BENNETT & LEWIS, 1E550S. WJiiLiL. EMEBHOVJE AUGUST 15th, 1884, iia$, &osaSa wlklo Main &iMMt9 next 4o 9JeSSSV zsasit market. IHI AT j scran I rnr.i fJuju & only 30 Days Important Suprams Cq jrt Dad siona In the suprfiue court twj i nj r'a nt C:iB ' have been rev rn-.l wlii h weie taken up 1'roui this co.iuty. One ot ihem being the Hu-'iruuu i rape 3-; and the other the cs: of lltirtnett vs. TLe 11 & M. It Li. The reversal of these cams xivea etch ot thetu new trials ami pi'xjb.tbly the Jlichuioud ctse a chiiue ol venue. The opinions were given by Jude Maxwell aud we ap pend them below: Richmond vs. State. Error from C33 county. Kevtrsed. Opinion by Mmwtl!, .1. In the trial upon an indictment for rape and assault with intent to com mit rape, Ihe trial coming ou a few wc e! a after the htrge wa9 made, the accused filed afll tavita ol" leading citizens show ing a strong bias un 1 prej juice against him, so that a fair trial could not be had in that county, and the allidavitB tiled on behalf t i state did not denv these statement in dear and direct lan guage, ueiu, mat a cnange oi venue should have been granted. Buitnc tt V3. H. A M. IS. li. Co Er ror ft oui Cass county. Reversed. Oniu ion by Maxwell, .1. 1. An employe of a railroad com pany is incompetent to sit as si juror in a case w'lere the company is a party. 2. If a challenge to an incompetent jurjr is overruled aud he is afterwards peremptorily challenged and exikdidi and t lie record fails t ihow th':t the party exhausted his pcreiupto; y chal ! m I M U U I KZ KZJ V IN CASH GIVEN AWAY To SMOKERS of Blackwcll's Genuine Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco. This Fpeetal Tcposit la to truarantee the payment or the 'J5 premiums fully described In our former announcements. The Premiums will be paid, no matter how laiaU the number of bag returned may be. Oftc Btarkvtlft Purhm T"barrn Co., Durham, K. C, May 10. IWi. P. A. WILEY. . , Cuthier U ink nf Durham, Durham, iw f . DtkK HiK:-We Irrlnw, you ll.60.w. which rlt&Hi .laoe on Miwclal IiKwlt to y prejiitiuiis for our rin i it y tobacco Immih to t returned LHse. litli. Yuum truly. J. b OA Kit. Prei-liieut. OMct nf thm Bank of Durham,! Durham, t. C , Hay 1U. lost? J. S. CAHTt. Esq.. ITf. blarkvrTt Durham T'tbaeeo ro. Pfaii Km: 1 have to ncknowlwlire rerrtpt-oT fll WiOini from you. which we have placed uiob Spec rTulx.c. None genuine without lecture of BULL on th packatre. trfT'See our other announcement. Uurin tin' o.uihu TUIirrV DAYS. ;it liit to.t. IX) Ii CASH. AVlien w.' -av i'li'rit (Ju;t, vr ;:k'.i;i it. Come anl secure bar gains. Piatrsiiiutli, N'el.. A. IB. 'EMM9 Opposite lVrkins House. GROCERIES k ailWARE CJ5Hit and "JLeKS tlaaia Cost ! eery Stock, t-j go out ol' that bui::es. Consequently we will sell all ia 7 HE ELKHOBN SALOON ! HEADQPAltTgRSi: FOR us: b urnaaa seer Always i f a i v a vs i:: STOCK. AT THE ilLSHOEH Fitzcrr.U i;i-ck - - - I'LA-JTSJIOCTII, XEU. Commission i Merchant, I-il2i.X3Gi.XJVi;i,,X'EE,S FOB A N D EOglies; CasIa price paid for An Tinexcello.l line of FL(r:R always in Etock, corner Cth an Wain Streets, opposite First National Cank. Win E. Whittemore, M. D., horooe pathic physician and surgeon. Ofi'ic in Fitzgerald block. Residence south west corner I'earl and 10th 6treet. Of fice houra lu to li a. m , 2 to 5 and 7t 8 p. iu. w8lf I'arlor and ted room st-ts in all styles at the lowest prices at Henrv JJo'ckV l'lStf PROFESSIONAL CARD8. Iciige-, the error in overruling the chal lenge for cause will be without preju- ( e. Palmer y-. People, 4 Neb., ; Freeman vs. Peojile, 4 Deni'i. 10. 