THE DAILY IIEPwALD, PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, SEPTEMTiEIl 19, 18s7. THE PRIME MINISTER. REV. DR. TALMAGE'3 SERMON AT THE BROOKLYN TABERNACLE. i;vrry irtun in Finally Valued ut II In Kcul Woitli Kixinff to 1 1 IKI 1'onltUn llirouli I'uMic Aliusi Tlie World Hunt Honor diameter. I'.hooki.yn, Sept. 18. After lx-lntf Hm-1 mum vks for improvements nr. I eiil.iriiiri nl.-:, tlm I?roo!,;!v n taber-ua-I'! was oi ni l to-iluy. The binm; ov r v. Ju lmin 1 linings wen- in uUeiieknn aa before. TIm- eorirej.-Uion klii with jjmit ei'iYet the hymn: JVfurn .i linvairH ii'aTiiI fhron Y; lull ions lv u illi MNTmi J',y; Kuo.v ll.d I lie i,r.i l.4;,.i al.ii:,; ill! -if iin-l he l si r. .y. After explaining appropii.ilo passages of fte-riptiiiv, I Jr. Talmay;! took liij text from (.inesi-i xli, 41: "Ami 1'Jiaraoli ha'nl unto Joseph: See, I have n-t thee over all tin J.unl of Kirypl." Tin; wibjtet of tln'sermon was "The. l'liino Minister." Dr. Talmae Kiid: You cannot keep a ool man lovn. flo.1 lias ilccn I for liim a certain eleva tion to vliidi In in:i'-t attain. He will hriir.j liim IhroiivJi, ihoii;;li it cost him a tliou.ainl Vtfilils. There sin; men con in trout ! lst they snail not lxi Opin;c:i:il.'tl. Every man coined in llio tml to lc valueil at ju. t what he is worth. How often you hoe men turn out all their forces to crii.-h oiie man or i;.t of men. How lo they Klicn-cl? No better than el:el tlu; e;oreriiiiiei,L that tried to criish Joseph, a, (Scripture-character, upon which we sspeak to lay. It would he an insult to suppose that you were not all familiar with the life of Joseph; how his jealou brothers threw liim into the pit, hut, see in a cai avan. of Aral.ian merchant: moving along on their camels with spices urnl ;iiiiis that loaded the air wilh aroma, fiojj their brother to these merchants, who carried liim louninlo Egypt; how Joseph was sold to 1I iphar, a man of intlueiice ami oflice; how, by his integ rity, h; raised himself to high position in the realm, until, under the false charge of a vile wretch, he was hurled into the Iieniti'iitiary; how in prison ho ceun mandol respect and com'denee; how, by the interpretation of Pharaoh's dream, ho was freed and became the chief man in p.oveTiimejit, the 1 .ismarck of the; nation; how in time of famine Joseph had tho control of a storehouse; which ho had filled during the seven years of plenty; how, when his brothers who had thrown him into the pit and sold him into captivity apphed for corn, he tent them home with their beasts borne down under the heft of the com sacks; how tho sin against their brother, which had so long licen hidden, came out at last and was returned by that brother's forgiveness and kind ness, an illustrious triumph of Christian principle. Iicarn from this story, in the first place, that the world is compelled to lienor Christian character. Poiiphar was only a man i f the world, yet Joseph rose in his estimation until all the n! fairs of that great house wore committed to his charge. From this servant no honors or confidences were wit hhe Id. When Joseph was in prison he soon won the heart of the keeper, and, though placed there for being a scoundrel, he soon convinced tho jailer that he was an innocent and trust worthy man, a::d, released from closo confinement, l.e became, a general super intendent of prison a! Fairs. Wherever Joseph was placed, whet her a servant in the house of I'otipiiar or a, prisoner in the penitentiary, he became the first man everywhere, and is an illustration of the truth I lay down that the world is com- s polled to honor Chri-tian character. There are ther e who affect to despise a religious life. They speak of it as a sys tem of phlebotomy by which a man L bled of all his courage and nobility. They eay lie has lienuaiied himself. They pro tend to have no more confidence in him eince his conversion than before his con version. But all that is hypocrisy, It is impossible for any man not to admire and confide in a Christian who shows that he has really become a child of God and is what ho professes to be. You cannot despise a son or a daughter cf the Lord God Almighty. Of course half and half religious character wins no approbation. Uedwald, the king of the Saxons, after Christian baptism had two altars, one for the worship of God aril the other for the sacrifice of devils. You may have a contempt for such men. for mere pre tension, of religion, but when you behold the excellency of Jesus Christ come out in the life of one cf his disciples, all that there is good and noble in vour soul rises up into admiration. Though