The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, September 20, 1887, Image 1

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MoOOIllHiE HOST 45 G. A.
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wheh you mr
Cor. 12ta and Craiiite rt.eets.
Qonivaclov mul Builder
Sept. 12-Cm.
Choicest UranJs of Cigars,
including our
Flor cJe Pcppcr'aergoTand 'Hods
?! f s a- , 5
TOBACCO AX1) SMOKERS' ART.CLZSIstcs are le nr takju t ,
always in stock.
Nov. 23. 1SS5.
lalest by Teegraph..
M'U Killed-
A Train I3ispatchor's Blunder on
the Chicago, Milwaukco &.
St. Paul Road.
Two Engineers. Two Firemen and a
Brakemcn Kibcd. The Pas
scngyrs Escape.
An Engineer, Firo.vson and Three
Tramps Killed in Ohio by
Somebody's Dlundor.
Dniriji i:, I i., S. jt. 1'.). This most
disastrous mid futal mil road uccidi lit
that has occurred in lliis vicinity for
yiMrs, took jilaco this luornin at live
minutes past 7, on thti, Xill
wn.ik'.fi iV, St. 1'aul railroad, two miles
north of !);i!U4Uf. Two passenger
trains i-ollided o:i the rurvt; around lvi-
le Point, ly which two cn'iietr.s and
olio tircin iu wcro instantly killed, the
other mid a hrakeinan cl yiiii'
during the forenoon. In all, five peisous.
Charles Fairs, one of the oldest engineers
on tho ngiiu! of the
south hound trair., and Elmer "Winches
ter, on the north hound train. William
Uichmond and Elmer Cumminas were the
t wo firemen, ami all lived in Duhuque.
John Pcrnity, of Milwaukee, a brakcr
on tli(.' north hound tram, vas liiata-.iily
Killed. lie was mini!; on tlie enniuc. so
as , o oai 4 ..... ,n e
miles lieyond, anJ tli.f regular ....cling
l.iee of tin; t wo trains. J. .1. O'lh ien,
i. press messenger, ana one ol the po
tal clerks wore hadlv shaken up. hut not
seriously hurt
Xone of the ' pas.vj nger
were injured heyond a tew hriuscs, ex
cept llich.ird Wright, of Holy Cross
who was coming t Duhiujuo. lie was
injured in the hack hut not dangerously.
I'iie two eniiies ,-cr; hadlv v. recked.
ami were thrown i:it.) a shaneuvs mas:
Flic cause of tli'! a.-cident is diarircd to
the train dispatcher at LaCiosse.
The-io two trains usually pays at Peru or
side track five miles north of Puhuque.
The north hound train was hchind time
and should have pass -d th i south hound
train at Duhu.Mie. Conductor Woleott
md E lineer Winchester refused to
leave Duhuquc on the first order from
the train dispatcher at LaCrossc, expect
in"; to meet the south hound train if they
did. They notified him of their apprc-
heinh n, hut received a second ordei
imperative in its nature and pulled out.
The place where the; accident occuivd
was at E i''!c Point, one of the sharpest
curves on the road, mid where all trains.
have to whistle and slow up. This
morning there was a heavy fog. The
south hound train was moving at a good
)eed. an I the engines could not he seer-
till within fifty feet of each other, and
toolato for either engineers or firemen to
Collision Between Freight Trains
Ci.M ixxATr, O., S.-p,t. 1'.'. A Timea
sia ;, SpringiUlu, O., special says a col-
ion occurred this morning at Foster'
v rossm-', cat ol that Place, on the Pitts-
Iurg, Fort V.'ayne & Chicago road, he-
tween two fniiiht trains, stttinr c)ii fire
live oil cats and exploding a ear of dyna
mite, and killing live peisons, the fire
man, engineer and three tramps who
were stealinr a ride.
Cy a Broken Wheel.
Ixwaxaivus, Ind.. Sei;t. It). The fast
day express over the Indianapolis Sz St.
' unio r.iil H.r, . f I,.-,,..--
near Feir station, ahout twenty-live miles
west. The wreck is understood to have
hecr. caused hv the hrcaking of a wheel
under the rear truck of the locomotive.
Tiie engineer nnd fireman.- named lied
dni;ton, father and son, were buried be
neath tha cngin:; and killed. The pass
engers were violently shaken up. but no
one seriously injured.
t-Lilfed by Fcul Air.
