The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, December 30, 1884, Image 3

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    f UflsaililTfl 5HHALD
hVtlJlAL .sof ittx.
AdvertlMiaoul imdar till! btl, thraa fWU
Set Una Ml lutrllii.
rjlraa'attag lafcrarF
Drag atar.
C. A. Marshall, Deailat, eu
cester ! ClatUr A Marshall.
Teeth elraclel without pulii,
by ue rNltrowt Oilde at.
A. lallsltury, dentist.
nONKTTOU)AH-Oarltet by A.
pAHl rOB
Mil K-iUiiiiimnr of ie aere.
iwd UwW. stlru-.liil orchard "f lwrli
true I n "'" "
lo IT I Heated rlaaaiil. inquire
,f B( . HulUraa.
I'ViK BAl.K r rmtdene aad four lata
J i KiJ h.Misa, turn and fruit, anUlii exral
laBlenudltUmi alulwo liiipnifd Uruia. Hm
.W.atVd etuei e-lraale f-fJi'JJIU..
FOK AI.R-Hatnet.laU and we4 laad
John Bona
IsoBBAtK Havrl realden,
1 qaitaof tf.H, WUMl.r AO.
XMIR SAI R run lamaw la ati
a tun oflca. la
1V)KAUlelot I" 0'd leWaa. VertUe
Unat ihitoWr
FOHAl-Aaardr for law American
lns Mathln. Iu(,ulr thlom.
1'OK 8 iLU . card a( waa'i. Mulra ol
LH'K HAI.K-" Id ppr tor tala at tlllt nffloe
X ' t w Mil iar kuudiad ef aeaW par dot
SAt.K-rear lata tnr.ehi ;l it aao wsa
on la thl liv. li.QulrtjtblaiOoaji
A Hon
lilTO aKSr.-A. fumUh' !" lorona
Ik ..niumiia. In toot locallu. In-
aU ai 111' aitce.
Til )H Kf. Ooo
Oood.aiar hoaiaa af aurron
1 r l watar,
aianlH la ShalevM.
-injri KH1 T ib nortti Mara teem
I" IJ.'. hlaak. anil I rOlllll t!l
la NaT
ra, (I oi
It rtllaa (or rwtaai-nl or haardlns howa.ran.i
Cure t4uarante(l.
ertaCur M Nervoiia, ftemlna!
W.Uu.M Involuntary XiatMbma. P'rnia.
tw.nd'lduveaee all iwiiie-url.iarT
f aueu4 at ...t-b-ta arurrr l.,a.ilgoae.
f ti ll.aa ir . all " $a o.
Dlt. WAHX i arEcmc No. 2
Fur RollPtla rim, Muntal Aailatr. laf
Mciitory. H.lialBCuf lb Uralu. ud all iaaa
a .il ili aia.
frlca i par tat. ! b" M at
Oil kabn s JSPECiriu wo. 9
kl art &aa
Far Dfadaeba. Narraaa rJMrlgl, o4 all
acuiadu (uma al tba ai !. Tan.
frioa m par boi all boir MJ.
DU WAliN'S SI'ECiriU No. 6.
Far ill dl-aaa eiia4 hf tbtavar uaa of U
v.. ... ii.,. 1..H ra-nil a oaxtlrul ri af'
Jcilaua I" rtluK Play jii4.dnllr.ura iram
aia rrwallMpcr bi.aU aofaVa,
W .i irau ua eurt. .r i ra to rf id doob
la Ibimonar paid. ftiuna' I" bo.
