' r: t VOL. 2. PLATTSMOUTII, NEBItASKA, TUBS DAY EVENING, DECEMliEU 30, ld84. . NO. 25G. -fl frd ifJV.. ;lljftllilllj0tllll JOSEPH V. WECKBAGH. DEALElt IN tJLatVat. Choice Family Groceries, -AT- THE "DAYLIGHT" STOEE, CrKTr!AL MAIN 8TREIT, 5 . .' . Km till Eii E mnnnnnn nn iitiiin ric Tim nit i) Bh M ELEGAKT MME OF Soaps, Brushes &Toile Articles In-general. While we carry, at your own price almost, the CHEAP gooiln, That the CU'EAP-JIAvY, of thi city has, we have a line of GJOOD goods thai he hasn't in stock, nor can t get. DRUGS, PATEET MEDICI NES, WHITE REM 1ATT FMTE CIGARS, The largest t nusortmrnt ol Pipes ever brought to this city L very thing in the liucol a first china Cigars and Tobacco Store Alwayw to be found at MATT.SCHLEGEL'S Main Street, Plattsmouth, Neb. Important Notlee. For idh nut 80 dayt I will irlve 10 per rent discount nn 11 good bonght for eaib of L. C. Erven. Mention tliU paper. Important U Traveler. Special inducements art offrt vnu by tbe Burlington rout. It will pay yon to read their advertisement to be) found ftltawnxrA In thin teaae. 47tf Bet lnt'l stork of Silver war, in taw al Ia 0 SrVn.V. . Carpels, Rugs, Etc PLATTSMOUTII, NEB, TiDW ma LEAD, OIL, Ac G . East Main SI J.C.FISHER. SGHLEGEL 15 Now la Your Tim, IltiurT Bowk baa jnu reoelyel a ear load of furniture, bought at the very bottom prlrei with low freight rata, and will baanld at tha lowet margin Pariee daelrlDf furniture ahould avn! tnemsclvt f this opportunity tosecuri. (puds ebeapr than ever told bo for, mitt . Hinrt Bote. L. C. Erven It lulling gooJa at Jinnlc rOBUlBEO PART AIT 0 WEEKLY BT Til PlattSMtii HeraliPaMialiiiiiCfl TDBMS: DAILT, dellMrad by carrior to any part of the elty Per Week is rar annus. fr Yaar WEIItLY, fcy mill, Onsenpyiti mnnthi l 00 OneaooyouS yuar t ue kUlrd al Li Font (J til, PlattaBOUtb, M tei'vuu iiui waiter. i.i j Hon. Robcbt W. Fuit.-ua, tba pret- nt Incumbent, i a candidate for rt- eUction to tba olflue of Secretary of the Nebraik Stal, D,ard of Atfricul tura, and in a circular, aubml U g hit nam, to tb, members of tba board atatti tb it ho beconjci a candliUls at the aaroHit rnueit of numerout trieudf. Robert Y. Furnaa ia an boo atud conauiantloua worker for tlx derelopuiaat of Nebraika Da hia de voted tlm, and mouer and ',h beat years ,f his Ufa to the advancement ol her agricultural InUrestt. lie Isaatu Oaat aod achoUr, aaU bi nanis aiifl pretence command, fur tba Suie b r,pr,4enU, ibe rducct of tba delegate 'a every Naliooul or Iuler-Natuma .aacujblaf-e. At lb, OnU-nuinl, in Hit citjof PblU.I.Iplilaln 18."6, Nebraak urat found national recognition solvl through the intelligent rpree-btaUu f Ibtrt VV. Furoaa, aud at tba Ei itiou now bfiug bald la Nsv O Kau mo bltte be reprejente la without a pocr in ttte cuwplaieneiaof tba txbluli, Hi, detail aud airaugamcni of nliid ia almoat eutuuly the result of out L'umoiiMioner'a nffurt, Witcu it is con aidbrtd that lit tucceaa at the l.iai named Etpueilion acC'iiupai.lfd wii aliuntl tiotutual ptcuutaiy aid, I lu ii!X'o of N',trMka omj kubneribiu ,U0U wtiiin the reprMutativeii ol ourilater Stalea, Iowa, Mieaourlan 'IiuiifioU, have bad froru $tO,tiOO I j!80,uUO at their eoinuaand it must bi JujtllaU that timid la lout, tuagnctiau n tb, name of Robert VV. Furuaa, oi bat be develops an euvrgy ibat wii, oouaiiiSkd liuu to the favorable couiid ratiuo of eiery tbioking uian, wtn aa a vote, at the annual meeting u lie State Jloar4 of Agritaiture, on tin t ilrd TutsUdT