V Iff! I inai n I la hull! Vft iVIAV l-AI'UU OK TIIK CUV. OITY NEWS. M'lXlAL NtmtKH. AilvrUinnls under tint head, tlir ctuM yet llimeavli lnsnitlaa. Cleea'atla Href alar. Liarary at Warrp It's JtOllI C. A. Marshall, Oenflst, sue reNHtr Id duller & Marshall. Teeth xtraciel without palu, b) uie ofMtroMH Oalde liui. A. Salisbury. Dentist. rr-f - - - - JJ MONEY. TO LOAN-Oa real stt by A. I BdlliVal). UAIIM Klill HA t'ontntmn ot IW ii".ra. f K.mdMiliiibor, aplfmlid oicli .rd ol be.trlng tr-e:iMr 'I tli ni'ial dii-intlila laima In .'a-4 ii"ni; ; mtuati-il urar all. 1'leaiaul. luqiura f u Hulllvan. I.Dit H Vl.K My rililnca and four loti j i' ...ml h .iiM. barn and Irult. and In exiwl- nt nm.llliou ; alu two liupnv lurin. alio f t-tnrv Ui1c diimuhm imue nuiuii turn, and oihsr deitrslil land d hits. 1). II. WH BELCH. IriOlHAMt-Hause, UtikBd wad land by ' JdUii Buns Hob. Foil SALE Heveml rMldnne?, stieap. In tulre ol 1). U. WBenlet Co. 1.MJU HA I.K-raUa Tablets la ell size, at ' iluiulllce. ,.lxj tkiiatiliaalJ It fill A AiriWI iriL. DU ikimiB I 1,'OKSALKftlot In good UcstlSB. lars at llil olDc TW- lea fill r-i.ji I P r1r fir r Amrrleaa J1 rswfua Machine, luqutrs at trill ofllca.i i(!l9ALK-.uerdil nd, luqulto of w.n. Wise. U 1,'OK a.AI.K- Id ppiTi for sale at this ofilc nt to oents r hundred or I fait par dot- en. I i(lt.Al.B-1'rlatstni.thrla iMd loca tion m ibl city. iiHimia at mn qnicb h IXXtM TO HUM T. A furnishes rsom fur on is ur ! uantlaniaa, In (ood locution. In nil at till oIUca. 7UI Fit". u.M lood. ew hoims of faarrsums. e K'KNi iikIm iuoh. It per mnnll In Slut.TVUl. I, via HKN r iho nortn ttor room ta N ,o' Maek, and I riHini up ttalrt. i lorAlloa lor to-i url ur lordmg buuM.r Nav- iood Ineatlua for ra auraiil ur hoarding bouse, rants l,p. Apply to tt'ia. Nftll. It-Hi Care fxiiarniitced, DR. WAUNSFECIC No.l r.TUin Curo f ir Mrroin Dlilllly. Htlnal V-Hn m Inr.ilu 'larf Kmmluot. WfTiiia tnrr.r. i. ud an ill" 1 tlifl gimiuj-url mry oi '.iiifiiii-d !f orovBriiiduluimno. 1 w i.r toi, tlx b.ij -4 M. Dll. WAUN"4 SPECIFIC No. 3 rr Kpl.oiitle Nw. Kiital Aaali-tr. lMof Vi-iumy. .-i. Uon:iil Urilii ud all Uueiti t, .( i,r H ln. yrtr di.ej or bux.ili IcumM Dlt VT llN'SlKCIKICNo. 5 Fr Impoieiieo.Hi-rl'.'.ty In rltfiorwi. Iif r r uii.luri "ll aud all tln-o dla. r- .uliiiif .tliior.'ualiloiild.iratiiiaiil in'wi. a. iirxxut. frwdnp'' Oui.ri Im.im lit.oo Ult vTAKS's fl'K'-lFlONo.. K.if 111 v'ho. Narroin Ki-iimIuU, and M c nt ui. "I lli i''i"ii "yum, ilfl 4 tx'r U" ! I"' l- W. Dlt .SPECIFIC No. B. f ,r .i..m,i pn' I li tlii-or o if tj hi .in op 'In iur I ult r "oil II uanli'ill rv rf 8 rioii In niiM JiaHy and dlli mm lr.nn tin frieo l.w (if r b.n, l a''""- WoauapauMtarura.iiraj rtior fund duub It iu ui.iiy pal l. Tt!.i ' in naeli bi.l. ttc: imi.i br n.a.Uo any .l.lri, at-ura (i.iiu nb.er.Ul o rr-lpl..f line. B' ir- ful tu inru'l.m tho nuinlir ot aiirciflo aiild. Our 4i,cirti-i iroonlr raimm-fldwt Iur aH.'C'IM dl.nn M-ianro l r-imoitu arr.vild to ur- all 1li-f wIlB . BO niKiI.elnt. to aold f.nniarf Ha and la)l atcura Ilia gruulari, rdnr uuly Irom r o. rn!