fUTTSaOOTH HERALD OKI .IMPKIlrtK TIIK C1TV cia? 3T isr jaws. -.. . .r . -i I L . i Cass County Fairs. .Tn5 CASS COUNTY FA IK will be TaoM rvt rMatmuoutli S-pt. Z'.th. Aii li aud 2TIU. W, 3. Wimk, Mocretary. THE WEEPINO WATER FAIR will be held at Wrepiug Wat-r. Hept. lOUl, l'lti anl istli. ti. W. iOKtO!, Secretary. Young Men's Republican CliTJB. 11. M. ittr.sllMLI.L. - l're.l.lent. FKKtl. KDHNISS, K. S. CUKL'SKI,, 1st Vic Vtf. 2'1 Vice I'res. II. X. ;mVEY. l a. CAMhHKLL. Secretary. Treasury. Mdntin every Tne"'lay eveuluK. In their r JJ us lu Kuerttld's Mock. - Clre ii'atltig Library it Warrlck'a C I. liirliull, Lfejitlst, nut cisur fu Clutter & Mamhall. Tee til extruded without paiu, by ue ul .Mtrout O&lde Ga. V. MitiUbury, Dentist. M'i&ial NimcKN. Id .riWcinTuls ninler lieal. three ceut er l!i3 insertion. 1 1 o;. 1: V l ' S-O AN - On real extiire by A . -V Ja van. F Vl'M 1'U SAl-H l'oiiistini" ol 1 08 acres, uii id tmibT. sIeiiiiid orchard of beming tree t V,e most ilesiniiilt; liirmn in eo nitv ; situ.i.'l near Ml. rieas:tut. Inquire of U. & sulliv.tn. Foil i vljK - V one Ii-re buy and liarncsx ala st li.-v. eiKimr.-of ....... , intl Vl.S My rei ltiiiOH and four lots; ' uit.i-1 u -if. burn and fruit, ami iu excel lent e.iiiduiii ; ;ilst improved ianim. also --.t,ry li.-U. Imihiiu's liue 4 ixS'j feet, on Mam Mlreet ami oilier d-.-sirablc land and lots. 1. 11. Vt llKfe.L.1 K. T,"." VI. K "louses, lot- and wood land by -1 .1 iiu H ;is & Son. 1 I.-U- i.K ..r.il residences, eheap. In i.' ,:.iv of W heeler - C. ,, s vl.K -Sera! eh Tablets in all M fc i:,'...:U-.:. '-'"f 1-i S !.K a lot In o d location. i'tirticu- L:- at Uiis olllce Jtf VUit SAi.K-Auiiriler for a new American JC sewing Machine. Inuire at tliN ollice. -r "O: S Vl-K t.OOU card- of wood. Inquire of I V. . Wise. tf 1?01 SSALK Id pai'T for sale at this unice A at 40 cents er hundred or 6 cents per doz en. l 1OK SAM' Four lots toother lu geod loca 1 tion iu till city. Inquire at this ollice ti FOR KENT. The nwrtln-ast room In Stade! in ui'i's building, after August lt. lliis roo.u is eu'table for millinery or dress makiiiK. or for a small business ol any kind. Inq uire at the premised. Illtf t0"M TO U15NT.-A fur:islil room for one l orU'i Keiitlemen, in good location. In quire at tliia ollice. 7Uf r OR KK NT or sale on long time, a bouse atd two lots with good improvements. Ap ly to 4;. B. Wludbaiu. FOU kkn . (lood.new houses of four rooms. I; i.d water. Rood garden sjjots. 4 per moi.la iu stiafemlle. W. I. Shafkk. IjoK KKNT T fhe Bortii st.-re room lu ev " l ie's Mwclt, and 8 rooms ip xtairn. OitoO loc itiou for restaurant or b" irdim: liouse.reuts cheap. Apply to Win. Neville. iw.nf L03 r V Ro.d cutl button with akjate set. 1 he Under may leave at this otllce and be re warded, ti LOS T V locket one ide black enamel set with pearls ; 1 loturea of old Kentlemau aud Udy liisul-. Kinder please return to Mis Say er at Dr. Wnternoeu' or leave it at this ol fcce. Tl'ANlEt-. uirl to do house work .i.tii-M :it tli' residence of 12U1. It. 1. Wl.VlJIlAJi. - ... . . Well itewarded. A liberal reward will be panl to any party who will product a cae of Liver, Kidnev or Stomach complaint that Kle ctric Bitters wiil not 5peedly cure. Briu them along, it will cost you notlinr for the medicine if it faila to cure, ami you will be well rewarded for your trouble besides. A'l blood diseases, Biliousness, Jaundice, Consti patiou, and general debility are vuickly cured. Satisfaction euaranteed or money refunded. Price only fifty cents per bottle. For sale by .1. M. lloberts. Dec. 27 e6wly. Call and ee Us. I wi9h to notify the public that I am now open for business, at Joe McVey's eld stand, where I have in stock a full line ot Kentucky whiskies, St. Louis beer, wines and ciears Jet;., as good as the best. .VM?H IT. M B0K3. Mr Wilcox Absent The club rec- ived a telegram from Mr. V. W. Wilcox, who was to be one of the speakers, last evening, dated a Denver, and stating that financial matters de manded bis attention there until he could secure a settlement. Weshall hear from him yet howerer. Peterson Bros- Among the prosperous firms that have