3. U.abov l eiwe n ten and eleven yea of a e, while walking on a rail- roa i at a point v here there, was no thoroughfare, by accident Ktepped be tween the guard and main rail t a switch, and vii3 unable to extiicat his foot and a switch engine being turned on to that lit e, ran over and crushed his foot. Hel l, that if the employes of the company, after becoming aware of the perilous cc u.iith ii ol II. e plnin . ill", by t he t xercie of si reasonable de iiee 1 c;ire could have prevented the injury, i he com piny was liable. MAX. A. T. IJOLJ1MKE. cliiteet 4iae unexi liaiiy days sut cost tVr CASH. Farmers an-l Citizens will lind this a gotd oppor tunity to secure tueir g.;,U at ii:st coit. ALE, WINES BEER AND CIGARS, Oid iiontucky Vluskies, IMPORTED WINES. MUHil'S KXTIiA DRY CHAMPAGNE, NATIVE WINES, ST- LOUJS BEER loll Faiuoaui otreei, O alii ha. Neb. Specifications, plans, etc., of all kinds of b lildinsrs l'uruis!iel. Personal super vision of construction privon when re quired. D&iV-lmo PROCLAMATION. WIIEKEAS, a joint resolution was adopted by the Lpniolature of tlie State of Nebiaska. at the Eighteenth Session thereof, and approv ed February 27th, a. d. 1883, proposing an Amendment to Section Four e). of Article Three (3 of the Coititution of said State, and that said section as amended shall read ne follows, to-wit : " Section 4. The term of ofllce of members of the Legislature shall be two years, and they eliall each receive a salary ot three hundred dollars lor their services dining eaid term, and ten eents for every mile they shall tiavel in going :iid returning from the place of ireetlug f the Legit-lature. on the most uwual route. Provided, tunvtver, that neither menibew oi the Legislature nor employees shall receive any pay or perquisites other than their salary anu mileage. Lach eeesiou, except special fesioiis, shali be not lens than sixty days. After the expiration of forty days of the fession no bill nor joint resolutioiiH oithe nature ol bills fliall be iutrodueed. unless ihe Oovtruor snail, by special message, call the att-utiou of the Leg islature to the necessity of passing a lan on tlie subject matter embraced iu the message, and the introduction ot bills shall re restricted thereto " The ballots at the election at which said Amendment shall be submitted shall be in the following form : "For proposed Amendment to the Constitution relating to Legislative Oe partment." "Against proposed Amendment to the Constitution relating to Leg s alive Department." WHEREAS, A Jolut resolution was adopted by the Legislature of the State of Kebraska at the Eighteenth session thereof, and approved February 28th, a. d. U83, proposing an aim ud nient to Section One (l) of Artie e fcfve (5) of the constitution of said State, aud that said ectiou as amended shail read as follows, to wit : "Section i. The Executive Pepanment shall consist of a Governor, Lieutenant Govern or. Secretary of State, Auditor of Public Ac counts. Treasurer, Superintendent of Public Insiructlon. Attorney General, Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings, and Hoard of Kailway Commissioners, 'iiie officers earned In this section all each bold his oftice for the term of two years from the first Thurday alter the first Tuesday in January next after his election and umil bin successor is elected and qualified. Provided, htjuevcr. that the tirs election of said officers shall be held on the first luesday succeeding the llrst Monday iu .No vember, ls6. and each succeeding election shall be held at the same relative time in each even year thereafter. All other ofiieer that mav be provided tor bv law under the provis ions of this tecti n. shall be cho en in mi-!i manner and at such fines, ncd sha'l hold their offices for sucli length of time as may be pro vided by law, and rhall perform such duties and receive such compensation as n ay be pro. viued for by law. The lioveroor. Secretary of State. Auditor of Public Accounts. Treasurer, Commissioner of Public Lnds and Buildings and Attorney General, shall reside at the seat of government during their terms of office, and keep the public records, books and papers there, and the o!licer9 herein named shall per sueh amies as may be eijuired by law." Tne ballots at th- election at which such Amendment shall be submitted shall be iu the following form : "For proposed Amendment to Section One (1) of Article Five (5 of tlie Coustitutiuu, entitled ' Lxecuiive Depart ment.' " "Against proposed Amendment t section One (li Article Five (5 t ihe t oiutitu tioii. entitled "Executive