1 V . i . -J ... Hi fcij.-JI? llv: VOL. 2. PLATTSMOTJTH, EEElfAKA, MONDAY 'EVENING, JANUARY j tf, 1885. NO. 260. f, : i 'J 'I 0 : J "7 'I .1. I .i VJ Hii... paper. v Jnlv iu '" 1 ! ,j ,o"" JOSEPH V. DEALEit IX WESTS'- C3-0020S5, Choice Family Groceries, Carpets, Bags, Etc 'AT THE "DAYLIGHT" STORE, CENTRAL MAIN STREET, . ; I'LATT$MOUTII,, .HZtJ f IS liJl, f r.y-g mi iiie if Soaps, Brushes & I oilet Articles ill gcncriaS. if Lu MM HUM I 4 if m m While we carry, at your own iricu almost, the C1SEA11 goods, -iltnt the CHEAP JtI.iJ of this city has, we have a line of GOOD goods that he hasn't in stock, nor can't tret. ' 3 ' DRUGS, PATBKT MEDICI- iiLiK5, it iiiJL Ml mm n J. C. A II, OURLCuLL !?hv large! nsordnEit o5 Pipes ever brought to dhta city I&YeryUiiiig lit the lineoi afart elasa Cigars and Tobacco Store Always to be found at MATT. SCHLEGEL'S Main Streot, Plattsmouth, Neb. linitortsut Notice. Fur 1 1n ii' xt 80 dys I will kIv 10 jm r riiut discount on all gol b oglii for emit of L C. Ervt n. Muutiutl Hi In liurunt u travelers. . , sjimimi iiiiiiiceTimiia are oirerea you V- tli" It'irluiKioii rout. It will pay i .o rnl tliHir wIVHrttneiuoiit to t ml HMHwiiHr in inm innuo. 4 lit s ) Oroai, LTioni c4 CraubwrlM, WECKBACH. - . ,1 3? lllli vrrnmj, KSKj East FISHER. 1879. "TO Now 10 Your Tlmo Ilonrv PibcU Ja Juni rcrolvud car luml of furniture, bought nt t ho rtry bottom price wltli low fri'iglit mlos, wn'l will b io'.A at Ilia lowont iiinrlm. Par'jri dfRliinir furrittum lniiUI itvall llii'imii'lri'ii nf tlil opportunity loim'ure ifuii'ln rliu ipi r tlitii evr beforu 2U Jlf II FN RT II()ICK. L- - Erve u ulllu J ' Pulc Main i PLATTSMOUTH HERALD. I'UBUIUID DilLT AND WKXKLT rbfi Plaltsiiioiitt HeraliPnlilisliiiiiCfl TEEMS: DiiLVaUTered bj eurur w id 7 part of U PerWMik . , fr Muclb l'r Xtutr , , 1 .. Da WSlOtfcl. by BkU. x weTylx tnnn'.h... ..... .! Kj tfUiTrtl i (i tvtl bio', ' PIitmouth, m AND 1HCRbY HANQ3 A TALI. Xll dltilv Juuiaal enuie out riit.ir dajf TBlng .with ntitrly two coluii.n.V1'" 1U ,D11" ',n, upuu 6tt Fir buaiooti ami oat rtc ord. It rcrinitrks tutluwc 'Tlic Xnitsmouth Htriid ha under-'akt-ii th unptiilmithrupic uk of urg Ilia nHcctioi of a man away fr ui hoiiia lor Swreltry of tbe Htale boaro if Ancuiiuie lu preftrutict to uuo of our owa cinzca, wbo hat tnroujfi' many yenriof ululDeM aud lUcieucy il(tinoiitihtd hit fllutli fur tb place Of couraa everybody Imre la Fiatu inouth iiu'lemiamU in lutuiua to b ol an unworthy cbaracter." Xow then, witb tiili comet a tale, a little history, aa it were. One year w at the annual tneeilng of the fetal' Board of Agriculture tbe writer wa prtieul. At tbe meeting he waiaix sped nt or, and It waa a feitlv gatber Iuk of a great a ring, and wheel witbli a whet!, ai one ofto louka upon, 11 j D II Whetler, tbta SrcreUry, was co. upportcd at or prior to tbe meetiuy for Secretary, for certain gcod