. Missouri St. l-iouis, Oct. 3-8. Missouri Fat stock, Kansas City, Oct. 27, Nov. 3. Mississippi Jackson, Oct. 17-22. North Carolina Ualeigh, Oct. 19-21. IMedmont Exposition Atlanta, Go., Oct. 10-22. Texas Dallas, Oct. 20, Nov. 5. Virginia Richmond, Oct. 20-28. How to 3Iak n Good Jtollor. Tho Importance of a good roller on the farm is too well known uud appreciated to require comment. It is often a ques tion, however, how to secure one. Tho following tfescrir ion, therefore, of a homo made roller by a corrcsiondent in Indiana Farmer will bo welcome to many readers: FIG. 1 A GOOD KOLLEIt. Cat three logs 13 inches in diameter 3 feet 2 or 4 inches long; around each make a frame. Set two rollers end to end, with a space of about 7 or 8 inches between them; make jour tongue so high that the piece across the end (b) will be about 8 inches longer tliau it is from tho middle of one frame to the middle of the other; about 4 inches from each end of said cross piece bore a 5-S inch hole, and with the same bit bore iu the center of each frame, both front and back. Now when the tongue is raised level with thu frames, the holes through the cross piocs In the end of tongue will correspond with those in the centers of the two frames, front; slip a washer about an inch in thickness between tha frames and said cross piece, and bolt them with 5-8 inch bolts. FIG. 2 A GOOD r.OIXEK. Now make a bar (c) the same length of the cross piece on the end of the tongue, bore a 5-8 inch hole in each end, same distance apart as in cross piece (l) and it will correspond with the holes in the cen ter of the two frames, back; slip an inch washer between said bar and said frames end bolt with 5-8 inch bolt. Now you Lave a roller to roll com, or a dead fur row, or a ridge, only" the tongue is "lim ber" or weak. To remedy this, fashion a piece something like the half of a wagon bound, fasten that part that would be front in hounds, just behind the double trees on the tongue (a), Fig. 2. It will then arch or raise above the rollers, and ehotild extend twenty inches or two feet back of the bar that connects the two frames back; fasten a support from said bar up to said bound, place a seat on said bound where the weight of the driver will balance the tongue, and you have a roller that will roll the two insides of a ditch or the outsides of a ridge. Fasten the third roller by a coupling pole twenty inches or two feet long to the middle cf the bar that connects the two front rollers to gether, and it will roll the space left be tween the two front ones. Sowing Wheat. The manner in which wheat is sown is of vital importance, for its influence is felt to a great extent right on to the harvest ing of the crop. An all important matter is the thorough preparation of the seed bed. That it pays to carefully prepare the soil for wheat has been proven time and again, and yet not one field in ten is prop erly stirred and pulverized before the seed is sown. Remember that it is im possible in the care of wheat to make tho soil too mellow or too line. All work done in this direction is amply paid for by the future crop. It also pays torill in the seed, even if one has to hire tho drill. It insures tho even dropping and covering of the seed, and is a saving of seed. Avoid the use of foul or imperfect seed; it is a waste of time, labor and land to sow wheat that hr.3 not been carefully screened and winnowed to free it from foreign and imperfect seed. fsx. sections where smut is likely to appear It 1 rn MM r! MM n JTorerzcC avail yonrsclf of imch preventive meas ures as treating the seed to brino or a so lution of vitriol. Each farmer must decide in great mean tire tho question as to what variety of wheat to how. It in not safe plan to mako an entire change in any one season, and especially whero tho previous yields havo proven fairly satisfactory. A safe rule is to fow the soil devoted to tho main crop in some well tested wheat in your own locality, and experiment with prom ising new sorts on a small scale. A bushel of god, clear seed, drilled in, is considered an 'iinplo quantity for one acre by many farmers. Tlie usual rulo is from one bushel to five pecks, drilled in, and about one-half bushel more sown broadcast. Siivlrf Kcrcl Corn. Tho Importance of saving seed corn by careful hclection has been preached from time to time out cf date, and repeated ex periment has proven the necessity forcaro in the storing of the corn selected for seed. In sections