Xkiikaka City. Xch., Sept. 10. John
Xash, a farmer liviiiir north of the citv
several miles, went down a well lost
night after a pig which h id fallen in.
and was overcome by foul air and expir
ed before he could le rescued.
UneartMins a Mastodon.
Kkauxkv, Xeb., Sept. 19. While ex
cavating for the purpose of setting the
turbine wheels, Engineer 0,Urien. of the
Kearney canal company, unearthed to-day
at a depi of tMriy-two feet from the
surface, lutmciot-s parts of nv.studon's
bones, sonic of which measured nearly
i forty-livj inches in circnniference. aiid
continue the
search for the uifc-sing parts.
Tha Outgrowth cf tho Occupation
of Mexico by Maximillian.
Cii y ok Mkxko, via Jalveston, Tex.,
S pt. III. Military and political circh s
are greatly excited to-day over the result
of a duel which took place this inorniii;
Thi: principals were (!en. Kocha and An
tonio (Jayon who is chief of one of the
haurcaus of the war department." The
trouhle grew out of a controversy over
tie; i u i ration of the conduct of Lopez at
(Juoreatam, and his l'elations to the em
peror, Maximilian. At the first fire to
day, (htvon fell, pierced in the ri'dit
hnasl hy a hullet. He lies in a critical
coiKiiuon ami is reported to lo dying
lie is ;)M or f;0 years old, and (Jeneral
Ilochii is ahout ten years his junior. The
wounded man has a grown-up family.
iie.ierai i.tx na was a consiiicuous liirure
in the war against the empire. His tak
ing oi I ampieo and h's victory at La-
hufa made Idin famous.
Foraker's Philadelphia Snub
Xi;w Yor.K, Sjpt. 10. Replying to the
denials of the statement that return the
salute of Governor Forakerin the parade
Friday in Philadelphia, and that Mrs.
Cleveland reiusecito notice the governor
and wife at the academy reception the
same evening, tne 1 rwiuie correspond
ent reiterates the statement and says Gen
eral Iiushnell, who saw the affair, thus
elates it: "I was with the governor at
Y- 1" He said 'Good evening, Mr.
President,, at the same time extending
h h ind. The president took it ajid
replied 'Good evening, governor.' 'Per
mit mi-, said the governor, 'to present
Mrs. Foraker.' The president made some
remark of an agreeable character, shook
Mrs. Foraker's hand anil they passed on
to Mrs. Cleveland. She deliberately
turned away from both of them and
, , . .1
'aye ner nami to persons coming up he-
hind. (J overnor Foraker fully confirmed
what G -neral Buslincl! said, addinir that
the inter.; ion of ?Jrs. Clevebind to ad
minister an emphatic snub to himself mid
wife was evident.
Ringing Resolutions Denouncing
the Massacre at Mitch
eistown. Lincoln, Xeb., Sept. 111. As was ex
pected, there was a numerous attendance
at the meeting of the Lincoln branch of
the Irish national league yesterday after
noon. Mr. Patrick Egan occupied the
chair. The proceedings opened with a
song, "I stood on the bridge at midnight, ,:
uy -Miss tovic. Jir. Jjawvors ability as
a vocalist was well sustained by his ef
fort en this occason. The chairman
then introduced the speaker of the day.
Mr. James Farrell, who delivered one
of his lirvidand forcible addresses, well
ing up from the deep fount of earnest
patriotism within his own breast. In
scattering language he srored the Irish
landlords, whose title to their lands or
lgmated in murder and robber-. He
picuircit a norue oi niauraders crossing
the borders and subjugating the Irish
Alter his speech the following resolu
tions were introduced by Mr. Butler.
