i . ' - i I i i i f VOL. 2. PL ATTSMO UTII, NEBRASKA, MONDAY EVENING, JULY 21, 1884. NO. 12Q. ?rrn :ui rj f :,4 .1 5 . 4 .l w f r m 4 r . a 1.- JOSEPH V. WECKBAGH. DEALElt IN Choice Family Groceries, Carpels, Rugs, 9 Etc- AT- THE "DAYLIGHT" STOUE, CENTRAL MAIN STREET, TLATTSMOUTII, NEB, PLATTSHODTB HERALD- PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY ar The Plattsmontli Herald PntMiM Co. HENRY BCECK .DEALElt IN FURNITURE CHAlRF, im, TO., KTC. Of All Description. METALLIC BURIAL CASE? u. i. ,iiy made and sold cheap tor cash. .. x i-ifK HEARS B NEW FmrmUmE More j I. TTisriRTTiEaD DEALER IN FURNITURE 8 COFFINS and all kinds ot goods usually kept In a TERMS: DAILY, delivered by carrier to any part of the city - . Per Week 15 Per Mouth 60 Per Year oo WEEKLY, by mall. One copy six months $1 00 One copy One year 2 00 Registered at the Post Office, Plattsniouth, as second class matter. read Blaine's letter, and it wilt have better opinion of its countryYTjad at the same time it may find reMfif irom its chronic disorder. National Republican Ticket. FOR PRESIDENT, JAMES G. BLAINE, of Maine. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT. JOHN A. LOGAN, of Illinois. IS NOW READ SERVICE. With many thanks for past patronage, uvlte all to call and examine my LARGE STOCK OF 31tf. KUKWTrKK Al OKKI(!S .MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, BLJ1 CKSJU1 Til FIRST CLASS FUKITVBE STOKE Also, a very complete stock of Funeral Goods Metallic&WootleiiCota Casfcets Roles EMBLEMS. &. Our New and elegant hearse is always In readiness. Remember the place, in UNION BLOCK, on Sixth Street, TWO Doors sonth of Cass Coun ty Bank. Whear we raav be found night or day. Call for Republican Judicial Conven tion. The republican electors of the second Judic ial uisirict oi KifDraxKa are reuuestea to semi delegates from the several routines to meet in convention at f lattsinouth. Tuesday. August 19. 1884. at 0 o cloek a. m.. lor tne purpose ot placing in nomination a eaiulidateifor District Attorney, selecting a central committee and such other business as may properly come be fore the convention. T.ie several counties are entitled to representation as follows, being based upon tne vote cast for J. M. matt, re gent of the university, giving one delegate at large, and one for everv one hundred and fifty votes and malor traction thereof : Cass county 13 Lancaster county 21 Otoe county 11 Total 4. It is recommended that no proxies be ad mitted t.o the convention unless held bv FDer sons residing in the counties from which the proxies are given. Piattsinouth, Neb., July 1,188-1. 1). H. Wheeler. J. B, Strode, Chairman, Secretary. HORSE SHOEING St )- WAGON REPAIRINt tl I UNRUH I BepaMIcan District Convention. uATMvmOTtl. NKP All Kinds of Farm imDlements Mendel will Neatness and Dispatch. lIorse,"Mule & Ox Shoeing n short, well shoe anything that har four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe. Come and see us. JSTEJW SHO DP Filth Sr. between Main an 1 Vine Sreets Just across ie corner frnra the Nw HEKaLD I-h 0 j 3 O M Si a a Hi H 0 o Sp CD -i 13 (J3 CD m -s CD CD CO f-f- o o P7 go S3 J a "3 II CO C5 Ml o a 44 SJfifi ?, be 5 CO S O 3 2. 3 o SI 0 I w I b c 1 M ? SI o The Republican Electors of the First Con gressional District of Nebraska are invited to send delegates from the several counties there in, to meet in convention at ueatnee on Wed nesday, August 20, at 2 o'clock p. m for the purpose of placing in nomination a candidate for Congress, ana fur the transaction of such I other business as may come before the conven tion. The several counties are entitled to re pre sentation a follows, being based upon the vote cast for J. ju. matt, itegent of tne university, gi vim; one delegate at large, and one for everv one nunareu ana nity votes ana tue major irac tion thereon : Counties Douglas Gage Johnson Lancaster.... Nemaha Otoe Cass Del. ....19 ...ll 9 ...21 ...II ....11 . ..13 Dounties Pawnee Richardson.. Sarpy Saunders.-... Del ... 8 ...13 ... 5 ..12 Total 139 Mi 9 It Is recommended that no proxies be admit ted to the convention, except eucli as are held by persons residing in the counties from which I proxies are given. tj. a. .holmes, unairman. John Steej , Secretary. Lincoln. June 2G. 1881. The lingo of the jingo is full of har mony. How do you like President Blaine's first message, anyway, O, brethren of the democratic faith? s CO, S3 3 O S C2 S 5 ROBERT DONNELLY'S AND BLACKSMITH SHOP, ml 7 I Mr. Thitrman, of Ohio, doc3 not like Air. Blaine's civil service' and why? Because Mr. Blaine proposes to retain in power the party under whose rule America has made such wonderful progress all of which Mr. Thurman admits. 