where short seasons prevail early varieties are desirable, hence carliness ought to be promoted even iu sorts already curly by selecting such from stalks that first ripen their cars. The im portance of choosing fair-sized, well-developed ears, taken from stalks which bore at least tw o car.';, is upiarent to every ono who has given tho subject any thought. In the selection of seed corn too much care cannot be exercised in keeping a well-established and desirable variety pure. It should bo borne in mind that two sorts growing w ithin a quarter of a mile of one another are liable to mix, hence it is not wise to save seed from such corn. There does not appear to bo any safer, easier or better mode of saving corn for seed than the old tinieono of pulling back ami braiding the husks of twenty or more cars together, and then hanging these braided strands from the rafters of a corn house, asmoke house, thu attic or other dry place. The corn must be kept dry anil out of the reach of rats and mice. It is a wise plan to select oidy tho perfectly matured ears for seed; these dry more quickly and are not so liable to mold. Not a few farmers always plan to hang their seed corn between the rafters of their smoke houses, believing that, in ad dition to the dry atmosphere there found, the smoke that permeates the kernels acts as a preventive to insect pests after the seed is planted. Tho Henslun Fly. There are two broods of tho Hessian fly brought to perfection each year, one in the fall and one in the spring. The ma ture female insect deposits its eggs upon the leaves of the young plant soon afT these appear above ground. As sooi: the eggs hatch the young worms their way down the leaf to its base, where they rei""!') i".;-een it am1 t':o stem near the ii - . for the larva to atiaiufuli i.e. lts.-i then is hard anil brown, and, to the unaided eye, the insect presents the appearance of a small flaxseed. In this condition it re mains until spring, when tho fly comes forth and laj'3 its eggs, and so the opera tion is repeated. The preventive meas ures that have from time to time been de vised by scientists and practical farmers may be briefly told as follows: Sow a part of the wheat early, and if affected by the liy put in tho rest of the seed after Sept. 20. The idea is that by destroying the first brood the second will not appear. Partially affected wheat is sometimes saved by tho use of fertilizers and care ful cultivation, and if winter wheat, the lields may be recuperated in tho spring. Many of the eggs and larvtD may be de stroyed by pasturing with sheep and close cropping of winter wheat in November or early December. Some claim that roll ir r tho ground will answer nearly as well. Another remedy is to sow hardy varie ties of wheat, especially those that tiller vigorously. I,i:nc, soot and salt are named as special remedies, and it is also very gener ally recommended to rako olf the stubble. Objectious are, however, urged by scien tists against too close cutting and burning of the stubble, as this is liable to result in destroying useful parasites, the ichneu mon fly among the rest. It has been esti mated that these parasites (which, by the by, farmers often mistake for the pests) destroy at least nine-tenths of all the Hessian flies hatched. Keeping Cider Sweet. There is no process known that will keen cider sweet without deterioratiug its quality somewhat, but there are various methods for arresting fermentation and preventing it from becoming sour. Pro fessional cider makers sometimes nso Shaw's Antiseptic Solution; others, who prefer to avoid patented articles, employ sulphite of lime, which is added after fer mentation has proceeded until the cider has acquired the acid lasto desired. The powder is iirst mixed h? a quart or so of cider and then poured into the cask and thoroughly shaken. Do not mistake sul phate of lime for sulphite of lime; the latter is the correct article. Tho Cabbago Worm. The cabbage worm has not been visibly affected by the hard things said against him, nor have tho numerous sure cure remedies sensibly aCected his appetite. Peter Henderson suggests the application of alum water, one pound of pulverized alum to three gallons of water. This will not injure the plant and may kill tho worm. Pyrethrum, cither in powder or solution, is effective. The great difficulty is to get auy preparation on the worms, and to repeat the application as often as the successive broods hatch out. Agricultural