that Christian be as far beneath you in estate as tho Egyptian slave whom we aro discussing, by an irrevo cable law of our rsature Petiphar and Tharaoh will always esteem Joseph. Chrysostom when threatened with death by Eudoxia. the empress, sent word to her saving: "Go tell her that I fear noth ing but sin." Such nobility of character will always be applauded. There was 6omething in Agrippa and Felix which demanded their respect for Taul. the rebel against government. I doubt not they would wiilinudy have yielded their office and dignity iter the thousandth part of that true heroism which I earned in the eye and beat in the heart of the uncon querable apostle. The infidel and world ling arc comicllcd to lienor Li their hearts, though they may not eulogize with their lips, a Christian firm in perse cution, cheerful in poverty, trustful in losses, triumphant in death. I find Chris tian men in all professions and occupa tions, and I find them respected, and honored, and successful. John Frederick Obcrlin alleviating ignorance and distrers, John Howard passing from dungeon to lazaretto with healing for the body find the soul, Elizabe th Frye coming to the profligate of Newgate prison to shake down their olxluracy as the angel came to the prison at Fiiilippi. driving open the doors and snapping locks and chains, as well as the lives of thousands of the followers cf Jesus who have devoted themselves to the temporal and spiritual -welfare of the race, are monuments of the Christian religion that shall not crumble while the world lasts. A man in the cars said: "I would like to become a Christian if I only knew what religion is. But if this lying and cheating and bad be havior among meji who prof ess to be good ia religion. I want noDe of it." But, my friends, if I am an artist ii Rome and a mn cornea to tuo and oks of painting is, T must not ehow Mm tho daub of Homo mero pretender. I will take him to the KaphaeLt and the Michael Angelos. It is mcst unfair and dishonest to tako the ignominious failures in Chris tian profession in-,leal of tho glorious Miocenes. The Bible and tho church arc great picturo gallerko filled wilh lnubter pieces. Furthermore, wo learn from this story of Joseph that thu result "of crscculioii i.i elevation. Had it not leoii for his licing fold into Egyptian bmd-tpe by Lis mali cious brothers and his fal-e imprisonment Joseph would never have leeome prime minister. Everylmdy accepts tho prom ise: "Blessed are they that aro perse cuted for righteousness' sake; for theirs is the kingdom of heaven," but they do not rea!i.e tho fact that this principle applies to worldly as well as spiritual success. It is true m all departments. Had it net been for, who brought im peachment against, 1 )einc: .1 hones, tin; im mortal oration Ho Corona would never have been delivered. Men rise to high political sitiou through misrepn-sen'.a-I ion and the assault of tho public. Pub lic abuse; is all that some of our public men have had to rely upon for their le vation. It has brought to them what talent and executive force could never have achieved. Many of t hosts w ho aro making great eff rt for place and power will never suet t ed just Ix-causo they tiro not of enough importance to le abused, it is tho nature of man to gather about those who aro persecute d and i( fend them, and they are apt to forget the faults of those who aro tho subjects if attack while attempt ing to drive back tho slanderers. Helen Stirk, ji Scotch martyr condemned with her husband to death for Christ's sake, said to her husband: "Bojoice; wo have lived together many joyful days, but this day wherein we must die together ought to he most joyful tons both. Therefore I will not bid you good night, for soon we shall meet in the heavenly kingdom." By the Hash of tin; furnace best Christian character is demonstrated. 1 go into another department, and I find that those great denominations of Christ ians which have been most abused have spread most rapidly. No good man was ever more vilely maltreated than John Wesley. His followers were hooted at and maligned and called by every de testable name that infernal ingenuity could invent, but the hotter the per secution tho more rapid the spread of that denomination, until you kr-ow what a great host they have lecom .i what a tremendous force for God and the truth they are wielding all the world ovo' !.., 1.,.r-.r.iitMir . ..f gave Scot land lo l-i : i jerse- culion which gave our own land first to civil liberty and afterward to religious freedom. Yea, I may go further back and say it was persecution that gave tho world