ao kufflcleut rraaoni tbat are too wel knowu to uaed repctiitoa. Tbone win. ad alwaya been found lupportlog bin told ua. u well as otbera, that they could uot lupport bim for re ilectiou, ud no one koitr bla better tban MJ. Wiib-ler LiuiM'f, wbo waa aot a eanui daiie, Uoaumi agreat tnnj irity of tbi Uurd aud die fritada diJ out dealre on d r tue couditlou of tbinga to glv tiliu tbeir tuppurt. Prior to tba meet lug or tbe State Board Mr. Frank li WiKon received dotma of letters frou ihe bett aud nat influential men 01. the Hoard, aolicillug bim to become 1. candidate for Secretary, and pUdglna (heir ui. qualified aupport. Couaiquuu. ly, Mr. Wilaou wat a candidate. Ai 1 he Hoard meeting MaJ. Wbeeler wa found opuoaing ana fighting Mr. VVli on't candidacy at every point, lutttac of npportlug a man from Lit owi county, wbea he hinmlf bad no chin te jt pruapert for election, lie turuuo hit buck apon bit owu bonce and aluru in bringing forth Mr. Furnas, apledtr aupporter of Mr. Wilaoo, aa a euJi date, and Mr Furnae acceptud. Ai thit firiaU, to a looker on at Vuiiice, tl- toun at w at a pretty one. Some m id b ra i f the Board had decided tnat il.. 'Kiiui ui, ol Umabs, and Mr.'UorM-y, if Fitmout, mutt be let out, and thoot ieiiilineii niarched around aad dared tbe Ui4rd to laare them off tbe rol! of me nb'rihlp. The rlug bad a Halt it"f jre all to Itself, aud the threat ol care wen told ir''iiy ami whiHpsied nu every baud. Ia thia the p:ortunity came for MJ. W'icelur to dtsteitt the Citudldute from b!a nrn iiinty, and peace waa patched up ami 1 lie Himr i could not honrtity enoih ttiu V a. e ti e membarn t'ley had e.iuinncl n Uaving oif, aud t' ere wa no room for a ticw umu ou tba iioard in Ibe p r- tail of Mr, Wllaon, ai wheu Mr. (iil- uior the delegate) from our Co. ttorluly, preauted tbe na ne of Mr. Wilton lor uiHiiitxrkhlp, it bad no cioie effect iniu the wlud whit'liiig aiouud BoLt aiout't Capitol building, and the ring re elected tbeuiteivct, rltb tbegreat't UQuulaitty, end lalecled Mr. Furnae at tiie Secret try. A 1miii a innnlh ftflar Lhla Ifp Vnr. ua, who m at lu I'lutmuoutb, came up j 10 'he UkhaLD olilca with MhJ Whei te, when tlut gentleman came up to lutorui hi tna we were to be proaccuttd by hi a for rertaln Joli printing that we had done at Mr. WUiol'i oidar. Mr. Furuni ph'adnd lor (trai-, and tta!ed that to Lilp Mr. Wheeler in ev ry po ailde way v at the oljrct be bud at heart. The IUiialu Informud Mr. Furuat that It bad no pernnl warfare with any u.au, but It bad a ceateli n one with thaSime iloaid to long aa a class of incumpetume, by tbria't of txpururt ngalnit encn oiber, ruled thai b'dy aud piriatuatal thenuelves In flU'e. et'J ou that plattorui we atand tixlt). Dining Mr. Furnae' adiuiul trtiion he hue coiuulud and adtiaed wiili M"J. Wheeler and tided 111 tit and bit IrW mis iu ra'tny material wayt, ai d tow, while Mr. Furuaa