News. Rut few apples are expected outside of New England and New York. T. V. Munr-on has been re-elected pres ident of the Texas Horticulture society. The honey production the present sea son is reported generally to be a poor one. The experimental work at Houghton farm, Orange county, N. Y., has been discontinued. A botanical museum is to be established in connection with tho experimental farm at Ottawa. According to Bra-.lstreet's the New York hop crop will be about one-half of a for mer average, but the Pacific coast prom ises a larger yield. The tomato crop is almost a failure in Delaware. South Carolina is to have two experi mental stations. The corn crop of the south is unpreco dently large. The Louu-iana sugar crop is reported to be ahead of every crop since the war. The Illinois state board cf agriculture declines to recognize the Galloway breed of cattle as a breed, but classes them the same as the Aberdeen-Aligns. FARM AND GARDEN. HOW GEESE MUST BE MANAGED TO INSURE PROFITABLE RETURNS. The I'rest-rvatlon of Garden Seed All About the Topular Pyrethrum Insect I'owder liar bed Wire Fence with Growing Tree for Support. In the constructing of barbed .wire fences it Bomciimes happens that growing trees are used as posts for support. If the wire is fastened directly to the tree, as some have practiced, the growth of the tree buries it In the bark and wood, whero the presence of continual moisture and the retention of tho water of every shower tend to produce rusting, and renewing, ii ever necessary, is rendered difficult. FIO. 1 BAKUED WIRE ON TREES. The accompanying figures represent a mode which has been successfully adopted for using growing trees as posts for tho support of barbed wire fences and recom mended by Tho Country Gentleman. Tho usual objections to barbed wire on trees in this mode are obviated, as will bo seen in tho cut, by placing a narrow board or plank against tlie face of the tree, se curing it with two or three nails, and then fastening the wires to this board, as shown in the figures. A board or plank three or four inches wide answers the purpose, and it may be pine or cedar. If the trees to which tho wiro is fastened are in a line where there is no danger of animals becoming injured with the barbs, four wires will make a good and durable barrier. But if injury is feared from tho wiro to cattle and horses, a visible ob . motion must be provided, such as a small rip rap wall, which may be eighteen or twenty inches high, more or less, tho sit.::os being laid loosely in a straight line (see 1 ig. 1). " This plan will in m ost cases servo as well as a regularly lai d wall of stones. Animals are not dispose 'J to tread on the stones. r:0. 2. BARBED WIHE ON TIJEE3. Er.t, says the authority quoted from. If stones are not to be had and tho trees arc not further apart than the length of fence boards, the fence may bo rendered visible by nailing a loard between the two upper wires, as shown in Fig. 2. Thero is still another way to prevent harm to animals which run in adjacent fiejds. This is to cut or plow a small open ditch on each, side and raise a bank of earth between, them and under the line of the fence. But this cannot be adopted for trees, as the roots will prevent the plowing of the furrows. When posts are set it is an easy and efficient way to protect animals, as they are held in check by the ditches and tho bank of earth; and it obviates the use of the lower wire, and the posts being held by the bank need not be set so deep. "When it is desired to run a barbed fence through woods or other plantation where the trees are not in a straight line care must be taken to have each tree stand in the obtuse angle which it forms, the wire being always placed on the outside whero it will be firmly held in position. The great convenience and economy of using growing trees instead of posts is an additional inducement for plantir.j nar row timber belts at the boundaries of the principal fields. Pyrethrum Insect Powder. Powdered pyrethrum, sold under vari ous names, as buhach, Persian insect powder, Dalmatian insect pova'.er, etc, has the past few seasons grown s teadily in favor as an insecticide in farm and gar den. It has, in a word, assunif d sufficient importance to entitle it to a familiar ac quaintance with every farmer and every housswife. Some confusion exists owing to the number of names b y which pyre thrum is introduced in our markets. That grown in the United Sta tes, notably