The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, January 12, 1885, Image 3
1 4 i t f Ln i 1 Uiuu u I ii uuiiuLii vrriciiLrAi'KHur tiik citt. HftClAL iNUIitKH. Advertisements under tntt head, thro eeutt er hue eaoa insertion. Clrita'atlnf Library lti etor. at Warrick's ttOUf C. A. Hareliiall, Dentist, iur censor to duller A Slarsliall. Teetti exlritcied without patu, by use ofMtroua Oxide Gas. 4. Salisbury, UentUt. HUN EY TO I)AN-On real estat by A. K. outllvan, TOAKM KOIl SAUt-Consisting of IDS sere. i good limber. tulrmlld orchard of bearing trow: ouo f llieiiioslilenrable farina In Cas co"UIJ llu;llr I unite Mi. I'teasant. Inquire f B,-. tju nulllrau. VOU H ll, K if residence and four Ion; -I1 k,mi li iu., liaru and fruit, itud lu neil lenl oondttlo.1 ) also two Inipriwl laiiin. ! .t.irr brick bulue lieu susso ft.u elaiu itreel. aud other desirable 'j,"' FOU ALE -House, let and wood laud by John bum rtua. . 1?()K A LR seerel rMldeneet, ebeao. In quire of i. 11. Wbeelev Co. flt 8I.R-8ciaVhTablU la all il. ' a iiiiioinoo, sltf T! lit HALR a lot la food looatlee. Partleu- lars at lbl office iiiiKMALK Aanrdor for a now Amerleaa ' iowIuk Maeblue. Inquire at thlsorflca. F'KNvbt'.-l.aeoeordtof wood. Inquire nf W..-i. WIN. " L'Oll H.ll.K-4 id papers for oalo at this efflre i at to oeuU wr hundred or t oeuto uor ilw a. " iiORBAI.K-i'otirinutof.eirierln Joed Wa tiun in thl city, limuiro at taio oiiko noon Turks r.- .A furnished room forono orle irentleinea, la oud location. lu- qulre at thle office. FOR KSM !? homo of foar room. rod water. good. "'!' sonis. 4 per taenia iooiiaeivu.. . aui,xa. iiOR KKNT-lbeaorth otoro room la Hev ' bleM block, aodt room up stalra. Oood itlB for reeiaurant or boardlug boase, rout eboap. Apply U Was. Neville. leJlf Cure fjtuarauteed, DR. VTAflN'S SPECIFIC No, 1 C.rtaln Curo fer Ktrmut Debility, Remlnal Wo.ikuro. tuvoluntary HuiImIoiis. Hperina tornea, aud audis.-awa of llio I euilo-url.iery ri(iicud by Mll-nb-'H oror Indulgence. frlee l.uo per ki, lt boiot to M. UIL WAKN'd bl'ECIFlCNo.a For KulloptH FlU. Wontal Aailotr. ln-t Moiuory. Holloaing of tbo Uraln. aud all dla- t of III" Ximlo. yrlso l oo per hoi. Ill boif I lo.oa, DR. WARN'd SPECIFIC N. 5 fr Impotonco.durlllty In ollher Ivm of Fowrr. premature old e. and all thoo dltre. oe requirtui tliorouuli lovlgoralliiK ol tbe mi. aal orni. fnco i.o per boi. i boioo iie.oo DR. WAUXy SPECIFIC No. 4. For Headache, Nerreue NeuralKla, and all em tfurvn v Ihe oeroui rteia, Fr!c too per bot ell boiei U.M, Dit WARX'S SPECIFIC No, . For all dlwat esnl by thoirer u-e of to liythorer u-eofti- ieiiy l pmllcul ry ef- I unit di-hrluin treid- I bcco or ll'iuor. line reweoy teavlouo In rtlui tiy e' frK el.00 per l" We giiiiil-eacure."r iu' rio rTfuud uunb- 1 the money paid. I ortiiiiaio IB eacu Pol. Tin u aul'O appllre lu racli of our B e N- olftc. Vol by 'llto1",,a',ri,i,i(,trri! from observation, ou rerill "f i'rle. He care ful to men'l'in tbe Dumber of ai)oin "anted. (Mir .rwcince are vuly recomlided tor dlwa'. Hrworo nl rm1ie warrjnU-d 0 our all dlwert llb "o medicine, lo nid ooumerf li aud aluay cearo tho geauliio. order ouly from F . FAtCEB M CO., DKL'GGIST PHARMACISTS. VXIO BLOC rLATTrnTn NKB. JXJKfXJ leni mt.nMt i i-r Miwf-wtM a-rw M"'. cu. , a, mM wmA 1 IfiaM L U MM enaor mf4 . 