p n 17' I- (V ftmam herald OKFlCf V. I'APKKOK TIIK CITY. UEWS. Cass County Fairs. TH"5 !.ViS COUNTY F.UIt will be i!1 at PliitltiiKMitli Kept, Jtttli, '.aitli and 27th. W, 8. W i k, S-cietary. TIIK WKKI'INU WATKH FA.IU will be held at Watrr. Hrt. ICth, 17 Hi aud Mh. O. VV. rsouro. Secretary. Young Men's Republican , G X1T IB . fl. M. UtJSIINELL, - I'resldent. FKEU. KUKNISS, K. 8. ISKKU.SKI.. 1st Vico Pres. 2d Vice Pres. II. N. DOVKY. I. A. CAMPBKIX. H.-cr-tjry. ' Treasury. Mjtln evry Tuesday evening, in their Too hi iu Fitzgerald's blof-Jc. Clrrafntlo Library iru Mtur. WarricU' ZlHU A. l.i!iall, leiitlt, uf cewHor to ;:uitvr A 3larwtiall. Teelli ei traded without uaiu, by u-4e ol" Nitron Oxide iiixm. A. :ill4lury, DeiitlMf. Sl'KCIAL MM'ICHH. " AilvtMHoiiiftits under IUU Unvl, three eeut fceVli:! e.itli luserltou. 31 ONi!Y TO IOAN Ou real estate by A. N. ni:iiv:iu. TAUM Kt'.: SAI.K-Cmidstin; of WW acrt-H. 1? ...d tinibr. iii lcn.lid orchard of l.earl3 tr.- tut.- l liie must ilisnablo farms in i:an . nly ; nil ii iu l n-ar Alt. i'tttiMHiK. Inumre oi He- n n Sullivan. 1st) It '.K n? hrn bay ami hurned-t L al.n rst im. e:iuuir- tf . , MIM. A. SCW.KIiKh. 1.n)!C S YLK .My reftliltinurt and four lots; '.in! iioii't". barn and frail, and in exeel l.MitV!idiri'.i ; alH.itwo improved latum, .ilso liry on "it Iuhiu'-- linii-e xt'( feel, on Main Itrtset ami oilier dcttirable land ard bin. 1. 11. .VllKKI.FK. IVj'tAI.K Homes, lotiaud wood land by .lolui lions & Sou. i?Ol:SI.K several resmeuufn, vueup. in . mure of i. II. Wheeler & Co. inj'l S VI. E Scratch Tablets In all size, at S-' tiiuoillce. sitf IUfA SAl.K a lot In good location. Particu ! larn at this olUce i7tf foil SALE An order for a new American rwiuji Machine, lmjuire at thisofllce. t L'OHStl.K-1,000 cords of wood. luquire of i? W.s. Wise. tf IOilSALK Id papers for sale at f bl ofllce - iilW cents er hundred or 5 ce:.t r doz f u. 11 IJOH SALE Four lot together in i?ood loca lion iu thi fiiy. Inquire at tii olilco tf FOIt KEN r. The nwrtht-aat room la Stade' mami' buiMlmr. after Auut lot. this loom it unliable for millinery or dres making, or for a small business of any kind. Inq uire at the premises. Ill If KOOMTO UENT. -A furnished ro.in for one or two iieutlemeu, in ipod lovatiou. In quire at thin olUce. Tltf TTWIi KKNT or sale on Ions.' time, a bouse X and two lots with good improvements. Ap ly to it. U. Windliam. FOR KEN l Good, new hounes of four rooms. H tid water, uod garden siiot. 4 per month in Shafervllle. V. It. Shakkk. IOK KENT The north store mom in Nev - hleN blck, and rooms :ip niairo. Good lcation for restaumut or hoarding house, rents cheap. Apply to Win. evilln. l3tf LOST -A Rob! cuff button. Kinder please 1 ave at this ofnee or with A. N, Sullivan. LOST V co.d culf luttn wlt,h auata et The tliiler may leave at ibis ofnee and bo re warded, tf LOST A locket one side black enamel set with pearls ; lctured of old nent l.'inan and lady i'lsul.'. Kinder please return to Mis Say eratDr. Wntersteen's or leave ii at this of fice. r A N r ii s A lrl to do house work. Iu iiuirc at the residtmee or 13 III. K. H. V.'INIHAM. Vi9 IN CASH IVE AWAY To the SMOKERS of Blackwell's Genuine Bull Durham Smok- ing Tobacco. The genuine has picture of BULL, on every package. For particulars see our next announcement : KINKEAD BROS., PAINTERS & DECOR ATOllS, KALS0MINIV:j. PAPEK HAXC.ING, AND .... FINE GRAINING, Leave your orders with them or "First-Class Work. Pl.ATTSMOTTTTr. XkHBASIvA, Cass County Republican Central Com mittee. The members of this committee are hereby notified that a meeting will be hel I iu the town of Weepin? Water, on Saturdy, August 231. at 1 o'clock p. m. Business of the utmost importance dprqands the attendance of every mem ber of the committee. J S. W. Urton. Chairman. The Latest News J. F. Beaumeister will on and after Augutt J5th sell at Cost for cash, two cTr loads of flour, consisting o the best brands of Kansas, Minnesota and Ne bruslci flour, at the corner of Main and Sixth streets, Flatiawoatb, Neb. J. P. Beaxveistsh. I ; V - , , , ' nmra Oranges and Lemons at liennett & Lewis'. The Seventh Iay Adventists, desire to aunouncc the r.