the great salvation of the Gospel. The ribald mockery, the hun gering and thirsting, tho unjust and ignominious death where all the force of hell's fury was hurled against tho cro.s, was the introduction of that religion which is yet to be tle earth's deliverance, from guilt and siuTering, and her everlasting enthronement among the principalities f heaven. The state has sometimes said to the church: "Come, let me take your hand and I will help you." What lias been the result? Tho church has gone back and has lost its estate of holiness and has become in cllYetivo. At other times the state has said to the church: "I will crush you." What has been the result? After the storms havesjKiit their fury, the church, so far from having lost any of its force, has increased and is worth infinitely more after the assault than liefore it. The church is far more indebted to the opposition of civil government than to its apj roval. The fires of the stake have only been the torches which Christ held in his hand by the light of which the church has marched to her present posi tion. In the sound of racks and imple ments of torture I hear the rumbling of the wheels of the Gospel chariot. Scaf folds of martyrdom have been tho stairs by which the church has ascended. Aqua fortis is the best lest of pure gold. Furthermore, cur subject impresses us that sirs will come to exposure. Long, long ago, had these brothers sold Joseph intc Egypt. They had suppressed the crime, and it was a profound secret well kept by the brothers. But suddenly the secret is out. The old father hears that son is in Egypt, having been sold thereby the malice of his own brothers. IIow their cheeks must have burned and tiieir hearts sunk at the flaming out of thi.'. suppressed crime. The smallest in iquity lias a thousand tongues, and they will blab out an exposure. Said was sent to destroy the Canaanites, their sheep and their oxen. But when he got down there among the pastures he saw some fine sheep and oxen too fat to kill, and so he thought ho would steal them. Ho drove them toward home, but stopped to report to the prophet how well he had executed his commission, when in the distance the sheep 1-egan to bleat and the oxen to bellow. The secret was out, and Samuel said to the blushing and con founded Saul: "What means tho bleating of the sheep that I hear and the lowing of the cattle?" Aye, my hearers, you cannot keeji an iniquity quiet. At just the wrong time the sheep will bleat and the oxen will bellow. Achan cannot steal the Babylonish garment without getting stoned to death, nor Benedict Ar nold betray his country without liaving his neck stretched. . Look over the police arrests, these thieves, these burglars, these adulterers, these counterfeiters, these highwaymen, these assassins. They all thought they could bury their iniquity so deep down that it wou'd never come to resurrec tion. But there was some slice that an swered to the print in the sand, 6ome false keys found in possession, seme bloody knife that whispered of the deeel, and the public- indignation, ar.d the ana thema of outraged law hurled him into the Tombs or hoisted him on the gallows. At the clo;-e cf the battle between the dauphin cf France and the Helvetians, Burchard Monk was so elated with tho i victory that he lifted Ids helmet to look ! oil upon the field, when a wounded sol- i dicr hurled a stone that struck his uncov- ! ered forehead and he fell. Sin will al-) ways leave some point exposed, and there is no safety in iniquity. Francis I, king of France, was discussing how it was best " to get his army into Italy. AmarU, the court fool, sprang out from the corner and said to the king and his staff officers: 'You had feetter be thinking how you will ret' your army back out of Italy after once you have entered." In other words, it is easier for us to get into sin than to get out of it. "White-field was riding on horseback in a lonely way with oome missionary money in a e.