r ) . .1. PLA iiMM HERALD IM'I'.iIU'. ClfilHOV TI1K CITY CITT NEWS. i . Cass County Fairs. Tils cahs cocnty haik win i h.-il at itli Sopt. i'.tli. aun and 27tb. W, rt. W I ik, NrcieLtiy. TIIK WKKI'ING WATEK FA I It will lie held at Wiping W;itT. Hept. l;th, 17tli anil lMtli. J. W. Mm r.N, Secretary. Young Men's Republican CLUB. 11 .'.I. BU.SlINEI.L. - 1'rfsiilfiir. I ici:; rtitMHS. e. s. gkecsel. Mt Vi-o Pre. 2d View TrH. II N IIVKV. I. A. CAM I'll ELL, s.i.-i.ny. Treasury. '1 1.5. .-vry l'ntay rveiiluo. 1" taelr t .1 nn in Ki ;friM'i lilock. ;;-. t'ila Library lt'u i -t4e Warrick.' : 1 ts trMlmll, lenflt, sue-4:t-'i t duller & MarMball. V'..4 traded wlllioiit pain, ij .s' os.Mlrou Oxide l-a. i. . .U i.iry, l-ntlt. .i':;CIAI. NOTICES. : ,t ii. iits iiiiilfrUii liea.1. lliree r-nt t 1 :: 1 1 " IV ;n. V 1 1 L AN-On real .stt by A.N. "tj'V'i 'l i'"'t SALK-t iin-istiiii of lot aciv. V .j,-. .1 iMilj-r. splendid reli-.rd ! beariiiK I,-...'.; .mi- i t'le iiiuhI lfsir:i!il 1. 11 his ill i- nt'j ; 11 i -cl n-:ir Ml. I'li-.is.iiit. Impure ,ii - ill ,; SiilliVan. iv; i I.ii -.V one liir' luirfgy a.id harness P t'-u i'-A-. einpurt of '.t,.. mus. a. schllgkl. I,' v I. '. My rt'Mi.lfiKjrt :md four lots ; ' '.i.l 11 .! . barn :i"t fruit, and tu exeel-l.iT- mdii i' ; also two improved lami. a'.so -! i I tni-ines-i li-m-ie 4uhj feet. on Main y, 1 1,' 11. r d.-Hiialilo land au! lots. I. II. WlCKKI.fc.lt. '..: A'.iC -Houses, lotiafid wood land by 1 1:1 & Suu. i,.,- , .k Several residences, cli--H. 1 11 . .11 i. U. Wheeler & Co. ";( : -. . i.K -S.;ratcU Tablets iu all i.ei. j-.t ' . . .!.. 91tf "'. I.1C itt I11 good location. Purtieu 1 ;!!. .u tins oliiee a'lt y i.: S ALU An order for a new American ' .-fviu; Maclihie. luuir at tliisolllce.. LM1'. S I.K - I.IMW corJi of wood. Inquire, of r ..s. tf 1 ti: SAI.K Id paper for aale :-.t thin ofllce -1 hi to i-eiits 'i huuUred or 5 ceiitd per toz ert. tf iOU SALK Ko'ir lots togetUer In i;ood loca ' lion in tbl city, lijquiiv at llii olllce if noit KEN V. The northeast room In Stadel X in. inn's building, after AunuU lrt. I his loom is suitable for millinery or dress making, or for a small business of any kind. lutiuireat the premisei. llltf HOiiM TO IlKNr. -A. furnisae.I room for one .lli or two entlemeu, iu good location. n tuire at thirt olllci:. 71ti PiUMtKNTorsale on lonu time, a house and two lots with good improvements. Ap Iv to 1;. It. Windham. FOK K K N t 1 ioou, new nouses 01 ro. a rooms. 15'hmI water, good gar.i -u soots, si per iiiontu in Slialerville. W. II. SiiAt'KK. IJOlt KEN r The north sr ire room in Nev ille's blrtek, and rooms up stairo. Sood Licatton for resiaurint or boarding house, rents cheap. Apply t Win. Neville. is itf L .S T A RO.d cull button wlnii aate set. '1 he i'pider may leave at thus office nd be re warded, tf LOS r - A locket one side black enamel set with pearls ; pictures of old Kentlt-mau and l.tdy inside. Kinder please return to Miss Say er at Ir. Wintersteeu's or leave it at this of llce. 'AN' rEl A Klrl to do houne wo ' iiuire at the residence of rk. lu- 1 12 ML II. B. WINDHAM. YEATS THE Tonsorial Artist Will be found in CAItRUTH'3 Basement, here he will be glad to meet all bin old cus tomers and as many more as want a GOOD HAIR CUT AND A - CLEAN easy SHAVE. I have in tnv emplov Professor LYONS, one of the FlNKT AKlISTS iu the profc&ton. Call and see us. S. C. YEATS, l'L VTTSMOUTn. NEBRASKA. HEADQUARTERS FOR THE BLAINE AND LOGAN AND CLEVELAND AND HENDRICKS. CIGARS, A f ir-t cl.is quality Scent Chiar, everv bodv InvUed iu try them at H. SPIES. S . uth side Mui 1 Street bet Third aad Fourth aug.152tnd.tw PLAT rSMOUTH NEB. Choice Plants. W. J. Hesser has now ready for mar ket a lot of very flue Cumberland, Triumph, Sharpless, Crescent seedling and late Glendale Strawberry plants, at 23 cts per dozen, 75c per 100, or . per 1000; the above grown iH inch pots, strong plants, 50c per dozen. Samples of fruit on exhibition at Denuett & Lewis where orders mavbe left. HSdJtwtf Call before the list is completed. Last chance to get a 55 watch for $35, at $ 1 per week. l2Uf L. C. Erven. Johnson & Co., of Council 'Bluffs have opened out a first class laundry on lower Main street, where they are prepared to do all kinds ef fine work in that line. A trial of their work is requested. lOltf ClotLes, Hair, Nail and Tooth Brush es, Comba, &3.f nice line, at Fishery east Main ttrat. 