iu California, is sold under tt.e name of bu hach. The imported pow der, Pyrethrum roseum, is grown in the region 6outh of the Caucasus mountains, and is known in commerce as Persian insect powder, while that grown in Dalmatia is termed Dalma tian powder. Pyrethrum is not poisonous to higher noDUlaritr animals, nence its present among those who dislike to handle such. poisons as London purple and Paris green. While not a poison to man and beast, pyrethrum has proven a valuable remedy for many farm and household pe?;ts. Its active principle is a volatile oil wl uch acts on the nervous system of the inse ct. Tho powder should be kept dry and s tored in It is employed both dry and in solu- tions. At the Ohio Experiment Station the best results have been gaineci with the dry powder diluted not more than five times with flour, finely slaked, lime or other finely powdered substances . At this station the powder is thorough ly mixed with the dilutent and allowed to stand for twenty-four hours in a closed ves sel before using to gain the best results. It Is ap plied with a good hand bellovf s. Prom the experience at this station it 1 9 believed that pyrethrum will be found zn osfc bene ficial for smooth bodied caterfiil tars, such J 4 as cabbage worms and others like them. On tho woolly caterpillars it had little or no effect and did not prove a euro remedy for beetles. Ou tho experimental grounds of The Rural New Yorker, where preference Is given to the California buhach, successful results have been obtained by using tho buhach in solution. Mr. Carman, who mado tho experiments, insists uion tho use of a hand force pump and thu cyclone nozzle for best effects. With the above solution applied as here stated, ho has been able to destroy the rose tugs, which were present in largo numlers this season on his farm. Tho economy of the use of pyrethrum or bu hach, in Mr. Carman's opinion, depends upon its application as a line spray or vapor, when tho samo quantity of water will go fifty times as far as if spriukled on the plants, while the timo required to do tho work will be perhaps twenty times less. At tho Ohio station the pow der is applied through a bellows. One pound of pyrethrum diluted with other powdered substance three to live times was found abundant tu dust an aero of cabbage. Directions for Saving Garden Seed. Seeds of all kinds, says American Agri culturist, should be fully ripe when gathered, but it is also important to har vest them as soon as they are ripe. For keeping small quantities of seeds, paper bags are preferable to cloth, as they afford better protection against moisture and insects. Always mark each package with tho name of the seed contained in it, and the year in which it grew. Cold docs not injure tho vitality of seeds, but moisture is detrimental to all kinds. Melou, cucumber, squash and pumpkin seeds should be taken only from ripe, per fect shaped specimens. In a small way tho seeds may bo simply taken out, spread on plates or tins and dried. Larger quan tities have to bo washed before drying, to remove the slime that adheres to them. When tho seeds aro thoroughly dried, tie them in bags, and keep in a dry place secure from mice or rats. Beets, parsnips, turnips, carrots, onions, cauliflower and cabbage will not produce seed until the second year. Set out in early May strong, well matured plants of last season's crop. When the seed is ripe, cut tlie stalks and put under cover to dry, then beat out tho seeds and tie in paper bags. McaHiiriug; Corn in the Crib. Many rules aro given by which the number of bushels of corn in a crib may be ascertained. But these aro more or less untrustworthy from the fact that they assume that two bushels of corn on the ear aro equal to one of shelled corn; whereas, in point of fact some corn will not make it, while some will morethan do so. These rules, however, often serve a convenient purpose, affording a fairly reasonable estimate, a much closer one than may be1 had from mere measurement of the eye. Following aro a few such rules, any ono of which may be employed as an approximate estimate; the first is most generally used: 1. Measure tho length, breadth and height of the crib, inside the rail; multi ply these together and divide by two. Tho result is the number of bushels of shelled corn. 2. Level the corn so it is of equal depth throughout. Multiply the length, breadth and depth together, and this product by four, and cut olf one of the figures