-Mumini of their meetings on Friday evening next at 7:45 p. in. The tent will be pitched on the corner of Granite fetreet aui Chicago Avenue. Go ft'id nee IJtinnett & Lewis In their new quarters. An attempt was made yesterday and hinted at iu last night's Journal to scat ter a campaign lie upon Mr. "Wilcox. Such thing are to be expected, and we know of no one more ready to circu late and give publicity to a scandal and . falsehood than the I'lattsruou t!i Daily Journal. JJ iy your Groceries and Fruits of Ufiiuott &, Lewu. A H. & M. hraketnan had one of hU hands severely and terribly pinched and bruised and lacerated and broken and made useless forever, down in the yardB the other eveding. He was a new man and had only been at work oue day when the unfortunate accident overtook him, Slate Journal. California Fears and Grapes just re ceived at ileum tt & Lewis'. Omaha Nimrods. Omaha fcimrods an l their i'riemls have brcn popping over birds fclnee the lfttii iiist. and with tell.ug elleet. Henry Jlo.uan and 1. F. Truxall, with Messrs. Itichaidsou and Iloyt, of Clark's Sta lion, shot 206 birds iu a day and a half near Clark's lasd week. Hon. J. M. Thurston and a Chicago friend rtturn tr.l ytiterda.y from a successful expedi dition into the north country. Dr. J, II. Feabody hacged over 100 lirdi on a l.uut near Fullerton. Frank F.innelee and ?am llrown brought in U7 chick ens as the result of u shoot at AUnon, IMuor Chapman, of Kearney, and J. L. Markel captured over 100 iu2dxys sliootiug near St. Paul. Vic Caldwell and Paul Horbuch bagged 80 at Lyons. C 8. Carrier brought down forty in part of a day in a hunt west. Any number of other buuteis have also made Hatisfactory 'b:tg3," although the ra im I ave trtq u-ntly iuterrupted eport in iliiug Ihe ground so wet for pans of daj'H that the dogs could not jet 3 S3 1.' lit, Oaiiha Herald. Fresh Oysters and Celery, Satuiday mornin r, at Ileum-ti & Lewis.'. THE B. & M- AT OMAHA. Work on the Ashland Extension- Since the ordinanco-granting the B. & M. the right of way through certain parts of the city was passed, the pro gress of this road iu its efforts to reach Ashland by a tii're direct mute than the piest-nt ono, has not even been male the su'j-et of comment by the preass -r IM e-ly. It nevertheless ha bt,en silently at wirk and the distance ovef which the rails and ties will be laid this fall wiU be a great aid in its eideavor to reach the metropolis of eastern Sauijdera county net summer. This move on the part of this great cor j oration shot tens the distance to Ashland lourteen miles, and the dis tance to Lincoln by that much aa well. This projected line will make Ashland nearly as the crow ili s, the distance be twien Omaha an l this objective point being twenty-eight miles and a half. It will leave the 1J. & M. depot ou loth strcst, which it will cross near grade It wiil then fallow the line of the Union Pacific road nearly three miles, to Summit Station. At anoint iust west of that place it will cross the ,ie? anJ tne times when they were in Union Pacific track by an Iron bridge power, aud every statement was a fact of masonry pier?, three hundred lc-tt r-roveo and of record. It was a mpg long and twenty-eight feet ab jve ll.e j uificcut showinc; of the Incompetency road bed. j cf democracy and of successful repub It is intended to complete nearly ! Hcan manage::ient. seven miles of this road this season,; Mr. Wilcox dwelt upon tho labor the road bed for which is beiug gradid quest'on and ;he conditions of the by Mallory & Cusbmg of this citv. j working people, and he spoke di- The preparation for this distance out of O.miha, for the rails and ties, will ne cessitate the moving of cvt-r four hun dred thousand cubic yards of e;irtb for cuts and fills. Tbe tjpography of this ?ctiou is uuusually difficult for a road bed and makes it an exceedingly ardu ous task to overcome the obstacles that are constantly met. Omaha Bee. Ed Morley, At his new Ton3orial aud Bath Rooms, invites the public to call and see him. Good and sitisfactory work in the bar ber line