I L' 1 1 J ,al Opera House J. S. HARTMAN, Proprietor. !EiVrytB&is2 Mew. IFmar Kew Tables. toy stern EazzzvA sa ccszasicciioii Also h c.oinj.leti; liiiM of tlm l.ct n utility oi' UKiARS, and TOI3ACCO, next, !..r to L (). Oi-ci-u J Inline lilnck. ji'maJ . 'V EASTWARD Dally Ex press Trains for Oi.ivn. Oiie:ifr. Kansas City, St. Louis, ami ;!! points Ki-I. Thrui?h Cars via IVaari.i t' I i:is::i!MaM. gant l'ullman Palace Cars rt i j I !: :i:u:hfs am all tlti oiilU trains, and J)iiii i;tr-eH!t of ?.a!s souri river. TCT CLiaJ jLaDaSoaa.'al ffs tBft pSaee5 ixlmz z z& all times yoia easn tSsj fecvilSeefj l?orl So Livery, and Sale Stable. RIGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION m OR NIGHT. EVERYTHING IS FIRST-CLASS THE BUST TEAMS IN THE CITY SINGLE AND DOUHLE CARRIAGES. Travelers will find complete ouli'ts by calling at the Comer Vine and Fourth Streets, JOXAIHAN II AIT Beef P ork- iMoi jritSSTAWMAK MAOOT S C., MurceHMorM to A. i. II ATT. HBADQLTAETEES iTOl CHOICE Sngir-Cured Ilatns, IJacon, Salt Meats of all kinds, Lard Bologna, and all other articles kept in a tirst-class meal market. AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. o The Highest Market Price Paid lor Hides Wool, Pelts, Grease, Etc. o FreshU Lake Trout.' and White Fish;. Every Thursday lormug. Billiart Ha A WESTWARD I'hUy rx'TOHs trains for Denver connecting Ul I iih-11 iii'iii. lair it ii huiii in wu. California aril the entire Went. 1 he advent of tiiis lina- iMvt'K llie tr;iv'ler a New Route to the est. v nil sc-u ry ana auvastaRCs uuequaiea clsewiit-re. 3t'" fc:i T -; 1'LATTSiIOUTU, NEB. J. W. JVIarths. i and y PLATTSHODTH HERALD rUBI.IMHRD BT rnc PlattsiQoatii Beral PnUisMnc Co. Train Time, UuJer the change io time paMengcr trains leave thelepot, here an follow: No. 1 went, 8:15 a, in. .No, 2 west, 6:50 p. m. K. C. St. J. & C. li. nortli 5 :15 a . .4 at M a. (J.33 in. m. C. B. k Q. , north, 7:45 a. in. Omaha btub north b:55 a. ni. " 5:40 p in. Trains arrive as follows No. 2., Denver express 6:25 p. in. No 4, - 9 AT a. m. K. 0. St. .1. A C B. east 9:15 a. in. .. .4 44 44 44 44 a. a4 g ..JJ j, C. B. & Q. Omaha east 5:1.0 p.m. If you aro suffering with 1 v ain't depressed sprits, loss of appetite, gen eral debility, diso.-lrtLd i.lood, weak constitution, lie;i(tacli', or any deseas: of a bilious nature, by all me i us pro cure a bottle of Dlectric Bitters. You will be surprised to see the rapid im provement that will follow; you will be inspired with new life; strength and activity will return; paiu anp misery will cease, and henceforth you will re joice in the praise of Electric Bitters. Sold at fifty cents a botrle bv J. M. Rob erts. Jan. 3 eSwly For lame back. Side or Chest use Shiloh's Porous l'laster. Price 25 cents, SIIILOU'S COUGH and Consump tion Cure is sold by us on a guarrntee. It cures consumption. SHILOH'S V1TALIZER is what you need for Consumption, Loss of ap petite, Dizziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. CROUPE Whooping Cough and Bronchitis immediately relived by Shiloh'a Cure. Soid by S.nitii & Black Bros. Dec.SOeowdJtwly A Great Discovery. That is daily bringing joy to the homes of thousands by -saving rn;my of their dear ones from an early grave. Truly is Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Couirhs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchhitis, Hay Fever, Loss of Voice, Tickling in the Throat, Fain in Side and Chest, or amy disease of the Throat and Lungs, a positive cure. Guarante ed. Trial Bottles fnee at J. M. Roberts. Drug Store. Large size $1.00. .Ian. 3 eCwly Feuee Posts. 