THE DAILY HERALD, PLATTSMOUTir, NEBRASKA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 185.. 1 i o. a RECOLLECTION. An -V.n n p'-inr, v.t ;uy of ti,. flny, 'i'-'l-' J 1-i - .'nil.! .. ntj.l .f.iys nlorrr, Ki: t :ii i , , mi' ii ii i, In ii nt : i V-:tr.l ... I i.i tr:-:-i Lin Jr iv-iy 'i'l- -11 li.-.- Ii: i.vft: i i. n:.,:-i.-: v. iilcli lay '"! "' i" 1 ' I. .:. (' I :ui. :'!r-ri-.'- if I.- !:i u,-.;in ( . j , ',,,, (I,-. .,-- At'l '.vi-. j is !. ml.- t, i hit.k tin y i;i:ni'.l May; -. u.t l.i . ii;;: l.'.i.l::, in iiinf in.; f. ;! i.n . ii t n.-uif i.f Lin- .V.-.v :; ! r ii. ! (II. I !'-.. Ii - Ii..., 'uni" l.u-1., n i At il.iv. ii ;t'-r. : V.-iili.iii i:.:n'. rts ! . ir f nil-, l-. .iuiii'm r sli.r.v.-l i, (ir.-,., faint ;;I .-iiiii:; that .t ri' nt r.'.iv NT in J: w.i ,! i.f f ( vt'ili Tr;;n;, I ha! S V. ii: Vr t !.. -, i- n'l pmv '.!!, it rij.t. KXWO.YS VMItSIOX. v,e it rii.i-.;!i, y yc.-iis. W'f v.i re N'c.v 'My ami 1, fur fivo rlj i inh-rs, l.i.l h i.f us; lint I h.-..i c,::c wi -t i-ars I i fun- whi-n I v..iii'I iniii Ii im.n than a Imv, to ji-I. riil -r ! !.::!? fcv r. I 1 1 -- . I u, h.r. -(. , ry f .-i;: .', :m 1 f i.-s !r- I he fall 1, 11 thrown in. I li'ithil:;; but. n,y v.i handl to .'i.'lit. wit ! i ; 1 ill. a ; .soon as I'll made ;i In .I'liir.r :i oai-, of courso I v.i-!;t I -vi k f,,r y. And tin ii, n.i I h.-iiil, for live ye-ar.! wis had i: riiif ii. In tin- liivl ji K ". v.i- wen' biirnid out i;i the town and la v; r :;avid ;i ( hing but the floihis w u '1'iii'ii v i ; a r! . (".' i v.i, civ l.'-il v, ; c!n-;i!., ii 1 . I us if I.: nl v:i.t!; mi: M cuimt. fur f iil:,ii ;. ') i f iii- t!:i- ! i ;di,u:S r.ui lis nil'. . v r y..w i i - J f . . i W i ll, sir. you n.'vcr v;n,t t . 1 i!.:it i,;mt t-i ho liiinl i'ii ;i 1 1 i I-ii!'.': tlirf l.(,rl saw lit to inal.c I M!j.;:.i--i.; lit- i.ii'iws what t!n-y arf; :'iaii:' fi.r In- im-.uit l!a i:i fur I I.iiuw tin-re's :i funil ii- .1 of talk lately ;il'ui:t: tlu-ir vi i -n.-rs. 'r!:ry"i- lnnl "cin, sun; c-: i s : ; .li; ; : i . iv l i ilnn't i:.-c t !iin-.;s ii:;ii 1 v.i I in;; lit to. Tliey s.-iy all mu ral riili-s ln-iir liar.l c:i pari ic-nl;ir l':i:M-r. J"ni nil.- of tin- part ii-nl ir c:isi-s, r.'.-i!i.i:s. .Nnviiow, t !a v kill- '1 om- of ihc .l i mi I in ami iuy ti-ain. a: ..lin out on tin.- i-il.'i- of r')out tlint as tto done nbout cvory- tiling -Isi- tisko our :hntics. I shaii'f fui-;;i t llntdfiy. A!onr;in t!io i ' -! f 1 J of 1 !;.- in. .riling h jiortiii r Ik ;;an to liimv. Jl. i!;tl i.-. snow-, nltlioituh tin- hhy t!.i(-;:i !ii-.l ii x v.illi jr;ty, woolly looking iu:iils, lov dor. n anil t krcal i iiiar. You ii'-vcr f -!'. a. imi ll i i ? A wind that ut.-s t iirui!;;li our houi-s, that !;:tclics yo;ir In-art a:id sluji.s your lrniu; that breaks you no !.,-! and soul. Veil don't know a;i lliim; al:oi:t u!d t ill you've fi-lt one. If tin i - is s.K-h a ihiii-i as a fro.i-u ii.i! roiiii; from. It iio-t c old, and all tlic ir: I -1-1 1 . 1 1 ivjiom let l..o--, yt'llinv; liiid tl-iin. :. !.!:.; ii;) in tin- awful clupl incss ovi-r ;,u;ir kca.l and roii;id you. 1 .o i- 1 in- prair'.-:.:' 'i-ll, ymi e-au lovo li.'lii a ;;... d di al ht-tlrr on paper than i'i-;. whi le i l. e. liut there's an uwftil fas ein liio.-i al.i hi t t hem, somehow. It's like l! eM- i. A man that's rot Ids living out of i'ii ;n f..r ten j oars Is litf.:r not hinn els-; i:i '. il s v. o; !d. I le ean't ('( a;i-. Jle's fi":iii-d for everyt hi:;-.; else undi-r heaven. Ill 's .'nl, tu li;ivi- the sky and Jl c hauee to l.:e:. the. It's ah-.iit a.11 there is to fct, li:-ll'T than he e;inliae anywliere el-e; hi.l. it's ti Mii-e fai t (hat. so much he's ("t to h.-'.ve whaiever else )' t i II I). It's like a pu.-tii, may I : -I ain't i:i:ch on rhyme" i !