conic among us in the last ew years, none have etjoyed a more suc cessful career man the Peterson Bros v!io are now located in their new build ing, oue of the handsomest bricks in the city and arranged for their espec'al convenience. The firm haee now one of the finest markets in the State. MI-ls County Fair Tlie s venteenih annual exhibition of the Mills county agricultural society will be held at- Glen wood, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, September, 10, 11 and 12, 18S4. The premium list which is an unusu ally full one, has just been issued from this office and is now boing distributed It is the intention of the management to make the fair this year a success in every particular. More extensive ar rangements than usual are being made, aud the prospect for a good fair arc nry flattering. Opinion. For positive '-urative effects, one bot tle of Ayer's Sarsparilla is worth three oi ay vihor tut roe. w Jtdft bpetUl tu tlifl IlKAALD. Crete, Neb. Aug. 11. 13?4. Saline couutv republicau convention m'-t at WllV-r todty. The couv ntion la harmonious uud t ntliU9iiitIc. By n quest of tl;e conveetlon (Joy. Dawes nim?d the delegates to the Stale, Con gretionnl and Judicial convention. HOCK BLUFFS DKLEOATKfJ. S. il; Davis, John 2.1cCouahn, G. T. Flemiog, W. A. Brown, J. "W. EJ munds, Jatnea Itoot, Wax. Royal, S. U. Latin, Win. Lloyd, A. Iloul. MfKMs. Wolph, Bobhiti. Arnold, J Ilant-en, Trumbull and (.ooley all strong rej reseu tat iva men, n re the Tip ton delegation lo the county rouveti tion. The card bearing the list, sent to this ollice, had the sentiment, "Let us have Pvuce." upon it, and it illustrates what is alvays true ot Tipton; it is republican before Cossack. TLe new room to be occupied by Bennett & Lewis will be one of the handsome', in the city. S. B. Yeats, the barber, may now be found in his new location, basement of Carruth's building, ready to do your work on short notice. At the tent meeting to night the sub ject will be "What shall w'e do to b -Saved." If the slot in subsides the meeting will continue as usual. Ed. Morley is now located in hi new rooms in the basement of the Opera House, where his barber shop is now located. Kd is now fixed wilh his new b;i' h rooms there to run the best kind of hi 1 It water baths, and lie will be glad to meet all his old customers attSe new .stand. Oilaudu Tefft came up from Avoca lnt night and whs prt-biut at tlic great meeting. Mr. Tefft ha iu-t r 'urned from Cheyenne county, where he has (old twelve of the twenty k ct ons of railroad land that he i imlused thtre last spring. The other eight sec tious that he holds are as handsome lauds us there is in that country, right on the line of the U. P. It. R. At the telegraph station, Potier, Mr. Tefft has laid out 52:l acres in a town Bite, and he states that the town will be opened up in bhort order, llro. Tefft feeing lo be coming out iu the real estate line. TERMINAL.. Miss Susie Uapgood, of Omaha, is visiting Miss Minnie Cognian for a week or so. I D. Evans, ot the Sutton Itegis-er. and of the clerical force in the leve iue Office, Omaha, attended the n eetii g a' this city Iai n'ght, and was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Stone. Pr f. G. B. Lan, of On ha, at d a prominent can ii at- lor state Mier intendent, i in'er 'ewiig b s proi- pects tor aid in 1; 8 Ctuvass from this county. Tooi Ryau, the popular main line conductor, with Mra. Ryan, and "ete Taj lor, roadmaster, and Mrs. Taylor, start tomorrow on a pleasure trip to Denver aud the moudtains. Alex Mcintosh, James McLaiu and Carence Muj fleid, from LouisvMe, at tended the meeting last evening. Capt. F.. G. Roe, of Sioux Fa'ls, is visiting at Dr. Clutter'e. James Herold, ot Wm. Ilcrold and Son, has gone east to New Y-rk Citv, to purchase their foil ttcck ot goods in eastern maikeis. Mrs. McCarty, and Miss Rachael Mo Cnrty, of UIyses, Butler county, who have been vis-ning with Mrs. E. G. Dovey, returned to their home this morning. Mrs. John Heffuer ami daughter started this morning for Denver where she will join her husband who has been located there lor some time. J. A. Davis, a solid republican from Mt. Pleasant, was in to the great Blaine and Logan meeting. Judge Thurston and J. L. Caldwell, the speakers at the campaign meeting were entertained at the Perkins. Capt. Palmet arrived home last night in time to participate in the meeting aud enjoy the great republican gatfc eiing. Myron Wheeler started west this morning for court reporting work up lu Judge Tost's district where he sits as reporter Mrs. Pieree Love and her cousin Miss II .ttie Burns left this morning for a month or six weeks visit to their old home, O'Counor, Gieeley county 2se braska. Frank Morgan arrived home j ester day fiom Denver and the mountains, where he has had a two weeks' vaca tion. He will resume his w ork at the Junction at once. Clones. Hair. Nail and Tooth Brush - 3, O mbi. &c, nice line, at Fisher's can Jiaia tirsdt. 49dif A GREAT MEETING. The Young Men's Republican Club to the Front. The Greatest Political Meet in the History of the City. Thurston and Caldwell the Speakers. A Rousing Opening. La&t niht, as had been advertised, occurred the first public meeting of the Republican campaign in this city, under the auspices of the Young Men's Re publican Club. For two weeks the boys had been hard at work, and this the first and opening wedge in the cam paign was intended by them to be as grand a success as possible. To say that it exceeded their highest expecta tions would be stating the question mild, and the boys all can congratu late themselves upon the entire success of their work. THE KTEKINQ was all that could be desired; cool, pleasant, and still it seemed an evening made to order for their especial occa sion, and shortlv after 7 o'clock the people began to assemble on Main street to witness the parade of the torch light club. When the line of march was formed from the rooms of the club aud took up the line of march, THR CROWD ON MAIN STREET was a magnificent one from the Per kins House west to Seventh street the sidewalks on both sides the street were packed with men, women and children, lo watchthe moving throng, aid it was the remark of hundreds that Main street in Plattsmouth never saw a lar ger crowd before windows iu offices in the second stories of business blocks were filled with lookers on as well as the streets below. THE FROCKSSION as is formed iu line of march under the command of Capt. Hyers, and Lieutenants Poisall and Pickens was a brilliiut sight; one hundred torches were in the hue, and a large number o magnificent transparencies emblazoned with sentiments and caricatures were scattered through the ranks, adding much to the display, the whole line be ing headed by the B. & M. band in full uniform. When the procession marches Uown street to the music of "Marching through CJeorgia," it was enough to inspire a democrat. THE TRANSPARENCIES attracted their full share of attention. Among the sentiments uuou them wete "Blaiuo, Logau aud Victory," "The ttowdy West Solid lor Blaine," "Young Men, Come out of the Democratic Cem 'tery," M()h, Mariar," "The Widow llalpin and Reform," the sentiment from Curtis' Syeech, "We are confront- ed by a party, very hungry and f ery dry .TiMen'a barrel, labeled "The Hope of Democracy;" a barrel of dem ocratio enthusiasm, the pictures of Blaine aud Logau; a heathen Chinee held a rat by the tail on one, and the sentiment, "The Chinese Must go" ac companied it; CleyelanJ Wae repre smted on an emaciated mule with the accompanying statement "Distanced." In lact all were of a taking character throughout, and when Byron Clark s owed up w- h a wooien gun some 10 feet long, repres nting the shot g n policy, there see mod to be nothing acking. AT THE OPERA HOUSE t magnificent crowd numbering at east one thousaud, was in attendance. The house was handsomely decorated with festoons, fi sgs, pictures of Blaine, L"gan, Garflel , Washington aud oth ers, and across the curtain the senti ment, 'God re?gns and the government at Washington 6till lives." The meeting was called to order by II. M. Bushnell, president of the club, and the exercises opened with a song by the Blaine and Logau Glee club. J. L. CALDWELL of Lincoln, was then introduced who in a powerful speech of an hour, held the attention of the entire audience. and wbo made an eloquent plea for the party, which for twenty four years has held the reins of government. Mr. Caldwell is an orator who appeals di rect to his audience through incontro vertible facts, and his effort is the sub ject of commendation from every haud. The speaker in his eloquence was fre quently and warmly applauded and his words cannot fail to be remember ed. Following a song by the Glee club JUDGE THCRSTOX of Omaha, was introduced and was greeted by an ovation of applause and continued cheering. The people of Plattsmouth ha 1 heard Judge Thurs ton before, aud their expectancy m this Ciise was not disappointed. Mr. Thurs ton was in a story telling mood, and he kept the audience, at convenient inter Yls, la a roar of daughter and applause. He paid ten minutes attention to the tariff question in a flmple, plain talk, that the most obi use could understand and appreciate, and whin he closed his speech with tome of his best illustra tions the audience warmed up for an all night's sesjion if necessary. After a cloning song by the club the meeeting adjourned, amid rounds of applause for Blaine and Logan and the speakers, and the crowd dispersed homeward impressed with the fact that a rousing meeting had been held ia the city. ' The boys of the club and the repub licaus of the city cau mutually offer congratulations over the entire success of the finest political meeting ever held iu the city. Union, Cass Co., Neb. Aug. 8, 84. The Sabbath School at Union church which was organized April 1st, has been running successfully for the four months, and as a reward of merit and also as a stimulus to the pupils of the school it was decided by the officers and teachers to give a picnic, which took place yesterday at Davis' grove, near the church.. Three weeks previous to the time appointed for the picnic, there were committees appointed to se lect a grove, invite other schools, and one to prepare a programme. The com. on programme consisted of Mrs. E. P. Madole and Mrs. John Chalfant. The programme was prepared and was as follows: 1. Order. 2. 3. 4. C. Singing by School. Prayer, by Rev. A Madole. Singing by School. Address, by Rev. W. B. Davis. This address was short and to the point, ull ot &ood thought, and was delivered with good effect. d. Dinner was announced, which was a very enjoyable part of this social af fair. As we passed around from one group to another where they had their bountiful dinners spread in this beau tif ul grove, we did not fail to recognize the happiness manifested by al'. Af ter spending an hour in the pleasant exercises of eating, the jolly company was called together by the chairman, Dr. Davis, and the programme for the afternoon was announced: 1. Song, by Misses Myrtle Eiken bary, Floy Davis, Clara Swan, Ida Smith, Clara Siuimons, Mead nines Macie Davis, Fannie Eikenbary and II. Drost and E. F. Davis. After this well rendered aud highly appreciated song was concluded the chairman introduced Mr. F. II. Carro her, of Plattsmouth, w ho very pleas antly and eloquently a id rested this happy company for a short time. Fol lowing this came 1. Recitation of the Ten Command ments by Mr". Dr. Davis' class. 2. Recitation of the Lord's Prayer, by Mrs. Mc J ones' c'ass. Z. Recitation of the Apostles Creed, by Mrs. E. P. Madole's class. 4. Recitation of the Books of the Old Testament, by Mrs. M. A. Swan's class. 5. Recitation ot the Books of the New Testament, by Mrs. G. A. Teh's class. 6 Recitation by Mollie and Maggie Eikenbary, Nellie Jones and Nellie Chalfant. 7. Select reading by Mrs. Fannie Eikenbary. 8. Declamation, by A. Becker. 9. Rev. A. Madole, the Pastor of this church, spoke a few cheering words to th school, and gave a cordial invitation to all te attend the Sabbath School. 10. A song by the school closed the exercises of the programme. Most ail staid in the grove for some time after the exercises were through, talking, swinging, partaking of ice cieam, lemonade, candies, &c, &cai the stand of W. Swan & J. Eikenbary, who furnished everyhing ia this line that was desired. We were pleased to see quite a number of persons from a distance, among these were Mr. F. Murphy, Miss Morrissey, James Her ald, Miss Buttery, and several other happy looking faces, that came from Plattsmouth the writer cannot give their names. Miss Nan and Edna U;'ton and others were present from Factoryville; also Miss Uattie Holme?, Mr. James Carper and wife from near Rock Bluffs. The picnic was a success, and we feel assured in saying that none went away feeling sorry that they came. The news comes down to this office that up at S. M. Chapman's a 10 lb. boy baby arrived this morning. This is still another boom for Blaine and Lo gan that this office has contributed since those gentlemen were nominated and the Herald submits that this office is getting a record difficult to approxi mate to. But. this fragment of the Herald force is of the opinion that this office has done its full duty toward the republican ticket, and we call a halt right here. As for the writer, until this new excitement dies down, au i there is a prospect of the securce times ot the past in this office, our ad dress will be Prohibition, Iowa. Ordinance No. 48. AN ORDINANCE creating a Board of Health. Be it ordained by the Mayor aud Couuclluieu of the city of I'lalts- mouth : Section 1. That a board of health. consisting of from three 2) to rive (.!) resident ireebvlders ot tn city o. Plattsmouth, a mnjority of whom shall be regular physiciaus in good standing is hereby created; said board of healtu shall be elected by the city council at it lirot regular meeting alter the pits sage of this ordinance, and tuereaiier said board of benltn shall be elected annually immediately alter the ap pointment of the standing committees iu eacn municipal year. bee. 2. It khull be the duty ot the said board of health at Its lirtt meet ing after the members thereof are elect ed by the city council, to elect one of its members chairman, aud the city clerk is hereby madu the clerk of said i oard of heai.h, and the city marshal is hereby made its polic officer. It shall be the duly of tuecleik to at teid all mee:ings of said board and keep a full and accurate record of all proceedings iu a book to be provided for that purpose, aud it snail be the duty of the police officer to attend all meetings ot said board, and to faith fully obey the directions aud order of said board in tue lawful discharge of its duties. Sec. 8. Ihe chairman of said board of health shall be the health officer ot the citv, before whom all complaints of nuisances injurious to the health of the city shall be made by any citizen de siring to debate the same; during the recess of siid board, aud the health of ficer is hereby grauied authority upon any such comlaiuts being duly made in writing aud properly sworn to be fore an officer authorized to administer oaths, and laid before him, to direct Iho police officer of said board to abate said nuisauce within a reasonable time, and all such orders issued by the health officer during the recess of the board, tihall be in writing properly sigued by him, and he shall report all such ac tions to the board of health at its next .meeting together with all the papers i pertaining to each complaint. Sec. 4. The board of h 1th provid ed lor in this ordinance shall meet on the 2d aud 4th Wednesday of each mouth for the transaction of such busi ness pertaining to the health of the city aa may be brought before it; but if in the opinion of tho cuuirmun of said board, or anv two of its members it is deeup-d expedient to call a special meeting, then the purpose aud oojeo of said special meeting shall be t educed to writing and properly signed by the chairman of said boaid or any two ol its members, and place J in the bauds of its police officer, whose duty it shall be to immediately serve said notice of a special meeting upon all the membi rs aud officers of said board to meet in accordance wilh the provisions of said special call, and upon due service of said notice to meet, it shall be the dtty of a'l members and officers of said board to comply with the call, and meet at the time and place specified lu said notice of special meeting. Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of said board of health to draw up and recota mend the passage of anv ordinances, which in its judgment are required lor the preservation of the health of this city and submit the same to the city council for approval, nnil tli urines of aIi members ot said board recommend ing the passage of eucU ordinances shall be affixed in their own handwrit ing to tl e recommendatioD accompany ing the same. Sec. 6. It shall be the duty of the boaid of health to carefully examine into any alleged nuisanct-s witl.in the oity, and tor this purpose they are clothed with authority to sumirions pari'es before them for the purpose of examination, provided, however, that before any examination of parties take place the clerk shall swear said parties in tne usual form before hearing their testimony, and all such testimony shall be reduced to writing. Sec. 7. The board of health shall have charge of all maiters pertaining to the health of the city, aid relating to the sanitary condition thereof, and shall make any recommendation they deem proper for the interests of the haalth of the citizens thereof, to the city council, and a'l such recommenda tions shall be in writing, and signed, by ali the members of the board and at tested by-jts clerk. During-ahe prevalence of contagious diseases, said board of hea'th shall submit to Ihe city council 9uch regula tions and quarantine laws for approval as in its judgment is demanded and for this special purpose sa'd regulation and quarantine laws, when approved and parsed by the city council, shall extend and be in foico within five miles of the city. Sec. 8. In every instance when it becomes known to auy member or offi cer of the board of health, that any le gal health ordinance of this city is be ine viole.cd by any person or persons within said city, it snail oetbedutyot 6ucb member or officer to fi'e a proper information before the police judge of this city, whose duty it shall be to forth with commence proceedings against such parson or persons. Sec 9. It shall be the duty of the City Clerk to read the proceedings of said board of health to the City Coun cil immediately alter the reading and approval of the City Council proceed legs. Sec. 10. All fines collected by the police jude or city marshal against any persons tried for a violation of any health ordinance, shall be promptly paid over to the city treasurer, who shall keep iu accurate account of the s-ime under the title of boa; dot health fund. Sec. 11. Each member of the board of health shall receive for his services at each meeting of said board at which business is transacted, the sum of two dollars. The clerk of said board shall receive for his services the same as the members of the board, and the marshal shall receive for his services for each meeting of said board at which he is nreseut and when business is transact ri Ihe s am of on dollar; ani taid sr tires shall be paid for lu warrant drawn by the order of the city council upon the proper auditing of such ac counts for ici vices ou said board. And all eucti warrants shall b drawn upon the board of health fund. Sec. IU. This ordinance to take ef feet and be iu fore from aud afler Its passage aud publication, according to Jaw. Passed nod approved June 7, l7a. 1L R. LIVINGSTON, ,'AMet:j Mayor. PUEL3 pAl.tP, City Clerk. ORDLNA.NCE AO. 50. AX OR1NAXCE providing sauitary regulation and to secure tli general health of the city of Plattsmouth: Be it ordained by the mayor aud councilmen of the city ot Plattsmouth: Sec. 1. That it shall be unlawful for any person to cast or leave exposed in any street, avenue, lane, lot, water course, or au olher pmcc within the limits of tliis citv, the tiricuss of any dead auimal, or auy putnd or unsound urat, iisu, v jelables. tr auy other sub stance which might become offensive, or to make up, ur, keep, or peiiuil iu his or her house, t hop, store, laclury, workshop, outhouse, barn, static, cel lar, wa er closet, privy, yard, lt, or auy other place wittiin the limits ol th s city, any uoisoiuh or otleus.ve lia- 4 u ids or any other substance, which wignt