rUWSMOIITH flBBALD t-'t'i4I At. PAPXK OP TI1K IIITY. I - i D. C oke hn been on li e sick list f r several day, lut will torn be b'u' ag tin to give his attention to Ms practice '" CITY" IsTEWS. Cass County Fairs. Tliv CASH "Ol1 N TY FAIR will bo held nt lliiltsiiioutli Sept. litli. -H, U and 2? 111. W. S. W ik, .Secretary. 11IK WKKI'INO WATEK FA I It will be held itt Wt -(ihk Water. Sept. liuli, 17 tli and luih. i. W. is ok i on, .secretary. : Young Men's Republican CLUB. Thj ro tubliu in prim trici w ill be j hel 1 Sanu day evening, at f p. rn. Let J there be a good attendance an t let har mony prevail. J. I. Young will occupy the build ing v icnted by B.-nnctl fc Lewi after Sept. 1st. The rot. in will be entirely refitted inside aul made one of the handsomest store rooms in tlie ePy. 11 MiKI 11. M. Ui:-illNKM.. KLKNlSS. lit Vice VtfH. N IMIVEY. 1. Secret -try. A. I-rcsldent. UKKUSIlL. Jd Vice Pr;i. CAllI'BKLL. Treasury. Al-Mtlnic f very I' lasday evenings. In their i us lit r "lf7erald's block. Circulating Library it Warrick' ltf CJ. A. tlariiliall, Oentlst, suc cer to Clutter & Manliall. Tee 111 extracted without pain, b) tiwe oi'Altrous Oxide liu. 1. Salisbury. Uentlxt. SPECIAL NOTICE. Advertisements unde r tfii-- head, three ceiite per lint? eacli insertion. llONKY TO LOAN On real estate by A. N. .-Milli villi. A tin p. n brigade made nlht hid loui up in th Second war;!, and dis turbed t ueighborlio d t at xp e scd great indignation this morning over the unhallowed proceedings. Mr. Draper, recently from Illinois, ho is s'opping in this city, says of Hon. P. W. Wilcox, that although dis agreeing with Lim in politics, he con siders til in one of the moat eloquent an elf-dive speaker in that Stata. Tho school barl intsel today to flli the vacancies in the c.rps of teachers, there being the A distant Principal to el ct and also teachers to till vacancies caused by Ih-i resignations of Miss Campbell, Miss Word -n and Mian Wilson. InAKM lolt SAI.K Consist inj: of IM acres, good UiiibT, splendid on ll ii.l of beuiiuc trees ; o;o- l tne most desirable I aims in Cati eo inly ; situated near Ml. rieasuit. liiiune tr !'. -v Sullivan. ddi; nfK- V one Ii-irs in,;y and harness A :lImu,1 new. tiiuir.- ol S .dll. I.Htlt S V I.I i i i li.nisi-. barn mid fruit, and in exci-l- lenl condition ; also two improved larnis. also a .tory brick business hou-e 4 ixs'i feet, on M;m tivet, amt oilier lU-lrable land and lots. If. 11. WllKKLKlt. I-OIt iAI.?'. -Houses, lois.nid wood laud by John lions & Sou. isoUSAl.K Se eral resiJetieet, cheap. In " ouire of l. H. Vv heeler & 0. .UKS. A. SL lll.l'.lil'.I. My resldfiicH ;md funr lots ; L'Olt rtl.l Seratcli Tablet lu L th;i o!ll..-e. location all 1,MK SALK a lot in good lar at this ollice. slze.s. at yltf Particu- t'Olt SALK An order for a new American ewnu da' liiue. Iiniuire at thisofllce. IOIC SAI.K-!.0(H corns ol WUOJ. inquire ol 1. . s. Wisa, tf i )K rtAI.K Id a;eri for sale at thin omce r i 40 cents .er huinlred or j ceut per do- t :!: MAI.K Tour lots togother in lion i:i ilu city. Iii'4tiir- at thi oiiice tf H"od loca- There lire no new developments In the Indian rave t-usa tod iy, exoejit tliat our fi'iil Jo'iea was s ispected alter cumin;' homo from the inquest, with hiving di-coverrd some new sum mer drink there was such an oiur of caroi'lie a.:id around liini. Mr. A. 1C. Minion of this city lias a complete ro-tcr of all the enlisted Illi nois soldier, from ofliet r :! nvn, both in tin; Mexican war ami t!e war of the rebtllioi Thia is very likely the only rost r of the km I in the Stat, and Uli uoi.4 a-ilJiers can gil opies of the en listed men of any company or regiment by applying to Mr. Min'on. 1;)!t KENT rhe nitii--ast room In Stade' ' man i's buildiuir. after AiiK'.i-t 1st. this room is ru'liilie fur millinery or dress makiiiK. or lor a small business of any kind. Inquire at the premlscH. Ullf J0"MTO UKXT. -A furnished room for one k nr tvii gentlemen, lu good Jucatiou. In quiri. at t ti 1 ollic. "lit FU RKNT or sal O'l lonir time, a house aud two lots with good improvements. Ap ly to ii. B. Wlndliam. FOR KKS (lood. in.--. v houses of four rooms, water, (to id garden siiots'. .! per month lu Shafervlllc. W. 11. Shafek. IOlC ItKVT thrtnort'i storeroom In Nev r i.le's lwk, and M rooms up Htatrx. Good location for resiaurant or boardiux house. rents cheap. Apply to Win. Nevtlle. H':f LO.S I V go d t-ulT button wi'.li asjate set. 