-.': i ! i-; i ; n u; ai r.'s-s IIh-iii in w.iriu v. -.-: her; le.. . es fresh and wt-11 fed, v.-it !i a h .c I !!. aud soring vd'.x for caMjiiii'c an d a supply wav-ci wilh evcry i ! . : i c "ii ea a I ! in i: of hut ice, and may Iks tiial;;.ii v. mil u-riiiple with summer f;f' en; t !'( : uiith wind :t:r.:.-iii like a u dm 1 1 he ! y I line ate I si. ft and a;, up lo the :(.;: S w!:iii-throne, iliiu-. To '.o trailing aim:;, 1 i at mi' ! Ii;; ! f 1 :;:- ed, ii;ili!e' v.;1 ;.iu throii-.-h .-luir.h; up to the or mi r lr-.e.i ruis lir:l wrin-.c t- erv w.i riu iiiviiil That '; hor. ii.-; holt in h-.!v. ic( rn in. l.r I rent e v i t in- I Mi e i i : m. ii a:t I ke s..:::e; . , 1 hiir.;; wit all .".'.lit I hat i'l to" i the iifiii'. in -j- i: i eo i it e nil. kh.d t!i.-t ; .wiping and r t hint:, and r-riiidivn ther dint and -tin1 tru'l, 'i years old; -i i.t of I he cai in . er ii till t his day. w head of ca! i 1-j cheap a year v:u lived m a and di i int; our cat tin Vou don't know what f. -r a woiu.-in, t.-iku it J., r ri ;'it iii fall I'.i. .liy ha ui't t;. .t i i uu a f. that fa!!, and foi Wiit'oii, cai.ipint; iir-ri is-; t he ra n-.-es. thill life Means juon'.h in and immtii out. Cook!:;; over .". 1:1111:1 lire, and rnueh of i-n 1 !iin ; t; cook, iinyh'iw; ciolhe; wet half the i in ;; uevi r w:'"ia in wilder nor cool in Miin ltter, and never clean, ' the l.oy di -d snakelii! . W'e v.a re . o f::r from il set '. ielU'-U i ; w e couldn't .;ct a diictor, and we buried !il;u our.-.-lves. V.'e ;ot ii.'ei ;i ca' d:i iu tin fall. 1'otir of lis. (mi-!i one poot'er I 11:1:1 t in. otiieis, timk a sccti-.a of .: -.rnt.ieut lan-l. V.'e 5i;id our U'-'ins and our licalt ii, and w e Wi'i'i d' n t ' 1 b. d rock : n'-t i iucii of any 1 hin-.c t !.-e .-.u-l e i r ! !i iut; 10 triin. ,V man will v.oiw iniil.-r 1:1 ii circumstiM'.fTs, you'll liliil. Ihilit. ill thelui.iuieol ti:e adjoin'u : coriu-is of our oauruis, and so J. id a -lid it v su't ?j;et. t-i!l;ed rdioiii. 1 don't reiuoinbcr t!:.-f 's iiew.-p.'.tH-rs ;i h;df luiieii. l'i r'i: us ii I-.': 1 in last winter ilo,-,-:i 1 ire s or so two la.niiies f roxeti i n a "Vas noi iie r, horses, dojs and all, just as t key stood.. That m'v.!ii, we went brio enmp ten miles f:-,..!i home. There was a ravine and plenty of brush, and the hordes were ready to dr.-p in their tracks, and that hist ten r.iih-s was one of tiie thintcs that, couldn't be done. Ho wo ;.,ot our lire made and our horses fed and sheltered as well as wt could, and put some heart info ourselves with buii'ulo .steak and hot cof fee, and the k Ives ink 1 1 'stand tru.:;-. rest of them packed t! e a:u,.i:i. :-'onic one ha . i : iiid keep the Cres going, and I tin k i in- i-,-;tt. ' - ' ' Thorp as a ....... .. . : mils, i ;;ray LI:id of lihtover every- it . ie 1 little setll. for tl'.e l: fii.-K.'o "ii di'i'-;'i: in t?-l. o-.'er i:i M'iity v.-civ ; ii X.' ili-r and spare, be. j'lyi.ioutii 1: f!; Nov. r a w hi'n; one i .f I 1. t In mid i'ro' k in the cr.e. '.Uv.'. s earn br, r. 1 a two iu iiuv of i'.e s ut i.f our o 11. V"c jf the women, for it siht of travel for i.-i .;uoui--h I and it in;: tiling. Vi e eri c.iiiyoa that ran e;ist wind ditl not 1v1.l1 us. s: re :u- d over our heat u f". till' llllllOUl ttf !1 ll-- !ind West, and the It screeched and S and ihrou';!i it; si ! 1 is ours. t'liuu'jrh rie chic; one 11: u ward . ! Liter ;.v. -iul a e:i.: 1 . 1 r. iu i:i'.r w ;.. .;o i;e . I iuee ud-er, lie-WU - . 1 ' I.. 11 had quail ;u:d chicken a id ,:;:.' ?iiii-ti J cot. Id re;.. Si't" ynl her bui pktte awr.y a:; 1 Ibol: .Vol r:;. live days. r :'. :: d:iy. but even nostrils en i ' -.-1..;-. knew the lii i-le. It ri-iily be-;.-.!' to h-. !: louched butto:::. Thut in got our crops in e-iru 1;.: siinshine :s!id hot weather course of the day. n-.;ki'id women, .' e u- ciear t uro::-.;n. I-i i t i ...d sti .