-u-k fast t iled to the saddle bags. A highwayman rpruriout from tho thicket and put his hand out toward the; gold, when W hitC' field turned Uon him and said: "lhat belongs to tho Ixml Jesus Christ, touch it if you dare," and tho villain fell back empty handed into the thicket. O, the power of conscience! If offended, it 1-e- eomcs God's avenging minister. Do not think that you can hide any great and protracted sin in your hearts. In an un guarded moment it will slip off of the lip or some slight occasion may for a mo ment set ajar this dexjr of hell that you wanted to keep closed. But suppose that in this life you hide it, and you get along with that transgression burning m your heart as a ship on fire within for days may hinder tlm flume from bursting out by keeping down tho hatchways, vet at last, in the Judgment blaze out before tho , that iniquity will throne of Cod and tho universe. Furthermore, learn from tliis subioct the inseparable connection between all events, however remote. Lonl Hastings was beheaded one year after ho had caused the death of the queen's children, in the very month, tho very day, the very hour and tho very moment. There is wonderful precision in the divine judg ments. The universe is only one thought cf God. Those; things which seem frag mentary and isolated aro only different parts of that one great thought. How far apart seemed these; two events Joseph sold to tho Arabian merchants and tho rulership of Egypt. Yet you see in what a mysterious way God connected tho two in one plan. So all events are linked to- gethor. You who aro aged can look back and group together a thousand things in your life that once seemed Isolated. One undivided chain of events reached from tho Garden of Eden to tho cross of Cal vary, and thus up to heaven. There is a relation between the smallest insect that limns in tho summer air and the arch angel on his throne. God can trace a di rect ancestral line from tho blue jay that last spring built its nest in a tree behind tho house to some one of that flock of birds which, when Noah hoisted the ark's window, with a whirl and dash of bright wings went out to sing over Mount Ararat. The tulips that bloomed this summer in the llower led were nursed of last winter's snowflakes. The fur thest star on one siele tho universe could not look to the furthest star on tho e ther side and say: "You are no re lation to me;" for from that bright orb a voice of light would ring across the heavens responding: "Yes, yes; we are sisters." Sir Sieluey Smith in prison was playing lawn tennis in the yard and the ball flew over the wall. Another ball containing letters was thrown back, and so communication was opened with the outside world, and Sidney Smith escaped in time to defeat Bonaparte's Egyptian expedition. What a small accident con nected with what vast result! Sir Robert Peel from a pattern he drew on the back of a pewter dinner plate got suggestions of that important invention is printed. Nothing swings at loose ends. which led to the by which calico in God's universe Accidents aro only God's way of turning a loaf in the book of liis eternal decrees. From our cradle to our grave there is a path all marked out. Each event in our life is connected with every other event in our life. Our loss may be the most direct road to our gain. Our defeats and victories tiro twin brothers. The whole direction of your hie wits changed by something which at the time seemed to jou a trifle, while somo occurrence which seemed tremen dous affected you but little. The Eev. Dr. Kennedy, of Basking Ridge, N. J., went into his pulpit one Sabbath and by a strange freak of memory forgot his subject and forgot his text, and in great embarrassment rose before his audience and announced the circumstance and de clared himself entirely unable to preach; then launched forth in a few earnest words of entreaty and warning which re sulted in the outbreaking of tho mightiest revival of religion ever known in that state, a revival of religion that resulted in churches still standing and in the conver sion of a large number of men who entered the Gospel ministry who have brought their thousands into the king dom of God. God's plans aro magnifi cent beyond all comprehension. He molds us, turns and directs us, and we know It not. Thousands of years are to him but as tho flight of a shuttle. The most terrific occurrence does not make God tremble, and tho most triumphant achievement does not lift him into rapture. That one great thought of God goes on through the centuries, anel nations rise and fall, and eras pass, and the world itself changes, but God still keeps tho undivided mas tery, linking event to event and century to century. To God they are all one event, one history, one plan, one develop ment, one system. Great and marvel lous aro thy works, Lord God Almighty. Furthermore, we learn from this story the propriety of laying up for the future. During seven years of plenty Joseph pre pared for the famine, and when it came he had a crowded storehouse. The life of most men in a worldly respect is divided into years of plenty and famine. It is seldom that any man passes through life without at least seven years of plenty. During these seven prosperous years