always our aim. IlAIX WATER BATHS. After Friday of this week our bath rooun wid be o,en t the public, and thev wiil be found the finest in the city. Shop and Bith Room, basement of Waterman Opera House. Ed. Mori-ey, Prop'r. Removal- F. M. McCourt the grocer will about the 1st of September, move into the south room of the Union Block where he will open out the most complet line of staple and fancy groceries to be found in the city. Until then, bower ee, you will find him at the old stand selling tbe best goods cheaper than tbe cheapest. Extra inducements will be offered for the next ten days to reduce stock. Corner of 5th and Main street. dw2w niuwu" iag,mrniicoxs.i ceived cracierfl iiam.il ( They can shoat ?it aiut WHEAT GUNS. Loaded to the Muzzle and Emptied into Democracy. Hon. P. W. Wilcox, of Illi nois in this City. The Great Speech of Year. the ' A FlatUmouth audience has never before listened to such a powerful speech as the one delivered last even ing at tho opera house by Hon. F. W. Wilcox, of Illinois, "The Mondota Car penter." The speech is the topic of conversation on the streets of this city today, and republicans are jubih.ut over the magnificent meeting of last evening' and every one of them are congratulating themselves that the op portunity came in our way to secure Mr. Wilcox for a speech in Nebrifcka, and that Flattsmouth secured him. Uut what shall we say of Democ racy. The members of that party who listened to the speech of last even ing never knew before what a party of disorganization aud failures they be longed to; never in their dreams huve they realized what they were asking of the people of this country when that hungry and improvident party asks to be placed in power in national affairs. The grar,d meeting of last evening and the second 'of the cam paign under the auspices of the Young Men's Republican Club. was preceded bj a torchlight parade, t he line of march being on the side walks, as the muddy condition of the streets prohibited their use for march ing purposes, me line oi march was headed by the B. & M. Band, and all the torches in th club, together with the 1 1 apparencies, were soon in mo tion, making as before a splendid dis play. It was thought up to 7 o'clock that owing to the bad weather no at tempt would be made to parade, but tho boys were enthusiastic and that set tled it. Among the transparencies was a new one, ten feet long, that attracted great attention, one side representing the Xew York Elevated It. It., with its train of cars and the streets filled with people beneath. This side bore the in scription: "The rich ride, but the poor walk: fare 10 cents."" On the opposite side was a list of Monopoly Cleveland's vetos and the transparency was one of the features of the parade. After the parade the opera bouse rapidly filled until over a thousand peo ple were seated, and at Judge Gass' suggestion we are glad to state that majy ladies wero present, who enjoyed the speaking and participated in the enthusiasm with the greatest pleasure. Of all this large audience scarcely a man, woman or child, let in the entire evening. Tht , classical editor of the Journal, howev-' er, was an exception, for he left. wasn't feeling well, you know, und the atmosphere was hot and close for his class of democrats The exercises opened with music by tho band and Glee club, when Mr. Wil cox v. as introduced by the president of the club, and for nearly two hours that magnificent audience listened to a dis cussion of the principles and work of tbe two great parties such a3 never was heard in this city before. Mr. Wilcox dealt iu facts of history and record. He spoko of and reviewed tue financl?.! condition of the two par ree'.'