- HE ELKHORN SAL HEADQUARTERS; FOR ALE, WINES BEER AND CIGARS,- Old Kentucky Whiskies, iMi'oirn:i) winks, AIU AIM'S KXTKA DHY CHAMPAGNE, iN ATI VE WINES, ST- LOUIS liKKll: drug's Omaha Beer A IWAYS IN STOCK, AT- THE JEIilCHOBH PLATTSMOUTII, NEIL Fitzgerald IHock S. W. JBATaJMSSSSTTJEIB, Commission Merchant, l-HIjX)Q'Cr--i,'-r,.S FOE. A N D a MigSaest Cali priee paid for An unexcelliHl lino of FLO (IK iilv..vs in stock, corner ti:h au Main Streets, ..;i;!tc First National I '-.ii.k. PLATTSMOUTII. - - NEBRASK A K?f f,"-?-?. -sp-t? "v?"? hi o o o cu C3 Uses 1 SKIN CURE, CATARRH CURE, COUGH CURE. BLOOD CURE. FOR SALE BY WILL J. WALMIICIC. Si J" CD 6 ROBERT DONNELLV'S BLACKSMITH TVajon, Jiuggy, Jlfachins and PZ.ic re pairing, and rc? jailing I now prepared to do all kinds of repairing of farm and other T.aphit.erv. as taere Is a good lathe in my slicp. PETER R A 17 EN. The old Reliable Wagon Maker has taken charge oi tlie wagon snnr lie Is wcii fcnown as a NO. 1 WORKMAN. Sew XVaxouM n1 ftuzsiea ma;le r SATISFACTION rtUARANT PLATTSK0U7H MUXS TTSTVTOUTTI KKB.J aJNIsKL., - IToprletcr O H (!) ft 5 CD e-t-O O i Vs Sea 0 ggf E3 H "5 MIKE SCHNELLBACHER. ZJJf CKSM1 Til flOKSE SHOEING & WAGON KEPAI1!IN AH Kinis of Farm intents Msnlel will Neatness and Dispatch. flour. C.yrn A.eal A'F i Attention liver) body. I will offer for sale on terms to suit purchaser the property described be lov : Eighty acre.-i of" land, pi dialed u twnsbip 12, rsiiiire 12. si c. 3-, Co . Nrh. Also one desirable re?ilouce and one i-tore builviit-i v. iih a full line o liaraware, stitvep and tinware siduiter ia Louisville, Nob. Alu one set of tin ner's tools. Xovisotir time to se eyre a bargain. 10:ttf W. Cutfoi:th. Important tt TraveJer. Special inducements are offered jv by the J'urlinarton route. It will pay you to read their advertisement to t found elaewht-re in tins issue. 47tf iiorsc, 31ule& Ox Shoeing n short, we'll shoe anything that haf four feet. nm a Zbra to a Giraffe. Come and see us. NEW SHOP Fitth Sr. between Main an! Vine Greets jut across le corner from th .Nitw HKI.aLD Offu'K. -3 o 3 a JO s jv "E.2 5 I" Beuuett & Lewis have just recoiveu a car load ot ti-nirlr.Mii the ce!-!ratef m Mill." Topcka, Kansas They guarai t-e tlds flour to etinal hii taade in the L'nitcd States. D.'ni't for the brands J opi.ka I'atent- -sii i wnet Fency and Eaale. nytf Johnson & Co., Counc il LI off- have opened out a hrat cl iss lanndrv on lower Main street, where they art prepared to do all kinds ef One work in that line. A trial of their work is requested. lOltf as a i o S b.2 . s C 5 3 3 i- i 3 5 - w 15 W I I t- m 3 P 2 M y 06 a. 0 O "3 s s 1 O - ft. ft. 3 ' o t-4 -2 -i CO o -Ph c o t -c c3 Ph I w i. 2 s w CORN COB pipes in every sty! Schlagel'i. iOtt PROCLAMATION. WUKKKAS, a joint resolution was adopted by t b-I.eKiMature ol the Stalti of Nelua.ska, at the Elchteeuth St-ssloii thereof, and approv ed Febmarv iiTth, a. it. i-mposlnt; an Aiiiendiueiit to Section Four ( i). of Article Three (3, or the t'onstitutiou of Haid State, and that said sec lion as amended shitll read as follows, to-wit : Section 4. The term of ofllce of iiiembers of the Lceisliituie t-ltull lie two yearn, and they Khali each receive a salary of "three hundred dollais lor their ecrvicen dm lot; taid teiui. and ten cents for every mile lliey sliail tiavt i in KoliiK ai.d returning troiu the place of n eetinu of I he l.eiMaiure, on the. most, lixnal route. I'nct fttl. ymiifitr. llial neitlier ineuiuers oi Hie l.ct;ll.iLuic nor employees shall receive any pay or perquisites ot her than their ealary and iiileae. l-.aeh bci-sIoii, except special pes-ions. shall be not I-h ilian sixty Uas. Afier Ihe expiration of forty days ol thu nesnion no hnl nor Joint rcsoiuiloUH oi i lie nature oi oins i-uau he introduced, unless the tiovernor shall, by special wes.