become annoying to the neigh borhood, or injurious o the health of i .se- citizens residing near or fi- q- eutly passing by such offensive liu- u. or other substance: or to throw any tllt'i or offal, or auy othe liauld or aolid ofltnsire substance into any street, ave nue, alley, lane, lof, water course, or any other p.'uce within the limlis of this city. Sec. a All public SUM' S, pig pens. pig yards uud cattle or stock y'JN with in the limits of this cilv hhnli bo keut in a clean condition, aud no accumula tion of ultn nhali be permitted at, in or near the same; and all private stables, pig pens, pig yurds and cattltt or slock yards hhall be kept iu a cleanly and non-offensive condition. Sec. S. All water cloaets and privies are hereby required to be kept in a clean aud wholesome condition aud no accumulation or filth within the name shall be permitted at any time to reach a point nearer fio gun ace than four feet. It sha 1 be the duty of the pro prietors thereof to throw a sufficient amount of some du'ufcc.injr aient. whici has been approved as such by the board of health, iut uuch privies and water c'osets, at least twice in each week, to-wit: on Wednesdays and Safdrdays to thoroughly disinfect the same. Sec. 4. The decision of the board of health on the question ef cleanliuess and non-offensive condition mentioned in this ordinance shall be final aud binding upon all parties concerned. 8ec. I. The city marshal is hereby charged with the enforcement of the provisions of this ordinance, subject to the order of the board of health. Sec. 7. All persons violating the provisions of this ordinance, or failing o comply with the requirements there of, shall upon Convici'ou before the police jud 2e of this city be fined not less than five (5) dolla s nor more than one hundred (100) dollars: and in de fault of payment of t'e fine adjudged shall be committed to jail for such per iod as tbe police judge shall iu accord ance with the Jaw, adjudge against such party or parties. fcec. 7. 'x'his ordinance sball take ef fect and be in force from and after its passage and publication according to law. Passed and approved June 7, 1873. Signed. It, R.LIVINGSTON, Mayor. f Attesf: Phel?s Paine, City Clerk. Plattsmoctu, Neb., June SO, '84. To the Citizen of Plattsmouth ; Ordinances Nos. 48 and CO have been published by order of His Honor, ths Mayor ot P.attsmouth, at the sugg8 tiou of the BoarU of Health, to the end thftnoonn can plead ignorance of their existence. It is your duty to com ply with the provisions of these ordi nances, and wbetr you do or not, yon caa rest assured ih .t they will be en forced. By order o tbe board ofhealth twenty days' notice to the citizens pf Plattsmouth Is hereby given to put tbeir premise m a healthy condition At the expir-'ion of that time a thor lh inspection will be made of the e : tire city, and any person found )v ing in violation of tbe ordinances will be prosecuted, without regard to color or previous condition, ana the board proposes that no guilty man escapes. By order of the board of health. R. R. Livingston, J. D. SiMPfON, Pres. Clerk. A Run On a Deugr Store. Never was such a rush made for any Dru? Store as is now at Roberts Phar macy for a trial Bottle of Dr. KiDg's New Discovery for consumption, Coughs and Colds. All persons affect ed with Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarse ness, severe ixmhs, or any affection ol the Throat and Lung6, cau get a Tri al .Bottle of this great remedy free, by calling at above Drug Store. Regular size f 1.00. Dec. 27 eCwly THAT HACKING COUGTJ can be so quickly cured by Shi Jobs Cough. We warrant it. WILL YOU SUFFER, with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint? m Jon's Vitali zer is guarauteed to cure you. SLEEPLESS NIGHT, made miser ably by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for you. CATARRH CURED, health aud sweet breath secured bv Shiloh's Cat arrh Kemidv. Price 50 centa Nasal Injector free. For sale by Smith So Black Bros. Dec.l5eowd&wly You save money by baying your boots, shoes and clippers at Merges', wbxre you have toe iarveit assortment t select troy Cwtf