The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, August 29, 1884, Image 3

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Cass County Fairs.
Tll (JASrt COUNTY KAIK will he held at
I'l; iHm uitli H)t. Mil, With ami 27tli. W, .
Wi.-k, Sgcetary.
THE WKKI'lMi WATER FAIR will be held
tit WVepnm Witter. Sept. ICtli, 17tU aud lsih.
i. VV. iNOitTON, Secretary.
Young-, Men's Republican
II. M. HUSIINKLL, - I'n-sldent.
1st Vic Vrft. 2d Vice I're.
SucreUry. Treasury.
Miliiij; -vi"ry Tuesday ev;nlurs. In their
rjn u lit Fitzgerald's block.
Clrru'atlaii Libmry at WrrcU.
llm; tur. :OHt
C. .1. tl.trIiall, Dentin!, nuc
censor to Clutter & Marnlmll.
Teetli extracted without pain,
b iite uf'Xltruutt Oxide Ua.
l. i:iltbury, DeatlNt.
rAeaH'iments under this head, three ceutt
per line each Insertion.
-11 ON K Y TO LOAN On real estate by A.N.
FIK 1 KOlt SALE CoiixUtlutt of in acres. timber, sijlcudid orchard of bearing
tr.c " I Hie iust dsir;ttlo fiimis in Cans
ci utly ; near Ml. i'leasuul.. lmmire
of j;n don .v .Sullivan.
rvjtt sALK - V one Home bugiiy and harness
M ' ..u' itiinii. lit
IVMt 1l ftMy renunicn uu iuui wis;
" ...J l '', barn and fruit, and In cxoel
lent c.iuditiuii ; also two inipruved larinx. also
at'ry Ui i' bUHlues1 luU-e 4ox) feel.uu Mam
street, aud other d-irUls land un4 lots.
" D. 11. VVHkKLK.
TO'-tALK Houses, loft aud wood laud by
-P .lohll lions & Sou.
ii'KS-vLE Several residence. chap. Ia
1 .tuirn of l. If. Whefler & Cu.
VM:t S LK Scratch Tablets In all sizes, at
r;aM. itx
J Mm SALE a lot in good location. Particu
- lao at till OfUce tfTlf
I full .SALE An order for a near American
r-ewiiiK Machine. Iinjuire at thUolllce. t
iOJtSALK 1 ,000 cord of wood. Inquire of
W.S. VU. tf
tfOU HALE -i Id paper for H:ile at tbi otllce
:'.l40etnti if r llUudred or 5 ceutJ per doz
eu. tf
iJOit SALE Kour lots together in good loca
tion in llji city. lniuir :it this otllce tf
.... . . . . .1 C .. 1..... .
F OK KENT The unrthciut room In Stadel
iii urn's tmi 11 iiilc. after Auiru-;t Int. I lilt
nioin is .-iiit:iile for millinery or ilie making,
or for a sin ill business of atiy klud. lnq ulre at
the premises. llltf
HJOMTO KENT. A furnishel room for one
Jl. nrlAii gentlemen, lu good location. In
quire at tills otUce. 71tt
FOlMtKNT or sale on louz time, a house
and two lots with good improvements. Ap
ly to it. B. Windham.
IjM)R KEN f lood, new houses of four rooms.
g-od water. Rood garden snot. 4 per
inontlt In Shafervllle. . W. It. Shafkm.
IOK "UENr The north si ne room In Nev
i.lo's blrtck, and s room- ip Ktairs. Good
locatiou for restaurant or bo -i itiu house, rents
Cheap. Apply to Win. Neville. ltf
jf'oST- A Kol'l"cutt button. Finder please
m.a i, ave at this otflce or with A. N, Sullivan.
LST iro.d cull burton with aate set 'ihe
tiri-ler may leave at this ortlce nd ue re
warded, tf
LOST - l.c?l nn.) sile biaelc enamel set
with pearis ; ls'tincs of old uentl inan ;ui t
l.vly l-isule. I'niiler pleas return lo Mis- S.iv
rr at lr. 'tii;terleeii'd ol Id.ive it :t tliis !-
TV'AVrEl A tirl to do lioiu-e work, in
' piire at the resideuee of
liSti. K. B. WINDHAM.
