THE DAILY HERALD, PLATTSMOUTH, NEMJASKA, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1S87. I)e ttlattsmout!) Dvilj) crali, KNOTTS 3T3 IR, O S., Publishers & Proprietors. REPUBLICAN STATE CON VENT'N. Call fortho Mooting at Lincoln in October. Tins Iti'ltuhHran liM:toi'M of tliu'stato of Ne braska are rein:st!d t solid delegates from tlx; several counties, to meet In conveutiou at the oiera Iioiihi-, lu the riry. of Lincoln, Wt:d iiCMday, October 5, ItsH", at H o';iock p. in., for tlie puruopu of placing in' iioinination emidi daleu for one associate Justice of the huineliie court, and for two members of the board of regents of the Mate university, and to transact Hucli other buslines as may be presented to the convention. THK A I'I'OICTIOM K.NT, The reveral couiiiIi-h are entitled to repre sentation as follows, beiii based uiiou tiie vote caft for lion. John M. Thayer, noverner, In IW, nivinc one delegate to each new county, one delegatc-at-lare to each county, and one for each Mo votes and tlie major frac tion thereof : COCNTIKS. VOTKS. CO L' NT IKS) VOTES Adams 13 .Iet' rson Antelope Johanna : Arthur 1 Kearney :i Khi'.ne '1 Keya 1'aha 4 Boone 7 Keith fi J'.rowu ! Knox 7 ;ut1alo II Lancaster 2 Jtuiler Lincoln ; Hurt l.on:ui 1! Chase 3 l.oup a ;;,hs .... 15 Madison s Cedar 3 M Jl'heiHon 1 Cheyenne 5 Meriiek Cheiry H Nance l Clay 11 Nemaha o Colfax Nuckolls 7 Cumin;; 7 Otoe 1J Custer - l' Vawnee x Dakota 1'hclps 7 laves. '. I'ince 3 llixou i 1'latte (; ,te 10 1'olU li lioulan.... 'Si kichard.jon I aw sou 5 lied Willow 7 DuikIv : Sioux 1 Filmore Hi Saline Is Funiin 7 Sarpy r Franklin Saunders 11 Frontier & Seward z (lane '2i) Sheridan Oosper 3 Sherman 4 1 Stanton :', tire-ley 3 Thayer ! Ourlield 2 Thomas 1 Hall 11 Valley r. Hamilton ! Washington 7 Harlan 7 Wayne f Hayen 3 Webster ! Hitchcock ; Wheeler Holt 11 York 11 Howard C Unorganized Ter'y 1 Total fit.' II Is recommended that no proxies be admit ted to tlx; conventu n except such as ara held by persons residing in the counties from which proxies are given. Walter M. Skklv, Secretary, GEOltr.E W. KuiiTftN, Chairman. Republican Primaries. The republican county convention for Cass county, will meet at Plattsmouth Oct. 1st, 1887, for the purpose of select ing 15 delegates to the state convention to be held in Lincoln Oct. 5th, 1837, and 15 delegates to the judicial convention, to be held at the same place and date; also, to place in nomination, candidates for the following county ofliccs: County Tre.-iS'irer. County Clerk, Kegister of Deeds, Sheriff, County Superintendent of In struction, County Jutlge, Clerk of District Court, Coroner, Surveyor and County Coinmis sioner, 2nd District. The primaries will be held at the re spective places throughout the county Saturday, September 24th, 1S87, for the purpose of selecting delegates to the county convention. The representation of the various precincts will be as follows: riattsniouth 1st Ward, votes. 2nd " 6 3rd - 11 4th " 7 " Precinct 7 Kock Bluffs 9 " Liberty 8 " Avoea 9 lit. Pleasant 5 EL-ht Mile Grove 7 Louisville 10 " Center C Weeping Water 20 Stove Creek 9 F.hnwood 8 " South P.end 5 Salt Creek 10 Greenwood 8 " Tipton 7 " Tetal 158 II. C. Ritchie, M. 51. Butler, Secy, Chairman. All aboard for the fairgrounds. It will be a wonder if the democratic press does not oppose the carrying of captured rebel flags in the procession at Philadelphia as a republican bloody shirt outrage. The Louisville Observer is giving the Omaha police a few rounds which they verily deserve, but cast not your pearls before the Omahogs, lest they turn again and rend you. The president and party have decided to stop only one hour in Omaha. Even for that short stop, it might be well for them to get an order from the mayor in structing the policemen not to arrest them. Tite streets of New York were flooded Saturday with circulars denouncing the supreme court of Illinois for condemning the seven "workmen" to death. The real workmen are the ones fliat arc in sulted. TnE Chicago anarchists have a very high regard for their lives, as they are going to appeal for executive clemency. They did not value the lives of others at the Hay Market last May a year ago, so they will have to swing. TnERE is nothing which does us so much good or gives us so much encour agement with our Daily as a complimen tary notice from an exchage. "We have received quite a number and the x's. bestowing the compliments, have our best wishes in return. The St. Louis lobe Democrat in its attempt to giye the people of that city something to rend yesterday and suit everybody, came out with a five-cent 28 page edition, containing every class of reading news fin magi nable. Tuts country rather prides itself upon its tolerance? of the right of free speech but is it a thing to lie proud of that a blatant anarchist like Heir Most can openly denounce the members of tlie supreme court of a state as "infamous and blood-thirsty fools," and not have his weasaud compressed? Omaha Iiep, Bokn Monday, Sept. 12, 1887, in the city of Plattsmouth, a