(-KS a co., DUI'GGI.ST A I'HAHMACISTS, VMOK BLOCK rLATTHMOUTI! 'KB. C500 REWARD. mr. wm -..!... .iiw. liwiwri-i-a Otan-, t l.M CH e. Cun tmn M W-M'l Vhimii If n. a- Ika - mf HUr mmrtm4 wVh. Tfc-f fat4r -ftlfcl,t4 t-whil M p mi-aam O.M. Ufikmia Wf M -.IK M a-Mt. r mf r til dt.. BKt f mmtrUHU H. Iill.il TM f Mn IM.hrlw.U Mlf ly iaiMO.iafa co, m a tu w. ihm ta, ct-at SaTiiaii-iiJiiiilia-jWai-Mi'4a r. (j. mu k k co DltUOiJlSra Js I'lIAUilAClSTS, CH ION BI.OCX, Pl.ATT IMOUTfl, 1SB itucUen'a Arnlcst Salve. Tho Uc.t S:t!veln t le wrW for Cuts, i Bruin-s, S ire, Ulcers, bait Klieum, r s ver g.-re Tetter Chm.ped hands Chllb litlns Crns and all .Skin Erupnom snd tosilivly cure Pius or no pay required. It Is uuraiiteed to glvo perfect aatlg lactlouor moufy refunded. Price 25 nuu per box. For Sale llr Fricke ft Co. Dec. 4sly B AM. Billiard Hall. Jerry llartman baa reopened bis Bil liard iiaii in bis owu 'juiidiDj(. licit to the ti'y Hotel, and iuviteg the public to cull and sn him In his new place of tuint-. His tabtu arg eoiln ly relit ted, and he will keep on baud ut all titan the bt-M brands of eigars and to bacco, and he will serve ojsi-rs, pig feet Ac, at ail hours, to the hungry. Call aud at him. aSOdtf Thouaitndg May u. Mr. T. W. Atkin". Glrard, Kan. wriins; ''liinvrr hi-.ltnt to rccotn. nienil your Eh ctric lliiters to my cus tuiitrs thev give petfuct satialactioa and aro rapid Bellers." Klecirlo Ilit t'r are tliH purest and bust iiieilicine known and will positively cure Kiduey mid l.lv-r tomlalnts. Pdflfy lha blow! and regulate the Ixiwels. No (Hinlly can all 'iil to bri without tl.nn. T icy will iv hull IruiU nf dnilms In t. .mor s bills evi-rv year. Sold at fifty cvois a bo.t e uy Fricke & iW Deo i eSw If A Hatlklng hkeloloo. Mr. E.Hpiiituer.tif Michaulcatiurgh, Pa., wii es: "l afflictad ltn luog levnr ami a'ce on uin; snd reduced l) livinir skflemo. Uott lreutibd. bottle uf Dr King's N Discovery f i t.'oniJiupllnn. which ni I ma an much CU'd llit I lio ijilit a dollar oottla. Af'er nsliirf lhfe boti'M, found mviilf i ntf morn a man. miinpliilely rsiorel to heiillh, witll hei rly appetlto and g jmin tu fl-s't of 4 pounds." CtU a Krlck Js i:.' drug siore and gut a frei trial iiotila of this erialn cure lor ali for all Itfng ilfseiiHU. Large bmtleg, mrumn writ Qw to the rink t'ranrrow nijht. Gasoline, at (2t Warrick'g. Th funeral of Patrick Carroll took !acg niorolrg at 10 o'clock, from tbe Catholic church. Tbe genuluo Burt shoo at Merges '. Remember, reserved stats lor Li.iie Evans, Friday eveulug, aro uow oo title Mt J. P. Young's. The rink will be planut pluctla which to celebrglo New Year's dy. Go Ibere tomorrow afternoon and even lux and enjoy yourss'f. A com plto Hue of Jewelry, at L C. Erveu's. All abourd of "Fojjg'e Ferry" for the Waterman Opera Mouse, Friday eren Ing, Jauunry 