li FRANK H. WILSON, Fire, Tornado and Cyclone Insurance, Office, Uaseracnt of Hank, of Ca9 Couuty, PLATTSMOUTH, : NEBRASKA, Queen Insurance Conijiriny, of Liverpool. "Washington Fire ami Marino Insurance Co., of Boston. Commercial Union Assurance Company, of London. Western Assurance Company, of Toronto, Ont. Capital, - ... Total Assets, Total looses paid .-ince organization, 4.500 000 20.100 000 52.047 0IG Ileliahle Insurance guaranteed. CjiitI'iiI Underwriting and prompt attention Weston Assurance Co, C OK Toronto. Ont. M. Smith. .J.J.Kknny, A. V. Dodo, President. Managing Iir, Sut. Aj;ei.-ic8 l-.ITi:i NTATIM TIU'KTKKS. Win. II. Oulon, of Williams & Cuioii, (:uion hteaiusiilp Line,) New Soik. Win. A. llooth, Presuleiit Third National i;iiik. Now York. Arthur 11. Craves. President he. Nicholas JSauk, New York, v. W. Il-iye. ( -V-jent, Milwaukee, Wi PNITED STATUS BRANCH. A?KTS. Culled State" V.i percent reijls'ter- d lioud JalVuO.OO (Jutted tSt.Uen 4 percent relrtered Itoild '-iS.L'W.OO New YorK Central & Hudson River Railroad Itou i 4:.iw0.ik tleorU ntate Itond :ii",jou.ik Cali deposited In rttate of Miini?- Hlppl lj.'KKMIO Tash in Uank W.87o.m; Premiums in com e of collection.. Iu2.2t..'; I.IAlilLITIIT.S. $ aJ4.517.o2 Ke-Inpiirauce reserve.. ... r,xiw .31 Unpaid 8-,UG :t Other liabilities .' J0.4U 35 8 o."i.4.l.s: Surplus Id United States.. . . . $ 3tiU.0C3.73 Premium techt in United States. l7tto ltv:, inclusive ?5,.50.".i.3! Total Fire IoHe, paid in United Stle.l74 to I6i3, hi'-lui-ive 3.3!U3..(a isaac sviii:rsKK. a. w. jumox. President. . Secretary. THANK K. SWEATS Kit. Vlee-Priideiit. Washington Fire and Marine Insurance Conwy OK BOSTON. STATEMENT, JAN. 1, 1884. , ASSETTS.I Rank Stock", $ 401, 619,87 lyity of iio.stoii JJonds l&'i.voo.uu United Stafii " 17u.ai7,.V Itailroad.Mocksand ISoiidH, 410.e'3,(o 1 ".oil on tla-H-l.ilit Co.Stoek. 5,.rxo,W( Loans on Mortgage t-l.O'xi.iMi Collateral 102,400,00 Marine Preiii:iiiu isote 3i.w,J!t Premiums in course of Coi'i'n n.712,l:l i Cash on I, and I I3,4!MI,)5'J OlhtrAssclsiaccruedlut.&c) r,741,(0 ; uo.s.s Ass k rs, 41 .r.!r.ft5().34 LIABILITIES. I.ossc : reported Hiiposeili 11.1,1 12,00 iies-erved lor Reinsurance, 2iiti,'Jti'J.3i) All oilier I. labilities Ul,571.;2 CiitosH Liabilities, exoept Capital $395,282.62 Surpluin- regards Policy-holders, Paid-up capital Net Surplus, $1,200,207.7:2 l.COO.OfW.OO $200.2i7,72 WESTERN DEPARTMENT, 174 La SALLE STREET, CHICAGO I-'KED. S. JAMES. General Agent, 2zszz7ci7Zce Uo 0K LiIVKKPOOLu Semi-.nntial statement of the United State branch on the 31t day of December, if--.-;. JOSEPH M. HOi J KKS. Manaser Western De partment, Chicago, 111. COMMERCIAL UNION, AS3TJB.A.1TCE CO. -OF- Assets in the United States. 1?,93 60 3,.2,ryo i UW I3f39 21.G41 55 Cash Items Ileal Estate, Unincumbered United Stat '.-s liouds Other Securities Other Items J, 72,207 Kl Liabilities in the United States. Losses Unadjusted and iu Suspense 13S.9S1 20 All other Clai.ns against the Company 4,070 73 11 13.010 Amount neees'ary to re insure all outstanding risks Net surpltis Sates In United 77I,072 42 13,124 52 LONDON. UNITED STATES BRANCH: 37 and 39 Wall Street, - NEW YORK CITY Ai.kkkb Pki.i... Resident Manager. Cn.w, Skwail, Aecistiint Manager. WESTERN DEPARTMENT: 157 and 159 LaSalle St., - - CHICAGO, ILL, C. P. iMuLUAs. Resident Secretary. .?1.7.")2,2ii7 89 Net Surplus iu United States Dec. 31 1882. Losses paid eince Organization... ...53,124 52 8.9:.y9S 00 UNITED STATES II It AN CH STATEMENT JAN. 1st, 1884. Reserve for total liabilities, includ ing re-iusurance iu United states 1,337,134 24 Net Surplus January 1st, lsj4 990.501 80 Assets held in the United States... $2,327,iati 04 Income. 