1frtt ! nfall ttf nililioii MMO. Uritt,tm aai puu, mm far mm r U eicfin, w4 MwUu a.iewiwM. Tw ,,,iii. mir or ftin o,urt cu, hi a iu w. u4m e.. ( eioaliiiioiiiiiellMi'lowii'iWMmi r. G. rauKK & co., DltUOULSTd t PHARMACISTS, okiom luioit, PLATrwocrii. Ned itutklru'i Aralt-M Halve. The salve lu Hie wnld lorCtna, Rruwo. .S '(r. r, 4St ithfuiu, r"e ora ri'i Teller ClMpp"! Uanda Chill latin 0 Tiia and all bkiu Eruptioua mid poj.t.vly eur Pu r no pv nijuir-d, Jt U uauarantcrd to give perfect alle taction, or money refunded. Price 2f. cnuu pur box. For Sale liy Frleke & Co. ix'. 4 ly BAM. Billiard Hall. Terry Hartuian b reopened his Bil liard Hall in his uwo building, noxtto '.be City Hotel, and invite the public to call aud lee bliu In hie ntw place of Uufline. Hit tablet are entirely r8t ted, aud lie will keep oo baud at all time the bett brand of elgar and lo bcco, and he will aervs oytteri, pig fl c, at all hour, to the hungry. Call aud tee him. ill A Remarkable Earape. Mr. Geo. U. Clarke, of Port Dal, Ouiailo, siatea that ahe had been confined lo her room for a long tiniH Willi that dreadful diaeaie, calf sumptiou. The doctor laid ihecould out eecape an early grave, but form iiately ahe began taking Dr. King's New DUe.overy forCoutumptioo, aud lu a iliort time )he was completely cured. Doi-'utug ouca, pleao write Mr, t'lnrks and be convinced. Trial bonks tree at Frirke Co.'a Ue hlxe $1. 4J-e6w ly Tho.o Are loIU FaoU. x The bent biooJ puriller aud syatem fiullor ever placed within the reach of aiilleriiiR buiuaiilty, truly is Electric llitifcyi. Inactivity ofthe Idver, Ilil lounuew. Jaundice, Continatloo, Weak Kidne), oiuv dnee of the urinary orKHti. or whoer require an appe tlie., I'uiU' or mild at'.uiulaat, will el way find Elecftlu Rlitcri tba tet and onlycvftaio cur known. They act urerly and quickly, tvtry bottle gtiar oteed to give tut ire aatlafactioo or Booty refunded. Prlr only flfiy rents b-jVAiA fat aula by Fi It k Co. Hock wood IIhII tonl-lit. Q. A. R. Tomorrow evening. Go lo the f ntrrtainuiHtit tooight. Keep cool, U tlie propur sayloj.ltbose davi, A Inrge number were alteuditDls at the liuk Saturday rvroing. Buaineii over Hie ice bridge from the Missouri bottoms is good. The hj of the (!Mn "Galley Slau" i the O;)ora House lomonow uiKht. 3iintor livers, Ufrct;nt.itivo Rwt and F II. WiUon, wore at. home from li'tfUUtlve tin lien oyir Snul ty. Nibrafk City Aurn ay they liear whUjien of sn?ther railroad lli;re, and they livo txneolint. D ni'l misi tho )l 'y ut the Opera IloUiieU'iiioirotv niglii a g wl piny by Hue Nuw York roiiipuny. The afu-rno mi muiMing ut thePrenbv tctian churcli S tu.lay was largely t it D'led and "n 1 1 nl mtrieit. Tomorrow evi n u the G. A. K. have ihoir iiutalUiiim ami pulilic reci'piion HtRH-kwoiHl IIhII, h!!! th waut n1! lh"ir I'rli'uJn to lt p'pM-Mt. Jjhn V. Suitun, brother of Mrg. J. E. MorrUuii, vuiud IIih city ovnr bun (ley, while tnrontit front Colorado to Ma former home In Viriuia. Ilfiupinher tlte loaial and recntion at Kocwod Hall tonight, a vry p.mui jut liiue limy bo vtrctei, aud a Uiyo Dumber will uaJunbtrdly be present. All pereoua lutoudlu lofurnUli eon trlbuiioni of farcy artlclia for the fair, lo al l of the Home lor the Frieod Iris, at Liuculo, muul have them at Mr, Duke' early Tuesday afternoon. A mora interfiling r thoroughly en joyable performance ilmn Hint of "The Galley rtiave" will not be offured nguiu lu our city for a ioug time. Take our friendly advice and go lo the Opera House loiiionow niyhi, by all meaue. The tngtcioientor Ui"(Jllcy S!ve" company urct t our patrona of Ihe Optra House tomorrow night a pnr forniMtii'e of the niont fiijoyable do icriplloii. No One ahould loint Bcciiig tlilt and fsmoui ly. A , ,ron A unto UaBid Little wan il.iown Irom hi horax and iixianllv killed ilw I ftfTn'g""'!'" ITTtitf CHuFfy from Lincoln. The coronet 'a jury foi.ud tl e abo verdict after examining the cape, no one teeing the accident when it iiappeoel. A gru nl, ( tune ant cipateJ ut Rotkwood II. iil thin tvniino;, Had ovcryholv invited to at lend he recep. tion given iy the W. C. T. V. lo Col. W'HMltord Ciial-in q Kxemtive Couiuiitteo Mr. Terry U'.tlker. Cn'n AJvjgory Com Mr. Thomaa Pollock. Ch'o Com. on Music Mr. J. X. Wi e. Ch'n Com. ou rieJgt Mis. T. Pol lock. Ch'u Com. on RcteptioD Mrs. D. Spurloi k. A luiUsion tree; Supper 3 cl. The Bentiicc tin nit y conipiiny ha good rogpi CIS f r the Colliing ecaaou. i i mpany i in receipt nf a letter from 0 oalia in r gard to a trial ut l KMnls agalntt eaateru hramla llmlihe Gnvctninent i Dow using General Hawk in, couuniaiary general of tho department of Ihe Patio, tay that tl e Iioi.fX0 C'.ru le iWi'vtrr Mud iu every way belli r H an the M ilne corn ; alio that U'ittrli!H toniHtora urn more tnliil aid have n ore I lie and better fluor than the eastern I'taiMa Hip Goviru ment is using, ' vlemeuta ai fOioKed upon teelg made Tlerou pa iy ha also received a lei ier from a Spaniah houte do Dg huoitiee In Mcx:io, iuq-iirkg for priwa. Thu ttpani b homo bad seen and teated th good. Allhongh ho hat spokea la forsf r years d( e than Ally time In the city, Co', Wo dford Is now conducting tb droit succetsful go pi 1 tempcraiire m"lDg ever hell in thl place. It I wo'ider ul wl at power aud ltiflueue bebiatyer his hearers Ltt nl-ht meetiug wajiiHtllletholJ lima onrf, held b-re three year ago by hi in. Many men ligned the pledge, and a deep feeling of liileret bag tuken hold of tho people In the good work, and great good I being done. The tem perance lorcea of the city are united in the work of saving mm from drink. I he houio V. H1 packed lust night and lh lecture was one nf the moat logical, elequent and pilhetio, our people have ever h id the opportunity of listening to. The incetiu ;a havt been progres sing a week, and otr people are urging him to iay a cek longer, and Mr. Woodford baa coutrnted to remain ibat time. TL M. . church netsr held a larger eudiunce than the out lruiuA Lot LiB'it. Boare of Trade. At the called meeting of the Doard of Trade at Court Home Saturday eve , at which meeting a goodly number of citUeus weto preaeut. Mr. W. S. Wise, from tbe committee to solicit stock subscriptions, reported 143 shares signed for, which ahare repreaeut $14,. 