FRANK H, WILSON, Firo, Tornado and Cyclouo Insurance, Oflke, Basement of Uank of Cass Couuty, PLATTSMOUTH, : NEBRASKA) Queen Insurance Company, of Liverpool. "Washington Firo and Marine Insurance Co., of Boston. Commercial Union Assurance Company, of London. Western Assurance Company, of Toronto, Out. Cupital, - - Total Assets, - - - Total losses paid since organization, $ 4.500 000 20.100 000 52.047 096 Ileliable Insurance Careful Underwriting and prompt attention guaranteed. Western Assurance Go, OF Toronto, Out. , M. SMITH, J. J. Kenny, A. W. Dodi, President. Managing Dlr, Suit. Agencies. LXITEU HTATKS TBl'HTKEM. "Win. II. Uiilon.of Williams & Gulou, (Uulon Steamship Line.) New orc. Wm. a. Boon.. .jr1 Arthur B. Graves. Preset NoUs o.W. Hayes. General Agent, Milwaukec,Win UNITED STATES BRANCH. ASSETS. ed Bonds. s1, '00-00 United Stated 4 per cent regisiereu Bonds-. , New York Central & Hudson Kiver Railroad Bonis Georgia State Bonds ........ Csutlx deposited in State ol MUsis . aippi Cash lu Bank ......... Premiums iu course ot collection.. 218,210.00 40.200.00 2T.uO0.00 15.000.00 1HO.870.WJ 102,200.70 LIABILITIES. 5 054,517.62 Re-Insurance reserve . . . . ? 15C,8C6.31 i.... i.i i.u M l-MM'A OtnerTiaruiIies-.:: ! ""I a);uas S B6S.453.89 Surplus in United states 69,003.73 Premium Receipts in United States. 17 to 1XKI. inclusive $5,305.22.3! Tnr.i irir. tnni. nniA in United Staten.1874 to 1aa inoliirtiv 3wUj35.'I9 ISAAC SWEETS EK. A. W. DAMON, I'reNident. Secretary. (FRANK E. SWEETSEB. Vlce-Priideiit. Washington Fire and Marine Insurance Company Telegi The Political Outlook. AX ENGLISH OPINION. -OF- BOSTON. STATEMENT, JAN. 1, 18S4. ASSETTS.Z Bank Stocks $401,649,87 c;ity or liosiou uonus i.w,whi,u T T. . .1 .. , Tl ...... Cf Kailroad Stocks and Bonds, 410.623,00 Boston U--Light Oo.StOck, 6,500,00 Loans ou Mortgage 84,000.00 Collateral 102,400,00) Marine Premium Motes 35.8i3.79 Premiums in course of Col't'u U8,712,l3.j Cash on Hand. I43,4!0.05i Oilier Asscts(accruedlnt.&cj 5,744,oo Gross Assets... $1,595,550.34 LIABILITIES. Losses reported supposed?H3,442,00 Reserved for Relns-urance, 2'o,2it.30 All oilier Liabilities 21,571.32 Gross Liabilities, except Capital $395,282.02 Surplus as regards Policy-holders, $1,200,267.72 Paid-up Capital Net Surplus $200,267,72 York politics as any on can be, taj a he is satisfied CLEVELAND CANNOT CARRY NEW YORK. "Neither can lie,' said the Pn-sHen', be elected. Besides the lalor party there other powerful interests are rionnlnnH ami nil f:ir rmn!Al J- PREPARING FOR WORK persaus in New York know it. and are free to acimit it. President Arthur gaid, that while it was not expected he would go around the country making speeches at cross roads, he would do all in his power for the perpetuity of the republican party, And the success of its candidates. In this desire HIS CABINET ARE SOLID, and democrats will find it out as soon as the campaign begins in earnest, lie I publicans everywhere will fight it out on ideas to be promulgated in the let ters of acceptance of Blaine and Logan. They have no fear that Indiana will go democratic, and even democrats admit that the republicans now have the best chance of carrying Ohio in October The only question with republicans now is what will 'be the size of the majority they will get Ohio by in Octo ber. They anticipate it will be by such a large one that hardly anything else will be heard of in the campaign. WESTERN DEPARTMENT, 174 La SALLE STREET, CHICAGO FRED. S. JAMES, General Agent. InsmraiLce Co 0K MVERPOOIi. 8eini-aMuaaltatemnt or the United States ,Liacn iin tlie'31-t ilav of December. l!3. JOSEPH M. ROGERS, Manager Western De partment, Chicago, 111. Assets in the United States. Cash Items ? l??'25?2 Kal Estate. Unincumbered - J? V nited States Bonds MAu ? a Other Securities SlJli IS Other Items oo ' 1,752,207 89 Liabilities in the United States. Losses Unadjusted and in Suspense $138,934 20 All other Claims against the Company 4.0.6 o 1143.010 93 Amount neceary to re insure all outstanding risks 770,072 12 Net surplus in United "222 $,.752,207 ,9 Net Surplus in United States Dec. jl M Losses'p.Vid" since Organization s.ivjtf.uiMi 00 COMMERCIAL UNION. ASSURANCE CO., OF- LONDON. UNITED STATES BRANCH : 37 and 39 WaU Street. - NEW YORK CITY Alfred Pell, Resident Manager. t'HAs, Sewall, Assistant Manager. WESTERN DEPARTMENT: 157 and 159 LaSalle St., - - CHICAGO. ILL. C. F. Mullins. Resident Secretary. UNITED STATES BRANCH STATEMENT JAN. ISt, 1884. i?-.. tn ao1 liabilities includ- In ITnit.pit Staff's 21.337.134 24 Net Surplus January 1st, 1S4 990,601 80 Assets held in the United States... $2,327,036 04 Income. 1SR3 SI .625.934 55 Expenditures, 1883 1.5u 1.120 Ob Surolus Income in U. S.. 1883 . 184,814 47 t.w..i laona naiii Yw this Com Dan V since ornaulzatiQU S37.715.C24 00 ah lmwa in th Western Department paid promptiv through the Branch Office, 157 LaSalle St.. Chicago. ELKHORN SAL M1N unLuum I irr & nor ARTERSSFOR ALE, WINES BEER AND CIGARS,- Old Kentucky Whiskies, IMPORTED WINES AMpAGNE iiu x-lxu ATT VE AVINES, st- louis beer; jgpug's Oaaah.a Beer Alwavs on dransltt. TlFI.?S1Ei EalDIEi of CIGARS ALWAYS IX STOCK, AT THE ELKHORN PLATTSMOTJTII, XELJ. riw -it Tis AinaiLiBiisarjBiHi. riomiiiissioii Merchant, HE-HD QTJATBRS FOB AND HIiStocst Caslh price paid for jHlTDTPinElB. AISBD 3EK(KS . -nTMUod line of FLOUR always in Btoct, corner 6rhan ..SSTUk. First Katloml Bank. T.nnlnn. Jnlv 12 The Dailv NCWS saya: America's foreign relations would be safer in Cleveland's hands than iu those of Blaine. The latter represents the American jingo part?! which, like the same party here, makes up audacity and volubility for lack of numbers. As president, Cleveland would cultivate quietude abroad and peace at home. If elected he will be choseu on the ground that he would moie worthily represent the probity t tiood seuse and studied moderation .of the American people than Mr. Blaine would. . WABASH MANAGEMENT, New York. July 12. The receiver of the Wabash will make general an- nounctemenj Monday that Vice Presi dent Talmage of the Missouri Pacific has severed his connection with the property aud taken entire charge as gfiieral manager of the Wabash sy6- . . . i tein. The court in tne original iu struction ordered the receivers of the Wabash to cancel the lease of the prop erty to the Iron Mountain and to sep arate the management of the two prop erties entirelv. THE LOUISIANA. TKOCBLE. New Orleans, July 13. A Times- Democrat New Iberia special says: The Gates Foutinello trouble is boil ing up again. Last night a party of 00 Gates men took possession of the court bouse while the Fontinello men were in a salooa near by. Both sides des patched couriers to differen p.rts of the parishes gathering op men. The Fon tinello men declare they will take the court house today or tomorrow. Ihe Gates meu will be prepared to resist the assault. THE WATER DRINKERS. Pittsburg, July 12. The national ex ecutive committee of the prohibition home protection party will meet hereon the22d inst. to make final arrange ments for the convention which com mences the following day. Delegates are already arriving and it is expected that when the convention is called to order, over 500 delegates will be seated, representing nearly all the states in the union. CONVENTION REMNANTS. Chicago. July 12. There were very few remaining evidences this morning of the democratic convention, The dele gates very generally have taken their departure. The club and headquarters banners have been furled and the hotel earridors have resumed their wonted appearance. Members ot the nationtu committee and other leaders of the party express confidence as to the streugth ef the ticket. Delegates gen erally express great satisfaction at the treatment received at the hands ol tue local committee, and in providing for their comfort. Now that their great convention has come and gone it is dne to the officers and committee or ar- ragements that the press should ac knowledge its obligations. The re modeling of the hall made an admira ble audience room, and the facilitus granted for making, printing aud tele graphing the extensive reporis were ample. Special thanks are due to J udge Wm. C. Groudy for the preliminary arrangements of details and Hon. Aus tin U. Brown and Col. Rich.ird J. Bright, the efficient sergeant-at-arms, for the intelligent aid rendered and just appreciation of the requirement's of the press. BUTLER WILL HE OR WILL HE NOT? New York, Jaly 12. John JF.IIenrj, presideut of the national anti-monopo ly organization, said today : "I have not heard from Butler since Cleveland was nominated, but from what he said to me before going to Chicago I am confident he will not support Cleve land. Lie cannot do it. He has for mally accepted the nomination of the anti-inonopuli-ts and he telegraphed me from Chicago Thursday, saying he would never consent to the nomination of a monopolist." Washington, July 13. Statements have been telegraphed from here to the effect that the President did not intend to go out of his way much in favor of the election of Blaiue and Logan ; that he was personally friendly to Governor Cleveland and would not do any thing against him in the coming campaign. These statements have sought to make it appear that the president sulked be cause be was not renominated at Cb'ca- go and that he was personally unfriend iy to Blaine. Nothing could be further from the truth, and your correspond PROFESSIONAL CARDS. E- W- COOK. M. D- TnvsiciAN and Surgeon, OFFICE At Fisher's Druo Store. Plattsmouth. Nebraska. GEO. S. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will practice in all Courts ot tne state, unice in ttitzgeriu hiock. PLATTSMOUTH, - NEBRASKA. Allen Bkebon. A. N. Sullivan. BEEsO.V & StLLIVAK, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will give prompt attention to a:i uuMiness inmisieu 10 mem. ui- nce iu Uniou liiocK, cast siue. PLATTSMOUTH - NEBRASKA. FRANK H. WILSON, Basement of Bank of Cass County. Corner Sixth and Main streets. tst o rp her. v PTJBL IC Particular attention pived to the preparation of papers for Caveats, raieute and Registration of irade Marks anu Labels. Wm. DEIiLKH. Justice of the peace. Elmwood Collections a specialty and gives prompt attention. P. O. address Elm- wood Neb. TVT. O'DONOHOE ATTORNEY AT LAW & NOTARY PUBLIC. Fitzgerald's Block, PLATTSMOUTH. - NEBRASKA Agent for Steamship lines to and from Europe. dl2w52ly llt. W. II. SCU1LUKECUT, Practicing Physician. Office, Corner Main and 7th Streets., PLATTSMOUTH. ------ NEBRASKA. R. K. LIVUVUMTOX. 31. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. l-klTWT R HOURS, from 10 a. m.. to 2 D. ID. KxamtniCg surgeon lor u. o. reuwuu. 1K. H. JlltLEB, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Can be found by calling at his office, corner 7tb ana Alain oireeio, ui o - j-l. uuuinu o uuuoo. PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA. JAM. 8. MATH EW H ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office over Baker & Atwood'e store, south side I Main Del ween oiu aau om sueew. iiu MTltOUK Jk. CLAKK. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will practice in all me uouris iu iuo oiaic District Attorney and Notary Public. COLlsECTIOJV. J S&XClslZ.ll. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Real Estate. Eire In surance Collection A;;t-iicy. ufflre Union lkw:k Plattsmouth Nebraska. 22m3 1. II. 1V1IKELEK A CO. LAW OFFICE, Real Estate, Fire and Life In surance Agents, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Col lectors, tax -payers. Have a complete abstract of titles. Buy and sell real estate, negotiate loans. &c. IBM JASIES K. 1IOHK1SOS, Notary Public. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Win practice in Cass and adjoining Counties ; gives epeciai attention to collections and abstracts of title. Olllce in Sherwood Block, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. mi ROBERT B. W1XDHAJI, Notary Public " ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office over Carruth's Jewelry Store. Plattsmouth. - - - - Nebraska. Mm A. HARTICAN, Xi A W Y E B . , -Fitzgerald's Block. Plattsmouth Neb Prompt and careful attention to a general Law Practice. DB. A. MALISB VB IT. DBITTIST. Jfflce over Smith, Black Co's. Drug Store. First class dentistry at reasonable prices, 23ly Dr. C. A. Marshall v8uccessor to Clutter Marshall,) Preservation of natural teeth a specialty. Teeth extracted without pain ly use of Laughing (J as. All work warranttd. FfTZOFRAT.n BlM'K, Prices reasonable - P"LATTIOTTTH.N K. DRESSLEK, rresponu- ... ... eut has authority from the President jyi6rCJll3lt JL &llQTm tour, who i . M well posted in Now PLATTSMOUTH. r - - NEB. e s i m H 4 'Mi s xm ft r e e e ft (3 e ft 9 Iff H W ft ft e Si ft ft s m. ft 0 ft (s3 n m. n 5 r n- PLATTSMOUTH. - - - MEBBASK A 1.-,