The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, September 12, 1887, Image 1

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" every aliei n:it.' 1'iiday eveniiii; at K. of I
liall. I'ransi.Mil lnolhers are respcctiinly u
Mled to at tend. K. K. White, Master Workman
il- A, ' aite, i'orenian ; b'. .1. Morgan, Overcet'I
J. K. JV1 orris, Uecoriler.
iass cajii' no. xa, modk::n wdoihii:;
of Ainei liM Aloi-ts second and fourth Mini
1 ay evening at K. of 1". hall. All tnuisieii
lir.dherH hi- reiinesled to meet, with il". L. V
orrw, cierk.
o. V. vi
Me',l every alternate Friday evening :
eare're' U-tfiiiy SrSS1 'TZ
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' CAs Twiss1A1'A.."-Vsi-inor" vJe"1''" ndf,r -
K.'a. I ; at its." Junior
John W. Woons Ailjataat..
Ae;usT TAit-i-si ii . M.
a'i.i'ha wuiiiiiT,' I'nyt chaplain
Keular meetings, 2nd and 4th 1 hurt-ily t
each month at 1'ost Jleadiuarters iu liock-
AvuoJiJioek. -
falcliss, Clods, Jewelry
SuccialAticiit oi i iTsiif htcli imim
Xjitrary - Lamps
i il .
1 LL ON-
Cor. 12th and Grani".'' H!rt" U'
! Contractor aad l?dHer
Sept. 12-C:n.
Choicest Brands of Cigars,
' - including our
tFlor do Pcpoerbergo'Iand 'Buds
'tui.l ijne of
' always in stock. Nov. 2C, 1S85. '
Mavr, ;
Mirk, . -Tri-;iHiirc
loliet ,1 ikIc,
MaiHliiill, .
CoiiiK'ilmeii, 1st winnl,
2ml "
B. i Met wain
Fine:-: Line
Latest by Telegraph.
Nebraska City's Now Postmaster.
Wasiiixotjn, Sept. 11. Otway L.
(Jai ler, of lississijipi, lias lx;:n ujipointcil
Hecial Jtcnt for the, Indi in il(;preJation
lainis. Tin- president lias appointed
Donald MacCrnio; pontinaster at Nebraska
('ity, Neli., vice Thomas Jlorton, deceaa-ed.
Stanley Still Alivo.
London, Sept. 11 A dispatch from
Rt. Paul d; Loondo, dated Sept. 9, states
that Major Uartellott -had received news
from Stanley dated July 12, Stanley
was then ten days' march in the interior
and still proceeding up the Aruwimi,
which lie found navipjahle ahovc the
rapids. Ife expected to arrive July 22,
at the center of the Mahodi district and
Wadehii ly the middle of August.
Funeral of Lieutenant Folsom.
l)i;s .Molnes, la., Sept. 11. The funer
al of Lieutenant Folsom, of the Colorado
National guanl, who was killed in the
recent I.' to outbreak, was attended here
to-day with honors. Lieutenant Folsom
was formerly a resident of this place.
Adjutant General Alexander detailed
the'.overiior's guards to act as escort at
the .funeral, which was rendered inipres-
their presence accompanied by
the Third rem nient band and many citi-
Mysterious Cattle Disease.
Cmcauo, Sept. ll.-Iiluc Island, 111.,
is r-;;''1- 1 '-.' ' !: t ! disease
, , , , , .,,.rnt
which has been .iuii..i.D, Ji .-cai-
tl in that vicinity for the past few days.
several deaths have occurred and the
, . . , ,
-symptoms manifested are claimed to be
to those of Texas fever. People
,,avc inyestigftted the matter claim
fchut the disease was carried from the
stock yards. Not long ago a man was
L'ngaged in liauling manure from the Un
ion stock yards. This manure was dis
tributed around on land in Blue Island
nnd it is thought the the germs of the
J disease were transferred jto the cattle
it-king grass where the manuro was
pn ad. A thorough examination of the
lllieted cattle will be made.
Filibusters Have a Fight.
Xkw Okleaxs, La., S01 H- - spec
1 from Key "West to the Tinus-Bemo-at
says: "While in ambush some miles
urn Matnnzas Thursday afternoon, just
t lAnding a band of Cuban fdibus
which left here recently, were at-
ke-d by a detachment of three hun
ll Spanish soldiers. The latter were
rt-llseil leaving three or tneir mimin'r
h 1. and carry ir.g otf five who had been
wo'idcd by dynamite bombs thrown by
the filibusters. Four of the Cubans
wciwounded, but not at all seriously, by
-lio from the soldiers. The filibusters
thei made their way into tne interior
andoiiied those who preceded them.
lore Insurance Crookedness.