49dtf Tim CU;v lu'i'l anl ll( ii'lri ka 1 1 i Iroin'. r (jrat Moral LUhiLi'ion ; c C'lpyiujf ' letters patent con ntleps rini Poli.icil ImuaiKe, Wliereu buulH of tlie Wi low II:iltin uiid 'elo of bills for Hid ainelii.ratioii f llic workin-j people, tlie must proiniuent, with more to follow gave their grauij weekly display, as announce 1, in Xev illj'd block on Thursday night. In the absence of the Chief Master of Cereiiioni' H, I Ion. Y in. Neville, of the First Waid officiated, and wielded the p-irty whip. The combination evi dently labored under wcrions iiMul vant age ni ttie ai)Si-iico(il'uiuj of the lead hio Btar. Hirl di:ir.icter d'du:e,jtors wan noted they doubtless failed to cn nect, or were captured Ly some enter prbing manager, (Uro. Coanor'a Work-ingm-in's club lu Id a meeting at the court house and Blind Itoone gyrated and dispensed music at the opera house and-gyiatioiiK have a peculiar charm for oar Democratic friend in this cam paign), however Mr. Merrymau Sher man endeavored by his comicalities and untiCH to make up for the long of other attractions, ami it was to bo no ticed long before the overture com-Di'-'iu:el that he va 1 practicing his great dou'de act upon the trained teeN, Auti Foreign Immigration nd lie spotibibilitj the soriuer i-ircd 'he lat ter, dam(n)ed by (Jrcoly Keimblican Reform Ti;e grand opening pigeaut, parade ol i::i:iute3 of lat ixhihition, was re ceived with unanimous approbation, a id it i to be regretted that t he ab iiicc of the heieiubefore mentioned principal acrolut-s, eipiestrian artists, aerial gyniuasta and lightning change artidts, devolved the Ixtrdeii of the en tertainment, on 1 hat priice i f jeatars, "ye Journal (Ji imahii." lie u a, mliy cquiltothe ta-k, however, and the regular enti riainnient was inter spersed with some of the nost start ling, novel and mirh provoking jokes. For instanc, during one of the, iuttr niiasioiis lie eagerly offered for the j)lau dits of the audience a little pamphlet styled "Public olHcc and public trust or the clean record of an houpat man? Hon, G rover Cleveland!!!'1 This was considered such a good joke, that the audience, republicans as well as demo crats, v ted to send fur live hundred copies;, the republicans voting to a man,to spare no msaus that would contribute to amuse the dtmocrHtic joters until an asylum is prepared as a refuge, wheu the ides of November find them ttriiggling and foot-ore peeking a place of rest for their broken hearts and blasted hope?. The audience had hardly recovered trom the effect of this brilliant sally, ere their risibilities were again provoked by the suggestion to throw the l sre American flair, or uamenting the back of the club room, to the breeze; bearing the magic names Cleveland and Hendricks so that the blind might r ad. Our representative is not certain a to the last condition, and if it is incorrectly 'reported, the public must bear with the scribe, who is of an excessive nervous temperament and whose feelings were worked upon by the excessive solicitude on the part or' his friends, who informed him that thd Democracy had been warned agains hitn. The scribe has already noted the absence of the Grand Warner r Mister of Ceremonies, and owing to the slim attendance o1 democrats in the audience, was on the alert lest the said .G. W. or M. of C. with an awkward iU id was executing a flank movement on his position. During this era of confusion or apprehension the scribe I n n V. .--.-" .3 ... 1 . : .1 . , I n aa uuinucu ai iicauug i ue stars ana 8'ripes described as a Cleveland and Hendricks fl3g, and this ghastly joke ha I an appalling effect on every mem ber of the audience. The states fur-ti-liing the majority of democratic votes occasionally flaunt the stars and bar;, but they never revere the old flag ul-1 ss it heralds an appropriation. A qui t humor settled on the audi ence an 1 the regular programme was proceeded with, until it was proposed to order lamps and accoutrements for Cass County' or Flattsmouth'sdemo cratic club, when one member queru lously piped out, 'where is the money to come from?' Courage was inspired in thU weakling by the assurance that oar distinguished fellow citizen John R. Cot was willing to send the order cn for whatever the club needed, and Grimaldi called smiles to the lips of his hearers.Joace more by the assurance that th j gentleman named 'was a pa triot as well a a democrat, and would doubtless supply whatever the club, referred to, stood in need of without one cent of profit.' The closing scene draws nigh. The