in January, 188 Tb- Ilealo ia for Uobert VV. Furoaa fo secretary of the Nebraska Si ate Uoaro f Agriculture, bollaviug that b, ia tlx nan of ueu bot titled lor tba placi t'be JIkrai.d Is for Itobert W. Furua., iot lxrcue e are iudebted to him foi uy ftTort in the past nor crating any thing at bia hands iu tba future, but 'Nttiise we wish to see the duliaa oi i. i.ffl to which he aaplrai, boueaih id n.telligently adminlottreri, will' o. Kdit to our citizen at home ai d broad, and we bliers the gentleman v, have nmned ia the only one amonga tba uaudidaUe iu the Qald who ia eom oaieut to diacbarge the dutiea in a wan uer creditable to bluiselt and bi fl w citizen. Omb of the prominent candidatea for he poaition of Ckcieury of the Senate ia Walt M. Scalay, of Lancatereouuty. tbn geutleiuaa named baa for iun rears been counseled with the offia to hick he aspirea, ini bia familLriiy a-itb the work wii; U aa lmportaut factor to be considered when the San ate coualdL-ra the cltla of the several candidal. Mr. Bealry is reported to imi tha solid backiuf of tironiiaent epubllcaoa In bia count. Asalatant Demoorata. Washington eorreepomleuee: The remark of John B, Flucb, chairman of be) antloiul esecnilve prohibition com into, that "he being a democrat, bad eccimpliane d what be set out to accom ptlah, tb dufrat cf the republican," Is worthy of consideration by his riupis. dr. t). C. Chriaton, chairman of tie rohibltion executive committee of II- ionol, and who atumpted the atate wlib great vigor, bore a mutket in the n federate army to ab.iol down enr oni and brother, who Bred upon the old Sag," aud did what one tuan could o tv rtitroy tbe union and break i p tba government. Whan he came north i gravitated naturally luio the demo cratic party, lit bt-ing a eooleder te jemoorat, undoubtedly set out Kith the arne object ia view that Mr. Much id, and it la probable that neither vuo t for H. John, but for Cleveland ln teitMeaviiinit for rrpuhlicaa duuea i tt U as 'aHsiatantdvBowatt. ' Rook Bluffs Letter. Dec. 25. 1884. Editob Herald: The con(jellnf power of j ick fruat a wetk ago 1 a Sunday night waa too much for the old Missouri rifet at this point, no on Mon day morning an Ice bridge bad forme' for tl e flmt. Tbe very low Uge ol the water Iu the river and narrownet of ibe stream at this place haebeiD Oi aerved by several of tbe aid settlait. A Mr. Franz, from Miaaourl, a brutli. erof TVm. Franz of Fattoryvllle, l ea recently tnnved into the bouse vacated Ust rrxig by lien Marlrr. Mr. Fn ar it a good citizen for N brail a and he ht'lpa vreaily to iucraate the g.eat Hi. . prouertlon in our population, for he Ibrlng eight, boy and only one lrl. iDucn ao.'ttti lhr of , malrin Sucli ao.tttnions added to t .e cold laii. week, reminds otrai.x- monial candidates thutaomt one out(bt to move here who bj Lten raising girls; and w would like to say by the way, If that widow that cor railed and lariated Wiley ltUra f s dry good -tore will just come to Rock lilifft she will find. tht the single men hire are not near no bashful nor to ea ally ared when approached upon th uhjact of matrimony, by good looking wldowa or girl. A Mil Iteynnld, from Virginia, aiater of br. IUyuolitu, In visit. frif q.I, in tlii Ideality. We hear that Mr. John Wayman, ol rii'tstnnntb, ennten pla ea removing h i or able S iw inill d uunearl Whl 'stoBw up touie tiinbr in t ia locality. Tbe dreaded bog d'ea 1 gradual') ai, roaehmg, buth fioiu thiriouih i.e.! th'' WeS', and we ii re In $ureerj j:tj xpectingit will rnuke ita appeHt;i.c lu oar miiUt. T and thue n-.Un tout i .). Chullant and Matk WbMe' nog a a aiik and dying, and wi o uaM . Hfer hni Ion t about Mh.u It 1 ok at though a change of acJ'otn teachers during a torra of hcbool rul t if Coma a p puUr fa!,!o;i it,. Ui ire tua changes madn In atdiung rl .