bright and intelli gent child, full of knowledge and energy The citizens saw that it was a proper chile so they called its name"J)AiLY Hekald." Long may it live, and may it prove r benefit to the republicans of old Cass, May the Knotts father and sons live long and prosper. Louisville Observer. A Victory for Prohibition. The trial of Muncrath, charged with conspiracy in tlie murder of He v. Had dock, of Sioux City, closed at G:80 p. m. Saturday and the jury agreed at 3 p. m yesterday afternoon, finding him guilty of manslaughter. The verdict is received with general approval and the state encouraged by its success will proceed immediately with the trial of those known to have had a hand in the murder, and it is believed by sonic that Muncrath and his fricuds will vet turn state's evidence and become prose cuting witnesses. In case this should conic about the state will without doubt be able to carry a complete victory over the men implicated in that crime and bring them to the punishment which they heartily deserve. The extreme pen alty for manslaughter in Iowa, is eight -ears m the penitentiary. Muncrath's sentence will be pronounced next Mou day. The official figures of the Texas pro hibition canvass, which have just been published, reveal two surprising facts. The vote for prohibition (129.278) is about 30,000 more than most persons outside the state supposed the amend ment would get, and the total yote (350,- 905) is greater than anybody either in side or outside the state believed would be polled. Tlie yote, indeed, was more than 25,000 greater than cast in the pres idential canvass three years ago, and more than 47,000 in excess of that polled at the exciting election for governor last fall. The majority against the amend ment (92,354) was large, to be sure, but as the prohibitionists polled 27,000 votes more than the republicans ever did in that state, and 64,000 more than they did last November, the cold-water men have no especial cause to be discouraged at the showing they made at the first at tempt to display their strength. Globe Democrat. Ho For the Fair! The twenty-third annual fair of the Cass County A gricultural society opens tomorrow to last four days. The officers of that society have labored hard for several weeks past to fill every stall and corner of the grounds with something worthy of admiration, and to have a good portion of each day occupied by interesting and exciting performances on the speed track. They have presented a very large number of valuable premiums and prizes for competition besides many specials offered by the business men of Plattsmouth and the county. The specials offered by the business men are all valuable and worthy the competition, which, in most cases, is novel and attractive. The prospects of the fair are very promising and it will undoubtedly eclipse any held this season in the state, except the state and Omaha fairs. The cash premiums alone amount to $3,500 The interesting sights and beneficial instruction to be obtained from attending makes the fair worthy the patronage of every citizen in the county; and to get the full benefits of the fair, the best way is to attend every day. The grounds are large and there is room for everybody. Do not fail to see the last big fair of the season. Public opinion throughout Canada is decidedly shaping itself against the Gov ernment's threatened coercion policy to ward Manitoba, if that province does not submit in the Red River road difficulty. Last Sunday the Government asked and obtained an injunction restricting the further construction of the road. This iction raised a storm of disapprobation in which the press of the country joined almost universally. The Toronto Globe, a paper which reflects pretty accurately the opinion of intelligent Canadians, in terpcts this action as no less an attempt than to deprive, not simply Manitoba, but the other provinces as will, of their provincial liberties. In an article reccnt- y published that paper takes a bcld posi tion, and appeals to the Canadians f the older provinces to sujport tho Mani- tobans in their present conflict. The ar tide thus closes: "If Canadians do not promptly remonstrate against the Gov eminent that has dared to prostitute the Federal authority to the service of a mo nopoly, they stand liable to be scrunched in turn, and will deserve the scrunching richly for callously concurring in a most infamous attempt at oppression." This is pretty vigorous language, but scarcely less so is tlie opinion of a Winnipeg pa .1 T.l . Fl , , . . . per, me r re l-ress, which says: "it is useless to shriek treason and rebellion Tlie juestion is: Have we the right to build the road? If we have, that is all we care to know. It may be treason, it may lie rebellion, it may lie anythin else, but all tlie tyranny and sneaking in the world cannot deprive us of it, and we will be justified in asserting it in tlie faro of tlie cohorts of injustice. If the money is procurable the lied Hiver Valley road must and shall be built." These quota tions