acting Master of Ceremonies) announ ce as the clesing act, miscellaneous business or good of the order, consist ing of 'arguments? speeches or singing. Upon this announcement the major part of the audience arose, as if to de part, when a loud burst of vocalization sounded, Livingston! Livingston!! Liv ingston!!! and the departing audience, as well as the Herald scribe stood spall-bound. The acting M of C, peer ing intolhe Cimmerian gloom that had now enwrapped the audience, demand - ed if General Lmugeton be present, that he come to the front. All was ai I en re. A courier breathlessly iuform -ed the .pientioner that the General was on the sidewalk, and the IIebald re presentative, fearing an ambuscade, in continently fled. His flight was arret ed by a good and true fellow laborer in the cause of honesty, purity and an in telligent administration of the govern merit, as enunciated in the Republican platform and embodied in Republican ism'ri great leaders, Rlaine and Logan, and at the earliest intercession of the Hcribo this fellow laborer, not being marked as one dangerous or rabid, con sented to risk hia life and see the show out. On his Information the Herald representative is at liberty to state that Livingston did not appear, but that Grimaldi Sherman, shaking the dust from his clothes, and giving an extra brush to the daub of carmine at the end of bis nose, boldly launched into a laudatory review of the enterprise ex hibited by the Young Men's Republi can Club on Monday last, but it seems that the incontrovertible arguments of the republican orators had not yet found lodgment in his befuddled brain. The lights were turned down. The republicaus turned away, free to admit that they werewell repaid for the time they had devoted to this entertaining body of humorists, and our democratic friends retired to restless couches to dream of muzzles, and muzzles that would stifle the utterances of their 'old mau of the mountain.' Please let him talk. Commissioner's Proceedings. Hoard met pursuant to adjournment. I 'resent, Sam'l Richardson, A. B. Todd, Clerk Jenning3. The following claims were then al lowed : W J White bridge work $2,000.00 J S Duke wheelbarrow for jail 2,50 M Searl collecting taxes 59.12 W II Newell expense acc't. . . 28.20 J II Hall Co. physician 42.50 111. Printing Co. stationery. . . 59.05 E G Dovey & Son goods for county 71.18 Omaha Rep. pens 2.50 W W Dunstan cleaning well.. 4.00 Reuuett & Lewis mdse for Co. 36.00 Cyrus Alton salary 103.00 T Coverdale meals for jurors.. 3.25 II Dueck undertaking 17.00 E Sampson expense acct poor farm '. . . . 15.10 E Sampson b'ding paupers. .. C3.C6 11 R Livingston et al expense acc't insane case 45 75 J W Jennings expense acc't. 123. IS J C Wiswell tax refunded ... 541 Hekald Pub. Co. printing 13.06 F Gorder scraper s.00 Hkkald Pub. Co. advertising 29 00 T Pollock tax refunded 5.49 Ii quest fees drowned man . . 31.80 W J Warrick goo is for Co. . 8.00 E Eaton care of poor 12.90 J C Eikenbary jailor's fees. . . 54.50 John Ramsey w'k on road .... 12 38 J Lyman order for dist 59. . .. 40.00 S Johnson order for dist 55. . . 39.00 F F Rexford order for dist 33J 50.00 J M Cramer order for dist 48. 60.00 Wax. Bestor order for dist 47. 20.00 H A Waterman & Son lumber 44.66 Ordered that the following levy made by the state board be placed on the tax for 13S4: General fund 5 mills on the dollar. Sinking fund 6 8 " " School fund 1 " M Capitol fund 4 S " " " Univerity fund, " Reform school, 2-8 " " Total levy 7. To which board ordered that J mill on the dollar levied by them for the support ef hospital for the insane be added. Ordered th.it following levies on school district be placed on the tax- list: District No. CO, 5 mills; district No. 89, 18 mills. Ordered that A. Halle be and is ap pointed overseer road district number 27, and R. D. McNurlin.'be appointed for dist. 71. All that part of road diatrict num ber 11, in Louisville, town is hereby made a part of District No. 62. Ordered hat that part of road dist. No. 6 in the village of Greenwood is hereby made dist. 63. Petition of G. M. Beach et al for lo cation of a county road between Otoe and Cass counties having been com plied with, ordered that the same is hereby made au open road. Ordered that appropriation of $250 be made for road on See's 7 and 8, T 12 R 13, the same to be expended under the direction of N. Holmes overseer dist. 2. Ordered that Howard Pulman, over seer district Nu mber 8, be Instructed to open roai between see's 19 and 19 T 12, R 10. Ordered that N. Holmes, overseer of ro&d district No. 2, be and is ordered to remove obstructions on county road Number 79 placed thereby Henry Fal ter. J Ordered that nenry Wolf, overseer of road district No. .40 bo instructed to place county read in pus-uible condi tion. The following liims weie ihn al lowed: S Richard.on set vice $10.00 John Clements 17.00 A B Todd " 9.00 After which board adjourned. J. W. Jennings, County Clerk. The following minutes were handed us by a prominent member of the Workingtnen's Cleveland and Hendricks club, which the Hkrald cheerfully publishes: CLKVF.LA.NU AN1 HENDRICKS WORK- i no men's cum. The Cleveland and Hendricks Work ingmen's Club of the city of Platts mouth met last night at the Court House for the purpose of effecting a permanent organization, and was call ed to order by M. Maguire, temporary chairman. The report of the commit tee on Constitution and Bv-Laws was adopted with a few slight amendments. The committee on permanent organ ization roported the following officers, which report was adopted: President F. H. Carraher. 1st Vice President Con Mahoney. 21 " " J. Delaney. 3d " " Andrew Kern. 4th " " Dan O'Brien. 5th " " John Waymau. Secrttary M. Maguire. Ass't Secretary John Way man. Treasurer Fred. Goos. Captain C has. "Warren. - 1st Lieutenant John Callopy. 2d " George Goos. Executive Committee Fred. Gor der, Con Mahoney, John Wayman, F. S. White, Jas. Grace. Mrs. F. Latham is in Omaha today. "Watch drawing at l. C. Erven's to night. The first oysters of the season at Antill's this evening. Mr. Geo. C. Ilicks, of Iowa, is visit ing A. Beeson, an old time friend. Two communications unavoidably crowded out of todays issue, they Bhall appear Monday. Mr. P. W. "Wilcox, of Mendota, III., i3 in the city, and will remain until Thursday next. There is a movement on foot to arrange to hear him speak next Wednesday evening. FRESH OYSTERS at J. P. Antill's tonight. " The Latest News. J. F. Beaumeister will on and after August 15th sell at cost for cash, two car loads of flour, consisting of the best brands of Kansas, Minnesota and Ne braska flour, at the corner of Main and Sixth streets, Plattsmouth, Neb. J. F. Beaumeistf.r. FRESHOYSTERS at Antill's tonight. 3 CO t2 "S3 3 Pi M i a. 95 2 - 15 W S3 sis'2 a U J op .-3 . 5 a n M JS rt D S 3 GJ C -ir. a 'SI O r-t cS CO B o o pq a a c o SS S 1 & O so 3 ii y-t- in s g o 3 2 J3 a ai o at- "2 CO KINKEAD BROS., PAINTERS & DECORATORS, K YLSOUINIVG. PAPER HANGING, .... AND .... FINE GRAINING, Leave your orders "with, them f -r Frrst-Class Work. Plattsmouth. Nebraska. call at the Old Reliable LUMBER YARD E i. HTEBM I SON Wholesale and Retail Dealer la PINE LUMBER SHINGLES, LATH; SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, &C Fourth street, in rear of Opera House. LATfSVOJiM JNE3BASKA Ordinance No. 48. AN ORDINANCE creating a Board -t Health. lie it ordained by the Minor and Couucilmen of the city of Platts mouth: Section 1. That a board of health. consisting of from three (3) to live (.") resident freeholders ot the city 01 Plattsmouth, a majority of whom hhall be regular phvbiciaus in good htandiug is hereby created ; said board of hcultn shall be elected by the city council at its lirst regular niectiug alter the pas sage of this ordinance, and thereafter said board of health shall be elected annually immediately after the ap pointment of the standing committees in eacn municipal year. Sec. 2. It fchall bo the duty of the said board of health at its lirst meet ing after the members thereof are elect ed by the city council, to elect one of its members chairman, and the city clerk is hereby made the clerk of said loard of health, and the city marshal is hereby made its police officer. It shall be the duly of thecleik to at tend all meetings of said board and keep a full and accurate record of all pioceedings in a book to be provided for that purpose, and it shall be the duty of the police officer to attend all meetings of said board, ar d to faith fully obey the directions and order of said board in the lawful discharge of its duties. iSec. 3. The chairman of said board of health shall be the health otlleer of the city, before whom all complaints of nuisances injurious to the health of the city shall be made by any citizen de siring to debate the same; during the recess of said board, and the health of ficer is hereby granted authority upon any &uch complaints