33 as o CO 3 OQ OP 0J3 CALL AT THE Old Reliable LUMBERYARD 1 A. WATERMAN k The present management of the democratic campaign is quite an im- provement on the J. Sterling Morton window-glass-free-trade campaign of two and three years ago. The plan is unique and adapted to fhe straddle in Wagon, Buggy, Machine and Plow r I the platform. It was inaugurated the pairing, and general Jobbing I other day at the Fremont ratification la, now prepared to do all kinds of repairing meetinz by sendiosr corporation Pop- oi i arm ana otner maenmery, as tnere I. - , - is a gooa laino in my shop. I pieton io represent tue ufuiocrauu protection wing of the party and "non ; partisan" Savage to represent the Moil The Old Reliable WagOn Maker of gladness" anything-for-office no-pol- ltics siae or tne question, x ou pays your money and you takes your choice from this combination, and the man who can't be suited had better not at tend. ' We like ths new plan, it is so thor oughly and consistently democratic. : At a Cleveland and Hendricks ratifl cation meeting held in Dayton, Ohio, baturday evening, Mr. Allen G. Thur man managed to smother his disap pointment and make the Ohio democ racy tin address, in which he attempted but utterly failed to successfully criti cise Mr. Blaine's letter of acceptance, Poor old Thurman, with all his inbred, inlaid, locofocoy he was forced to ad mit, and. did admit, Mr. Blaine's state ments and Azures, of the wonderful growth of this nation during the last quarter of a century under republican rule. The old man said it was true, but the cause must not be attributed to our revenue system under republi can rule. Tha tariff did not bring about this unprecedented era of pros perity, said he, but it is attributable to the great increase of money in this country (?) Well, the Herald is going to be well BEti&fied with Grandpa Thurmau's undemocratic admission that our na tion has made the wonderful progress Mr. Blaine claims for it and we won't worry the old gentleman by askiDg him "What hs brought about this great increase of money in this coun try?'' good money at that nor, "How so much good mouev could fall to the lot of this people?" nor, "llo.v our pop ulation came to so increase, our man u'acturcs progress so wonderfully, our railroads, telegraph lines, oct-an cables. our inventions in respect to every and all classes of machinery," in fact how everything which conduces to make nation great snoulu have so prospered under a party or misrule with a rum our and baleful protective tariff in force all the while?" No, we will not annoy grandfather Thurman with such trivial questions; but will .let the old man of "bandaua" fame and prehistor ic tradition", off with his admission that the country has been prosper ous. A CHOLERA PROCLAMATION. Washing eon July 19 By the preil dent of the United States of Amer ica A proclamation: While quaranti ne regulations committed to several the general govermeut has reposed cer tain powers iu the president, t be used at his directions, in preventing a threatened epidemic. Feeling it my doty, I heredy call upon all the sons who under existing sys;ems, la the several states' are entrusted wito the executin of quarantine regulation, to be diligadt and on the alert in order to prevent the introduction of the pes tilence 'wbidh we all regret to learn has made its apperance in some coun tries in Europe between which the porte of the United States intercourse is direct and frequent. I further ad vise thau the cities and towns of the United States, whether on the coat or on lines of eutirc-communieatioD, by sound sanitary regulations and the cleanliness be repaird to resist disasca and to mitigate its aerviety and I fur ther direct consuls of the United Stat es in ports were pestilence has made or many make its appearance, to increase igilence in carrying out instructions erefore given and in cominunating to the govermeut of the United States any information of value relating to progress or treatment of the disease. (Signed) Cuestek A Akthuk. F.G.FriiMCo., SUCCESSOR TO J. M, ROBERTS, Will keep constantly nn hand a full and complete stock ol pure DRUGS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, tVALJ,-PAPEK and a full line of DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES. PURE