represent the opinions both of the people of Manitoba and the older prov inces. There is no doubt that resistance to the bitter end will be carried out. Be tween the instance of the Manitobans, then, and the Dominion Government's determination to squelch thisenterprise, things are gettiug badly mixed up; and lively times in the prairie province are quite likely to result. Globe Dem. roil kali: a "oou larm wagon a strong set of double harness; anewcov ered buggy with good double harness and a good horse. Enquire of E. R Sampson or J. C. Eikenbary. - J bfhlatcr, jeweler, opposite tlie Opera House, has just received a large supply of ladie's and gent's gold and siH'er watches which he offers at bottom prices. Give him a call. 26 w 4t d 0 For Sale. A good substancial farm wagon with strong double harness, a good covered buggy with new double harness and one fine young horse. Enquire of E. B Sampson or J. C. Eikenbary. lwl Protecting Watches from Electricity. "The electric railroads are magnetizing a great many watches," said a jeweler. The watches become as thoroughly mag netized as though brought within tho range of a dynamo, Here are three watches sent to me from Scranton, Pa., to be de magnetized. The jeweler that sent them said he had thirty-five in the same condi tion." "Can they be made to resist the influ ence of the electricity?" ventured a re porter. "Oh, yes. If we put in a shield made for the purpose they are all right. This is the way it works." The jeweler took an ordinary watch cover, put a steel pen in it and moved a magnet on the outside of the cover. The pen followed the movements of the mag net. He did the same with a pen in one of the shields, but the magnet was power less. "In some of the finer watches we put a double shield," he continued, "and a plate over the dial. "NVc protected a watch for ice President C. E. Chinnock, of the Edi son company. He used it two years while superintendent in their place in Pearl street, and walked between two big dyna mos with it without the watch being dis turbed. Those dynamos are the largest in the world, 150 horse power each, and each will lift 4,000 pounds. They took an umbrella right away from me." "Has there been any particular disturb ance of watches this summer;-" "It has been very great. The electri cal condition of the atmosphere this season has doubled the business in mainsprings. More mainsprings have been broken thaa has ever been known before. Xearly all the watches taken in for repairs this season have had broken mainsprings." "Is the effect of the electric railways general?" "Every watch carried on an electric railway will Tbe magnetized unless it has a shield. Every lever on an ordinary en gine is a magnet of itself by reason of the earth s inductive force. Many railroad companies require their engineers and conductors to have their watches pro tected by shields, much of the trouble of watches being out of time resulting m accidents is due to this cause." New York Evening Sun. The Great Iron King's Heir. Frederick Alfred Krupp, son and heir of the great iron king who died recently, has issued this address to his men at Essen: "To the officials and workmen of my steel works: On my return from the tomb of my never to be forgotten father, I take the first opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to all for the last honors rendered to the departed in escorting his remains to their last resting place and for the touching sympathy shown me in my bereavement, u. his sympathy is to me a proof of the faithful attachment to my father and a groat consolation in my pro found grief. It fills mo with confidence that every one of you within his sphere, in remembrance of him who Is no more, will assist me in performing the duties de volved on me, thereby contributing to tho maintenance of the reputation which the establishment has attained by the energy and under the direction of my late father. On my pait I shall consider it a sacred duty to go on working after the example and in the spirit of the deceased, and, like him, I shall deem it my first care to look after the welfare of the officials and work men of the establishment." Boston Tran script. Thomas Jefferson's Violin. An untoward accident hastened the work on the new homestead. On Feb. 1, 1770, the family house at Shadwell was burned. Nearly all its contents were also destroyed, the principal loss in Jefferson's eyes being his papers and books, which latter he estimated at $1,000 cost value. Not only his law books, but his records and notes of cases he had prepared for court, everything in the shape of written memoranda, except the "garden book," the preservatioa of which was long un known, went up in flame. The servant who brought him the news in breathless haste had but one consoling item of in formation "they had saved his fiddle." John G. Nicolay in The Century. PHIL ARMOUR'S' PLANS. HE TELLS A PARSON HOW TO RUN A SUNDAY SCHOOL MISSION. The Pork KIiin Idea Fill the I!en lien and the Service lit n Most Iuterut lug One The Prayers are Marie