5000 dry fence posts for sale, inquire of W. S. Wi. I9tf. PROCLAMATION. WHEIiEAS. a joint resolution was adopted by the Legislature of the State of Kebiaska, at the Eighteenth Session thereof, iind approv ed February 27th, a. i. 1883, proposing an Amendment to Section Four (4;. ot Article Three (3 of the Constitution of said State, and that said section as amended shall read as follows, to-wit : ' Section 4. The term of office of members of the Legislature shall be two years, and they hall each receive a salary of three hundred dollars for their services during said term, and ten cents for every mile they shall travel in going ai.d returning from the place of rreetiiifc of the Legislature, on the most usual route. Pj-firWcti, tuHcever, that neither members of the Legislature nor employees shall receive any pay or perquisites other than their salary and iiiileage. Kacli session, except special sessions, shali be not less than sixty days. After the expiration of forty days of the session no bills nor joint resolutions of the nature of bills shall be introduced, unless the Governor shall, by special message, call the attention of the Leg islature to the necessity of passing a law on the subject matter embraced in the message, and the introduction ot bills shall e restricted thereto. " The ballots at the election at which said Amendment shall be submitted shall ba in the folIowingZform : "For proposed Amendment to the Constitution relating to Legislative De partment." "Against proposed Amendment to the Constitution, relating to Legislative Department." WHEREAS. A joint resolution was adopted by the Legislature of the State of Nebraska at the Eighteenth session thereof, and approved February 28th, a. d. 1883, proposing an amend ment to Section One (1) of Artic'e Five (5) of the constitution of said State, and that said section ae amended shall read as follows, to wit : "Section 1 The Executive Department shall consist of a Governor, Lieutenant Govern or, Secretary of State. Auditor of fublic Ac counts, Ta-easurer, Superintendent of Fublic I nsi ruction. Attorney General, Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings, and Board of Itaitway Commissioners. Tiie officers named in this section sfall each hold his office for the term of two years from the first Thusrday after the tirst Tuesday m January next after his election and until his successor is elected anal qualified. Provided, however, that the first election of said officers shall be held on the first 1 uesday succeeding the first Monday in No vember. 1886, and each succeeding election shall be held at the same relative time in each even year thereafter. All other officers that mav be provided for bv law under the provis ions of this section, shall be choen in such manner and at such tmes. and shall hold their offices for such length of time as may be pro vided by law, and shall perform such duties and receive such compensation as rray be pro. vided for by law. The Governor. Secretary of State. Auditor of Public Accounts. Treasurer, Commissioner of Public Lauds and Buildings, and Attorney General, shall reside at the seat of government during their terms of office, and keep the public records, books and papers there. an1 the officers herein named shall per sueli uuties as may be -euired by law." The ballots at the election at which such Amendment shall be submitted shall be in the following form : "For proposed Amendment to Section One (1) of Article Five (5) of the Constitution, entitled Executive Uepatt ment.' " "Against proposed Amendment to section One (lj Article Five (5) of the Constitu tion, entitled. 'Executive Department.' 'i Therefore. I, James W. Dawes Governor of the State of Nebraska, do heeby give notice, in accordance with Section One (1) Article fif teen (12) of the Constitution, and the provisions of an act butiilcd. "An Act to provide tiie man ner of proposing Amendments to th Constitu tion and stthmitting the same to the Electors of this state." appioved February lath. a. d. 1877 that said proposed Amendments will be submitted to the qualified votors of this State for ratification or rejection at the General Election to be held on the 4th day of Novem ber, a. D. 1S84 In Witness Whehick, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal or the State of Nebraska. KSeaL Done at Lincoln, thi lPth day of July, A. d 1884 th Eighteenth year of the State, and of the Inde pendence of the United States, the One Hundred and Ninth. By the Governor. J AMES W, DAWES. ATTEST : KfiWAAO P. JtOaOKH, Bwwiiuj ot SUtft. Itucklen's Arnica Salve. The Rest Salve In the world for.Cuts, Bruses, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fe ver sores Tetter Chapped Hands Chilb laius Corns and all Skiu Eruptions Mid positivly cure Files or no pav required. It is rauuanteed to give perfect satis faction, or money refunded. Price 26 cents per box. For Sale By J. M.Rob ert's. Nov. 2T 18W ly The Eest Couph Medicine In the World. SAMPLE h REE OF CHARGE. Call at Warrick's drug store, and ffet a sample bottle of Brown's Expec torant free of charge. It cures Coughs, HoarBf nes8. Whooping Cougli and Con sumption in its early stages. It is a scientific nreuaration, admirably adapt ed for the cure ot all Throat and Lung Diseases. Ii is pleaeaut to take and entirely harmless. Try it; it costs you nothing. Regular size bottles, 50cents. and $1.00. For sale by W..J. Warrick. Jau. 3 dxwly Free ! Five! Free ! NEW DISCOVERY FOR PILES. A new remedy for tdis dreaded dis- ase has bet-n alis-eovr: i by Dr. Dening A Hiiii-ie ai-r-iu tition will convince the taost skei.ticHi .l uiont woudcrlul healing powers. By culling on W. J. Warrick druggist, you i nn obtain a samnle box free of charge, which will satisfy you of itscurative finalities. .Jam 3 D&wlj la the Future When you have a cough and want re lief, think ot Kemp's Balaam for the Throat and Lung9; a guaranteed reme dy for those diseases. Price 50c and f l; trial size free. Respectfully, apr 3 4m W. J. W amuck. Pasture. Two hundred and forty acres under fence, with running water, and one half mile from the city. Apply to 51 tf W. S. Wise. All the lest houses in Plattsmouth will sell you Eremner's choice crackers at reduced price by the box or barrell, and don't you forget it. Get these and you git the best. tf Some Fcolish People Allow a cough to run until it gets be yond the reach of medicine. They often saiy, Oh, it will wear away, ut in most catjes it wtai.- ?!in away. Could they be induced to try the successful medicine called Kemp's Balaam, hal I sell on a positive guarantee to cure, they would immediately se ti e excel lent effect after takiig the li j st dese. Price 50c and $1; trial size fate. Resp'y. fapr3 4ml W. J. W;n rick- COTTAGE HOUSE. (iih ?t IV :t r 3i uitt. TLA'1 J SAloUi If. m:bkaka II..i;a- ladven r! r;rrr of the COT taok House, 1 -!:- try to furnish nil patrons with . mi' rt:i.l- juaiters and keep the tables Mipt-litd v. iiit the best in the market. Ttatiis-ient cu.-tom and board by the da oi week solicited. may 17dtf. ED. FHAZIER CITY HOTEL. This beautiful three story brick structure, on ower Maid street, has just been finished and tted up for the accommodation cf TRANSIENT CUSTOMERS, AND REGULAR BOARDERS.! S7ERT THING NEW AND. CLEAN X Goed Bar in connection wiia the Hoi.se. tf. FRED ftOOS. Propr W. II. 31 A LICK. P CARRIAGE G ainting SIGN & OMTAMENTAL 3?JL12VTING-, All orders left with me will receive prompt attention. COK. FIFTH AND VINE STREETS, PLATTSMOUTII. - NEBRASKA. M. O'CONNOR. At the down-town saloon.? PPOSITE TIIE PERKINS HOUSE, Keeps a complete iue of jl nxr is s Liquors, 1ND CIGARS, BOTTLED BEFR, ALE AND PORTER, DRUG'S OMAHA BEER and the best brands of Kentucky PI whtsfclea., t rnaitto P"rfclt Ilnaiia- Pi aiipynTrp J. PARI EM AN, Will BUY aim cKL;, all kinds of FiraiTITURE METALS OWN HAGS AND FURS Will advance money on all SALABLE GOODS, on lower Main street. One dcor west of Beck's Furniture sore Plattsnoutb. Feb. 1st. 18-4itt s 0 Si pet & S'S. 2 e s S3 Ml 06) p 2 s QSD CSD m ft t:-ra . ft tsai a-V flOkV v. Ml W aO g ft s ft s g v. S e ft izi & 1 IB 6! ft ft 22 CD a- S) JL ( 3) r 1 Jo w Xffl A i ! -".I, 'I 4 i A 5 - r