LIQUORS For Med lean I'urposes. Special attention given to f!nminunriiiir Pre scription. dl03lf. BANKS. THE CITIZENS FLATTSMOUTH, - NEBRASKA. PETER RAUEN. Wholesale and Retail Dealer l PINE LUMBER SHINGLES, LATH, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, AC. Fourth fttreet. tu rear of Opera House. A TTgllOUTIL KEDBASKA has taken charge of the wagon sncp He Is well known as a NO. 1 WORKMAN. Wew Wacaas and Bnerles made Order SATISFACTION GUARAVT KINKEAD EROS., PAINTERS & DECORATORS, KALSOMINIXG. PAPER 1UANGING, a J&2l D a FINE GRAINING, Leave your orders with them fer First-Class. Work. Plattsmouth, Nkbraska PLATTSMOOTH MIUS TT8 MOUTH NSB. IIEISEli. - Proprietor Com Umlj&iFm' When the democratic orator (im ported), Stowe, said the other evening at Waterman's opera house, when re citing G rover Cleveland's brilliant pub lic record, "that his term of office 'as Mayor of Buffalo for twelve months, was a much greater honor than to be Governor of any western state," we thought Mr. Stowe had about as high an appreciation of the "rowdy west" as have the British cacklers of the New York Times, Post and Harper's Weekly. The trouble with too democratic statesman of the last twenty-five years is bis lack of appreciation of Ida own country. The fact is the democratic party has been a dieted with bad case of dyspepaia for' lo these many years, which is coitxtratly growing worse. puprcfid.f.x7 til?; FirtJ 0 to Tne latest departure of the sorriest description is the contemptibl whine of certain class of demagogues like Tom Hendricks and Daddy Thurman, that Hancock was cheated ont of his elec tion in 18S0. For a party that notori ously, brazenly and wantonly obtains the electoral vote of several southern states in this American Union by the most flagrant and devilish disregard of the rights of free American citizens, who vote when they are permitted to vote the republican ticket in those states, such dishonest falsehood is sick ening. iiioma9 A. lienuncks and Al- en G. Thurman know as well as they know that a national election was held in 1880, that the democratic party, in that year, obtained the votes of several outhern states simply by a brutal and criminal disregard of the rights of the republican voter. These men know that the election machinery in the great centres of population in New York is, and has been for years, in the hands of the democratic party ot those localities, and that the frauds that have been committed there have been perpetrated on behalf of and in the interests of the democratic party. Yet, the impudence of these men is immeasurable and un The Liberty Journal quotes the Blair Pilot, which in very bad taste pays its compliments to the politii.-al cormo rants of the "Big First," who may wish to go to Congress. Coming from a cormorant this is rtght cheeky. Mr. Hilton has, if he rightly understands himself, about all he can do to manage the Post Office, ' several cormorants down in the Big First helped him to seize, and see that an anti-cormorant gets elected up in the district he resides in. Yes, we would suggest to the Post Master at Blair that for one candidate in the "Big First" for Judge Weaver's shoes there are at least forty-eight and one-half in the north district hungry for Judge Valentine's moccasins, and we are afraid the half fellow hails from Blair. The Big First will probably return Judge Weaver; if it does not, it will send a good republican in his place with no bolting or cutting brush in the rear, and the Post Master from Wash ington County ueed borrow ne trouble over this district, which is chock full ot able and willing statesmen. . . Safe, swift, and sure to regulate the bowels, are Ayers Cathatic Pills. Becoianended by eminent physicians. CAPITAL, - $75,000. - OFFICKKH JOUN 1U.ACK, I'RANr CAUKUTH. President. Vice-President. W. Jf. CUSIilNQ. Caihir. i'DIUECTOKS John Black, W. H. Cusiilng, i'rank Carruth. J. A. Connor. Fred Herrmann. A. W .f.lm- on, P. It. Gutliinami, 1'ett-r Mutum, Win. Wetencarnp, Henry Brrck. Tital Questions ! ! ! ! Ask the most eminent physican Of any school, what is the be6t thins in the world for quieting and allaying an irritation of the nerves, and curing all froms of nerves, complaints, giving natural, cmialike relresbing sleep always t And they will tell you unhesitatingly "Some form of Hops I I " CHAPTER I. Ask any or all of the most eminent physicans: "What is the best and only remedy that can be relied'on to cure all