1 -til . ' t -1 t " .J, t ' i . M 1 a -o -J i n, nf , i 111 Ai,, -. 1. 1 H 'ti ii VOL. 2. PLATTSMOUTII, 1NEBHASKA, MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY VI, 1885. NO. 2G6. Ayt --rV .- S , ) pfl0ttlt - JOSEPH f. DEALEit IN Choice Family Groceries, Carpets, Hags, Etc THE "DAYLIGHT" STORE, CENT .'AL MAIN STREET, PLATTSMOUTII. NEB, HfWIW tPQt sW sWTsl ASM II! m ' AM IS&EGAM'iT MM OF Soaps, Brushes &Toilet Articles in general. f t" " "1 1 1 "A I" T. "1 While we carry, at your own irit!e almost, the CIIKAB goods, that the CHEAP 7T thi- city iiusrve nave a line 01 tnuuij goods that he hasn't in stock, nor can t get. I)UUGV PATEKT MEDICI NES, WIIIUB LEAD. OIL, &c REVOLVING SIGH, East Main St. d . U. MATT. SCHLEGEL FI1TE, The largest a.soi'tmriit oi Pipes ever brought to thin city TT? . w m wr I. t tw leia II. a fS SU V VI J Aai aav nuv Stan rw clafifi Cigars and Tobacco Store Always to lie found at MATT. SCHLEGEL'S Main Streat, Plattsmouth, Neb. iirruNiNTMoncE. -Prtrtle knowing thi-inwlves Indebt t t n i relabt it (X will pleue c ill mil little elttu-r bf not or ujo-ifv, a I mut tllo. iiv sfrtoiinta by the flrM ot January. Kojiect fully, dS wJ. M. MREIGIIT Important Notice. Tor ihe ti f 80 ii I will Klv 1" per mil di-cotint on all good, bonf h' I r o-b of L. 0. Erven. Mtutlou thh Ltpil. WECKBACH. AT- sW ,M 0 3 saWX Ii ssieiJI Mri jyiSJtlJiiJK.. N I iii port t:i Ho r rave I em. Special inducement are offered vou 'jy the HnrllniMon route. It will pay VOIl to read the,.- adVl tiHi'Mt'flt to be found olsewheri. In rh taaun, 47lf Or'na, I.e'iinm an! Cranberries, ll' tmett ir Lew IV Tin" g"lillil1 ltirt lull' .t Mrgis ', L C. Erveu la tetliiig uod ut psulo pi lie. El Mill tm CIGARS. 7 1 11 rCBMHUKU DAILY ANU WKKKLY foe PlattsmoDtb Herald PiWisliinii Co TBKMS: DAILV, delivered by earner to any part of the city PerWwk a jo fir Month i Per Year , o,, WEEKLY, by mall, Jim noiif ill month. .in, inrjy ! year on uwieltpl al In. riMlUSla., rinti.i.wnilh, teeuuil .tan. matter. I'JIE JIkUaiD believe that if omiter tepate taen, aud that if a confer ence lit hel 1 with the B & M. ofllolnU. that a new de,wt can be secured f0i Hi a city. Not only wnn the time approaeln s Tor ilm lt,nrd(,f Agricu:tur lacetli,,, d 'cs the II.MULDr.Hseitii v.iii agaliiht tho wheel within the wheel, but all the year round will iba Herald be beam until ineompetoiita are weeded out and the Board is placed with its relation iieU een iUelf and the State, above u t-ir chamber orgituUation, which through mutual threats and recrimina tion perpttuntes itlf iu power. The Keporter ma : ci i wild ttkertion when it denies corruption in the ring, in toto. It simply does not know whutiti talking about. But tha iTitniin Hiit , . ,. . itne mom lntereitlng ut get into the habit of pitching into, Ut of the M , " II, A SlQta Tt,,ul,I Ion ...... I ' ' n u vi uig j rni mv It may hao needed It then, but it cer tainly needs it now, sod the needs fur ebuk.s have not pas?daway. Tlu1 Suite piys nil appropriation each year; do. a it, all go fur premlunu? Is tin S'Au B turd more interested iu the a tlcult irl buines, or in htiise, oi chariot racet? I the work ol be State fair lo dimply draw aciowd,or ( iettl.. Mgrieultural intere.t.l Are i. Ure nu tu Her of meuibers in posit inn .linolv v rec 'tre fie r-," ii.ri.ic. 'i Mratn ii and gri.rt (oui Lint ot i., ilcke t o pdiiirai trieoiisaud hangwa on, or ire tuny for (be peopu- uV.t 't II i theiH or In there uol been -moil, ered expei a comiUf Are all then "Xpeile legitimate Sstoefair exueuj.-i, Iioi-s the uivinbi rldp of the tt'r U'4'J iuuxi Let the book of tin lH le.y yean baopeueJ; let the e )n Kll'nv, Sj far Mr, Mclutyre ii conceruei' he it on - i f luany in tuo liuard; 'lie IUu AL i h uo peiS tiiHi war(ar in il.c mutter, 1 tit it no Buaid. a tuiii'i 1 1 eJ I i-e f i eipetuHtiug, ni no ut- i ler ueed apply. It 1 wioiu liom tin Krou i,i u,', an 1 ought tu be rturgauized. I urn out mciimpeliut, and tleuu ihu Augeuu r tilde. A j-veiiv year as me lima spprnucini for ih i iKneiiu of the SLtte 11 .rd ut Agriculture, llw I'laitstuouth Herald ln'.uUc iu a luug-wiuded tiradf Mxttiikt the B urd ana its tnnigemut VV li y the Herald l unable to ee any good In the orgauiz.illon, we can not gu.-a. The Hoard ba tor aeVeral year, In uiir j dguiuut, been doiug the bed thai it cojld, aud whiia erru'. ire iindoutnedly been made, the action ot die liarU iii gnueral have beeu for Hie Ue.t. As ti) it belug a corrupt liug we deny the charge in toto Sucli men m hVo had j t to do with it m m aguuieut ot late year are uut likely to ilendly thein.elveS wbh any corrupt (In;;. The Herald aays a tew wUu uiiaugcs.were tn idu a year ago, ami uauie of oili er who have made good record durlug the year; but it doe. uot iop to consider that the same meu have shaped tbe actions of the Board, with whictt It fluds fault, fur year pust. It truly says tlut J. B. Dins mere bas made an excellent president, but the iutVreucs to be drawn from it remaibs Is that tils predecesvor was nt agooj officer. This is not the Ami time that the Herald lias made a iml lar insinuation, but tbe record of Ed iniitid Mclutyt for half a scorn of years as s member of the Baud, and two yean as i s preildent, Ii lullhieut refutation of any charges or in iLsiou tious or iiielDciiicy nr corruption. The troubie with the ll nald must be, that it got into tbe ba'ilt ei pilchiug into llio Sia'o Bu nd of Agriculture yeir "go, when it was becvsiary, aud now can't see that the need torvueb. rtbuke has pasted awy. The Herald would do vt II to look around aud tee that tbe Hoard i a d ff-ieul organic tilon from what it w .i ten ytar so, and atop growling a'loul