your business lears a rich harvest. You hardly know where all the money comes from, it comes so fast. Every bargain you make seems to turn into gold. You contract few bad debts. You are as tounded with large dividends. You in vest more and more capital. You won der how men can be content with a small business, gathering in only $100 where you reap your thousands. These are the seven years of plenty. Now, Joseph, is the time to prepare for famine, for to almost every man there do come seven years of famine. You will be sick; you will be unfortunate; you will be de frauded; you will be disappointed; you will be old, and if you have no storehouse upon which to fall back you may bo famine struck. We have no admiration for this denying one's self of all present comfort and luxury for the mere pleasure of hoarding up, this grasping for the mere pleasure of seeing how large a pile you can get, this always being poor and cramped because as soon as a dollar comes in it is sent out to see If it can't find another dollar 'to carry homo on its back; but there is an intelli gent and noble minded forecast which we lovo to 6ce in men who have families and kindred dependent upon them for tho blessings tf education and home. God sends us to tho insects for a lesson, which, while they do not stint themselves in the present, do not forget their duty U fore stall tho future. "Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways and lo wise;, which, having no guide, overseer or ruler, provide th her meat in tho summer and gathert th her fenxl in tho harvest. Now there are two ways of laying up money; the ene by investing it in stock and de jiositing it in banks and loaning it on lxmd and mortgage. The other wav of laving up money is giving it awav Ho is the safest who makes both of these investments. But tho man who deve-tes none of his gain to thocauso of Christ and thinks onlv of his own comfort and luxury is not safe, I don't care how his money is invested. Ho acted as tho rose if it should say: "I will hold my breath and no one shall have a snatch of fra grance from mo until next week, and then 1 will set all the garden alloat with tho aroma." Tho time comes, but having been without fragrance for so long it has nothing then to give. But aliove all. lay up treasures in heaven. They never depreci ate in value. They never are at a dis count. The-are always available. You may feel safe now with your present yearly income, but what will such an in come bo worth after you aro chad? Others will get it. Perhaps some of them will quarn 1 aliout it liefore you are buried. They will be right glad that you are dead. They aro ordy waiting for you to die. Whatthen will all your accumu lation lx worth if you could gather it all into your Ixisoni and walk up with it tt heaven's gate? It would not purchase your admission; or, if allowed to enter, it could not buy you a crown or a rolie, and the iorest saint in heaven would look down and say: "Where did that pauper come from?" Finally: learn from this subject that in every famine; there is a storehouse. Up tho long row of building piled to tho very roof with corn come tho hungry multi tudes, anel Joseph commanded that their sacks ond wagons lie; filled. Tho wrld has been blasted. Every green thing has wit here 1 under the touch of sin. From all continents and islands and zones comes tip tho groan of dying millions. Over the tropical spice grove, and Siberian ice hut, and Hindoo jungle the blight has fallen. The famine is uni versal. But, glory be to God ! there is a great storehouse. Jesus Christ, our elder brother, this ekiv bids us come in from our hunger and beggary, and obtain in finite supplies of grace enough to make us rich forever. Many cf you have for a long while been smitten of the famine. Tho world has not stilled tho throbbing t.f j our spirit. Your conscience sometimes rouses j-ou up with such suddenness and strength that it requires the most gigantic determination to quell tho disturbance. Your courage quakes at the thought of the future. Oh, whv will you tarry amid the blastings of the famine when such a glorious storehouse is open in God's mercy? Ye; wri'tchfd, hungry, starving poor, Beliolil a roynl feast. Where niore-y spreads lier bounteous store For every bumble K"-'st. See, Jesus stands with open arms, lie calls, be bids you evime; Guilt holds you back and fears alarms. Hut see, tbero yet is room. Improvement in Surgery. Tho visiting doctors have, of course, taken in the medical schools find the hospitals, where the learned professors re allowed to extienment on the injured for the benefit