The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, July 26, 1884, Image 3

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Gireu'atlag, ,ilrry
I rax Htor.
CJ. A., tliirNliitll, Deutlut, kiic
cexsur to Clutter & MarNliall.
Teetli extracted without pain,
Uy uc ol'Mtrou Oxide
1. .Sullabury, tentlt.
A meaning to all Maiikiiul.
Ifthewc times when our Newspa
pers are lloo'led with patent niedicin
advertisements, it is gratifying to know
what to procure that will certainly
euro you. If you are Bilious, blood
out ot order. Liver iuactive, or gener
ally tlchilitated, there is nothing in ihe
world that will cure you bo quickly as
Electric Hitters. They are a blessing
to all mankind, and can be had for only
li fly cents a bottle by j. M. Huberts.
Dec. I3e0wlv
so quickly cured by Shilohs Cough.
We warrant it.
WILL YOU SUFFEU. with Dyspepsia
and Liver Complaint? i n loh's Vitali
zerU guarautrfed to cure you.
SLEKI'LKSS NKillT, made miser
ably by that terrible cough. Shiloh's
Cure is the remedy for you.
CATAK1UI CUKED, health and
sweet breath secured by Shiloh's Cat
arrh Kem?dy. Price .r0 eeuts Nasal
Injector free. For sale by Smith &
Black Bros. Dcc.l3eowd&vly
T&P Solid Facts.
The best blood puritler and system
regulator ever placed within the reach
of suffering humanity, truly is Electric
Hitters. Inactivity of the Liver, Bil
iousness, Jaundice. Constipation, Weak
ICidneys, or any disease of the urinary
orgaus, or whoever requires an appetiz
er, tonic or mil 1 stimulant, will always
flad Electric Bitters the best and only
certain cure known. They act surely
and quickly, every bottle guaranteed to
give entire satisfaction or money re
funded. S ld at llfty cents a bottle by
J. M.Roletts Jand&wly.
Titousaiitl Say So.
Mr. T. W. Atkins, Cirard, Kan.,
writes; "I never hesitate to recom
mend your Electric Bitters to my cus
tomers, thev give perfect satisfaction
ami are rapid sellers." Ee'ectrc Bit
ters are the purest and best medicine
known and will positively cure Kidney
and Liver complaints. Purify the
blood and regulate the bowels. No
family can afford to be without them.
They will save hundreds of dollars in
doctor's bills everv year. Sold at fifty
cents a boit'e by J. M. H berts.
Dec 13 lveOw
A Startling IMscoTory.
Physicians are often startled by rc -markable
discoveries. The fact that
Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
sumnriou and all Throat and Lung
diseases is daily curing patients that
thev have given up to die, is startling
them to realize their sene of duty, and
examine into the merits of this wonder
ful discovery ; resulting in hundreds of
our best Physicians using it in their
practice. TnU Bottles free at J.M.
Roberts' Drug Store. Regular size
SI. 00.
ham Tobacco Co.. must observe the following
conditions on w hich the premiums are to be
awarded: All bags must bear our original
Hull Durham label. IT. S. Revenue Stamp, and
Caution Notice. The baps must be done up
6ecure'v in a package with name and address
of sender, and number of bags contained plain
ly marked on the outside. Chai ees must be
prepaid. Contest doses Sorember Sot h. Allpaclc
itees should be forwarded Pecemler 1st. and
niut reach us at Durham not later than Decern
. ber No matter where you reside, send
rour package, advise us by mail that you have
uone so. and state the number of bags sent
Names of successful contestants, withnumber
of bairs returned, will be published, rjec. -2. in
Boston. Herald: New York. Hermit: Philadel
phia. r,mf; Durham. N. C. Tobacco JHant;
New Orleans Time Democrat : Cincinnati. En
quirer: Chicago. Daily A'eut: San Iruncisco,
fhrunide. Address.
Every genuine package has picture of Bull.
ASee our next announoeraent."C
The Ice Man.
Jos. Fairfiidd has established an of
tice at Monarch billiard hall, where he
will contract with consumers to supply
ice for the season at the lowest terms.
Two hundred and forty acres under
t",-nep. with running water, and one
half mile from the city. Apply to
5uf W. S. Wise.
- M O' Connor keeps on hand the cel
ebrated Anhenser Borch St Louis Bot
tled Beer and lways ready to pay pac-
ticular attention to hi3 customers.
You pave money by buying your
iioots. shoes and slippers at Merges',
where you have the largest assortment
to select from wu
nio Les. Hair. Na 1 and Tooth Kruh-
t-s. C .mbi. &c.. nice line, at Fishers,
eat Main street.
