-1 t ... . aSe lijftttsttwtttl) ! ; ft. . V - ..... - . f ! t i r i PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, SATURDAY EVENING, JULY 20, 18&1. VOL. 12. NO. 125. r - 1 I H 7 - t t V i J I 5 ; JOSEPH VWECKBAGH. DEALER Choice Family Groceries, Carpets, Rngs, Etc , AT THE "DAYLIGHT" STORE, CENTRAL MAIN STREET, PLATTSMOUTII. NEB. flKNKY 13CEGK. lf)EALEK IN FURNITURE arc, rxc. rrc. Of All Description TOTAr-tlCBURIALCASES ;3 r.o hitdo aad acid cheap for cash. ft j v ;njt, SERVICE. IS NOW KEAD ' With many thanks for paU patronage I nvite all to call and examine uiy LARGE STOCK OF Mtl. PCKVTf'HR ASWOVKHIW MIKE SCHNELLBACHER. BLACKSMITH nOUSK SHOEING & WAGON REPAIRINf All Kinds of Fara imslements Msnied will Neatnese id Dispatch, Uorse, 31uie& OxShocing n short, well shoe anything that har four feet, from a Ze'ora to a GiraGe. Come and see us. FHlli St between Main an 1 Vine Prej-ts jnnt "ros corner from ' HKKAI.D (FKK'K. H J cs - Da o i -2 CO r- OS i-3 4 S o 5 art 00 . Pi h a fl a 3 r-' - O H Ui n c co 2 r 2 J 3 a Urn z c 3 ! o 1? o Pi ? o i. o s K as cs n. a 3J CP n5 S 3 OmC ecj W I CALL AT TIIE Old Reliable LUKIBER YARD H. 1 WMBMAK i Wholesale and Retail Dealer la PINE LUMBER SHINGLES, LATH, SASH, DOOBS, BLINDS, &C. rourth Mreet. iu rear of Opera Houae. vULTTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA IN NEW Furniture Stare DEAI.KK IN I FUB1TITURE 3 C0FFI1TS and all kind ol goods usually kept In a I IHS I CLAKH I IKSITI KKSTOKE Also, a very complete stock ol Funeral Good KctalliC&WfloienCofflns Caskets Hates EMBLEMS, ftp. Our New and elegant hearse is always in readiness. Remember the place, in UNION BLOCK, on Sixth Street, TWO Doors sonth of Cass Coun ty Rank. Whear we may be found night or day. J. I. UNRUH, 2ir.n . t-vrr-ivf nr t. nf.f h 0 2sf rt if CO w S -s CD o fc5 CD B' f CO e-f O 3 H (!) ROBERT DONNELLV'S . -rrrr A rOXT if P AND n-m rrirnillMMI Wagon, Buggy, Machine and Plotc ra pairing, and gereral jobbing I a now prepared to do all kinds of repairini I larm ana otner iraeniuery, as mere is a good lathe in my shop. PETER RAO EN, The old Reliable Wagon Maker baa taken charge of the wagon snop He la well known as a NO. X WORKMAN. Sew Wacon and Bacclri made t SATISFACTION UAR NT KINEEAD BROS., PAINTERS & DECORATORS, K ALSO MINING. PAPER HANGING, AND .... FINE GRAINING, Leave your orders with them fr First-Class Work. Plattsmouth, Nebraska PL.ATT5M0UTH MIW-S TTSMOUTH NKB." flfilSEL., Proprietor fej fe. f ' o g ft FUmr, Com Umd jA JW PLATMOOTH OBRALD- PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY nv Tile Piattsmontlt Herald PnlMine Co. TBBMS: DAILY, delivered by carrier to any part of the city VwWeek $ is J'or Month m HI i Per Year WEEKLY, liy Mail. j One copy six months Si "0 Mie copy oue year ( w KeKlHtHreaat t.ierii.HtOff.ee, Flatts:aciith, as second clasx matter. National Republican Ticket. FOB l'UESIDENT, JAMES G. liLAIXE, of Maine. FOB VICE-PRESIDENT, JOHN A. LOGAN, of Illinois. Call for Republican Judicial Couvea ttou. The rrpaUlcan electors ot the second Judic ial lMstnct ot Nebraska arc reuuested to semi delegates from the several couuiies to meet in convention at t'lattsniouth. Tuesday. August la, l!t. at '0 o'clock a. m.,f-rthe purpose of placing in noniiuatiou a candidatefor Oiwtriet Atmruey, selecting a cuntral coiuniitteo and such other btiMiicsa as may properly come be fore the convention. T..e cevera. counties are entitled to representation as iouows, oeing ba-ed upon the vote cast for J. M. Hiatt. re- (eil". OI tlie University, giving oue uciegnie hl arire. and on- for ev.-r one liuadred and lifty votes and major Taction tnereof : Cass county Lancaster county vi Otoe county 11 Total , J5 Tt Is renmnmended that HO proxies be ad mitted . o the convention unless held by Tper houh residing in the counties from which the proxies are given. I'lattsiuuutu, xco., JUiy i, i-. I. U. Wheeler, J. B, Strode, Chainnan, Secretary. Republican District Convention. Thft Rennblican Electors of the First Con gressional District of Nebraska are invited to seua delegatrs fruni the several counties there in, to meenn convention at ueaiiiee n neu nesdav. Auuust 20. at 2 o'clock p. m lor the purpose of placing in nomination a caudi-late for Congress, and f r the transaction of such other business as may come before the lonveu- 1 he several counties are entitled to repre sentaiion af follows, being based upon lhe vote c;ist for J, M. Hiatt. Kei?eut of the University, giving one delegate at i;ir;e. and one for every oue hundred and fifty votes and the major frac tion thereon : Counties Del. 19 ... .li 9 Dnunties Fawuee ttichardson. . -Sarpy. auuders. .. Del. .... 8 ...13 ... 5 . .12 Douglas... age tdinson. .. Lancaster, Nemaha. .. 21i 11 11 ..13 Otoe. Cass Total 139 Tt u rep(immrnrid th't no nroxiese admit ted to the convf Dtim, except Mich as are held by persons residing in ine counties iroui wiuuii proxies are given. .', a. itoi.iES, uairiuau. John Rtf.kk, Secretary. Liaooln. June 20.1884. When ix-Gov. Hendricks meets Gov Cleveland at Albany to discuss the campaign prospects, a fruitiul theme would be, the length of time between drinks, under which Democracy suf fers. We need a vigorous foreign policy. fwo American workmen were arreted in Mexico, charged with defaming the character of the Mexican president, and were sentenced without trial; reform is necessary. A Saunders county paper has been advocating Gen. Cowin, ot Omaha, as a tit man to succeed Mr. Weaver as con irresRrvmn from this district. General Cowin has, however, very emphatically aunounced that he would havu none of it. Our democratic adversaries an nouuee before hand that they intend digging up Mr. Blaine's poker record, when he was a young fellow teaching school down in Kentucky. If it is true that Mr. Blaine did indulge in the game of draw in his youth, it may be accounted for by his democratic assc riafinns in Kentucky. "Evil associa tion'' etc., gentlemen. However, we would advise our democratic friends to gaze on the four aces the man from Maine holds in the present little game, and let the "might have beeu's go. THE MORAL SIDE OF IT. Democratic journals are beginning to show their bad temper on account of the fact that republican papers so far decline to enter the slums of Buffalo after Mr Grover Cleveland's high sme. ling record as a man. However, it ap pears that certain clergymen and relig ious newspapers are turning the newly fnnnd democratic orodiev over. These ate the'proper mediums for this work because Mr Carl Schurz, George Wil liam Curtis Henry Ward Beecher and their independent followers have Announced that the campaign is purely a moral one. involvinz moral questions sJa. If tW be trao our detnoorfttic frif-nds c niir.t oljcct to tlie highly moral tern tiie afTnir is taking -thus early hi t!e cimpaii;i). HENDRICKS ANDCIv" , . SERVICE 1 hat w- -'n ullforinute i,reak Mr, ..uuiiis A. Ile'idricks iu;tde when he whininily a;tH ked S' i-r. ttuy Chand ler's bureau u a; cou.it of the M13 feasant"' of tJtui :' hii iuiks. Tommy said, s s-iiiotimoruuuily, in his letter to St;crt.:r Chandler: Ad it iNiii my neihborf, Isaidtha this ana Jiky c.sff itdmouish (hem to deciaiid ivil siHvi:e reform in the re inv;il or aii fnn oU'n-c who will uo( .e-,k to j)rniti'ito it within the sphere t t!ei oilicial finty ;tn l :ui(iOrity.' T.';tf!Tpo j Mr. iliJXtdrickii li'Ct rd. whfii l i, ioiiut.uiely, !ieid olhce undo old Jiuikiiy u.;h;iiiuii, from ti 1859, sis C'liniiiissiouer of th general l.in .l oilico, is overhauled, and t!iat saint ly d:m:irogue 'n s,i:ovu up in l.u tru. li2t. Tlio a.voru tcsthiumy of his employ es is i roduced, sliowir-s how Mr. Hen dricks, himself, made certain clerki canvass hia br.reau, and levy and col loot fiorn ettidi employe, inonoy to do liity tha exps'iibo, not only of the cam paign, but to pay off dtbts thnt were contr;'.c'.--i Msd left unpaid by the na. ti r.a'. utiOv-cratic cominll u-e. U i: f UrUicC hllOWIl th:;i t.h? Irvy and I'l'pv.rl iwiunont wue in lhe vciy hand writing of ii.L-s :?.i-.ly ill icmaogue who talks lo "ray Lfihbors,' If any of our deuiocratij friend doubt this all they Law t do ia to ex amine and read Vol. 5, i f reports ot committees uf the House of Represent atives of the Thirty-Sixth Congress. There they will fiad Mr. Hendricks' record as a civil service reformer, so tank, that, to use a metaphor of Con gressman l'ete Hepburn, of the Eighth Iowa district, "the man in the moon has to hold his no?" whtn he exam ines it, Mr Tfcouita . A. IIendrick3 has sev eral records'and they all "smell rank to Heaven."' Tub Democratic journals uf the country may just as well understand, first as well s last, that bluster will not answer the charges mad against Grover Cleveland. Mr Cleveland is, comparatively Bpeaking, au unknown man, a new man in national politics. The democratic party from the multi tude of blunders it is supplied with, has undertaken to name a man for the presidency, sho has no record that is the plain truth of it in order that that party may steal into the posessinn cf this government. They succeeded in selecting Mr Cleveland upon this tneory. The rno ment they succeeded in bo doing the.. and their allies, the so-called hide pendents commenced a camjeaign of villification against Mr. lilaine, rehash ing the stale slanders of 18TG, slanders that have been iuvesMgated both in his own state and by an American Con gress and pronounced unfounded. At the same time these opponents of the republican party have vauutingly pro claimed that "tha paramount isue ol (he presidential election of tUU ye tr io moral rather than political." It curns out now from chnfges (hat are maue ov certain cterg men a- Mr. GroVtrr Cleveland's own home, Buffalo, th.it tLe democratic -.acdidate has a record, ami that (hat record i by no means a respectable or savory one The republican party have cot brought this charge against Grover Cleveland, his own neighbors and towusmen have spoken out about it, and right early iu the campaign too; there is to sueaking villainous, criminal, e!eveuth-hour-foi gery about it, such as disgraced the na tional democratic committee cf four j years ago, when the Morey letter was forged and promulgated by the com mittee in charge of the honor and in terests ol the democratic p-irty and Mr Hancock. Mr. Grover Cleveland must meet this charge; he ia making his race, par -excellence, as a moral man and reforaier. V v are proud of the fact that the re publican pres have not brought this chatge against Mr. Grover Cleveland. We hoi c he may be able to explain the matter. Neither threats nor counter charges will relieve him Irora the ne cessity of showing to the American people, that be is not the licentious man fcome of his neighbors charge him With bein. So far as Mr. Blaine is concerned, he was nominated because he had a record because he was known of all men, bo cause he was a public man, a promi nent man, a representative leader of republican priiciples and measures, because the republican party consid- ejrtU him great in an and a statesmao. They knew he would bo traduced, ma ligned, libels anil defamed; but the? knT ine American people knew J. G lilaine fully as well as the penny-a liners and politicians and that Ameri can honor and American intcrestc would be safe in his hands. So. Mr. Rlaluc and his friends hav nothing to fear from the retaliatory threats which his enemies are indulg iug In, neither will they be disturbed by democratic bluster. ML. of 1 Meets cveryTu8day evening at then Jastle Hall, in Rock wood Block. V ting Knights arc invited to attend. II. M. Rons, C. C. V. L. Dykes, K. of R. ami fc. The Watch companies of this coun try seem to to at arms. Prices ot movements have fallen within the la.ni thirty days 6rom 23 to oO per cent. Th undersigned oiura the AValtham or fcl gin movements in gold, gold filled and silver cases, to the public at the pres ent reduced prices. Now ia the tinu to boy a good watch cheap. I furnish old filled, stem-winding watcbCB of American make at $30. These cases have the latest improvements, extra heavy gold shell, and several parts made of solid gold, the movements have expansion balance and patent pinion. Call at my store and ascertain prices and j'ou will save money. 120 Jos. Sciilatek. . Opposite the Opera House. THE GREAT THROUGH ROUTE BETWEEN THE East West, Norm & Mi THIS GREAT THROUGH ROUTE IS SOW COMPLETED AND IN FULL OPERATION RUNING THROUGH FassBEpr Trains Daily FOLLOWS. THRKE SOI IDTRAIX3 EACH WAT Between Columbus, lndinapolis ana reoria. TWO TK INS EA'II WAV Between Columbus. Indinapolis and oecatur. TWO TRAINS EACH WAY Bet Sindu-kv, Indiaianoli. Peoria and decatur rVO TRAINS EACH WAY Between Sandusky Uayton and Cincinnati. THREE TRAINS EACH WAY Between Sandusky SpringSeldfe. Columbus. FU ItTKAINS EACH WAY B"'r ColiiinniiB. hprinjrn'u. Dayton & Cincinnati TWO TRAINS EACH WaY Hc't Columbus Springn'd Ibdianapohs&Chicago WITH ; Slceytna aiui Iterlintng Chair Cars on X7ght X iainf ana ciegam rarvir ana Muaern Day Cjachason zau Trains. It track is laid with Heavy Steel Ralls thoroughly ballasted, with easy grades and few curves Traversing a it does the heart of the three great States of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, uni ting in close business relationship the capital cities of tlie firs and BRCond, with the second citv of the third, and pacsing through a large number of the must imoortant cities and town in each, and with all Ho central location makes it the Shortest and Mot eKirab!e Route between the Kat and Xlet. Through Tickets and Baggage Cftecks to all Principal PoJrts XOKTH, SOlTH.KAWr AXI W KMT, can be obtarned at any ticket office of The I., B & W. R'y : also via this Route at all rai'road offices throughout the country. Rates always as low as the lowed. Don't purchase tickets to any poiDt without rrst consulting tne agents oi inei,. . &. w K'v. Particular advantaees offered to Western Em igrant?. Lriiod and Tourist Tickets to all points reached by anv line. C. E. HENDERSON. Gen'l Maoaizer. II M. BKOVSON. Gen'l Ticket Agt WHITEBREAST COAL & MINING CO. t-DELIVERED PRICE LIST.-5-j All Coal is Screened at tlie Yard .'x0 i lbs 1 1000ji2uO lbs lb Whitebreat lump nut Canon City coal Mar-hall coal Anthracite (all sizes) Cumberland (smithing coal)... Slack coal. 15c per loo pounds irs5,.2;75 ii 5n!;2 on :2i45'":vi: I I ! I 8 7 00 3,25; 6 00, 'II 00 1 :m - Order left at the offlce or with J. -E3. izroTjjsrcr- AT THE P. O. BOOK STORE Will be promptly DELIVERED. Ykrux patronage U rs pec trolly solicited. V wis, xMirtK ! " f j- F.CFricke&Co., SICCERSOU TO J. M. ROBERTS, Will keep conxtantly on band a full and complete stock of pure DRUGS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, WALL-PAPER and a full line of DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES. PURE LIQUORS For MeJican Purposes. Special attention given to Compounding Pre scription. UlOJlf. BANKS. THE CITIZENS PL.WTTSMOUTH. - NEBRASKA. CAPITAL, - 575.000. OFKICKRM JOHN BLACK, fItANK CAKKUTH. IVoMldent. Vice-President. W. 11. CL'SHINd. Cashier. Il UI'.C'I OJIM John Black. W. II. Cashing, Frank Carrot It. J. A. Connor, Fred Herrmann, .(. W. John son, R. OuMimaiiu, Peter Milium, Win. Wetoccaiup, Henry Botck. Transacts a General Banking Business. All Who have any Banking biisinons to transact are Invited to call. No matter hovr large or Hiuall the tranHaction, it will receive our careful attention, and we promise always cour teous treatment. Issues Certificates of De josits bearing interest lluys and sells Foreign Exchange, County and Citv securities. JOHN FITZQKK AI.I, A. W. MClA UO 11 L.I H President. Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL OF PLATT3MOUTH, NEBRASKA, OHersthe very best facilities for the prompt transaction of legitimate BANKING BUSINESS. Stocks, Bunds, Oold, Government and Loca SecuritieM Bought and Kola, Deposits receiv ed and interest allowed on Certifi cates, Draita drawn, available in any part of the United Stated and all the Principal towns of Europe. Collections made & promptly remitted Highest rket prices paid for County War State aLd County Bonds. DIRECTORS : John R. Cliarlr. lonn Fitzgerald D. Ilawkftwortn y. E. White. A. W McLaughUn. WEEPING WATER WEEPING WATER. - NEB. E. It. HEED, President. Ii. A. GIBSON, Vlce-I're8idnt. It. S. WILKINSON. Cashier. A General umu Business TransactetJ. 1IEPOHITM Received, and Interest allowed on Tiaie Certi ficates. DUAfra Drawn available In any part of the United Stat0.and all the principal cities of Europe. - XI Agents for the celebrated Haite Line of sieamers. Sank Cass County Comer Main and Sixth Streets. PL ATTS MOTJTH ISTEB .C. H. PAKMELE. President, 1 J M. PATTEKiiON. Cashier, f Transacts a General BanJinir Business HIGHEST CASH PRICE Paid tor County and City War, -ants. COLLF.CTIO.Vtt 3IAIK and promptly remitted for. OIBKCCTOR8 : R B Windham, J. M. Patterson. C. H. Parn.el F. R. Guthmann. W J. Agnew, A. B. 8 Tilth. Fred G order. THE uEr mil SKIN CURE. - CATARRH CURE, COUGHICURC. BLCOD CURE TOR SALE BT WILD J. TVAEKICS. i i M i t 1 1 V ' - . 7V