The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, September 17, 1887, Image 1

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GIVIG S()(li?liI I 'cS.
mikio i.dixik no. si. a. . v. w.mTTZs
i-vcry ali i-i iiar. Friilay -vi-ui n;-r a! K. of I,
liall. 'Jransii'iil l.t ol li.-rs art- re ..-.-nii;ly
VileiltoallfM.I. H. K. While, M i.ikinaii ;
Jt. A, ' all.-. I' oivinan ; 1.J. .Morgan. Ovei.-cir ;
J. K. iMoiris. KffordiT.
of Aiiiei Ali-rts an.! I'mirl li Al-Mi-
d ay vi-niii:,' at K. i.l I". Hall. AM li'iiiiMciit
lil'til lifl" iil'f ri-il-slt'il l In. -ft Willi li-. I.. A.
Xowi-o .', Vfiifl;iii.- Consul : V . C, V 1 It-M
Wniihy Ailvisi-r ; 1", Mcrs, l.vli.uikcr ; .). K.
Moll is, Clerk .
IM.A'rrs.MOiTiM i.oim.k xh.s,a.ii. t w.
Meet-. cV'-iy alliTiia;.? Iii.l.iy evening at
Koekwoo.l liallal suVIuck, All :ia:i-;ii-ut l.rolh--is
art ifsc-ltully ii.vil -il 10 :.ti,'ii.. .1. A.
.iitsi:!n', .M. W. ; .S. C, irt'. n, lvr mail : M. V.
Wihli'. lii-oiiicr ; S. A. Newiromi-r. uvcrsri-r.
Ram. I.('iiav.uas Commaiuler,
CS. Twiss Senior Viuo
'. a. r.ATKs Junior "
John V. VVo.i!)S Atljulant,
Au.i'sr i.iuiw.ii .-?
V. M.
ItKN.i IIk.mci.k vl.icer ol i lie l 'ay .
kiiNe.n:i:i(US, " .n:u.l
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J:. U. LiviNtisrox, I'ost siii-e;n
A I I'lll VVl l.lll'l' l"ot I h.'LIl.llll I
A Li'il A WkIoht l ii'I "Jii.-na iin
Kcnular met liiMrs. ml ami 4: It Tliurs.l;y ot
eacl" inontli ;;t Tost lltMihiti irters in Koek-
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Cor. 12th and Granite Streets.
Contractor and Builder
Sept. 12-0m.
Choicest Brands of Cigars,
including our
Flor de Pepperbergo'li? nd 'Ends
alwavs in stock. Nov. 2G, 1SS3.
I'olii-c .lii'ln,
Cuiiiicilincii, 1st ward,
2nd "
" :?rl
vootl 151ock.
B. i McElwain,
WatCllBS, GiuClS, JewsliT
2 3
Bag tf" scj
Be SU i a
Latesi by Telegraph.
Prosldunt Cleveland Civo3 a Re
ception and Makes a Patriotic
Address Thirty Thousand Old
Veterans of tho War March in
Crand Rovlow - Cai turod Rebel
Flos Borno in tho Procession
by tho Crand Army.
PhM.ADI.I.J'IIIA, l'a., Sept. Hi. Tin;
day oid in tl liiiuhl I'.iul fli iir, mid sint.c
d.13 lirrak )icoj)l; !i ivo li.-;n uslir.
sounds of li IV and dniiii early told that
j:n i)a:ati'ins wen- lic-in made for a grand
v" (sV-'ovait,' r- i loinonst:ition of th nation's ru
.!.!. KiKKMivist j twtors. Nearly :;i,000 uniforincd sol
a, .m ii.ii.k ; liers nas-;-il in revinw lufirc tho chief
inaistiat.i and high oHiccrs of this and
other governments lu.-fore noon, mid at
their head rod" (Je.ncral S!ierid:ui.
t J.KV;:i.A.'l's .sl'KIXH.
Tiio ir.'sideiit of the coinmeroial e.
changi! then introduced the president,
who said, "I mn glad to have the oppor
tunity to meet '.!) largo a representation
of the liusiness nieu of Philadelphia. It
is well that one should not entirely for
get, in the midst of our centennial juhi
lee, that the aim and purpose of good
government tend after all, to the ad
vancement of the material interests o!
the people and an increase of their trade
and commerce. Though it has some
time occurred to 1112 t lilt 111 the rush and
hurry of lui.-iness there might well
infused a little more patriotism than Ui
are wont to sec, and a little more recog
nition :.. ' " :ale
political seniiiueiiL is cKsey reluiJ, not
onlv to the general good, but tho general
e l... r. of
micltss ui ousuiuss. wi lumn;, jui ih-
: l ,., ,.L.