-ane. call the attention of the l.ci; Islalure to the necessity of passing a law ou the subject matter embraced in the message, and the introducuou ot bdln bhall I v rcetrictcd thereto " The ballotH at the election at which said Amendment shall be submitted shall he in the following form : "For proposed Auienduient to the JoiiHtitullou relating to Legislative lie j.artment." "AKahist proposed Amendment to the Constitution relating to Legls'-ative Department." WliKHK AS, A joint resolution wan adopted by the Legislature of the State of Nebraska at the Eighteenth session thereof, and approved February 2HUi, A. I. 1S83, proposlnj? an amend ment to Section One U) of Artlo.e hlo (5) of the coiif titution of said State, and that naid section aj. amended hall read as follows, to- wlt : "Section 1 The Executive I)epartment t-hall c.iiiHist of a ioveruor. Lieutenant lovei n- or. recreiary ot State, Audit-. r of rubae Ac counts. Treasurer, Superiiitendent of I'tihlie 1 ns ruction. Attorney tieueral, Comrnissiom-r of 1'ubliu Lands ai.d ltuiiaiiigK, and lioanl of hallway l oinmis Mners. loe oincere iianieo in this section s-all each hold his ofllce for the term of two years from the first '1 hu.-rday after the llrst Tue-day in January next alter ins election aud uuiil lus successor is e.eeteil ana ctialihed. frorulr.d. ixifeivr. that the lirsi eleeoonoi said omcerssnan i-e neioon me nisi I ueadav tmcccedinir the first Monday lu No vember. 1M?0, anu each -ueeeedins election shall be held at Ihe samere'ative tune in each even year thereafter. All other oihcer.-. tin-, mav be provided tor by law under ihe provis ions of tins feet ion. shall be cho en in Mich manner and at such t men. v.nil sha'l ho:d their ollict-s lor such length ot tune as may be pr iied Itv law. and fhali perform such dune :iiul receive such cnmoeiiation as u av he pro. vided lor by law. The tiovei nor. Secretary of State. Auditor of I'ublic Accounts, .treasurer t omuiissioner of l'ublie l. -i.ds and Uuildiu.j and Atioruey tlen-ral, shall reside at iii; seat of government tluriuu llietr terms of ollice. and keep the public reeordx. books and papers lliere. an- me otliecrs nereiii naiiieu snau per such on- ie a mav be 'eouiied bv law.'' Tlte ballots at th - eh:Ction at which such Amendment shall be eubiniued shad be lu the following form : "i'or proposed Amendment to Section One (1) of Anicie Five () of the Constitution, entitled Executive Depart ment.' " "Against proposed Amendment to section One (1; Article Five (5) of the ouMitu tiou. entitled. ' Executive Department.' ' '1 hei efore. I. .lames W Dawes, Governor of the State of Nebraska, do hereby ive notice, in a cot dance with Sectiou One (1) Article fif teen (l.r) of the Constitution, and the provisions ol an act emiiled. "Au Act to provide the man ner of proposing Amendments to thi Constitu tion and submit! in;; the tame to trie Electors of this htate." approved t ebruary