.y to hundreds of thera who were in attendance and who heard one of their own number who had studied the question and the facts to prove every statement. He handled free trade de mocracy and its false and vicious po3i tion, so that those who run could un derstand and did understand. We be lieve if the editor of the Journal had remained, even he might have had some conception of the tariff question and its relations to labor. Mr. Wilcox wa3 throughout all eloquent bis words were born of conviction and his clos ing comparison of the condition of this country when Democracy handed it over to republicans' and the condition of the present was clear, concise and convincing. It is impossible to give a description of it all, and it remains for those who "beard it to know of its troth and power. It is an es pecial matter of congratulation to the young mens" republican club that it has been their privilege to afford the people ot Flattsmouth an opportu nity of heariug one of Illinois greatest speakers, who, in 1880, spoke all through that state; speaking in that year at Bloomiagton with John A. Lo by tbe Ukrald collector re We can recommend the Hall so." and in a cently. I gan to 45,000 ieople. A more power. Jul speech was never delivered in Ne braska, and Mr. Wilcox Ims the thanks of the republicans of Flattsmouth. FIGHTING CRAZY. An Otoe County Insane Man' Freak. A man giving his name as Winches ter Mann, nml his h me as Uuad'lla, Neb, went to Oniu Konaatou's iu this city last night, wlere he obtained sup per, and was going to remain over night. After supper while at th 2o6r he drew an ax on Mr. Kmaslon, threut ening to kill him, but Mr. Kenaston got in the house, secured his gun, and drove the man away, where he staid last nigl.t, no one knows. This morn ing he was at the depot where h knocked a man down, and. when polie.c man Sage came up, he knocked him down also. He whs taken to jail wiiwo he demonstrated his Insanity by smash ing all the Jail furniture he could aud he was handcuffed and taken, before Judge Bussel, where District attorney Strode examined him on a charge of as saulting an officer. Wm. Dulles, of Elm wood, who was iu the city, 1;m.-w the man at Uuadill.i, and .1 at he was crazy over a girl there, j end had been confined at Neb. City for some t'me. Jude Ilussell s n teuced him to ten days in the county jail so that he could be held until the authorities of Otoe county could co ne and take him away, and they haveh--en notified to that effect by Sheriff E.K'oii bary. 1'EKSUJIAL. llev. W. J. Hartha, of Omatxi rn r down from that city this morning, and is a guest today at the Keverend J. T. Baird's. County Treasurer Newell was among the delegates who were at the congres sional convention at Beatrice yester day. Ed, J. Murfin Esq., of Nebraska City, was in town last nig nt stoppiug over to see how the Flattsmouth boys woke the echoes in a rousing republican meeting. E. It. McCleilan representing F. P. Elliot & Co. Chicago, was in the city last night going north to Omaha this morning. Ami Todd aud Mr. Hull shouldered their dogs and took their gun9 along this morning ging west of Lincoln for a chicken bunt. Jeffrey Stone Esq , of Newton, Iowa, has been in Flattsmouth the last few days, a guest at Jeff L. Stone's. Henry Bons went to Kansas City this morning to meet his sister Mrs. Powell, who comes from Silver City, New Mex ico for a visit at her old Plattsmouth home. Jesse Burnett, of Eight Mile Grove, drove down into the city through the mud and rain to hear the Illinois ora tor, speak at the opera bouse last even ing, and says he was more than paid. L. C. Stiles, who has been doing Lou isville and South Bend in the interest of this paper returned to Plattsmouth last evening. P. W. Wilcox will leave touight for his home at Meudota, 111., where he will engage in campaign work in that state. WHEN THE FIRE IS OUT Magic No More a Mystery Seen From Across the World. "Ilaroun of aleppo." said Sir Fh:;p Derval," had masterd every secret in nature which the noble magic seeks to fathom. He discovered that the true art of healing is to assist Nature to throw of the disease to summon, as it were, the whole system to ejt-ct l e enemy that has fastened on a part. Jlis process all included the icinv ig oration of life. In this the Eastern sage mcarly act-icit-ate the pratice of the best physici ans of to day. Which life itself is, no body knew then nobody knows now. But we have learned somethimg of the reasons why the mysterious tide rises a id falls. Provided