S tAcrsi;, Neb., Sept. 12. A little
traiiit tion has just come to
light here which has brought the
Heatee Insurance concern into worse rc
putehan ever. One year ago last month
Dr, teele, of Seward county, came to
thisiace representing himself as an agent
of tk Eeatticc Mutual IJencvoltnt asso
eiatin, and labored particularly among
meiiKis of the G. A, K. The doctor, by
liis gowing represensations, procured a
largenumber of applications and premi
um bUs. Yesterday Attorney Albert
Joyct received for collection a number
of adiitional notes, of $12.1 each. These
notes' ear the signatures of parties from
whorjDr. Steele secured applications,
but tiLy one and all declare that they
neve gave any such notes. There is
crooLednoss somewhere and the matter
vill'e investigated.
X Battle With Train Robbers.
Auirix, Tkxas, Sept. 11. Great ex
citement prevails near here over a report
from iM.iuchaca, a small village fifteen
iuil s southwest of this city' that officers
had found and attacked a band of train
rol hers supposed to be the same gang
tliftt perpetrated the McNeal and Flatonia
train robberies several months aro. The
oCul officers at Mauchaca attempted this
afternoon to arrest the robbers, when the
latter fcned lire, wounding one of the
officers. Tvtv outlaws thus far have been
family woumbiL The fighting still con
tinues. Help has hocn asked for from
this place and sheriff Lyle and posse hikve
just left for the scene of the conflict.
Later information from Mauchaca, the
scene of th CIifc this morning, is to the
effect de)i-rado was killed and
two wounded. Tlie Land comprises sev
eral ; supposed train robber, who are
completely surrounded. It is tliought
they w ill all be killed or captured with
in thj next twenty-four hours.
The Haddock Case.
Sioi x City, la., Sept. 11. Nine wit
nesses were examined in behalf of the
sta'e in the Munchrath case today. The
two most important witiienses were Unit
ed States District Attorney T. P. Murphy
and IL L. Leavitt. The latter testified
that Munchrath was one of the most ac
tive members among the saloonkeepers
who planned to assault and beat Had
dock because of his conduct in the liquor
prosecution. He testified further, that
Munchrath was watching for the return
of Haddock to the livery stable, and
that he himself and Muuchrath stood
within arms length of each other, while
John Arensdorf walked out from the
crowd lying in wait for Haddock, and
shot him.
Hon. T. P. Murphy testified that he
was riding home in a hack a few minutes
befre the murder, and within one-half a
block from where the murder occurred
the hack was hailed by Munchrath, who
said to Murphy: "This is not the hack
I am looking for." Several other wit
nesses testified that Munchrath was in the
crowd who are alleged to have been pre
sent at the murder and that just five min
utes before the murder he was at Junk's
s-doon, from which the crowd left imme
diately on notice that Dr. Haddock's
buggy had returned to the livery stable.
To Start a Bulky Home.
A big, fine looking, high stepping,
head in the air, nervous horse was driven
down Central street attached to a buggy
in which were two men. There was a
blockade of teams in front of the theatre
for a moment, and when the way was
cleared again the horse would not budge.
His driver told him to go on, but he
didn't move. The other man got out
and tried to lead him, but he was as im
movable as though his legs had been
driven into tho ground. The driver
began to lose his temper and took up the
whip, when a horsey looking man came
from the rear of the theatre, and taking
in the situation at a glance said:
"Hold on a minute; I'll start you."
He went to the rear ol tho buggy and
pushed it steadily against the horse. The
horse found it necessary to take a step
forward, that step led to others, and he
trotted olE down the street as easily as
need be.
"It's no use to try to lead a horse like
that, or to thrash him," said the horsey
man. "He is green. He never has been
driven much, and don't know what is
wanted off him." "Worcester Telegram.
A Feat of Engineering.
The Sukkur bridge has just been com
pleted at the works of Messrs. Westwood,
Laillie ct Co., London j-ard, Poplar. The
bridge, which is on the cantilever prin
ciple, is to be constructed over the Kohri
pass of the Indus, at Sukkur, on the line
of railway from Kurrachee and Attock.
A noticeable feature about the work is
the erection of probably one of the finest
pieces of scaffolding which has ever been
built, and which has been a conspicuous
object on the banks of the Thames at
Poplar and for miles around. It i3 400
feet long by 120 feet wide, and 180 feet
high, with about 2. GOO loads of timber,
wliich, if laid out, would measure 24
lineal miles, the weight of the bolts,
nails and other ironwork leing about 40
tons. Tho contract has taken about two
years to complete, the bridge having to
be temporarily erected at the works pre
vious to being sent out to India. Chi
cago Times.
Wouldn't Fight a Duel.
Maj. Hinze, a retired officer of the
Prussian army, has been tried before a
court of honor of the army corps of tho
guards, and deprived of his military title
and uniform, because he failed to chal
lenge a political opponent who, in tho
heat of a general election, cast an impu
tation upon his military honor. He not
only failed to challenge his defamer, but
prosecuted liim in a regular court of law
and obtained his punishment. What
makes this case bo strange is that the
criminal code of the empire forbids the
challenging to a duel with deadly weapons
on pain of fortress imprisonment for si
montlis, and this applies to both military
men and civilians. Maj. Ilinze re
buked for two offenses for not violating
the law, and for having resorted to the
courts for redress of a wrong. This find
ing of the court of . honor was approved
by the emperor. The Argonaut.
Dancing a Dum-a-Hum.
The Piute Indians at Lovelock will
shortly hold a pine nut dance and a
solemn "hum-a-hum" (song prayer).
This is because of their thankfulness to
"Pah-ah" (the good God who sends
water) for the abundant crop of pine nuts
with which he has this season favored
liis red children. The pine nuts are not
at Lovelock, but far away in the moun
tains, where the pine orcliards have
escaped the ax of the white vandals. In
the Table mountain range are still left
many virgin groves. After the dance
and "hum-a-hum" the Indians will go to
the groves and gather the nuts. Formerly
before the herds of the whites took
possession of the ranges they had a
dance and a praise song for the harvest
of grass seed. The Piute people are very
religious in their way. Virginia En
terprise. Warrick asks yon to compare his
prices and stock of school books with
others. Second hand book3 at ' very low
prices. autwit.
- i
A Willow Who Wasn't Satisfied An
"Kngliah" Dude'a Komnnrtrancc-A
Colorcl Itarber Dadly Scared by a
Corpse A Ten Dollar Job.
"That's all right if It's only a hair cut; Just
sit up a little straighter. If you wanted a
shave I'd havo told you to take Bill's chair
over thoro. I couldn't sbavo you you look
like that fellow, only you're warmer and not
so white."
"Like what fellow P
"Liko 'a stifF I shaved about two weeks
go. Tho mimito you'd shut your eyes I'd
get so nervous I might make you as dead as
he is. Tho resemblance would bo so strong I
couldn't stand it."
"That's funny."
"Funny! Well, If you'd over shaved a
corpso you wouldn't think it was very funny.
My heart jumped into rny throat when you
stepped into that door. It's over two weelis
sinco I've shaved that dead man, and he's
beon right with mo ever since. Every time I
close my eyes I can seo he's glaring right at
me. liis face is as plain before me as yours.
Night and day I see it. My skin creeps every
time I touch a razor. Every time I touch
anything cold I shudder. I can feel his cold,
clammy skin yet. I wilL never forgot tho
horrible sensation of tho moment I touched
his face with tho razor. I felt I was commit
ting a sacrilego. I felt guilty but of what I
could not answer. If I live to bo 100 years
old I'll never forgot that experience and I'll
never shave a dead man again."
"Oh, pshaw I Charlie, you're foolish," said
another barber, "I've uliuved dozens of dead
men and never saw a ghost. I'd rather shavo
a 'stiff than a crank any day, for these rea
sons: You get paid more, they don't bleed if
you cut 'em and they never grumble at your
work. I've been paid as high 83 $10 and
never less than $3. That is the regular price
and I won't take les. I've seen lots of fanny
things in this end of our business. Loss than
two weeks ago I went to a house not 1 ,000
miles from Washington park. I hud finished
the job and was packing my traps when the
dead man's wife I mean widow camo in.
Sho walkod over to the corpse, examined the
face closely, and was turning away with a
sort of satisfied look, when suddenly she gave
a shriek, and cried liko a professional
" 'What's tho matter, madamer I asked.
" Why, you-you mean thing. Yr u've
p-p-p-parted his h-hair on tho wrong s-side
boo I hool'
"Another time I went to an aristocratic resi
dence on Michigan avenue; I won't tell you
tho number because it wasn't very long ngo.
Tho dead man's brother was in the room with
me one of these alleged English dudes, you
know, who talk through their noso and lisp
like a woman. The first stroke I made on
tho neck of tho corpse caused his brother take
a conniption.
" 'Now. now, now; stop that, I say, stop
that,' ho lisped. 'Aw-aw donchuno that's
not right You musn't shave the neck up;
you must shave it down. If you shave it up
tho hair will grow up and curl tho wrong
way, don't you know, and he can never part
it nice again like it is now.'
"I looked at the man and saw he was in
earnest, and I tried to keep my face straight,
but it was pretty hard work. The idea of
shaving a corpso so ho could part his whis
kers nice afterward!
"A funny thing happened once when I was
working in Pittsburg, Pa. Ono night a rich
iron man died on Oakland avenue, and a col
ored barber went to fix him up. When he
had shaved one side of tho face it was neces
sary to turn the corpse over. I suppose there
was some air in tho lungs, but anyway, when
he turned him over the corpso gave an awful
groan. Tho 'coon' dropped the razor and let
oat a yell that brought the whole household
to the spot on the run. Before anybody got
there the darky was out of tho house and
down the avenue as if the 'old boy' was after
him, and at every jump he let out a screech.
When one of the men went into tho room he
saw the razor and nearly half of tho left ear
of the corpse lying on tho floor. "Tho razor
had just happened to strike it when the darky
dropped it and ran. A doctor was sent for,
who sowed tho car on, and then ho sent for
mo. I finished shaving the man and left the
house with a crisp $100 bill in my pocket."
Inter Ocean.
Standing by tho Toucher.
The State Register of Springfield, His.,
relates the following curious experience
of Dr. Lameroux, of Eldon, la. The
doctor is a physician alxjut 40 years old,
who in his youth was of an adventurous
turn. At one time he found himself
teaching school down in the Cherokee
country, in a schoolhouse which his own
hands had helped to build.
' On one occasion, having offended a
number of young Cherokee bucks by
promising them a "good square lick
ing" for some infringement of his rules,
he discovered that his pupils had come to
school armed to the teeth, intending, as
he expresses it, to "do him up," if he
attempted to carry out his threat.
lie immediately dispatched a secret
messenger to inform the parents of the
young men of the state of affairs, and
ask their attendance at the school.
They soon came, and the schoolmaster
addressed them in a few explanatory
words. He said that the young men had
disobeyed the rules, and must take their
punishment or leave the school. The old
bucks, after consulting together, agreed
to stand by the teacher, whereupon the
refractory pupils were one by one dis
armed and punished.
The pistols, knives and other weapons
made quite a pile in the center of the
room. Some time after this the school
gave an exliibition, which is said to have
been the first school exliibition ever held
in Indian territory, at which about 1,500
Indians were present. Many of them
came days lieforehand, and camped on
the spot to await the great event.
Youth's Companion.
The Lest Kalsomine at "Warrick's
only 8c. a lb. dCt-wlt
If you want a good shoe for little
money, go to Boeck & Birdsall'6.
j -
i de:hi.aid
For a .short time
India. JDinens, Piques,
Fancy Nainsooks
II Swiss and Hamburg Embroideries and Floiincin
JL Complete Ziin cf. ZRobos, in
"Wiiite and Colors, of tlio
latest Designs.
And yon are invited to call.
We Announce Without Further Notice a
Commencing TO-DAY, JULY 12tli, and continuing until
September 1st.
without reserve, it will be to the
ot Cuss County to
Having in view the interests
multitude to share the benefits ol
consideration sell to other dealers
under this clearance sale.
AVe so to Xew York soon
and we kindly request all of
call as early as possible and
UnDare leleciB
White Front Dry, Goods House.
Main Street, . - .
only vie will oiler
ate H In Ofcfl.
individual interests of all citizens
take advantage of the
ot our customers, ami to enable the
this great sale, we will under .'no
wholesale lots of goods embraced
to make our Fall Purchases,
our friends indebted to us to
adjust their accounts.
Yours Respectfully, j
' Plattsmoutk