Short The MUalon 'on-SectarIau. When the Armour mission, up on Thirty-third street, was started with $500, 000 endowment, it was hard to decide just how to manage the religious end of it. Joseph Armour had directed in the will by which he gave it $100,000 that it should be non-sectarian. Phil Armour, who added $ 100, 000 to the original fund, was altogether opposed to the mission being anything but a broad, humanitarian charity, with plenty of religion, of course, but of that generic sort only which would be as acceptable to the Homanist as to tho Methodist, and as agreeable to the Kpis copulian as to the Iluntist. The reverend gentleman who was finally selected to take charge of the religious welfare of the in stitution was given, in general term, au idea or this purpose of the founders. They did not want sectarianism of any Kind or degree. Good doctrine from tlio llible, without any theology, was what ho was usked to give. He began with on ergy, and ran along for some time on his own idea of what the little children and the parents who lillcd the benches needed. One day he received a summons to come down town the office. lie got there promptly and was beckoned over to t lie big packer's desk. Armour wheeled around in his chair a couple of times as if to select his vocabulary, looked the man of God over caremlly ami then launched forth his own ideas of theology, "You're giving these youngsters too much grape and canister," he began. slowly. "Hell fire and brimstone are all right for the old sinners, but tho mission isn't for them. .ovv," he added, with the same emphasis he'd use to one of his ollice clerks, "I want you to change around and try another plan. If you don't, you'll unye an those children away. V hen you uegin your service in tae ;in your service in the morning you can read a chapter from the Bible. lhen have a little prayer, somcthiutr short; not longer than that" measuring off about a foot with his forelin tiers, "lhen I want you to sing sing a good many times," ho repeated, emphatically. 'inen ten astory," he continued, "some thing with a point to it and a moral, but short. Then you can have another little prayer, but, mind you, not longer than that" holding up his hands about six inches apart this time. IT FILLED THE PENCTIE3. 'Mr. Armour," remarked the preacher. rather jocosely, "I suppose you can run a packing house, but you don't know- much about religion." 'Well," said the builder of tlie mission. very sharply, "will you try it?" "Oh, yes," was the answer. Phil Armour's theological scheme has been in vogue ever tince that interview and has been a great success, lie goes up every Sunday to tlie morning children's service and watches the thing grow. "JJon't you mind the old fellows or the played out sinners," he constantly ad juri s the minister iu charge. "If vou see an old fellow in the gutter, even, don't sto;. but keep your eye on the little fellow ahead. Look out for him." Armour's theology has fdled un the benches, and they hold l.t'OO people. The preacher, ever since the sharp interview at the La Salle street ollice. lias been working on the new tack. The service is a most interesting one. According to orders, the grown folks are entirely ig nored. The whole service is for the little ones, 'l he prayers are short not longer than Armour indicated with his two fore- lingers. There is singing prettv nearly all the time. The little fellows are drilled to recite verses or to sing solos. And yet the benches are almost iilled with the pa rents and grown brothers and sisters of the little ones. There are twice as many at this children's service in the morning as in the evening, when a sermon is preached. "lou can do what you like at night." Armour told the preacher in an encourag ing way after this interview. "You can preach a sermon if you like, for I'll never be there except m the morning. But at that children's service I want it my way until I see it won't work." But it did work. The dominie at the mission now admits that, after all, Phil Armour knew better what would fill the benches than a trained theologian. Best of all, and this pleases Armour most, all creeds gather at the mission to bring or see the children, hundreds of Catholics among the others. New York Sun. A Parisian Clockmaker's Expedient. A Parisian . clockmaker, evidently an admirer of Gen. Boulanger, has hit upon a happy expedient for increasing his por tion or wealth and fame. Having noticed that only the jingo men are popular in this fickle day, he posted a notice that many of the clocks that were being sold as American product were really German make, and announced that he would handle no more of them. To prove his sincerity, he went to the trouble of smash ing two or three "suspected" timepieces in the presence of a goodly crowd of ad mirers, who cheered him in his patriotic work. Since then, work, which he often lacked before, has begun to flow in plenty to his doors, and he is coining money at a lively rate. In a city like Paris this was easily done, for, in spite of its surround