ltth. A. i. 1877 that said proposed oineudui lit s will be submitted to the iualillcd votoix of thi Mate lor ralilication or lejection at the General Electiv ii to be held on the 4tu day of Novem ber, A. I. 1S34.. In Witness Whkujcmk, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be ufuxed the Great Seal of the Ntateof -Nebraska. (Seal. Done at Lincoln, this lsth day of July, A. i ISt-t the Eighteenth year of the State, and ol tiie Inde pendence of the Foiled States, the One Hundred and Ninth, r.v the Governor, JAMES W. DAWES. A'l'TKST : EiiWAKt) 1 Koir;KN, Secretary of State. UNSURPASSED' A Pleasant, Safe and ReliaUt item ed y for Bowel Cum plaints. "Please send three bottles of Mausii's Tonic Astringent, by ex press, to my wife, iu Waverland, Indi ana, where she is visitiDg friends, feihe writes me that our little girl has ihe Summer Complaint, and that she can not obtain the Astkigent there. Please send it immediately as we are anxious to have it tret there as soon as possiable. We have more confidence iu it than any other remedy.'' Juhn E. Petty, Fort Scott, Kas. Marsiis Tonic Astuixoexx is for sale by Smith & Clack Uros, drugyi-i's Plattsmoutn. It quickly cures Diarrhoea,Dyesentryt Cholera Infantum, and all Bowel com plaint. Price 50 ceuts. Don't fail to try it. Fifty cents will buy the Marsh's Asrue Cure liquid or pills. Never known to fail. For sale by Smiih & Black Bros Marsh's Catharic Liver Pills are mild, thorugh harmless. For s.iie ! y Smith & Black Bros. rfrl u us IN CASH GIVEN AWAY To SMOKERS of Blackwell's UCnuinC OUII UUi itam Smoking Tobacco. This Ppecial Peposit Is to rn ran tee the fiaymcnt of the premiums fully descrioea n our former announcements. The premiums will tje paid, tm matter now smaU the number of bans returned may be. OJJic BtarkvelV Durham T-harm Co.J Durham. X. C.. May 10. laM. i P. A. WI1 K-wVbJI ltHThmw nham. fir C. Dfar Siu:-W ImLiso you 11.mmim. wlit-h i t. -a-e flat on Si-.-1Hl Iirostt to i-av i.renitiiiui) K'r our empty tobacco 1vh to U- rehirnf-d 'h;. lith. Vours truly. J. S- C A Kit. I'roi.leut. OJi" "f Ihe B-irifc of Hurh"m, VurUam. K. C. May 10, lo&4 - it"., ' lu'.lrkv Ti Durham Tharro m n... stK I have to acknowlwliw recMl't or flP.rjir. fm.il you. whieh we baye l-lacetl upon DCP-I t -Ajyotdeet S Cwilllor. Hon (renutne without picture or BULL on tho lakaK. rf8 onr oilier announcement. Win i:. Whitteinore. M. !'., hoinoe- pathie p!:yf5H i)iii an I 'purfjoon. Uflice in Fil7.' ri'.ltl !!o:K. Residence 30"th west '-n:i f Pc.til and 10th streets. f- lice hours 1o ' ' m , 2 to 5 and Tto b p. in. vt8if Parlor and t e I roon: s ts in all styles at the lowest prices nt Henrv I'-ock's. llSlf PSOF'SSIOHAL CARDS. E- W. COOK. M. D Physician and Sfi:JEON, OFFICK At Fisiieks Dnuo Stohe P!;ittenioutii Nfbras'.-.a. ATT :UN"EY AT LAW. Will practice in all Courts of the Slate. Olllee in t it.geili l?loek l-LATTSMtll Til, - UKHHASKA. Ai.i.i-.n lin.so.N. A. N. Kl'i.uVaK ATTOKNEVS AT LAW. Will K'e promji attention to a'l business Pitrusted to them. Of lice in I'niou Block, Est side. I-LATTSMOUTIt - NKIIR4SKA. FRANK H. Vv'IL.SON, Ilasement of l'.a:iU of Cass County. Coicnkk Si.vrii and .Main Sthkkis. TO" OTA TL r PTIBL IC I'ai in-nl-ii altei i;ti Lived To the preparation f paper-: lor Caveats, Patents ai.d Uefcist ration !' 'irade Marks arid Labels. .SiivJie.i or the -nee. Elniwo(.-l Neb Collet-i io:... .