Wiikhka, in the exercise of tiie right
of public meeting guaranteed by the
British constitution, the Irish people ot I
Mieheltown and its vicinity were assem-
i.l.l .. r - 4.1 t z I
hied together tor the discussion ot a po- I
" 1 i' i
litical question, vital to the interests of
lreland, and were then and there tired I
upon by a murderous and drunken po-
,. , ... ., . I
lice, and with 0,e result that three per-
sons wen; slain, and,
V iiekkas, Chief Secretary Balfour I
has assumed the resnensibilitv for the I
said murders by stating that the police
were acting in conformity with their duty J
and the orders issued to them,
r, ..-.7-.-. 7 n. f... i tn I
lusulcul, that we, as members of the I
' ' I
scattered Irish race, feel that a bloody
outrage has been committed upon us, as I
is well as upon our brethren in Ireland,
in defianee of divine and human justice,
inei wane unite with our kindred in
tendering our sympathy to the relatives
of the murdered men, and in denouncing
tne murderers, we maintain that it is the
stern duty of the Irish nation to rigidly
and impartially investigtae the circtiiii-
stances surrounding the murder, and to
see that justice shall be meted out to
whomever is morally or actually guilty
of this foul crime. I
t 1 - . . , . .. ,, . 1
In speaking to the resolution Mr. But-I
1 n
ler asked his audience how long this
state of afiiairs was to continue. The
cbiv i iiiist when (lrii-rn5'nn frn,.,lo
. I
... . , , 1 ti 1 , 1 ,
lilinrtiT nn.l n rnnilr Tin. I.t,.rli l.lo.f . F n I
" . J .b..L n
rising democracy is neara in tne palaces
of England's aristocracy.
Judne Hilton followed at consideabli.
Unrrth 5n o..., orf. .if 11, o , ,. T...,o
f . . , . . '
wuicn were carried wuu an outburst that
plainly revealed now sorely the Insb. in I
America feel the murder of the .Mitch
elstown nmrtynt.
Chicago Markets.
Special to the 1 1 Ki: a i.u.
Cakwcio, Sept. 20.- -Wheat for Octohi r
opened at CJ ; highest, 014; lowest,sj ;
closed at 'J. Occeinhcr ojened at Tli;;
highest, 111; lowe.-.t, 71 ?: closed at 71V-
Corn For Octc her opemd at 41;
highest, -llg; lowest, 11: closed at 41. 3,
May opined at 4i; highest, 4."i; lowest
41 J; closed at 14 J.
Itixicirrs Car lots win at, 10'.); corn,
Cattle-Receipts, 1,200; market gener-
aH 10c 1"W( r; shipping steers. :?:5.00y5
4.0; stockers and feeders, l.7.)(f':i.00;
cows, hulls and mixed. 1.2.)( 2..S0; Tex
as cattle, .1.2.'K'.l.,i; western rangers;
!? 1.7.") (!. Mi.
Hogs Receipts, 12000; market strong
and 5('10c higher; mixed, !4.H."5(5.1.'i;
heavy, $4.J!; light, $i.b0(&r,Ar,;
rough and skips, :5. 00(4.70.
Sheep Receipts, 7.000; market slow;
common, lower: natives. 2.)0(o4A 0:
I western, ?:!.00(.?:j.iri; Texans, $;j.00(r."
:5.(i0; lambs, per head, ..00(.j.!2".
Plattsmouth Markets.
Tuesday, September 20, ls7.
Wheat Xo. 2, 4 IS.
" 3 41.
Corn, 2 2(5.
Oats, 2 18.
Rye, 2 30.
Barley, Xo. 2 10.
" " 3 30.
Hogs, 1.1.-(V7 1.30.
Cattle, 2.SI0(';3.25.
A Nation of Shi-pliertls and Cattle ItroeJ-
er-Kir;li s on the March.
ino ivara-ivirnese aro essenuallv a
I nation of shepherds and brooders cf
I cattle, and think it ma. "conic down m
Iife when cod to rt'SOTt to settled
oucuoauoiis. aiuw aro not i-:o rien ;is
I their brethren in tho T.lains. Verv few
I own as many as 2.000 horses or 3.000
sheep. Also they have fewer camels;
but, on l ho other hand. iosses.s an excel
lent breed of oxen for traversing the
mountains. Their cows are lar-'c-. but do
not yield much milk. Yaks are kept hv
them instead. Their cattle breeding
claims far loss labor than airrieultuiv. but
it is exposed to great risks. For the sup
port of a nomad family for a year are
required eleven head of large and ten of
small cattle, and to provide hay for the
winter consumption even of this number
exceeds the working power of ono house
I was much interested to son some of
the Kirghcse on tho marc h. Their wan
derings are thus conducted. When the
pasture in a iieighliorhixxl is eaten, one?
or two of tho young men aro sent to
select a spot for another encampment,
nnd to clean out the wells. This done.
the women pack tho tents and the men
io! m tne came in ci roves, the camp is
ready and starts before dawn, tho good
women of the family riding in front. I
met one old lady in this honorable riosi-
tion, mounted astride a bullock and look
ing anything but graceful. After her
came the otiier women, variouslv
mounted on the top of carpets, teakettles,
toJltd' etc-' tho whole being made to
wear, as far as possible, a festive asiiect.