000. Tho commiitoe reported a thor ough duuvaai among the buelm-ES men and they were tendered a vote of thuuks for their work. Mr. J. VV. Johnnoii, the special com mittee lo prepare and present articlca oi Incorporation, reported the articles which Mr. C. Wcad had very kindly aaoiated hint la preparing, aud they were complete In every detail. Mr Johnson reported that a number of the lurgu't stock subscribers bad exam ined tluiu and approved thnm. Ou motion, tlio President of the Hoard was iiiHtructed to take c'large of ihe articles of incorporation and the autucription lint uud to hund them over to the stock holders for their use; after which tho liourd adjourned. Busted. Tho New York Mirror chronicles tbe demise of a dead beat show, us follow: "Members of t lie Wife's Honor com patty are in Chicago, and recount tin usual experience w hen engaging with irrcipoiikible in a fg th. 1'he cnnipan) Ji. banded in KuieaaCity a furtuighi ago, aud tho ine.ubera were coolly toll) to gut home a best they could. The ai tempi to make a "star' of Lawreuct Muratoo, author uf the play, and an amateui actor from salt (Syracuse, wae woefully unsuccessful." W. J. O'Neill, of titreator, Illinois, hn j mt been elected president of the Father Mathew Society at that place for the third time aud without a voto agninut him. He Is a delegate every time he will go to the State and Na tional meetlug in which be ha held high dlice. He is a brother of Rich arJ O'Neill, the popular lOih street jew erof this city. Lincoln News. The D. & M. is unloading s great number of ties at this place. It is not yet know what will be done with them, but tho supposition is that they will build s road back from tba river from here to Nebraska City. Nemaha Time. Notice. Any one wanting to learn at uoedle work, painting erstamolng, call oo Mrs. F. S. Granger, Eighth street and Wash ingtuh aveoue. t . , SoflJlm Mrs. Simpson announces to those de siring a graduatiug courts of musical Instruction that arrangements of classe begin Monday January 19, '85. Pupils undertaking a graduating course, are expected to submit to and abide by the rub marked out for them. Ic it pre ferable that pupils should practice at the music room the drat three term, or il possible the full course. Length of term twelve weeks. Rates nf tuition fiom $12 to $10 per term. Three lo clan eight dollars apiece. Rimiuis one door caM of II. Waterman. 