the great organs of the body are not irreparably destroy ed, medical science can always relive and often save. Yet no reputable physicians now adheres to the barbar ous and stupid process attempted to cure diseases by reducing the patient's ability to resist it, Now-a-daya we do not tear down the fort to help the garrisous- we strengthen it. In this intelligent and beneficient work, it is conceded tnat PARKER'S TOXIC leads all other medicines. As an invi gorant it immediately and powerfully upon the circulation and the organs of digestion thus giving Nature the as sistance she calls for. It follows that aliments of the stomach, kidneys and I ver are at once relieved or cured, No other preparation embodies the same quaisties or produces similiar results. It is delicious to use, and the best known anti-intoxicant. Price 0 cents and $1. Hiscock & Co. N. T. Strwa berry Plants. W. j. Hesser has now ready for mar ket a lot of very fiue Cumberland, Triumph, Sharpless, Crescent seedliug and late Glendale Strawberry plants, at 25 eta per doien," 75c per 100, or $5 per 1000 ; tbe above grown ia 3inch pots, strong plants, 50c per ozen. ' Samples of fruit on exhibition at Bennett & Lewis' where orders may be left. blame ai jmlai i J. P. YOUNG, WIUL. KEMOVE ou or A BOUT AUGUST To the room formerly occupied by liennett & Lewis, one door Wst of Sherwood's Shoe Store, where you can find a full and complete Line of School BOOKS supplies, stationery, news, confec tionery, toys, fancy and holiday goods, cigars, tobacco, soda wafer, 4&C, &c, i&C. Thanking my many friends and patrons for their past patronage and hoping to merit a continuance of the same in the future, in my new location; selling you nothin" but the best goods, at the lowest prices. Kespectfully, Dissolution Notice. Notice is hereby given that the firm of Boyd & Larson is this day dissolved, the undersigned withdrawing, who will hereafter continue the business of Car pentry and Building on his own ac count. Frank Boyd. 144d&wlmo Johnson & Co., of Council Bluffs have opened out a first class laundry on lower Main street, where they are prepared to do all kinds ef fine work in that line. A trial of their work is requested. lOltf ClotLes, Hair, Nail aud Tooth Brush es, Comba, &c, nice line, at Fisher's east Main street. 49.1 tf " Wha t causes the great rush at Will J. Warrick's Drug Store." Th'i free distribution of sample bottles of Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Lung Syrup, the most popular remedy for Cough, Colds, Consumptions and Bronchitis sow on the market. Regular sue 50 cents and $1.00. Sept.28e6wlyw. ROBERT DONNELLV'S AND BLACKSMITH, SHOP. Iaon, Bwjgy, Machine and Plow ro pairing, awl gereral jobbing I a, now prepared to Co all kinds of repairing oi larm ana otner macniuery, as to ere is a good lathe in my shop. PETER RAUEN, The old Reliable Wagon Maker bas taken charge of the ??agon snrp He is well known as a NO. 1 WORKMAN. Sew Waroaa vnd Burlea male t HATTSK ACTION OCA RANT WHITEBREAST COAL, & MINING CO. '-DELIVERED PRICE LIST.n All Coal is Screened at tJve Yard. i,5i0 iUiJGi.,2uuJ I lb it li lbs Whitebreat lump . " nut Canon City coal Marshall coal.."..., Anthracite (all sizes) Cumberland (smithing coal)... Slack coal. 15c per 100 pounds !!; ;'!. 4 7' j2i45',4.80' R ,-J,10';3,85 I 7M I MM j j3 25 .6 00 11 00 Mi i Orders left at the office or with J". UP. ITOTTZSTG- AT THE P. O. BOOK STORE '' Will be promptly DBUVB11BD.-'..'-Your patronage ia respectfully solicited. the undersigned withdrawing, who will I hereafter continue' the business of Car- I 7T SStJk, HENRY BCECK .DEALER IN FURNITURE SAFES, CHAiRP, .TO., TC., KTC Of All Descriptions. METALLIC BURIAL CASES v700"DB2ST COFFIU8 ji a H..es, ready mad and sold cheap fer cash. t '-' txnTH EA RSB 18 NOW BEAD - 6EEVIC2. rWtth many thanks for past patronage, nvite ail to call aud examine ray LARGK STOCK OF 31tf. rUBXTrHE AND OfflCKH ra CD -S 0 -4 3 CD 21s i 2 I CD OB 5" f H (!) c-- O O PLATTSMOUTH MILLS TT8MODTH NKB. HEISEI, Proprietor Fence Posts. 5000 dry fence posts for sale, Inquire of W.S. Wise. I8tf. , 1 SB p In Soft 4 h I or