-pecialty and fiivcs prompt tit'.ii!io:i- P. O.uddresi Elm wood Neli. ATTOKNEV Al LA W & NOl AKY I'UHLK Fitzgerald's lilocl., l'LAri.-i-'.'L'V:!. - MtiUtAHKA Aent for .Ste::-!-.st.i; :ines to aud from Europe U'vv.'.iy . tl. MC8lIl.la4:luCllT, Pravi iciuij Physician. OHice, C'jiner Main and 7th Streets., ILATTSMoITil. - ----- yKItitASKA 11. ti. l.IVt.bhTOX, 51 l liVilCIAN & BUmiliON. OFFI K !UH; i:S, from 10 a. m., to 2 p Exairiin.i e Siiikoji for U. S. Pension. i-.:c. in. jl.lEi.ii, r II " SKlAN AND S U ft G E O N Can he f.nr.d bj calliriR at his ot'ice, corner 7th and Main i-Ueets. tit J . 11. waterman h nouse I'LAT J O UTH . N EliKASK A. e.. JSATllliW'w AT lOItlfiCV AT LAW. OClce ovei Raker .m At wood's store, south side ot Mam between M a ana tilU streets. s:ill pTitois: &. ;L,.tii. ATTORNEYS AC LAW. W ill practice in the Courts in the SiaLe. UUtrict .ilor and Xotaru Pai,:ir. all C(iAi,-fi-.'.V'A' c4 &TJCIH .2 1. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Real Estate. Fire In surance at:d CoUei-Ltou Agency. Office Lnion block FtattsJiit-uth Nebraska. 22in3 1. J4. W tt i-.lCS.Iilt & CO. hlW OFFICE. Real Estate, Fire and Lifeli siirance AireHs. i'i?.t!sniouth, Nebraska. Col lectors, lax -payers. Have a complete abstract of tit les. Ru -iiid sell real estate, negotiate !i;i:;. 4f. 15 1 J AJi i..s Notary Public. aTTOE N t' A 'J LAW. XV U practiee in Cas and adjoiisuie C:'jnries ; plves speeia: attention to collections .!.! ::b:-tiaets of title. Ofihie in Siierwood o'.j'.-. !:-:t!smouth. Nebraska. 17v't Kit irKV i The Ice Man. Jos. Fairfield has established an of lice at Monarch billiard hall, where he will contract with consumers to supply ice for the Beason at the lowest terms. 3m2 Of.:-. Plaltstnoii Notary Public 1: '.tV AT LAW. if.Vs Jevveiry Store. ebrajka IIu rrah for Blaine and .Logan ciear3 at Schlegels. 9dtf Fresh Black I erries and Blue-berries , received daily at Bennett & Lewis. 129tf . FirziiF A Promnt f.r.rt car Law Practice AR7ICAK, Y "E IS . r-K. Pla ii siiou'j'H N'rn itrr.tion to a erera ID Jl 1nT TIST .)flice over Sn:itn. H:a? k Co's. Dn:g Store. First tlas t deiiR-try at reasonable pri. e. 23ly Settlement Notice. On account of mi.oin we arc com-1 m 1 mm pelledto call on all paries knowing , Tf (J A 132,11 ih.ml...in1aMllnni tn Pill ftr.d ! ' WJi UcwWil settle at once. 129Jtf. J. Hatt & Co. ..Successor to Clutter & Marsha'!,) Ayer's S ns,).-rillr cure- Liver Com plaints, Fen; ale Di orJeiS, Kheuci-jti-.m and all diseases ot 'he I loo J. Carruth's third watch club ha9 still a few vacancies. Call and secure a chance. I29dtf W Its highly concet.lraattd curative powji r, makes Ayer's Sarsapilla she b"6t and cheapes' blood puilier known v. ldHt Republicans are especially invited !0 meet at Scheiegel's aud try the Biaiue and Loznn cigar. bsJtf Pasture Two hundred and forty acres under fence, with running water, and one half mile from the citv. Apply to 31tf W. S. WlSB. mm 25 "S3 I S T I Preservation of natural teeth a Fpcialty. Teeth extracted without pain by use of Laughing Gas. All work. warr imW. Priceg reasonable Fmr.rRAl n Pvl.r.f-K. - PLATTSMOCTH.N DRESSIER, Merchant Tailor. P i a ATTBM OUT II . - - - JTEB. fi tost ff.f ' g. s ED ; . EBB pa ft ICUZ3 o oo 1 pi fen p33 fJH0 e T T pi 01 CD m fc tr ma vast fa IPS a eati tZSB Sat 5) C ii- V I 7tit intent ' . I E 3 CZESJ E3 ''Tri i j c D5 S3 'J itS --TJs