ings, the Parisian rabble is easily gulled. But it is dangerous work, nevertheless; for if the same people who are now cheer ing this hero were to learn that his action was only an advertising ruse, they would soon make it warmer for him and his shop than he probably desires it to be come. Philadelphia Times. Breeding Buffaloes for Market. Buffalo meat, which was once a drns on the market, and cheaper than beef by more than half, is now, on account of its scarcity, esteemed a luxury by a class of people who believe that anything that is expensive and hard to get must be good. Time was when a western game dealer was glad to get 4 cents a pound for buffalo beef. Now he could get 25 cents a pound. To meet the demand, we learn that a party in Kansas, and another in Dakota, have gone into the business of breeding buffaloes for the market, and expect to put some two-vear-old heifers on sale next spring. It is strange how people will long for the hard to get. For instance, in St. Louis no one thinks of eating wild pigeons, and there are scarcely any put on sale, because New York and Boston take all that can be shipped, even should the amount sum up to 5,000 bar rels in a single season. ew lork Mar ket Journal. Dueling among women is becomincr fash ionable in France. In order to reduce our large stock, we shall make the following low prices : Prices Our 4 Button Embroidered Backs at o5c, worth 75c. Our 5 Button Plain Stitching at 50c, worth 87c. The above gloves alone only in 5J, 5J and 0. Our 5 Button Scolloped To ps at 05c a pair, complete assortment of sizes and colors. Our 5 Hook " Duchess" at 75c a pair, worth $1.00, all sizes in colors and black. Our 5 Button S. fc Co. Embroidered Back at 75c, the best value ever offered for the price. Our 4 Button Genuine Kid, warranted, at $1.00, will compare with any $1.50 glove sold in the city. Our 5 Button " Nanon " Scolloped Top at $1.00 a pair, Opera Stades only Our 5 Hook "Camille" at $1.25 a pair, every pair warranted, till tlie lead ing shades. Our 5 Button "Bon Marche" Embroid ered backs at $1.85. This low price; on tliis glove is only to introduce. Every pair fitted and warranted. The colors and stitchings are something new. Our 4 button "Our Own" Fancy Em broidered Backs at $1.50, never before sold by us less than 2.00. All tho most fashionable shades and blacks. Our 4 Button "Simpson's Best" at $2. Same glove as above. Every pair fitted and warranted. This is our regular $2.50 cent glove. LADIES SUEDE ii EXCELLENT DRIVING GLOVE AT $1.73 A PAIR, WORTH $2.25. Ladies' 4 Button Pique Do Skin, especially good for driving- purposes, at $1.50 a pair, worth $2.00. Ladies' 0 Button, same as above, at $1.75, worth $2.25. Rememuer ise Price Her jf3 i1 0! b f fcg RSgSS Rll' vj E& EIll For the next few weeks choice be had for $150. Purchaser lall cash, the other halt in one ance in one and two years: or y installments ol .LU; or, any one agreeing- to construct a esidence worth 2.500 and upwards will bo given a lot with out further consideration. ires? tia to select your residence lots, even though you should not contemplate building at once. One visit to South Park will convince the most skeptical that it is the most desirable residence locality in the city, and we will add, that the most substantial class of buildings of which Plattsmouth can boast for the year L8S7, are now being constructed in this handsome addition. Beautiful Shade Trees -OF HVKBY DESORI around and through the entire tract. Any one desiring to construct a cottage or a more preten tious residence in South Park, can examine a large selection of plans of the latest style of residences by calling at our ollice. Any one desiring to examine property with a view to purchasing, will be driven to the park at our expense. CALL ON B. Windham 'or jonn GVSSEl CASS GLOV are for Tiis Ml Only. Our 1 Button Brunswick Suedes, Em broidered Backs. Tans and Brown, dur ing tilts sale only 75c. ' Our 4 Button Bon Marche Suedep, Em broidered Backs, all tlie leading shades, at 1.00 a pair. This price made t in troduce, regular price $1.50. Our (i Button Length Suede, Mosquc tairc, $1.50, embroidered backs, all tho newest shades. (Mir H Button Mosq. Suedes at $ 1.75, regular juice $2.25. Our 10 Button Mosq. Suedes at $2.25, regular price Our 20 Bui ton Mosq. Suedes at $2.75 a pair, worth $:.75. ATTENTK )N G ENTS. l'Oll THIS WKKK ONLY. Our 2 Button Gents' White Jouvin aft $1.00 ii pair. Our 2 Button Gents' Black Bon Marche at $1.00 a pair. Our 2 Button Gents' Irving Embroider ed Backs, Tans and Browns, at $1.25, worth $1.75. Our 2 Button Gents' Simpson Best, at $1.25 a pair. The very best glove made, street shades on! v. Our 2 Button Gents' Hnrinil, at $1.75 a pair, our regular $2.25 glove, evening shades only. Our 2 Button Castor Embroidered Backs at $1.75, the finest driving glovo in the market. 4 TTiurrr m 1 GLOVES AN M Oily. SB, of lots in South Park mav may pay all in cash; or one- year: or, one third cash, bal $25 cash, remainder in month- T M ilOST - LOTS, CO. SASTiS:. i for Tliis