'lhe 11 'ider may leave at this otliee !iid be re warded, tf LOS T A locket one side black enamel set with pearls ; . lotures of old nentW m;i:i and lady Insule. Finder please return to Miss Say er at Ur. WiDteinteeu's or leave it at this nitre. lu- WIN'IUIAM. lVATEP-A u!rl to do house work. ouire at the residence of i. or ji Meets every Tuesday evynin at thes Castle Hall." in Hockwood Ulock. V itiiiir Knights are invited to attend. II. M. Boss, V. C. W. L Dvkks. K. of It. ami 5v A very pleasant occasi m took place at the residence of Joim C. Calhoun, last evening, in the west part, of the city. Mr. f . M. Davis was united in marriage to Miss Emma D. Calhoun. The bride was very tastefully ar ras ed in a beauti.ul a hire dr :.s m um laetured to order by Mr. Twis-, and th--groom was diesed in blick with u buttoul.oU- bouquet tastefully arranged in the lapel of his coat. The bride held in her hand a beaulilul boicjuet of flowers t repared tor the occasion. Th re were present about a dozen invited gue t. After tbe ceramouy was ov-r they were s. rvod with a bountiful r. pas-t, conis iujf of cake, candus ai.d nut-, and alter that a number of the guest were found m the kitchen filling their pockets with caudy and u it.-. among whom lioih.r t'wiss w ts quite conspicuous, and some observed t:at Elder JJ.irton ol his full xi.are for the babi. s. The ceremony was neatly performed 1 OLIsYlLLi; LOCALS. Louisville. Aug. t, Editor Herald: We like to keep the readers of the IIkkaLd iuformed of the general workings and doings of lhe Christian people of thi part of Cans county and would bo more prompt in so doing were it not for a constitutional disease with which we hive been alUicted, familiarly known to medical men as laziness, this dis easefwe inherited, and can only charge it, therefore, to Adam and Eve making ourselves collaterally responsible However, ttia weather being pleasant and politics bem warm, go to speak, we sli ill enleavorto give you a few items of geueral news which my be of interest. In looking over the Plattsmouth Journal of August 5. we observed two articles from Louisville, one signed "Squiils," and the other more properly from College Hill signed -Locofoco." "Squills" astonishoi the readers in the first paragraph by sayiug that he "reads every papar published in the county,' and after die deliberation pronounces W T - t a. I . m i tuc journal me uest or an. nat a feeling of pride must have been experi euceU by the local "bone and sinew" of thit cosuDpdit in sheet, and we can i.najtfue how Curies Whopper would well with the idea of what a wonder ful power the press exerts in this great republic. His dignified appearance at the time would remind of the frightful apparitions usually seen in an eastern uorniield in crow times, which with cane at a present arms seems to Fay to the sable destroyer, Beware! So C. v wsr . . . svnoppor would parade Main street with cane and diguitv in equal portion seeming to say, republicans of Cass county, beware! the Journal, the great avenger of democracy's wrongs, lieth in wait; tlie flail of its eternal vengeance is about to descend, and it will not Jet up until every bone in the republican back is broken. He says further that "politics are getting warm, but Mac. has laid himself aside, etc., etc.," and appears to be terribly shaken over the loss Mac. Buffered at Rock Muff-. Mac. uggests that if the people of Rock Bluffs can stand his loss he can, but the re, 1 reason Mac. ha3 laid himself aside i b .ciuseho teels like Alexander tin Ureat at the end of Ins conquests. He and the de'egate.- ni l no 'eubt !ww Louisviile that a rei :l lican conven tion is si wsys co.npo-i d i f gentlemen. "Lf.cofoco" appeals lo bt troubled in a slight deyite about the quiny men being republicans. Well, thoi-e gentle men from the Scandinavian peninsula always do appear to bo better informed titan their teutonic brethren from milder climates of E irope, and when ccmiag to this country appear to want a republican form of government in reality as well as In name and 'here fore vote with the party which ha always I as g'lara eed ihe t-ame. We hnve two candidate for tlie house James Robinson and 13. (J. Hoover. both are good nun and either would represent this portion of Ca?j with honor and abilitv. Dr. Thomas, of Weepiug