1 "S',iS1 "- u...v,
s lu ),w 0f any policy which the
government may adopt, as it anecrsiueir
personal success, and their accumulations,
But I would like to see that broad and
patriotic sentiment among them which
can see beyond their peculiar personal
interests, and whr h can recogni.o that
tiie advancement of the entire couutry is
in object for which they may well strive,
even sometimes to the diminuition ot
constantly increasing profits. Must we
always look for the political opinions of
our business men precisely where they
suppose their immediate pecuniary ad
vantage is frauds? But how vain it is
to hope for the eradication of selfish mo
tives in the affairs of life. But I am rt-
mi:id.;d that we celebrate to day the
triumph of
Will anyone say that concessions were
not well made, or that we are not to-day
in the full enjovmeii of the blessings re
suiting from a true regard for all the
co-.illiclinir interests reinxsented bv th
different states which were united 10(.
years ago. 1 Deiieve tne complete uene-
lit- promised to the people of our form
of government, can only be secure 1 by
exercise of the same spirit of tolera
tion for each others' rights and interests
in which it had its birth. T'.iis
will prevail when the business men of
the country cultivate political thoughts;
when they cease to eschew participation
in political action, and when such
thought and action are guided by better
motiv-.s than purely selfish and exclusive
lenefits. I am if th..' oi.iviion that there
is no ul.ic- in I he country wncre sucn a
condition can be so properly and success
fully maintained as here, among the en
lightened and enterprising business men
of Philadelphia."
Vftcr his speech President ' Cleveland
held a reception, assisted by Secretary
Bayard and Secretary Fairchild, ex-Presi
dent Haves, Governor Beaver, Mayor
Fdter, A. J. Drexcl, and George W.
Childs. Alter the reception the presi
dential party drove to the reviewing stand
at Broad and Walnut streets to witness
the military parade, which began at
ll:G0. Geu. Phil Sheridan mounted on
a handsome sorrel horse, led the vnst
cavalcade of military. Leaders, and
most all the veterans saluting the presi
dent, although it was pre-arranged that
only officers should salute.
Tho rear of the parade was brought up
by the G. A. II., who carried with them
a large number of captured rebel flags.
and as they passed, the president remain
ed standing with his head uncovered.
There were nearly C0,000 persons in hue.
FiliUustcring In Cuba.
Key AVest. Flo,, Sept. 10. Espanol,
org:ui of the Spanish government at Ha
vana, announces the capture and death
of Beriben, leader of the expedition
which recently left here, and says: "The
balance of his bind are surround -d with
troops and must soon surrender." This
1 statement, however is much doubted here,
Private abvici s positively announce Beri-
ben's safety and it seems that the fulsc
rcpoits of tin: death were circulated by
tho Spanish authorities to discourage
others from going from here to joiu him.
Filibusters numbering about 150 did
have an encounter with Spanish soldiers
near 31 Sunday, and for the time
held at bay l,.r()0 troops sent against them.
Thirteen soldiers were killed, while the
filibusters all escaped with only Ucribcn
and und three men wounded, none seri-ou.-ly.
Ueiiben, by last night's steamer
from Cuba, sends encouraging reports of
the way friend i of tin; cause in Cuba are
flocking to his star.dard,and says that his
supply of dynamite did his band good
service in both their encounters with the
troops. On account of the government
censorship little credence can lie given
the Espanole or any other Cuban journal.
Another expedition is believed to antici
.. .4.. i tt. ;r;f
i ---.-- i -
has not already sailed, intending to land I
irill ' i N" I I Illll.L It. IV fulfill. JJ.1I.I
o. the soiill. sidf of Cuba. I
.,. u ... . c . , I
im-. mi-i, i i.... ,i'L. ..,.--.v
ram is ancnoretl in tins naroor, aiui
another is cruising up and down outside mlle trouwo, tnut every manor mtein
" 1 . I trenco can ootaiii it unless he boa verv
Hie iveys mis inoriiing. iiieie is "
.i i . At' . . . ri'i ;.
.... , , -i , ji. I
credence.throughout the city thai they
are here to be used in kidnapping two
'uban-American citizens supposed to be
implicated in latest filibustei ing expe
1 .
