H ELKHORN ALE, WINES BEER AND CIGARS,- Old Kentucky Whiskies, imi'oi:ti:i winks, mcmm. extua dry champagne, native wines, Eruas Omaha CL ETCBJSS JESSIES of ALWAYS IN Fit.-eraM IMw.I; - - - .J", JBA'EJSSESSMSIE, Commission Merchant, A X SffSgf SjcssI (L'tssla An uijexecllod, line oi'iLOUJl Wain Streets, opposite First Natu PL ATTSM OUT II , ;kin cure. catarrh cure, cough cure. blood cure. yi.ni s u.e by W ILL J. AVAI:li:CK. ROBERT DOBIIELLV'S BLACKSMITH 3 jE3ICDi: IFaou, Buggy, Machine end Vloxo rs pairing, and gtneral jolting l .ut. now prepared to Co all kinds of repairing of farm and other nnu.ii'ierv. p.s tnere ia a good lathe ia iay shop. rZTJZB UAUEX. The cid Reliable Wagon Make: has taken charge or tne t"a.on stii-r Ue Is well known as a NO. 1 V.orilCJAX. New Wttr'.' KnccSe- u'ie t SATISFACTION (iUABNT PLATTSMOUTH MIU.S TT3MOUTH NEB. J Vlour. tJcm JUeal t&lFeed Attention Kvor)belj. I will oiler for s'e on terms io sub putchascr the pivterty described be low; Eighty acres of land, situaltd in town&hip 12, range 12. sec. i3. Cass Co . Xih. Al?o or.e desirable resilience wml one stoie building with a full line oi haraware. stoves and tinware situate!? in Louisville, Neb. Also one set of tin ner3 tools. Now is your time to se cvr a bargtin. 10itf W. Cutfokth. Important to Travelers. s-i-oei.il lnJuccnietits are otur-ii yor by the liurlinton route. It will ja you to read their advertisement to b found elsewhere in tbw iss'in. 471 f Bunett it Lewis have jut n-ceivd a car load of fi -ur from the celi'ni'or1 Shawnee Mills," Topeka, Ivunsts. Thoy guarantee tliis fl ur to hjmhI u nitde in the United States. I)-nt f r tho brands Topeka I'atent- -SIi" 'i 3 Fancy and Eacle. 1 1 S t i" Johnson & Co., of Council Ilnff have opoed out a first class laundry on lower Xain street, where they ate prepared to all kinds ef fine work in that line. Airjal of tbeir work is rqur?8fed. lOitf HPllil SALOON ! ST- LOUIS I5EER STOCK, AT' JL'LATTSMOUTir, NEB. D ppiee isiaIS fr :ilv;ts in stock, corner G:h an nal LanK. NEBRASK A q 21 o e-t- H I 0 2 at 0 4 CO o erf- pa -3 S3 -S CD 0 4 S3 CD S A 5 c-t-O O ilIKE SCHNELLBACHER, BLACKSMITH .-10 USE SKOEIXG & WAGON KEPAIRI( ill Kinds of Farm imslemects Lleslel will NeatnesB and Dispatch. Horse, Hulc& OxShoeing a short, we'll shoe anything that haf coar foot, from a Zebra to a Giraffe. Come and see us. N"SW SHOP FittU St. tetween main an J Vine :--ets just across ie corner from tb .Nw LiEixLD Ut'MCK. 2 ill oa CO x a i o ? o 5?S IS iM 5 2 s .2 m "S " u. c c s - M " 2 e 3 ?- o ! - - 5 i 2; c; c og r 2 rfs 3 Si S S c a- c3 OB -C0BN COB plpoa in eTery styl Schlegei'i. It" PROCLAMATION. WHKItKAS, a Joint resolution was a.l'M'U-d l.y t h I.fi-'i"-latur: of tilt! St.ite ol N t-In u-ika, :il Kilitt'ciil b Sesilon I hTfof. and approv ed F-Iuiarv 27lli, a. l. Is',, proposing au Ameiidiiitfiit to Section Four U. of Article 'llirce C5, of tlic (.'onstitutiou of nald State, uud that said section as aJiieij'tl sliali read ad follows, to-wit : " Section 4. '1 lie term of oftice of members of the l.eni"lature rliall le two yeaiv, and they fliall each leceive a .salary oi tinee loiniiieil dollars for tlielr fervlcen dm jn i-aid tern), and ten rent for every mile Hiey .-.liall liavel in KoinK ai.d returniiiK lrom the plac:n of u ei-tla of the l.eli-ialuie, on tne iimsi unual route. t'roci tcd, hitircver. that neither members of the Legislature nor cm moveert shall receive auv pay or peiuiites oilier than their nalaiy ami mileage. Kach nesiou, except special ce-.