2iL. Itound trip ticket, 78c, 60o and 85c. Ai tomorrow la accrjied as one ef (l9 holidays of tho jr wlilch people - are wont to recognize ai a day for en joyment and pliiwure, tlie Hkrald will oot be itiued. See L. C. Erven's new stock of (oodt, especially solcled for tbe holiday trado Tou will hear and sue some fine slug lug and cianciug by Lizzie Ersus, the beautiful Ferryman's daughter at tne Opera Ho iisp Friday nliiht, Jnn. 2. The ladies of ilia Aid bociofy will call tomorrow at your bouse from 8 to 6 p. ui. to receive whatever riunatlous yoa may make lu the simiversy cclo brailoo for Mr. Mrs. It. Newell. TLs S'tlt will U t&keu to ili-t. l'trr; V.' bik er's. F. Q. Frh'ke A, C.' is hitadquarters for u ce Clinalmaa irt'80nts. Dou't "buy uutil yon scf il - stuck. ThcAui. Aid 8uiety will wet at Mi s. J. N. Wind's Saturday Jarj. 3 I at th.ee p.m. A good attendance Is re queued. The ni.nt Klcurtiit hue nf dressing c:iifs, lintel lie's, rare rfiiincrlci e'r.. in lliii rit.y, will lis anld for tha DlXl few iU err low, to suit tbo times at F. 0. Fi i.kn'&tVs. Lizzie Lvaiis, the iir-nutiful Ferry mnd's (ir.iHliter, lit "Fotti' Frrrf," a cc.'Dedy rtrauiN, will be jirnt-mti-d aliha Oira Iliiuts in xl Fild.t? fvinicn. January 2d. A )arK stuck of the flii'-st and b'"l slock of it?s er seen in P atiMnMiih, ai II. Spin N. II. I' will pay you to c them bo linyiu buy tl-e ln-r. di!32ml la the monthly report of School In District No. 25. Eight Mile Grove, Xe br:tka, the lollowiuit nami-d .j.iis have beo placed oo tbe loll of honor for attendance and (lep"rtmt'nt: Lee Perry, Waller Perry, Etta Perry, Frank nii hnrdjoii, Florence Hichard son, Minnie Ki-er, Iva Minfop'. Itilth CleramoDa, Jol-n Prrjr, Oi'nn Perry. Tbe new armuBcmenU of runoint; tr!ns betwfeo Mil city and Omaha bits mixed up th United States mails to such uii txieut Ik at tRo Omaha pa pets do not arrive ontil the next day. Puitmat'r Manliall is usinx due rod nrge(lc measures to have the matter flxod right. Oystersl Oyateral 1 1 A lull supply of Booth's celrbraled Oysters, and Celery for New Year's. liKSKETT ft Li wis. The delay in gutting the malls from tbo trains up to the po.tomVo is a sub ject of numerous complaints, and a lit tie promptness would be appreciated. Borne dtlnyi are of such length as to le uuwaiiaoUd. NOTICE. We dosire to close all accounts on the first of tbe New Year. Please give ths uotico your rarllst attention and obllgn. Your resportfully, d0w3. WILL J. WARRICK. It should he remembered by the pa trons of the Opera House that, hereaf ter tliere will be no more mi'take la reserved scat. Manager Young had his own reserved seat tickets printed with the numbers printed on the cou pon, and as there is only one ticket for g ioh seat tliirc can be no mistake mule. The first of thene tickets arg now on sals at J. P. Young's for the "Fogg's Ferry" entertainment, by L'l t Evan ft Co , next Friday eveuicg, Jauuary 21. HOUSE FOR SALE. My rc-itliure