tuliniiHg..mut tbut don (ut xi,t,.Swward Ilepoiier. i STAIESOr RD OF ACRICULTUrtE We Iihvh bren at miine troubie to in vouiijfats tho clmrje tltut ti e Uinuue of the aiiiniiiibtratiuii of the tiw 13unl ol 1SS4 cuinpuro M)f;tvurably with tha result HCcinniilish. J by tfen llemeli coii'liicliiijf the iilliii it', the oc'.i-ty in ''oriiu-r year, m find the fulluwiiiK to bo the tru tiuancUl ron tliiiuu ol the eucletv; ami the t;nu-en which M to the i.rescui low ebb in the Kooiety' til aiicfg to be due to the fol loving ciucH, anJ not Htfibutable to in nl adtnlnintii.tlon on the put ot' Mr. FurtiHS, minted by tho I'iuib- winutit Joill "lUi, ti U flip liiire in on.' 6300 in tie treasury, but If ulso true Hint the Oricly loiiiii d $1,00 i to the Stale to aid in making Nebrubkn'u rreditablu ilhibit at the New Orleans Expoalliiiii. It, is alMo true that the Ujniiaytinent were compelled to pay i 1,800 to the OnmliA Driving Paik, 'or the use of the lair erou'jdi fur 1884. an expeuae never lurced ou the lluaui iii 'ormcr ycurs, and an expc iuu that Mr Funia it in lo way reaponglble fur. It U further charged by the present mmi iigiTi that ruiiiiy unlorsei'ii apropria liona were demuoded on uecoimt of former neglect the uiot notable being me puiiJiae of med ils awarded to i hlhllora at the fairs of 1882 and 188K, and f.r which the rbtimitiitu have been clamoring for two years. We are as urec lLat a foil and complete fchowin),' of ti e Stale board will be made at the coral, ig meeting, which promises to be themont interesting ever held In the To the Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: 1 ho report i common upoii the streets that a gambling Louse in operation in I'lutUuiouth. A few ius'ruciiuu to the Chief of Police uic iu order. The Ukuald uut siucerely linpeR h't the prijected CHouiiig cutiiblih iciuit now s well under way, timy uol '''( until tlte factory is buil;, audin o,vrtion. .. . TllK wav mm iii at the Iikhip . tun are treated would lend one to lie neve Hint Hie keener thow more full) (even pd sytnptoini ot in.auity timt, the pu;leitH. A BUsl.ti: fSlllll of tlleiig'ibiture with l tie enactment ot anluiiiiy luw and tue r.'pt al of somu bud olie, in whut the people demand of our liyialu t n. . TR detUitml Keein lo bf g'nerni ihal I lie lie al the iiinmo lloiitl t Lincoln, ouht 'o be chopped ell and t, im one put on. STOVES! STOVES I STOVES ! AT COST AND I'AUKIACK. 1 nlti'r ray entile utock of Cooking and Iln-it- NEXT 30 DAYS, Now tha time to tiy Stovo. CHKAP, AIo hknif.. t'lieliluik-, an i ruriH-mr .m.., mHi n. iviinii hii'I Ir.m Hm, tl irlUluii ami Kil mer i IiIm-Ih, Car llln, nt.ice lilt. s. Alt ot vs lil ti l ofltr JLT COST, prcimnaory to luvolcuis. FEURVAUY Mh, 1683, Plena call and price Sicca before pur ch inltig elsewhere. TBBL1S PlHttmnonth, Neb , I r niilC Juii e, 'w.-oMiit. u. Ji uurvt, CALL AT TUE Old Reliable LOHBEBYABD H. A. Wlioleial aud Kstall Dealar In PINE LUMBER SHINGLES, Uin, 8.VSII, DOOHS, BLIXDS, AC. Ftfiirtti atttml. in' ff ar ot (Hwra Ilointt. fATTSMOH'CII. NEBRASKA IMEHBAN k SON TL v IT 10(13 CAKIN3 POWDER TO-DAYl H"in'U ntlvei tl-ntl u. ulMuittlu-lr nun. THBTEST I ri.vf run t.,p ilnwu , n .(.,, nnll! hntr ,thM IV, uo , r IU,. run an. .mull, a ,..,i.t will um Iw mil w OtUKl Um iiruuuiw ol aiumunu. T)i iJiX Xf BUCT-MAOC, Rife DOES XOT CONTAIN AMWnvri. m HuiTioiLxm iu weveb BKKs qimiosin. tllLT m"""n hom"' f'" 'iirtr of a cntury II Lu ..... vls r,inu. m.I. T TPT VIIR At... ur int UVt3. riilCE BAKING POWDEItCO., Sdcc Tk.,lr,r,, 4,1,1.,,, ..,., k a Dr. Price's Lupulln Yeast Gems nnnn)r ur,l, Th. Bt Dry U-B V.l Iu Ilia Wurld. fOB 8ALE BY CROCERS. I.MICACO. . 8T. Uoui8. LIGHT HEALTHY BBFJLD 1 ViiAJ Tdw tift d-y hep yn.M In fig worlil. tnn' rtrt liy ih y-i It light, white nrt whole- Sornalik our granitmnlhuf't di-llcium hrmi) CROCERS SI XL THEM. Price Caking Powder Co.. Earns :f Ir. rr:c:s sjecial riaTor::; Enaca, Cliir-:-i, ' . e. Loulo.Mo l)a 1. V. Wrrr'a Nert a- o PnAi-i TrrAT. lf!t?. 11 mnnnlMul aruvilin trip ITvbfin lli.v. mt, Co. ii..iit, lit, Nerr'j ritrnlBia, liiiilir; , Nerriri. rro.trfticr rnR..' hy tint nr.( f ii1jIii1 tohi-ni. W::k' fu!rM. j!'ut-.l D prwi.io:i, rn.rioniim f tl ; l!niin n ill pr in in fliiiiy B id l"H'!inu to n:i..ry Ucony ai:l duilt. t'remnt.ira (!. An, llurrcnecia, Lo.. tif p,,or i:i eillu r vi. lnvolnntary Iflwi a: .IHtnrmnf, ur'Sma ca4n d 'uyiiT("r;?rt.r : 1 1 1! r.bii.in.u li 'ib:i,e nr r.v.r-iii'i 'lirnneo. ) -Ji toa r:r;l;;inf ,.,in nu, .ii . i o in ui i- iu i.' J i tui,vr uuxtn wli:jA,iul,y inj.l ore.ttluj rvcciiitof pace. U I. (.lAUAMir, tsix Eoscn Toc-iro any raM. Wilhwrh orttor rtwivtvl hyn ft r i it 1j,x m. Mroomtianrd wnh $JO, us will uitit't ihtt jt'in-liiiMT tier vriilnn eunntiil,e tn ro tui.it ll,o mnni y if Uia tronlmnntUutaooteUacI wura (iiutmi.top. umirtl tlytir JOHN O. WEST te CO, 002 W. MADISON ST., CHICAGO, ILLS., Sola rrop'a Wctt't Uver PlUj. ron'sae.nr f. o. f ic;;e t co., srA. & a Hi o 2 lJ : It ran 2 5 a i- mi i i 3 n S . 2 e s a 5 o tn a o & M i R i o t t s a 131 2 9-3 V His " cs 2.3 0 PQ H. McELWAIN, PAIXIER & DECORATOR, ICALS0MMLYG, PATER HANGING, and FINE GRAINING, Done on short retire and In a work, n nnliVe manner. Leive orders with WILL J. WAllKIClv, or at residence, ou Oak St. Ut. 6 and &9 1 l. : mm ) !leali?i is Weallhi a F.G.Fricke&Co., BUCCI'KSOU TO J. M. ROBERTS, Will keepronntttiitly on liur.it a full aud conipietr Muck ut puis iDliUGS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, WALL-PAPER and a full lln of DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES. PURE L1QUQRS' for Me.'lcan Purpose. Rpeclivl aMeut'oB given to Compoundinir Pre scrlpttoo. uiwu. BANKS. THE CITIZENS B AKTKL ! PLATTSMOUTII, - NEUHASKA. CAPITAL, - S75.QOO. OFrltKlia JOHN UI.ACK, .'KANK CARROTH. Prethlnnt. Vlca-Presldent W. H. CUSfHNQ. Cwliier. DUIKCTOKS John Black, W. if. Cushlnif, Frank Carratk J. A. Connor, Fred Ilerrniann, J. W. John- ou, F.ii. Outhmaon, I'eti-r Mumm, Wm. Wetencamp, Henry Boeck. Tranaact a Rent-rat HHiiklnj pulnefi. AJ1 ui,i mi) niiuiiina uimuii'H to transact are IiivUkU to call. N iutrvr how larne or nuiull the timn.aeilon, It will receive our cari'lul aitentlou, ai,u we proiiimu HlHHcour (Huiiit trutiniiiit sue Certificate of Ue osln bearing interest uuynana sell" eurel(;n Kxctinnjfe, County and Cltv aecnntif. JOHJI HTWIKUALU, A. W MC1.AUUUIJJC Piekldent. Caahler FIOIQT MITlnmi OF PLATTSMOUTII. NKBBA8KA, )ltcrsthe very bent facllltlea for the prompt traimactlon of leiflllinato " EAKM1MU iUSlI'CCSr" ti'fk. Iionitii, (I, ihl, finver ent and I.oca fcuillleflleuislil and Sola. Depot Itarttflfiv j U Ki ll iiiIi ih.,1 iilloneiliin liint I ertlll .ealen, loalti. drawn, ii.iiliil,. liiHny , m Ptll " I lie l lilleil Mm,- j 1 till' 'rii.. n I ti wn.ot QolUntlmut imd d- yiuu.ily remitted' Highest ritol pnue. imiu lor Countv War. Bute ai.d County Bond. DIRECTORS I nun riTi'eram iilill it Ilium I). IliiwMwortb. V. K. w- mt. v. W Mi'i.aiwhtln. Sank Cass County Cotter Statu aad Slitn Htrcata. PLATTSMOUTH KEB 4C. H. PA KM FI.H, President, I 1J l. t'Ai I Kli.-xiN, Canuier f rransacts a General EanViiis Ensincss XliUUi..Vr CASH i'ltlCE Paid for County and City Warrant. OI.I.M:riON 1IA1IK tud eroniptly remltled lor. DtKK'iToas t B Win 'S-.m. J. M. fatt. rsr.r., C. n. Taipei. F. fi.Uuthinann. W J. Aunew.A. B, 8'iiith. Fred i)nnlr. WEEPING WATER VMS tWO WATER. . NEB , E. L. REED. Preaident. B. A. GIBSON, Vice-rresldant. n. H, WILKINSON. Cashier. A G!;ril Mai Business Insactrt. KftMl'rei tecelved, and Interoat allowed oa Time Certi ficate. IIKAFTN Orown available In any part of tlie United .nato and all the prtnolpal cities of Euroua. o Auents for tu eelnhrattul Dr. Home's Electric Belt a. I ' 7 . Will nip. K nrvnii.ii.,. I .... ti.... i, , ""v, """ku. juieunia- tHin, tamlm. .NeurnlKla, acliiiieM. Kidney, Mliinu linil l.lvr,ll.,.L... ii..., ... ' . r"T,' '"''t't'i' tteil etc. Onlvneleiiiinc Klw iri j Iti'lt In Aini'i'ica that fi'i ilK the hieetrlrlty ami M iiriii'iiain Uiroinrli tn tmdy, and can hi v..,,t,Avu iu malum vj um pauenl. $1,000 Would Not anjjiTT. Dr. Hdm vk T s-si niir.uti ii. -.... an I oiireil bv U-lliK a hell. I., utll-l, d w th tliat illHeitse, I iiuld nv. lint ii.in., . K ijeir o Hell, Anv tviit ciiu oiiiiter with in I W.lltllf nr P.illlt, ml ., .i..k. i...nt. ., ..... On'hH,N..h. WlLHAM IAoNH. n IM OrKii'.a Oiima.Ii.i i. i ,.r.... i eo -r block. " ' ijS- '-or.ilehyO. F. UooUuiau'i rni Etora i3 t ,1 'I i 'r ' i 1 "V , Miiiain ireet wmali i. VnwnlawiAeiM SUawtia -arHi y