U In Tew Or- ltant adytrtiaing Nebraska by hU own pertonal labora, to the world, at It hat never been advertlted before, Mr. Wbeeler conspires to defeat Mr. Fur oaa for re-election. It It the base ia- gratltude of man to mat that we due pise, when wa remember what Mr. Furoes has said aad done for ilr. Wheele In the li" r. Wheel er'e acts toward a Cau cSo'y man at id dtate 3oard meeting a year ago, it la Idle to, ring upon tbe Hekaid the plea f tupilirtiag a Cut aouo'y amididatn tbia vear. Mr. Furuat baa aaade a god oflUial, and we In-lii ve aa ho.Mat oue. He ia otitled nndr ell pr"- deut to a tocoud term, and unghi to have It. There It no rink. In eelertiog Mr. Furnaa for the position, and while ibe ring retain its power, keap tbe bett THIS YEAR' While w are leitrmog t write 118 in our dates iueteal of 1894 we thai I have reminder!, lu our mittakea, of the aaparltLt ef tbe hut jaar and ol tbe hope with wbich we bavt locked for ward to tbt clove of what bat oeen from the beginning witb its pauics, cholera, adrtheiakes, dynamite, end oue thing md and another not a very lucky twr Ivemouta. Uuiioeat ha ffwue wroag, pelitlca has gone wrong. I'reaU iratiiil years are ntver good ones for iiiuiiey-maklug, and the lint experience hae not nevatived tbla truth learatd from tbe pact. Tbe people of tbia jountry and Euope eater tbe nw year with a profound tente of relief at ilielr escape from tba pUguea and pan ice of lit predeceasor a hope 11 a '86 ill do better for them and a deter aloalion to force happier timet out of it if paeaibla This miod of expert ant hope ana resolution may easily do t good deal for us. Wt are reaolved To bopa till hope ereaUt nut vf IU own wrack tht thing tt eonUnplatea. The wealth of tbe world today it mental and moral to a nurrelout de gree. All, the thoutaods of atlllloiu luveeted here and iu Europe ia banking U riaked on tbe purely meutal baslt that ouly a renal a proportion of tbe depos it or a will want to draw tbeir mouey at one time. And this average dinpoel tton ef tbose whose money Is ia bank Jrpesds en tbs'.r conflJeuce In taoea who have charge of it. Oo auch an ethereal batts does even tbe fluaucial wealth of tbe world repoae. The color of tbe moods then In wblcb ws turn to tbe labors inn the fortune, tne trial and the joys ef the Tear of Oar Lord 1885 will have not a lit'l.' fo lo with determining wbat the tour f its affairs ebxll be. Thoo who lot! orward with terror t the approach f i-holera will be mncb more likely to He of the pratili-nce than tbee who turn their minds ptr.is:etlv aav rrotn etieh brooding Tim rnn .h . eotivtnre themselves the', tti Kuurie ol the future are lu their favor are t ,'n limes more likely to reeeiva iho fuvoro of fortone than thow who occupy theinaelvos In dlgiting caverni lo tho ky. The htiova-icy which ha guina who huilJt catis intra air is not all I, at whee he turns to