20Jif C A. R. The following is ttie programme for the O. A. R. xi-rcict at Roikwcod Unit, Tuesday evening: 1st. Installation 21. Sp -eehe be the orator. SJ. A Play In IV act. 4th. Sitpp' r, O h, Dancing to commence t 10:30 i I v. AJ'iila-lon tt Rati I5-; tapper, U3j; dancing, f.0c mt couple. K' rp the canning rttablishment que- I Hon moving; it ought lo be aud wu be ! iters will bo a (iieoest. Important to Traveler. Special inducements are offered voi 'jy the Burlington route. It will pa you Vi read their advertisement to I". found dnAWtira In t.hU ImUn, 47tf FOR SALE, A bu"liics on Main Street, Oystei snd Cinrectlonery stand. Inquire ol 2C6J1W JAMES A MILL. NOTICE. "We detire to close all accouuti on the flrst of tbe New Year. Pleats give this uotico your earlltt attention aud oblige Yourt respectfully, d0w8. WILL J. WAURICK. Dualcal Parties desiring to svall thcmselvri nf s thorough course of violin lus'ruc tlon of tli most classical, order can now have ihe benefit of my wide x perieuce. My nicthod of training I that of the Llcpxlg Conservatory of Germany. Recital will be regulary given foriho l enellt of parent and friends of the pupils to Show the pro gress made from it rm to term. Ouly s limited number of pupils will be taken and only aucu at show a talent for this greatest ol Insiiumeiits. Our charges are $19 00 for term of JO weeks. Applications, by mail rej celved. dAalru DmaoKaUsKT. The gotiulne Hurt shoo st Merges '. L.C, CiVUiis suUlog vAlset pauls pitve. Committees for G- A- ft- Installation- OnSpeakers-T. Wiks. Procuring dishes and wood George Po'sall. On Transportation Henry Cooper. Decorating Hall C Kiukeud aud W. T. M-lvin. . On Piloting and Vocal Music C. ViT, Bhermap, J. W. Jennings. Asisance in Ilall C . Ford and II. L. Price. Coin, en Solicitation Mrs. T. Wiles Mr. J W. Jennings, Mrs. II. C lie Maken, Mr. E. II. Sage, Mrs. 8. P. Hol laway, Mrs. C. W. Sherman, Mr. II, L. Pi ice, Mrs. II. Cooper, Mm. John Le ich, Mi s Susie Fuirlluld Committee on Tablet Miss llollle Tucker, M'ihs Cr.rrie Hollaway, Miss Bertie IIyer, Ml Eva hhtruiau, Miss Flora Cooper. SETTLEMENT NOTICE. Fartie knowing lhcmi-lvcs ilidebt (d lo Speight & Co., w ill please call and aeitle either by note or money, as I rnuit u tile mv accounti by the llrst oj .January. Ruhpectl'nllv, (13.wl. O. M. STREIGIIT I in porta ut Notice. For the next 30 days I will give 10 per cent discount ou all goods bought f' r cash of L. C. Erven. Mention tids pajiel. I do nut Want t lie iiaith nut fo want my frleniln In Pla tmnutll Tlly and Chm Coiiiiiy. t reii.einliei thai my nfiiee U lihrtiiiurlei fur KlVhol lh" in t!-' -lie lunurauuo tun Billies reuteaented lu tile We.. I tie tiimirance 1'iirto s In Banen ot t'ase Duiin'y I ana will be III imlnaled every baiur day night, and If yuu lequlre Firejoranado orCyclone Insurance, Notarial wnrk, (wills. Acknowledg mrntu oi' HuriiiHKes,) Money lirilirs or Fa-Huge I'lckef to on rum Euri.e, yuu will reoelvo i or eou aiieiillnn, and have yuur work cor rectly and lioneelly periormed by FRANK H WILSON, Notary Public, lniuiance At'ont und KealEs laio brckor. PLATTSMOUTH, NEU11A8KA. R0BEHT D0NiNELLy'S I LED BLACKSMITH SHOT3. Vugun, Buum, Machine and I'lrw i -pairing, and general jobbing as. now prepared to do all klndt of repairing of farm and other machinery, a toere It a good lalbe Id uiy ulinp. PETER RAO EN, Tbe old Reliable Wa?on Maker butakeaebargeot lbs waoa inca lie Ii well known at a NO. I WORKMAN. Mew H'acow aad Haggle m t Order MaTiaetcrrroN hoars tT , ' TUB GREAT THROUGH ROUTE BETWEEN TTIE East, M