1?X3 $1,625,934 55 Expenditures, 18S3 1.5V1.120 8 Surplus Income in U. S., 1883 184,814 47 Total losses paid by this Company since organization 37,715,024 CO All losses in the Western Department paid Promptly through the Branch Onice, 157 & 159 aSalie St.. Chicago. HE ELKH 0 0 ALOON ! HEACQVAKIZRSiFOR ALE, WINES BEER AND CIGARS,- 01d Kentucky Wliiskies, IMI'OUTED "WINES, MUMM'S EXTRA DRY CHAMPAGNE, NATIVE "WINES, ST- LOUIS BEER Always zrn. slangf T ALWAYS IN STOCK, ATJ 1LKHOEN I'itzircrald Block PLATTSMOUTH, NEC. Commission Merchant, A N D MiglBest Csesla price paid for An tincxccllod line of FLOUR always in stock, corner Cih an Main Streets, opposite First National Ban!?. PLATTSMOUTH, Train Tme. Uuder the change in time pafeseagt-r traiu9 leave the depot here follow: No. 1 wept, 8:15 aj ru. No, 3 west, 6 :50 p. m. K. U. St. J. & C. H. north 5:15 a. ra. C. 13. & Q. , north, 7:15 a. rn. Omaba stub north 8 :". a. m. " " 5:40 p.m. Trains arrive as follows No. 2., Denver express G:25 p. m, No. 4, " - 9.25 a. m. K. C. St. J. & C. B. e-Mt V :4r a. in. 4 44 " " 8:35 p. in. C. B. & Q. Omaha cast 5:30 p. in. Vital Question ! ! ! ! Ask the most eminent physican Of any school, what is the be&t thing: in the world lor quieting and allayiii all irritation of the nerves, and cuiii.g all fronis of nerves, complaints, giving natural, childlike refreshing sic p always? And they will tell jou unhesitatingly "Some form of Hops! ! .'" CHAPTER I. Ask. any or all of the most eminent physicane: "What is the best and only remedy that can be relied ou to cure all diseas t-t the kidneys and urinary organs; such oa Bright's disease, diatu-tes, reteutioii. or inability to retain urine, and the diseases and aliments peculiar to Women" ''And they will tell you c.xplietly and emphatically " Jiuchu 1 ! ! " Ask the same pliyiciuna What is the most reliable and surest cure tor liver diseases or dyspepsia; cons'ipatior, inigestion, billiousucss, malaria fever, tujue, &e.,"and they will leu you : Mandrake ! or Daudtlion! ! ! ilencu wlicu these remedies are coin binded with oth-rs equally valuable. And compounded into Hop Bittees, BUch a woaderful and myslerious curative power is de velopcd, wbicii is so varied iu its operations that no disease or ill health can po.-sibly exist or legist its power aud yet it is hnrm less f ir tliemoat frail woman, weakt st invalid or smallest child to use. CliATTER ir. "Patients "Almost dead or nearly dyiDK" For years, and rjavc up iny nhvsi cians, of Bright's and other kiduev ids-iases liver complaint?, severe couah called consuintpinn, have been cured Women gone nearly crazy ! ! ! Fiom aouv of neuralgia, nervoo. sres. wakefullness, aud varicm disaeses peculiar to woman. . People draw out of shape from excruciating pangs of rheumatism inflammatory and chronic or sutlerim from scrofula. Erysipelas! "baltrheum, blood poisning, dyspepsia indigestiDg' and, in fact, almost all diseases frail" Nature is heir to Have been cured by Hop Bitters, prooi or wuicn cau oe iouna in eyjry neisnnoroooa in trie known world. 2?" None geuine without a buuch o? green Hop3 on the white label. Shun all the vile, poisonous stun" with "Hop ror "Hops" in their name. June23 1S84 dwlm Johnson & Co., of Co uucil 'Bluffs have opened out a first class iaucdr; on lower Maiu street, where they are preparea to uo all kinds ef tine work in ttiat line. A trial of their work is requested. 101 tf Call for Blaine and Logau cigar wherever you deal, as they are the best mckle cigar in the market. If your dtalear does not keep them induce him to get some. 9Sdtf Can aud j?ee L's. I wish to notify the public that I am now open for business, at Joe McYeyV old stand, where I have ia stock a fuli line f Kentucky whiskies, St. Loui beer, wines &nd cigars &c, as good os the best. r57dtf II. M Boxs. Attention Everybody. I will offer for sale on terms to suit purchaser the property described be low: Eighty acres of land, situated in township 12, range 18, sec. 32, Cass Co., JNeb. Also one desirable residence and one store bujldiDg with a full llue o! hardware, stoves and tinware srniated in Louisville, Neb. Also one set of tin ner's tools. Now is your time to se cyre a bargain. I09tf W. CuTFomn. Important to Travelers. Special inducements are offered von oy the Burlington route. It will pay you to read their advertisement to be found elsewhere in this irfsue. 47t f Bennett & Lewis have just received a car load of nour from the cr Irbrated "Shawnee Mills," Topeka, Kansas. They guarantee this flour to equal any made in the United States. Don't for- the brands Topeka Tatent- -Shawnee Fancy aud Eaele. UStf Its highly conceutraated curative powder, makes Ayer's .Sursapilla the best and cheapest blood purfier known wldCt Spearhead tobacco is all the go row. All chewers seem to be anxious to get that farm, which will be given away in June next. Call at Matt Schickel's for a circular. uf Win E. Wliittemore, M. I)., homoe- pathic physician and surgeon. OQlce in 1 ilzirerald block. Itetiideuce south west corner Pearl aud 10th Btreet. Of fice hours 10 to li a. in., 2 to 5 and ?to 8 p. m. w Stf Parties buying S10 worth of goods for cash will receive a ticket for the grand drawing at L. C. Erven's. mdw2t A Good Chance. Seven nice pigs for sale. Enquire at McCourt's. 119i:j PROFESSIONAL CARDS. E. W. COOK. M. D- I'lIVSICIAN AND SUIIOEON, OFFICE At Fisiikk's Dki o Stork. I'lattsmouth, Nebraska. gi:u. s. S.TIITII, ATT 'HNKY AT LAW. Will practlo.- in all Courts of the State. OlHVe iu Fitzeild llotk. rUTTSMOLTH, - tl:t!AbK.V. A LI. KM ltKKKOJf. A. N. KLLI.IVhN. StliKSO & St'II.I VAX, ATTOKNEY8 AT LAW. Will give prompt ttcntiou to a'l lUMinrHs iutnislcd to tlirm. nee in l.nion lilock, t-iist sitle. PUATTSMOUTH KK!:it4SKA. FRANK H. WILSON, Uiisf-meiit of 15;iuk of Ca.ts County. COKKKK SIXTH AND MAIN STKKETS. UOTAHY FTJBLIO i'arUciilar attention ivud to the preparation of piiperH for Caveats, i'atents anil Kej;i4tratioii of i rail e Mark and Labels. W'm. WKliLKN. JiiMtI-e ofthe Fence. Elinwood Neb Collections a specialty and gives prompt attention. P. O. addreBS Elin wood Neb. M. O'DONOHOE ATTOUKKY AT l-AW & NOTARY TUBLIC. Fitzgerald's Block. PLATTSMOU'ia, - KEIUIASKA Apient for Steamship lines to and from Europe. dl2v52ly JTntil turther notice I can bring im -migrauts from England r Ireland to Fiattsmouth for $3.5.00. This is a rare chance, and those intending to send for their lelatirns should embrace this fa vorable opportunity. I03tf Jf. O'Dokouok MUt. W. II. C'iUL,IU..M:CliT, Practicing Physician. Otllce, Corner Main and Tth Streets., PLATTSMOUTH, ------ KEBKASKA U. It. LIV1. UhTOX. 91. rilVHICIAN & BUItUKOM. OFFI E HOUKS, frosn 10 a. in., to 2 p. m. Exainifiici! Surgeon for U. 8. 1'ension. PUYSICIAN AND SUKOEON, Cau be found by calling at his ollice, corner 7th aud Main Streets, in J. 11. Waterman's house. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. JAN. H. JIATJIKWM ATTOKIfEV AT LAW. Office ovr liaker Jt Atwood's store, south side ot Main tetwefn5th aud 6 th streets. 21tf ml ltttitK & CLAltK. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will practice in all the Courts iu the Slate. District Attomcj and Xotaru Public. iv Hiii an. visk. COLl'JZC'TlOA:' 1 SiJSC2siZll. ATTOltNEY AT LAW. Real Estate. Fire In suiH.nee aiidJo!ieetiou Agency. Ofll.e C111011 bm:k Flattssuouth Nebraska. 21'm3 - II. H I1F.KLEH CO. LAW OFF1C1., Keal Estate, Fire and Life In surance Aleuts, 1'ittsniouth, Nebraska. Col lectors, t ix -pay. .r. liave a complete abstract of tali s, liny auii sell real estate, negstiate loans. &c. i5j J A3! ICS l :. llyiHllllKtOX, Notary Public. ATTOltNEY A" LAW. Wllipratice an Cass aud adjoining Counties ; Kivesr-peciai attention to collections aLd nbstravts uf title. Otliee in &Iiervvuod Hlock, I'lattsmouth, Nebranka. lTyl " ItOKKIi?' IS. wixuilAM Notary Public ATTl 1CN KV AT LAW. OtHce over's Jewelry Store. Fiattsmouth. - Nebraska. tfi. A. HARTICAN, A Y M . FirzoEKALo'? I'j.o-JK. Pr.t isji..cxa Neb Prompt and f:arefal ntttiti.!i to - i'pral Law Practice. DEUTIST. Jftlce over Smith. l!ack & Cu'a. Druir Store First class dentistry at reasonable prices, 23ly Dr. C. A. Marshall Successor to :iutter & Marshall,) Preservation of natural teet'i a specialty. Teeth extracted without pain by use of Laughing Qas. All work warranttd. Prices reasonable Fttzokrami Bi.nfK. - Platthmoitth.N K. IltESSLEi, Merchant Tailor. PLATTSMOUTH. - - - NEB. ;r. Home's Electric Bel! Wanted. A good rl t do housework in a small faini y, Wa-jes, 52.50 per week. Inquire a' residence one-half block west o" M. B. Murphy's. Chieugq-Ave. d!23t5 , H. J. JoujJson. Orders for hand made brooms at- OnrlA1 'ts . t a -v T a. a.1 iir . MPPTJ ct7 m " 22: v""njr n mo western Will cure Xei-vowneis, Lumbago. Eheuma- tisni. Faral Neuralgia. Sciatica. Kidi.ev, Spine aud Liver diseases, iout. Asthma. Heart oiieate, iisiepia Constipation. Lryvipeia. ljumo Cat an h, Piies. K ilepy. lir.poiency, Aiiue. lrilau-iis.tTeri.etc. Only scientific Elec tric Beit in America th it seuds the Electricity aud M ifiiietisiii through the bodr. and can be recharpod in an insauc by the patient. Sl.OOO Would Xot liny It. Pk. Hobve I " a afflicted with rheurf atlon. aDd cured by u-ins a belt. To au3'one aftlicted with that riiseaie, I would say, buy HoiTie's Electro Belt. Anv one can confer "with n;e by writing or calling at my -tore, Hjo Uougbis St.. Omotta. Neb. WILLIAM LY NS. Main Office Opposite 'ost office, room 4 Frener block. CSr- For a!e at C. F. Goodman's Drug Store. Earn am Street. Omaha. JOrders tiled. O. a Ik. WdJtwlm r i 5 Mel CT" in O j 0 ct- C9J 2 tS0 9 CD 3 ft 9 9 - ',1 A 9 xm o 9 CI? e 9 w (Si 9 pi e 9 o m 9 w 9 9 9 9 9 9 tstta to v5 rza 9 9 & KB 123 S3 6 c ir (C J) 'r-) & il - mm i f m im.. - 'A'