un Washington Ave- nun. Inquire of 2E3dtf. J S. HautmaN, The Lidlee of the Aid Society invl'e thilr frlenils lo unite with ihom In cele bratlagtliesnlven. ry wedding sy of Mr and Mrs Richard Newrll on N w Yesi's night at Mrs Perry Walker's Tokens of rriofin'iercnr.e tlist ths friends if Mr. and Mr Newell may wish to present lliein, iimr be sent Into Mrs, Walker's diinng tl.a day, and It is hnpod that se many a poxlble, ladies and gentlemea, will gather la tho evening for socigl tloig. 4mfflaMta ! Commissioner's Proceeding Board met purxuunt to adjournment, all members present. The following claims were allowed; Diosn & Sullivsu, atty'g fees, State cases 9126 00 Oerald Pub. Co., notices aud proceedings 87.50 C J Nobis, convey, uit conviets. 40 20 O W FalrUuld surveying 10.00 E R TodJ wood for poor house 22.&0 J K JJuumoistur tnx rcluadod. . . 8.95 L Qdiuu overutrdisl. 13 750 Poiition of IWy Walker and 82 others, asking that county pay the taxs of Richard Newell for the years 1883, 1683, lm, as said Rlcbsrd Newell bas been sick lor two years and uuabls to perform labor. Petitleo granted. Pelitltion of M, A. Ilaitlgaa and others asking that CommiMtioueri pur chase full sot of Supreme Court Re ports for tho ee of Clerk of Distilei Court acd the Court, it was after due aoLsidi-ratiou ordered that County Cleik prccure said reports aud turn the same ever to the District Court Clerk. Ordered that County Treasurer Is iu structcd to turn $0 0 Ofrom tba county general fuud to county bridge fund. Settlement was then dude with tLg following road overseers: Frank Stam'er over district No. 11 j amount received f3U0.70; am't eipen' ed for lumber, labor, ftc , 91 12 08 ; bal ance due district, $118.67. Jesse Burnett overseer diet. No 12; am't ree d trout Co. Treasurer t'JS.OO; am't expended for work au4 matt-rUls. $30. 2 J. Order on dist. to bal.,$24 20. Geo. E. Jiuell, overseer dist. No. 31; am't up. i.drtl iu labor, $27.75. Order to but. 27.75. . Jdines Clizbe overseer dist. No. H; sm't ree'd from Co. Treasurer l-'OO.(K); paid out lor iubor ami materia!, 22.14. Order on dist, to bal. li 14, A Tyson overseer dist. No. 48; in'i rex'd from Co. Tien. 30CO; pnld out lor labor and materials 8S2.70. To cr dt r on dist, to bal. 70. Wit. M. Ruater, uvnt dist. 47; By a m'l expended for labn. ftr., 30.09 To order on dist. to bal. 830.00. O A. Ruse, nveisuiT dist No 60; am'tree'd fro.il Co. Tre-nsurer. 20.00: paid for labor, ftc., $26.75; to order to hal 86 75. IIi a aril Tiilman, overseer dist No. 8; To am't recieved Irmn Co. Tn-asui-T, ',25 0"; Py litbur fcu.i materlaln $50.50. To cder to bul 8j6 30. Pe'er Ildinnii-ll overseer dist No. 14; 'iy bmor and inalnrial, crjuit, $'7.yO. To order to bnl. 37.90. James Craw ford, ovenerrdijt. No. f; To am't ree'd from Co. Treasvrer 65.r0. Paid for lalior and materlaU $u3 CO Dr. lo order to bal. $J8.60. Win. M. Smith, ovi-rseer dist. No. 19; Dy labor psrf jrmed J22.&0. To order to bal. $22.50. O. C. Chandler, overseer disf. No. 21 ; Am't ree'd of Co. Tressurer, $25.00, Pnld ont for labor, ftc, 539.80. To sr. der to bal. $4.60. Order allowed R. C. Windham on fi-neril fund for 8H0S7, for redenip tioa from erroneous sale of certain laud In sec, 18, T 11, U 12. Order allowed Mrs. Forerty to the am't of $3 00 per week for keeping Lizzie Fitzgerald, a confirmed invalid. The following claims wers allcwed; Ptttlt Jurors, Dec. Tsrra $715.30 Grand " " " . .... 173 2 Witu.aea before Graud Jury... 161 70 S Richardson, services ss com'r. 13.00 A B Todd u is oo Johd Clements 69 Oo State Journal Co P.ocks 51 07 W D Jones, livery f.Oo DalliiTs Dec. term of court.... 190 Ot' J saai) Wilaa, work on road.. . 4.0ij John Uock, poll tax refunded., 8.0 G F Terrylrry, tax refunded.. 8.20 J. W. Jennings, Co. Clerk. Slippers for Chrlatmus presents flue and cheap at Merges.' I'KKSUNAL. Mis O'lve Guts returned last even ing from a visit with friends lo Gleu wood, Iowa. ' Mrs Simeon D. Mayer started for New York City, her old boms, this morning where she will visit for a month with her parents and other rols lives. Her many frbgds will "i-h her a must plesaul visit. Fn d Stallemaun returned home this rooming from a visit to the soutli and a vUU abb his daughter, Mrs Bloe.'cl, in bt Louis. Kiier T. J. Rurtoo has footed at Plum Creek where he I uow ingui.ed lu a aaries of nu c'lliys. t'spt. ai d Mrs. L. I). Bennett rfturned borne to-day, Mrs. B. fr.in Atcliiiu and the Captain from his Nvw Mexico vliit. in, or j Meets every Tnrsilay evening at the Cuii le II ill. iu HiicKwood Block. V itlug KnighU aro iuviiod in attend. 11. M. Hons, C. C. W L. Uvkkm, K. of R. ami 6. CbrUlmss Slippers at Merges.' ia The Two Johns- Llttla Somothlng About the Funniest Show on Iho Koad. ext TliursiJay (New Yiuig daj) tnitiuee and uighl, the Two Julius Comedy Company, headed by the olo time coniuiluDu, John Stewart and Johu Hurt, and an excellent singing g ituidy orgttnlzaLinu, will uiska tlitlr fir.t b,pt-htance in Omnlm, at BovU's Opera HouHfl. The "TwoJohus" are said to be a rollitksouie, jolly set of I eople, who have the faculty of send ing their auditors home after au even lug of hilarious eujoytnuut from list ening to the comicitl sayiogs, aud see ing tbe ludicrous situations presented during this pity, A very pleas ing feature of the entertainment is the singing introduced by members of tbe company, coutiining of items from opera in costume, solo.', duiuiaud quar toites. Omaha lleiald. Tho Adams Brothers. These renowned g) lunaiis and acrobats ho are attracting uiui h attention iu Omaha have been engaged by the rink uaniigoment to give au entertain meat ia this city Saturday evening before the atertaiument in the rink they will five au open air exhibition on a wire stretched across main tit. at.Otb, This Btitortainincrit will be aomelhing en tirely nsw and the feats the Adams Cms. perform aro wonderful, their ex .h.bition receiving uuatiated praise where ever they appear. AMUSEMENTS. WATERMAN OPERA HOUS2 11 . r '.; i 4L tt a 6 'Li a. a, . mmxMm- Young, Di:siN-ra manc'b. ON -.' KIQ'AS O SLY. Friday Evi'iiing, Jan. 2d. Engagement of The Charming Petite Commcd iennc. Lizzie Evans Supported by the Young Cumtillan. Harry Warren. And I'neirsiitlnnsly Ktrnng Com pay nf Artist laC. K. Callahan's Plctur(iie Comedy Drama. Fogg's Ferry. N. R, This play v.111 be produced with' all th rliiHiat iceuery sndellei'ts with the same eoin pleie rouiianv that inarkst Its successful MB st the Park Theatre, N. V. Adinisbioa 35 50 and 75 cents Reserved seats go on sale au J. P. Young book store "Wednesday morring. 100 TONS .or- CARVER NUT COAL Now in the yards nf the U'.iUcbrcnit Coal Co. And for sale, delivered at $1,00 per ton. Leave orders at cr. ip. TrTOUjra-a ROBERT DONNELLY iiJX 5 "WA-o-o: -r f if , AFI v SHOP. Wayoti, liuyyy, Mai hitif and I'lov i : , pairing, uud ytrteraljohlUng k now prnpsred to io all stalls ot rp rhu ol farm and ot lior n 'Ii1i.iit, hs taer i a Kod laths lo n y saop. PSTBH IUOSK, The old Reliable Wagcn Marei Iia't ikKTi oliaixn ot ttia ri.ii jnon He Is w.'ll knowr as a NU. 1 WORKMAN. Sew Wttsst and Boggiaa aaade I "ntee j.r SATISFACTION fill AHA NT tfn tii, jBV.ftn lunirtrwswat ir:jiitj'4rffcg.ay !;'. -a: are off; tho painting is done; gad now tTgrything gitgaragkad WBSCOTT, Tho Boss Dlothicra who wltlx a double header stock of Clothing: and FurniKh ing f:ood Tiill occu py the main liuo and all ol its branches. Our Clothing is the most Substantial. Our Fits tr rrefet Our prices are uniform and reason able. "Ve Lave a Coanpletg lig of Gloveii, llata, Capi andUn Jerwear in all gradgs; ttt gagt TTkiia Shirt iu town, and blue flannel and Casiimexg giiirU. Knit Jackets and Knit Coats. Lined Dack uoats and Pants. Overalls and Oveishhts - Tiunks, Vail3t8 uud Bigi. Faro's Curtrm Hade Eoots. A Large Lma of Winter Overcoat. In Fact, ETcrylliins In MESS tnfl B0TS TT ITour trade iu solicited, and we will try ,aud merit your pat rozaage. C. B. WBSCOTT, THE BOSS CLOTHIER, Rockwoo-1 Tllcck, n.ATTSMOUTIT, MB i i II 1 i Meep con.Ht.iiatly on hand xt full Hud co.u.ite line oi Hie Fifc-Sf U ARS tad TobACCO, CHOICE CL'MrECTlO.NEr.Y, and all tbt Kwi a;.4 F,itodiclg ot the d;.y. A new a. 2d complete fccln tt ' FANCY" GOODS, t every iefcriptwa just recgiTgd. Otr itok is NEW, and we are offence.; bargains. cT. ID. i3I3:3FS03Xr. JlUleal Parlies desiring lu vhII themselves of a thorough course of viouu isa ruc tion of tbe ini'St cUssical order can uow liave ibr beiietlt ol my vld ex pertise. My ruci iod of aalatag l tbat of the Lupsig dneraiol y ot liermany. ltwitaia will be rigulary ifiveit for the la-nint ot parent auu frlenils the pupil' io snow tut piw- greas made Itmu it-rui to tviu. Ualy a limited nuuilx r of pupils will be takeu and iily(such ns show a laleut for tins greatest of lusti uiueu's. Our charge are giooo tr lorni i 10 weeks. Applicatious Dy uisii