1 1 you want to get you a broom that
rive the Lr8 satisfaction for the
uAine mouev ask vOOT Heater for Dor-
Another watch drawing at Carruth'a
IUr;iinH in musical instruments ut
the 1. ( ). news lop't.
The ferry below the bridge here i
always ready for duty, and crosscH at
any hour.
The pl-tte glass windows are being
put in place in the new Waterman
building toduy.
The Union Pacific base ball club was
defeated yesterday by the Evausvillc
club, score 12 to 0.
Some needed filling adjoining Sher
wood's block on 5th street is being done
by Street Commissioner Poisel.
This morning Judge ltu.ssell opened
up in business with a wedding, the
Judge performing the ceremony with
duo solemnity.
If you want any baskets now is your
time to buy cheap. Phil Young is
closing out his stock of lunch ond oth
er baskets at cost.
(Jo and buy your cigars at the P. O.
news depot, and get a chance on the
double barreled shot gun with every
25c worth of cigars.
Smith Ilines, an obi offender, for be
ing drunk and disorderly was up before
the police magistrate taday and receiv
ed tl3 regular rat ions.
Those in this eity who love the cir
cus and who failed to go to Omaha,
were walking around the circus tents
at Lincoln yesterday.
The corner baspment room in the
opera house block is being fitted up in
shape for a barber shop which will be
occupied by Ed Morley.
The Fitzgerald hose team of Lincoln
of which our friepd John Templeton,
s manager, won the state champion
ship rare yesterday at the tournament.
Mr. C. S. Dawson, storekeeper of the
Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe, at To
peka, is in Plattsmouth today and
hakes the hand of many friends in the
E'der Burton at the Christian church
will tomorrow evening enlist the atten
tion of his hearers by the discussion of
"The Foreknowledge and Secret Coun
cil of God."
ttev. Ceo. Schaible, from Omaha,
will preach tomorrow, at 10:30 a.m.
and 7:30 p. m., in the German Prcsby-
tenrin church on High School hill. All
the Germans are cordially invited.
Capt. Myers, the TJekai.d's forman,
drew the silver water pitcher at lien -
nett & Lewis', which has ben contest
ed for through purchasing c'gars. The
pitcher is a handsome and valuable one
The place for holding the county in
stitute has not vet been made know,
but we understand that all arrange
ments are being completed for one of
the very best institutes ever held in the
count v.
As will be noticed by Mr. Ilerold's
ndvertisempnt, that appears elsewhere,
for the coming thirty days great induce-
pments will be offered to cah pnrchas
era in the erocery and crockery line
Mr. TTerold hat a large stock that must
be closed sut, and they will be sold at
and below cost.
J. P. Young has secured the rights
of several states in the west for the
sale of a new style of letter bead, es
pecially adapted to the wants of opera
house managers and show companies.
His first order fo this work is being
printed at this office, and managers of
opera houses should write Mr. Y'oung
for samples.
Theo. Barhydt. junior proprietor of
the popular hosterlv the Parkins House
Plattsmouth, was in the city Tuesday
and paid Ids respects to The Republi
can. This was Mr. Barhvdt's first vis
it to the center of the county and he
was well pleased with what he saw.
Weeping Water Republican
Dr. Livingstou, chairman of the Board
of Health, has bad copies of all the
Health ordinances, now in force, made,
and we will nsk the city to have them
published together with a notice giving
parties a certain time to comply with
the ordinance; at the expiration of the
stated time the Board will proceed to
have the ordinances enforced, and when
the Board decides to entorte an ordi
nance, the Herald has confidence that
it will be enforced.
Attention C A-It-
All members of McConlhie Post No.
45, are requested to attend the regular
meeting of the post on Saturday eveu-
inor. July 29 . 1884. tor the purpose of
c - W ' - -
transacting im 'ortant business. By
request of many comrades.
Republicans are especially invited
fo-raeet at Schelegel'a and try the
; Bloiae and Logan cigar. WfcliX
Small Cram in Cast County.
The email grain in Cass County is
harvested, despite ihe continued warm
weather, and proves to bo the best crop
throughout the county, that has been
harvested in twelve years. The con
tinued rain and wind storms threw the
wheat, oats and barley down consider
ably, adding greatly to the farmers' la
bor in saving it; however, it ism the
shock and stock, and the threshing ma
chines are making the air musical
throughout the county. In conversa
tion with Joseph Gilmore, James Hall,
John Bcc';er, J. IJ. Meisinger, Phillip
Horn, Peter Kummel, Win. lthoden,
Joseph Lloyd, Gran. Fleming, John F.
lluck, Lewis F. Cole, Robert Metteer,
Win. Wttcncamp, Jacob Vallery, Jr.,
DividMcCaig, and many other good
Cas County farmers, we are safe in
placing the yield of winter wheat in
Cass County at from 20 to :J5 bushels
per acre, and the yield of spring wheat
at from 15 to 2t bushel; while the
yield of oats will average 30, barley 3.
and rye 3d bushels per acre.
