m w . t. r.aniNfhi: Architect BENNETT AUGUST 15th, 1884, &om39:i Ec3 AT ays & OTPIPT1 V For 30 D 2 will (Birdie essut tuy of ISAEUD WlRIS, Dnriii.' the cumiug TII1UTY DAYS, r.t lir t cost, FOIS CASH AVhen we say for Fii.;t Cu-t, we gains. A. Plattsmouth, Neb. AA 3&nt anil UEifiSis3 G&HJ H am e2oshs; cerv olock, to jr. out uf tan: -11 nil for CASH. Farmers and Citin GROCERIES & u! t unity to secure their g oUs at iii; .o:-t. is U nunii KEADQDA F.TEP.S ; FOS ALF, WINES BEER AND CIGARS, Old Kentucky Whiskies, IMPORTED WINKS, MUMM'S EXTRA DRY CHAMPAGNE, JNAT1VE WINES, ST- LOUIS DEER drug's Omaha Br Always tssa clra Highlit. L 21203 Izimm of GIG-AEIS r ALWAYS IN STOCK, AT THE -ELKHORN Fitzgerald Clock - - - PLATTSiTOUTII, XEB. Commissioii : Merchant, - A X IB.ig-Iaei Cajsh price paid for 5BU WISIHL AMID (S. An unexcelloJ line of FLOOR always In stock, corner 6th an Main Streets, opposite First National Rant & LEWIS, Mssrm Street only SFJiMIVS2S, TIM mean it. Come and secure bar SB. iriMMS9 )pj:-ite Perkins House. T-JP t-3 f S tfEann Cest i? JIM S astt May f buino5. Consequently we wil - will lir.d this a good oppor Til v f H D Jays 11111 A 111.1 M M X 1 111 II II II nnM ohluun l.'ill F trutiuui fatrf t, Omaha, .V b SppclnVntions, pluu-. etc., of all ktmJ1 it lnikiii)iTS furnished. lt ratial supei - ; vision of construction ,'iveu wlien re- ! quiff.!. DiW-lmo ! Billiards and Bar. II. M li.ns has added to his saloon rooms two new billiard tables of the latent patterns; bar furnished with the lfst brand!) of whiskies, wines etc., Auhtuser beer, l:ti !-! beer, and best brands of t Ijjhis always in stock, dire us a rii II. i:mt II. M. Bo.ns. M Ci' tVnno keens on hand the eel- I brated Aohet.ser llurch St Louis Bot j tied l!.er and always ready to pay pae- i iculur attention to his customers. ! 15otf l'he lareJt and best assortment of foot apparel of every description, from he coarsest l'low shoes to the finest French kid, at the very lowest cost rice, at Merges'. 6wtl These are Solid Facts l he best blood ourirler and evstfm reirtilator ever olaced within th reach f suffering humanity, truly is Electric tliiters. Inactivity of the Liver, lii 1- iniiMiM-ss, J auuuice. Constipation, Weak Ividnevs. or anv disease, ot the uruinrv orifaus, or whoever requires an appetiz er, tonic or mild stimulant, will ulwayp tiuu Electric ui tiers ine otsi anu only certain cure known. They act surely and quickly, every bottle guaranteed to give entire (satisfaction or money re funded. Sold at fifty cents a bottle bj J. M. Roberts Jand&wly. A Startling Discovery. Physicians are often startled by re markable discoveries. The fact that Or. Kind's New Discovery for Con sumption and all Throat and Lunu diseases is daily curiu? patients that Ihev have given up to die, is startling them to realize their sense of duty, and examine into the merits of this wonder ful discovery ; resulting in hundreds of our best Physicians using it in their practice. Trial Bottles free at J. M Roberta Drug Store. Regular size ai.oo. Notice to Contractors I will receive bids for the grading of twelve hundred and sixteen and six tenths (121C.C-10) vards of earth on Oak street, between 4ih and 5th streets, for the city of Plattsmouth. as er specif! cation now on tile with t lie citv clerk Bids opened at 7 o'clock p. in. August 14th, the city reserving the right to reject any or all bids. Sisn.-d. Jos. II. Fairfield, 132 1 10 Cli'n Coin S. A. and B Important to Travelers. Special inducements are offered you jy the Burlington route. It will pay you to read their advertisement to be found elsewhere in this issuf. 