Thla lua.aotai aiMHr lo b -I r ipa
clfl"a VC.1.1 by aullio any addrata, a'car
fmia' rlpiafprlaa b eara
fS 5i M.ia ba DU,nb.r af J5'
Our ,plflo afaoBl r-tmaaadad U IJ"'"
dlanaaoa. Hora of nmdi warraulcd la
aurall'ila.altb .aa madKlaa. To arald
wua.arf lia and alwaya aaaara tba gaaala.
ardr only from
s. : rmcKX a 00.,
wiif.awrt.i.iiimifcr Wtiwf njKie
wk w ml .tMM Una ri k
HwiatatanMM TirtJr "
m,M arifaaaaa. w C . kukwar
kMli " . "
m4 MM Tka iinl mmmmmmt m)f kf
mhn a wjav a oa,m a n m. dm at., cijmf.
fciinain piiiiiiiiljiWainiiia
F. U. FKKKa: A 00
iluclilrai'a Arnica Halve.
rr lmanar.ea.HirlHty laalthr-rjo. If
r-r i.rainaUfa "Id . ad all Ih.ia 4 Iwav
rqn rlat abar...ii(blBtgarallna-ol ihr i .
rrtea il. Br a.
The Bet 8aWe in t je world for CuU.d(UiML)Hio Emo M chiu , tb.
Ulra-ra. Salt Blieum, Ke
ver a twa Tetter Clia ped Uands Cbilb
lain Corna and ail Skin Eruption aDd
pnaitivly cure Pu- e r no pay required.
It i guarantee to gie prri;ct aatla
radion, or Booty refuadeJ. Prl-e-r'
rents D'-r txa. For 6la By Frieke A
Co. I'"0- lJ
M. Milliard Hall.
Jerry lUitman bat reopened bis Bit
Hard iiaii in hit owu 'slld'.cg, Mitt.)
the City Hotel, and Invites tha public
to call and e him in hi new place of
binlii'a. HI table r entirely refit
ted, and ha will keep on baud at all
tiinna tha bt brand oi elgar and 10-li-cfl,nft
he will rra cytiert, plg
frU Ac at all hour, lo the buugry.
; Call ud aaa kirn. iiidtt
Tboatarttf ij So.
Mr. T. W. Atkint, Olrard, Kat..
write; "I never bitU to recom-mi-nd
your Electric Bitters to my cu
lmuer, 'bey give perfect saneisctioa
and tr rapid leilers." E' trie llu
ten are ib punt aod bcit mpdlcine
known and will rmitiHy coraKidnny
mid Liver complaints. Purify the
blond aud regulatis the biiwols. No
fa.nlly can afford to be without them.
Tbey wtll aave hundred of doilms I't
duclor'a bills everv year. 8ld at fifty
ceuU a butt's by Filoli A C.
Duo 19 8r lr
A VTatlkinr akclotoa.
Mr. E. Sptinner, nf Mcbnioburgh,
Pa, writes: "1 waa afflicted with long
fever and abctis on lung, aad n-dueed
to a livlnir skeleton. Out a iro trial,
txitlla f Dr. Kinaj'a New Dlacovory for
Comamplion, which did ma so much
go4 that I bought a dollar bottle.
Afier using three hollies, found mylf
nnce mora s man. cuinplttaly riored
to halth, with a hnrir appetite and a
rain In fl -eh of 4 poUDda." I ll At
Frlok M (.' drutj ior and get a free
f.i.i Lmi. nf thla eortaln care for all
fnr all IiUQg olaeitve-. Utft bottlee
Th St'.tt legikUtura meeti tna tt
from todny.
CUriittnM 8'.lpiri at Uuria,'
Tbt maw ii falliuf thick tad fait
tad ilclghinif it thtad.
A coBipltta Una of Jtwtlrr, at L
C. ErTon'i.
Tnlghti of PythlM
aeetlng toeljlit
t Ibcir Cutlt Ull.
The genuine Burt thee t Mrgl '.
-Th Omabt ptpen failwi to eoaatct
this morning.
F. 0. Frlrke & Co.' U hnadqutrtara
for nice Clirntniai preeiiii. Don't
bnj until you tee thilr atock.