To the SMOKERS of
Blackwell's Genuine
Bull Durham Smok
ing Tobacco.
The genuine has picture of
BULL on every package.
For particulars see our next
.... A.D
i-eare your ordewjwlth them fr
Fipst-Class Work.
Choice Plants.
T7. J. IIe3ser lias now redy for mar
ket a lot of very flue Cumberland,
Triumph, Sbarpless, Crescent seedling
anl late Glendale Strawberry planta.
at 23 eta per dozen, 75c per 100, or $5
per 1000; the above grown ia inch pots,
Blronj? plants, 50c per ozen. Samples
of fruit on exhibition at Bennett &
Lewi3 where orders maybe left.
Call t efore the list is completed:
1st chance to get a 55 watch for $35,
at f 1 per week.
12ltf L. C. Ebvkjj.
Carruth's third watch club has still
a few vacencies. Call and secure a
chanc. I29dtf
Turn out lo the meeting.'
I tain agniu today for a change.
Everyone turn out and hear tlie is
sues of the campaign di.oused !" Mr.
II. C. lirovvn, WashinLon, I). C, und
F. Ij Mewos, Council 151u(Ts ar stop
ping at the IVrkiiia.
A. g:iti:e of base ball ih nrrangod for
Friday at the fair ground between the
Sherman avenue.", of Omaha, and the
home club of this city.
J. W. Humes wmt north to Colum
bus this morninir, to be a spectator at
tho Third District Convention, which
meets at that place to Jay.
June Black, the agricultural imple
ment man at Weeping Water, is in
town today, shaking hands around with
the boys. June reports good times out
at the center.
E. C. Twiss, the administrator of the
estate of Samuel Twiss, on Saturday,
August 30th. will hold a public auc
tion at bis place, Dear Louisville. For
articles offered for sale sco bills.
Geo. S. Smith, J. V. Johnson and
Byron Clark, holding proxies to the
Congressional Convention, left for
Beatrice this morning, where the con
vention assembles this evening.
The raiu will seriously interfere with
if Lot wholly prohibit a torchlight pa
rade tonight, but the opera house will
be open and tho rain should not prohi
bit auy from being present and hearing
Mr. Wilcox.
The Mission Band, "Little Dewdrops'
will meet at the house of Mr. 1'olloi k,
Friday afternoon, &t 3 o'clock, with
their contribution for the school in
Kio Claro. It ij hoped uvery member
will be prescnV to assist iu arranging
th" ffifta.
The tcaclierV iu-uu.fe is iu cession
at weeping ater, anil reports come
that a large nuiub-r of Cass county's
teachers are iu attend-mee, number
of the teauhois from this locality go
down the last of this week to attend
tho remainder of tho session.
John Leach ays that it points in
California which he visit d, business in
every department is o?erdone?,nd that
not a reusonable opeiini presented its
elf for even an apple fttitnd. John is
satisfied and happy to lie back here find
on Nebraska soil, and he will go into
some business in this city at h.u early
Tli prohibition state convention
has been failed to meet tt Red Ribbon
Hall, in Lincoln, n Tiiurs-Iay, Septem-Le.-
il'1 . at 'J oV'iit k p. ip, The l:isi.4
of re;.rc!-ei-t.t fii Hi.ill be one dele
gate for ei:-h ore thousand inhabit
ants, to b? cle?ed by mass conventions
called In the severed counties of the
A lively party of young fulks were
or.t to Joshua Gapeu's last evening on
a surprise party, and '.he reports come
in, thut the young people had a lively
time, especially on the home trip,
when they lound a certain mud hole
and uuloaded to get free from it. Of
course this part of it is not told as a
part of the evening's pro'rramme, but
it was, no doubt, very interesting.
Most of us have been in ju3t such pre
dicaments ourselves.
We understand that a number of
Plittsmouth capitalists will invest in
the Durango, Mexico, Iron Mountain
scheme, that Mr. Daily represents, and
that the arrangement in that connec
tion is that J. M. Roberts will go there
and enter the company's employ as
Auditor. If this arrangement prevail?,
we learn that Mr Roberts will take his
family with him to Darango, and that
he will become in fact an Anicrloan
rcsidenter on Mexicau soil.