The length of a stage is from thirteen to
suventeen miles, and tho aul traverses
about twenty-live miles in twenty-four
On arriving at the place of encamp
ment it is the office of the wife to put up
the tent. I chanced to see a woman be-
in to do so, and would not stir from the
spot till I had witnessed the whole opera-
ti.-.n I liri I vii. i i i. I inrfj tf n i-tI.iI-.i r,f
tent are large pieces of felt to cover a
framework that consists of lintel and bide
,x'sts for a door, and pieces of tre-llis-
oiJ.fciiiiiiouiii.cii i.iv I'oies tiiat juuti ill
. r i n- i
1 1 .( center. On this trelnswork am sns-
pended arms, clothes, bags, basins, har-
ness and cooking utensils. Xot that there
ld a large variety, however, ot the last,
for most of the cooking is done in a large
saucei)an tnt "taild3 on a tri d
over the fire in the middle of the tent.
Crockeryware is not abundant, being of
nazaruoiis carriage, ana nietai goousare
not oulv for li;aang bottles (specially
those for carrying koumiss), but also
P:l"S, some of which are furnished with
a spout, i met wiin no small saucepans
i i m c t- i- i i .i S
civ tfalct-ttlps of KnrMish slisno. llinr n!"pp
being supplied by kurgans or water
ewers, somewhat resembling a coffeepot.
liound the walls ot tne tent are piled
against wLich tl ,3 lca31. hv
head of the household sitting opposite the
door, and in front of him the wife in at-
I was honored with an invitation to
in one of these tents, the dishes
b,?ing put before us according to our
-nk. I heard nothing of grace before
meat, but I never saw anything to exceed
cleared. Hands were knives and lingers
were forks, the meat being torn from the
oones as by the teetn ot hungry dogs. It
is considered polite for a .Kirghese su-
-xt i ir 1
lxirior to take a h.uiilfKl or Tiiecf of nif:it
and stuff them into the mouth of an in-
ferior guest, an elegancy I saw practiced
;i.,. ;fn
on another, but from which, mercifully,
I mvself was excused. Dr. Henry Lans-
dell in Harper's Magazine
Mu. Clevklaxd is said to be anxious
to have G.neral Black on the ticket with
1 1 - . i. -.- .i .
''" ncn jcar, in uuier iq caicn luc SOl-
dicr vo e. It will take more than Gentr-
, 1 nwt tn nmln tha fF.ct nf th.f rl...l.
I M. 41 amy W M II V W V i&-vk XS4V VVA.
flag order.
1-n A Pi!
-p3 "fss,
llli - mil
n ki U'J ell il M M M W
"heap at h mm
a n n n n
iiief mi 8 mmm
We Announce Without Further Notice a
IfSaa v K KiJ-i '-i. li ? '-T7 In ii n li & :) " 1 K r f- -isf it.t H
.TUIA" 12tli.
Scjtfiiil)er 1st.
p5 fr
un h i ; v a urn im
hi EifI
without reserve, it will bo to the
ot Ca:-5 County to
5 il C
nmmi Man
i ?3 S - -.S fl H M IA
sy U3Uyi
Having in view the interests
multitude to chare the benefits of
crmsidr-r'itwm sfd! t, nt-1 -. Ar....,.
"UUei tuis Clearance eaiC.
AVe so to New York soon to make our Fall 1urcIi:iK
ami ve kindly remiest all ol'osn frienils indj-lit cd it i
all asoarlv :i iwssihb mtw!
-' "-a " ......
WhteF" nt Dij Gaodi He use.
Main Street, -
mm m 1 1 m it
u ft Kiva bo ti tPA ran mm
K 1 11 M a a li ri U M V n IS l.ri ''.ftViT r 1
Q :i2 KnI'a;)
ikzi Lai
y L id
i iiuui
continuing until
n iv-
individual interests of all citizens
take advantage of the
ot our customers, and to enable th
tins rreat sale, we wiil nnd.-r t.,.
...l...i 1.. l. . r ... .i . . . 1 1
uaiu ,.1 -,m,., einuraccu
us to
-wliu iK.ihi .w. v
c. 1 t ..v , aiuwuiur,,
Yours Ilosiectfuly,
s Ai.r.
s Offered
Plattsmouth, Neb