TbeAux.Aid b'Ktiety will met at
Mr. J. N. W'Ue'a Saturday Jan. 8 J at
thrra p. m. A good atttndatoe li ra
queittd. Tha mot elegant Hue nf drening
cam, toilet teit, rare prrfumeriei a'e.,
in Ibi city, will t njld for tha ntzt
fw dvt try low, fo tuit tbe time at
F. 0. Fricke A Co.'.
Traptre for tbe nw year which it
already knocking at the door.
A Iitrge itock af th flnrtt and ittt
tulreml tocU of pipna ever aeau in
P at,nfiiouih, at ii. rtpim.
N. 11. It will pny you to c them be
foro you buy ele here. d25oil
SarTcyor Oeni-ral Bieranaon il in tha
city on official buaiueia e nnrcttd villi
ida dflian.
Soo L. C. Erven's new dock of gooda,
l'.Uily fur the Itaildhy trale.
Go Ma iar, iildrie wentiomh
ttKauaaa Ci'y lut bight.
Orangai, Lainona and Cranberries,
at Buutt A lwl'
Mr. W. C WlUtiia riiltcd tbaeoewa
papr hr dejnarttT with a box of reyal
iiayaiiaa, thii aHernoon, aul 'eridered
.he tiifurmatioa t!n.t it waa a ae vtn and
a half pound girl baby oj at bi hovae,
which arhred lat eyenlng. Doth
Ura. Yf. and the btbf are doltg Cn'-ly.
Tariiea knowing ttioim-filvo ludtbl
4 io Sir in tit A Co, will tilear-e call ami
aaiitle either by note or money, a I
mut artll hit account by the flnt of
January. lleaprctrully,
dliwl. 0. M. SrUEIQlIT.
Tha ladle of the Aid Society invite
thair to unite with Ihent in eel
amtlag the aniTera.Ty weddingHay of Mr
aad Ura Richard Newell on New Ter't
alhl at Ura. Perry Walker'a Tokr-nt of
rtntmierenca that t!e fricoda of Mr.
and Ura. Kewi'll may wish to preaen'
tbaia, may be sent into Mra, Walker'
daring the d.y, and it is hoped that at
many at poalblo. ladlet and gentlemen,
will gather ia tha evening for a toclal
Funorel PJotlco.
Tk Foncral of Patrick Carrol who
waa arcldfn'Iy killed ycatarday will
take place fient the Catholic Church
WeiWdy (to-motrow) moruiag at 10
Mr. A. Q. S banlon, agaut of thai wo
John Comedy Compaay is lo tha city
an I called at the Herald oMce. lie
rpret eon one of the best Comedy Cora
paniss on the road.
Now York Nows.
The lirtra huainett now at Tone Paa-
Tn,.,,r. u d, ,0 ,M apnearance
ceinedy lrama, "Fogg'a Feriy." The
play ia neither belter oar wona than
taaay now in posse'tloa of th it age,
aad which mearly give oppnrtunlty;for
a display ot me peculiar taiua of tun ;
tar for whuin auch playi tr trrltteu.
The drama Ii intneatlng for the retton
that it ia all about Chip; and thii
eharactrr, a Mia Evan, is a aunabiiiy
pi'Ce of dramatie IT(irTi;arenoe at haa
bseti s an in this city io a long time.
All- Evans U petite In figure and m
trra efalHt a faan. She tings with
aiarh 'ip etiloa and. very awenly, and
dtnaea I'M eoaidiMbla (kill Tukcu
al ia all, the has en nipi il ir in bar If sa
aa tha alag to day, and afr a couple
of years tzperieucn, she will have no
equal The rntbuaiura of the audieuce
kuowt uo bnuudi, ind langh aorceed
ItJgh, and roua I atlar round of p-
plta te.tiflrs bow much sii 1 apr r
ola'ad Mtd admired.
W ennAu Opt ra Ileus Friday Et
Tho Maaonlo.