-tiMhie wiilei : In Itock Oeck i'.l net Mr. Kicb rdsou loo tbepU'tii i leaclier iliamiasid iliere; in the Hire GroToa d.airict A. J. Grav: con .iifiices today in the pi tee of a ! rather they had theie. IutbtAuiiol latrict, Carrie Furlong beln toiiu in plare of a teacher that quit a wcei Your truly, ' Tim Shaver. Llfa Insurance Geo. W. Turner has beau appointe. tgent for the Weatcrn Beuovoleut As tociatiou of Bintrlue and is prepare to wriie policies in tlii h"ine com pan for any whomaydeslrn, for paniculiit pupers or Information regarding tb plans of insurance, call or leave won through tbe Tost Offlce, dlmo (ieo, V?. Turner 81ipT8 for Chrlatma prrsents flni and eheap at Merpea.' Health is Wealth ! ajuut ITRIATM I) 11. C Wnr'a Uanrs Am rnxw Ttxxr Stint, a rnarantaad arfcilio for Hystitrta, Diui ritfl, riorroua rtenraiaia, rootmtior raiw.1 hirtha um it". N tlotulool. 'j, Narroaa Protrtlor ram ot olrohol or tobaeoo, WukntulnaM, ttnntol Da pmniou, hoftanin, of tlio Ilmln tv mil in in in- Enit and Imdin, to Biuary. Uocay ami dcatii, vmalnrs Old Aan, Ilarronnfaa, Loaa of power a:th ms. InTnlnntArr Ijcamtm ar.d Kcarmnfc- arrhtca esoamt bjoTer-axarticn of tho brain, anlf ebuMor oTBr-lnJuliionoo. V&ch box contains One month a traatmwit. (I.nila boa, or ail boine (vrS.uu,aantbrDiail iimpaidon racaipt of pric. 17JS tiCABAXTKE MX BOXES Toenrsanyoaaa. With each order lcairad bm for tia boiaa. aooompaiiH-a with f 3.0U, wa will SHodthopurchaaarour writlan soaraolaa to rs fii:iciti money if tha trratmantdoesBoteilaoi man uiiarantaaa iwinaonurDV JOHN O. WEST & CO, ee: w. madison st., Chicago, ills., Sola Prop'a Weat'a Uret PLUa. FOR I LB.HY F. G. F IC.IE tiCO, Pi ATThMOUTn, - N-BKABRA. .OBEftT DO.NNELLV'S BLACKSMITH SHOP, r?on, Buggy, MaoMtu and Plow x- pairing, and gernrol Jobbing as, aow prepared to ia all kinds of ranalrli.j oilarrn and older maonlhury, m tnere Is a aood lathe la aiy abop. PET BR RAOKX, The old Reliable Waon Malm baa taken ehavj- ot the "man inno , Be ta vU known aa a .NO. WORKMAN. aw Wskmm suit Harci) assei: Order EST YOUR BAEIN8 POWDER TO-DAT! nfi tiMiraitiatauabMliilrlk nra OOMTAIIf AUMOM IA. THtTifiiTi a ran tnp town u,i 4 m rtu.. ,,MII h'atM.lk riuo.. in. ana .tn.ll. a Umu IU M to 1 inut Iv Ukit lb. piaMiua al aauoaia. DOES NOT C0KTAIX AMltfONfA m MULTiinuut has Ntvift mrh 91 unions In t million homtj fr ft quitrUr f a tvntarf II km loejd th ronmiriMrt' rIUbl tt, TrlE TfcSTCFTKZ CVa. PRICE BAKING POUDERCO., mnii or Dr. Price's Special rTnrinz EitrsctJ. AmiaKMi a.'Ww mi mar. 1 , w k..M4 Dr. Price's Lupu'In Ycatt Cira? far Uht, UmIUit Brwut. Tha B..I Drr to. FOR SALU CHICAGO. . ii IB m. BH. . I Ul II.. BY CHOCEB8. r. touts LIGHT HEALTHY BREAD Va7lvr s TV nt - hop 't In IS world, Bv raLa! Vy thuymn l I qn'. yl;a una -i.i,l. fma Ul p-.r nfi..lrjinhe-'j r?p'.'",M brar CKCCi3 61 LL TrU:), Prlca DaklnR Powder Co., laaTr. :l i'r. 11:1 rl Vmwz. Ixta, Chloaao, I !. Ct. L'.u is, 3r. Home's Elec'ric Belt Will fin .N"nroui.aH l.u -.tiro. Kh irn rrU b, NauralKhi. H,iiMiie4, pmeHnil l.lvrdhriisr., Diwi, AHilnnit lei-' 'eiin, IM,i.st Ci'h-lli-.'l .n l-ryaltli: a'arni, Plica, K llci vy, l.n.n.tri cv. 