At the opera house tonight tho peo
ple of Plattsmouth will have the op
portunity of henring F. W. Wilcox, ot
Illinois, who was to have spoken at the
opening campaign meeting, but who
was unavoidably detained at Denver.
The reputation Mr. Wilcox has as a
public speaker upon the great political
interests that most effect the people,
warrants every voter iu Plattsmcuth
in being in attendance at the opera
house tonight where they will be inter
ested entertained and instructed.
Tne daily News. Des Moines, special
says that Cantrell, a village of 250 in
habitants, in Van Buren county, Iowa,
is scourged by a yery fatal disease,
which is believed to be a violent type
of gray or bloody flux, though some of
the physicians pronounce it cholera.
The disease comes on with cramps, suc
ceeded by bloody discharges and
spasms. Deaths are one in four at
tacked. Thirty-two were sick yester
day and ten deaths had occurred. Three
died last night, two children and one
old la ly. At Milton, five miles west,
one death occurred, which physicians
ascribe to cholera. The neighborhood
Is not in the usual line of travel.
Murder and Suicide.
Lafct night the little vUIage-f Tobi -as
was thrown into a stale of over
whelming excitement by the fetartling
announcement that W. W. Farris, a
well-to-do Friend ville mechanic, had
murdered his wife, who was a resident
of Tobias, and had taken his own life.
Itjvt stigation conOrmed the report, and
Iho excitement grew more intense.
The facts in the case, as we glean
them from the divers reports afloat, are
as loiiows: air. farris ana ms wile
were living separately on account o
sumo previous domestic mfclicity, and
it U claimed Mrs. Farris was living th
companion of an illicit loyer at Tobias
Mr. Farris, it seems, met his wife at
that place some days ago, when aquar
red ensued, and 31 r. Farris declared he
would take her life. Things have pass
ed quietly since then, till yesterday
when the husband returned to make
good his word, aud succeeded in send
iug two souls into eternity. Crete
Twenty full blooded Omaha Indians
resplendent in the habiliments of civil
ization and fatter than 'possums, got
off the Wabash train last night and
went to the City hotel. They were the
same red men gathered from the reser
vation by Julius Meyer last fall and
taken to Europe by him under contract
with Count La Grange, as representa
tives of the French government. Mey
tr left them in .France last winter, and
since then the untutored brave hare
traveled through Germany, Austria,
Russia and England, having a royal
good time, and catching On to the hab
f ? of the white man enough to go out
occasionally and paint the town a lurid
carmine, or bright Vermillion. They
weut away savage, hungry aud penni
less. The come back well clothed, and
every squaw's son of them clinking
live hundred dollars in his pocket.
Omaha Herald,
A few days' visit to Cheyenne has
satisfied us that there is more business
done there than in any town between
Lincoln and San Francisco. Money
changes hands by the hundred thou -sand
dollars, and cattle by the thou
sand head. There is undoubtedly
double the amount of money repre
sented in Cheyenne, of any other town
of its size in the United States. The
city is beautifully situated, and sup
plied with all the modern advantages,
surh as electric light and water works,
as fine as there are in the land. New
and substantial brick buildings are go
ing up on every hand and prosperity is
visible on all sides. Oar great wonder
is that the B. & M. railroad has not ex
tended its line to that city ere now.
Neb. Farmer.
A Cloae Call.
"So you were not drunk?" asked the
"No, bir," replied the prisoner, "I was
"How do you know you were?" asked
the justice.
"Because, wheu the officer arrested
uie I had Sll iD my pocket, and was
afraid to go home,"' maintained the
The justice mused a moment, holding
his venerable head in his hands. Then
he spake:
"Prisoner, you are correct. You
were not drunk. But you were liable
to get drunk any moment. Go your
ways and don't shave the statute so
close another time." Ex.
List of Letters.