Water was in town the other day looking after his bmk wires and feeling sang tiine that he would be successful on the 9th. This is all I think of writing at pres ent, and fear it may be too much, if so, Bush, know s how to cull. Yours, etc , Ordinance No. 48. c m oc ruts ( x- ! by Eider Burton, and lhe young couple start out iu life with the best wishes of many friends. A Startling Discovery. Physicians are ofteen startled by re markable discoveries. The fact that Dr. Kind's Xew Dis'covry for Consump tion and all Throat and Lun diseases is daily curing patients that they have given up to die, Is ' tattling them to realize their sense of duty, ani examine into the merits of this wonderful dis covery ; resulted in hundreds of our best pnieians using it u tlu'ir prac tice. Trial bottles free a. J. M. Rob erts Drug Store. Regular Size 1 00. Dec. 'JO lvew. For lame back, iside or Chest use Shiloh'g Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents, "SIIILOU'S COUGH aud Cousump tion Cure is sold by us on a guarrntee. It cores cous-'.mptiou. SHILOIIS VITALIZEU is what you need for Consumption, Loss ot ap petite. Dizziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 aud 75 cents per bottle. CROUPE Whooping Cush and Bronchitis immediately relived by Shiloh's Care. Sod by Smith & HIack Bros. Dec 20eowdxvly ThM Are Solid Factn. The best blood purifier aud system regulator ever placed within the reach of suffering humanity, truly is Electric Bitters. Inactivity of the Liver. 1351- OPENING THE CAMPAIGN. A Grand Meeting in Tnie City Monday Evening. Complete auaii-euuiti have been made icr the lirst grand republican campaign rally iu this city on Monday evening next, August the 11th, under the diiect management of the yo.:ng men's 'epublicau .club of this ciiy. The B. & M. band will furnish the mu sic ou the s-troets. The Lon h liht club will be out liO strong with their parade under the command of R. W. Ilyere. The campaign Glee Club will furnish vocal music, and at 9 p. m. at the opera house, which will be espe cially decorated for the occasion, the eeches will be made. . The speakers engaged ure the Hon. P. W. Wilcox, of Mendota, 111., one of the most efficient campaign speakers in that state, form erly a curpeuter lu the C, B. & Q. shops I at leudota, aud known through Illi nois, Indiana and Wisconsin as "thb Mendota carpenter." His appearance in this city is an exceptional one in his political work, and his time aud ser vices are given as a benefit to the young nuns repullicau club ot this city. II. u. John L. Thurston, of Oma',a, well kn wu to niauy of our citizens aud one of ihis state's best orators will be pres ent, and last, but by no means least, Hou. J. L. Caldwell, of I.inenln th loiisiiess, jaundice, tjonstipation, Weak 1 Ln mobi eloquent speaker, has been rwiuiiejs, 01 nut uncase m u k uiiuary '--'-'- mid occasion. Xlie J'OUUg organs, or wnoever requires an appe tize , tonic or mud stimulant, will al ways find Electric Bitters the best and only certain cure known. They act surerly and quickly, every bottle guar anteed to give eutire satisfaction or money refunded. Price only fifty cents a lottle. For sale by J. M. Roberts. Doc. 20 lye6w Call and ee I's. I wish to notify the puWic that I am now open for business, at Joe McVey's old stand, where I have in stock a full line of Keotucky whiskies, St. Louis ler, wined and ci rars c., as srood as the best. fSTdtf TI. M P0X3. You pave money by buying your boots, shoe and slippers at Merges', where you have the largest assortment to Kb'vC-t from t w tX m u republican rlnh - r-t-vwv IftJOb 1.1113 meeting shall be on long to be remem bered and nothing but the most unta vorable weather will keep the largest crowd ever aserublea at a political in --iuS iu mis country irom b presaat. JclUg The Lois-ville Meeting. Tomorrow night the Blaine and Lo gan club of Louisville hold a meeting at that place which will he addressed hy Geo. S. Smith of this city and Mr. Chapman, or s me one in his place. Tb Blaine and Logan GleeCIuDof this city will accompany the speakers and make music for the boys there. A rousing meeting and a big time will be enjoyed by our neighbor up the road. has converted all the cepting Kockwell, and lie weeps be cause there are no more worlds to con- veit. Rockwell is at heart a republi can, and will vote the republican ticket on ihe