We notice our agricultural dealers
selling a number of improved wheat,
drills and were informed that consid
erable winter wheat would be put in
this fall. Those who have experi
mented with winter wheat during the
past three years are of the opinion
that by plauting with the drill, with
care, winter wheat is a certain crop.
Philip Horn, of Plattsmouth precinct,
harvested winter wheat this harvest,
which good iudges place at 40 bushels
per acre. Philip Treatch and kii broth
er reap about the same crop. This i3
the third consecutive year these gentle
men have raised good winter wheat,
and they are enthusiastic advocates of
the crop, advising always, the improved
wheat drill.
A New Boom
This forsnooc the papers were made
out by which the Bank of Cass county
purchased the 22 foot comer lot on
Main and 5th street of Wm. Ilerold.
This is one of the best business corners
in the city, which has long been occu
pied by Mr. Ilerold aa a grocery store.
The Bank of Cass county are to have
possession in thirty days, when, we
are informed they will proceed at ones
to put up a two story pressed brio-i
building ufter approved plans; the.
building to be expressly constructed
for their business. This will add an
other important structure to the build
ing boom of the present year which is
go-.-il news to chi o iicle,
lion. James Laird passed through ihe
city this moaning on his way home
from Washington and New Yoik. lie
expressed himself to a Herald report
er as beiug very confident of republican
success in New York, after having been
there accl talking with leading men cf
that state. He says the national com
mittee are already doing good work and
that the laboring men's defection from
the democratic rauks seems to increase
as time goes on and they become better
acquainted with the facts,
The Mermaid
Probably the biggest sucker tramp
that was sprung upon an unsuspecting
public yesterday was the mermid.exhi
bied on the corner of Tenth and P. In
front of a tent on the corner was dis
played the sign: "The only mermaid
ever captured alive." The reporter
bought a ticket for teu cents, walked
in and saw wnat he took to be a wax
flgure made to represent some outland
ish and impropable animal with the
head of a woman and body of a fish
State Journal.
Speaking about Mermaids Geo. Poi
sal and Joe Fairfield can give you the
history of the above curiosity in all its
grandeur. They saw it.
Card of Thanks.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Young hereby re
turn tbeir thanks to the serenaders on
list night, wh'ch music was highly ap-!
p-eciated:' Call again.
The Watch companies of this coun
try seem to le at arms. Prices of
movements have fallen within the last
thirty days 6rom 23 to 50 per cent. The
undersigned offers the Waltham or El
gin movements in gold, gold filled and
silver cases, to the public at the pres
ent reduced prices. Now is the time
to bay a good watch cheap. I furnish
gold filled, stem-windiDg watches of
American make at $30. These cases
have the latest improvements, extra
heavy g'd.i shell, and several parts
made of solid geld, the movements
have expansion balance and patent
pinion. Ca:i at my store and ascertain
prices and you will save money.
10 Jos. Sen later.
Opposite the Opera House.
Some Foolisdi People
Allow a couch to run until it wets be
yond the reach of medici'e. They
often fhv. Oh. it will wear away, ut in
most tat-es it wears them away. Could
they be induced to try the successful
medicine called Kemp's Balsam, 'hat
I sell on a positive guarantee to cure,
they would immediately see the excel
lent effect after taking ihe first dose.
i Price 50c and 81; trial size freer. '
L Reep'y, - aj3 Am W. J. Warrick-
; Kit- iPloa-sant Notes-
Not having' uitcn you .-since the.
Fourth, wftttionght ',e6t to give an ac
count of our cc'lfbruti-m-Although It is
rather late.
The threatening clouds ol the morn
ing prevented the perjJe from n&sem
bling :is e;ily as I hey would, otherwise
but by eb-ven oYJcck the exinises be
gao. We lia t tome good aiuging by the
choir, Mitis Flora Frew presided at the
Mr. Willis Tucker ied the declara
tion of Imiependi nee in a very im
pressive Ilia u nt r.
This was foll'ved by speeches and
tosa'.s ifiterjp?'rsd villi in'ruuieutal
and vor,al music.