being duly made in writing and properly sworn to be fore an otlicer authorized to administer oaths, and laid before him, to direct the police officer of said board to abate said nuisance within a reasonable time. -and all such orders issued by the health officer during the recess of the board, shall be in writing properly signed by him, ana he snail report all Buch ac tions to the board of health at its next meeting tog' thcr with all the papers pertaining to each complaint. Sec. 4. The board of health proid - ed for in this ordinance shall meet on the 2d and 4th Wednesday of each month for the transaction of such busi ness pertaining to tne health of the city as may be brought before it; but if in the opinion ot tho chairman of said board, or any two of its members it is deemed expedient to call a special meeting, then the purpose and objec of said special meeting shall be reduced to writing and properly signed by the chairman of said board or any two ot its members, and placed in the hands of its police officer, whose duty it shall be to immediately serve said notice ot a special meeting upon all the members and officers of said board to meet in accordance with the provisions of said special call, and upon due service of said notice to meet, it bhall be the duty of ail members and officers of said board to comply with the call, and meet at the time and place specified in said notice of special meeting. Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of said board of health to draw up and recom mend the passage of any ordinances, which in its judgment are required for the preservation of the health of this city and submit the same to the city council for approval, and the names of all members ot said board recommend ing the passage of such ordinances shall be affixed in their own handwrit ing to the recommendation accompany ing the same. Sec. 6. It shall be the duty of the board of health to carefully examine into any alleged nuisarces within the city, and for this purpose they are clothed with authority to summons parties before them for the purpose of examination, provided, however, that before any examination of parties take place the clerk shall swear said parties in the usual form before hearing their testimony, and all such testimony fchall be reduced to writing. Sec. 7. The board" of health shall have charge of all matters pertaining to the health of the city, and relating to the sanitary condition thereof, and shall make any recommendation they deem proper for the interests of the haalth of the citizens thereof, to the city council, and all such recommenda tions shall be in writing, and 6igned by all the members of the board and at tested by its clerk. During the prevalence of contagious diseases, said board of health shall submit to the city council such regula tions and quarantine laws for approval as in its judgment is demanded and for this special purpose said regulation and quarantine laws, when approved and passed by the city council, shall extend and be in force within five miles of the city. . Sec. 8. In every instance when it becomes known to any member or offi cer of the board of health, that any le gal neaitn ordinance or this city is be ing violetcd by any person or persons within said city, it shall be the duty of sucn memoer or omcer to nle a proper uiioruiauiiu ueiuie iub ponce judge ot tnis city, wnose outy itsnall be to forth with commence proceedings against sucn parson or persons. Sec. 0. It shall be the duty of the City C'erk to read the proceedings of said board of health to the City Coun cil immediately alter the readme and approval of the City Council proceed ings. Sec. 10. All fines collected bv the police judge or city marshal against any persons tried for a violation of any health ordinance, shall be DromDtlv paid over to the city treasurer, who shall keep an accurate account of the same under the title of board of health fond. Sec. 11. Each member of the board of health shall receive for his services at each meeting of said board at which business is transacted, the sum of two dollars. The clerk of said board shall receive for his services the same as the members of the board, and the marshal shall receive for his" services for each meeting ot said board at which he is present and when business is transact ed, the sum of one dollar; and said ser vices shall be paid for in warrant drawn by the order of tht city council upon the proper auditing of audi ac counts