ii k Ml Wf.LLI.rCH TRII nitRAT THROunH BOt'TS IS DOW COMPLETED AND IN FULL OPERATION RUNINO THROUGH . Passenger "rains Daily A.S FOLLOWS.' TliRTE SfJIlDTIUIVSF.ACil wt Heiwefii CnliiiiiiHit, luilliiupiills and Peoria. TWOTIUINHKAi II WAV Hefrrn I oliinihii'i. lndinapolls and Decatur, TWOTKAINK KVCH WAY liet a tnilii-ky, luiliiiimieiiix, i'eorlaand de'atur I'WUTHAI.KAI'M WAY lieiwenn Handukv liiiytim and Cincinnati. Tit HKK THAI. H KACH V A Y H"tweeli HaiiiliLkv Kprliiilliil(l. Coluuibut. P.ilJII IHAINSKACM WAV Me'i I 'oliiinl'iie. Hprlngt'il. Huytoa ft Cincinnati I WO IIUINH KACII WAY lie 'I loluiiibus HprluiiA'd I odlanapolls&Ctilctge with tflerntng tint Itrrlintng Chair Car on JtlaM J l n io nnrt tuiiiil I'urlitraml ilmUrn IMiy t'ijui)iioii X"iM Tratf, Its truck I laid with Heavy Rteel Roll Ihomuidily balluaicd, wllb (aiy grades and lew curve T ravening a II does 111 heart of the three, great aiiilexui Ohio, Indiana ami llllniilie, uul llng lu elune hiiulnciw n-liith.mlili the capital eitie of Hie fl'nt and smoid, wllh the st-ennd city nl Ihe llilnl, anil pa.lm tliroiiKh a Uric lliiuiher of Ihe most liniNirliiiit cil'e and towns In eneh, and Willi ull lucuntral lovatloo makes Ii 1 lie Nhorte and Moat Uralrable Roat between the Knot and Weat. Through Ticketi and Baggage Vhtvkt to all Principal I'olrts SOHTH. ItOlTII.KAMTASU VFIT, eanheohlarued t sny ticket oflleoof The f H W. H'y :ali via this Itoute at all railroad orTleeslhriiuuhoiil lh country. Kale la)t a low as the lime.t. Don't pun'biue tickets to any point wlliionl fnlconiuillugilitagenuuf Ui I h. m. W, K'y s rartloularaiWanraifesnlTnrettn Waatern Y . Igraul., I.O'd and louil.t T'okettto all point B3W 1 i n nan ny ai.v u o, i U iiK'iK(li()M U V PHOVOX, OoVliliaMMS. Uou'leoAJk POLITICAL re off; the painting is done; and Tho Hoss Clothier, who with a double header stock of Clothing: and Furnish ing goods will occu py the main line and all of its branches. Our Clothing is the most Substantial. Our Fits are Perefat Our prices are uniform and reason able. We Iiavo a Complete line of Gloves, Hats, Capj and Underwear in all grades; the bust White Shirt in town, and blue flannel and Cussimere shirts. Knit Jackets and Knit Coats. Lined Duck Coats and Pants. Overalls and Overshirts. Tiunks, Valises and Bags. Farjso'a Custom Made Boots. A Large Line of winter Overcoats. In Fact, Everything In MENS' aud BOYS' TVta ISTour trade is solicited, aud we w'iii try &u& merit your pat ronage. C. E. WESCOTT, i THE BOSS CLOTHIER, Rockwood Block, PLATTSMOUTH, NEB J. D. SIMPSON, il I Fast Mccps constantly oo hand si fall and complete line ot the FINEST O AKS end TOBACCO. CHOICE CONFECTIONERY, and all the News and 1'ciiodicalg ol the daj. A new and complete stoch of FANCY" GOODS, ol everj description just received. Our itock it KEW, and we are offering bargains. J". 3D. s3HLd3PSOaxr. C. A. R. The newly elected otllcetf of the G. A It. will be publicly iuitallel at the Ucjcltwoo l II ill TueHilay evening, tuji. per will 1)0 serve! uutil 10.30 after which will be dancing. Adiul.