List of letters remaining unclaimed
in tne v. v. ai iriausruoutn, uass sjo
Neb., August 21st, 1884:
Arvidson Wm
Lathrop M J
Morrow J
McFIallenhaken W
Nelson L W
Ormsby Miss F
Palling uharley
Perry Mrs M
Roberts W V
Strerab D
Sturm Andrew
Swigart S G
Toft J F
WehrUeln W
Butt Hannah
Brook C
Carne3 Martha
Creg John
Emery J M
Fox A
Griswold Ed
Harris W L
Halbrack Ijaltie E
Heinbaugh Albert
James W A
Lambert Jack
Walker W J
rrjons calling for the above will
please say 'advertised."'
J. W. Marshall, P.
He Confessed.
Col. Hynes. a "typo well kno-u in
this city, was arrested in the Herald
office, Omaha, last evening upon ihe
charge of having set fire to the office of
the Bee on last Sunday morning. Hynes
confessed the deed and is now held in
custody by the Omaha authorities to be
tried for bis iucendiary action. State
The B. & M. road has just let the
contract for a new roundhouse to be
built near Boyd's packing house, at the
junction of the main and freight lines
of the road. The business of the road
has increased so materially in the last
few years that they find their preseut
roundhouse too small to accommodate
all their engines. Omaha Dispatch.
Money to loan on farm lands.'
Jan. 84 wtf W.S, WlflK
Rock BliifTa Notes.
Ed. IIekald: No excitement of
importance since th-i mad dog cyze of
a few weeks go, ban ocruried to dis
turb the equilibrium of peace- in our
minds until a week ago last Saturday,
a aecret scheme leaked out of an effort
to move the postotfice.
Parties have been playing the deuce
with onr ducks again ; indeed, we have
come to think that there fl ho time but
what tome niifecMef is brewing to some
one else's displeasure and their own pe
cuniary advantage. This time they
have been playing a secret, uudehand
ed game to have oue appointed post
mistress and instead of circulating a
petition among tLe regular patrons of
the orac, they go to -Nebraska City, 25
miles away, and employ a lewyer, who
always work for a consideration, you
you know, to use his influence with
Senator Van Wyck to have the ap
pointment made. Then a petition is
Secrp.tiv rlrrillntpil umnnrr nnl
by a few. a part of whom are not rat -
rons of the office at all ; then the word
tuuies uy icucrirom me, lawyer "to
send on that petition and he would put
it tnrough.
.wo cuarges. or complaint are made
against the present incumbent of the
office, but the scheme is one to gratify
a spirit of revenge upon the people of
this community, who once took the
poatofficeaway on account of the care
icos mnuuer in wnicti tne ouice was
Well, when this scheme leaked out,
we moved around pretty lively, and the
first day we got sixty signers to a peti
tion of remonstrance against removal,
of the regular patrons of the office, and
wuen the remonstrance was sent off
last Friday, it contained the names of
one hundred and three patrons of this
office, who are opposed to the new ap
plicant being appointed as their poet
Should we Succeed in heading off.thia
scheme to impose upon the people of
this community, we will hold our
breath in fear, and anxiously await to
see what the next mischief will be.
Special Agent George L. Seybolt
found it necessary once to investigate
a little matter that occurred in the of
fice while another was' postmaster, and
the result of that investigation leads us
to thind that our mail matter will be a
great deal better if the postoffice does
not go back there.
Los Graves has traded off his town
property to Charles Carroll for a span
of horses and wagon. It seems that
horses are legal tender for town prop
erty here, for this is the third time that
this same property has been sold for a
team in about two years.
Mrs. F. M . Young of Rock Creek has
been very sick for some time, but we
are glad to hear that 6he is getting bet
ter. Up at Charles Nix's a nine pound
boarder arrived a lew weeks ago. We
don't know, but we fancy that Charley
is wearing high-heeled boots, for this is
the first boy of three children.
A wedding occurred at Michael
Archer's last Sunday. His daughter
ou and Elmer Jewell, of Mt. Pleasant,
concluded that single blessedness was a
humbug. So Charles Graves, our Just
ice of the Peace, gave them permission
to sail as one, by tying them to the ship
of matrimony. New that Michael has
ost his housekeeper, we expect to be
able to tell you before long why he at
tended the Republican Itallv last week.