for cervices on said board. And all such warrants shall lie drawn upon the board of health fund. Sec. 12. This ordinance to take ef fect and bo in force from and al ter Us passage and publication according to law. Pushed and approved June 7, 1873 R. R. LIVINGSTON, fittest:) Mayor. Phelps Paink, t- ity Clerk. ORDINANCE NO. 50. AN ORINANCE providing ManiUry regulations aud to Mccuro tlie general health of the city of Pluttsmouth: Be it ordained by thu mayor and couucilmen of tin? city ot Pluttsinouth : Sec. 1. That it hIimII h unlawful for any person to east or h ave exposed in any street, avenue, lane, h,r, water course, or any othei piu.v within the limits f this city, the cancan of any dead animal, or any putrid or uusound meat, fish, vegetables, or any other sub stance which might become ollensive, or to make up, use, keep, or permit iu his or her house, shop, atom, factory, workshop, outhouse, barn, atable, cel lar, water closet privy, ynid, lot, or any other place within tlie limits ol this city, any noisome or offensive liq quids or any other substance, which might become annoy iug to the neigh borhood, or injurious to the health of those citizens res'ding near or fre quently passing by su h offensive lij. uid or other substance; or t throw any filth or offal, or any nthu liquid or solid offensive substance into any street, ave nue, alley, lane, lot, water coi.r.-, or any other place within tne limns of this city. Sec. 2 All public stables, pig pen, pig yards ami cattle or stock vurds with in the limits of this city shall bo kept m a ciean con union, and no accumula tion of 01th shall be permitted at, in or near the same; and all private stables. pig pens, pig yards und cattle or stock yards shall be kept in a cleanly and non-offensive condition. See. 3. All water cloi-ets und m i vie are hereby reonired to be keut in a clean and wholesome condition and no accumulation of filth within the sam shall be permitted at any time to reach a point nearer the surface than four feet. It sli!'1 be the duty of the pro prietors thereof to throw a sufficient amount of some disinfecting agent, which has been approved as such by the board of health, into such nrivie and water closets, at least twice in each week, to-wit: on Wednesdays and Saturdays to thoroughly disinfect the same. Sec. 4. The decision of the board of health on the question of cleanliness and non-offensive condition mentioned in tin's ordinance shall be final and binding upon all parties concerned. bee. o. i he city marshal is hereby charged with the enforcement of the provisions of this ordinance, subject to tne order or tne board of health. Sec. 7. All persons violating the provisions of this ordinance, or failinz to comply with the requirements there of, 6hall upon conviction before the police judge of this city be fined not less than live (5) dollars nor more than one hundred (100) dollars: and in de fault of paymeot of the fine adjudged shall be committed to jail for such per iod as the police judge shall in accord ance with the law, adjudgo against such party or parties. bee. 7. l his ordinance shall take ef fect and be in force from and after it passage and publication according to aw. Passed and approved June 7, 187S. Signed R. R. LIVINGSTON, Mayor. Attest: Phelps Paine, City Clerk. Plattsmouth. Neb.. June So. To the Citizens of Plattsmouth : Ordinances Nos. 48 and 50 have been published by order of 1IU Honor. rth Mayor of riattsmouth, at the suggsa tion of the Board of Health, to the end that no one can plead ignorance of their existence. It is your duty to corn- ply with the provisions of these ordi nances, and whether you do or not, you can rest assured that they will be en forced. By order of the board ofbealth twenty days' notice to the citizens of Plattsmouth is nereby given to put their premises in a healthy condition At the expiration of that time a thor ough inspection will be made of the entire city, and any person found liv ing in violation of the ordinances will be prosecuted, without regard to color or previous condition, and the board proposes that no guilty man escapes. By order of the board of health. R. R. Livingston, J. D. Simpson, Pres. Clerk. rid U UJ IN CASH GIVEN AUAV To the SMOKERS of Black well's Genuine Bull Durham Smok ing Tobacco. The genuine has picture of BULL on every package. For particulars see our next announcement. Carrnth's third watch club has still a few vacancies. Call and secure chance. I29dtf