ie- ceived. ' dAwlm Isaac Kalukt. The celebrated Butt soe for ladiss sue psutteinen, at Merge . Strayed or Stolen. From PiHttsin.iiii.li. Nrb on or gbcot the 10 li lust. Ont led InlUar Willi short horns gtvf a whit stripo on her belly. Any InforniHiinii leading to the lecoveiy oliaiau will be wrll reward ed by J. J.'ileVwy. d8 wl Plattsmouib, Nb, pic' uref mini's and pictures. Alway A alee stock. At l.iONo'g Itare Bargain. Cord brli.k boung aix rooms and base ment nrd ons aero of ground fruit trees and gripea, for sul or trad for farm bind Kuuuire of 13w f. MATHaag piu.n CoaJs Plosh toih-l sets, a ery lar' snd fine Hanrl tit piirciiKed faril.e iul duy trade, Wit ibsplawd a' dlt F U i li ke A co s Th cel-,tni Bit no mum g.'etlt'i'iei . i.t M lw'. r.-f i u'.i i:nf 1- i bit bull 0a:rw, Ami pail- iiicmi.) I.. - u :a . ti City ilen il "kit J.i!ATi( H t-e A 1 0 All kin nf Ji-rii . in tiior ler, at L. ".. C''vi' uv.t...iui d HVi' i- ntf tl " a, t'i H''(l ll'." c. y mi rt i j i- inri-i. eev. friu .if I oi .it en Albuois ad pLotograpl slbmrs at . . . M . aa 1SI Bio P30H H S 'R COG II C.Tf BATS" Clsars out rats, mice, roschs lies, ants, bed-bug, skunks, cblpmenkJ, gophers. Uc. Druggitg, IICAIIT PAIMI. PalpiiAtlnu, Dnpsleal gwelllngg Dltiiurgs, Indigestion, Heilasch, ! ie.n.s cured by "Wells' Usaltk Bs newer," 'ROUGH ON C0BXS" Ask for Wells' "Hough oa Ceras. 18 Qmck complet cure. Harg oa sett corns, warts, bunions. 'Bttuir-rAiBA." Quick, complete curg alt kKasy, Bladeraad Uriaary Dlseasea, Bcrld ng, Irritation, Stone, Oratel, Caitarrh of tba bladder. $1. Druggists, Deo. 4 dir. ,,noioii on coccua Ask for ''Rough on Coughs" for Coughs, Colds Bore throat, Jioarssasss Troche 16e. Liquid 15c. Till P9 LE "Wells' irealtsi R-newer." restores health and Tiger, curas Dy.papsla, Ira porteneK, Sexnal Debility. &1 "UOI GU UX PAI" Cures Colic, cramp, diarrl ; ex ternally for aches, pains, sprain j, head ache n"urala-la rbviimaiiitn. For saaa or beast. i'Ound 93e, iiulliLltt. If yoa are failing; Uoken, wsra out and nrvjuuess, use '''.Vslls' Health Ksne wgr." $1. Dmr.Wta. D'C. yly Tbg geaalne Burt sboe at MY '.; Me srs lUtiACo, are now 'llo- CAled to their new bullilm ' I they hvo turn:hvd in the bij' piiJ i lle way f.,r tf, , OPVun'-n-' if lijal " j wurk The bsh.Miirul lO'-ri tn'p iil adapted to their work, a t' Mi I " r U ! 'der buildib ti v ;..' h'uke Inm-ii f..r fn.. mi ' e. 1 !' in tiur sn.i-e t1- hii- la i niiMiii .., tiiiiji up a htu- 'lu-linrs. h 4 i. t.iin nlm ii)iii m k -j. !) 'i'lt .i.i-1' ..e mirke's a-T- H.. their b.i.i. '.e, i m-ri'ed. and .tie varte-. "City i.a-kt,n k i.pptto!aUd by K.l Slbiird. antgar. H. M. 5i u ra dcd Ui ui. s.i'ocg es ' oew bil'ijuii laMaa a" tha iu st i:ttrns; '.iur n-nlshrtd tlnhgi it tHa-.d ; wnwkle. wt.us I Aotieuear Wr, boMI btnf, snd bS I l,Mnrt "f 6lwtt" in Uk. 4Iv 1 1 j-i. r vile Mil l(.VaaAawalUl TWTa"J V W"a ST"" pV,yyAytT.? f P.wn"W?aftTwiaavjS Mtf -ttvajg, K"? 'a .f-Wftwast V ;-3asW'wV'