to tho right of the product. Tho remaining fig ures will represent tho uumber of bushoL of shelled com. 3. Multiply length by height and then by width, add two ciphers to the result, and divide by 124. This gives the num ber of bushels of ears. Another rule is to proceed as above to obtain tho cubic feet, and then assume that ono and one lifth cubic feet make one bushel of ears of corn. 4. Multiply length by breadth, and the product by the height, all in inches; divide this by 2,7-i, and the quotient will be the number of bushels of ears. From two-thirds to one half of this will bo the number of bushels of shelled corn, de pending on the kind and quality. Management of Geese. Geese aro far hardier and much easier to rear than turkeys, and, if fat, bring al waj3 a good price in tho market. la & word, these fowls pay very well indeed for keeping, and the farmer will, as a rule, Cud it worth his while to havo a few of them iu the autumn when his grain crops are off the land. Of tho various breeds of geese tho Tou louse is the best known, and with tho Embden, are the chief ones for commer cial purposes. The Toulouse is also called the gray goose, because its plumage is of that color, while the Embden is called the white goose, its plumage being white t.'iroughout. Notwithstanding tlie . fact that tho feathers of Embden geese bring a hi gher price than do those of the Tou louse, the latter, as has been intimated, is the more popular breed. The Toulouse are ood layers and their flesh is tender, jn'.cy and well flavored. They often reach an enormous weight. Their heavy bodies lit them for close cooping and they aro easily confined by a low fence and will thrive on less water than other varieties of geese. '"is. , : mmmm .- "'Jii'sAr- "MM TorxorsE geese. To make goose keeping a paying busi ness, however, a good sized pond, with a plentiful supply of water and pasturage, t are inuispensaDie. rrouue mese iows nrith i house senarate from other kinds I and see that it is supplied regularly with clean straw. Goslings to oe lattenea ior winter use should be turned on the stub bles as fast as the grain crops are har vested. With ample range and plenty of water and oats, they will soon be ready for market. It need hardly be told that geese must be kept out of the mowing trrass and corn fields or they will soon do ' damage that will place them on the wrong side or tne prom, amx loss tuiumu, Items of General Interest. The New York State Dairymen's associ ation is agitating the question of dairy schools. Many of the states show a revival of the Grange order. The leading cranberry growing 6tate3 are Massachusetts, New Jersey, Wiscon sin and Connecticut. In New Jersey there are some 5,200 acres under cranberry cultivation. ,TTRTTP1!! A BOOT The wine quality oi'tfooda 10 ix.rcciit. cheaper than any house west of tlie Miirsippi. Will never he undersold. Call and Ijeeuiivineed. X-e30 S.E:3Eja-i:S:8.SKrC3r PETER MERGES. tmm aJLiuLa FURNITURE PARL0R: SET! -FOR ALL Parlors, EBcclrooiiis, BJisESEtg-rooins. fkitchens, Hallways und OiUvvSj I (JO TO Where a magnificent stock of Goods and Fair I 'rices abound. UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING A SPECIALTY. COUXUIl MAIN AND .SIXTH ill (SL'OCESSOK TO Will kcei font-tunlly mi liiuul ! RI9 ! b am mmw !K rnl Drug "Wall I'aper ami a Full 1Aw of IDIETXG-GKEST'S STJIsTHDIIEe. PURE LIQUORS, X, WJ9IBER! RICHEY BROS., Corner Pearl and Seventh Streets. DKAI.IiUS IN AT.Tj KINDS OV LdllS? .at," Plaster, SUsda? Lowest 32Sa4s. ezs CasSx DEALERS I2ST TAFjCjH AMD FANCY 1 FHQ&M, FMEBl PROVISIONS. WE JIAUi: A ISP ( fALTY OF FI.VK CCKK!iV. Pi" B, MURPHY & CO. Asrrnls vim y to ra a r. 11 a M J DOLURS A DAY. jriz i EMPORIUM I BEDROOM SET ! CLASSKS OF- Fon- PLA'I T.SM( )LIi 1 1, N i:i ; C A s w A CKE & OCL ? J. lb- KOIIKUTS.) a full and complete stock of juii-e inio Olio Do Sash, Blinds, Muu y Li 6 an- r.u M'llritinjr miIwi ij i ii the wi:Ki;i. ii H!!)ii i iri.j; ;fj nuilcr i?s sjp urr i i-;ii; .nu.i..-. itii 1't CEVIN ;re making Mini- 1: liir lfr tlay Willi rvy liUle rflolt, We v..iil ur!il. fit t 1IM ;tt II lll f'ifll1v l. r. .1 llif-trict Fair, ar.l in vt-r.v lown it; U; nittd Mann- tr i r!eitti;.N i:l j, aptnts u1 lit at onte Viiv lilwral ci t:;i,i:- r.J moi s and eOi vriz for taist Ji'st. 1VJ' ? l (ll!(a;i that aiiv tie en:: luivi-'I INI VT.i-i;I.Y FIll'.E PKLSS snt to t'uir inldrej-s lour iloiitlis on trial for 2', C-nts. Address THE FEEE PRESS CO., $J SDotroit, 2VIicXx lfl