-k. r ;:. col:-: ! 'i;:t o:!l of : 1 wa-n't a sef .d: and i: there was :il 1 ' li'.'e e'i-1-':.. for '..ouies i! ,.a-u"i iu 1 !....u:. :i. w e li::d .'.am.j air'.- ei-iekens. 'l'rai- i :i' l be hired to touch r on.' day alom: t.- :!ystru- i:. We had c iicRi-ri, )r:n;aL' times a day 1 vef it seemed ti ir.e. r.n i pit'-ii.d her toted. 1 ::t of the 11 ir two days, m -r h'vs nur tv.entv :i i'. e'.: : ' out :M umr I.'ioIUi. UUiO VOU." Idollv" a land of moanintr mar, it-; . e were ;iu t!ie bottom of a lido as deep the s:ar are liitrh. 1 trot to thinkim-' tib.iui old ti;.-. s away bat k, of one Sun day iii;iif just before ve were married. I had !; e.i.-L a little .sooner than we ex-I'cc-K' 1, and h-i ! to wtiit for her things to We went to church, that 1, crisp still id rht it was, ; rh runners squcake-i on thi mooid: ;ht trr.ced the shau i .1 on tiie v. h'te !-round 11s if :'. put in bha-k dr;uvintr. Tl:e iv-.iTt ;:nd bri ght ;iid they : d tiie Clifiii' n:as jrreeii.; f.v,; : fu'lof thesmellof thfJ.r h.'ui:tin-;s!!'i-l!, that scerusas ouiehov." from a world before m 1 t ill re . if a be !i':i-hed. j;'j;ht. A ke v.-ht-r: the sk-i M'.i.v and t ! : ov.s i f the e! tlr.-y had b;.j? chu.T-i was l.-i take:: yi . . so 1 ae ; that spicy it' ii came : irs .1 nee I h.d sinellcd it, and I to the music and looked with their comfortable that were cheerful, not ed v, hh care and weather. as if wo had y.t !-pr!n: e by, rain and ill jr. 1 riuht; find now and then v.'e would hear a lauvh from the hoti-A -- But (ho d;:y the !;r::-:e--pers c:mc Ihere was rsi-i'.ay little hiiv.diiu,; done. Claj ton in v. here I vvr.s uikiruc J:'.y noon smoke ,-i!':'. kind of dropped in a chair by the iloor, as if ho couldu t yet anv fi-.rtlu-r. "iLoituta of jra- p. What?" was a:ii (.'r.-t lie said, with a " I said, er iund o . .o-.el'i:" ind but ii It seems he had been th re tkiy Uot k'iOV I) or there before. I r.r.t out, pud were, co!r.;.:;( u.; low kii-.d of c1 it..! two it w.".s like storui. Vv'e tried and hot wai . hour. All d; horrible crackiu: a:id 1 raunckin::, and wlien tkey te 't t i.roii,h it look'. 1 as if a fire had irone o i us. Not a trreen (lunt; left, and the corn sl.dks yuav.eii down to StlU'UKS. sure on-. !:. ir. -t And iu eint: oiit iu alive kail to littht the;, 1 with lire b:;t we tr.ive it up in an e sr.t and li.--ien.-l to th:;t Wi ue !-l a c noueil of it -was that v.'e di town the r.".t 1".: it. It didn't 1.:;'. we tcot the price 1 of us were to v. . ; and dim Ok: the women. der tiir.t su:;!:"--use v.-iili sko. .-' keep tke"i in sup after alk iid; ; And 1 hey v. The coal e .::.p:tn: real Ci Id v. . u-.v bi.u load f ci-.'.i: ever for our I called aiu-ther o Aloni; i:i X vi " vho:i t!u v v.e'.o 1 the si-le wltcre tiu ; piv!!!; ni':;:;:- wt hunt. Ther j was it wre for ;i '.' ' rnotyii t k p i'.i. time we tii e.'..:.; v. t:s rielt - 1 - :uc iii ; i w-, at had t r ;.i:d :.:-.d mi .:; war. Tl-eendof r stock into the tV mil; s, mid r-oivl but m least Then tr.ive 1:0 CUI b;. -i: pi o s'. ;v V tracked iu.ssh. was i t r Pick. W. and it !.; : k-ie be ; Ii 1 1.1- . r.iorial wire to :.- I :s if. :i v, .1 i-oi): late:: 'i'l.-: Know to ut ;:s tue "e tt-- k b.-c - a o culy pay ve ill's wcrk, a::d t the ti::ie -riving on huibdj i . t. as i:;s. a-.d fuel it-il bv ti;;it b. ..:::i n-:ai:i. 1 1 v. a.-. vi sat au-1 li.--tci ;.t the reo'de, ci-.-kiu: ::::! b: worn and. writ:! iolly was an awfidly prei days: ;:!! piuk and whit lo.--.--:a, so?: hny. A:td ih.rhtinr to ket-u awake out there in ti:e heart of a Kansas prairie. ! ,ot to thinking about her as she was then .-.nd how she h:;d catingcd. Skill t'ne color of t tinned leather now, and that wild, hungry look in her blue eyes, as if thev w ere alw:: vs stariu into the d.ark for y ?