sly, the only icason he don't c ine squarely out is he hts been enter taining the entire village for the past three weeks sounding the praises of Daniel Sylvester Dr.iper, holding him up 10 the vertuut elector as the only. ole, lone aud solitary, pure, honorable, upii;ht and Christian statesman pro uuceu iy .Nebraska, and therefore he must etill keep bis demociatic chin in running order while his republican right, hand will do the work in JSovem ber observing the scripiural admonition, "Let not thy left hand know whht thy ri-ht hand doeth." lie also says Came has been organizing a Blaine and Logan club, which is true, and i. apiaiu Came can boas r of eigl.ty-sevtn as true and staunch B aine ai.d L ian men as ever shouldere 1 a torch or p iinted a Spring field at a rebel brigadier. By the way, a good remark was made to Rockwell last night by a gentleman from Weep ing Wat r. You must know that Rock well has beentriug to immortalize him-eifby getting up a club in favor ot t "Fat bachelor with the amorous eye,'' an I while in conversation with thj Weeping Water gentleman he pro duced a worn and greay 6heet of 1 a- per with the remark, "Lock there, how is that for Cleveland and Hendricks an reform in the divorce laws.' The gent'emon took it, looked it over, handed it back, and iu a quiet way sug gested that the paper would Lear a great deal more influence and look more authentic if ut least four who were supposed to belong to Cleveland and Ileudricks could write their names, or at leatt have their marks witnessed. Exit, Rockwell, while the Weeping Water gentleman turned to your cor respondent with the rtmark, "Ain't he anttie oC.'' 7 Of course we ini'ormed him that it was the normal condition of the individual, yet expressed our ym pathy. Squills also makes the pub lic announcement that we are having a Jail built, and expresses a fear ihat O'tr marshal may be overworked on con vention day. We will suggest to Squiils that Louisville never had an idea of the necessity of a jail until the last democratic convention when the Coiiiior-RiirTner forces turned them selves loose oa Louis Senner's beer and gave us such a grand picnic, and at the very next meeting our dads, although democrats themselves, unanimously re solved that not another democratic pow wow shoulJ be held here unless we Lad a place to put them where they would do the most good," tc-wit: in the cooler. We propose to furnish the repullicsn convention a convenient place fcr holding ouf convention, and Louisville will show the delegate that ghe knows how to entertain her friends, Tent Hile, Auguit Oih 1834. The mistakes of Win. Miller, as pre sented at the tent last evening, weio both thrilling and :nstructive. When we see him, in his biography, standing at the door of middle life, f-till a rank in fidel, and reading the bi'de only for in formation and criticism when vvr ob serve him slowly but surely trans formed to a mignty man of God by the convicion of the divinity of the scriptures, produced by lhe unraveling of the intricacies ef the prophetic, pe riod, we are led to say with Paul, "the word of the Lord is quick and power ful and sharper than a two edged sword" The gloomy mist of infidelity readily yields to the piercing rays of bible truh if the scriptures are permitted to mean what they say. Through this Miller effort more than fifty thousand people were led to embrace the advent faith in this country alone. This movement in 1840-'44, prosperous as it was, led to a deep and bitter disap i ointment, which is known in history as th mi-take of Wm. Miller, which was th? thme last eveniu-r. He learned from Dan. 3: 14, that Z.i1) ) days wa3 the 1 .ngesi and latest definite pro pi etic period. lie learned b,' Dan 9:24 that the first seventy wvi ks thereof (490 day, or yeais iu prophecy a day is for a year Num. 14: 21), and that tha seventy weeks dosed at the eius. or rather thst the mid il- of the last week reached to the crucificatiou, which oc curred A. D. ill ; so then if - go on to ! the end of the week it biins us to the ' year J4. He learned from Dan. ):2o the 2300 days began at the goiug forth of the command to retrace and rebuild Jerusalem, which history frhows to be B. C. 45". Havinjr thete elates thus j AN ORDINANCE creating a Bomdoi I Health. j Be it ordained by the Mayor and Couuciluien of lu eity ot 1'iitts iuouth : Section 1. That a board of health, consisting of from three (3j to live (5) resident freeholders of the city ot l'lattemouth, a majority of whom shall be regular physicians iu good standing is hereby created; said board of health shall be elcctid by the city council at its first regular meetiug after the pj sage of this ordinance, and thereafter said board of health shall be elected a uually immediately niter t'ie up pointmcut of the standing eommiUees in eacu municipal year. Sec. 2. It khull be the duty of the eaid board of health at its lirot meet ing alter the members thereof are elect ed by the city council, to elect one of US members chairman, and tho citv clerk is hereby made the clerk of said 1 oard of heahh, und the city marshal is hereby made its police officer. It shall be the duty of the clerk to at tend all ine-v tings of eaid board and k.epafull and accurate record of all proceedings iu a book to be provided lor that purpose, and it siiull he the duty of tho police t.Uicer to attend all meetings of uaid board, and to faith fully obey the directions and order ol f-aid board in the lavviul discharge of its duties. Sec 3. The chairman of -aid board of health shall be the health ollicer ot the citv, before whom all complaints of nuisances injurious to the health of the city shall be made by anv citizen de the sain-- during Ihe recess of Htid boarel, and the hedth of- ticer is hereby granted authority upon an y mcli complaints being duly in wb in writing and properly bworu to be fore an otlicer authorized to administer oaths, and laid before hi in, to direct the police ollicer ot said board to abate baid nuisance within a reasonable time. ana all such orders issued by lhe health ollieer during the recess of the board. shall be in writing properly feigned by nun, ana he shall report all such ac tions to the board of health at its next meeting together with all the papers pertaining to each complaint. Sec. 4. The bo irl of health provid ed lor iu this ordfuance shall meet on the 2d and 4th Wednesday of each mouth for the transaction of such busi ness pertaining to tne heidth of the city a may be brought before it ; bui if in the opinion ot tho chairman of said board, or any two of its members it is deemed expedient to call a special meeting, then the purpose and objeei of said spt c'.al meeting shall be reduced to writing and properly signed by the chairman of said board or any two ot its members, and placed tn the hands of its police otlicer, whose duty it shall be to immediately serve said notice of a special meeting upon all the members and officers of said board to meet iu accordance with the provisions of said special call, and upon due service of said notice to meet, it shall be the duty of all members and ollicers of said board to comply with the call, and meet at the time and place specified in said iiuce (l special meeting. Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of said board of health to draw up aud recom mend tlm passage of any ordinances, which in its judgment are required for the preservation of the health of this city and submit the same to the city council for approval, and tho names of all members of said board recommend ing the passage of such ordinances ' 1T Khali bo paid for in warrao', druwn by the order of tb eily council upon the proper uuditiug of 8ucfi ttc counts for tervices 0:1 nul l board uj all such warrants shall i,tf drawn upo the board of health fund. Sac. 12 This ordinance to take ef feet and bo 111 lorco from and after Its paaago and publication according to Passed and approved June 7, ly; rw...., 1-"-'-lVlNJ.STON. ' ' '-J Mai City Clerk. jor. ORDINANCE SO. 50. AN ORIN ANCE providing sanitary regulation- and tu Retire the general health of the city of Plattsmouth: Beit ordained by the mayor and couuciluien of the city ot lluttiiiiuilj Sec. 1. Ihat It hhall be unlawful Tor any person to c u.t or h ave exposed lu any stieet, avenue, lane, Jof, w'uter course, or any othei places within the limits of this citt, lb- cun iss of uu. dead animal, or uu p mid or unsound meat, liah, vegetal.),-, ,.r any other sub stance which might become, olfer.;.,- or to make up. u.o-, kjep, or permit in uio or iier nouse. iioj., store, factory workshop, outhouse, barn, ntabl,., Cvl' lar, water closet, luivy. vard. lot any other placo within the limits of th city, any noisome or oft'riiMiv li quids or any other substance, which might become annoying to the ncj-l -borhood, or inj nious tu tho health Vf thofco citizen residing ,.r .... quentlv passing by huvU oflVnaive lj,,. "id or other siib,.!;i:o-; or I, throw any hlth or ollal, or auv oil,.. b-i ,,r -,.1.1 olh riswe substance i.,.o Ml,-. ,.f ,. ...... ..11.... . . . . mi, aoev, l ine, j..t, vv any other ! 1 e n,,,, this citv. J .ili pno!.c. tui.l..s, pig pens, pig yaids and cattle , alt;k vur(Ji with in lhe limits of this city Hii:,j ., in a clean condii ion. an 1 accumula tion of filth .ali be p, rmilt. d at, iu or near the sum- ; an ; a l p. ivate stables, pig pen-, pig yards ,i entile or stock yards Khali be k.j.t in a leauly and non-oireimive condition. Sec. a. All water closets and piivie are hereby re-mired to b., kept in a clean and wholesome condition snd no accumulation of finh within the vuw. shall Im permitted at any time to reach 11 punt nearer the surface- than four feet. It shall be the duty of the pro prietors thereof to throw a siillh-ii nt amount of hompj disinfecting agrnt. nuitii n umjii approved as such by (he board of iiea!:-!, into fcuch privies and water cloje! at least ium. .. each week, to-wit: on Wednesdays and Saturday to thoroughly disinfect, the same. COI.I ,. f Inn 1 a or of unmistakably fixed it was not hard for him to put bis finger upon the end of j shall be affixed iu their own handwrit ing to the recommeudation accompany 1843 or the beginning of 1844 as such time. And as the cleansing of the sanctuary was then to begin, not that the sanctuary itself vvi.s bit! y, i,ut ihe expiating of the sins imputed thereto, as the sacrifices were Irom time to time brought, constituted its cleansing, he reasoned that the Lord must then come, for the following rta-'ou-: The High Priest must enter within the vcii; Jesus was the Ilijrh Priest. Again, he took for granted that the ear'h was the sanctuary ; although it is never so stated in the scripture; and here was his mistake: The earth is not and was not the Eanctuary; the sanctuary planted here by Moses was only a type of the true sanctuary. But I to pursue his reasoning: he concluded that to cleanse the sanctuary tie Lord mutt come to earth for that purpose; and he knew that the gleaming light ning flashing from east to west, Math. 24:27, would announce bia coming: ihat flaming fire would take vengeance on those that know not God and obey not the gospel at that time, 2d Thes., I: 7-8, that the dead in Christ would then be made alive, and risn from i their dusty beds. 1st Cor. 15: 23-23, the first resurrection &c, take place, &c. But he stumbled in his calculation in this only as staled before the earth ii not the sanctuary. Then his mistake was uot in ihe event oi- tLe tim, but in the locality only. This led., however, to th.- lulfillment of Rev. 10: 9-10, at.d much thought and research, and the examining of many facts from the dust of eges. which were of special importance o these times. The subject this evening will be the Sanctuary, and its Cleaasiu. Tomor row evening the considering of the Sabbath question is expected to begi. Mr. Max. A. Boehneke, one of Oma ha's best architects, was in the city yesterday with Herman Smith making the acquaintance of our people. Mr. Boehucke has been one of the U. P. railroad's architects for gome time. Mr3. B. C. Draper and Miss Lizzie Herman left last evening for Lincoln and Hastings for visit with fmnds in tho cities. ing the same, Sec. C. It shall be the duty of the board of health to carefully examine into any alleged nuisances within the city, and for this purpose they are clothed with authority to summons parties before them for the purpose of examination, provided, however, that before any examination of parties take place the clerk shall swear said parties in the usual form before hearing their testimony, and all such testimony shall be reduced to writing. Sec. 7. The board of health shall have charge of all matters pertaining to the health of the city, and relating to the sanitary condition thereof, and shall make any recommendation they deem proper for the interests of the hoalth of the citizens thereof, to tho city council, and all such recommenda tions shall be in writing, and 6igned by all the members of lhe boird aud at tested by its clerk. During the prevalence of contagious eliea3es, said board of health Bhall submit to the city council such regula tions and quarantine laws for approval as in its judgment is demanded and for this special purpose said regulation and quarantine laws, when approved and pa-s?d by the city council, shall extend and be in force within flvc miles of the city. Sec. 8. In every insiauce when it becomes known to any member or o(5-c-r of the boarel of health, that any le irvi hea'tb ordinance of this city is be ing vicletcd by any person or persons within said city, it shall be the duty of sucn member or officer to file a proper information before the police judge of this city, whose duty itshall be to forth with commence proceedings against such parson or persons. Sec 9. It shall be the duty of the City C erk to read the proceedings of said board of health to the City Coun cil immediately alter the reading and approval of the City Council proceed ings. Sec. 10. All fines collected by tho police judge or city marshal against anv persons tried for a violation of any health ordiuance, shall be promptly paid over to the city treasurer, who shall keep an accurate account of the same under the title of board of health fund. Sec. 11. Each member of the oard of health shell receive for his services at each meeting of said board at which business is transacted, the sum of two dollars. The clerk of said board shall receive for his services the same as the members of the board, and the marshal shall receive for his services for each meeting of said board at which he Is present and when business ia transact ed, tb sum of one dollar ; and surd wr- Sc 4. The decision of the l.o.r.i ,.f health on tho otie.stioii of lH;mi a- and iioii-GlTeuHive condition mentioned in this ordinance bhall be final mwi binding upon all parties concerned. .ec. . Ihe city marshal is IhtaIiv charged with the enforcement of the provisions of this ordinance, f the order of the board of health. Sec. 7. All persons violating tho provisions of this ordinance, or failing to comply with the requirements ther of. shall upon conviction before the police judge of this city he fined not less than live (5) dollars nor more Ibaii one hundred (100) dollars: and In do fault of payment of the fine adjudged shall be committed to jail for such per iod as the police judge shall iu accord ance with the law, adjudge againM such party or parties. Sec. 7. This ordinance idiall fL-o . j feet and be in force from and after it ! p.issage and publication law. " Passed and approved June 7, 187a ;Signed.J II. R. LIVINGSTON, r... Mayor. Attest:; Piii Li-s Painj-, City Chrk. Plattsmouth, Xtc , June So, 'tii. To the Cituens of Plat turnout Jt : Ordinances Nop. 4S and 50 have been published by oieb-r of His Honor. thj luitjor 01 1 iaitsmouth, ut the 6ug"s. tiou of the Howl of Health, to the end that no one can plead ignorance of their existence. It is your duty tocom ply with the provisions of these ordi nances, and w hether you do or not, you caH rest assured that they will be en forced. By order of the board ofhealth twenty days' notice to the citizens of Platt-m uth is hereby given to put their premises in a healthy condition At the expiration of that time a thor ough inspection will be rnide of the entire city, and any person found liv ing in violation of the ordinances will be prosecuted, without regard to tolor rr pr-ivious condition, and the board prop .sM that no guilty man escapej. By order of the board of health. IS. R. Livingston, , '. u. Simpson, Vm. Clerk. PEUSOAU Our old friend Xili Anderson, of Fillmore county, pai l the Herald a pleasant visit today. Mr. Anderson is one of the soMd farmers ol Fillmore Ounty, who in esrly days, cast his lot with the front ier settlers of Nebraska, and through years of toil and frugal saving haa demonstrated the fact that Nebraska' soil tnl climate is a generous giver to him who hon'.stly trusts them. Mr Anderson has represented the 1 eople of Fillmore county in the StaU Legislature, with ability, and is now a candidate for the position of Commis sioner of Public Lands and Bnildings. The Herald considers Mr. Anderson well qualified to fill this important office, and believes such a man of the people, froai the people, ao I for the people, ought to be tlected ge our next Commissiouer. Misses Minnie Coghlan and Estella, Sbanon, went to Omaha this morning to attend a Sunday School pjc nic, t St. Mary's inaiw.