Queen Spoaks-Parliament
. . T t 1 " . . i. .. .
io.o:, ;sepr. 10. l-ariiameiiL was
roroL'ued to dav. The nuecn's speech
,a.s.: 1UUU..1 u..e, ,um
tlnn.os siie san I: I nave agrecii witn me
nresidenl of the United States to refer to
the joint c-ommission, the difficult ques-
TT il 4 T f. l. I
tions respecting tne -orui -vniei icun usn-
cries, and which have recently been dis-
i 1.,. 4,... 4.,. .lf;inc
LU:,nLl1 J ' "
dong tho queen says: "The wants and
lirnVnlfie of Trehmd have occu!ied vour
1 " I
close attention during the prolonged ses-
sion, and I trust the remedies your wis- I
loin has orovided will oraduallv effect
1 I
i compl. te restoration ot oiaei in iieiami,
tnd "ivo renewed encouragement to
r i 4 t .i,.(.,.,i.t.Hw,... I
..j.,pr,fii in,liit;rr.' It. irv I or If. I.!l SS I lie 111- I
'v''v"" "-" " 1 '
it has been necessary to postpone many
important measures affecting other parts
of the kingdom, which, doubtless, you
will be aiile to resume without hindrance
at the coming session." The speech con-
till lies as follows:
"This year, the fiftieth anniversary of
mv re: rn, has been the occasion ot an ex-
-" ' I
prcssic'i of fervent loyalty, which has
deeply touched me, and I am indeed tru-
, . rrQ
ly thankful for the warm, hearty proofs
of affectum which have reached me lrom I
all classes.
Tn th-mkino- God for the
blessings he has vouchsafed me and my
country, I trust I may be spared to con
tinue to reign over a loving, faithful and
united people."
The proroguation isuntil Xov. 30.
Efforts Will B-3 ?Jado ta Gee Before
tho United States Supreme
C'Iicaco, 111., Sept. Ifi. A consul
tation as to whether they woulel do any
thing more to save themselves was held
by the anarchists this morning. A meni-
ber of the defense association said that
three of the condemned m-n were opposed
to an appeal to the suprema court, but
he refused to disclose names. Ho also
. , , , , - , , .
said that no matter what the iinal decis-
ion of the men was, their friends would
go ahead and make every effort for the
reversal of the judgement by the United
States supreme court, and in the event
of their fa.lin.g a petition would be
gotten up.
Their Entire Day Consumedlln Ar
gument by Counsel in the Case.
Sioux Citt, la.. Sept., 16. The en
tire day in the Haddock case, was occu
pied by the arguments of counsel. Henry
J. Taylor, for the state, spoke until 11a.
111.. at ter which Judge Pendleton spoke
'T Vtm -ii 1
until ailuxirnmpnt T.f f :.e. tvill l.rf.ll-
ably lie snbmitted to the jury to morrow
Damaged Wheat.
Ciiicago, Sept. 10. The board of trade
investigating committee reports the
wheat in Chicago clavators in good con-
dition except 11.3,000 bushels of No. 2
siuiu"- in Siblev elevotor B. which will
have to bo sold for what it will bring.
Senlinrr "Wax at "Warrick's Drnir
Store. UCt-W4t
-Wall Paper-New stock just recived
at Warrick's. d0t-w4t
"Writing and drawing books only
10c, at Warrick's. clCtwlt.
A Physician Dincoursci of Iniiinl nud
It Causes, ami Given Some ootl A1
vleti S' t-ial I'upnlur Notions Shown
to lo lrroiifoun.
Two men were in nn elevated car on
their way down town to business. The
man next to tho reporter turued to his
neiidilior with the question:
"Did von sleep any last night?"
"No; lid you:-"
"I did, about thret hours. When I
wole up I felt more tired than when I lay
"Ves, it's pretty hard this .summer for
people who have to stay in the broiling
city. But from all I hear, tho folks in
the country nro not doing much bet ter.
My wife's letters arc full of musquitoes
and sleeplessness."
"Gentlemen," broke in a mftii with
gold rimmed spectacles, who looked tho
physician every inch of him, and around
.. - . . .
me corners or wiiose ijeanleil moutn a
humorous smilo had leen Hitting during
t" dialogue, "tins talk, of sleeplessness
proves now .seldom people will take n
lm.,iieal man's .-elvice, or even nsk for it.
u s so simple to lnutice f leep, witn very
s c c niiwil "
"Well, sir," rejoined tho last speaker,
; : c -. . . ....Ml . r t . . 41... e
11 you ii ui iiiiy tun eiinosiiy Liiiku1.11,
t ij . ,
"As to iiiusjuitoes my udvice is: Kill
them before you t?o to bed. Sleep where
there is a current of air and have a, nuis-
rpiito netting ground tho bed, but leave
yourself plenty fit breathing space. If
suffering much from the heat, take a
cooling bat li before retiring. I lind, how
ever, that this talk of sleeplessness comes
111 nine cases out of ten from persons of
in unduly nervous temperament. They
fidget about and imagine beforehand that
thev will not obtain sleen instead of com
,sing their minds to properly receive
the soothing niliuence.
skvkual roi'LLAit Elir.ons.