-cirl in those like an apple so; of v. a t!u iir,.; t'.iin- ir:h;ened .-r. And both children t';: nine ie: noth ii- li:::t 1 r.i ii ti-ey dead. id not even a snrav he h'A ed so. nor a bread h of vi tun a dirt il .or and log d i l;:t. svr.s expected of SoiUeb bluH'. What cut 'Ik-r : '1 'loved -pt tiie weather out. ky haik-d over the ton of ip's that:" :id. mai-ps. il A.'iiS''- 5 1 .scrarubliTit; dnwui ihe i ks of tlu gv.l.-h o:i ids sure footed --y n. ilenyouy News f r you. A :r r- tea ik:ys oh? Ail v.v;l vt-'terdav inofiiuic." . :.-cd th-eniselve an- sleepily, i est"' our u.i i up i u Vi hiii:ds d 'in.:. The rest lie had trot o,f the? trail. 3'uu:ke had struck for it. We knew and he l.u;".v that the chances were that it saved ids lif-.-; but he swvillcv.vl hk; caf kc a: id smoked his pipe au.1 ttirned in with the re-t as if gating L-st in a nor: her was one of the things that hap pened, i-i course, to every man. .n I . - T :;:t :iu tli'HiL ie..! riaiii.-on. ;i while iind I said to him; 'Vou take my turn,' I r. ?": :!. ..mie.-' "Not ; brute tluit will travel." 'I'll do my own travelin:: on fiiot." "You'll j.-.tss in your checks before tnoruir '' j.'o. the wind Is at my back; no fords; I'll keep --.ire;;" ;;ild I Went. Wen;: half ranidnc, with the wind on till I was ready to dtv.p. i.r:v: Once dr::-;. jjo ;d I our luer.t lor tue rest It ollt Anvwa.v. we d of Use w int er. Well, i!"s no i:se to't a rdc-t-ant trip for the f.r.i or kilku. iii-I.t. :-.! ro!e :::-.'. shut liy d-'.y. and did tie. to death: tin I w-- u'-.i b.i plain-- ah in D- .-.:.;'. I wau'eii ; ) pr.-ii i".:n luit ti.e l.orres v. ere 1 the r.e t day, ;.f; . r we ve j'.ist cr.iv.k'd ttk-r. :. a word strice we started". a; -I I wrs tvity nnTzious Molly was nut w-.Il v.d .u I left lier: but there was no choice rbout it. I had to ga; the wciti -:! were with, and there wa a d't-ctor in the town, and Oi.-.v- T- over t". We -el i We c:n: :p.-1 out r.t ! : r.ud d:-s vdi .-.-;'.::-.e j ve re t rnito fr f-:'.e ek r.ualu on to tiie j r. i .: rh r.r.d -ret home. ay el out; ard rdl f k the lev.d. i ."e h.-. 1 heard ten att.i J,-.v there with tke wrnu :'.g ani tetsrhi at mo till I began to sk epy, ;;::u ihe:i I Lad to get up and e:td u-ain. I'eil aus you never tried erossi:u: a prui":e ni!.::! witiiout a trail to follow. lt'.i a cu.i ious tliit;tr, one I cannot account for:'uttt itiaki.s you feci r.s if your bony ;md r.Il j-our sc-ises were of no more accounr than a spent cartridge. It hap pe:ui to r:e that, space and time Mi-tiii'ii to avt ad mixed uy toctlicr all at ouee var-i:. nh n.:: it fvemod to mo that I had hejtl keepir.:;up that sort of thing for 1:-" ':rs. I f. It s i adrift somehow so hor ribly 1. .st as if I had slipped out of my self and was out in space without a land iita.rk to lae.-isure anything by. I expect you'll have to try it yourself to know what I mean. I had no watch: there wns no way of knowing how much time had cone. Of all the devils that can cuter into a nv-.n uncertainty is the worst, l-'.very sort of a fancy came into my head. Perhaps I did not know the route as well ns I had thought. Terhnps I had even passed the cabins and was going away frtun ther.i with every step. 1 ought to Lave reached them in three hours it the ntir-c-t. Jt seemed to me that I had been h tilling along for twice three hours. Ouce i tried madly to fight hack into the ton had u good horse, nud we Lsd to da I uiid. It wad hopeless, worse than use less. I should drop vrith exhaustion in n few minutes, nnd I mnst keen going And then I found huniod gross unfler my feet. 1 hi.-re had lx-cn a lire over the prairie. The ground was not cold yet. A new dread got hold ol me. Who know w here it htnl gone or what had ?;tood in its track;' I ran along Ktreaming somethii prnyiii'orswcnring finite mad, 1 think, for it lit tie, till I fell iig.iin, and the jar : brought me to my souses. j I had gone ovf-r the edgn of nil old buf falo run s.coopi-d deep by the rush of sum mer rams. I lay slid for a little while. I must have gone to sleep, or perhaps I fainted away. Anyway, when 1 came ti jnys'-lf again the world was as still as tin j gr.-ne. i 'i he w ind had gone down, as it will : sometimes, suddenly and entirely. Tin I Sil.-U'-e was Iiornlile. I got fill my feet i si ill" and benumbed. In all that gray, still. . gba -.My space there was nothing to toll cast ii-niii west or noun lroui boutu. I was : lost, on the big range. I It was still enough, but the cold was I dan .erous. I could not slop. I must I mo, i somewhere. I must make myself a : purpose a purpose to keep mvself alive ; t.t least till da light came. j I began walking; it did not matter in ; what direi t ion. If only my strength held out till morning strength to keep rn. tii.-'t drowsiness. I know 1 si iimb led heavily along. I was thiukin about .Molly and her baby; it all .scorned like a dull dream. And then boils began to ring; deep and so! t and t;ir oil. 1 stopped in mv tracks j to listen. It was the sound of bills, cer i tain, full ;-nd sweet; and I turned and Wont blue every bone in your mi'o of dead grass od-.'e i f the w i rid, ' n ;i out of nowhere, i ri:;d t han auv du ly on, toiiowing tne sound as a hound might follow a scent. All at once I saw alight. It wasn't a star; there wore no stars. And nobody lived on the big range, unless some camper was traveling about, and travelers don't travel in the teeth of a norther. And this light swung and waved, went out entirely for a second or two and then burned up again. And near or far I could not toll, only it was a light and it moved, and I followed it. And I could hear tiie bells all the time. Then, all at once, another one of Molly's j 1 iible verses Hashed into my head; some thing about a '-star in the oast that Went before them till it came and stood over the place where the young child lay." Well. I wasn't a wise man, or I shouldn't have got in such ti fix. 1 don't Ihink I am an irreverent kind if a fellow, oil her; a man could live with Molly many years and be that. Only I was looking for a young child too, and babies little ones always did seoin to me near enough to heaven to make that story about the star reasonable enough. Anyway, there it v.:..-, meant for mo or not, and I fol lowed it. More than once. I fill, but I always got IV : ml went on. I was talking to myself part of the time, hearing my own voice and tlunking it was someone else's. I lost my sense of time again, but kept on doggedly; ami then, suddenly, the light flashed brighter, whirled about in a wild Burt of a way, and went out entirely. I gave a shout and ran forward. I thought I should ilie if I lost it. And there I was standing on a w ide trail, w ith a sort of square dark shape standing up in the dimness before me, with light and voices coming out of the chink's, nnd sotneh'.v., tie. re was the door, and my hand i i the kticli, 1 in another second old i! was M"Hy Molly with a lamp in her k ind., bending over a feeding box made into a cradle, with a great armful of hi'.y and a white sheepskin for a cover, and Madison's wife kneeling on one side and Claytoifs wife on the other, and be yond, with the lights dashing in their great, wandering, shining eyes, a pair of istonished horses. Anil then there cumo a piping cry from the feeling trough, and I l.n.-w I had found the baby. -lUiraed out? Yes. sir. That wns the last thing; but they had had warning be fore the lire came down on them, dim Oiayfon laid taken the women and strut-' lien. : for the big road and they took the ih. ! shelter they came to, a stable that had been built in the days when all the Oalk'ornia supplies wont overland by mule train. When the wind fell he took the lantern and tried to find a cabin that used to stand somewhere near, and I hud been following him for half an hour. Oil yes, I'm well fixed now; three thous and head of cattle out on the Ouiinison. And M. .liy spends her summers back home, and she and the babies bring back eiioutth croup and catarrh and bronchitk; sore threat to last theni half the. next winter. New York Independent. THE UBIQUITOUS HEBREW. Iievioo fur Koportiii:; .Simrtinjr Fijjnrrs. Mr. Ik Wilkins, pressman of The Ciii c.'i ;") Mn:l. has recently patented a device, the practical workings of which, wo arj credii-iy informed, have increased the extra edition of that journal containing the re si:U of ihe baseball matches from l,t20D to 0 .;:!d copies. A few evenings since, on invitation, we visited its press-room, in which are located two Presto presses, about o:-',-.i o'clock. The jd;ites were already on tiie cylinder, containing a de tailed description of the match up to the sixth inning. Iu those plates were in serted a number of square black blocks, with the mimes of the contesting clubs preceding them. At the telephone, near the presc?, was a teller, who announced the re.-ults of each inning, received di rectly from the ground, to the pressman standing ready, die in hand, to impress on the respective blocks the required ligures. As soon lis the result of the ninth inning wits received and the totals inserted the machines were sot in motion, and in twenty-two seconds from the announce ment of. the result a paper containing an account of the game was placed in our hands; in less than a minute the news boys were selling them on the street, and before the crowds at the grounds had dis perseel The Mail wagon was on hand to supply the demanil fur the '"extra." In land Printer. riiysicians as Opium Slaves. Many physicians become slaves to the opium habit. A recent Austrian medical author speaks of the incredible munlcr of physicians who have fallen victims to it and of the many who have only just es capee!. A Prussian writer had sixteen cases of morphia addiction under his care, of which medical men formed more than one-third. The majority of my own patients are medical men. The physician is fi lit to resort to the drag because hi calling involves special inroads into his mental and physical well being. Nearly always, in them as in others, there is some form of neurotic disorder. Anj form of persistently painful disturbance involves this risk. A medical gentleman (a former patient of mine) says: 'I proclaim it as my sincere belief that any physician afflicted with neurotic dis ease of marked severity, and who lias in his possession a hypodermic syringe and ' Mageudie's solution, is bound to become, sooner or later, if he tampers at all with . the potent and fascinating alleviativo. an : opium habitue." J. U. Mnttison, M. D., j in ine Jiocn. Ill Ailaptah llty t. All Cllmat" nnd ('inililiiiiiv l-c. 4 I i. mill Kii-rj In ri'. It has been frequently remarked that tin Jewish nice has a wonderful power i f Adaptation to all climates. J.-w.s are found in ail parts of tin globe, and sei tn to jkissoss a roinarkab!. fadlitv for aeuli inutiation, oven under the most unfa vorable circumstances. Mesopotamia is considered tin- mother country of the Abraliamie family, as wi ll as the cradlo of the human race. Some years ago a small oniony of Jews wi re found in the imoient city of Sennar, in the voutli of Mesopotamia, and in the ieiiutv of ancient HabI..n. Of t he seventy fami lies coiiipo.- ing tin colony one claimed to lie descended from King Joachim, the rest from tin house of l,f'vi. A colony of Jew s appear t have sett led ill China about the bi-dnuing of (he Third century of t In 'hrist ian era, under the dynasty of Han. In lT'il l-'alher ( louzani. a 1 toman ( 'at In lie mis.-iowary, found seven families near I'ekin. In lfisi; a Portuguese Jew of Amster dam, named Do livi.n, discovered a sect of Jews in (.'i ii'hin ( 'biiia. According to a tradition preserved among them, tlii-y were- i lesci -nd ed f n in a tribe of Jews w ho had quitted Palestine on the destruction of the second temple. I'roin tlu-ir loiur residence in Cochin they had become completely oron.oit. Huso are not the same as the M.tlaLir Jews. The Jewish traveler lien jamin, sometimes called ik-n- jamin the Second, discovi red ti colony of Jews, evidently of Persian origin, in Hindustan. They were known as "I'aby lonian Jews," on account of their hav ing migrated from P;ibylonia. They ol serve l the essential rites of Judaism, and strictly avoided intermarriage with other sects. In the In-ginning of the Seven teenth century a Jewish colony settled in ivenne, in the West Indies, one of (ho most inhospitable climates in South America. Cayenne was subsequently connuercel by- the French, who made it a ix-md set- tlemcnt, and the Jewish colony was forced to retire to Surinam. Notwith- Etanding frequent persecutions, Jews are Still feiund in Persia, more cspe-cially to the south fif the Caspian sea. where the soil is very fertile, but the climate very unhealthy. I he principal city is lkd I'li.'sh, where about ld Jewish families reside in almost complete isolation. 'I hey trade with their brethren in Croat Tar tnry, and are engaged in the wool ami siik trade or in the sale of citron. The ioei, unco eiieir origin rroui tnu i;u.' Io nian captivity, for, according to a, tradi tion still possessfjd among them, their mi- tors settled m Per.-.i-i m the id.::' ef Nebuchadnezzar, nnd did not respond to he appeal of Izra to return to Palestine. Their mode of life resembles that of the rersiiins in general. They hold the :eurd in high esteem, and wear ! :r. nowmg roues. liiev several rvnn- gogues, anet ohtruu; of the law rom R-igdad. The celebrated African traveler, niungo Park, found a colony of Jewish families in the heart of Africa. ;t Done r:u: mnej irom tne coast. It is no doubt this j -ecu liar it y of tiie Jewish race which niibir-od ;i 1-i-cni-li T.-riti.-.-nii """t...!! SI , , , . , .. c:u ueograrpny to express lite opinion that "it is questionable whether the crossing- of human varieties confers on thes issue constant advantages in relation 10 me spccied; lor mo Jewir.n race seems in a wonderful manner capable of adapt ing itselt to every change of climate. while others are scarcely able to boar the lea.-d, change." The Jew is found in every part of the world; m .Larope, from Norway to Cib .... 1 , r . . . i . -i l.tiLiti, in jvinca, irom jvigiers ie tne Cape of Croud Hope; m Asia, from " l.r.. J .. 1 t r T . v e uiiiiu to me eaucasus; irom Julia to Pekin. He has peopled Australia, and has given proofs of his powers of ac climatization under the tropics, where people of European origin have constant ly faded to perpetuate themselves. -Jewish 'World. ! BOOTS & SHOES Tin' .-aiiio ijliaii tin- -M i. -.-is.- !y t ;piinls 10 jier cent, cliottj i r tli;:n any bi. Will never- lie niuloisniil. ('all :i!il l In 'U.-c west of coin incofl. tmytu Byv (-nr pm-mf 5 FTf I trv Ti. V TT FtT 7 7 F. F rp n y,-. it r 7 r SET ! Y '1 1 c k -- 'v'. . 'i..i : ' -'.'1 1,' i ' BEDROOM - ST ! - 1 tF!TS5 Foli ALL CLASS;:; ay mrM m&Jm Vil Jit -FOIi Parlors, 2xkri rooms, BJihsr-onis, Iitchesss, Hallways ad OiHrs, (JO to if 3dA ''. vt.i i ii-mMj iX) Wl: ore ;i nidgnilioL'iil, .stdclc of Ciood nliouiid. and 9 Fair I 'rices UNDERTAKING AND EfflDALhlWG A SPECIALTY. W TS '7 r3 ftp MA IX AM) SIXTH ' PLATTSMi d "I'll. NlM'.KAfWI 'J t HI niii'ifu: ce - v u r. 1 . ? v i.i re (sooci'ssoi: to i;o; W il! kei-ii to :iu:ly 011 h: .1 1! 