47tf PROCLAMATION. W1IERKAS. a joint ri'Soiution was alo;.ted b;. the Legislature of the state of biaska, at the Eighteenth Session thereof, and approv ed February 27th, a. d. 1883, iiropos,lng an Amendment to Section Four 4), of Article Uuree (3 of the Constitution of said State, and that said section as amended shall read as follows, to-wit : " Section 4. The term of offiee of members of the Legislature t-lia.ll be two years. aiil ttiev fchall each receive a salary ol three hundred collars lor their rervices dining "aid term, and ten cents for every mile they shall tiavel in Komg ;ii.u retun.liig from the plaert of n eetiiix i iue i.egiiaiure, on tne most usual route, fruvt led. Httweetr. that neither members i tin Legislature nor employees shall receive tttiy pay or perquisites other tliau their ealary anil iiiileae. Lacil bessiou. except special eesilou. shall be not less thau sixty days. After the expiration of forty days of the eesslou no bills nor joint resolutions of the nature of bills shall b introduced, unless the iovernor shall, by special mes-age. call the attention of the Leu ilature to the necessity of pas jinx a law on the subject matter embraced in the message, and the introduction of bille ill nil I e reetricted thereto " The ballots at the election at which said Amendment shall be submitted chall be la the following form : "For proposed Amendment to the Constitution relating to Legislative De partment." "Against proposed Amendment to tha constitution relating to Leg s'ative Department." WitEKE S, A Jolct resolution was adopted by tbe Legislature of the State of Nebraska at the Eighteenth session thereof, and approved February 28th, A. d. 1383, proposing an amend ment to Section One (t) of Artlce Hve (5) .of tbe constitution of 6aid State, and that said section a? amended slia;l read as follows, to wit : Section l The Executive Department shall c: nsist of a tioverni-r. Lieutenant Govei u cr. secretary ot State, Auditor of Public Ac counts. ltt)Uurer, Superiniendect of 1'ublic Ins ruction. Attorney ieuerai. Commissioner of l'uuliu Lauds and Building, and Board of Laflw ay Cominis ionprs. 'lie otticers i;am.ed in this sec i ion 8 all each hold his office for the' term of two years from the first Ihu-rday alter the first Tuesday in January next after his election and until hi- successor is e ected and qualified. Provided, howevt-r. lht the fir' elect on of said otticers shail i-e held on tbe first 1 uesday succeeding the first Monday in io vember, issc. and each Kucceding election shall be held at the same re ative time in each even year 'hereafter. All other officer that mav be provided tor bv law under the provis ions of this section, shall be cho en in cuch manner and at uch t ines. qod shs'l ho d their oRlces for such length of time as may be pro vided by law, and rhall perform such duties and receive such compensation as i- ay i e pro. vided for by law. The Governor. Secretary of State. Auditor of Public Accounts 'lreasurer. Commissioner of Publtc Lnds and Buildings, and Attorney General, shall rcide at the .seat of government during t heir terms of office, and keep the public records, books and papers there, an the officers herein named shall per such du'lesas may be equlred by law." Tne ballots at th election at which such Amendment shall be submitted shall be In the following form : "Kor proposed Amendment to Section One (1) of Article Five (5) of the Constitution, entitled Executive Depart ment.' " Against proposed Amendment to section One (.1) Article Five (5) of the constitu tion, entitled 'Executive Department.' ' Theiefore. I. James W Dawes, Governor of the State of Nebrakka, do hereby give notice, in a- cot dance with Section One (1) Article Fif teen (15) of the Constitution, and the provisions of an act en'itled, "An Act to provide the man ner of proposing Amendments to th Constitu tion and submit i leg the fame to t-e Electors of this State." approved February l:th. a. i. 1377 that said proposed A mend in nts