The old days of solid prairie digs has
returned, and the fellow that can't
scratch, yes sir, scratch, and the harder
he scratches the more comfort he en-
oys, is entirely out of fashion, and you
may tell Reporter of Three Groves that
he needn't think that the comfort of
scratching is altogether confined to his
neighborhood, for it is not.
Yours truly. Tim Shaver.
Instructions in Music.
Mrs. Simpson respectfully announces
to Lev friends and patrons that she will
continue to receive a limited number
of pupils for instructions in music, the
Fall term beginning Sept. 1st. Music
rooms four doors west of the Presby
terian church.- I46tf
I. ofP
Meets - every Tuesday evening at thes
Castle Hall, ia Rockwood Block. V
itiug Knights are invited to attend,
H. M. Boxs, C. C.
W. L. Dykes, K. of R. and S.
, The Ice Man.
Jos. Fairfield has established au of
fice at Monarch billiard hall, where he
will contract with consumers to supply
ice for the season at the lowest term9.
- 3 m 2
Fresh Blackberries and Blueberries
received daily at Bennett & Lewis'.
129tf .
Important Notice.
Forthe benefit of my customers I
have decide 1 to sell 35 Boss gold filled
watches with fine Elgin or, Springfiel 1
movements, for S33, Terms of sale, $1
per wee; . This is a rare chance to se
cure a fine watch, as I will only sell 35
at this price. Call and see samples.
L. C. Ervej.
Fence Posts. '
6000 dry fence posts for sale, Utoulre
oi w.o. wise. ivit.
1 W (
Watermark Opera House.
1 Illinois, rLTlie Mendotu (Car
penter 99 whose subject will be:
" TPlie Ifficpublican IParty and
its relations to the (Commerci
al and Industrial interests or
the country."
Torch ILight parade,
Fire Works,
B. & M. Band,
Glee Club Music.
Every body invited to enjoy
tltis Grreat Meeting
Order Young Men's Republican Club.
P. W. Wilcox at the opera house to
night. Mr. W. W, Rhodes and wife, who
have beed living in Lincoln for several
months, have gone to Omaha. They
mada many friends and will be greatly
missed. Mr9. Rhodes has been singing
at the church of the Holy Trinity. Her
magnificent voice has been heard every
Sunday in the interpretation of the
music of the masters. Her voice is
especially adapted for this class of
music. We hope that our friends will
be very happy in their new home, that
the people of Omaha will appreciate
their acquisition and Lincoln's loss.
Lincoln Journal.
F. M. McCourt the grocer will about
the 1st of September, move into the
south room of the Unioa Block where
he will open out the most complete line
of staple and fancy groceries to be
found in the city. Until theD, howev
ee, you will find him at the old stand
selling the best goods cheaper than the
cheapest. .Lxtra inducements will be
offered for the next ten days to reduce
stock. Corner of 5th and Main street.
Cae County Republican Central Com
The members of this committee are
hereby notified that a meeting will be
held iu the town of Weeping Water, on
Saturday, August 23d, at 1 o'clock p.
m. Business of the utmost importance
demands the attendance of every mem
ber of the committee.
S. W. Oetojt, Chairman.
The Latest Sews.
J. F. Beaumeister will on and after
August 15th sell at cost for cash, two
car loads of flour, consisting ot the best
brandy of Kana, Minnesota and Ne
braska flour, at the corner of Main and
Sixth streets, Platlsmouth, Neb.
J. F. Beacmeistek.
Dissolution Notice
Notice is hereby given that the firm
of Boyd & Larson is this day dissolved.
tne undersigned withdrawing, who wdl
hereafter continue the business of Car
pentry and Building on his own ac
count. Frank Boyd.
Johnson & Co., of Council Bluffs
have opened out a first class lanndry
on tower Main 'street, where they are
prepared to do all kinds ef fine work
in that line. A trial of their work is
requested. lOltf
ClotLes, Hair, Nail and Tooth Brush
es, Comb, &c, nice line, at Fisher's
ast Main street. 49dtf
Eve, Aug, 20th
Of All Description!.
"i af, ready made and sold cheap tor cah.
. - yff HEARSE
With many thanks for past patronage,
nvlte all to call and examine my
II 18 1:1,,
4 a a
P lH
U He
flow, Gorn Aftal