diseas of the kidneys and urinary organs; such as iirights disease, diabetes, retention, or inability to retain urine, and the diseases and aliments peculiar to women 'And they will tell you explictly and emphatically " Buchu III" Ask the same pnyicians "What is the most reliable and surest cure tor liver diseases or dyspepsia; constipation, inigestion, billiousness, malaria fever, ague, &c "and they will tell you : Manarafce 1 or Dandelion ! ! Hence when these remedies are com- binded with others equally valuable. And compounded into Hop Bittees, such a wouderful and mysterious curative power is de veloped, which is so varied iu its operations that no disease or ill health can possibly exist or resist its power aud yet it is harm less for tho most frail woman, weakest invalid or smallest child to use. CHAPTER II. "Patients "Almost dead or nearly dying" For years, and gave up my physi cians, ot liright s and other kidney dseases liver complaint?, severe cough?, called consumtpion, have been cured. Women gone nearly crazy I I f From agony of neuralgia, nervou sness, wakefulness, and various disaeses peculiar to woman. People draw out of shape from excruciating pangs of rheumatism, ibflammatory and chronic or suffering from scrofula. Erysipelas! "fcjaltrheura, blood poisuicg, dyspepsia indigesting and, in fact, almost all diseases frail Nature is heir to Have been cured by Hop Bitters, proof of which cau be found in every neierhboroood in the known world. 1F" None geuine without a bunch of green Hops on the white label. Shun all the vile, poisonon3 stuff with 'Hop or "Hops" In their name. June 23 1S84 dwlm Call for Blaine and Logan cigars wherever you deal, as they are the best nickle cigar in the market. If your dealear does not keep them induce him to get some. 93dtf WHITEBREAST COAL & MINING CO. DELIVERE0 PRICE LIST.-c- All Coal is Screened at tlie Yard. 500 ; lbs ilOOO llbsj 2J0t ItM Whitebreifct lump nut Canon City coal Marshall coal Anthracite (all sizes) Cumberland (smithing coal)... Slack coal. 15c per IQo pounds Il-i2i75j jt50 j2'K 600 325 6; lit 47. s;5o 7.00 1100 Orders left at the office or with . OT. IE?. "3TO"CnN-C3- AT THS " P. O. BOOK STORE " Win be promptly ' Tour pairoaas Is respectfully solicited. ' cits. bTc jLiua rm- General BitukdiL' Hmlnews IV JJilllKlllL' are invited to call. No matter how All in s to traiiMact Transacts a who have au y Hun re invited to lartje or small tiio transition, it win receive our carer ul ai tention, , aud we promiHo alway cour teous treatmeut. Issues Certificates of Deposits bearing Interest Buys and sells Foreign Kxchange, County and Citv securities. John Kitzoeralu, President. FIRST A. W. MClAUQULIN Cashier. NATIONAL OF riATTSMOUTH. NKBEASKA, Offers the very best facilities for the prompt transaction of legitimate BANKING BUSINESS. Stocks, Bonds, Gold. Government and Imc Hecurities Bou?;h t and Sola, Deposits recel v. ed and interest allowed on time C'ertifi cates, Drafts drawn, available in any part of the United .States and all the principal towns ot Europe. Collections made & promptly remitted Highest rket prices paid for County War- State aid County Bonds. John Fltzcrerajd John K. Clark. A. W McLauxhUn. DIRECTORS I T. Hawksworth F. E. White. WEEPING WATER IB3.E52riES.! WEEPING WATER. - NEB. E. L. REED, President. B. A. GIBSON, Vice-President. R. S, WILKINSON. Cashier. A General intm Business Transacted. DEPOHtTtl Becelved, and Interest allowed on Tlaie Certi ficates. UBAJFTH Drawn available In any part of the United States and all the principal cities of Europe. o Agents for the celebrated Mmi Line of Stealers. Bank Cass County Cotner Main and Sixth Streets. PIiATTSMOTJTH ZTSTZEIB ,C. H. PA KM E I.E. President, 1 J M. PATTKKSON. Cashier, f Transacts a General Banling Business HIGHEST CASn PRICE Paid for County and City Warants. COLLECTIONS HADE and promptly remitted for. DIKKOCTOBfl : B B Windham, J. M. Patterson, C. H. Paraele F. B. Guthmann. W J. Agnew, A. B. Smith. Fred Gerder. BisieonHa nr xa zits ho OOVOIHO 03 'OJW NOllldVd lttoq ILmi !u f033B nCmSvij) tut K) ruoj7 anir rttiAj'l ynm snan.pu -ep SiAi'Moe pu ohsk3jx 2uiivnS4J uoiiipu. A HUH vo poojq i(l mjosu 'ivua jliit" qw wi 'sjduiru Au, upntioa un op ni:ipui m t, "ants itnut t aupipMn nun n-oiMtiii ji!X pua s4ruujiiti 3panf 'BfdltfXrr JurBdmo, 3(DiS iku V t puojq joituaijVdui ui SUi 'HJVKOis uooaa aux ao easivrfaia aiv ssrsao xizxnioeav aowaLuilllllidiic iionco nviHONova p msxnim . i i BkT ft ' (i M I