-.ions, shall Ue not U-"" llian suiy Uajs. After Ihe expiration of lorty days oi the oesi-lou no bill- lior Joint rcsoiuuolin otine naiuieoi i.;ns cnau be introduced, unless the tJovernor shall, by- special mesfae, call the attention of the l.eu- islal lire to I lie necesslt v oi passinu a la out lie subject matter embraced in the message, ami the liili'oiuclloii "i uui Mian i e resii icicu llieielo. " The ballotn at the election at which said Amendment shall be ktihinilteil shall be in the following form : "For proposed Amendment to tlieCoiixtitutloii relatlui? to Legislative Ie partment." "A;aiurit proposed Amendmeiit to the Constitution relating to Legislative licpartinent." Wli KKE AS, A jolut resolution was adopted by the Legislature of the State of Nebraska at the Eighteenth ses.slon thereof, and approved February astli, a. i. Ihki, proiiosiiiK ail amend ment to Section One (t ) of Article Five (5) of the court itutiou of said State, and that said section a aiyended diail read a follows, to- wit : Section I The Executive Ilcpa-tm.-nt hliall c.uiHist of a liovcraor. Lieutenant (invent or. Secretary of State, Auditor oi I'ublic ac-i-ouuts. Tieasiirer, Suptl imcndeiit oi FuMic Ins i.ietion. At.torii"y (ieueral. Commissioner of i'ublte Lands and lUiildiugs, and Hoard .f llailw ay Commis-ioners. ii.e otnceix ::amet in tins seei inn s'-all eaeli hold liis olilce for the term ot two years from the lirst Tliu-rday after the first Tuesday in January next alter his t leclion and uuiii his successor is elected and ualllied. frnvuli-.a, hmccrrr. tli.it the nrs elect ou of said oliicers shall be held on the Hist I uesday mieeeeuniir tne lust Monday in No vember. 1KHG. and each succeeding election liall be held at the same relative tune in each even year thereafter. All other ofiicert ilril niav lie provided lor by law under the provn ions ot this tectum, snail ue enocn in men inanner and at such t-mes. and sha'l liold t 'ieir olilccH for such length of time as may be pro vided by law, and mall perlorm such di lies aud receive micu coi ipensaliou as n-ay ne ore. vided tor by law. The t iovei nor. Secretary of Stale. Auditor of I'ublic Accounts, 'treasurer. Commissioner ot Public L'-onls and Build:n;i:i, and Attorney General, shall reside at the seat of cMVernmeut during their terms of oflice. and uect) the public records, books and p:-,.cs there, and the oliicers herein named shall per such dimes as niav be i-euniied bv law." Tne ballots at th' election at which such Amendment shall be submitted shall be in the follow Hit; form : "For proposed Aiiiend-iient to Section One (1) of Article Five (Si ol the Constitution, entitled Executive ie-iait incut.' " "Against proposed Aniendinent to section one (o Article five (5) oi Hie conutu thin, entitled. 'Executive Department.' " 'i heiefore, I, James W.Dawes, tiovernor of the State of '.Nebraska, do hereby give notice, iu atcoidauce with Section One (1) Article Fif teen (15) of the Constitution, and the provtsio of an act entitled. "An Act to provide the man ner of proposing Amendments to the conMUu lion and submitting the same to tne r.leciors of this .state." antu-oved February l.?th. a. l 1.S77 that said proposed Aiuendm-i'.ts will be Mibmitted to the miaiiiicii vntors ot tin Man lor ratification or I eject ion at the ( Sonera! Elect ion to he held on the 4th