more pronutu contlructlons CMr)n Tiibunt. H ! Tiik Cbirijo Timet, wl'ich it bwn mg J. S'erlirg Morton for a cabinet i'illoa. erowEt IU deorlitio ot Lla prontl appemance by decltrlug tbat he has Niolrtnlo bead." The Tnva leavea the publlu In doubt wi.ethnr it refers to tbe h'vl Dr. Mil ler put ou Morton. Sioux City Jour ntl. CALL AT TU Old Reliable LlilBERVAIlD e. 1. iiieb Wli'ilcale and Kc.all 1ealer la PINE LUMBER SIIINCILE3, LATH, 8A8II, DOORS, ULIND3, AC. Fouri.U Mraetia'rear nt OttenUjIIonKa. ' rLATTSMOTTTfT. . )NKrRAfcKA SETTLEMENT NOTICE. Partiea knowine; ihemtfllvea Indebt ed to K're'ifht it-Co., will ol. atecall arid aeitle cither tiv nmi or monav, aa I muit-'tlle my aocoumt by the ini of .iHiiuary. Kcapectfully, tJ9twL 1 o. IL bTRElGUT TEST YOLTH tAHKa 1TOEE IQ-BAll BniUadTniMaMrtinire f. j THl TCtTl n mti Vif aWn m hut t rai kmtHI, BM NnjU Uiaiai..' nil Brru.ll A . .ui i "-' ' - " DOES HOT C05TAI3 lljTOIfl- ne aauTairuaaa aia Mtvitt stxs etavnena. laaaiUNeakMitai t tjurltr ft Mutw) II km 14 ItW OMMrl' MiUki M, , THE TEST OF THE CVLX. PRICE BAKING P0WDEBCO.. , a.au or Br. Pncc'i Special FlaToriDi EiaTacll Dr. Price's LupuIIn Yiatf Gimi tt LltUt, Bwltkr BrMt. TUt B Drr Uum VMM U Ik Warla. ' FOR SALE BY ctorraa HICAOO. - - av. Lf.m. 1 LIGHT HEALTHY BREAD 231 SYEASTOEIS Ttia ait dry hyp yat In We world. Ir. rtte by iIitmI H light, while ant an Hae eue erntmhf'a dlklaa hrmi. CROCEM SELL THEM. Prico Csicingr Powder Co., fcrrn cl ft. fUxti lctu ntnmc tnrja. Onioaao, l'i. . Ueuir, Me, Heal h is Voallh! Tm kL I V7mVm K ni , wf. nnArm l fttl 9nrr, a sna:nntad acariUe fw fijratario. I4ti cae, i,ou7"iuwd. ai, lfrtt i nra one month's tnatmeit. UOa bei.oeaia hma (urtSUlXawitbrniail nrepuidoa raueipt u( prvsev TJX fclMKASTCE BIX BOXI JI To car urea. Wth each oMntpvelt 1 bynt t r 1 l b..r" ecot Ji pun i.4 nh i'..(U. i wlU wt I 'hn rrrlnwronr ni'n iiraulm re. In.'. tij ai'ir.'y if th tK-oim it dueai.o.oe1 actu. 'ininint. wi . c. Ivby JOHK C? WE.1T a CO, OfcJ W. MAOHOM -T., CHICAOO, .'utf.j tola Prrtr'. W'a Llv fJa rons L ot F. 0. F..ICIiK I Pl.ATr- JtOrTH, JT.-f!llr A. 1 in oj 5 Mi 5al o 5-1 1 ilU b i Sill 2 a c a m "3 SSiE a. u n lis C O.J3 0 ILlIcELWAIN, . PAINTEIl A DECORATOH. KALS0MWIKG. PA t'ER .fTAA GIA'G, - and . FINE GRAINING, Done on short notice and In a work manlike manner. , . Leave orders v- h ; . . WILL.J. WAfeRICK, or at rnaidt noe. on Onk flt. bat. ani 7 mm r aci.. norroaa r? oeriitifrreatwii,iDTUir ua ofaiooliol or tobacco, W- kaculcM. JiMJ L prrMioo, hefwninf of tie Bmlp njnit'Vf la ia mnUy and lw4in( to xntun. ocrr ai l 6ttfi, Fianature OA As. IWtwij o, Lota rxwa id eithet en. InTolunuiry lot a aLaHp.na. airhaw oaul brin.-MxartiQii of u.obi.iu , Mil. F.G.Fricke& Co.i ' KxztKBr.nvzt , J. M." ROBERTS,, r Win keepeauttaMiiv on band eructate ' ompluu slock ol vutef . !" - .' PAINTS, OILS, WAUU'APEB'. . and afautiaeat 1 DETJOOIST gUXDUlKi. 1 PURE LIQUORS. - fer steitleaa Puraaeet. Heeelal atteotlon given to Compeatiilai rre AN KM. THE CITIZENS B Ik. HXT JESL'.i ' fLATTUaOUTn. NK8BASKA. CJk,llTAXs - S7K.OOO. errietaa JOHJt BLACK, JKAJiK CABBCTS. freataeat. Vlee-freaUaal W. H. CUSHUra. CaaUUr. , t-i ' '. BiBKctoae .--r ;. , John Blaek. W. H. Ciuhing. "rraak Carretk " 4. A. CeoDor, Fred Ilernuann, J. W. JoUa aea, t. B. Outbmann, rater Maataa, Waa. Wetenoamp, Heury Baaek. , . SkeaaaMawslaaaMaatMaaweaasekakM " ' Trenttcu a Oeaerai Bauklnf Builnew. All w uuuam hi lining Duuueea 10 tranaaaa are Invited to ealU h n.attnt kow iare or inall the traoaeilon, It will reoeWe our taratul attentloo, au4wepriMuiaalairKeoui ' -- y-' teuue UealnieuL laaaea Oerttaoatei ot lie celta bead at lBfreet auiyi ana eellt Forelpi Exehanre, Com tr aJidl'tlT aecuiltle. osu FmuaaALy, a. Vf jaoiuauuM fraaideatt. Caanles FIRST NATIONAL 09 fLATCSMOUTB, KkVEAoXA t OOeie lk Very beat fadltttea fer the preast Sraaaaotlon of leirttliBate BANKING BUSINESS. ttoeka, BoDda. Gold, Governmeat aad Leea JlaSeeurltle Beiirtbt and Mold, lMpotltsreelv. e,t, Drartadrawa, available In v - aartof Um) Unlit. ) Htaie uul aU , .. w , ttMpri.?iIWwiitei1' ' ' Ctlltctlont wn$d dr promptly rtllU4 J Egbert rtet rieee aata iwc County Wat , atau ud uatv Bead. , DIRECTOHS 1 John B. CUii, A. VT MoLaua'blta. O.PkwIirwertk 1. 1, wait. Bank Cass County Coiner If ala and Sixth BtietM. . FIiA.TTSMlOTJXil tlTTCa ,0. H. HUM! , frsl(!rt; I Traiwiis a Ceiicr al EaiikE Imm FIG1ISMT CAili ;k: . ii . 1 ufrf er (Juili aw! CVcV WtrtmU "J.I tv 'IUI UJWK nt nrouptlT retnlttd fur. OTkecctoat i , . ; R tt Wla.tliain. 3. H. Ptt.. 0. . TWtle V. ft. Outbiuaur W i. Araew, A. BV H nl-1. Kiml enleT. ' l . jmt hi. . r. i.Ca.1 VA-a7 V E. L. UEKD, Pree.deut. B. A. OIBSOV, Vlo-rwsdcnt R. 8. WILKINSON, CasbUr. i A Geasra! Wta Boniesi TrtrwU IlEfOMITM Beeelved, and Utereet allowed e TUte OerM Boatea. PBAITS Drawn available In any part of tke United eutaa aad ail the principal eltlea of Karep. , o . . . . L. Aftntt for tht ctlthraUd ' Hntat Uu of iim& Or. Home's Electric Belt win oor ft romiiei,., . rv'uiiV. iiwT-. r. .n, w,. 1, -uin, Hniaiirn. KMcoV. aiwiuir, niaiH'pHa HHHitiualloa, Krrtlu.l,- varairn, ri.ee, i If ; jy, i'"potiincT, Aaue. iTulHiMui.l'teri rt. Onlv fir i "opner. in ma eK ee lii Peit la America thut mnln the V .. trt- aud MaFiiMu tiimugn tut Noily and caa to recharxeil la au ln ..ii by the wmtlfct. 1,000 Tould Sot Duj It. Mdureiltra'.liiaabiL. In u 011 .irrilrted iiniiiuniniH, 1 uuio y auf Home a Kloetr' Belt. Ayy one can nmlm Hh n l.v i1iitiot4lliitiiiy...re.'nl)mlMSt. Oin- h, SfO. V ILI.l AM I.V ' N. H4iN Orrtna Oppoalte eoat omot.ioom i... r hi... - feer-rw tair be C. F. Uooduan's lin Btete ' tern ri irrji fi'tliira, OvOeeslLUuiiCSUU. AawWlflr 1 y a i H I' I . ;"' 1. . ? -V ij - j. ' . - 1.1 'IV ' , . r- J..:..i J ' ' ' ) 1 ' t - - .. 0.