-slon to hall IScts. M hall 5DcU. Supper i'5:ts. Oeoeral ticket to all ?3c(. Everybody coinoanj enjoy the even ing, a good supper and enjoy the dance it vuii wish. TAKE NOTICE. ' " All who era Iw'eUed to ms will please call aLtl settle, si I mutt have all HxK aecounts closed btfoie the 1st of Februnry. tlJCltPwlt. J. S. DUKE. The cuiei.f aWd Dmtaiioe for ladies sad I'tiitleinen, at Merges. PloMirefrtiiieisnd pictures. Alwsyt A nice ttuek. At Lf.onabd's A )arge noct of the finest and best elected stock of pipes ever setu lo l',atiHiiiniiiti, at U. tfpies. N. U. It will pay you to see them be uu buy t Uewli re. 02V. "ml The relelirated Burt shoe forlmllea alld gentlemen, at Mernei'. l7Uf AH kiiul uf Jewelry tnauufactured to order, at L. C. Krven's. Notice lo Holders til Warrants. Il'iiaors of General and Bridge Fund War rant". I s.-O'l bv D't Oou ilv. Nebroika. lll 1 1 a e r sem tee -a ee (or patmeut at c U" ty 'lr aur reCfllee at I'latt m ait ,luoun lyan.i Ulo a i r-a d. mi or before January l.ita, 1M. as ib ani alt r that dale, Inter -st w II (iei ee. My authority of Board of County Commit. WM.n.Mt.VFI.1.. County Trauier, Plattsinou'h,Ni'b.,Ja' i.-4niuu. 100 TONS ..OF- CARVER NUT COAL Now la the yards ;cf tLa Whitebrcast Coal Co. And for sale, delivered at M.00 per t in, Leave orders at BOOMS now everything sidetrae led 01 PD lib RUl'(;lI ON COl'UUs" Atk. l..r ituuyli ou Cough, for Coogus CuiJ. ooru 1'nroiil, HuareeUSsS irovues lie, L.quiU 2jc THE UOl'E OF THE AAT10N Childfeu tlow in developrueut puny, scrawny aud uolicate use "Well Health Heuuwer. CAI ARU1I OF THE BLADDER Btiugliig irritation, luriamatioa. all Kiduey aud Urluarv Coiuplaiuts cured by iiudm-l'uiiM. SI. "IIOIGII OM'AIX" PLASTER; ' Poioueaud sticugtnliijx.iujtroved tbe beat lor Okxkaclic, paint m tlio chest or aide rheuujaii.iu Neuralgia. 23c. Urugi;iai or uiail. ' Uco. 7 uly. LirUI'ULSEIlVCR. If you are liiso.'ii' you grip on life try "',4 lie' iu iicuower. does direct to weufe spots. ROLiiii o. roorii.iciic" Islam relief tor Neuralgia 'Tooth ache earache. Asa lor Hough oa IVxhaciie. ISJsSSo. I'llETXV HOME.T,. Ladiea lio wuuld retaiu freshoeu aud vivacity Dou'l fail (u try Well, Health Keuevter." "RCIGII O.VITCH" "Itiiugli ou I oil, cures humors, erup tions, ilog-worui, tetcr.ialt rbuein, fros ted feet chilblaius. Dee 0 dly The geuulue Burt shoe at Marges'. Messrs. llatt Jt Co, are now we'l lo cated iu tlielr uew buildiuc. which they have fureislied in tho best nnaai. ble way fur the cotivenlcuce of thai." work. The haaciueut room istpeeUll tdauted lo tlielr wnrk. mul In ilm rt of their bnildiug they have built a large aitume nouso lor uieirown use. Tli firm have ainrn thrr Ima l,un u buaiuest, built up a large business, and as ttiey sun always to keep the best meats the markets afford, their busi ness ts mrueil, and the market- the "City Market" is appreciated by ail. ' Billiard, and Bar. II. M Hunt has adileil Lo 1 i!a1 Bulrutn rooms two uew billiard tal lea or the latest pattern; bar furnished with tha beat brands of whiskies, wines etc., Auheutor beer, bottled teer, and bett brands of ctgus al wav iu atot k. Olve useeuiL iuu Mil