lep:iruifnt.' ' iiiciHiiif, i.jauies v. uawes, tioreri:or ol the State of Nebraska, do hereby tiv- notlc-. in a' cordance with Section tine ) Article Fif teen (15) of the Constitution, and the provisions of an act entitled, "An Act to provide ihe man ner of proposing Amendments lo th Constitu tion and subnmi iug the t-ame to toe Electors f this Mate." approved February l ull. a. i 1S77 that said proposed A inemtni nts will be submitted to the qualified votors of thi state for ratification or Rejection at the General Electn n to be heldon the 4th day of ovetu ber, a. D. 18s4.. Ix Witness WiiERiror, i have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of ebraka. (Seal. Done at Lincoln, thi. 1Mb. day of July, a. u ls4 the Eighteenth year of the State, and ot tti Inde pendence of the United states, the One Hundred and Ninth By the Governor, JAMES W. DAWES. ATTEST : Edwauo P. Koooex. reorvtary of State. E- W. COOK. M. D- Physician and Sckoeon, orriCi: At Fishek's Dnc(i Stoke. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. CJi:0. S. S3I1TII, ATTOKXEY AT LAW. Will practice in all Courts of the State. Olllce in Fitzgerld Block. PI.ATTH VIOb'Tll, - KEI'.UASKA. Allk.n Ukesos. A. N. SlllivaK. imK!iO & SILUVA.V, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will give prompt attention to all business intrusted lo them. Of fice iu Cniou Block, Fast side. I'LATTSMuUTH - .VKURUKA. FRANK H. WILSON, Basement of Bank of Cass County. Coknkk Sixth ao .Main stkkkth. NOTARY PUBL IC t'ariicular attention pived to the preparation if papi-is (m l aveals, 1'aients ai.u Ucjjisiratloii of iradc ."ifarks ai.d Labels. Win. lKLI.Ks. JiiMtire ortlie i'eaee. Elm wood Neb Collectiona a specialty and Kivus prompt attention. P. O address Eliu wood Neb. M. O'DUNUiiiOS ATTOKNEV AT LAW & MJTAKY PUBLIC. Fitzgeralds Block. PLATTSMOUTn, - MEIIltASKA Agent for Steamship Hues to and from Europe. di2w52ly I.t. W. 11. HCI11L.114XKCHT, Practicing Physician. Office, Coi ner Main and Tth Streets., Fl ATTBMOCTH, rlBRASti. B. IU bhTOX. 91. PUVBICIAN & 81KOEOS. OFFI E HOUKS, from 10 a. in., to 2 p. iu. Surgeon for U. S. Pension. IK. H. 311L.L.J-.U. PHYSICIAN AND Sl'llllEON, Can be found by calling at his ofiice, corner 7tl. and Main Streets, in J. 11. W aterman's house. PLATTSMOUTH. AKBUAHK A. JAM. . JIATHKHN ATTOBIf Er AT LAW. Office over Baker & Atwood's store, south side ot Main between 6th and 6th streets. 21tf HTKUUK A CL A UK ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will practice in all the Courts in the State. DWrict Attorney and Xotaru Public. WILL !. WINK, COLLXCTIOJVij Ji XMLCliiZ. J 2 . ATTOKNEY AT LAW. Keal Estate. Fire In surance aud Collection Agency. OttUe L'nlon block Plattsmouth Nebraska. 22m3 u.H.n uKiaEit jt co. LAW OFFICE, Keal ICstate, Fire and Life li -surance Agents. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Col lectors, tax -payers. Have a complete abstract of titles. Buy aud sell real estate, negotiate loans. &c. 15 I JAMES K. JIUKKIISO.X. Notary Public. ATTOKNEYAT LAW. WUlprastice u Cas and adjoining Counties ; gives pecia: attention to collections and abstracts of title. Office in Sherwood Block, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. I7yl KOUEHT It. Y I Mi 51 A 51, Notary Public ATTORXEV AT LAW. Office over Carruth's Jewelry if tore. Plattsmouth. - Nebra..ka. M. A. HARTICAK, li A W Y B Jt . FlTZOERALD'3 BLOCK. PLATTSMOUTH NEP Prompt and careful attention to a general Law Practice. UU. A.8ALISIIl?Ht, DE1TTIST. .'fflce over Smith. Black & Co's. Drug Store, r lrst class dentistry at reasonable prices. 231y Dr. C. A. Marshall v8uccessor to Clutter A Marshall.) BEHTIST I Preservation of natural teeth a specialty. Teeth extracted without pain by use of Laughing Gas. All work warranttd. Prioes reasonable. FmoFAtnRi.nrir. . Pi.ATTMnrTH.K K. DRESSLER, Merchant Tailor. PL.AT7WIOUTS. - - NEB. 2 B O St ft 5 55 2 6 m CD 5 2 ecv ft e 0 H 4 Id H S M CM e e tZSM ft s H Q (9 tag ft Iff! & ft ft ft 151 ft 25 2 ft b3 o (c l) l'rT"Tl Fe 5 S.(ttz&, I C5 IS PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASK A