PMlf PL A.TTSMO UTII, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JUY 1G, 1884. VOL. 2. NO. 11G. I r - .4 1 -J 1 4 5 1 M 4 i t: Til no JOSEPH V;WECKBAGH. DEALER IN Choice :FamIly Groceries, Carpets, Rugs, Etc- THE "DAYLIGHT" STORE, CENTRAL MAIN STREET, PLATTSMOUTII. NEB, RICHEY BUOS, DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF- - Lumber,Sash,Doars, Blinds :, Piaster, BBS 8 We have got the largest and best selected stock of Choice Family Groceries in town and we will sell them just as cheap as we possibly can and ' not " bust. Our Stock of QvLeertswcure cured, Glassware, U not large, but the goods are First-class, and we will give you some & low prices. "We pride ourselves on our Teas and. Trices, Which we take great paina in selecting and can guarantee to be of the very best 4uality. - - All you folks" who have been going away from home to buy your groceries, come and give ns a chance to give you figures. We Will Duplicate Omaha Prices. For same quality of goods and on the same terms. Come and see us. BEMNETT flSNKY BCEOK I DEALER IN FURNITURE SAKLiS, CHAlftPr " y. ' 1TC.. KTC, KTC ' of AH Description lOlTALLICBURIALCASES iAr03T3B2ST COFFIKS c a. .wwiymadsoldcheapforcash. jf V7tfff JfSABSS - IS NOW HE At) SERVICE. x With many thanks for past patronage. I BTite all to call and examine my large Stock of KINKEAD BROS., PAINTERS & DECORATORS, KALSOMIKINQ. PAPER .HANGING. AND .... FINE GRAINING, Leave your orders with them fer First- Class j Work. FULTTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA -AT- i OP & LEWIS NEW Fmrmitmre Mare DEALER LN FURNITUHE 3 COFFINSl and all kinds of goods usually kept In a FIRST CLASS FlKSlITCBE STOKK Also, a very complete stock of Funeral Goods Metallic&fooclenCofflns CasKets Holies EMBLEMS. &c. Our New and elegant hearse is always la readiness. Remember the place, in UNION BLOCK, on Sixth Street, TWO Doors sonth of Cass Coun ty Bank. Whear we mar be found night or day. J. I. UNRUH, 2i3 .LirHwrfi. neb PLATTSMOUTH MIKLS TTSMOOTH NEB. HEI9CL., Proprietor Flour, Com ifealAFeed 3C PLATTSIIOflTH HERALD. PUBLISHED DAILY INI) WEEKLY BY Tte Plaltsmoait Hera? Pnlilisliinff Co. DAILY, delivered by carrier to any part of the city Per Week t W Per Month 60 Per Year o-i WEEKLY, by mall. One copy ill months Si 00 One copy one year 2 00 Kegi9trea at tne rosi umce, riaratmouin, as second class matter. JNatlOnal ItePUbllCail llCKet. FOR PRESIDENT, JAMES G. BLAINE, of Maine. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT, JOIIN A. LOGAN, of. Illinois. Call for Republican Judicial Convcn tion. The republican electors ot the second Judic ial District of Kebraska are requested to send ueleeates from tne several counties to meet in convention at Pliittsmouth. Tuesday. August 19, l84. at to o'clock a. m., for the purpose of Attorney, selecting a central committee and such other business as mav properly come be placing lit noimuation a canaiaatezior lJimrici fore the convention. Tne eeverai counties are entitled to representation as follows, being based upon the vote cast for J. M. Iliatt. re gent of the university, giving one delegate at large, and one for every one hundred and fifty voiea and maior fraction thereof : Cass county 13 Lancaster county VI Otoe county H Total 45 It is recommended that no proxies be ad mitted to the convention, unless held bv ?per- eoiis residing In the counties from which the pjox'-es are given. Piattsmouth, Heb., July 1,1884. D. II. Wbeilkr, J. B, Stkodk, Chairman, Secretary. Republican District Convention. The Republican Electors of the First Con gressional District of Mebraska are invited to send delegates from the sever:U counties theie- iq. to meet in convent! n at Beatrice on Wed nesday, August 20, it 2 o'clock p. mfortbft urpose or placing l.i nomination a cauaiaaio or Conirress. and fur the transaction of such other business as may come before the conven tion. The several counties are entitled to repre sentation an follows, being based upon the vote cast for J. M. Hiatt, .Regent of the University, giving one delegate at large, and one for every one hundred and fifty votes and the major frac tion tnereon : Counties Del. Dounties Del. Pawnee 8 Ripharriann 13 Douglas 19 Gace 11 Johnson 9 Sarpy 5 Lancaster. ....21 Nemaha 11 Otoe 11 oauuucia .it 1 Total 139 Cass .. ..13 It is recommended that no proxies be admit ted to the convention, except ench as are held by persons residing in the counties from which proxies are given. v. a. holmes, un airman. John Steen, Secretary. Lincoln, June 26. 1884. Inspector of rhe bar'l, Dr. Miller, is out on committee worK, and will shortly return'home and report. Providence seems to be against Messrs. Sherman and Cleveland, but this paper is contesting with Providence in order to secure a ratification, and it is promised for tonight. If the democrats have secured Judge Savage for a ratification meeting in this city tonight, it is well; we would like to hear some of our democratic or ators talk, but if they are suffering from a torpid liver, a non political man like Judge Savage will do. The truth is that Mr. Cleveland is not the heir to Mr. Tilden's political estate. The Sun disputes the allea tion, and the common sense of every one joins in the denial. He lacks the qualifications. No man need hope to inherit the political estate of Samuel J. Tilden without possessing his princi ples, his reforming spirit, and his signal power of gaining and holding the confi dence of the democratic masses. The New York Sun (Deni). The editors and managers of the Des Moines Leader were in attendance at the democratic convention and they will probably be glad to tell whether any man by the. name of Samuel J. Randall, of Pennsylvania, has been kicked out of the democratic party"? Also, wi;t ther the democratic conven tion drorpsi the proposition to indorse the Mon iaou tariff bill for a 20 per cent, horizontal reduction like a hot potato? ir ;;X City Journal. Whi:.k enthusiasm for Blaine and Logan ix at its bright, and woe stalks with rxii j -slic raein among the startled and scattered ranks of the disgruntled democracy, we s' ill rip and roar anil helpswtii the nfusion and intsrr-t. We-waut it) divert the eitire attention of the country to the state of its hea'th long enough to &.ive us a chance to steal away from the mob and get a qui et momeut to lay in a supply of pota toes and cabbages for winter. Topics in State Journal. THE IRISH AGAINST CLEVELAND. The New York Tribune Troy Correspondence, July 12,1884. The enthusiasm of the Irish Demo - crats of Troy in favor of Blaine and Logan has received another impetus in the nomination of Grover Cleveland Saturday night the following dispatch was pent to Mr. Blaine ut Augusta "We, the undersigned, life-Ions' dem ocrats, congratulate you upon thenom ination or Cleveland, increased en- thusiusai for Blaine among the demo crats of Troy " This was signed by Samuel Morris, President of the Common Council: W. C. Cozier, the editor of the Evening Standard: ex-Mavor John A. Fitzcer aid, Dr. l. E. Fennelly, John P. Kelly, i .... . Minhnpl Canturi'll. Mir-iiaol Allan Pa. 'I rick Conaty, and others. PsUent AXXV4. HO Uiauu DWUIC CC1 IILXLL UHO I XX U mauc some teliini' nits in a speech before the Blaine and Logan Irish Brigade. There was a storm of applause when he referred to the way in wiiicu a .Democratic Congress nad snubbed Gen. James Shields, electing a Rebel General as Sergcant-at-Arms in stead of him. Mr. Morris wished the people of the country to know that the people of his race were voting for Blaine and Logan, not as Irishmeu,but as American citizens. He denounced Francis Kernan a assertion that the Blaine and Loan Irishmen were hot heads. He declared them to be reading, thinking men. ! know whereof 1 speak," said he, "for I have beeiideu- tided with Irish organizations both in New York and Troy for tweuty-fiyc years.' seventeen additional members signed the roll of the brigade. President Morris was found at his office this mora in sr. "If you want to publish the names of Troy Democrats who will vote for Blaine and Logan," said he, "I can givo you a thousand of them.' To start with, there is John P. Kelljr, for one, who was a democratic candidate for Police Justice, and Al derman Ryan, of the First Ward. Kel ly is going to take stump. I want our movement to gain as much publicity as possible, so as to encourage the peo ple elsewhere to come to the front. We are sick and tired ot democratic rule as seen in Troy and other large cities.' We remember that Logan'a father was a rebel in Ireland in '98. Cleveland will only have a negative support, if he . c n. 11 1 : t lias mat, uuiii nio aixuipujr riujj ui wo Democratic party in Troy. Cleveland snubbed one of the discordant elements here, which will have its efl'ect in bring ing about the success of the republican ticket. It is the young Irishmen of the country who are now breakiug for Blaine and Logan. They are not go ing to follow in their father's foot3teps by betting forever on a dead cock iu the pit, so to speak. The tariff plank in the democratic platform is another reason why I predict a msjoiity for Blaine and Logan in Troy in Novem ber. The 5.000 men employed in the down town mill3 are not going to get upon that plank this year. Working- men are studying up the tariff question more than they used to. And here is another 6traw. One of my workmen attended a meeting of his trades union last night. Ot the eighty men pres ent all except one confessed themselves in favor of Blaine and Logan." The Journal in a meagre way has ancouuo'd a ratification meeting to be held this evening. This is well, and the Herald is glad that it has been a weak instrument in spurring our breth ren to duly. Now if the demociatic patriots will only a. tend and not leave it entirely with the republicans to fur nish the audience, we shall be still fur the; delighted. Of course it will be in order for Chairman UulTuer to preside, and he should surround himself with his cabinet or at least have M s rs. Crites, Draper and Sherman on the stage at convenu n distances to inspire patriotism iu the masses. Of course it wouldTiot do to have Bio. Connor, of the Herald, upon the stage, but he can be allowed a seat iu the gallery, and Sergeant-at-arms Ramsey can keep him in place. With this stage setting and an imported speaker, we have the utmost confidence that a successful ratification may be held this evening. Carry the news to Cleveland. These is immense enthusiasm from one end of the nation to the other, over hn nciilf nf ka rhi9m finnwiitinn It i3 a grand and universal ovation - to Cleveland and Hendricks. Fremont Herald. And still Piattsmouth and Cas3 coun ty democracy are slouching around in their tepees, vnd won't even exhibit enthusiasm enough to ratify; although we nave proffered them every . assist ance. "Nat" isn't there a little rate taKe aoout tins oration business over the country? Isn't it a little cool up in your country ? If it isn't some one ought to be sent down to 8tir up the animals here. We harn't ercn had a side show yet. Tns democrats put in nomination two representative men: Cleveland represents Monopoly iienurtcks represents Disloyalty The workmgmen will sit down on the former and the old soldiers will 6hoot the head off the latter. Chicago Trib une. Tital Questions J ! I ! Ask the most eminent phytican Of any school, what is the best thine in the world for quieting and allavintr an irritation or me nerves, ana curing ..11 . i s i - mD"! I I WAVB F Aud they will tell you unhesitatingly "Some furm of Hops! I " CHAPTER I. Ask any or all of the most eminent pbysicans: "What is the best and only reruedv that can be reJied on to cure all diseas of the kidneys and urinary orcrans: such aa Briirht's disease, diabetes. retention, or inability to retain urine. and the diseases and aliments peculiar 10 women 'And they will tell you explictlv and emphatically " Buchu III" Ask the same pnyicians "What is the most reliable and surest cure tor liver diseases or dyspepsia; constipation, migestion, billiousness, malaria fever, ague, &c.."and thev will tell you : Mandrake I or Dandelion ! ! Hence when these remedies arc com- binded with others equally valuable. And compounded in' Hop Bittees. such a wonderful and mvuterions curative power is de veloped, which is so varied iu its operations that no disease or ill health can possibly exist or resist its power aud yet it is hnrm- less for the most frail woman, weakest invalid or smallest child to use. CHAPTER II. "Patients "Almost dead or nearly dyiDg" ior years, and.-gav.s up ,.ray physi cians. 01 liriiruts ana otner feidnev idseases liver complaints, severe coughs, caiiea consumtpioD, have been cured. Women gone nearly crazy! ! ! From agony of neuralgia, nervou sness, wakefulness, and various digaeses peculiar to woman. People draw out of shape from excruciating pangs of rheumatism, ihflammatory and chronic or suffering from scrofula. Erysipelas 1 "Saltrheum, blood poisniog, dyspepsia indigesting' and, in fact, almost all diseases frail Nature is heir to Have been cured by Hop Bitters, proof of which cau be found in every neighboroood in the known world. None geuine without a bunch of green Hops on the white label. Shun all the vile, poisonons stuff with "Hop nor "Hops" in their name. June 23 1884 dwlm Call for Blaine and Logan cigars wherever you deal, as they are the best Dickie cigar in the market. If your dealear does not keep them induce him to get some. - 98dtf Republicans are especially invited to meet at Sehelegel's and try the Blaine and Logan cigar. 98dtf Attention Everybody, I will offer for sale on terms to suit purchaser the property described be low: Eighty acres of land, situated in township 12, range 12, sec. 32, Cass Co., Neb. Also one desirable residence and one store building with a full line of hardware, stoves and tinware situated in Louisville, Neb. Also one set of tin ner's tools. Now is your time to se cyre a bargain. 109 tf W. Cutforth. Important to Travelers. Special inducements are offered you by the Burlington route. It will pay you to read their advertisement to be found elsewhere in this issue. 47tf CALL AT THE Old Reliable LUHR YARD E. L WtTEKMN k Wholesale and Retail De&ler la TT"rT7 T T Tf T-TT"? I Al 1 J-J J- U XU I SHINGLES, LATn, SASH, DOORS, . . . BLINDS, AC Fourth Street, in rear of Opera Hoom. .'LATTSJLKXJTH, - KBBBASKA F.CFiinte&Co., SUCCESSOR TO J. M. ROBERTS, Will keep coDutantly on hand a full and complete stock of pure DKUGS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS,. OILS, WALL-PAPER and a full line of DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES. PURE LIQUORS For Med lean Purposes. I Kiwvltil ,IIOr.HA I ...... i s-t '.,.., I r T ' BANKS. THE CITIZENS PLATTSMOUTH. - NEBRASKA. CAPITAL, - S7S.OOO. OKflCKKS JOHN BLACK, 1'llA.NK CARBCTII. President. Vice-President. W. 11. CUSI1INU. Cashier. I'DIBKCTOKS John Black, W. II. Cushlng, Piank Carrutb. J. A. Connor. Fred Herrmann. J. W. John. son, F. R, Guthmann, Peter Murnm, Win. Wetene imp, Henry Uaeck. Transacts a Ueneml IS.-tiikini? ltunlnass. All wnohave auy Banking business to tmuuact are Invited to call. No mr.tter how large or small the truactioii, it will receive our careful attention, and we promise al way cour teous treatment. Issues Certificates ot Deposits bearing interest Buys aud sells Foreign Exchange, County Jouif Fitzgerald, !.. W. MCLAUOHLIH President. Cachler. NATIONAL FIRST OF PULTTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA, Offers the rery best facilities for the prompt transaction of legitimate BANKING BUSINESS. Stocks, Bonds, Gold. Government and Loea Securities Boui;ht and Sola, Deposits receiv ed and interest allowed on time Certifi cates, Drafts drawn, a vailablo iu any part of the United States and all the principal towns of Europe. Collections made & promptly remitted Highest rket prices paid for County War State and County Bonds. DIRECTORS i John Fitzgerald jonn K. Clark, A. W McLauichlln. D. HawkswerU F. E. White. WEEPING WATER WEEPING WATER. - NEB. E. L. REED, President. B. A. GIBSON, Vice-President. B. S. WILKINSON. Cashier. A General Mtiu Business Transacted. llErOMlTM Received, and Interest allowed on TLne Certi ficates. UBA1T8 Drawn available In any part of the United States and all the principal cities ot Europe. o Agents for the celebrated Wmi Line of Steamers. Bank Cass County Cotner Mala and Sixth Streets. PLATTSMOTJTII USTIES . C. H. PAKMKLE. Pres dent, 1 1 J M. PATTEPJON. Cashier, f Transacts a General Banking Business HIGHEST CASH PKICE Paid for County and City Warrants. COLLECTIONS SADK and promptly remitted for. dirkcctors : R I) Windham, J. M. Patterson, C. H. Parcel F. R. Guthmann. W J. Agnew, A. B. Smith. Fred G order. cxaioonaa tiv is cits v.o OOVOIHO 03 OJN NOIHdVd attfcq f,a Kmdmmcm n6im6wt v "J tuafPMK? -ap SatiCidrfnt fire uj Daur.-na! uoiiipuoj -q in 'Uiaaiui aub uitfjnno VjQ BJop 3Up(piu ki'IX -una Xpintoeq vupipoi imj 'vctvi fv-A ptrs wu!,nofjig S;panf Mllsi luisidiiKO jjDji) hsiraamv 'profq 91(1 joaaujfIai uj an -upiifjo iMUVMip lf JOJ :Aup(j pint kiutl 'Jn hjvkoas 'aotna zill ao sasvatiia nv QOOIQL ... 'ifmstx taatiaoxs jqi 4q puna an H3H03 -1VIH3MOMS PU M3XNIM -nopiap Aba 'Atu iqvaSx waiomq iqu t O XX O O OJIIdOOIIAl ZH113 xniaiowT WM5E3 'Ml . i 1 1 I ! f : t i t n i ) 1 'I I I , ii X I 1 M - ft