The ball and basyutt given by tbe
Ma'onio Fraternl'y at th Opar Houue
latt tveniug, and glvn In toranitmota
linn of St. John's Daj, was largely at
tsaded aod was an entire suocv in
v.iry particular. The attendance was
fmm arnoag the elite ot th city. The
maoagemeut Ibrongbout waa iost ao
ceptable, and and it followed that none
preaeut could fall to fully enjoy them
selves. Tha Bebenilaa band furnished
inmt anceptable muaio for the occtios,
aad (he Udi of tbe Episoopat ehursb
spread oue cf the finest suppers that
patmna of tha Masonic have ever en
J yetl. Tlia table wr alagant and the
repeat bountiful. All takn together
It wm a fliiauoJal as well as social lira
Chrlatmaa at Union-
Sabbath hchool Entertainment
ndc upper, With a Crand Die
trlbution of reaenta Under
tho Managomont of Ctn
aera ot tho Sonool.
December 85, 1884.
The oomraodiou church waa beau
tifully decorated with gilt iter aud
mottoes iokcribt-d to suit the occasion
il) bandaeue leasts of Varied tints, by
tbe ingtolwus mind of 'Hv. A. Jiadole.
At 0:30 p. wM the crowd bug an to gath
er, aud In a my short time the im
mense structure waa filled with the
good people of the suriouudiug ceun
try. The houae was called to onler by
Dr. C. F. pavis, after which muelo waa
furnished by the choir, lira. Dr. Davla
being organlat, which served te guar
anty thi excellency of the mutio.
Pravr was then offered in able terms
by Ittiv. Win. Davla, after which a ver)
eloquent aud applicable uddreas ot
welcome wai .dclirerud by Mr. L. E.
1st. Singing by tho bdiool.
9d. Recitation, by Allm Ftunie El
3d. Reading, by Mil Kallio Jones.
4 ih. Rucltaiioa, by Uiai Addic
Declamation, ly Chat. Kngell.
binginiTi by tbe choir.
Heading, by Miua Suaie H'-y
I.h. Recitation by Miaiea Maggie
aod Moliie E keubarv.
9:li. Dvclaiuatiou, by Mr. L. E.
10 Ii. Siiok, by Maggie aud Mo!lii
Eiktiihary, accompanied by Mr. Dr.
Davia, cntitlud, "Ii l'apa Were Oj v
11 b. ttncitaiion, by Miouie Etigll
li'H. bouxi by ttio choir.
lii'.li. Reading, by Mrs M E. Davit.
Couolusiou. Sung, b choir, "Chrikl-
ma ilcil art Rngmg."
While banla Oi-iua aad Mi. Suta
Clau apverud with eudieti aoiuuoU
ut preavuit, nuuiereua aud viujt
preaeai were received. After tiiat a
livaiy aoog was uog by th choir, aiid
tha axerciBe ware coaiplaied by a de
clamation I rum Dilly Cuuaher, euiitlt-d
" lb World 'Would Be Tu Bottar For
Adjourned for supper, and all 'be
good ihiaga juu uiy ' Imagine wre
piao.d before at jolly a crowd aa Cat
aud Oioa couulia cau boiul of A few
ot tue panto trout oilier preciuci
ware: Fauloryvilla -Miaaea Uptouaud
Mta Belti Ueynuld, whiM courteey
and accouiiiiauueuta hays made tbcni
admired by all; Mt.' Fieaoant Rev
Janet Moby aud wile, Mia Ada Buck,
Mis Flora Frsw, Mis liatlie Putnam
aad Mr. A. Wright; Wyomiug Mist
a Barahurat aud other; Three Grove
Mr. Wm. Eikeobary sud wife, Mr.
Jame Wiley aud wife, Mr. Ed Wiley
and wile and Mia Anuie Dally of
The merry crowd contiaued until
about U p. m. whn bell and ahouling
drowned tha coiuinou tuue. Tbe
bright R-fl-ioiiun of the niouu on tli
suow-burdeuad grave that adorn tho
churcli-yard uaila all seem bappy, al
though the oo.a of uight waa preating
clot and tha winter tbivef tug too.
io tbe icana. A. Tramp.
Three Crovoa Letter
Dec. 28 1884.
About all tbe farmer can do thl k!n
of weather ia to chop wood and keei
tbe ires going, aod he ia not particulai
about doing that if be is Lot afraid oi
freezing to death.
Mrs. Emma Cool after spend! up
Chrltlua with her folks returned Sat
urday to her home in Long Piue Brown
W. T. All.n the Ashland Greenback
rr was a caller at our place of businea
i C'irittm i eve
f i nutie-d Tom Brown a former re
Id t of ibis couuty, in our locality on
.-an y
Geo, Crrell has atam gone up to
B own county to purchase a tract ot
l ana iBtl ne wie!iea wiin he wrs ip
on lila ttrat trip Wa ruma that Ceo
rge will aot move his family upuutil
Mr. Jack Groves tskes ahargs of iur
school taday, tha board haa made
-al lion that la probably satiafacioiy
to all the patroat ia the district al Uaat
eo fir a we bare learned.
B id Eltch one ol Roe.k BluCTa gentle-
inauly gn'iaud Maude Col was a call
er at our oQlca an Satuiday, they were
around obtaining supplies for the M. E.
featlval lielaioboatKockBluffioa utxt
Tuesday uight
We have accident! learned t.a Glen
woop that Mr. W. W. Wiley of that
place has been to Mill Cj low vilt
lug, bow aha got there and buck with
out the PUttsinouiu Journal knowing
it Is a query.
Jo. E lington in behalf of th fettl.
val at Rock Bluff was oircutHtlng a pis
and cake petition among the tal ssx la
tbi vlciuity not long eince
The wedding that was apoken of In
our Wt letter went off Christina day.
Charles Cerrcll aod MUl Hendrlx wera
tepnoclpal parlttrs.
Ouly the aitvi-rtisinir Uioet of tl.a
IIkiui.d rcaehod us Friday.' We pre
sume the o'her part will be along to
day, hrioging alatig with it all Chriat
ma news.
There was about a half inch of alcet
tbi morning all over the sarfac of the
earth, and it made it rather uncom
fortable for the pedestrian, and cauea
him to ait down sometimes Just when
be don't want to. '
Oyctersl Oysteraf 1 1:
A faH supply ot Booth' celebrated
Oyters, aud Celery for New Year's.
Bennett & Lkwis.
The Coroner Verdict.
State or NEnitAMiA,
CasaCou.STr. ( Atauinqol-
aitlon at I'UmmouMi, io Cais couuty,
on the 30th day of December, 188, be-
tote in, I, p. Ga-s, coroner of said
county, upou tbe body of Patrick Car
roll, lying dead by the jurors whoa
nanus aro hereunto subscribed. Tl
aid jurors upon their oaib t.ty, that
aaid i'ntriclt Carroll dime to his death
ny being struck by eugiue 123 of the
U & M. R .R., while endeavoring lo
lit a hnnJ car from the tiack and re
ceiving fatal ii.jurion, ami that s.i:d I
billing wus uccidtutal aud nut ft I . H-
iius. Wo reomniiiend inn nauti 'ai
bould not be acnt out without fyur
men, on aiction east of Orvaolia.
W. li. Picaen,
tie"'. E Pinrger,
M. J. O'R- ill'-y,
M. Mi Ki wain,
J. V. Wrcki'Uch,
i . C. W, S.-vrmdii.
In trttiuiouy wbi icof tl'e Sai.i jn: ; u
have licreuuto aet their huda Hit , y
and er itl'uri-aaiil.
Aiieat: P. P. Oasm, Tormier.
My rcaidiuce ou Waahiugtoa A'
nua. juquiro oi .
J. S. IIaktman.
k. or i
Meets every Tuesday at then
C'axtln 1111. lo Kockw-oort liioi.k. V
iting Kuiglits are invited to attend.
11. Al. 1SONS, U U
W L. Dykes, K. of R. and S.
i ti. r-rt n .w. rr? v.v :i
'r-"'.S -' '
P. YOUNG, Business Maso'r.
Friday Evening, Jan. 2d.
Engagement of
lit) HUB1
The Charming Petite Commed-
Lizzie. Evans
8upportd by the Vo'irs Comedian.
. Harry Varren.:
And I'neiraiitlnnaty Rlron Compayof Artlit
In 0. K. Ca'lahuii's l'li'iureaqua Con-.eily
i Drama.
Fogg's Ferry.
. N. B. Thl tay will be prciiiMid with '.' Ill
orl.lnal eceuery and ellei-U wit h the tftme r ,m
pleierooipanvtbHtmarkd tta auccesatul ,-ua
at the Park Theatre, N. V.
AdmisBiou 35 50 and 75 ceuts
Reserved ficats go on Bale uu J.
P. Yungs book store Wednesday
100 TONS
Now In the yatds of tbe
WliItcbrcaKt Coal Co.
And for iiUe, delivered at $4,00 par
t in. Ixave orders at
are off ; tha painting is done; and now cverjllung title tr ek
The Mom 2al!iler5 who vAth a
double e:ulcr miocfc of
Clothkig' and FiiritIi
inj; oodrt will occu
py the main lino
tint! all ci lia
Onr Clothing is the rnofit Substantial. Our Fits are Ferefet
Our prices are nni form and rtawu able. We lave a Coinplj'.; iiae
ot Glovea, Hats, Cap and Un1..-rwear in all grade; the bast "Tkit
Shirt in town, and blue iUunol aud Caiiuar ihU'U.
Knit Jackets and Knit Coats.
' Lined DticJ: Coats .uid Paats.
Overalls and 0fciMits.
Ti unks, Vaiists aud B.ifff.
I'arso's Cu t1 ra Made Boot?.
A Large Line cf v inter Overcoats.
In Fact, Every thiiiR In MESS aud BOYS' Wta
Tour tvniie la ttoliclted, anil
we will -.-MKi merit your pat-
Rockirood Block, riaATTSMOHTU,
ELecps constantly on hand n
full and connote liM ot tli FLSEjf 0 AUS and TOI1ACCO,
Uli()IC OuNFKCTlONEl.Y, wid all the News and l'eiiodkala
ot the duT.
A new and complete stock cf
FANCY bOOD.S, tl every dricriniou jut rtceired. Oar ituck
is NKW, aud we are oflciirg Laruins.
Parties desiring to vnil thrunelvi s
of a throuKh tourae ot vioiiu ma'iuc
tlonof the m"t cliaancal r.ler cat
now have the beuetli ol wywlJex
ptri ice. My metoou ot tmiuiagie
that of the Liepnlg tuia'rva ory ol
Germany. lUcitala wii be rgnlary
IveB (or the l)lint ot pal'.ni u
friend of Hie pupil, to low iba pre
grece in'd lrm tru to term. Only
limited number of pnpiia ili I-"
aad only such a alio a talent iw Hue
erea'eat ol inetiuiiieii'.
Our charge are fUOO fr term el
10 w-ks. Applicatuua by luail r
rjtajlm Isaac KaljuKT.
The eelehrated Burt a io lor lad'.aa
and i-aotteuVn, at Meraee'.
Kt rayed orSlolea.
Frnra Piaits ru.iih. 'eb n or b"U
the 10 ti iut. On I'd li. iar VtlHi
thoit tiornun I wnii "'I"' nh'
belly. A: y inf"rMH4M.m leaiMi,' to the
iccovery ot ume will be well rviaril
rj by J. J MVV.
tIS-wl ritMamiHi li, JS l'.,
rio ura f rami- end piitu fa. A'. ri)
A eti!.. oe.k. At .pai'b
Uarw Uarg-iiu
Cotd b' 'k liuu-e a.a rnoo.a ai a na 'e
uieat I lid one acre of gnma J ti tit tief
an 1 erraone. fur al or iradw . lur fanr
Inud. Eueiire of
d8w J e. MAfuew
Piueii CceUe
Pljah t"iht !. ery ihj" an
line asor,nnt uuiilihf d f r die holi-
dav trade, ut uWplHVt'd at
dtf r (J. r t t. ke a u a
The celenrAted- H ut l:oe f'" 'anler
and gentle'iisr., ut M-rni''. KUf
Oder str.d in al. t lc a.,ti t- H d-
lif; i; full Hue of perfurcert at
dtf F O Filcke Co.
Bulk Oyaieiw,
And pail to curry tuvtu in, al thi
City Mt M trket.
All kind ut Jewqlry 111 mufat lured
to order, al L. C. Krv. u'.
ou v tii-itiey by ttnyiug yout
ta, hoe and lit-rs at M-'rgea'.
re y on h tv tue largest aor .men'
eleel from -'
AlboQa and photograph albums at
- ni'U.ll OX HATS"
Clear nut fits, luire, loachs fl'es,
tai, len-ug. akunks, chtpu.enks,
KO,bri. 1 c. Drutf.'..
ijcim i AO.
Pslpitatiou, Dr pxicul S'vtlUrgs
D'li insi, Iud ','tt'tion, llddaacb, sleep
imeiier cur. d by "iVwLs' Uealth Re
newer." "litlt'tlll ON COKNS"
Atk for Wrila' 'uuh on Corns. 15a cmplet cure. Hard au soft
uorus, wan, nuuion.
-BK lit' I'AIBA."
Quick, cruleie cure all kldaey,
Biader and Uru.aiy Dii-eaiis, Scald
ni', Irritation, Stone, Gravil, C'attarrh
nf tbe bladder. 81. Ini.'i..a.
Deo. 4dly.
Ark f r "Rough on Coug'is" for
Cuuitha, Odd 6or throat, Ilcamane
FfmliM. 15e, Iquld 3'ic.
1111 pi;o lc
'Tvreli' ll'alth R-nowi-r." reatore
health an I vUor. cures 1 )y .pop -ii, lua-l-Htl.e-,
SetiiHl Debility. $1
"itOI till lil"
Cnrr IN. lie. cranijiK, di-u cat; er
rrti. fur adife, pitins, "p'ni, he.-.d-uhe
u-ur4liii4 rin i'n iiia.n. For mart
rlensi. fOtridSS-,
If you are fu lm; broke", wera
out and ne.rv.uiie, nw 'Wwll'
lie th RueAer." fl. 1 irujiijUt.
Ic b .Uy
Tle genuii.e R i. t i oo ' Mtga'.i
11 an llutl A Co. ate nov we'! lo
cated lu their new buihiiiift. vt.'iich
thl') hive lunilNlii'il io the tirjr p ati
Ur "y fi r the renveuluira of il at
work, ''"'i '"-rinent room itrpeci..U
ailapieo ,o ine'r wmk. and in the real
"f Mie r bu'iiliog they have built a
Urge ato:il-! hini-o fur " own se.
The Unit have amce tl.ry have bea in
mt'luoa, built t'p a lurira biisluees, rd
h tin? nlm alwas to kep the test
meaia the uiuravs afford, their busi
nea t mariied, and tha market-
ihe "City Market" is appreciated by
Billiards and Bar.
II M B me h it ad'ied i til saloon
nmiiu twii in-w billiard tallies of the
itit pattern; liar furnished with tha
I! tiramls ol" whlnLlea, wire eto.,
A'lheuter Wr, Imti led beer, and bent
lraila of ctgais aU xys In stouk. (lvo
uaawkll. uou
I tO)lleWj ! -a
vadafataceja n ..t y 4rvaaaii,aavrtv -itfeff -v