of their classes. I have heard several of them express their ad miration of an instrument with an un pronounceable name, made by Dr. Milte;n Josiah Roberts for the purpose of quick amputation of limbs. Dr. Roberts uses cocaine as an anaesthetic ar.d electricity runs his instrument. The saw with which bones are severed runs with such rapidity as to be invisible in operation, and the amputation of a man's leg by this in genious device occupies about five sec onds. Dr. Roberts is to exhibit and illus trate; the operation of this compact little instrument liefore some one of the sections of tho convention at Washington. I have seen it in operation, and, without any- scientilic knowledge on the subject, I could readily see how the rapidity and precision and neatness of its work would allord relief to tho unfortunate patient. During the war I saw surgeons occupy half an hour in amputating a man's leg, whereas now it can. lo done in less time than it takes to place the patient under the influence or ether or cocaine. Foreign surgeons who have paid little or no atten tion to the improvement of surgical in struments will find a great surprise in store for them when Dr.JRolierts explains the working and capabilities of his machine I don't know what ho calls it. New York Mail and Express. The Horse Wore Cogplcs. A horse with goggles was one of the attractions of the Clinton square market place the other afternoon. The Manlius farmer who owned him said he discov ered recently that the animal was very nearsighted, and an occulist to whom he took tho nag said so, too. The eye man took the necessary dimensions and, send ing to New York, had a pair of concave spectacles made expressly for Dobbin. When the farmer tried them for the first time the horse appeared to be startled, but, recovering from his surprise, mani fested every symptom of pleasure. They are made so as to be firmly fastened in the headstall and cannot bo worn without that pieco of harness. "When I turn him out to pasture," said the farmer, "he feels uneasy and un comfortable without liis goggles, and last Sunday he hung around the barn and whinnied so plaintive like that I took out the bit and put the headstall and goggles on him, and he was so glad that he rubbed my shoulder with liis nose. Then he kicked up his heels and danced down to the pasture. You ought to have seen him. I hate to let him wear specs all the time, though, for I fear he will break them." Svracuse Standard. Emancipation in Brazil. Emancipation will be hastened in Bra zil by a recent act of the general assem bly. It allows masters to retain their slaves two years longer, but they must pay them fair wages during that period, at tho expiration of which all are to be ifrq?' . TS Tlu; same quality d ;Mtl.s 10 j;r ct-nt. clioaticr tlitm any lionse west rf tlu: -Mississijij.i. never bo uiMlcrsoIu. Call and lu'coiivinctttl. ALSO EB-JHSEjSLLEEriSrar PETER MERGES. mm m mmmw BNITUEE FOR ALL tSTH ITT HkU-.n - l: ..i:;;!',;:,. BEDROOM SET! p jfe SF.T I Parlors, .IScclrooins, SI'hhJiijy-rMosis, Etitchcns, Hallways azul Oilicwt, -(JO Where a magnificent, sstock of (Joois and Fair I 'rices abound. UNDERTAKING AND EfrlBALftimG A SPECIALTY. CORNER MAIN AND SIXTH. fi F J 11 5 -5 (sretacssoi: to Will kc'i e-ori'-t.iiitly on li:iiul m any muuiumoi o AVall Iaier and a Full Iiin of DRTJG-G-IST'S SXJjrnDIIjE3. P U Pe E LIQUORS, JL VJfflSEll! RICHEY Corner iVarl and mCAIJCJtS IX lu. i rr t B 3 Lulllbbli Z3TJIX.X)Ilsra- JPIEIR,; illPP a DEALERS IZLnT iTAPIE AMD FANCY 03 fee ji , FEED WE "A li.IZ A r;;.XtALTY OF FIXE CUOC'KKIiV. M. 3 huh jA 5 q a J i ! m a j,c-r i.ty with i.v i.nic Jf.:vf, Wi- v.--.s; 1 TO ii'-TIl! to rrjii.sM;! lis :;i iil- i't. Hilly ;i:i.5 ,Kf m iii1rk-t Fi::r, Liiltcd M;iU' :K!'ls .'tnlllt DO'laRS K3 pJ&Jh&KtSi r '.LrmiZJZ-' "'?SST';j$. t:rr'."""TlT V.'i t'i & SHOE IE) ni wwimamM EMPORIUM i CLASSICS F- -is- enra Trnr rr:rfr tt FOIi TO- I'LATTSMouTif, n::i;:;asa M L, If i ' !i r if '-- V f ' l V -J 7 j. jm. kokkuts.) u full ;;n' complete Hock of j u.e aims, Oik A31 L WMBSEMt! BROS., Seventh Streets. AM. KINDS OF nnn mirmn f A B US & P, B. MURPHY & CO. Pa AS ut.1 w!i i!i :ni.v M.tTciihi; -;:;- i sj'ticiis l- H i -i UK wkk.m.v i.-'! i:;n 'I-. .-. s under is hVr 1 Kib li .".lo.Vl h Kil! J 'lo CKVi.S, arc lii.-ikii.-r 'line- b live bufhi'K , m:ii i'i wry tmvh if 11 iA - . (;;! fr n .:.! i:s Is ;;J :::n. V i v !'" .il Ci-nni sicivs iiii-l fnt j. rz s f rl:fir't lits. I'lL-'" Wiliihl' v cue i;n li4K- 1 III; V.'i i;.MY FliKJ: riir.S'"' scot t tiiir iu" ! s Fnr M.;ntis oa triii! ?r 25 ' cut. A1.!r-:-s THE PEEE PEES 6 CO., t