11 liii!i ti- 1 ti:.-! i f ji UK 33 r- mo M0 I CillitC, UiSO, JDST7GC 1 ii iKr jiiik! Full Lhrc Of p U R H I ( i U U i RICHEY Cancr IV:uI and Sovrutli Srocls. 7 Of BROS., 1j fJ s- ' An Eccentric Drug. Among the standard medicines quoted in the medical LeXiks of Nnre-inhurg of 200 years a-? are "portions of the em balmed Lodios of man's flesh, brought from the neighborhood of Momphis, where there are many btxlies ihnt have been buried for more than 1.000 yenr?, cdled muraia, which have lxen em balmed with costly salves and balsam:-;, and smc-il strongly of myrrh, aloes and other fragrant things." The learned elociors cf France, Ger jnany raid Italy all made great use cf this eccontric drug, and in the Seven teenth century grievous complaints arose of its adulteration. M. Poinet, chief apothecary to the French king, records that the hir.g's physician went to Alex andria to judge for himself in this mat ter, and, having made friends with a Jewish dealer in mummies, was admitted to his storehouse, where ho saw piles of bodies. He ashed what kind of bodies were used and how tiiey wore prcpareel. The Jew informed him that he took euch of some disease or come contagion. He S fc fj i i -i .1 :.i ii.. M f. a Sf emuaimeu iiiem w.Ln uie sweepings 01 various old drugs, myrrh, aloes, pitch anel gum ; wound them about with a cere cloth and then dried them in an oven, after which he sent them to Europe, and marveled to see the Christians were lovers of such lilthiness. But even this revelation did net sufiice to put mummy physic out of fashicm, and wo know that Francis I, of France, always carried with him a well filled medicine chest, of which this was the principal ingredient. Nine teenth Century. ji:.w.i:i:s in am, minus of I t V L.aliij UOolls Dlliliio t i H'TT-- -r- v-7, ? 9 V.v ItlSa If to tell i DEALERS A"! OK JTIXK CKOtKEBV. 1J cm.- u. XV V. 1 1 Canadian Exaggeration. The French Canadians are a peculiar people. They can make the best soup in the world. Thej- can cheat vou at bar gaining so as to make you laugh. They lie picturesquely I think that describes it. I know what it means, if you don't. You, too, will know when you have my experience. "Why, a French Canadian carter or market man or thopkeeper lies refreshingly. " There is a chddiah en thusiasm about it that captivates you. lie is an arth-t at it. It's a born gift-ya trace of the old Machiavellian blood, which in the Fifteenth century maele the French diplomats the marvel of intrigu ing courts. lie smil?s as ho lies. He lays his hand on his heart. He lifts his eyes upward. lie embellishes Ids little lie with saintly allusions. He lies as if ha I f loved his own he. He lies so that he honors his nation.--W. H. H. Murray HI, D. tfjMiwjiiunpjL m wju jit rnrwmn iii imi iyn n it j. - - - m . .. - V t r l ; i 1 1, r r r & CO. ' ." ' r r. - -f-r-t -1 il S83 c u a TO J ini Chi Chicago Herald. f- T v.. I ' J u c DOLLARS A DAY. Atr ills v. h: a;;- r.f.r nl i ig sr.ieiiiiJ!i;ii te J tji; hi Liii.v m i .:: ; ri.n; , hi. i.:i(h-.-its :-j,M i.,l (r. r '.f l iilll 3H;.N'i; ion -j MM.., ::r,. ii., i 'i i jiy 'iii To It v- Doihiis I ( i-'.hy !,'! vi iy little liiul, 'iV u.-.n! j.ue:.?. to rc;;rt s. ni t at :il! ;in ('..cnity ansl Idrliict Fails, ;;t:c in evi'iy huni in the I !!!! Suitis- fii,l :,:- en tu:. I .-Scuts :u;fit ;M !;:n- fs V, j liberal toitnnis d'!ii iiii.l -.i-it ir s f..r l..igi t 1 . -1. DOVT f O:?;i.l' th.!t:.i.3 iuM' tv.Ti:K Vi'KKkLY Flint: VUY.S- sci.t t tin ir Mics Four II ntiis on trhd t..r '.", t ents. AdJrc..s THE FiiEE PEES3 CO., Jctioit, Alioli i