K v. Mr. Mailcy deliven d thy ora
tion fi i.iic day. He is m-J speaker,
an I a!) highly vud with his
Hon. L:;waou Sheldon, in a toast to
the binnrH. showed the necessity of
more education uinoug the farming
cla-ses. His speech was received with
!rctt aoi. u-o.
Mr. Ivejjeris responded.
L. W. Curtis ofTi red a toast ta Mt.
Pleasant in which he paid a high com
pliment to our people for their kind
ness a:d hospitality to strangers who
come among us.
Mr. Fr w responded to Mr. Curtis in
a fitting manner.
Thn t ext thing on the programme,
dium-r seemed to be of the greatest in
terest to tao't people.
Altei dinner ihe bull club played a
game of bise ball and thus ended the
Joa Pitcher, of Omaha, formerly of
this plaeo spent the 4th with friends
Faniifei buy with their harvest
ing. The heavy wind this week damaged
the email grain some. Rye i.s badly
blown down. Corn looks well.
Rumor says that there is to be a wed
ding in our midst in the near future;
if such is the casa the II. kalu will
bear of it.
Mrs. Mailey left last Monday for
Fullerton, Xarie county, to visit her
pireg4. 'Truly Yours,
York County.
York. Neb., July 2:),
. Ed. Herald: It has become fash
ionable for the people of Mt. Pleasant
to make a pilgnmago to York, an 1 as
I do not wih to be out of fashion, and
have friends here whom I wish to visit
I have made the journey.
I left my home ot Mt. Pleasant on
thft looming of the 14' u iust . iu com
pany with W. S. Linch aud wife, of
York. We speut several d-iys visitiug
friends in the viciuity of Greenwood,
leaving tliftt place for York or. Friday,
and arrived at home Saturday eyening.
As we mada the trip in an open buggy
we had an opportunity to see the coun
try. We saw no corn superior to that at
Crops here look fine. Oats are heav
ier than in Cass.
The flax crop is abundant, and much
of it is cut.
Corn here looks fine when it is well
tilled, but it is later than at Mt. Pleas
ant. This is a fine farming country and
beautiful to loik at but some parvs arc
too flat.
York is a line, growing town. The
principal thing to attract people to set- '
tie here being the M. E. College which
is located here.
I am delighted with the country and
the people whom I have met.
This is my first trip west and I have
just had .my first view of the pictur
esque sod house, the fire-t houses of the
pioneers who came to make homes on
the broad prairies of the Great West.
I have no desire to make my home in
one, but should much prefer it to the
equally celebrated duj: out" only one
of which I have seen. But the com
fortable houses and fins farm buildiDg
to be sen iu every direction show that
the day of dug outs and sod houses has
I am pleased with the thrift and in
dustry which shows itself on every
hand, but I am content to still Cass
county ny home
If your hair is getting thin, the ap
plication of Hull's Vegetabla Siclian
Hair Rene we-r will promote a thick
new growtn. wldC
Call before the list is completed
Last chance to get a f 53 watch for $-35,
at $1 per week.
I24tf L. C. Erven.
CORN COB pipes in everv stylo
Schlegel's. lilt
Feuce Posts.
5000 drv fence posts for sale,' inouire
or vv.n. hi". lmr.
.Trythe B ina i plua chewlnf? to-
baccn, it if by far the finest plujj chew
ing made, Matt Schlejrel sells It. ltf
Hurrah for Bl.Vme and Lojtn cigars
A l'hasunt, Safe and JieliaLle J;eni-
vly for Ilowel Complaints.
"Please send three bottles of
Marsh's Tonic Astringent, by ex
press, to my wife, In Waverlaud, Indi
ana, where she is visiting friends, ihe
writes me that our little girl has the
Summer Complaint, and that she can
not obtain the Astrioe.nt there.
Please seud it immediately as we are
anxious to have it get there as soon as
possiable. We have more confidence
iu it than any other remedy." John
E. Petty, Fort Scott, Kas.
Marsh Toxic Astringent is for
sale by Smith & Black Bros, druggist's
It quickly cures Diarrho i,Dyesentry,
Cholera Infantum, and all Bowel com
plaint. Price 50 cents. Don't fail to
try it.
Fiktv cents will buy the Marsh'
Ague Cure liquid or pills. Never
known to fail. For sale by Smith At
Black Bros.
Marsh's Catharic Liver Pills are
mild, thorugh harmless. For sale by
Smith & Black Bros.
Important Notice.
For the benefit of my customers I
have decided to sell 35 Bogs gold filbvi
watches with fine Elgin or Springfiel I
movements, for 833, Term of sale, l
per wee- . This is a rare chance to se
cure a flue watch, as I will only sell 33
at this price. Call and see samples.
L. C. Erven.
Choice Plants.
W. J. Hesser has now readv for mr-
ket a lot of very fine Cumberland,
Triumph, Sharpless, Crescent seedling
and late Glendale Strawberry nlants.
at 23 cts per doen, 73c per 100, or $5
per 1000; the above crown in ine.h t.otn.
strong plants, 50c per ozeu. Samples
of fruit on exhibition at Bennett &
Lewis where orders. mav be left.
Parlor and bed room sets in all styles
at the lowest prices at Henrv Ikeck's
Cost ami ILess f Eaaia (Dost I
I am closing: out my (Kro-
cery Stock, to go out of that busines. Couscquently we will
sell all J
for tlie next thirty days at cost
for CASH. Farmers and Citizens will find this a good onoor
tunity to Becure their goods at first cost. 1
That water will not run up hill,
that a kiss is sweeter than it looks
and looks hetterafter dark,
that good CLOTHING is the
best, and cheapest to buy, that
money can be saved, and a square
uvuL iiuu uri
lotmer. as lie does not deal in the
interior lines adapted to the fixed
purposes oi qannrupt and assig
nee; SillCS
We avoid all gag schemes, sell
to all alike and treat our custo
mers with the utmost fairness. A
complete stock of seasonable
clothing and furnishing goods on
hand, and wc are prepared to con-
viaceall m doubt that our statements are correct, that our -oods are
the best and that it is to your interest to trade with WESCOTT
Late styles a Straw and Fur W, Novelties in XeckMw) fJS
Trunics, Vahcee, &c., &c Everybody welcome.
The best thing for the cotnplextlon
is Ayer's Sarsoprllla. It brings the
bloom of health to the wan cheek.- dl
Young Men's Hepubiican
II. M. IttrsiINKLL, - TreMdent.
I'UKI. KURMSH. K. H.;itKl SlL.
1st Vle Pre. "i Vice l'ren.
II. N. DOVKY. 1). a. CAM P11K1.I.,
Kecretary. Treasury.
Meeting every TueUy evening, iu their
room In Flizuerald'a block.
Advertisements under tnm head, three cent
per Hue eaeli iusertluii.
ON E Y TO LOAN-OnVcal estate by
A. X.
FOR 8 Li;-A ne liorne buy and huruesn
almost ucw, emium of
IOlt SALE My rcHldenc-ft and four lots
Kod linns.', Imrii and fruit, and Iu excel lent
condition ; ulao two Improved laruiN. hIhii
2-tory brick bilMluvn Iiuu-h 4)XHO feel mi kluin
Mlect. aud other dctdrablu l.nnl and lots.
it. II. VViikki.rr.
LX It -A1.K -Houses, lots aud wood land by
- John lions 6i Sou.
ii'OK S A LK Several residences, cheap. In
quire of i. U. Wheeler & J.
VOll SALR-Scratch Tablets lu all at
- this olllce. Hut
IOlt HALK a lot in Kood location. Particu
lars at this ollice nm
WOll .S'ALK An order for a new American
Hewing Machine. Inquire ut this ofllce.j
IfOK HALK-I.OlM cords of wood. luoulro of
W.. Wise. n
VOli SALE I td papern for Bale at thin oftlca
- at 40 cents er huudred oi a cenU uer doz
en, if
IOKSALE Four lots together in cwod loca-
Hon iu thl city. Inquire at thin olllce tf
FOK RENT. The nnrtlieant room In Ktadel
imiuii's building, after August lit. I his
room is puitubie for milliner v or ireM ni ii .,
or for a small bunlness of any kind. Inq un e at
IJOOMTO RENT. A furnished room for one
or two geulleineu, in good location. In
quire at thin ollice. 7inr
FOR KENT or sale on long time, a homo
i Ui'J(1i.wiLl",i wUn BOoa '"'P'uvements. Ap-
OR REN V fiood. new houes of four room
in InShaferviile. W. if. Hiiafjcii.
IOR RENT Ihe north store room In Nev-
1 l,,w,:kt H rooms up ftalr. Ooo.l
location for restaurant or boarding housn. rents
cheap. Apply to Wm. Neville. injtf
TjOS.TTA Ka1 ' l'illon wih agate et. The
i"der may have ut tins ollice xud be re
warded, n
r OST-A locket one side black enamel set
with pearls ; leturen of old ijimtleman and
Lilly inside Finder pleas return to MisK Hav
er at Or. Wniterwteeirs or leave it at this of-
WANTED A. girl to do house work. Iu
1 quire at the residence of
12m- K. H. WINDHAM.
escott s the Uoss