day of Novem ber, a. l. Iss4.. Is Witness IVhkkkok. I have heicnnto set my hand and caused to 1); atlived the tirer.t Seal of the Slate of Nebraska. vSeal. Done at Lincoln, this, lsth day of July, A. O 13S4 the Eighteenth year of the State, and ot the Inde pendence of the United States, the One Hundred and Ninth. By he Governor, JAMES V. DAWFZS. Attkst : EdWAKO P. ilOGOKX, Secretary of State. UNSURPASSED' A Pleasant, Safe and Reliable J;e,n cly for Joivel ComjUaiuIs. "Please send three bottles of Maksu'o Toxic Astringent, by ex press, to my wife, iu AVaverland, Indi ana, where she is visiting friends. S'je writes me that our little girl has ihe Summer Com plaint, and that she can not obtain the Astkigent there. Please send it immediately as we are anxious to have it fret there as soon as possiable. We have more confidence iu it than any other remedy." John E. Petty, Fort Scott, Ks. Maksiis Tonic Astiunoent is for sale by Smith & Black Bros, druggi-t's Plattsmoutn. It quickly cures Diarrhcea,Syesentry, Cholera Infantum, and all Bowel com plaint. Price 50 cents. Don't fail to try it. Fiftv cents will buy the ilarshV Ague Cure liquid or pills. 2s'ever known to fail. For s-da by smith At. Black Bros. Marsh's Catharic Liver L'iiis are mild, thorugh harrnloss. For s;iie. Iy Smith & Black Bro. The Ice Man. Jos. Fairfield lias estnblished an of fice at Monarch billiard hall, where he will contract with consumers to supply ice for the season at the lowest terms. 3m2 IIu rrah for Blaine and j-.ogan cigars at Schlegels. 98dtf Fresh Blacklerries and liluebtrrie received dailv at Bennett & Lewis'. 129tf Settlement Nutice. On account ot building we are cotn pelled to call on ail par'ies knowing themseH es indebted to us to call and settle at once. lL'Odtr. J. ITatt & Co. Ayer's S i9fx rill . c. re-Liver Com plaints. Fe i ale Di-orde:s, TIlieuin.;ti m an 1 all diseases of he 1 loo 1. Carruth's th ru wa ch club has still a few vactnciei. Ca'l and secure a chance. 12idtf Its hihlv c'nceiii ranted curative owJer, makes Aver's Strsapiila the bst and cheapes'- blod puilier known v idot Ilepublieaii are especially invited to nu-et at SchelecePs aud try the Blaine and Logan cirar. 08dtf Pasture Two hundred and forty acres under fence, with running water, and one half mile from the city. Apply to 3ltf W.S.WIM. IN CASH GiVEM AWAY ATTENTION, SMOKERS! All contestants for the 2T premiums a??reffnt ini? ulove amount, offered by Mack well's Dur ham Tobucco Co.. mut observe the following conditions on w hich the premiums are to Ihs awarded: All bKS must bear our original Hull Durham label. V. S. Revenue Stump, und Caution Notice. The must be done up H-curi ly iu n packiijje w ith name und address of sender, and numUrof bugs contained plaln Iv marked on the outside. Charts must lo prepaid. Contest rliw Kovmilier 'i. All pack ages should !; forw arded Heremlier 1st, and must reach us nt Imrham vol i'.Hr thm Drrrm l,rr l.'.lh. No matter where you reside. teinl your packnire, mi vise us by mall that you have done so, and state the number of ba-s sent. Names of successful contestants, with number of bars returned, will published, Dec. in lioston. Herald: New York, Ilernl'l : Philadel phia. Time: Durham, N. C, Tohnrro liant: New Orleans, Timrx-D'Viorrat ; Cincinnati, t.n ttiircr: Cliicu?. Daily Stun; San Francisco, (.rmiide. Adlres. liLAtKw tLi. s Drr.itAM Tobacco Co., DlKll AM, N. C. livery genuine packuKU has picture of Hull. 0i'Sce our m-xt announcement." . Win K. Whittemore, M. IX, homoe pal hie physician and surpcou. Ollice ia Fitzgerald block, liesid-tice couth west corner lVail and 10th streets. f fhv; hours 10 to 1. a. m., 2 t r and 7to H o. m. 8il 9 . Pallor and I e l room at ia in all styles at the lowest orics at llenrv ri-c.i b. 118tf PROFESSIONAL CARDS. E. W- COOK. M. D. Physician and Slu-teon, OFFICE At Fisher's Dkuo .Store. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will practice in all Courts of the State. Ollice iu FitKerlU Block. l'LATTSMOUTH, - KHBKASKA. ALLK.N liKKSO.V. A. N. SL'I.LIVaK. BF.SU & SILLIVA.V, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will p.ye prompt ittentioji to all business Intrusted to them. Of fice iu L'nion Block, East side. l-l-ATTs-VOUl .t - NKI1BSKA. FRANK H. VI1.SON, Basement of Rank of Ca.?s County. Colt.VKH SIXTH ANO MAIN STHtKTS. UOTART PUBLIC Particular attenllon rived to the preparation of paper Dt Caveats, l'atcnls i.nd Kcintratiuu of Hade .".larks and Labels. list ten of tSte I"tace. Elmwood Neb Collections a specialty and gives lrompt uiUv.i iu.i. P. O address Elm wood Xt!. li. o'iiONOifi: ATTOIINEV AT I.AW & NOTARY PUBLIC. Fitzjjerahr F-l 'ck. i-la I i .--Vi L i it. - skm:aska Agent Icr S- . ;:; !.i;) lines to and from ilurope. dl25Jiy laE. W. II. Ki ilfb:i;(JHT, Practicing Physician. OIT.ce, Corner Slain and 7th Street., I'LATTiMOCTI Kt:itASKA. K. it. .iVl.VI.MTO:i. .12. ii.. rnVSICIA.N & SUR'iEO.N. OF'FI E HOURS, from 10 a. in., to p. in. Examin.r. S':rt;eon for U. S. Pension. k. li n PHYSICIAN A N D S i" R (J E O N . Can he found by calling at his oflice, corner 7th and Main Street - in J. 11. Waterman' house. rUVrisMOL'TII. NEKRASKA. JAN. W. 51ATIIi:V ATTCiUIiKV AT LAW. Office over Baker a At wood's store, south side of Maiii between 6ih aad (itii streets. 21tf nTi;'..: & CL iJC.. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. W lit practi-.'e id all the Courts in inc. ;:nu-. L'Mrivt Attn-..' j it:,d Xot'tru Public. t WffiK, COLJ.CTJOA W -IECIM.Z.-2 2 . ATTORN EY AT LA W. Real Estate. Fiie In surance and Collection Agency. Olilie Union biiM.k Riattsniouth Neliraska. 2iin3 U',V OFFICE, i:eai itate. Fire an-1 Life In surance Agents. j'lartsaioaLh, Nebraska. Col lectors, ia x -pay: ?. I.'ave a ci inplete abstract of titles, j toy art. sell real e.tkte, nej;3tiate loans. &e. 15 I jajks i:-. nuhniNU.v, Notary I'ublic. ArTOliNEY.tl .'.AW. V. :'pra:ticeiu(;aHh gnd adjoin. i:s 'J:.ii.i!.irH ; gives special attefction to collect;.. a.vj austruets cf title. (lce in Slierwocd . I'.i-.tsuioui.ii, Nel)raika. 3 7vt Notary Tublic -.IT!...;. Y AT LAW. Olce cv. . Ciur'-.rii's Jew elry Stcre. Piattsmoi:::1 .... N-.brajKa. MARTiGAfl, JLd dd is Firzorn u.!'- J;;.-.-:k. I'i.attsmovih Neb Prompi :!P'J c:rf attention to a neceral Law Ppaerifi Ml. .V. fiALIbBI KV. IDSITTIST. Jfflce over Smith. Black & Co's. Diug Store. First cla-:, deuti-trv at reasonable price". 23iy Dr. C. A. Marshall VS accessor t-"- Clutter MarsIiaR.) ' v "sn i v Preservation of natural teeth a specially. Teeth extracted without pain ly use of Laughing Gas. A ork war. .nt?d. Prices reasonable. F'T?:rpIT Itir.r-K. . PT.ATTSMOtrrH K. DRESSLER, Mercliant Tailor. plattkmghjth. - If 2 ft ft TO o ci ts" 2 ft tost ft peas CM tats BE ft 00 GO Jk Hal ft ft rr ft' ft BUS ft A5 rm US S3 ft pa ft P9 52 tszsa ft tea o ft A ft 0 E ..J e fl Li 3d pad t-ty-,,y,i.,i",jv: o1 O J