'u am-, l'rnKirtii.i;ti'rl ( . Onlywlcnildc Kl-v l Hull In Afn-rM'H 111 t i:,ii. :ie r ecirW' id V .(iiifM-ni tlimnith Hie idv. and r.ul i;hari;i'ii In hii I aiaurnyilia ailent 1.000 Would .Vol Iluy II. In. Honia-I a nffllnted with rheu nntla nd cuivd hv M ln bflt 'In Huy oiif all let.' ilh Hint olM-use, I oiild uty buy Hi nie' '.la. tile Hoi i. Am our ea i aoi.rar with mM, rllUK or cal-lDg at riiy -toro, Mai Koiil-I. it. ;mha. Nob WiU . AAl I.V i. Min iKKU;a OppoMle - ml ifflce, room iimr block JTKor a nt- byC P. Ooodman'e lr'is itoi aniam Street Umallt, 'n'era fPert tl i. i M,.in. B e PS 5 g-j-fi 2-g i - MS en (Sill a-. h ? .2 09 B o o c3 c w , . . ai ,i aw o ty u o 05 CALL AX TUG Old Reliable LUMBERYARD IU-mTBElI.il 1 Wlm1eaJ, tuid Itnmll lainlor In PINE LUMBER SHINGLES, Uril, SASU, DOORS, BLINDS. AC. wirt1 Mtraat in rea & Oiwrt Honas. ..ipginiwi'ii 1' 'laissawjii F.G.Fricke & Co., BUCCEhBOlCIO J. M. ROBERTS, Will keep eanatantty on hand alulltand complete .lock of pule , , ,D!:UGS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS, XMLS, WALL-PAPER and a full line of DliUOGldTi SUNDRIES. PURE LIQUORS tot Me .lain Purpoaee. peelal Mtaut'ou glren to Corapoundla, ?r wlitiloa. uiwil. ANKtt. THE CITIZENS 33 HXT 1L I J-LAITsMoUIil. - Mcnr-liSA.. Capital, - $7S.ooo. orHrKiui 'OHN BLACK. I'ltAMC CAVKCTH, fraittdeul. Vlvn-VitaUtnt W. B. Ct'HrtUJU. CaUir. DinaiTORi John Itlaek. W. II. Cushiua. Krank Tannth i. X. Connor, P.ed ilernuuLii, J.W.JoDa on, K. K. Uiitbmaiui. I ei r Niiinm, Wis. Wetei'cxiap. llo ry Huc. raiiaaete a Oon ral tanking HuineM. All bo Inive any Mauking busiuoaa in H nvt are luvhrif to call. .No i.miur no larue or .iiiall t lie ira.i.tuMion, it vill rcWa our canWul si leiill-ni, aod at- .ii,h.iii alii.V' -iMir to. Uua'.iii i.l. -irs r.er. iflci th of , o.ii h nn ..rlus; liit-r-it '' ai d Ki rrin KYoliiuife, 'lout r and Clv mrmnr.. lOHN Hl1!(irKALi, A. V' icl.bl.ll IM rrealdant. l'.tni FinST HATlOhAL . Of PLATrttMOinH. MlBKAMiA, lentlic ery beat fa. ltles forti'S prnniiit trac.oi tlon o( li-glHinsio BAMUiNO JiUSiKlSS. .'Ck, h'Mid, tinlu. !oi rttitat -id joia "wrurille. Hi u.!.i Miidn.lu.l'cjK.it r. ceiv. ed aud inleroat allowfdoti tbnr Ci rtli). ki-. I'n-lt'dravi.,availabli' lu.w.y part of the I'lilted Mate, and Ul the prlr"-!,i.ltotti, l Kitfiu rlUcUi)i tjKuif J- promptly rtmitUd 'tghaet rket pnuea paiu lor County W;ir Btale ai d l ouuty Bold". DIRECTORS l Iid m i laia. P. Rawkawnrtli F. K. l bi. '.. tod Miahlln. Bank Cass County Cetaer Main and Flxth Ntreeta, 'IiATTBMOtJTH ,. M. PARMVLB. frenntriit, I 1J M. PATT-CKJiOK, Cwihieilf tauacts a General BaotiDiBssicca HlUllJial CASH i'KIC'E -aW tvr CWtfy and City Warnnti. rtiLM.rittt ii a ik id pros y.'y remitted tor. DIKKOOTOna i t a Wla.'B ua, 4, M. Pattiiisou. CI. H. fanr.ela . V. ft. othoiann. W J Agoew, A. B. nltti. KrM ij ardar. WEEPING WATER WBSPIFQ WATKR. - EBB 1. L. REtD, 1'rftflldwit. B. A. GiilisOV, Vlce-rresldPnt. R. S. M' fT.TCI NM N. Cafbier. 1 General intm BG:it::s TransacffirJ. KPiTt4 RsoetTed, ana Intereat allowed ea Tims Certl- Bnata. natAlTti Drnwa aTallabla In any nart of thn Hnltad rtetsa and all the prlntptl ettlet of Europo. , Agent for tht ctlebratti Haire Line cf nesaen M. HcELWAIN, PAIKTEK & DKCORATOR, PArERrii.GIXG FINE GnAlfJIHG, Dniif oa short rotb-e an-1' in a norlc manlike marmer Ii?a nrder wlih WILL J. WAHIllCK, r at reidncu, oi Oak 6t. hat an1 7 FLAITaMOUIia, aUA vjijAjnMWjtMxuiLrr 4 k. aATlHK ADTIOM ud4ta.vrt