will be submitted to the qualified votors of thU State for ratification or rejection at the General Electi .ii t" e held on the 4th day of Novem ber, a. D. 1SS4.. Iv Witness WnnRer, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great beal of the State of 'ebr-iska. (361. Done at Lincoln, thl lath day of July, a. d 1SS4 the Eighteenth year of the State, and ot the Inde pendence of the United States, tbe One Hundred and Ninth Ey the Ooveruor, JAMES W. DAWES." ATTKST : EDWAHO 1. BOGOK!t. IN CASH GIVEN AWflV To the SMOKERS of Blackwell's Genuine Bull Durham Smok ing Tobacco. The genuine has picture of BULL on every package. For particulars see our next announcement. Wm E. Whiltemore, M. D., hoinoe-pail-ic physician and surgeon. Office in Fi zyerald block. Residence south west rorner I'earl and 10th streets. Of fice hours 10 to 12 a. m , 2 to 5 and 7t ( 8 p. ux. wait Parlor and betl room sets in all styles at the lowest prices at Ilenrv liceckV 118tt PROFESSIONAL CARDS. E- W- COOK. M. D- rilVSIClAN AND fcst'KOEOX, OFFICE At Fisiif.k's Dkcq Stoke. riattsmouth, Nebraska. iii.it. S. SMITH. ATT HtNKY AT IAW. Will practice in all Courts ot the Mat a. Office in Fitzgerld block. PHITSHOUTII, A i.i Kn" Bkeson. A. N. Si li.ivk. ATTOKN'EYS AT LAW. Will give prompt attention to a'l business intrusted to them. Of fice in L'niou IJlock, East side. 1'L.ATTS.VfOUTIl - KKBK4HKA. FRANK H. WILSON, Basement of Bank of Cass County. COKNEK SIXTH AN1 AlAIN STKKETS. NOTARY PTJBLIO I'aritcular uttentloii gived to the preparation of papers lor Caveat1-', Patents and lteiisliulion ol iiauc Alai ts aii'.i A.i.uis. Wm, IM-.lil.r.H. Jue.tire of the Feace. Elinvvood Neb Collections a specialty and gives prompt attention. 1. O address Elui' wood Neb. M. O DONOHOE ATTOIiXEV AT LA'W Sc NOTaKY PUBLIC. Fitzgerald's Block. Fl-ATroaiOUTH, - SSBKASKA Aei.t tor Ste-.i'n ;hii lines to and from Eurt pe. d.iwr-'ly l.i. V. ik. bCUII.OlwMX'IlT, Pracl icin g Physician. Oaice. Corner Aluin and 7th Streets., PLATIKMOITH, Kil!AhKA. ! R. K. L.1Y1 UST., 3i. PHYSICIAN & SCItUEON. Ot T L tloCKS, fiom 10 a. m.. to 2 p. m. Kxamin.i.k SutKeon for C. S. Pension. IK. s. JHiLLKii. r H Y 8 I 0 I A N AND Sl'KO E O N , Can be found by calling ar bis olfice. corner 7th aoid ilalu fctreets, iii J. II. Watcrmaa's house. PLATTSVOl'l H. VEBUASKA. JAM. . aiA'I'JIKtVP ATTOBI( Y AT LAW. ! Office over Baker & Atwcod's st-ri.-, touth side j of Main between Mh and th streets. Siltf j HTKUUK 4k. CLAKIi. ATTORNTEYS AT LAV. Will rnvctice in iii: : the Courts in the State. District Attorney and Xuiary Public. WlL.Lt . VV1SB. COLLECTIONS i4 ayCJHL2 2. ATIOKN'EY AT LAV.'. Iteal Estate. Fire In surance and Collection Agency. OSire Union block Plaltsmoutb Xebiaska. 2iini3 LAW OFFICE. Real lCtate, Fire and Life in surance Agents, 1'lattsuiouih, Nebraska. Coi lectois, tax -payers. Have a complete abstract of titles. Buy and sell real estate, negotiate loans. &c. 151 JAMLd K. JiuJllilSO-X, Notary Public. ATTOEXEYAT LAW. Will prastice in Cass and adjoining counties ; gives ppecia: attention to collections and abstracts ot title. Ofiice in Sherwood Block, Plattsmouth, Mebraska. Ui UOIiKUT li. VlMilA, N'oiary Public ATTORXSV AT LAW. Office over Carruth's Jewelry Store. Plattsmouth. - Nebraska. M. A. HARTlCAri, Tj a w y -b b . Fiizoekalp's Block. Pi axtsmouth Neb Prompt and careful attention to a general Law Practice. 1U. MALlSUVKf . Jffice over Smith, Black & Co's. Drug Store. First class dentistry at reasonable prices. 231 y Dr.C. A. Marshall! Successor to Clutter A Marshall,) Preservation of nataral teeth a specialty. Teeth extracted without pain ly use of Laughing Gas. All work warranttd. Prices reasonable. KTirW AT.T 'Rcrw-ir. - Pl.ATTSMOrTIt.N K. DRESSLEK, " Merchant Tailor. I nr ATTQMOUTH, - - - NEBRASK A NEB. A. PLiATTSiOUTH,