K-ve 1 at au to sieepiessiies.yio not
-,, ..V- V...- ..V.
yourself. Lie down with the lirm reso
lution to sleep, and slei p will come quite
naturally, provided tho body requires it
There's the rub. A trreat umnv ru-imlu
think there is a caat iron rule as to tho
number of hours they ought to sleep.
n'l,.,t ..11 ..nrrr Vv,, 4,.,, ol,,.,..
unlessyou fccl tixeu aml llotico that your
system wants Jt. Four hours of sleej),
under certain conditions, are more ben-
din-, ui tf i TifiT i inn i irt t it I no I i'iT"
hours. I've had many cases in my prac-
tiee which have shown mo the folly of
CAiieeiiiig so iiiuuy uuuis ul faieey lii:
1 ' c
in and night out.
"H'b the same with sleep aa with food.
The appetite varies, and so does the desire
best aJul when a man cannot sleep ho very
often ought not to sleep, A few week:
P-SO wen Known business man cairie to
i,;s usual dose of sleen. I satisfied mvself
pretty soon that it would be only doing
. . . i i4i. t 4 rr....
. . 1 ... . . 1 . , ....
was nothing troubling his mind, and his
health was good. lie sinioly Imd the
notion that lie didn't get s.tep enough, and
had begun to worry about it. I gave him
rules to observe, and he soon
had once more all the sleep that was good
for him without using any poisonous nar
"Judging from my experience, the need
of sleep is very different in different per
sons, even among those of like habits and
equally good health. I know a very active
business man, a patient of mine, who re
quires but six hours sleep, while another
one needs all of eleven hours out of the
'Citv hall and Brooklyn bridge,
shouted tho guard, and everybody
scrambled lor the door, while the audience
murmured: "Much obliged for the lecture,
.doctor." New York Commercial Adver
A Great Bull of Magnetised.
Most well informed people are doubtless
aware that the globe on which they live is
a great ball of magnetism, but compara-
tivcly few have nn adequate idea of the.
crUn!, on r R sUleSj many C0mm0I1 out
inexplicable phenomena can be traced
directly to this source. Statistics go to
show that m the matter of steel rails, as
oa ti.i.-foor. Trill liommn rrrstHllizflfl
and break where they go to make up a
railroad track running east , and L west be-
track is similarly affected. This is en-
tirely due to the magnetism generated by
m'tia Clirrent is ln the former in-
stance resisted ia the headlong rush of the
train, whereas in the latter case it is un
disturbed. Another strange effect of this peculiar
and occult force is that exerted on the
watches of train men. A timepiece car
ried by the conductor running a train
twenty miles an hour, however accurate
it may be, will, if the speed of the train is
increased to say fifty mile3, become use
less until regulated. Ihe magnetism
generated by the llight of a train may be
said to be in proportion to the speed with
which it is propelled, and the delicate
" ",v" '
parts of a watch, numbering all the way
fr0m 400 to 1.000 pieces, and peculiarly
susceptible to this influence by reason of
the hammering and ppnsmng tney n.Te
received, are not slow to feel the effect.
A Purchaser VTho Objected
In one of the big dry goods stores a few
Anra 1 rr, T E.1TC tl TTI.1T1 rf-fllSe tO takfi &
. ndl a Q in a wav to display the
firm's "ad." "When asked why he ob-
1 . . 1 -J lit 1 4- !,,,.. r-V
S Z" S
anv advertising unless tney pay me ior 11.
I think it .cheeky of a firm to expect a
I Sir. ur cntxr t fin t rl rrlr Tft
A v'c,1Cn T tt,q,1 l.i-n nnrbtlift
parcel and then mp it up .with the plain
mc viui. - -'
that has been so and he probably will not
be the last. Candidly, do you not think
if they wish you to be an advertising me
dium, that they should either pay you by
a discount or by money?" -tsunaio is
press. - -
This space helongs to Joseph
Y. Weckhach.
masay goods mul
not write an ad.
We Announce Without Further Notice a
ffm, EfW?y??l tBtf&gfr c?5a m
mi mmim P em m
Ctunineiicing TO-DAY, JCLY
bupteiubcr 1st.
: t
7 1
mi El
without rcccrve, it will he to the
ot Conntv to
rs r f.i si I'-, m t:n i
P e, M W PM h (m t& S
nparelieied Bargains
Having in view tlie interests
multitude to share the benefits ot
consideration sell to other dealers
under this clearance stile.
"Ye to XtiAV York soon to make our Fall Purcha&Ctf,
and we kindly request all of our friends indebted to u to
call as early as possible and adjust their accounts.
Yours Kespeetfully,
White Frent Dry Goods House.
Main Street, - Plattsmouth, Neb.
He is receiving mo
is so husy he caa-
for a few days.
12th. rrncl coiitintiin until
x& BflE
individual interests ot all tj-n
take ailvaTitajrc of the
ot our customers, and to enabl Kb
this reat sale, we will ndei v
wholesale lots of god. mjrb4
um nun